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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 222 KB, 825x1300, 10380632_893452217336881_4213889338573639599_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1777992 No.1777992 [Reply] [Original]

Now everything someone do in a simplified painting is stealing Dave's style.
Yeah right, because every anime ever made wan'st exactly painted like this before Dave Rapoza "inventing" this style.

Same thing goes for Anthony Jones, that will be associated with any work that heavily rely on the smudge tool from now on.

That community is so full of shit..

>> No.1778004

>learns ONLY rendering style of artists from tuts
You're bretty gud at learning I see

>> No.1778006

>That community is so full of shit..
Quit, whiny bitch

>> No.1778014


did dave actually bitch about it like that?

did anthony jones actually bitch about smudge tool use like it was "his thing" ? because i've been using it heavily before even know about AJ.

a) AJ is kinda bad (only does characters somewhat decently)
b) dat leg lenght disparity on this witch
c) gumroad is starting to fucking annoy the shit out of me

>> No.1778017

>gumroad is starting to fucking annoy the shit out of me
>mfw Kuciara tuts are immensely helpful

>> No.1778256

No, other people are starting to call the styles to look like AJ and Dave styles, as if it was something entirely new.
Also, there is nothing wrong with the leg.

>> No.1778265

yeah apparently for some people style = tools.
You get anthony jones look just by using a default hard round plus a soft smudge tool. wow what a personal style .
Also if you happen to use a default round brush with no pressure for your lines apparently youre copying someone else who did it before you top kek

>> No.1778269

Stop making up problems where there are none. Never have I heard anyone complain about these things you mention. Not once.

>> No.1778297

>Also if you happen to use a default round brush with no pressure for your lines apparently youre copying someone else who did it before you top kek

So everyone's shadow of Thomas Knoll.
Ultra top kek

>> No.1778312


You see those things in facebook. Also, Dave just released his tut, wait and I'll see.

I already saw people right here in /ic/ calling someone AJ, so it's happening.

>> No.1778728

What in the actual fuck is with that leg?

>> No.1778739


>Nothing wrong with the leg.

Nigga wat.

>> No.1778760

>yfw Anthony Jones actually read through the first thread on /ic/ where everyone was leeching off people who bought his gumroad tuts

We've got some buttfuckers in our midst.

>> No.1779051

It seems very obvious what is wrong with that leg, it's too long. You must be unbelievably shitty and blind if you have to fucking ask.

>> No.1779139
File: 249 KB, 1920x1440, cute_kids_babies_hd_6-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1779141

Will there be cgpeers gumroad pack sometime soon?

>> No.1779146

You must be unbelievable bad, of those kind who thinks they're any good, we have lots of that here in /ic/.
Seriously, you don't know shit about design/character design. The legs are so obviously drawn this way to be more creepy and not to be proportionally correct with human anatomy. Her arms are elongated too, btw.
Now go back to study before trying to critique a professional work you don't know a damn about.

>> No.1779153

Reading comprehension you fucking moron. I'm not even criticizing Dave's work, I'm simply answering this idiot (probably you) who mentions something is "wrong" with the leg. What he notices as wrong is that the leg is elongated. God damn you are stupid.

>> No.1779156

Anon I know its too long, thats why I was asking, how the author could fuck it up so badly.

>> No.1779160

>character design hurrdurr
Yeah, thats why one leg is 30% longer than the other, haha 10/10 anon.

>> No.1779162
File: 72 KB, 445x436, bOukTcQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Dan, are you gonna git gud anytime soon?

>> No.1779164


You're making a fool of yourself, please stop. Learn how bone structure works before stating something like this. I would do a red line to show you, but you don't deserve that much time.

Where is your fucking read comprehension? I don't think there is anything wrong with the leg, and if someone think it is, it's because hes not able to critique on anatomy yet.

>> No.1779165

it is also positionally impossible for the left foot to be where it is. especially with the knee pointing towards us.
just goes to show that draing is a different game from painting. i doubt dave would have missed that mistake if he painted the image

>> No.1779171

who the fuck cares,
Design > 100% Anatomy Accuracy

>> No.1779177
File: 139 KB, 476x800, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatomy is generally very wonky and its hard to tell what is on purpose, ie. the tighs. That leg and foot though are obvious errors/lack of proper ref.

>> No.1779179


>> No.1779185

You need to study more before trying to do a red line over a drawing. Your proportions are fucked up, you don't understand bone structure and the drawing would look like shit if followed your lines. lol

>> No.1779186
File: 21 KB, 193x182, 1402765978050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing a tutorial to figure this style out
this is like when james jean posted his process and people still didn't get it. good for dave though; free money. maybe he can finally finish skull and shark now

>> No.1779187


>> No.1779189
File: 18 KB, 359x451, Ff_mr-fantastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously this retarded? Redline pointing out anatomy errors in the drawing, not making lines to follow.

