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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1793491 No.1793491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how many hours a day do you draw?

>> No.1793494


All you need to know is while you sleep the other guy is up getting better than you.

>> No.1793504

But in Japan people work when I'm sleeping

>> No.1793509

Managing about 2 -3 hours consistently

>I have all day long to draw and that's the most I can take ;_;

>> No.1793512


Stay up anyway.

>> No.1793518

when school's in session, 15 hours a week, when school's not, maybe 10 hours a week on a good week

>> No.1793544

Unless I have a professional project I generally draw in short bursts throughout the day, which makes determining the time I spend drawing extremely difficult (and I don't really care anyway).

>> No.1793556

2 hours a day when out of school/weekend during school year. Often 0 hours on a school day in the school year :C

>> No.1793579

1.5h to 2h. I would do more if it wasn't for the job, college and other interests

>> No.1793580 [DELETED] 


Why are all these stupid fucking GRRRL POWER!! comics drawn by men? They're always fat, schlubby men, too, I've noticed.

6 hours a day at least, though I try to aim for 10.

>> No.1793594 [DELETED] 

Because they're not, a girl did it.
She drew this because she's a gold digging shithead cunt yurning for millions when she can't even make a grand a year with her shit ass "art"
(check : http://www.danawulfekotte.com/ for more lame shit, loled at her perspective and everything else)
So she wants a perfect aryan blond ripped rich 7' tall man (not like the fat one she drew) who will take care of her little disgusting body with 0 boob and ass (because you know, don't judge the appearance, but when it comes to women they can).

Of course she thinks that playing the "intelligence card" will get her attention and success (because "muh style, muh spirit, muh difference"), she just need a few years to realise how much nobody but virgins whiteknights neckbeards weabos wants her.

This subhuman form of a cunt got into the fight against "muh patriarchy". Worst is, she might even end up on history books for teens and youngsters where she will be represented as a "good example of feminism artist".

She also seem to think that because she did 2 years of karate she can fight any guy, I would like to see how her matrix powers can dodge a punch from an amateur boxer, when she will get her first KO she might realise that in top of being a fucking retarded form of life she is weak and her shitty comics won't give her strenght.

Fucking cunt.

>> No.1793598

I work 6-8 hours a day, sometimes on a single piece. Is this bad? I'd probably learn more doing quicker shit, huh?

>> No.1793600

That depends entirely on where you're at with your skill

>> No.1793609 [DELETED] 

You're awfully butthurt, and I don't mean in a shitposting kind of sense. I genuinely mean that you're unnecessarily angry over some trivial bullshit.

You could have literally just said "Because they're not, a girl did it."

Calm down, man.

>> No.1793614 [DELETED] 

>white knighting on /ic/

>> No.1793617 [DELETED] 

Learn what white knighting is first before you call somebody out.

And better English skills as well.

>> No.1793621 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure I'm completely correct in calling it that lel, and what exactly is wrong with my English, fag lord? I literally wrote one sentence.

>> No.1793623 [DELETED] 


>> No.1793625 [DELETED] 

>getting embarrassed on an anon board

alright m8

>> No.1793626 [DELETED] 

English skills isn't exclusively writing, Anon. There's something called reading comprehension you see, and you clearly lack it if you think >>1793609 was defending the artist and not just calling out his (or your) autistic behaviour.

Jesus fucking Christ, have you not completed high school yet? Or are you just an American or something?

>> No.1793630 [DELETED] 

Who needs to calm down now? Calling the kettle black there, friend.

>> No.1793631
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x1166, 1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know and I don't even care about hours;

When you draw have fun. Talk about art, design and be happy.

>> No.1793635 [DELETED] 

>avoiding the argument
If that's what makes you feel less butthurt, sure.

>> No.1793637 [DELETED] 

Implying I need to defend myself from your cherry-picking, trash tier "argument".

>> No.1793638 [DELETED] 

Feminism is plague
"in history justice wins because winners write history"
Don't let feminism win.

>> No.1793641

I don't count but sometimes I stay up all night drawing 12 hours straight. It's not the same amount of time every day.

>> No.1793642 [DELETED] 

>doesn't know what whiteknighting is
>doesn't know what cherry-picking is, either
You sure like to use words you don't understand.
Doesn't excuse his buttfrustration.

