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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1780898 No.1780898[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would be your ideal life as an artist? tell us your dream, Anon.

>mfw I still don't even know what I want to become in the future
Once I find something I want to reach, I swear I will pursue it nonstop. But so far I'm really lost, both in art and in life, so I just live my boringly easy life and sketch random stuff to hone my skills while I'm at it.

Anyways, what about you? what kind of life do you want to achieve? what or who would be good enough for you to think "this is how I want my future me to live like"?

>> No.1780930

for me it always was not about money but about ego I think. I want people like my work and say "how does he do it". I dont want to think about money side cuz it will lead me in wrong direction and I will always be upset about not achieving fast progress. so i'm gonna just work on a job and draw on evenings as usual and post stuff here from time to time. rip english

>> No.1780945

Not sure if this a proper response to your question or topic but I got tired of the whole concept art stuff. I used to be really jazzed about it but the most stuff I see online the more disappointed I am. It's just old and tired. So now my only goal in life is to create a graphic ing novel/manga ththat's very personal to me. I'm not even interested in money and it getting licensed. It doesn't even have to have a fanbase. I just want to do this and then I'll probaby kill myself.

>> No.1780947

The dream is to live in a studio flat. Be able to afford food and basics. Visit festivals and shows. Sell books on art theory & draw my life away.

>> No.1780963

Just painting all day and enjoying it.

>> No.1780966

i want to draw picture about seppuku of one of the japanese generals at the end of ww2. generally war theme is what makes me deeply sad and wanting to share my feelings. but i dont want it drawn with my shitty skills, so maybe in five years or so, who knows.

>> No.1780967

This, before retiring to >>1780963
ughh I just got a full time office job, goodbye creative time, I'll become a wage slave forever.

>> No.1780973

I just want to make good comics that do for others what good comics have done for me. I want to get people curious, get them thinking, maybe surprise them a little.

I might try for animation or illustration or gaming related work as my skills improve. I'm doing comics now because I can do comics now. But my goals would remain more or less the same in that new context.

>> No.1780983

I like this concept, I'm not talking about your drawing, but the fact that you want to get gud enough before drawing your desired piece of art. Sounds pretty cool.

>> No.1781038

Mine would be quietly cutting out my own corner of the web with a web comic.

I have the worst dreams.

>> No.1781070

Working in the entertainment industry doing concepts and illustrations. Realistically though, being any form of concept designer will almost certainly never happen because I have a shitty fucking imagination.

>> No.1781119

I still have no idea what i want to do in the future, all i know is that i want to draw. I'm pretty good at science and all that crap but if i don't become successful as an artist, i'd probably end up offing myself. Maybe make a graphic novel, animation, or something like that.

>> No.1781137

I want a amazing studio apartment in downtown Los Angeles and want to be known for my paintings. I want billionaires to bid all they got and fight over my creations. I want to be a master.

>> No.1781185
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I want to become a successful fashion designer with my own line or work along with those I admire. I'll even settle with fashion illustration if i have to.

>lack of confidence and poor communication skills
>depression and social anxiety

I feel like I'm going nowhere. I hope that when I finally transfer out of CC to an art school, I would be able to make connections in the industry.
On the other hand, I also want to start my own web comic under a pen name but I'm scared no one would like it and I lack the proper skills to do so.

>> No.1781201

post somethin muh nigga

>> No.1781205

I wanna have sex with hot women and men on camera and make my mommy and daddy proud.

>> No.1781359

Iawtc and the comics.

>> No.1781362

*about the comics

>> No.1781368

I want to go full autism and write a fantasy book spanning 27 volumes allotting to 15 thousand pages.

This all accompanied by thousands of my own drawings.
And perhaps even a video game.

Kind of like Michael Kirkbride, but even crazyuher.

>> No.1781370

Like many (i believe) I want to draw pictures at are in my mind. No matter if it's just fan art of what I like or a piece that reflects me, how I'm feeling etc. And I want it to look really good.

>> No.1781374

Also, I want to be rich, but not with drawing because unless I sell abstract art for rich people, I won't be able to afford stuff I always wanted. I'll open a store of something and the free time I have I'll draw. Maybe when my business start to go well, I'll even draw on the job. Gee, one day I can even take commision and make extra cash.

