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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1778434 No.1778434 [Reply] [Original]

because art's cool at art school

>> No.1778439

Has anyone actually seen this programme before?
>>art student who steals, and shits out stolen property as her artwork
>>An art student who doesn't seem to know what his work is even about
>>the one who has an actually idea behind his work, but the tutors don't like it because they think it's too literal.

Anyone got anymore art school documentaries? This shit interests me.


>> No.1778450

thanks for the link anon!

>> No.1778455

yep. watched that a few weeks ago
i got mad

>> No.1778456

really cool so far. 6 minutes in

>> No.1778472

No problem, I've watched it more than once, because I like seeing the inner workings of art school. (Also, smh at parts that I find questionable)

The only other art documentary, those art school is the main focus is this one, set in the Royal college of Art.


It's pretty old.
Lol I've resorted to looking at art degree shows and video clips from universities showing an overview of their different courses.

>> No.1778476

there's also a show called work of art: the next great artist. i've seen season 1 and part of season 2

>> No.1778484

>motherfucker walks into a room of trash and assumes its modern art


>> No.1778504

Yeah thanks, I saw season one, as it came on TV in England, don't know about season two, though.

(Possible to watch online?)

>> No.1778508

yea probably, google it

>> No.1778514

what'd you think of the first season by the way?

>> No.1778518

Both seasons are up on youtube.

>> No.1778560

fuck art school. I'v got a third. Now what?

>> No.1778566

a third what? i'm confused

>> No.1778567

I have a degree, I don't see where to go next in life.

>> No.1778568


Sorry for not explaining.
In the UK a third is like the most bottom tier degree.
You can't do anything with it. Now that I'v past, I have no idea.

>> No.1778572

Can't you do like a second?

>> No.1778573

Nope that's it. I'm done. Ran out of money to do more classes.

>> No.1778586

Do commissioned art. If you been through uni and can't draw porn for autistic furfags, you should just kill yourself.

>> No.1778587


>> No.1778591

never though of making yiff art. thanks anon.

>> No.1778592


>> No.1778594

>An art student who doesn't seem to know what his work is even about
That happens almost all the time.

>> No.1778612

>whole fucking institution filled with stuck pretentious artsy-pants brits

Holy shit. Just fucking blow this place and all this human garbage with it.

>> No.1778744


>> No.1778861
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Pic related.

>> No.1778909

poor old guy ;_;

>> No.1778949

Shit that looks like the school I went to, the exact same easels with all the paint splatters over it. The lifeless expression while painting useless shit is spot on.

>> No.1778968

Seven minutes in and I'm ashamed to be British.

>> No.1778975

Well, today will be my first day on some sort of useless and expensive "art school" in the third world. I've read about this "school" on internet and I know I won't learn anything for the next 1 and half year. Before you ask why I joined, my family forced me. I appreciate what they are trying to do, but they don't even how to turn on a computer.

I'm the "weird kid" so, how I learn to tolerate bully from rich wannabe artists kids for the next one year and half?

>> No.1778992

be better than them
a lot better

best of luck anon

>> No.1778999

Git gud. Rich kids hate it when their money can't buy skills.

>> No.1779012

>i am rage incarnate

>> No.1779013

i think you're misreading the tone of that post mate

>> No.1779026

I know man, he seemed to have a dedicated direction for his artwork. It's like Goldsmiths crushed his spirit

(I wonder what degree grade he got, how can you grade something like (conceptual) art?)

>> No.1779027

If you think you won't be learning anything, make it an opportunity to push yourself beyond what's expected of you. If you already know how to do what they're teaching you, put everything you've learned to use, meet their requirements and then some. Take every assignment as a personal challenge regardless of how stupid you think it is. This is the secret to getting good. Do not get lazy because you know how to do something. Always push harder. If you put all your effort into every step you'll just get better faster. And the easy key to dealing with artists is to find people whose work you like, and talk to them about it. Everybody loves to talk about what they're doing. And anybody who doesn't like you doesn't mean shit.

>> No.1779061

2:30 mins in: what the fuck am i watching?
she steals things, shits them out and that's her art? are these people fucked in the head or something?

>> No.1779103

Watch the second episode, her stupidity knows no bounds.

>> No.1779172

Ouch. How is it possible to get a third? Not enough work? Shit teachers?

I've always wondered how art degrees get classified.

>> No.1779218
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>people ask me what this piece is about and I'm like, if it were so straight forward, everyone would be doing it

>> No.1779265

>>blue board

What board was this thread on?

>> No.1779266

The summer board

>> No.1779306

it was /co/

>> No.1779327

Art school vs reality

Interesting video I just watch, there's more in the series, too.


>> No.1779358

I love how it's the painter who sells 2 of his works in the final show.

>> No.1779359

Yea, actually pretty cool paintings too

>> No.1779562


>> No.1779859
File: 45 KB, 500x391, twoguns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just 2 minutes in
>steal bits of mundane crap
>shits them out
fuck me

>> No.1779912

what time does that happen?

>> No.1780014

What's the best art school in England?

>> No.1780089

>the one who has an actually idea behind his work, but the tutors don't like it because they think it's too literal.

that guy is wearing a radiohead t shirt.
on the front it's the lyrics from bodysnatchers and on the back it says radiohead

>> No.1780093

Is there some sort of correlation?

>> No.1780098


the lyrics say:

>I have no idea what I am talking about
>I'm trapped in this body and can't get out

though, the person who has no idea what he is talking about is clearly the red head and not the fat guy with his war boutique.

>> No.1780287

Anyone attended any of the CDW courses before? Was looking to take one of the 8 week courses coming up in a few months, wondering if i could get some insight on the quality of the teachers.

>> No.1780383


>> No.1780446

I'm comforted that it's a British documentry though, we're not afraid of putting our shit on display.

>> No.1780452

This is why Kanye West wanted to go there

>> No.1780461

Yeezus is too intelligent for that. He'd end up like the war boutique guy, having his spirit ground out of him by those two fucking frauds masquerading as teachers.

>> No.1780486

I thought he wanted to go Central Saint Martins?

>> No.1780536

You'rre right actually, but I can imagine it's a similar environment
Kanye is nothing but a joke in my eyes. A rich brat who feeds of other people's skill.

>> No.1780542

>Randomly generate words
>if it were straightforward, everyone would be writing what I write!

No. The problem with the idea that you can just do whatever random crap pops into your head, and claim that it is 'unique', so long as noone else is doing it, is completely ludicrous. It's not a meaningful choice. It could be any other random combination of unlikely things, and it wouldn't even make a difference. These people are about as creative as a guy who blindly mashes buttons on a piano, and calls it original compositions.

*Slaps dead squid and shoves an old newspaper into its mouth*

Look. Art.

>> No.1780571

I just finished my degree in Fine Art, I can post some information like grading criteria and work that achieved a certain grade if people are interested?

Little info for people unfamiliar with the UK's grading system:

40% or lower is a fail.
40 - 50% is a 3rd
50 - 60% is a 2.2
60 - 70% is a 2.1
70% and above is a 1st

With Art degrees you spend three years working towards your degree and second year grades make up 30% of your final mark, third year grades make up 70% but this varies between universities.

I spent most of my time playing video games and shit out most my projects in a week or so and achieved a 2.1 overall. The system is fucked and no one is willing to admit it.

>> No.1780575

Holy shit the UK is degenerate. What awful standards. Back in 2000 and in BurgerFat Land of all places 60% was a failure.