>> No.1793643 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 585x170, implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm samefag

>> No.1793647 [DELETED] 

>Don't ever be butthurt
>Your wife getting killed by someguy
>You go to da police

>> No.1793648 [DELETED] 

Anyone with 1/3 of a brain could tell you that I used both those phrases correctly. Please, go back to tumblr with your "LOL I used le meme but change da wording cos im edgy".

>> No.1793652 [DELETED] 

I like how they samefagged the fuck out of you for the 3 replies after. They sure showed you, huh?

>> No.1793654 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 492x502, le gamble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone with 1/3 of a brain
Yeah, clearly you do have 1/3 of a brain.

>> No.1793658 [DELETED] 


>> No.1793661 [DELETED] 


>> No.1793666 [DELETED] 

you off, you bum.

>> No.1793668 [DELETED] 

You think on /ic/ of all places, you'd know people can easily edit the screencap.

>> No.1793670 [DELETED] 

*fuck off

>> No.1793676 [DELETED] 

Instead of resenting her for having more success and notoriety then you, why not work hard to someday reach her level or surpass it. Yeah her art may be mediocre, but at least she is actually doing work and putting herself out there. She will be remembered for that work. What will you be remembered for?

>> No.1793683 [DELETED] 

>She will be remembered for that work.


>> No.1793686 [DELETED] 

>Jesus fucking Christ, have you not completed high school yet? Or are you just an American or something?

edgemaster plz

>> No.1793688 [DELETED] 

>aren't exclusive to
Hypocrite die in a fire

>> No.1793691 [DELETED] 

So, what will you be remembered for?

>> No.1793693 [DELETED] 

>more success

I can do 1000 times what she's doing and I honestly consider myself shit, her art is not mediocre it's too low to even be called art in any form.
I'm working on various things (more or less art related), but what will I prove to you ? it's an internet argument, so maybe you'll see (and appreciate ?) something I did someday without thinking it was made by me, the angry butthurt of /ic/.

I promised myself I will forever shit upon any form of feminism, end of the story.

>> No.1793697

right now 6+, next week 7+...
And so on. Gotta get back on track somehow.

>> No.1793699

Another thread ruined by idiots fighting over menial things instead of answering.

Also 5h a day-

>> No.1793703

>this fucking thread

Truly youguys are /ic/'s finest.

>> No.1793705 [DELETED] 

well to be fair it's hard for some people to do their womanhating ranks irl. so it all boils over onto the internet.

>> No.1793707

1-2 hours on a regular day when i've got work/school.
6-8 hours on a good day when i've got nothing else that I need to do.

I could easily push myself to work 10-12 hours on those days but I spend far too much time on here.

>> No.1793711

idk 1 or 2 when i'm not doing anything specific 14 or 15 when i am.

>> No.1793718 [DELETED] 

You have nothing to prove to me. Just realize resenting others for their success is the worst trap you can fall into. Even if you hate that person or their beliefs, spending time thinking about why they're so shit and you deserve it more than them does you no favors.

A quote from the infamous Katy Coope (one of the worst artists of our generation who managed to make two best selling how to draw manga books) I once saw on her DA years ago that stuck with me. When responding to someone similar to yourself, who was comparing his own art to hers and boasting that if she got to where she is at her skill level then he has nothing to worry about, her response was simply this:

"Get complacent and you get nowhere".

The guy trolling her page is still a nobody after all these years, while Katy continues selling books. I maintain the belief that it's not the most talented people who make it far, it's the ones who are diligent enough to do the work without comparing another's success to theirs and feeling embittered by those farther ahead/more well known in the industry, even if they are less skilled.

>> No.1793721


why is there so much discussion on this thread even though it's probably the simplest question on ic right now

>> No.1793728


because this is 4chan

>> No.1793735


>> No.1793750 [DELETED] 


>disliking someone who supposedly has some amount of success means you're just jealous

Top kek.

Stay shit.

>> No.1793764 [DELETED] 

great comeback good job

and it is one think to dislike a person or their art, it's another entirely to focus so much energy into hating them and feeling like you dear be it more than them. that's the exactly what envy is. it's always more productive to focus on artists you admire and learn from them instead of reassuring yourself you're better than the ones you hste

>> No.1793765 [DELETED] 

>meant to say *deserve it not "dear be"

>> No.1793770 [DELETED] 


Womanhating? No one hates women. They hate feminists.