>> No.1781386

I would love to live traveling around the world and doing freelance at the same time. Well, I'm 25 and never left my country... I hope I can at least travel to some places in the near future.
Also, I really want to do artwork for MtG. It was my dream since childhood and probably what made me most interested in fantasy art.

>> No.1781387

getting rich from fine art is luke saying you want to be a tom cruise or a brad pitt. it ain't happening.

>> No.1781388

i really like dark fantasy type of art in illustration and in comics. simon bisley, brom, paul bonner are some favorites. also like silverstri and jim lees stuff. not sure what i really want to do though, if i can get good at painting id like to do comic covers, posters, album covers, book covers, whatever. i havent really thought about it too much i just know what kind of art i want to make and hopefully ill evolve in the direction that i want to go.

this will be along journey for me, i waited too long to start taking shit seriously

>> No.1781398

I just wish I got a salary to draw. is that so much to ask? that while everyone else slaves I get to stay a child wasting time?!

>> No.1781400
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when i design a character so popular and iconic mass people cosplay them/draw porn of them

when other people can look at me and say 'yeah, motherfucker knows their shit' the same way i look at artists i like now

>> No.1781409
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Use the critique/analysis techniques I've learned from art to make some vidya and eventually be a designer/director for vidya.
I'd settle for being a designer and making neat things/puzzles that people recognize me for.

Need to stop being impatient with my work and see things through.

>> No.1781468

I'm not sure what you're saying.

>> No.1781474

I'm pretty typical for this place. Definitely want to be in the video game industry, freelancing, living someplace nice and being able to afford living a normal life. I mostly want other artists looking up to me and having art buds.

>> No.1781514

To be as good as the artist who inspired me, I want to one day make a piece he'll be proud of.

>> No.1781515

I agree with this comment.

>> No.1781522
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I was going through the trouble of deciding what I want to do by thinking of what I like and what I'm already good at
Since I couldn't think of anything to answer any of them I wrote out a list of careers and picked one at random
Now I've been drawing for 5 years

>> No.1781532

>I would love to live traveling around the world and doing freelance at the same time. Well, I'm 25 and never left my country... I hope I can at least travel to some places in the near future.

A-anon, are you me? ;_; Here's to hoping we git gud. I hope to see you more here for more practices.

>> No.1781536

I'm always posting here lately. haha :)

>> No.1781540

you mean you want to become the next Henry Darger

I want to work at home, being friends with other awesome artist, making my living as a freelance illustrator.
Also someone newbie artists look up to, put me in their inspirational folder and such

>> No.1781552

Owning a studio for traditional and digital artists. Have figure drawing classes for free or nearly nothing and courses by other artists. Make trips to other European countries and cities for urban sketching. That would be nice. I don't really care for if people would remember me for my art or earning a lot from it.

>> No.1781555

Owning my own arts-based company with maybe a couple occasional employees, doing freelance work while making most of my money in a software/programming related career. Actively combine both sources of knowledge to create games, apps, websites, etc. Live in the city, go out on a regular basis to draw my surroundings and meet other artists, play video games, read books, etc.

>> No.1781567
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A large studio where I live and work, creating my comics and graphic novels, as well as paintings. I will have a small photo lab, complete with a large format printer and space for custom framing. My works will be sold online and available in select galleries. A cute and artsy wife, who writes, sculpts, and paints. From time to time we will do large collaborations and free art shows in different cities.

>> No.1781921


My dream is be to work in the animation industry.

The lofty ideal would be me eventually being a director and leaving a mark on american animation (yeah, right). Or maybe moving to France or Japan (slave wages aside) so that I can work somewhere where animation is more respected (well, in France at least).

If I'm remotely successful I'll probably do a lot of storyboarding revision and eventually just storyboarding on mediocre shows, and I'd be okay with that.

What'll probably happen is me never getting a job in it. I'd live in my parents basement for a while, finish my STEM degree, and make webcomics as a hobby as originally intended when I was complacent. I'm aiming for the top, though.

>> No.1781930


Oh, I forgot the aspect that I realized a while ago: I want to make stuff that'll inspire kids and make them think. Something that'll lift their spirits like many animations did for me.