And it seems like in your mind knowing bone structure means thinking femur lengthens at will.

>> No.1779214

I humbly believe that the fact the foot leaves the picture is a clear message that it was done on purpose. I don't know much about Rapoza but I've watched a few of his critic videos from a few years back, and he looked like he got off to putting jokes and cheesy shit in his work.

>> No.1779225

Are you retarded? I'm not even the anon who did the redline but it is painfully obvious that it is more correct than the original. The original looks so wrong--the femur snaps halfway through so the leg comes towards us strangely and the entire thing is extremely long. Rapoza plain old fucked up, the perspective of the foot placement doesn't work at all and wouldn't be able to support the creature.

>> No.1779243

Seems like you need to start learning anatomy kek, Loomis seems a good place to learn basic proportions.

>> No.1779263
File: 166 KB, 476x800, 1405350972018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but I don't think it's more correct. He just changed the direction the leg is pointing, which is not what Dave tried to accomplish.
Did this in paint, so sorry for the bad quality, but just measure the femur length, it's just a little bit extended, looks fine to me.

>> No.1779267

You cant be serious

>> No.1779311

then do your own revision if you are better than him

>> No.1779313

Die in a fire. Remember; not smoke inhalation.

>> No.1779316

Itd be cool if dan warren kept jumping on dave rapoza and made him cry like crazy and dan would be like fuck u cry baby

>> No.1779320

I am... Do your version, show the bone structure in a better way, please.

>> No.1779331


jesus christ people. you don't need a fucking redline for this. just look at the position of the right foot and the position where the left foor enters the water. it's wrong beyond any reasonable doubt.

>> No.1779341

ITT so many apologists and fanboys that cant see obvious errors and babble about bone structure and shit

>> No.1779346
File: 59 KB, 759x673, Dav Rap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1779348

Did any of you even buy the tutorial? He says himself he wants that wonky and almost broken boned anatomy. It aids the idea of this character.

Typical /ic/ I guess. Only goes by the book. Too afraid to try things outside that scope and experiment/push the limits of their understanding.

>> No.1779350

I can pose like that, it's uncomfortable but plausible, even more so with that anatomy.

>> No.1779354

>being this autistic about anatomy in a picture where it looks good anyway and doesn't matter
jesus christ

>> No.1779377
File: 56 KB, 600x803, frazetta-0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought, he says it and I already posted he choose to do it this way, but people here know more about character design than someone working in the high ranks of the industry.


This. It's completely plausible, even more when he purposely made the pose uncomfortable to look at for the creepiness factor it adds to the character. Also, as I said, the bone structure isn't incorrect. Maybe one bone is some milliliters longer than the other, but just /ic/ seems to care about it.

Just here I see people complaining about some anatomy differences from the human form in a creature design. It's like saying the creature in pic related is bad because his head and feet are too big. lol

>> No.1779378

It's a boss painting, but let's be honest, those flipper feet are pretty shitty design. Just because it is Frazetta doesn't mean it is automatically amazing in every regard.

>> No.1779379

>Did any of you even buy the tutorial?


>> No.1779381

>Maybe one bone is some milliliters longer than the other

Blind as bat, quit art already pls, you will never make it.

>> No.1779386

what about >>1779331

their positions in space just don't make sense. how the fuck can you not see that.

>> No.1779387

I didn't said I like the design(although I like it), I said it was an artistic choice.

Yeah, right.
Show us the red lines, someone already posted what I meant for it being just slight longer, the other underdrawing someone did to show the error was deviating from the design, trying to fit the creature in loomis proportion. Clearly someone who just read the books but didn't had time to apply it yet.

>> No.1779388

>I can pose like that
You can't, unless your left leg is longer than your right one.

>> No.1779390

>Show us the red lines

Do you actually need a red line that shows one tight being much longer than the other?

>> No.1779422

If it looks right then it is right. The inverse is also true. Although the low vp, her leg is too fucking long. It doesn't look right. Or her right knee should be pointing towards us to indicate foreshortening. It looks wrong, therefore it is.