>> No.1793775 [DELETED] 

i don't want to argue with you. i feel sick when i think about misogyny coming into fashion like this. you're terrible people.

>> No.1793776 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1793777 [DELETED] 

>no one hates woman
>on fucking 4chan, the Internet hate machine comprised entirely of frustrated virgins

>> No.1793780
File: 210 KB, 974x1024, orson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6-8 hours

>> No.1793787 [DELETED] 

i love how someone puts an insane lizard-people level paranoid rant about women and there's people reading that shit going , "hmm that mspaint drawing has a point!"

>> No.1793788 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1793789 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1793790 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1793793 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1793794

Don't worry, wether you're a cunt or a whiteknight. I'll speak out my opinion on feminism to whoever ask it IRL or not.

Problem is, your race (feminists) can't stand arguments. You know you're wrong, deep inside you know you're lying to yourself.
I've seen the shit parts of feminism since I was a kid, I will spend my life shiting upon this plague.

You're weak, your IQ is low, you will do nothing valuable with your life, last time you told yourself "I want to die" you should have done it.
Usual kidshit comeback; look, we're not 13 anymore okay ? Last time I was a virgin you might not even have been born. I love women, I hate feminist (men or women, you're both ignorants fucking cunts and I treat you EQUAL ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)).

>> No.1793796 [DELETED] 

I'm laughing so hard, do you really believe this.

>> No.1793798 [DELETED] 


What the hell is wrong with you? No one hates women except a very small minority.

>to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest

Why the fuck would I hate someone for being female? That's like hating someone for being black, or hating someone for being tall. It's illogical.

However I do hate feminists because of the warped perceptions of reality they try and force down the throats of every other human. I strongly dislike the ideologies they stand for, and the attempt to elevate one gender by bringing down the other. I strongly dislike the rampant hypocrisy among almost every feminist sub-sect.

I no way hate feminists because they are female, and you have to be pretty stupid to do so. This is why the complete misuse of the word "misogyny" pisses me off. People hating feminists and feminism are not misogynists. Misogyny is very specifically a hate for women, not the feminist ideology.

>> No.1793799 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1793800 [DELETED] 
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to my antifeminist brahs on here:

don't even take it seriously enough to argue about it here. doesn't deserve that much attention and time.

stay fit brahs

>> No.1793805 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1793809 [DELETED] 

I've seen both men and women take advantage of these being handed money for free. It's not simply one gender that takes handouts and uses them irresponsibly.

Very similar to when people bring up 'some crazy femnazi attacked this guy' while ignoring copious violence inflicted on women by men.Of course that doesnt mean all men are violent criminals so why believe all women are parasitic?

What I'm saying is these examples are pretty singular, equating 1 person to half the population isn't the best argument.

Alright I'm going to go art now.

>> No.1793812 [DELETED] 

>suddenly your wife
fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.1793813 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1793814 [DELETED] 

>cherrypicking some idiots and projecting it on a whole gender

>> No.1793815
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>this thread

of all the places

>> No.1793817 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 440x565, 1393615186685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"what will you be remembered for?"
wow, this guy sure gives a tons of fucks about what others think of him. Holy shit I didn't know there was so much competition in /ic/. Sorry to see artist this days define themselves by other people's attention. That's one sure way of not getting any creative/original art from this generation.
What if instead of thinking so much if others remember you or not, you start to think who you really are?. Maybe that way you'll get something interesting to express from yourself, instead of a empty perfect technique without anything to say.

>> No.1793818 [DELETED] 


Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions


>> No.1793819 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1793820 [DELETED] 


>> No.1793822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1793823

but thats like your entire day

>> No.1793827 [DELETED] 

>someone displays logic, tolerance, and and an open mind about both genders
>report them

>> No.1793828

This is one of the worst derailed threads we've had in quite sometime.

>> No.1793829 [DELETED] 

>empty perfect technique

did you read my posts at all?

>> No.1793830 [DELETED] 

whatever "work hard to surpass her" stands for. My post mostly was pointing to the "what will you be remembered for?", in case you didn't read the greentext

>> No.1793832 [DELETED] 

Its the fault of women!

>> No.1793833 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 298x200, murrhurrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a joke

hes basically saying that there is nothing to disagree with in your argument

retype exactly what he said in google

>> No.1793834

about 3-4 hours a day. or i try to.

