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1792835 No.1792835[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

whats the fastest way to get good?

>> No.1792838

Draw and paint a lot. Think hard. Don't browse 4chan.

>> No.1792839

make it so drawing is the only not boring thing you can do. draw from life. watch vilppu, read a book on light for the artist, find other similar artists to compare yourself too. you should be 'good' (but nowhere near great) in a year or two depending on your aptitude. you can become okay in a month or so, depending mainly on your dedication.

>> No.1794063

Stop worrying about being good and have fun drawing.

>> No.1794064

shit advice

>Don't browse 4chan.

>> No.1794065

Draw analytically, be critical of your own work.
Fix your mistakes. Apply the things you learn right away.
Do this for hours on end, day in day out.

>> No.1794072

Surround yourself with peers who look up to you. Pander and whore for recognition. wow your so god hoe dod you lern to draw

getting good is relative.

>> No.1794074

>shit advice
it's actually not bad as long as you aren't using it as an excuse to do stylized shit
fun and learning go hand in hand if you hate what you're doing you'll forget it unless you spend a very long time doing it and even then probably not

>> No.1794079

I drew on paintchat sites or did google hangouts with my buddies. Drawing with other people helped me so much, It makes it more fun. Why draw alone when you can draw with others?

>> No.1794085
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This, also find a way to get critique from someone who actually knows thier shit. Nothing hampers progress more than doing something wrong and being unable to see it or know how to fix it.

Also OP, the big thing that lots of people these days have a really fucking hard time with:
SELF DISCIPLINE & Cutting unnecessary shit out of your life
>"It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential."

As in drop all your stupid distractions, vidya, TV, internet, consoles smartphone bullshit, facebook, ect ect. We live in the age of distraction and people are totally oblivious to how much bloody time they waste on all this and then whine about how they have no time and act like its not their fault. Take fucking responsibility for your own actions; its not rocket science.

Another thing, stop looking for and depending on shortcuts. No amount of quick youtube/deviantart infographic "tutorials" will replace long hours of research, practice and study.

DO NOT GET IMPATIENT. "Getting gud" doesn't happen in a matter of weeks. It takes months and years. The other problem with the internet generation is that they have this ADHD outlook on life and give up and act all buttfrustrated when they haven't improved in only a short period of time. They then flip out and give up and become jealous cunts who instead of blaming themselves blame other artists for things like talent,privilege,popularity, and spout other bullshit excuses.

>> No.1794090


>> No.1794091



>> No.1794093

>Don't browse 4chan.

Why can't you people take your own advice?

>> No.1794095



>> No.1794096

This is a surprisingly insightful comment.

>> No.1794097
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>> No.1794102

and also never draw
don't do anything at all

>> No.1794104


no. drawing is key. drawing is precile what you should do. rendering is aids to your art gains.

>> No.1794125

This this this this

>> No.1794129

underrated post

>> No.1794150

thinking that drawing and painting are distinctly separate especially in a digital medium is napalm to your art gains

>> No.1794163

I don't get it. Please elaborate.

>> No.1794182

Depression and hopelessness. Are these bullshit excuses?

>> No.1794214


i couldn't possibly explain my thoughts in any way that would make sense to you i think.

i'm just genuinenly convinced that rendering is dangerous and should be disregarded entirely until the day you actually get paid to do it.

>> No.1794247

what do you mean by that?

>> No.1794256



>> No.1794257

how the fuck are you going to get paid to render if youve never fucking done it. what the fuck.

>> No.1794267
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>rendering is dangerous and should be disregarded entirely until the day you actually get paid to do it.

Imagine if a coach said to his college basketball team:
>"Keep dribbling. You should never try to take a shot until you make it to the NBA."

>> No.1794299

Step-by-step advice I would give myself if I had just started. These apply mostly to figure drawing, but figure drawing is a great start if you want to become an artist imo.

> Watch or read Betty Edwards "Drawing with the right side of the brain"

This is what gives you the starting boost, shows you that you can actually draw and gives you that "Hey! It does look good" feeling. Don't feel down if you don't get the feeling, it's just what i felt when I watched her video and read her book.