>> No.1779430

i'm almost split on the leg being a bad decision. i mean it is fucked, but if it was long enough, it would ruin the compostion
this must be drawn; dan & dave otp

>> No.1779493

if he knew what he was doing he would have moved the right knee closer to the viewer maintaining comp as well as structural integrity

>> No.1779510

i thought about that too, but that or a foreshortened leg fundamentally changes the shape language of the piece. if being correct for art nerds breaks your composition, is it still the right thing to do? as a design, this is nonfunctional; but as an illustration?
i doubt that he did it deliberately, but then again, dave has his anatomy pretty nailed down so idk

not trying to suck his dick here even though i probably would, i just think this is an area of thought we avoid here

>> No.1779540
File: 38 KB, 310x222, nau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting

>> No.1779570

I was actually watching the tutorial and it was alright for the most part... But then I saw that leg and I swear I got dizzy, almost passed out at my keyboard. My head started to swim and all I could think about was that maybe... Maybe we should kill him? Maybe we should kill dave.

>> No.1779594
File: 9 KB, 300x250, 2154874554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of when i see a dave thread its usally started by him or his fat friend

second, in the case of stylization and illustration especially for the general public readers, its only the 1%'ers that will notice the weird left left. that being said the entire figure is bent and squashed, i think the leg is meant to lead to to the next page like and arrow haha

thirdly thank you ic just fucken thank you

>> No.1779617



>> No.1779655

Upload it to mediafire it anon so we can git gud too.

>> No.1779712

seconding to pirate it.
it's a huge deal for me to get money from real life to paypal.

>> No.1779715

also the feet are absolutely tiny, yes? Isn't there usually a correlation between hands and feet? Because having such lanky hands and tiny feet look weird, especially since the feet would be closer to us. I really like the illustration in general, the colors and mood especially.

>> No.1779786

Anon could you share the brushes from that tutorial?

>> No.1779803

I'm only uploading these since they're the smallest. I more than likely won't upload the rest. Too large.


Character Art Disclaimer:

Basic Breakdown Nebula

>> No.1779850 [DELETED] 


Since you're cool enough to post up stuff, here's Eytan Zana's videos, everybody! merry fucking christmas


color and light

>> No.1779873

Jesus christ, I knew it. I fucking KNEW it.

As soon as these gumroad tutorials started blowing up I said to myself "Yup ic is going to find something to hate about this"

There is a reason nobody here ever succeeds, it's because you all sit around rarely drawing and just hating everyone and everything even remotely more successful than you.

And then you spend the other 80% of the thread picking up rapoza's illustration. Typical irrelevant ic bullshit. LEGS TOO LONG WHAT A FUCKING HACK.
The difference between professionals and the crybabies on ic who just rinse repeat the same few irrelevant exercises forever is they know what works. Firstly, rapoza pumped this out live in no fucking time at all. Secondly, the tiny discrepancies that ic latches onto are meaningless, the image works on it's first read. That's almost literally ALL THAT COUNTS. You show this to anyone who isn't some self-obsessed aspiring digital art failure from IC and they'll think it's awesome, that's why he is an entertainment industry professional and you're not. If anything the extreme extension of the leg helps the composition and the line of sight throughout the image.

Seriously, if you idiots spent even half as much time just trying to make images that worked instead of esoteric garbage to impress ic's idiotic expectations you'd go much further with your art.

>> No.1779877

Take it easy on your heart Dan, dont die before gitting average

>> No.1779881

Thx anon

>> No.1779882

>You show this to anyone who isn't some self-obsessed aspiring digital art failure from IC and they'll think it's awesome

nope. just showed this to my mom and she said "isn't this leg way too long?"


>> No.1779889

thanks. The same feel was up in my throat.

Yes, because your mom is the target of those type of illustration. kek

>> No.1779891

>decrepit old swamp creature
>having perfect anatomy
Oh right, I'm on /ic/.

>> No.1779892

it's really fucking long though, it's not a nitpick. it's almost the most notable thing about the image.

>> No.1779896


*returns to drawing hannah barbera era loomis cartoons for the next 8 years*

one day ill make it.... then ill show them!!

*wipes away tears*

>> No.1779918

I mean i agree that most people on here are dipshits who argue anatomy and proportions without knowing either.

But that leg is kind of distracting, maybe it's from people mentioning it but it looks pretty fucked.

>they called my animu horsegirl shitty

>> No.1779931


Even after Rapoza said he took a lot of the style out of certain anime/mangas/japstuffs? I saw Jon Rector trying it out saying it's the "Rapozza method" or shit like that.

I haven't seen the tutorial itself yet.

>> No.1779937

to all the guys defending daves mega long leg

if it was a compositional thing he would have made sure to either describe the right leg as more twisted away from the viewer, receding into the background (a little cast shadow falling on the left leg for instance) or he would have made sure to make the right leg atleast REASONABLY comparable in lenght.

the lenght difference right now is too large it throws the viewer off. yes it's a monster yada yada, but the distortion hurts the image. simple as that.