>> No.1793835 [DELETED] 

Also, there is nothing wrong with wanting a successful career as an artist. There is also nothing wrong with wanting to connect with others through your art, or wanting people to like your work. If you for example did not care what others think, then why browse an art critique message board?

>> No.1793840

Half as long as the time I spend watching tutorials.

>> No.1793844 [DELETED] 

So do you mean to say you have no desire for your lifetime of work to be remembered after you die, or that you look down on others who do see that as a major goal? You seem to be painting it that way with your suggestion that I see art as merely some sort of popularity contest. Nowhere did I suggest that you should make art solely for others' approval, but I am sorry you interpreted it that way. Even if you never "make it" in terms of skill or a place in art history it is perfectly reaonble to aspire to it. Everyone has their reasons for doing what they do.

>> No.1793846 [DELETED] 


LOL! are you a miscer? do you know the backstory behind this anne gus article?

let me know if you don't because it's pretty hilarious


gotta start making dem shekels soon or i can apply at mcdonaldinhos.

>> No.1793851
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I know that feel

>> No.1793852 [DELETED] 

I think there is this big concept problem about art. Art, as I understand it, it's expression. It's born, as you say, from the interest in give our ideas to others. But that interest should not be born from the need of attention, it should come from the opposite, from the boiling ideas inside you that claim to get out. The point is, the more you care about what others think, the more you become one more ant in the nest, the less YOU are. So if you care so much about what others think, you will have nothing to express. So then again, without anything interesting to express, there would be no art.

There are shittones of art pieces that took decades to people to see how important they were, because it was just a dildo attached to a vodka bottle. No hard work there, no academy or years of studing. Just pure concept that took just an evening to buy the dildo and the vodka bottle. At first no one understood it, but then, with time they saw the beauty on it. The artist who did such thing probably was an antisocial weirdo, but all he cared was the truth he saw in that dildo and that vodka bottle. That piece of art was so important to him, that he cared for others to see it, even though he knew everyone would probably reject it, it wasn't the people what he cared about, it was his ideas, and then, only then, the people.

What I mean is, art should not be born because of you want to be an artist, art should be born as a result of yours ideas boiling inside you. It should be a consequence.

>> No.1793853 [DELETED] 

>art should be born as a result of yours ideas boiling inside you

such as a dildo on a vodka bottle. brilliant.

>> No.1793854 [DELETED] 


Please see >>1793844

Our viewpoints aren't as different as you seem to think.

>> No.1793855 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 500x568, dadaism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, that's the same lame reaction realy good art provokes.

>> No.1793856 [DELETED] 


not taking your bait brah. go fish somewhere else.

>> No.1793857 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1793858 [DELETED] 

I have lived all my life wondering about what life/death/happiness is, 24/7, like an obsesion. And I came to some really deep conclusions that I can only tell to a few friends that I know wouldn't freak out. And those conclusions have absolutely nothing to do with society, even less with being remembered.

>> No.1793863 [DELETED] 


how to get da wimminz:

- don't be fat
- be moderately social
- don't be an insecure jelly haterfag
- dress moderately decent
- keep moderately groomed and kempt
- shave da neckbeard
- don't be a whiteknight faggit

this guide provided to you by the fellas from /fit/

>> No.1793865 [DELETED] 

Alright, and that is your personal conclusion/philosophy/etc. But that doesn't mean people with different ideas about and motivations for their art and life than yours are meaningless or shallow.

Like how some people enjoy a life as medical illustrators while I couldn't imagine a more boring and torturous fate for myself

>> No.1793875 [DELETED] 

I didn't say there were no people with another motivations. I just suggested my point of view, as I said "why dont you try... instead of...". I am afraid I do think some ways of living are meaningless and/or shallow, and I saw a lot of suffering in such ways of life, but all I'll do is sugest another way, I don't care for forcing anyone. All I care if for me not to fall into those ways.

>> No.1793886 [DELETED] 

>don't be fat
Don't really. I guess that's why fit has thread feels
> dress moderately decent
> keep moderately groomed and kempt
> shave da neckbeard
> don't be a whiteknight faggit
this ones are right tho

>> No.1793889

2.5 - 4 hours in a day with the weekends usually off save for light doodling. I'm lucky enough to have a schedule where I can focus on art and have time for everything else important so I don't want to squander it. Being a security guard and working graves at a podunk place is great if you wanna draw more.