No wonder you're all a bunch of toothless chavs and pakis now.

>> No.1780590


I'm not going to defend it, but you can't be assuming that an American 60% is equivalent to 60% in the UK, can you?

>> No.1780609

dont tell him that, what if its a fucking modern art school and they want him to sick his dick in a place thats to think it un harden and he has to extract blood by pricking the now purple member because that somehow has meaning behind it and use that to paint with?

fuck, i suggest every assignment you get, ask online if it will help you in any way shape or form.

if they determine it wont, and its pretentious modern art bullshit, just do the required task and do not give it any thought afterwords. CONSTANTLY practice life drawing though, as that will, depending on the kind of place you are going, be the only real skill you will ever acquire there.

>> No.1780621

in an objective setting like math, you get 10 problems, if 4 of those are wrong, you fail.

with art, im assuming that its not something that you can accurately measure, so it would come down to teachers decisions... what ill say sucks, but in something that cant be objective, all grading is bullshit.

>> No.1780623

>in an objective setting like math, you get 10 problems, if 4 of those are wrong, you fail.

did you mean to say 6

>> No.1780652

I'm not as far along in my general eds as I had thought. What a bummer. I wish I'd have the resolve and certainty so many of you display, I am admittedly unsure about going for art and whether or not to go private vs attending a state school.

I'm in Los Angeles, for context, and would prefer to school someplace in Southern California. We have schools like Art Center, CalArts and Otis here, and various state schools (with less well regarded commercial art programs). The private schools here have excellent programs, like Art Center (holy shit) but the cost is so fucking steep. Having seen the portfolios of some people who got in, it doesnt seem too hard to be accepted, you know whether or not they really want you depending on the aid package and they arent well known for being generous.

When I was younger i used to be so gung honabout being an artist of some sort but now? When faced with the cost of tuition and the reality of economic uncertainty I really waver.

I dont mean to be a sadsack, i judt figure someone else can relate.

>> No.1780708

There could be some environmentalist message in shoving newspaper into a squid's mouth. Because ink.

>> No.1780715
File: 41 KB, 1000x750, 9mcHFLr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man. Kanye is into some weird shit.

>> No.1780720

this is pretty great, thanks for sharing
>all dem artsy qt's in part 4

>> No.1780723

I couldn't continue when I heard the whole 'it's not about the technique but the message' or whatever.

>> No.1780730

no, i was going with the american 60% is failure (for me it was 70% in many classes) and an example.

what i mean is that if you don't have some objective way to grade it, which you largely can't have in art unless the project is making an exact replica.

lets say someone makes a 100% photo real painting of a knight, with a bad ass dragon and it looks amazing and even from a technical aspect its good, but because of the teachers personal taste, and disdain for a "fantasy shit" they cant call it art and give you as low a grade they possibly can. this is just why i hate art school shit so much. unless they school only focuses on technical skills, techniques and how to do X in your work, its all bullshit.

its why i really dont think anything that cant be objectively taught had no right to call it self a school and be graded.

>> No.1781036

Currently St Martins/Chelsea/Goldsmiths it's like a turf war, there's no genuine consensus.
But neither of them will teach you how to draw/paint/technique.

In Scotland it's GSA/Dundee/Greys at the moment.
Same issues, although GSA should be down the shitter from this point on. Dundee's shot to the top so quickly in a few years it will probably be number one soon.

>> No.1781058


No Fine Art course will teach you how to paint/draw/sculpt. They're just a method of brainwashing. You get told to forget what you know and adopt a new method of creating worthless shit.

You can get by if you stick to your principals, if you like making photo-realistic work you can keep doing it but it's just painful to watch other people around you shit in a different jar each month and label it art and get a grade that competes with or outright beats yours.

The best thing you can get out of art school is connections, and even those you have to work for, they're never handed to you.

>> No.1781066

>No Fine Art course will teach you how to paint/draw/sculpt.
Not true, some places with a rigorous and traditional outlook will, like Beijing.

But yeah, I'm GSA. Can't paint for shit and I made all the wrong contacts, what a waste. I couldn't stick to my guns in the face of random-stuff-on-plinths and joined them.

>> No.1781237

Go to an atelier

>> No.1781338

Are there any in England? ( that's not London?)

>> No.1781343

probably not many as it's a scam for americans.

>pay us $50,000 and you'll draw like the old masters we promise mew mew mew, accreditation, what's that?

americans, peh.

>> No.1781444

This. Tried scanning through the ep, can't find it.

>> No.1781520

Wish there was more of this types of programmes.

>> No.1781673

Is GSA ok now? Ya know after the fire and all?

>> No.1781686

why aren't you guys studying at cal arts like in the OP?

>> No.1781932

>>Implying I'm good enough to get into calarts
>>and if I did I could pay the fees

>> No.1781933

I watched But is it Art? and both seasons of the reality show; I actually liked how incredibly honest they were. Modern art is perfectly comfortable as a competitive reality show and being shown in magazines and stuff like that; even when they are pretentious it is more like word salad to me where they don't know why what they made is charming (liek a soccerball with swordfish swords) but are willing to cash in on it.

>> No.1782131
File: 31 KB, 680x391, 886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There could be some environmentalist message in shoving newspaper into a squid's mouth. Because ink.
>some environmentalist message in shoving newspaper into a squid's mouth. Because ink.
>shoving newspaper into a squid's mouth. Because ink.
>a squid's mouth. Because ink.
>Because ink.

your post perfectly hits the uncertain border between making fun of and honestly trying to justify this "art"

>> No.1782133

Ha, also GSA. Lets be friends for life in our shared hatred :D

Also anyone else do not go to art school, do something worthy with your life.

>> No.1782135


Yes GSA is glorious and will rise like a stuttering half dead zombie into the shambling cluster fuck it once was, nibbling at its once glorious reputation like those ex-famous 80s one hit wonders. Bah.

The resurrection will be undertaken by a cabal of celebrities and who-the-fucks led by the angelic M.Ghay as she evokes and calls upon anyone silly enough to give their money to a building which should have had insurance.

>> No.1782244

>A rich brat who feeds of other people's skill.

Because he samples beats? No art is created in a vacuum. That would be ridiculous.

>> No.1782245

>A rich brat

I know that he had money, but black people having money in America is much different from white people having money in America.

>> No.1782481

Would you not recommend it?

>> No.1782596


It can be a good fun experience but a lot of schools no longer teach to improve skill or ability but rather build and install in you a way of thinking. So it depends if you want to learn to do or learn how to be....If that makes sense?

But it is a very expensive way to learn an attitude when you could spend that time learning and honing an actual skill. But to be fair that depends on the school and the particular area you want to study.

>> No.1782623

Feels good to be russian.
Our art schools only teach how to do, very classy. And without having to be a credit slave for next 5 years.

>> No.1782861


To be fair... it is intended to teach a mindset that supposedly encourages innovation and creativity. Any actual ability is ( IF needed, ha ) self taught under the time you spend there, but you are right you can either opt for grades or learn what you believe you will need :)

>> No.1782901

>Giant sign that says SLAG

You're fucking kidding me.

>> No.1782954
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Lol that Roisin Irish thief woman was obviously so pissed that Ryan Gander didn't reply back to her.

>> No.1782986

What are the major ateliers in London? Are there any of particularly high repute, as there are universities?

