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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 171 KB, 742x1077, 54dbecc35dce51147714d22c7404b7be-d5naz0j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1763188 No.1763188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This program guys. Its like someone looked at Photoshop, realized all the shit that its missing and just added all of it and improved smoothness. Every day of using it I'm discovering new stuff that makes me wonder why the fuck Photoshop still doesnt have it.

>> No.1763191

The only thing that I miss right now is liquify, but Manga has a much better/more precise warp tool, so I can live without it.

Also, I dont draw manga at all, just fyi.

>> No.1763203

>wonder why the fuck Photoshop still doesnt have it

Because Adobe doesnt give shit about painters thats why.

>photoshop still doesnt have symmetry

>> No.1763225


lol. fucking hobbyists.

>> No.1763226


>> No.1763249 [DELETED] 


peasants. stick to your weirdass patchwork software. if i was an AD and i read "manga studio" i would instantly throw your application into the trash

>> No.1763250

go photoshop!

>> No.1763253

> if i was an AD

it's safe to use ms5 forever then, top kek.

>> No.1763259

>use software thats a more advanced version of photoshop
>get called a peasant
>never change ic

>> No.1763379

>Every day of using it I'm discovering new stuff that makes me wonder why the fuck Photoshop still doesnt have it.

Pretty much everyone's reaction when they use the program for the first time. And to think that we all thought "manga studio? sounds like a cash-grabber for weeaboos" before actually using it.

>> No.1763401


>not using gimp like a hardass

>> No.1763407
File: 11 KB, 240x240, clip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not calling it clipstudio

I'd be ashamed of having in my desktop something called "manga" studio

>> No.1763890

One day, PS die-hard fans will actually explain why it is so much better you can't touch anything else if you want to git gud.
Protip : most alternatives can read and write .psd.

>> No.1763904

>And to think that we all thought "manga studio? sounds like a cash-grabber for weeaboos" before actually using it.

Thats exactly what I thought, then I tried it and never used Photoshop for drawing or painting again. But shhh dont tell them, keep the Adobe diehards in their pen.

>> No.1763906


bet ya 10$ your work is total shit and you didn't use even 1% of photoshops power anyway

>> No.1765358

What's Photoshop power? How would it really help to draw? All you need is brushes and layers to draw.

>> No.1765361

I agree to some extent, but Photoshop is snappier and more fluid to use overall. When you have 20 years of code to build on you find ways to optimize that other people haven't.

>> No.1765363

>Photoshop is more fluid
0/10 bait

>> No.1765366

go home adobe, you're drunk.

>> No.1765370
File: 1.49 MB, 346x261, 1404001605288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>photoshop is fluid

>> No.1765377
File: 77 KB, 283x359, 1403714603405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They called it Photoshop because you do shopping on your pictures

>> No.1765381

Photoshop is better for paintings.

>> No.1765485

It's funny, seeing that the artist in the OP still insists on using Photoshop after doing that promotional image.

>> No.1765663

How so? (real question)

Seems to me for painting Manga Studio is better in every way than Photoshop.

>> No.1765668

If Manga Studio is so great, why doesn't Jaime Jones use it?

checkmate, /ic/

>> No.1765670

Who's the artist?

>> No.1765700

Stanley Lau

>> No.1765707


Because he's used PS for ages, I believe.

Not go all "hurr muh app is bettar", it's just if you're starting on doing digital art right now and you're comparing features and prices between the two, MS has a better bang-for-the-buck than PS if you have to pay for a license.

All in all, the compatibility of .psd files makes any point moot between software. You use what you wanna.

>> No.1765725

Artgerm., Stanley Lau

>> No.1765800

Photoshop is like using a swiss-army knife when you need to open a wine bottle

Manga Studio is using the actual wine opener.

>> No.1765815

What's GIMP in this analogy?

>> No.1765819

a hammer

>> No.1765824

>Fighting over software
this is some /g/ tier shit right here, no program's going to make your art better.

>> No.1765847

Lies and slander! There's also a screwdriver. You drive a screw into the cork and pull it out with the hook end of the hammer.
It's so easy once you know the user interface. I don't understand why people still use other software.

>> No.1765853
File: 10 KB, 235x214, letrollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I don't understand why people still use other software

because it's better.

>> No.1765855


May I ask what MSPaint is?

>> No.1765872

MS Paint is just grabbing the bottle and smashing the neck off on the nearest hard surface.
Real men need no fancy tools.