>Watch Sycra's "How to practice drawing"

Sycra is overall pretty decent for beginners. He also has great tutorials.

>Watch the Vilppu lectures
and draw a lot of quick sketches and gestures.
Gesture drawing is important because it allows you to draw what you see, not what you think you see (commonly called "symbol drawing in /ic/). It trains your observational drawing skills and helps you build a library of figures in your subconscious mind.

> Watch all Proko videos

Start with the head drawing videos. He is great in explaining the Loomis appoach to a beginner and overall great for beginner artists,

STOP HERE until you have a basic understanding of how a figure works and you are able to draw the gesture figure (http://www.cgchannel.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/120116_Loomis.jpg)) in any angle or at least the front view, the back view and the side view, like in the picture. Draw these figures and heads a lot, meaning that you fill pages with only simple heads and "stick figures". Take at least a few weeks drawing these before you go on. Be sure to post your figure and head sketches in forums (or /ic/) to get some crit.


>> No.1794309

That's a fucktarded analogy. Rendering will do more bad than good if you don't understand the fundamentals and it will make you take four times longer per piece, time that could be spent drawing and learning more.

>> No.1794316

No one renders every fucking study/piece he makes

>> No.1794321
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The reason I'd say don't render is that you become good at rendering WAY faster than you do at drawing. Unless you can draw, you're risking becoming one of those people who polish turds, but swear by their prowess because all their tumblr peers adore those sweet tits and ass etc. It happens way too often, even on ic. I don't need to even point you to any examples, you know them already. This is not a problem that is only for beginners, it's also affecting professionals.

>> No.1794325

Continued from previous post.

Just a warning: during your process of becoming an artist you will feel depressed and shit. It's normal because you probably are a shitty artist and you will be called that when you post your stuff online. Just don't be offended by criticism because you WILL become better in time. You just need to practice. It'll take approximately 2-3 years to become 'decent'
So, next:

> Congrats! Now you know how the basic figure works!

> Buy and watch Riven Phoenix's "Structure of Man HD" course. It's very underrated and can be a tad bit boring but it's really good and very cheap for a course so big and technical.
That is what made me way better in figure drawing. His drawings look beautiful too.

> Learn color theory

Watch color theory videos by Sycra and Proko. Another great course is also by Riven Phoenix, called "Structure of Color".

> Learn perspective

I'd recommend Marshall Vandruffs perspective series. It's petty fast paced and costs only like 12 dollars.

> Study art by your favorite artists.

By study I mean learn the nuances that make one artists art look personal. Let's say for example SHINKIRO
(http://www.sfgalleries.net/art/cvs/series2/guile.jpg)) You can see that his characters have, for example, darkened outlines. Learn what distinguishes ones works from another.
but start stylizing if you can draw a realistic depiction of a figure first, that's why i put this in the end of the list.

> Draw alot, every day

Congratulations! Now you can draw! But don't stop here because you can always become better.

>> No.1794331

I think you need to do both. Practice fundamentals to learn theory, but also learn to apply that theory to make interesting compositions. It seems like there are so many artists that can either render with incredible detail but boring composition or interesting compositions with a lack of understanding fundamentals. There's no reason why you can't do both.

>> No.1794338

Oh and also, when you do quick gesture drawings, doing them with a Fountain pen speeds up the process, because you won't be able to do scratchy lines or it'll look like shit. A fountain pen helps to train your arm to do quick, fluid lines.

>> No.1794345

^ This
Unless you're rendering every single time you draw something, you have nothing to lose from polishing a few drawings. I don't understand why people are being so dogmatic about this.

>The reason I'd say don't render is that you become good at rendering WAY faster than you do at drawing
I've actually seen the opposite where a person can draw a characters in almost every conceivable pose, yet when it comes to rendering even a simple front view it looks like absolute shit.

Art is not a "do only this or that to be great" kind of venture. You need to be skilled on all fronts if you want to rise above vague, blocky "concept" scenes or DA-tier crap.