>> No.1783459


>> No.1783495
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>> No.1783508

conceptual art is the worst thing that happened to the art industry.
if they want something to be about the idea than they should go for literature/philosophy and not this degenerate bullshit. but that would probably be too hard for them

>> No.1783509

What up, I'm at DJCAD in Dundee and the Fine art students definitely get zero instruction on drawing, painting sculpting. In fact the students are actively discouraged from real drawing and painting. They're always complaining about having very vague direction, not knowing what they're supposed to do and not feeling like they're learning anything.
They still have classical casts standing in the corridors that haven't been used in 30 years

But the guy who teaches drawing to the illustrators and us animators is great, the library is goddamn amazing if you want to Loomis-up, and there are a couple of evening life drawing clubs about town too.

>> No.1783531

I get the hate for concept artists that don't try, what about illustrators?

>> No.1783552

i appreciate that it's there. sometimes it can be interesting


do they ever feel jelly of the illustration and animation students

>> No.1783557


Concept art =/= conceptual art fgt

>> No.1783563

>sometimes it can be interesting

like what?

>> No.1783575

like the girl from the goldsmith's documentary who went to spain to steal trees and her piece was her emails to the original artist

it was innovative if anything

>> No.1783590

meh, she is a total retard and her other work is proof of it and why conceptual art is nothing more than art for people who wouldnt find a job otherwise.

the redhead was a total retard too. he just puts a bunch of strobelights into conches and then he thinks about what his idea is actually about. it's all so fucking pretentious and then they act like it's hard work and they somehow stand above others.
fucking circlejerk

>> No.1783601

that's closed minded of you

>> No.1783618

there is being open minded and there is realizing that these people are literal retards. you have seen their working process and it should be obvious to you that there is nothing to master there. it's just doing random shit and coming up with excuses. anyone can do that. it's not a craft, it's barely interesting and it requires zero skill.

again, if they wanted to do something where the thought process is key then they would be doing philosophy. philosophy ain't easy, it actually has to make sense and you have to do your research and know the classics and then you think about stuff and write it down. these people would completely fail at this because conceptual art isn't about the idea; it's about doing random shit.

>> No.1783702

So jealous of North Americans and other Europeans, at least they have the option to go to art school that actually TEACH you (traditional) techniques.

>> No.1783872

>>They're always complaining about having very vague direction, not knowing what they're supposed to do and not feeling like they're learning anything.

I know that feel. A-Level Art wasn't very good for me.

>> No.1783881

Is there a third episode?

This was fucking great, I want more

>> No.1783899

I only found out that there was an atelier in Edinburgh once I'd already taken loans out to go to djcad.
I'm getting on alright, but I might have been better going there and just doing animation at home

>> No.1783951

No Anon, that's it. :( I would have hoped BBC4 would have continued it or at least did another season, perhaps from the next cohort.

There is a documentary focusing on students at the Royal college of Art further up the thread. If you're interested.

I would personal love to see a regular show centered around art students.

>> No.1783956

Man, that sucks. Those two episodes were incredible, I really wish they made more of it.
Thanks for bringing the other doc to my attention, I'll check it out

>> No.1783991

Original sad GSA painter here, I kind of feel it is a bit fashionable to bash on art school, within the school crowd. It still sucks, even if I am partly to blame for not being more driven at directing my own studies.
I do feel like the whole learning about how to theorise/bullshit and feel confident in the modern art world, like >>1782861 says, is important. It just shouldn't be the whole waffling goal of four years!
Damn I'm bitter.
Interesting to read, I usually only here really positive stuff about the "freedom" etc.

>> No.1784359

No problem, not related to Art school, but I found this documentary on 'Outsider Artists' really interesting!


Also, what did you think of the RCA doc?

>> No.1784558

I want to go traveling with the klepto, she seems fun

>> No.1785227


>> No.1785646

You could also check out the "what do artists do all day" series on youtube.

Here's a link to John Byrne's


>> No.1785655

This is gonna be a long shot but, does anybody have experience or know anything about Art Schools in TOKYO?

>> No.1785672

Holy shit, there's one for Frank Quitely!


>> No.1785704

I thought Technical Dave was good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24NM8AkLuF8&list=PLJ3NDp409ceVGpaluznnrMGfuha3ZFrg1

>> No.1785716

>all these years in artschool
>still drawing like that
jesus christ

>> No.1785718

Noice. Wish it was longer.

>> No.1785719


Don't even think about it, weeaboo

>> No.1785787

It gets better around Ep. 10 or so

>> No.1785813 [DELETED] 

Haha, my studios is on the cast corridor, at least I'm using them!

>> No.1785833
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My studio is on the cast corridor, i've been using them a lot this semester!
I'm on the fine art course, going into 4th year now - the lack of tuition is fairly shit but the freedom you're given on the course is fantastic. I guess for most students that isn't advantageous, but if you spend your time wisely and have your own personal goals it's not an issue. All my work is fairly representational and the tutors for the most part accept it. The issue lies with the students going down that avenue with little understanding of the fundamentals and who dismiss any constructive criticism provided. To get good at representational work you really need to put the time in, something that rarely happens in the fine art studios. The university would claim it were too expensive to provide tuition for a fraction of art that not all the students wish to explore, and (understandably) that for the most part isn't necessary to be successful in the contemporary art scene. Sadly, spending a few minutes walking around the studios you'd see how many of the students would actually benefit from that tuition. Bob, Janice & Norman are the best tutors for any sort of representational work fyi. The life modelling department is making a big push to get actual teaching back on the books & more regular life drawing sessions provided for the students, support them all you can.
If you can, do anything you can against the current staff cuts they're pushing for. I've been told a chunk will be taken out of the life models & two of the tutors named above...

They also apparently couldn't find any money to fund life drawing sessions for 1st years so kicked them out all together. Got someone to put up a list & got it two pages long with no change. pic related

It's all being done systematically by people higher up the chain to try & save money...

>> No.1785900

artcenterfag here,
no one should be coming here for illustration or fine art or basically anything other than the three ID degrees, the students are more or less terrible, and the 19k per 14 weeks is pretty much just for the financial aid towards the ID majors.

>> No.1785921

what's ID/what are the 3 ID degrees why are they so great why are the non ID ones s bad?

>> No.1786144

>>lives in cramped apartment with two other people.
>>sleeps in a sleeping bag
>>showers in a train station.

Damn, how poor is this mother fucker!

>> No.1786172

jeez no life drawing for the first years? What a shame! They could at least wheel the casts down and get them to draw them.
Reinhardt is a great life drawing teacher if you can decipher his mumblings, I hope he doesn't get canned. The problem I've found is that because they accept portfolios at all different levels, they can't teach drawing or painting as a structured course with classes.
The "freedom" sounds like it'd be hell for me because why bother paying for that? You have all the freedom you want at home for free!

PS do you ever feel like Janice is going to deck you any second?

>> No.1786186

The life drawing department has a fair few decent bust casts you can borrow out if you ever need them. What annoys me is 99% of the fine art portfolios they accept are full of figurative & portrait work. If they were tutored from day one then sure traditional work would flourish on the course, but all you get is people being told in third year that their technical skills aren't good enough (friend of mine was told directly by the head of the year) when they have never been given an ounce of direction or help with it before.

The way I'm looking at it, is having 3/4 years out of the workforce, giving me time to improve my work

>> No.1786193

I think that's just the studio, and he sleeps on the floor and showers at the train station if he's up too late to get home.
That's exactly what happened to my gf, I wonder if I know you irl.
And that's pretty much my attitude too, especially since education is so cheap here.