>> No.1779940
File: 220 KB, 825x703, 99999999999d-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.1779945

not only that it's a super common error to make. you see it in like caravaggioesque stuff all the time too and i think most of us have made a similar error in our own work.

>> No.1779952

Most of us aren't trying to sell lessons

>> No.1779969

This literally has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.1779982

i dont think the painting is that cool. id rather spend 20 bucks on someone who actually knows what theyre talking about than 5 bucks on a hipster like dave rapoza

>> No.1780003


I agree, Dan.

>> No.1780009

why is everyone calling me dan? I actually feel like I'm missing out on a good joke here

>> No.1780019

Says the hipster. Tell us, what great obscure Russian artists that literally only you have heard of inspires you?
Be sure to list their names in Russian to make it even more obnoxious.

>> No.1780020

This thread has been linked to Rapozas facebook I REPEAT YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN EXPOSED! Now you shall taste the steel of facebook fan boys.

>> No.1780031

where? I can't find it.

>> No.1780043

/ic/ can't even support a /po/ invasion with its 2 resident anons, much less a facebook one.
It's over, we're finished.

>> No.1780044
File: 709 KB, 825x1300, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be wrong on this but according to hales proportion system it just looks like stylised anatomy aka he used 4 cranial lengths instead of 3. AGAIN i might be wrong.Also everyone knows that loomis is beginner tier and after that is shit

>> No.1780049

Not fooling anyone stylefag

>> No.1780051

Spheres don't foreshorten in perspective, that you got right, but it doesn't mean you should put them each next to each other without any overlapping. Otherwise it would be impossible to ever show any foreshortening.
Once you take that into account, you should be able to see that the left leg is indeed too long.

>> No.1780056
File: 31 KB, 720x720, 1468492_633255650050243_358331566_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1780060

he posted a rant, look up his page on facebook its his most recent post

>> No.1780062
File: 713 KB, 825x1300, uw0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u w0t m8
My mistake it looked like it doesent have a lot of foreshortening.But i wont fix it cause i rather be drawing than be butthurt about Dave he can draw ponies for all i care

>> No.1780066

I'd rather be watching porn than reading your crap.

>> No.1780068

Im just trying to be a rational human and not jump on the bandwagon without checking the facts myself and now im going to do some art and improve.And you can continue procrastinating on ic and not improve.

>> No.1780096

blabla in the end, it's just wrong.
you talk about wasting time, but look who the first ones making the long posts were: it was the people who defended this piece. just look at how much energy you spend trying to defend this lame piece.

just by pic related ALONE you can tell that the leg is actually going towards us. the right shin and the left tigh should be touching, and it's barely possible. just try to imagine the front view.
and despite the left leg being foresortened, it's STILL that fucking long.
i find it absolutely amazing to which lengths you faggots will go to defend your everlasting idols.

>> No.1780097
File: 304 KB, 825x1300, dr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related*

>> No.1780141

God forbid you ever enter an exhibit of mannerist paintings, or get a glimpse of El Greco's work.

Muh realism.

>> No.1780153
File: 150 KB, 640x1037, lmao pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a hold of this pleb.

Fukken nub amirite. He can't even into proportion.

>> No.1780255


Shut it fatboy

>> No.1780272

I dont see any connection between his "rant post" and this thread.

His rant is basically "buy my tutorial scrubs and try being me, its okay".

>> No.1780279

there really wasnt any connection i know but someone posted a link to /ic/ so maybe some people came here to defend rapoza

>> No.1780283
File: 218 KB, 640x1037, 1405427509700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1780288
File: 232 KB, 1280x802, bulldog_by_davidrapozaart-d6xr8oq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this Black Witch stuff is really tight.

>> No.1780308

Not really, it's definitely muddy everywhere except the area of focus.
And no, that's not the "blurry out of focus" or "less detailed out of focus" which would be ok. It's outright muddy, which is bad.

>> No.1780311
File: 55 KB, 437x468, 1370078729673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're just being a huge hater faggot.

>> No.1780315

Jesus fucking christ.

>urban dictionary
>3. Stylish, cool, having everything together.

>> No.1780329

Jokes on you, everyone except themselves thought mannerists were indeed the plebs of art. Even the adjective "mannerist" was used as an insult and they are still remembered as such today.

>> No.1780340

>It's outright muddy

Not really. I can already tell for a fact that you will without a doubt NEVER make it.