>> No.1794360


reason is that rendering is a waste of time. it's not even remotely hard. and it doesn't do anything for the image, other than make it look 'polished' when viewed at higher resolutions. it's so uselss and the obession with rendering new artists have is what slows them down yeeeeaaaaaars. FUCKING YEEEARS because they sit there sculpting tits and arms and faces and whatnot. it's not even remotely a cerebral activity.

it's obviously highly biased but i'll do it regardess: it's not a coincidence that craimy jollins never renders aaaaanything (unless his client makes it rain)

>> No.1794364

drop the name brah you make me nervous

>nothing to lose from polishing a few drawings

time brah, TIME!

>You need to be skilled on all fronts if

yes. all fronts except rendering front. so useless and pointless.

>> No.1794368

What do you mean?

>> No.1794380


by what? i mean rendering is fucking homo gay queer shizzle

>> No.1794389

the name thing

>> No.1794398


nah nevermind me i was just kinda poking fun at you. new tripfags all mak me nervous. they make everyone nervous

>> No.1794431

In 10 years of posting on conceptart.org and following the online art scene every day, one thing I've consistently noticed is that practically all the people who get good fast do a lot of drawing and painting from life.

>> No.1794443

That's a great observation! Now we only have to get their secret!

>> No.1794451

Just do. And think. But do first. Find your way, do what you like and how you like. Don't be good like somebody or even better, be good by your standards.
Most importantly know why you do it.

>> No.1794498

Don't draw mindlessly. Don't do studies mindlessly. Don't watch/read tutorials mindlessly. Don't do anything mindlessly.

>> No.1794523

then what do you do mindfully?

>> No.1794608

being attentive to your work, not just randomly put together things that you think you know about and hope that it all fits together.

>> No.1794688
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They will be if you don't do anything about it.

Ive had depression for 15 long years. Ive been on medications, had counseling, had major setbacks, lost nearly every one of my friends, and have been in financial turmoil for the last 6 years.

But you know what? I still set time aside to draw even in a shitty mood. I don't bitch out and go "I can't do this because depression, I can't do that because hopelessness". I might have to take a break when things are really bad, but I still return to keep drawing and not turn into a whiny cunt. Again, basic self-discipline. Start small if you have to, but keep moving forward as opposed to doing nothing.

The big problem I see especially coming out of places like tumblr, is the constant pity-party bullshit people do to make themselves feel better about being a useless lazy shit who does nothing to tackle their depression. All they do is wallow with other bitter dipshits and go nowhere, and become bitter and lash out at those who did put in the effort to push ahead. They honestly believe that skill&talent is like some kind of physical commodity like money lottery or rich family inheritance that's dropped on people and they are the "privileged/lucky ones & ITS NOT FAAIIIIRRRRRR abloo bloo". They have this retarded mentality that properly invested time, study and hard work had absolutely nothing to do with it.

So the choice is yours, either deal with your depression properly and move forward (even if slowly) or use it as an excuse to be useless and go absolutely nowhere.

>> No.1794706

I'm glad you have control over your depression.

>> No.1794708

> Buy and watch Riven Phoenix's "Structure of Man HD" course

I recommend this to all my friends :^)

>> No.1794733


> Buy and watch Riven Phoenix's "Structure of Man HD" course. It's very underrated and can be a tad bit boring but it's really good and very cheap for a course so big and technical.

oh god. i really hope no one wastes time with this.

I know i did.

>> No.1794739

well it's kind of your fault for thinking anything by a guy named 'riven phoenix' was worth anyones time.

>> No.1794759

someone recommended me it.

>> No.1794761

ah the days when a pin-strip suit was faggy ~sigh~

>> No.1794816

This is advice that applies to every single area of expertise, every field, every skill.

Practice purposefully.

Drawing a lot won't, in itself, make you better at much of anything. Well, it might make you better at having carpal tunnel, and wasting paper/HD space/time.

You have to make every time you draw purposeful. You have to choose to draw things you need to improve at. You need to pay attention to every aspect of what you're doing, figure out how you can improve each of those aspects, and then play around with it testing out different solutions.

It's easy to get into the habit of doing something over and over and not analyzing what you're doing, or implementing improvement strategies. This is what eats up time. This is what differentiates the great from the mediocre.

Once you've got diligent practice down, then draw more. Drawing more before you can consistently practice purposefully will do nothing but waste your time.