>> No.1786246

Possibly, you go to rooms at all?

>> No.1786247

It's only a place where he works, he has wife and 3 children at his real home

>> No.1786354

Still no excuse in drawing that way, and as I have understood he is out of school for years now. I am afraid to think of how he was drawing while he still was in schoo,

Also how he makes fun of the people who are just in art school to fuck around and do nothing, but his skill level is the same as those people. Pretty poor.

>> No.1786359

RISD's hardasfuck#

the foundation year is hell but it gets better

>> No.1786422

He has a webcomic called NetherOak that he made when he was in College that is still online.

>> No.1786442

>teacher cuts
you know its funny they hire more admin, but cut teacher salary
just more fucking admis
>do what you want lol
this is why a fine arts degree is a fucking joke
imagine if they did this in science

i think ID means interdisciplinary art
like GD, IDS ect

>> No.1786468

Thanks for posting these everyone!

>> No.1786470
File: 395 KB, 853x459, Screen Shot 2014-07-21 at 3.09.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a conceptual artist. I work with ideas.
You work with uninteresting and shallow ideas and then turn them into a piece of art that unaesthetic. Maybe it's just too deep for me.

>> No.1786537
File: 62 KB, 300x466, ArtCenterGradPreview_08_2011_144_300w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art Center, Entertainment Design reporting in.

>> No.1786626

Hey, if you like that, you might like this awesome documentary on Origami. "Between the folds" http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bJRBiIeFe7Q

It gets A LOT better as it goes along.

>> No.1786821

Thanks anon, I appreciate this advice and will try and take it to university.
Even if the task I'm set is some artsy abstract bullshit, I'll just do some hardcore surreal landscape full of objects and secretly work on perspective, light, colour theory etc.
If they complain, then bitch "it's too deep for you"
At least I'll get access to oils and shit.

>> No.1786847

the buzzed headed artist by the name of blue curry really rubbed me the wrong way

he said something like

people undervalue what we conceptual artists do because they can't see the effort it took to create our work like they can with a classical painting. but i do put in a lot of work into my art. i think about it a lot

but earlier in the documentary he practically said he had no idea what he was even doing.

there was a third bit (might've been right after the part where he says he thinks about it a lot) where he said he felt like everyone whos bought his art so far has gotten a great deal

if anyone knows the times in the videos where all that took place i'd appreciate it, i want to see how accurately i remember those bits and in turn how mad i should be

>> No.1786848
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National Art School
reporting in
ask any question

>> No.1786855

looks bad. is it bad? what are you taking? how do you like it? what are the students/profs like? what do they teach? do you feel like you're learning? what are the assignments like? what kind of work do the students produce? any links to student blogs?

it's late and im exhausted but i think that's the bulk of my questions

>> No.1786899

nope, I don't even know where it is.
Now I'm hearing that they're giving the first years life drawing, but not the illustrators!
Technical Dave is probably the best account of the art school experience I've seen. He showed up here when he did the first episode

>> No.1786917

That doesn't make any sense. Especially, for students of illustration. Does it apply to animation students, too?

>> No.1786932

the school has a main focus on fundamental drawing skill through out the entire course (3 years with an honors and master years on top making 5)

i personally am going through the 2nd year at the moment and am doing ceramics as a minor (drawing always major which i like. it stops people bullshitting as hard)

students are decent, all willing to be told that they are shit (occasional ass hole that wont take a crit, they last not very far into the first year)

art history and theory differs from minor elective choices. all assignments are marked from the top down as per normal. it is hard to fail. the national art school has always had a heavyer focus on the practical side of the arts.

some students produce utter shit, while some actualy look like they want to make a living in the arts, as any art school will have.

it is definatly sydneys best art school out of the 4 mains that it has. (COFA, SCA and a small design school in the rocks part of sydney being the other 3)

currently the school is shifty as it has had 3 different head directors during the past 5 years.

the school is 5k a semester. for australian citizens

>> No.1787003

nah we still get life drawing and will probably have some drawings up at the degree show as per.
It's nuts. They could just skip out on buying new macs and software for a year and keep the important skills up

>> No.1787427

Sigh. I really wanna go to some life drawing classes.

>> No.1787529

Ive been going there for a number of years and starting 1st year in Sept.

>> No.1787915

Coventry Uni for Art and Design. Yay or Nay?

>> No.1787972

Yeah, im planning on appying for art uni this summer in the UK.
I have no idea where is good and where is bad.
Or even if it matters where you go much for art school.
I live in derby, and derby uni was rated quite highly this year by the telegraph for art. But I think that might be bullshit.
Its so hard to know without visiting them all.

>> No.1788053

I was hoping that would be John Byrne the comics artist for a minute. A series about that guy being a miserable bastard railing against feminism, post-colonialism, homosexuality and anything not conforming to his 1950's mindset could be glorious.

>> No.1788210

Is John Byrne that bad?

>> No.1788235

Is anyone attending an Atelier in this thread ?

>> No.1788290

You RISD brah?

What major are you in?

>> No.1788316


i had heard great things about their animation program but they're more about experimental animation which is.. not helpful for getting industry work

>> No.1788336

True, they do encourage experimentation. That goes for all the departments. But it's all up to how you use the knowledge. You could stick to 2deep4u stuff or get into the industry like Seth McFarlane, the Avatar guys, or other countless unnamed colorists, key animators, and what have yous.

I have a friend in animation their, this was her final sophomore year: http://vimeo.com/81471176

>> No.1788356


i dont know man

i'd rather go to cal arts if that's the quality of work being produced at risd

>> No.1788375

Well, that's just one student. Either way, follow your heart man and do your best.

>> No.1788384

i will anon :')

are you at risd?

>> No.1788390

Greys for life.

>> No.1788394

Yeah, I'm in Illustration.

>> No.1788445

what's their illustration program like? what classes do you have to take/what are the students/atmosphere like?

tell me everything

also if you got any links to risd illustration student blogs that'd be cool

>> No.1788623

It's pretty good. It can be a drag in your sophomore year (I'm going into my junior btw). Your first year in illustration, you're required to take a drawing, painting, and illustration concepts for both fall and spring semester. In both drawing and painting, you'll learn the fundamentals and stuff. Illustration concepts is basically a class on how to become an illustrator, like how to communicate ideas through drawings successfully.

A majority of the students are pretty chill and you'll run into some really proficient people. However, there can be some god awful people. You will run into people that are everything wrong with Tumblr and the 'nerd culture'. Also, it's important to know that Illustration is the largest department (I think there is around 100 students in my class) and one of the smallest buildings on campus. Luckily, its being renovated over the summer so it'll hopefully feel more spacious. Just don't expect to have a comfy studio space.

That's about it. Sorry if this sounds shitty, I'm not too eloquent. As for blogs, I've forgotten the links but here are some Behance profiles:

>> No.1788649


cool beans. seems like a good school for contemporary illustration. they don't seem to have the style/skill set for entertainment illustration however

>> No.1788653

I'm at a pretty decent liberal arts school (Bucknell) and I'm studying engineering but i'm getting a minor in art. Hopefully things work out with transfer credits (I took a bunch of art classes at a college in high school) and I can work out a double major. Does anyone have any questions about this or anything?