>> No.1793890

30 minutes with a lot of interruptions
I should stop doing that ;_;

>> No.1793891

0 hours
have not drawn in two years
I no longer feel the need or want

>> No.1793896 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 396x385, 1364579204235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People like this are actively browsing /ic/ and the rest of 4chan

>> No.1793897

W-why are you here?

>> No.1793902

Some days, all day. Most days, never.

>> No.1793904 [DELETED] 

lol, 2 years ago i decided to lose some weight.
dropped 25kg and damn does that change my interaction with women.
if you are fat you have nothing to lose by dropping some weight, its good for your health and your aesthetics
i noticed a huge change in my face when my body fat went down

>> No.1793905 [DELETED] 

This website is clearly too edgy for you, you should probably go to reddit and then check your privilege.

>> No.1793906 [DELETED] 

Bro, its pretty normal to hate people based on race, its apart of humans own group preference.
I live in scandinavia and can honestly say i hate muslims, tho i dont know any personally. They are overrepresented in the rape statistics and are unable to assimilate/integrate with nordic society

>> No.1793908 [DELETED] 

Those little symbols make me want spicy food.

>> No.1793909 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is actively combating them, but its kinda funny i think the broads that are more likely to win against the degeneracy of our time is /fit/ and /ic/ since they (amongst others) are actually doing shit, working with themselves.

>> No.1793918

2 hours avg.

>> No.1793924

About two

>> No.1793927

maybe 1-2 each day, but i sometimes go for periods without drawing

>> No.1793928
File: 66 KB, 666x666, based paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought about applying for the janitor position on /ic/ when the applications where open a while back.
>thought to myself ' Nah, it's not needed, it's not that bad'.
>this thread

>> No.1793932
File: 318 KB, 1525x1600, Zdzisław Feelsiński.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm doing my nocturnal routine (usaully done on holidays 7pm- 1am) I'll do an average of 4 hours.

If it's college my routine can be all over the place becuase college assignments and such, so I'll try to fit in 2 hours - 3 hours.

I am currently in my nocturnal routine, I'll be beginning my college routine start of september.

>> No.1793934

*7pm- 11am

That was embarrasing, well I'm going to bed in 20 minutes anyway. Goodnight /ic/ I'll dream of gitting gud.

>> No.1793935

>most d/ic/k's want to be super duper pro artists
>draw 2 hours a day

You're not gonna make it brahs.
You need to step it up.

>> No.1793938
File: 77 KB, 400x376, 1403408646946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to drawing you faggots.
I draw 9 hours on work days 15 when i have the whole days off.

>> No.1793939

whats your progess

>> No.1793940

would love to see some results from people that draw 12+ hrs a day

>> No.1793980

this, if you spent so much time drawing you must be fucking incredible by now

>> No.1793987

If you honestly believe that you can achieve something by doing it 2 hours a day best of luck to you but im 99% sure you wont get far.

>> No.1793992

show work

>> No.1794008

so did you actually achieve something?

If I draw stick figures 25 hours a day I won't achieve anything either

>> No.1794012 [DELETED] 


Race, no, religion, yes. I fucking hate muslims as well. I'm in Australia and we have a huge muslim population who simply can't assimilate with the general population. You get shit like muslim preachers recuiting Sydney boys to go fight in Syria in the news all the time + muslim gangs go around raping girls.

That being said, I hate them because they can change. I can't hate an Arab for being Arab though because that doesn't make him a shit person by default + he can't change it.

Basically, if you hate someone for something they can't realistically change (skin colour, race, eye colour, nationality, fucking whatever), that's pretty illogical. But it's all good to hate someone based on their shit ideology (christian, feminist, muslim, etc.) because they have the ability to change it whenever they want.

>> No.1794039


There are tons of things you can achieve by practicing 2 hours a day. But getting to a competitive level as an artist isn't one of them, because there are so many people practicing so much harder.

>> No.1794042

>I draw 9 hours on work days 15 when i have the whole days off.

Does that include lunch breaks, getting up to pee, ect.?

Until I started using a timer to measure my progress (and stopping it for any break from working), I didn't realize how much time I was wasting getting distracted.

A lot of the people in this thread would find that they only actually spend about 1/2 to 3/4 as much time working as they think they do, if they used a stopwatch, I suspect.