>> No.1765873

anyone got them frenden ms brushes? and would like to share?

>> No.1765892

If it is better in every way, it wouldn't be a hidden gem, it would be the industry standard.

>> No.1765921

I said "better for painting", not better overall. Photoshop has insane amounts of utility for photo editing which Manga studio doesnt at all, but its the other way around when it comes to painting.

Unless someone can finally answer how Photoshop is better than MS for painting.

>> No.1765934

Since I don't really paint yet, are there any PS-alternatives for drawing?

>> No.1765953

I don't understand why people still think Manga Studio was introduced to the market to replace Photoshop. It can't and it won't because they are not made for the same purpose.

Not to mention: Adobe has the market locked down for the foreseeable future. Someone will have to create one hell of an application suite to ever compete with them.

>> No.1765957

>pirating brush sets

You can't ask your mom for 5 bucks, swamp rat?

>> No.1765959

but what's the difference between drawing and painting?
pirate brushes for pirate software man

>> No.1765970

Best analogy I've seen.

Krita is better for painting than PS, and yet it's not the industry standard either.

>> No.1765977

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.1766035

At this point Krita is too sluggish and unstable to be useful in Windows, it's like the worst qualities of Photoshop and Painter cobbled together. For now I'm sitting that one out as well.

>> No.1766037

Krita's nice for both, but if you want a faster light-weight version just for noodling you can try Mypaint.

>> No.1766038

What's SAI in this analogy?

>> No.1766039

Boxed Wine.

>> No.1766041

Mah niggas. I tried to use photoshit but it's such a pain in the ass to do anything compared to Manga studio. Like, why do I HAVE to use ctrl or shift or alt to make a shortcut? Why does my scroll wheel not resize my eraser when my stylus is upside down? Why can't I do whatever I want with my stylus buttons?

I want to like photoshop, but ms cuts out all that nonsensical bulls hit, so I always go back to it.

>> No.1766044
File: 166 KB, 620x433, wacom tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like, why do I HAVE to use ctrl or shift or alt to make a shortcut?
I don't understand, isn't that what the express keys are for?
> Why does my scroll wheel not resize my eraser when my stylus is upside down?
isn't that what the ring is for?
>? Why can't I do whatever I want with my stylus buttons?
Why would you want pick something different from a right click/pan/alt for the pen buttons?

>> No.1766051

I really love the little thoughtful things in Manga Studio. Like today I discovered why my brush list is still fully visible in its window despite adding new stuff to it - the font automatically resizes to fit all of the brushes so you dont have to scroll through shit.

The UI in general is really good.

>> No.1766054

Shit nigga that's your desk and your notebook? Real nice.

>> No.1766059

1. Not everyone has a fancy Intuos.
2. I've got my stylus buttons bound to ctrl+z and X

>> No.1766072


Why???? ctrl+z and x is right next to each other.

>> No.1766115

Yes, but I only have 8 express keys. As for the ring, put your sylus's eraser to the pad, now spin the ring to resize it. Does it work? No. It resizes only the tool that is set to the point end of your stylus, the brush typically, and that's fucking stupid.
and maybe I want to set the eyedropper to the stylus button, how about that? Will photoshit let me do it? Fuck no and fuck photoshop

>> No.1766119

>PShit still doesn't have a proper color wheel working

top kek

>> No.1766405

I'm a southpaw with a laptop, so using the keyboard for shortcuts is rather uncomfortable, even if I rebound them to be near the numpad.

>> No.1766406

The fuck is a southpaw?

>> No.1766407


>> No.1766410

Doesn't this setup work for you?:
left hand on tablet
right hand rests on keyboard
tablet is closer to you, both are in front of you, rather than side-by-side?

>> No.1766434

That's what I do now, except "front" is more like "halfway into my lap" since my desk isn't that large. It's still not ideal to reach towards the keyboard like that, but for the most part I don't have to, either.

>> No.1766449

Wouldn't you saying drawing with a pencil only is different than painting?


>> No.1766461

Is it better for painting as well or only for drawing?

>> No.1766490

Stanley Lau uses Corel painter.

>> No.1766496
File: 46 KB, 600x600, e809_razer_nostromo_inuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get yourself a gaming keypad, they are easy to customize and the settings are even saved on the device itself. You will realize that those express keys on the intous are extremely uncomfortable to use and on top of they are nearly not enough to keep your hand away from the keyboard.