>> No.1788656

Canadian from Ontario here,
I took some art courses on the side my art teacher did not even draw and did not even know who Loomis was.
I am taking Graphic Design but I like to get illustration on top of it, only problem is I am afraid I will end up wasting my money and learning nothing like I did when I was taking the art courses. I learned more in a week of learning from clt paint than I did in two semesters.
I want to improve as best as I can so I can become more confident in my work.
Suggestions Anons?

>> No.1788659

ctrl+paint *

>> No.1788687

Fun fact, RISDs most sought after professors for illustration (Shanth Enjeti, and Fred lynch) both teach smaller classes at Montserrat. Shanth is actually stopping classes at RISD to teach them at Montserrat. They both have waiting lists that sometimes go over the original class size.

Don’t let reputations of schools, and the students that come out of them give you the whole impression of the school. (Not to say RISD is a bad school, its not. But don’t go just because it has a reputation, especially in the art world where school doesn’t carry much weight).

Montserrat is a whole bowl of shit, but you could take a look into it, i would recommend it for illustration if you're motivated. Also its cheaper. by a lot.

>> No.1788719

Anyone go to MICA or have some deets on it?

Im a rising senior and currently working on my college portfolio. I would love to go to an art school but spending 160k on an art degree-
How could I even pay off that debt? Is art school worth it? I get more and more anxious about it by the day..

>> No.1788723

True, reputation nor alumni shouldn't be put first. What teachers are at a school is very important to look into. With that said, I'm very happy here.

Also, I had Fred Lynch last semester. That guy is fucking amazing. If anyone goes to RISD or Montserrat and has him, you will learn so much about critiquing.

>> No.1788923

if you went to art school for the degree, you fucked up and did it wrong. I see so many of you morons in my school (usually you drop out before graduating because you don't naturally have the drive within but thought art would be a cool job.) and wow, what a waste of time and money. The instructors can sniff you fuckers out as well and pay you no attention while focusing in the self driven students that are there to succeed, not for a piece of paper.

>> No.1788926

the illustration program is top notch at art center. I would re-word it that people should only go if they reward you with good scholarship money. It will not pay for itself with 100$k in loans. illustration can be a decent paying career, but not decently enough to pay 6 figures in loans. At the recent Icon 8 illustration conference, I realized art center dominates the field in terms of education and being on the front lines for setting trends rather than chasing trends while also teaching strong foundational skills that can carry you through any sort of trends to come. You have to be driven though as with any major. There are many that dick around and think just doing assignments and graduating is going to earn them a career.

>> No.1788931

work of art and next great artist aren't anything like school or anything else art related. they're TV shows with big capital Ts and Vs. The one you linked is a lot more like a school setting.

>> No.1788946

Jesus christ I can't fucking watch this, those people look fucking disgusting, they all look and sound fucking retarded and have shitty teeth, seriously what the fuck, they're so fucking weird

>> No.1789010

>>1786537 checking in again

Seconding this. Illustration is just adult-baby sitting for neckbeard autists and 18-year-old Asian pussy for the rest of the school to wet their dicks with. Unless you got hardcore yellow fever and a shit ton of money to spend, it's a fucking joke.

The only good illust majors here come in good and are essentially here to get a free degree from a big name school. Very few illust majors get good while they're here - you either pay the good student's scholarships or you have the scholarships.

>> No.1789159

Thanks for the link.

>> No.1789373

I though ctrl+paint just do PS tutorials? Do they do general drawing ones, too?

>> No.1789412

Considering going to NAS, but also considering SCA. 5k per semester seems much steeper than SCA.

>> No.1789423

I've heard good things about The American Academy of Art. Richard Schmid went there.
Their student work is pretty damn good.

Would AAofA Chicago be worth looking into? How does it compare to Academy of Art University in SF?

>> No.1789434

her art is literately shit,

>> No.1789443

Holy fucking christ that girl
>I'm a conceptual artist
>I steal stuff and the eat it
>Then I shit it out and put it on a wall
>lol I'm so artsy
How are these people so fucking mental?

>> No.1789455

I feel like you're saying that as an outsider of the department that doesn't really know. Yes, many that are good at it already come in with foundational skills in tact but the school is excellent at honing those skills into something marketable and more appealing to the public. I do recommend that people do their tedious, boring foundational crap at PCC or a cheap community college and develop hand/eye skills before art center. As for "illustration being neckbeard babysitting for autists," not quite sure what you're referring to. Maybe because the department is so large, you've picked a select few students and you're basing your opinion of the department off the professionalism of those few (and BTW, most of those unprofessional, non-driven ones drop off before graduating.) but we have a wide variety of skill levels and personalities. In my class alone, I've watched my peers dwindle down to a small handful as I get closer to graduating, and that handful consists of those that came in driven and skilled fundamentally (we are the few that stand a chance), and a couple students that are just sticking it out like idiots despite putting in no effort and having no scholarship (retarded). Where the "neckbeard" comment comes from, I'm unsure. I think of the ED department as the fedora/neckbeard/muh vidya gaims department, but that's their job to give a shit about video games.

>> No.1789482

So there's a few good people worthy of graduating in a sea of shit. Isn't that more or less what I said?

>> No.1789491

sheridan student here

free to answer any questions

>> No.1789499

that doesn't make the program bad, it's a really good program, it's just that there is a sea of shitty people that they allow in in the beginning knowing that there's going to be a mini-survival of the fittest that actually make it to the end and fill the walls for grad day. The program is really good if you're willing to put in the effort. So many people are only doing assignments and working towards that piece of paper. Sorry, but that doesn't work in illustration!!! Don't come here if that's your plan. If you don't have personal projects on the side of the assignments and if you don't go and meet with instructors on your free time to talk about your work, you don't use the model shop, etc, you're wasting your time. Those that take advantage of the resources, work hard and are self-driven and motivated to succeed are the ones that are way better off. If you show up, shit out some crappy homework, say "good enough", and show up 15 minutes late to critique, just drop out. If 1 painting is due, you should be doing 2, or doing one giant one while everyone else works on a babby canvas. Don't be an asshole, work hard.

>> No.1789501

>the model shop
whats that

>> No.1789503

it's basically a wood shop, but more.... 3D printing, laser cutting, sanding room, metal room, chemical shit, spray booths, etc.

>> No.1789510

im looking to get into the illustration program, can u use digital for all their courses? and what program are u in, and is illustration worth it

>> No.1789522


im not in illustration but i do know you can't use digital for all their classes, like life drawing and life painting but medium is fair game for the other classes

i think it's worth it if you really apply yourself and take advantage of the resources sheridan provides, like extra life six times a week in as many as five different life drawing studios in the art wing, and twice weekly life painting classes. plus tutors and just taking initiative to improve on your own

>> No.1789525

twice weekly extra life painting classes* illustration students have mandatory life painting classes as part of their curriculum

>> No.1789713

I guess my point is why would you go for illust if you could do ED? It's just a watered down easy-mode version of our dept with more shitty people. I mean, sure, you can make the best of illust, but why not just get that from the get-go from a better dept like ED? I feel like you don't have to sweet-talk your profs to get actually good advice. You don't have to sift through the shit. The application process already does that for you.

Also, I've taken you guys' classes. They're just not that good. There's a reason everyone wants to transfer illust to ED and NO ONE wants to go the other way around.

>> No.1789910

you obviously don't know what illustration is. Many of us DON'T want to work in the entertainment field. There is a wide variation on what illustration careers can be.