>> No.1780344


>> No.1780373

This is a really awesome piece. People talking about muddy just suck at art/try to be hipster with not liking whats objectively good because they are so alternative and stuff.

>> No.1780385

Hey Guys,

Only posting on here because this was linked from my facebook and I don't want people to 'stand up for me' which would be retarded. The leg is totally broken, I'll tell you that much, mostly because I realized the drawing was messed up hours into the thing and didn't want to sacrifice all that time fixing it and redoing the comp when I could focus on just relaying the technique. But yea, you're obviously right, the leg is super long. The tutorial is about the process and not that final image.

Nobody needs to be defensive for me <3. And Dan isn't in here, if he actually posted that I would've laughed so hard, what a passionate man.

Anyway, glad you guys are stayin vigilant, keep on studyin and workin at it. And keep in mind, I hated everything and continue to hate things just like you guys do. If you focus though and use it to get better you can easily exceed everyone who makes shit mistakes and doesn't care as much as you think they should.

With love,

>> No.1780390

Nice try, Dan.

>> No.1780391

Fuck you I think thats Dave.

>> No.1780392

Fuck you I think I'm Dave.

>> No.1780395

Of course it's me, you need me to hold up a picture of me with a local newspaper? I honestly support you guys. I think it's funny that it's all anonymous, but outside that who cares? We're all just angry people in cars saying whatever we want until we're face to face, then we're all nice. So at the end of the day who cares?

>> No.1780396


Any other recommended gumroad tuts? I don't feel like spending 100 bucks and finding out only 20 of them were useful

>> No.1780398

You should change your name Rave Dapoza. It's more metall that way.

>> No.1780399

Fuck me I think I just shit.

>> No.1780400

Hey Dave, what's the deal with you getting Dan's sloppy seconds?
He butthurt over that or something? You guys were all best bros for a while and then you never talked in public ever since you started going balls deep.

>> No.1780419

how u get gud though?

>> No.1780449


I think I like Dave.

>> No.1780485


el greco is so shitty lol

>> No.1780498


i want you inside me dave. no seriously.

>> No.1780570

Atleast Dan actually has a gf with talent, Dave just gets a girl with no talent other than leaching off of others.

>> No.1780578
File: 156 KB, 1280x1040, 1405285059639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1780589
File: 363 KB, 1024x1248, El_Greco_Burial_of_Count_of_Orgaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.1780620


I am the one true god!

>> No.1780640


90% of his work is mediocre as hell, that is one of his few decent pieces.

>> No.1780648
File: 48 KB, 493x497, 1378852790339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people are mixing up making fun of dan luvisi and dan warren

>> No.1780653

At least Dave's girl is fine as fuck. She's a legit 9 possibly 10/10. Meanwhile Dan's girl is 7 at most.

>> No.1780655
File: 84 KB, 687x822, 1366418888579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both shit tier artists so it doesn't matter.

>> No.1780663

>being shallow

>> No.1780664

Thanks, dad

>> No.1781281


Here's the greatest formula to git gud - just pure hate all the time. Do your studies with hate. Practice while hating. Your pen strokes are now fueled by hatred.

Want to get as good as Dave Rapoza? Hate.

>> No.1781287


i thought it was more something along the lines of 'get hate'. like when you get haters, you are close to making it. there has to be some truth in that aswell.

although it would suck to think that all the polish (and nonpolish) photobashing scrubs i hate with burning passion are even remotely close to making it.

>> No.1781288
File: 14 KB, 233x270, toftro12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is dave rapoza?
why should i care?

>> No.1781289


>bunch of anonymous fucksticks feverishly debate and pick apart the image concocted for the tutorial
>thread linked to FB
>/ic/ expects people to come here and feverishly defend Rapoza
>most FB users just stay quiet and start thinking: "Yeah that leg is kind of long"

Rapoza: "Yeah the leg is kind of long. Fuck it"

At the same time this is somehow the best and worst thread on /ic/ right now. And at the same time Dan Warren is kind of fat.

>> No.1781291


He's the guy who started Crimson Daggers, he's worked with a number of high profile companies, he created Steve Lichman with Dan. He also made those sweet Ninja Turtle pics which went viral like 3 years ago.

Now he's making tutorials to help people with their progress and trying to make Skull and Shark happen.

>> No.1781292

>Dan Warren is kind of fat.

Dan Warren is 'kind of' fat.

>> No.1781297

so basically nobody
thanks anon
so 2011

>> No.1781298


Yes, the more haters you get the more you're making things happen for youself. But I don't think Dave was talking about that in his post. I guess you could call it a sort of hunger what he was saying.

>inb4 we pick his post apart with 12 different interpretations