>> No.1782056

very much this + teaching / mentoring other artists for free
will start studying computer science at a university in a few months, drawing on the side leading to job that pays good cash as a coder and slowly built art from a hobby to freelancing
if my tumblr-tier autism / depression hasnt killed me by then

>> No.1782070

I am thinking of several options right now.
>storyboarding/character design
>industrial design (although i'm not heavily leaning towards this at the moment)
Ugh, I started drawing on a whim because I thought "wow, I could totally paint that", and I tried, fucking failed. Now I want to keep drawing for the fun of improvement and be a master of something, but with my lazy candy ass attitude, I'm not nearly making as much progress as I expected. I need to motivate myself, or at least force myself to study and improve. Yeah, let's work hard guys.

>> No.1782080

good luck working in france if you didn't go to gobelins calart or sheridan

>> No.1782081

I want to make art that is really fantastic. Everything is boring. All the art is shit. Why is it so shit? I want to make art which isn't shit.

>> No.1782109

i'd love to work on video games. i haven't learned any serious 3d modeling but i'll get around to it eventually. i'll probably end up making a 2d game before that even.

>> No.1782118 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1782120
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>> No.1782699

I want to get the pretty pictures out of my head.

>> No.1783064

Become a great animator

>> No.1783083

I just want to put my ideas onto paper. Paint those landscapes and scenes from my dreams. draw those vidya and comic characters I'm always thinking of. Contribute to a drawthread or two, ya know?
Nowadays I'm lucky if I can think of a game idea.

>> No.1783099

Basically, my plan is to get into the European traditional animation scene and soak up as much as I can for the next 30-40 years, then when I'm about 55-60, do a masterpiece that really reflects my worldview.

>> No.1783160

I just wanna do the porn no one else does.
Also, become a drawfag to fulfill requests of anons who want porn no one else does, and spares them the pain of being in the position I am.

>> No.1783178

Honorable. Let's see of you can stick to it. /a/'s self entitled and thankless mindset in draw threads has killed that generous side of me.

>> No.1783183

Well, I would mostly stick to /co/ and /v/ drawthreads, so I figure out I would be fine... right?

>> No.1783184

I dont even know man

I'd really like to animate something, even if I just posted the stuff online for a small audience. I'd like to illustrate too, go into character and landscape design. Really i'd be happy with anything as long as it was creative and something I enjoyed.

I also have my music.

Honestly im a little fucking terrified about my future after school, I definitely dont want to end up as some construction worker who's depressed as fuck because he never accomplished his dream of becoming an "artist."

>> No.1783212

> /a/'s self entitled and thankless mindset in draw threads has killed that generous side of me.

I know the feel anon

>> No.1783237

I just have a lot of stories in my head man, a lot of characters, places, worlds and adventures. I like literature, but I want people to see what I see, not tell them what I see. I want them to look at my work and say: "That motherfucker created that, and it's great".

Comics, animation or video games, I don't care, I'm going to make it happen.

>> No.1783243

I'd like a sexy lover to support my life so i can combine my found art and eventually have a child i can travel the USA with. The child and I would be a good duo. I don't want too much money, as my work does best when i struggle financially, as im forced to manufacture pigments and panels.

>> No.1783292

I want to move to some green deciduous woods and build a house/cabin and have my own homestead with animals and a garden. I want to basically just be a recluse and sacrifice lots of social interaction to become insane at art. I'd still like to work digitally for the most part probably but definitely hone some skills in oil. I want to ride my horse through my woods and explore and do pein air type stuff and scope out awesome spots to build treefort villages.

I'll also occasionally roll in to town to kidnap an unsuspecting woman and murder her with an axe and use her fuck hole till it sloughs away and bury her in my corn patch.

>> No.1783313

My goal is to just get one good comic out there.

I don't give a shit if it's successful or not, that would just be a bonus.

Something that I am happy with. I've had a story floating in my head for years but don't quite have the art skill quite yet.

Comics have always been pretty influential to me, would like to influence at least one person the same way.