>> No.1789923


>> No.1789932

Any recommendations for art schools in Colorado?

Don't say the art institute cus that shit's expensive and full of loonies.

>> No.1789952

I forgot, the only carriers are drawing swords, warriors, dragons and space suits when it comes to art. Nobody works on the illustrations you see on a million different products, nobody makes the illustrations in the newspapers you're obviously too stupid to ever pick up. nobody makes the motion pieces in commercials you see, nobody designs the prints on fabrics, nobody makes illustrative promo art or concert posters or record covers, etc. I guess I'd better grow my neckhair out and start drawing stupid giant spaceships next to little people standing in the foreground if I want to make money.

>> No.1789953

PS, I know you think you're high and my mighty for getting into a more exclusive club, but when DreamWorks, Disney, and Pixar hire art center students, they hire from illustration, not erectile dysfunction.

>> No.1789961

every dept has its stereotypes - we have space marines, you have pink noses and adventure time. don't pretend like stereotypes define us unless you want to accept your own department's stereotypes.

idk kids are already getting hired into those companies from 4th/5th term. maybe the reason you don't see them getting the jobs is we don't have to wait til graduation to get hired, lol.

>> No.1789972

...and you're what term now?

>> No.1789976

gonna be 5th in spring, i'm taking fall off and we don't have summer term (for whatever reason).

not sure why that's relevant, though. this isn't about you or me, but i'm not surprised you'd resort to ad hominem fallacies to try to make your shitty points, lol

>> No.1790350

i have 3 friends that go to SCA, all 3 are doing nothing with the degree, on the other hand i directly know 5 people from NAS that are active within the art world and creative industry.

take that for its worth.

oh and life drawing at SCA is definatly dead/dying.

>> No.1790875
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after all, conceptual is shit

>> No.1790951
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>4 months left until my app to calarts is due
>have been working at a breakneck pace to try and scratch my way in
>no visible improvement in 8 months
have you ever wanted to die /ic/?

>> No.1790966

> fine art degree
> worked extensively as an artist assistant
> getting gallery jobs before even graduating
> being offered assistant curator, installation director

people warned me that i'd never have a job with an art degree, yet there seems to be plenty available, with lots of room to go upwards

The art school i went to was 99% women, who have all gotten married and had kids within 5 years of graduating.

I went to an arts economic symposium, only 7 out of 100 fine art students lands a job in the field, and its generally the only 7 who actually want to work

>> No.1791058

got a blog or art online anon?

>> No.1791423

what is it that differentiates the two schools?

>> No.1791654

>who have all gotten married and had kids within 5 years of graduating
I guess I have heard of women who just go to college to find a good man to marry, is it like that or did they continue working instead of becoming housewives?

>> No.1791875

>Art's cool at art school
Okay guys... I'm getting close to the end of this summer semester. After many helpful Figure drawing and such classes I find myself in a position where the classes school has to offer are mainly art history classes and such that I need to take in order to claim the degree... I know school is a scam and such (bluefley keeps saying that) and I have been having that feeling since last year. I finally told my parents that I need no degree as an artist and that what I really need is a portfolio to show to a studio/publisher/developer/client. Anyways... should I have done this before or was this a good time to quit?

>> No.1792036

This is so common. It's actually really frustrating as a woman that DOESN'T go to school for something like that in a male-dominated industry because you actually get a lot of shit for not being like all your male peers' cheerleader girlfriends.

All my peers have a lot of trouble figuring out why I can't be cute and demure and always compliment them and tell them how amazing and cool they are just like their girlfriends. They get pissy if/when I get better marks and always try to underhand it by saying it's cuz I'm a girl and I musta flirted to get those marks or something. People get all offended when I speak up in critiques (I usually start with a compliment first just so people don't get TOO sensitive, though) or present my concept confidently (i.e. not starting with dumb shit like, "I'm not that good, but...") even though they have no issue with male peers doing the same thing. Seems like they have trouble accepting women as both female and competitive individuals.

Or maybe my peers are all just assholes, idk I'd like the believe the latter.

>> No.1792038

I'd say the latter, but my art program was mostly chicks so it wasn't very likely that such an attitude could even survive. Either you're wrong and annoying and are too blinded by hubris to see it, or you just got dealt a bad hand as far as peers go.

>> No.1792049

Why do I get the distinct impression that I am the only one here who smokes weed?
I can relate to this.

>> No.1792060

Don't count on it, Dave just bitches about himself all the time about how he has no motivation and on how he works at Walmart.

>> No.1792061

to me technical dave reminds me of that one young guy who won't listen to anything the teachers say and does mediocre bland drawings and then wonders why he's not getting anything out of it.

like..you know the movie 'art school confidential' like that, only his paintings really do suck and he's the only one who thinks they're better than everyone else.

>> No.1792275

Is Bath Spa any good?

>> No.1792349

can I get into a school with this level of work

my mom is lame and going to kick me out in a couple months so I wanna find something to do to waste time before suduko

do qt 3.14 art school asians I always hear about go to community colleges too that might be a cheaper way to be around them

or maybe there is a cheap country with cool shit to draw that might be a lot better because you can just get fucked up all day and draw prostitutes

>> No.1792351
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oh yea and I messed with 3d before but it's boring as shit but if it's easier to get scholorships for those schools I'll do more of them but I dunno if anyone knows any schools for this shit and /3/ is shit

>> No.1792358

here in holland we also have really large numbers of woman in artschool, most of them (in my class) openly say that they do not want to be an artist in the future.

i think there are typical schools where women simply feel comfortable and have a chance of meeting other women, and that could be the reason to join a class.
other classes that are popular are psychology, foreign languages, rights (law&order?), philosophy..
i have also done ICT, and there where 3 women there, out of 200~ students.

>> No.1792360

the quality of your work is good enough, but be carefull, it can be too good.
they are after students who want to learn.
you should show that you are flexible.

>> No.1792570

I don't think I'm that good comparatively and actually believe I have a lot to learn from my peers, it's just if I see like a glaring tangent or faulty perspective, it doesn't take a genius to point that out. Like I said I'm not being a birch about it and I'm not claiming I'm better, I just want to be in an environment where we all have enough self esteem to be able to correct each other and learn from each other. Not one where everyone is to sensitive to speak up during crits.

It also doesn't help that I have some resentful exes that believe I guess believe that if they are not entitled to my affection no one should be. I think it'd just the nature if the department. Usually kids that wanna do concept art and grew up on video games coincidentally don't have a lot of experience with dealing with women, or at least that's how it seems.

>> No.1792594

I don't think he spends time on those drawings at all. You know, to save on production time.

>> No.1792615

You can see the skill of someone even in a doodle. Years of artschool and this kind of level is pretty poor.
But I am not a fan of his videos, he is the person he complains about in his videos.

>> No.1793553

I don't think you understand the dif between concept art/conceptual art

>> No.1793557
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Honestly if you don't provide life drawing to your youngest students you are just setting them up for failure
You have to get those fundamentals taught EARLY it saves so much time in long run in fixing bad habits
Any school that cant manage that is seriously 4th rate art school sorry. This is like day one stuff.