>> No.1794043 [DELETED] 


>girl draws a comic of her brutally beating a man for hitting on her
>people say she's a cunt

>> No.1794045

Yeah I'm not the other anon, but when you take a stopwatch to it and stop your time every time you check your email, use the bathroom, get a snack, look for reference etc, you will find the time is WAY less than you anticipated.

>> No.1794057

It doesn't matter how many hours a day you practice if you practice the wrong way

>> No.1794059 [DELETED] 

it's actually
>dude rants insanely about how he hates her, rants about how she has no boobs or ass, calls her a cunt over and over, rants about how he'd like to see her get KO'd

>muh misogyny

>> No.1794068 [DELETED] 

true, but that is irrelevant because all the great artists you are trying to catch up to do practice both hard AND smart, so it's pretty much assumed that you do practice smart as well if you ever want to get anywhere.

>> No.1794069


and this >>1794042
>A lot of the people in this thread would find that they only actually spend about 1/2 to 3/4 as much time working as they think they do, if they used a stopwatch, I suspect.

All of these anons claiming 12 hours or more are probably doing around 6.

>> No.1794109 [DELETED] 

I'm calling her what she deserves to be called, I would have done the same thing if it was a man with feminist opinions.

You don't seem to understand that I hate equally all feminists. You can't summon misogyny card, since I do love women and I even wanted to become one when I was a youngster, but I'm hetero and I can't "ban myself" from relationship with other hetero women just for that.

Anyhow, she is a girl believing she's so strong, so smart and that she deserves the world when she really is just an ugly non attractive dumbass retarded untalented weak golddigging cunt.

Don't be jealous now, just tell me if you are a feminist yourself if you want to get some.

I'll insult you with the same devotion, man or woman.

>> No.1794111 [DELETED] 

>I'll insult you with the same devotion, man or woman.

atleast anon is consistant in his logic. gotta give him that!

>> No.1794115 [DELETED] 

neither, you just sound insane.

there are people in the world who like women fo reals. i think, or hope at least, that it's the majority.

>> No.1794117 [DELETED] 

not that guy, but you must be insane yourself if you think all women are the same or that being a woman in itself is enough to be liked.

>> No.1794119 [DELETED] 

>feminist logic
don't argue with that bro or you'll be called a rapist

>> No.1794122 [DELETED] 

Could you faggots fuck off to /pol/ or somewhere please? Thanks.

Like, go draw instead of arguing about feminism on the Internet. Jesus.

>> No.1794124 [DELETED] 

But mooom she's started it!

>> No.1794130 [DELETED] 

There's someone wrong on the internet, I can't draw today!

>> No.1794131 [DELETED] 

Remember kids, if someone is rude to you, the only way to feel secure in yourself is to make them bite the curb.

>> No.1794133 [DELETED] 


Chauvinist, patriarch-supporting, misogynist, privileged, rapist pig shitlord*

Im sure i missed a few

>> No.1794143 [DELETED] 

Can't deny it tho

>> No.1794146 [DELETED] 

>feminism is thriving in subcultures
>lizard people level

>> No.1794147 [DELETED] 

>cherry picking idiots
>the feminist who tried to assassinate andy worhol is taken seriously
>her literature is taught in basic feminist classes across the world
>she wants to eradicate all males
>cherry picking
youre right m8 clearly cherrypicking

>> No.1794151 [DELETED] 

>Basically, if you hate someone for something they can't realistically change (skin colour, race, eye colour, nationality, fucking whatever), that's pretty illogical.
thats a shit argument
just because something cant change doesnt mean you shouldnt hate it

>> No.1794152 [DELETED] 


>> No.1794156 [DELETED] 

back to tumblr with you dumb cunt
dont you have a women studies degree to work on?

>> No.1794160 [DELETED] 

you dumb cunt

>> No.1794162 [DELETED] 

>value is relative instead of absolute and rights are bled for instead of bestowed cosmically

This shit nearly as heinously offensive as painting an attractive woman

>> No.1794165 [DELETED] 

what are you talking about
your post is incoherent

>> No.1794166 [DELETED] 

I forgot most of you are underage

>> No.1794167 [DELETED] 

Just gonna go ahead and hide the fuck out of this thread...

>> No.1794170 [DELETED] 

>writes a vague rambling post
>"ur stoopid cause u cant understand"
are you a conceptual artist?