>> No.1783341

T-to make Sycra-Senpai notice me

>> No.1783354
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traveling around asia getting fucked up and drawing whatever I want while fucking fine asian bitches

what will probably happen is that I'll end up killing myself and die a virgin loser

>> No.1783375

Being left largely in peace to work, having a show every year or so.

>> No.1783411

My ideal would be to live off a successful webcomic. Specifically fantasy-related epic I had in mind for a long long time. Draw for like 8-9 hours a day, publish 2 pages a week. Receive invitations from cons all around the country, maybe even international, meet other artists as well as fans there. Seeing someone in a faithful cosplay of my character would make me ecstatic.

And make some wacky art for indie games on the side, perhaps? Right now I make casual point and clicks, which amounts basically to overpainting and texturing a 3d render, and it's killing me creatively. I want to do something colorful and fun, dammit.

>> No.1783494

50 cent or van gogh honestly

>> No.1783512

living in a small house near the sea that I completely own, illustrating horror/fantasy novels written by my wife who has big boobs

>> No.1783608

How big are we talking, here?

If I were to have a perfect wife, I wouldn't settle below JJ Cup. Remember, D cups are average, despite what the normies tell you.

>> No.1783611

Her back would fucking kill her.

>> No.1783614 [DELETED] 

Not if you drink enough milk. You need to make sacrifices for art, anon.

>> No.1783623

Not if she drank enough milk to support her skeleton. You have to aim high, Anon.

>> No.1783651

dude I would never get any art done if I had access to tits like that.

>> No.1783913

>/ic/ - Imaginative Cocks

>> No.1786688

As a professional artist, I work from the early morning to the late night doing artwork. By the age of 45, I'll have illustrated and written some graphic novels, including one universe I'm working on, but just a little.

I live in a cute, two story suburban home close to a major city, either an apartment or something I own totally, with a good bicycle and eco-friendly sedan that I use to drive around. I have a fully equipped studio for both traditional and digital, and an entire library of reference books.

More later, maybe.

>> No.1786692

My short term goals are to get my monthly print-on-demand earnings to reach $1000. These are sites like Society6, Redbubble, DesignByHumans, etc where you can sell illustrations on different products. I'm up to about ~$300-400 per month average, which some nice extra income but some of the top artists on these sites make thousands of dollars via royalties every month.

>> No.1787029

no way at all. fine art requires insight, concepts and execution. also connections, which if you try hard you can get

being brad pitt is the genetic lottery. His fame is his look and acting. theres 1000x more of a chance of making it as an artist than an actor.

Just bring attention to your self then get fame. of course realism or traditional art won't get you attention. You have do something outrageous and original.

like preserve animals in vitrine or make sculptures like KAWS. No concept artist can make it in the fine arts world.

>> No.1787042

being a damien hirst is winning the genetic lottery too, then like a thousand other types of lottery in a row. there are many more famous actors than there are famous artists. thus it's easier to be a famous actor. and that ain't easy. hell most people probably couldn't tell you the name of one famous living artist. they can probably give you 20 actors in 20 seconds.

>> No.1787083

I just want a tiny well furnished studio where I spend my days drawing, animating, sewing, and just creating whatever I like. I will marry into a rich family and never have children so I won't have to make money and can take as much time as I like.

Ultimately I want to release at least one large scale thing, whether that's a game or a comic or a film. It would be cool if it was a collaborative effort, but I have zero social skills and the friends I do have with any creative ability have no focus or motivation whatsoever.

Also, I really like reading /ic/'s dreams. I hope you all get there one day. Just keep working for it, bros.

>> No.1787117

drawing shota and making a living out of it :D

>> No.1787448

yeah doesn't matt if your not a "household name" to be successful. look at lucien smith oroscar murrilo. ask anyone who they are and no one would know.

only people into art or the art world know. Both make a good chunk of money. maybe not hirst or brad pitt money, but still a ton compared to a 'real' job

And Hirst is a genius. Everything he's done is calculated and marketed to the art world. which i guess is consided selling out but damn all that $$ he made.

I guess the only way to make it in the art world is to target your work to what sells

>> No.1789028

This thread feels like reading of Mice and Men

>> No.1789040

I just want to make beautiful animations on youtube.

Ideally I'd like to be an Art Director.