>> No.1793568
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I am a recent Art School grad (to a mid sized school just outside Boston) and I'm here to give you some advice, even if its something you've heard before.
- Take any and all CSS/HTML class offered. You are going to need a day job and knowledge in that field is a great mix of cold cash and creativity
- same goes for graphic design course. I am a mediocre graphic designer at BEST but I've been able to bullshit my way into work because I had an OK portfolio to show.
-Pay attention to life drawing its important for the reasons you think and more
-for god's sake ask your professors questions. Any question. Try to develop a relationship of some sort because you will need those letters and they can keep you in touch with job offers (and it helps your grade. Just ask them about what they like and be polite)
- (this is illustrator specific but you know grain of salt) if you really enjoy drawing a certain way/ doing a certain thing please keep with it (unless its something bullshit like bad anime or furry) because otherwise you will fight against your instincts for the rest of your career there and you wont be happy and your work will suffer!
- Make use of that library. Take scans, cell phone pics etc. My biggest regret is never doing this. Its a resource you wont get again and for as much as you pay you might as well
- get a website and business cards early. Use free services like Weebly
Ill be around all night if people have more questions to be honest

>> No.1793573

all those schools are kinda bullshit
its decent showing of skills but they are more refuges for already talented young artists without the money for traditional schools. You are seeing the best 10 students in whole program.
Also notice how at least from these examples its all skills no concept. Bad sign

>> No.1793575

There is no point in wasting all that money on RISD unless you are genuinely good to start with
Especially since they are insanely expensive and like half their staff teaches at Montserrat 2 hours away as well for half the price because they like it better.

>> No.1793588

Congrats on making it through, seriously.

>> No.1793591

>to a mid sized school just outside Boston

>> No.1793595

How bad is the debt and money situation associated with art school?
I dropped out of the Art Institutes cooking program a couple of years ago and the debt is TOO crushing. I think I only owe some $10,000 or so.

I've been a total shut-in since I left and I kind of want to go back to school, even just to meet and interact with people who have the same interests as me.

>> No.1793596

Whoops, meant the debt ISN'T too crushing. $10,000 isn't that bad.

>> No.1793601

I know for Ontario there's Sheridan students here, but how about Seneca? I plan on going there in Jan.

>> No.1793664

if you wanna be an environment modeler for games their animation program seems decent

but the way it's structured is fucked up

first 2 years strictly 2d, third year strictly 3d

if they have a game des program its prob decent

their illustration program is a joke



some links for you anon

>> No.1793673

Aside from the mediocre student work (that's rather expected), what's wrong with their Independent Illustration program exactly? The course schedule seem pretty good.

That, and it's really the only option I have. Humber is really just basic fundamental shit and more fine arts-orientated (I'm more digital) and more expensive than Seneca. Sheridan is too far for me currently, and I can always just transfer my credits later on.

>> No.1793692

>Aside from the mediocre student work (that's rather expected), what's wrong with their Independent Illustration program exactly? The course schedule seem pretty good.

fair point. my opinions have been solely based on the quality of student work. what are their courses like?

>> No.1793753

Honestly a really good school.
Especially in the coming years. They are really beefing up on the staff. Shanth Enjeti teaching one class is worth the tuition alone to be honest.
(insider tip, he told me in semi-confidence that he 'dislikes RISD and prefers Montserrat' because 'students at RISD never listen and everyone is a stuck up rich kid but montserrat students are more interested in the practical side of things)
This was DEFINITELY my experience.
This isnt some montserrat shill but if you are in the east coast (non new york) area montserrat or massart are your best bets for sure.

>> No.1793862


Do you have the opportunity to meet any professional alumni. Have you considered an internship? Do any companies have a history of recruiting from your school?

Basically, if you feel you feel like you can leverage your skills as they are into a career immediately, or you feel you can learn more quickly and find better connections more effectively out of school, you should quit. If not, consider looking for other ways to boost your chances of of finding work besides your course work.

>> No.1793921

At a local art school someone accidentally broke a chair when they sat on it and not knowing what to do they just left it in the main hall. It was left there for a week because people thought it was someone's project.

>> No.1794473

Isn't it also bad? Art Institues in general?

>> No.1794481


>> No.1794605

>stealing stuff like precious gems/jewelry and then shitting them out
Well now the original owner would ever want them back and she gets to keep anything she shits out to pawn off later. That's so fucking dumb it's a few shades of circling back to brilliant since she doesn't want to work to support herself.

>> No.1794686

How much was your tuition?
I heard they have students live in apartment-esque complexes, are they charged rent monthly or is it like Uni boarding?

>> No.1794723

fuck you pleb kill youself
yes Roisin Byrne is a horrible artist, that doesent mean
>hurr durr conceptual art is the worst thing evar
their are some beautiful and amazing conceptual artists out their, conceptual art can stir emotion in ways other forms of art cannot, however a lot of people who try to become a conceptual artist just suck balls, Byrne included

>> No.1794827

I dropped out of art school many years ago, due to a lot of crazy shit that was going on in my life. Now I have managed to get my debt together and I will be eligible to go back to school come the fall. I have been considering going back to school to finish my art studies, but I know that some of my friends are telling me it's not worth it. Personally, I would just like to finish my degree so I can have it. In addition, I want to make more contacts in the field by getting to know more of my teachers and professors. It was one of the many things I regretted not trying harder at.

I have been considering my options and it seems, from this thread (as well as the many I've come across on /ic/) that its just not really worth it? I have been contemplating going with this particular state school that's willing to pay me to take whatever classes I need to finish my degree provided that they don't offer it. They will also take some of my credits and consider what I do now as part of my credits. It is my cheaper option.

Otoh, I was contemplating going back to my original school and to talk to the head of the illustration department I was originally in before I moved to graphic design (worst decision I ever made) to see if he would let me back in. My grades in my final year at school were atrocious as I was dealing depression and being very ill, but my art has improved considerably, I feel, since so I was maybe hoping that I could strike some sort of deal.

If that didn't work out I was considering trying another school entirely, even contemplating something outside of the US, but only if they were going to offer me considerable financial help. I am kinda not sure yet, but does anyone have any suggestions on a school that does have a good illustration program that has a good focus on learning the essentials, but still will be open enough to let me take various classes in different majors. I feel that I feel that I don't want to be locked down as I was last time.

>> No.1794829

and? your point is

>> No.1794861

This is the reason I left art school after a year. I was willing to be in debt, but not if I'm being denied a quality education that I'm paying for. Teachers giving too specific prompts that give you no room for creativity, ditzy students who talk all day and then complain that they failed their assessment, and teachers who give bad grades because you can't write a 10-page essay about why you made your art the way you did.

>> No.1795251

sounds like you went to a shitty art school

honestly there's only like 5 schools at least in the us worth going to

>> No.1795282

I do have a few professional connections already, I just need to improve my skill and I feel like I can improve faster on my own, school is only wasting my time now.

>> No.1795331
File: 1.26 MB, 400x211, tumblr_muobmtuz2U1sewz1yo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw you graduated from The Joe Kubert School over 4 years ago and haven't really gone anywhere

Granted, an alumni hooked me up with getting a job as a technical artist for a slot machine gaming company, but my job doesn't involve much drawing and I'm sad.

They have an art team full of amazing illustrators and I'd hope to reach their level one day, but this very job is taking away precious drawing time I would use to improve.

>> No.1795333

> feel like I went to the wrong school
> would like to go back to a better art school but now going on 25
> feel like I'm too old to go back to school for a field where you're expected to start being successful around 21-22

>> No.1795338

> feel like I'm too old to go back to school for a field where you're expected to start being successful around 21-22

Are you going into tech or becoming a pop star?