>> No.1794172 [DELETED] 

At least you have enough insight to understand that you were too dumb

>> No.1794173 [DELETED] 

your post had absolutely nothing to do with mine

>> No.1794175 [DELETED] 

/ic/, /ic/ how have you fallen. Fallen, fallen is /ic/.

>> No.1794177 [DELETED] 

I mocked being offended in a sarcastic way since what you quoted implies that people have value just for being people and you disagreed which is not the popular belief

>> No.1794183 [DELETED] 

i see
but what i was disagreeing with was the notion that "you shouldnt hate someone for what they cant change". not whether or not someone had value.

>> No.1794190 [DELETED] 

Hatred is an emotion you can't control but it's also an action kind of. It would be rational to consider low quality people of little value compared to people who aren't shit (relative) so they have to guilt you out of that from a young age and tell you that people with permanent failings are just as "good" as everyone else. To be be fair I guess their lives would be hell otherwise.

>> No.1794233
File: 47 KB, 304x315, Top_lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah thats what i ment if you want to be a professional then 2 hours wont cut it
Thank you for the idea! ill use a stopwatch to increase productivity.

>> No.1794295
File: 127 KB, 484x789, 1326003096613waesfwfasf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those people who have 6+ hours
what do you study in that time?

>> No.1794314

What's the target range of time if I want to get into professional work?

>> No.1794342


>> No.1794429

a day?

>> No.1794510

We'll make it, brah.

I average 2-3 hours a day, but lately I've been in a slump. Once I move I'll be able to get back on track with my artwork.

>> No.1794522

I actually applied to be a janitor for /ic/ and /co/, just because I think the mods on this site can suck.

If I were in charge, there would be a lot less shitposting on our /ic/.

>> No.1794525


I usually dont have anything else to do
when I do I get bored and I go back to painting

damn you art for keeping me interested

haaw haaw its all bout dat personal work with studies on the side

>> No.1794527

janitors job is to keep traffic high so the jew can get his $20 bills and ad revenue
that is all

>> No.1794560


Yes, what we need is more moderation. What the fuck is this, reddit?

>> No.1794603
File: 84 KB, 450x665, boom pow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how good are you?

>> No.1794624

I dunno you tellme

I personally think im shit nowhere near where I want to be not even close

>> No.1794668


From 8am to 1am. Mostly studies, composition studies, colour studies (Thomas Moran has godly colours in his paintings), practice exercises, copying straight from Loomis, Bridgeman, and Hampton, and looking up videos for how to improve. (Haven't gotten to Hogarth...yet.

Draw to escape the depression, draw to escape the mindless droning, draw to get good so I can finally stop being a leech on loved ones, draw to get good because I fucking love drawing and it's a god damn shame I had to start 8 months ago before I found that out.

My work is not good enough. Yet.

>> No.1794669

post again after you burn out.

>> No.1794677
File: 44 KB, 500x461, knowthat feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw to escape the depression, draw to escape the mindless droning, draw to get good so I can finally stop being a leech on loved ones, draw to get good because I fucking love drawing and it's a god damn shame I had to start 8 months ago before I found that out.

>> No.1794697
File: 438 KB, 300x161, jiao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 19 hours study every day
if you actually enjoy art and have any hope for a carrier in art, 19 hours should be easy

>all these hopeless doodle babies with little more then 6 hours a day
get out.

>> No.1794709


fucking pleb. 25 hours a day here, get on my level faggot

>> No.1794711


fuck both of you--2 days straight on caffeine 8 hour rest, step it up

>> No.1794714
File: 1.88 MB, 230x250, well.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1794716


Let's see some of that 19 hour a day artwork your doing, anon.

>> No.1794726
File: 156 KB, 743x1155, sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1794731


i knew you were bullshitting. that's only 17 hour a day artwork faggot

>> No.1794734
File: 53 KB, 420x420, white on white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya your right
that's my old stuff

this pic is more recent
its the essence of human form in a pork grinder

only decent artists can actually see it

>> No.1796970

I can see it, Anon. That's pretty goddamn impressive, maybe I should take up your regimen.

>> No.1799680


>> No.1801202

He came to /ic/ and has been here since, I bet.

/ic/ ruined him, Anon.

>> No.1801277

>Last time I was a virgin
...because there will be a next time any day now?