Also, I plan on going back to school and I'm older than you. Stop being a drama queen.

>> No.1796909

I remember wanting to go there when I was 14, and really into comics.

>> No.1796961

ah, wish I could go back.
I surely wasted a lot of my first two years in uni. And quite bit of the third too.
I was an AWFUL student! I am impressed with the patience the teachers showed me, in retrospect.
Even so... those years I learned more about drawing than I had my entire life...
Oh well, past is past. Make best of future.

>> No.1797305

The tutors at my art school are crap, I hate their work. Should I listen to their advice or just ignore them? I don't want to produce anything like what they do. I'm scared they might be a bad influence on me.

>> No.1797507

Was this an act? Some sort of weird, misplaced popularity stunt?
Did they realize how bad this documentary paints them?
This is appalling.
It's 4 years old, I sure hope this is not how the university still is.

>> No.1798831

Maybe that's why they haven't done another one. Lol.

>> No.1798846

it was a joke.

>> No.1799574

Pretty bad joke, most people would probably take it seriously

>> No.1799605

Oh shit.

>> No.1799619

>video towards fine artists

>> No.1800214

...my friend is going to that uni this autumn.

>> No.1800781

depends what subject matter you're aiming at

>> No.1800797

idgi. why wasn't she arrested for admitting to theft?

>> No.1800849


Yeah, it's weird, but I'm really jealous of how they're confident with their craft. I wish I could feel the same.

>> No.1800998

>did not even know who Loomis was
not knowing about a single 'how to draw' artist is on the same low level as not drawing at all to you? you need to stop drinking the /ic/ quenchaid.

>> No.1801001

yes, ctrl+paint unplugged. check the site.

>> No.1801006
File: 64 KB, 348x500, 1395578353025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play nice, we're all fucked for job prospects

>> No.1801009

movie is dumb. sexy girl though

>> No.1801015

What should I learn in art school? I know I could make a decent living via commissions, but I have no idea what I want to do "in real life". I wanted to go to an art school in another city to learn painting and restoration, but my father wants me to go to another country to better art schools. I live in Europe, so I'm thinking UK or Ireland, since English is the only language I'm fluent in, other than my mother tongue. What do?

>> No.1801021


>> No.1801337

>art student who steals, and shits out stolen property as her artwork

...I thought didn't think you were speaking literally

>> No.1801410

What expectations? Plenty of people go to art schools as their version of graduate school, so you won't be alone in being old.

>> No.1801446

what? the art version of graduate school is art graduate school. an MFA program.

>> No.1801450

no it's a DLA program

>> No.1802199


>> No.1802520

What a bunch of fuckin wankstains

>> No.1802525

The shitty state of "art" now-a-days

the point is if art isn't distinguishable from literal trash what's the point?

>> No.1802535

>introduces himself as the sucklord
what the fuck is this guy's deal

>> No.1804169

Is this movie good? I wanna watch it.

>> No.1804174

I'm at the art institute of phoenix for game art and design. Everything in it is great, but I'm considering to switching to multimedia arts and animation since there's a new director in the field pushing it into a more animation class styled meta of sorts. Should I stick with the major I feel is perfect for me, and just go above and beyond the classes, or go for a more industry accepted major like animation and use it to try and get game jobs post-college?

>> No.1805174

Hi /ic/,
I'm currently an engineer but have been contemplating a career change. I've always been good at drawing, and would like to work as an artist in gaming/film. Do employers in this field typically look for specific formal qualifications? If so, which ones, and from where?
Or is it simply a matter of git gud and create a good portfolio to show them?

>> No.1805413

I wish i knew who you were anon, where ever you may be.
As a grad this year and one of shanths students, i can back this up.
Also i didnt think anyone else used 4chan in our class.

>> No.1805430

Do the major art schools in USA tend to care about how old you are when you apply?

>> No.1805535

go look at some companies criteria for artist, usually they like you to be good at 3d modeling software and various other things.

>> No.1805741

NAS has more a focus on traditional fundamental life drawing.
SCA does not.
SCA has a far better ceramics department.
painting studio space in NAS is far better than SCA. and NAS has beter more relevant teachers (Archibald winners and accepted painters ect.)

ay nas you pay extra to rub sholders to semi famous lecturers and the odd actual relevant australian artist.
sca gives you australias best in lecturers, (too bad UNSW dosnt alow any one but the master students to talk to them and everyone else there has to deal with lecturers whome are just abouve the highschool line of experience)

>> No.1805819

Hey IC does anyone know about any university or academy that gives international scholarships?
In any country?
I'm a poor fag and I want to get the hell out of this country =(

>> No.1806069

most people won't admit to using 4chan bc of its reputation

>> No.1806094
File: 302 KB, 1920x1120, mamgpha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeee RISD represent. Majored there in animation. Twas fun. Good drugs in Provy too.

>> No.1806097
File: 359 KB, 1236x1600, ©ShanthEnjetiMythophoricCharacterDesignFourFormsPG1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw Shanth is an amazing teacher, had him for 3-ish courses (I sat in on my friend's comic class for almost the full semester because I had the time). His character design class is tops. Gonna dump some informative sheets of his:

>> No.1806098
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>> No.1806100
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>> No.1806101
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>> No.1806110



>> No.1806124

Back on my first days of college, a certain prof said that students should have grasped a certain level of drawing otherwise what was the point of going to art school to just start learning how to draw.

Think he's right?

>> No.1806136

That's how it is in most places and while i understand it, i think the system is fucked. Because in reality in regular schools no one gives a shit about art. Imagine being a 14 year old. Do you really know at that age what you wanna do with your life? Because school doesn't teach you art fundamentels. It's just various techniques and as long as you do something you get the best possible grade on your shitty work anyway, even if you didn't learn anything. It's good enough going to art classes to get your A+. No one gives a shit what you produce in these classes and for some reason everyone seems fine with it as if art was just a hobby and wether you wanna do it or not is your decision...
And then you are 18 and you decide you wanna go to a university to study art. Too bad your previous school didn't teach you jack shit. Now you have to spend your free time teaching yourself, so you can be accepted into a university where they'll teach you.
That's what's fucked up. School doesn't offer sufficient art education and University requires you to be good already. So what options do you have, other than teaching yourself? That's what pisses me off. I wanna go to a university so I can learn that shit they didnt teach me at school.

But then it also has its advantages having to take an exam to get into an art university. You'll belong to a more or less exclusive group of people who are serious about what they do and who are already able to produce more or less good art. It keeps all those faggot nobodies from joining art universities, all those deviantart tier ignorants who cant tell if they suck .

>> No.1806196

Yeah. To get the most out of the experience, you're gonna wanna have some skill before you go there. If you go in there with nothing, you probably won't get as much out of it as someone who's already got some skill.
>i think the system is fucked. Because in reality in regular schools no one gives a shit about art.
At least here in murrika, arts and music are the first things to get axed when there's a budget crunch. There's very much an attitude that art and music classes are disposable, which is really kind of fucked up, but then, so is the whole way art is viewed in murrica. If you need example, go look at the forexposuretxt twitter.

>> No.1806275
File: 21 KB, 190x140, Ai_logo_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on Art Institute?

>> No.1806302


>> No.1806347

Care to explain?

>> No.1806382


>> No.1806440


lol. Art school should be super technical, for technique, method and rigorous practice.

Art school for "concepts" and "abstract" shit doesn't work, what's the point? What a waste of money