>> No.1767061

>At this point Krita is too sluggish and unstable to be useful in Windows
Are you on Windows 98? Did you tried the last version? Seriously now, people who say Krita is unusable, how much ram do you have?

>> No.1767067
File: 39 KB, 350x358, what the feezy my neezy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unusable for me personally, I get some weird error that crashes the software of Gemini on boot. I bought it on steam because of the potential I believe it has to be a good and legally free program for others so I'm not too bugged about it (I already own photoshop after all). It's a shame the developers weren't able to help me but whatever, it's all good nigga!

>> No.1767076
File: 93 KB, 400x399, fredo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are there any good videos or tutorials on MS5 you guys could reccomend or do I have to fumble blindly and retardedly through google and youtube and DA

>> No.1767111

Smith Micro publishes their own tutorials on using MS5 on their site

Manuals: http://manga.smithmicro.com/documentation/

>> No.1767121

16Gb RAM

>> No.1767356

OP here, still in love with this program, but encountered first real problem:

Why are there so many damn points in my vector lines? Is there a setting anywhere to fix this? Its a nightmare to fix a line by moving the points when you have thirty of them in every line for no real reason.

Thus far Ive been using simplify line on everything, but I dont think this is how its supposed to be.

>> No.1767381

Im a photoshop die hard fan, been using it for about 10 years now, and all the other software for painting was always one step below photoshop.

You can spew your arguments all day, it wont change anything.

>> No.1767469

clean / reformat your pc scrub

>> No.1767471

good for you man, but you know, software is catching up, and 3 months for ps is the price for the full software

>> No.1767634

>Why are there so many damn points in my vector lines? Is there a setting anywhere to fix this?

There's a simplify vector line tool.

>> No.1767685

>There's a simplify vector line tool.

>Ive been using simplify line on everything

>> No.1767716

I missed that line.

If you are already using the tool, then what's the problem? Why don't you just use the pitch vector line to adjust your lines instead?

>> No.1767752

>Why don't you just use the pitch vector line to adjust your lines instead?

Ah. Well, my bad I guess, I was using the control point thing the whole time (SAI style) instead of pinch tool.

>> No.1768100

That's a good idea. Which gaming pads have scroll wheels that can be used with an intuos to like zoom in and out or whatever?

>> No.1768134

i can´t drawn with the mouse

i need a wacom and for that i hate it

>> No.1768141

>tfw left handed
>tfw I'm drawing and i make a mistake and drop my tablet pen to press ctrl+z
>tfw I lost focus everytime I have to do it
Being left handed is pain.

>> No.1768185

I use PS at work to touch up photos, so considering I make real money from my expertise in it, I'm glad I never switched to Painter or Manga Studio in my personal artwork.

>> No.1768186


>> No.1768193
File: 1.96 MB, 265x200, crazy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay for a license

>> No.1768230


I'm left handed too but I've never really considered it a bother. Then again I think I might use my right hand? Its kina muscle memory-esque now, ill pay attention later to it when Im home.

>> No.1768280

I reconfigured my undo to ctrl + / . Seemed to be effective... However, God forbid I open anything I don't normally use.

>> No.1768282

So what you're saying is it's the technical skill and art skill of the artist and not necessarily the software!?

The only real PS has over most other art programs is the availability of brushes which only exists thanks to pirates. The availability of brushes also helps Adobe make sales to companies. It's a symbiotic relationship that I doubt Adobe wants to pour drugs into.

PS is only better if an artists knows it better than any other program. Though, I wish Adobe would learn from Paint Tool Sai's water color...

>> No.1768384

>MS5 has vector tools
>playing with anchors is rubbish
>can't export as EPS or any other vector file
Literally my only complaint. I work with other contractors and need to be able to share files, so not having something Illustrator compatible is kind of a bummer.

Everything else is excellent though. Brushes, panels, pages, halftone, color mixing. Really excellent.

>> No.1768399

So program one of your pen's buttons to ctrl+z? Or one of your tablet's buttons and use your right hand for it.

>> No.1768406

I've been overlaying black and 'clear' (transparent) ink strokes to get the lines to look right. It's memory-consumptive, and can take a while, but it works out in the end.

>> No.1768422
File: 315 KB, 800x529, clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the clear brush option is just so great, since I usually just paint white over the black lineart to get it the way I like

>> No.1771834

Just a heads up, it's for sale at 19 dollars on Amazon.
>inbe4 "marketer pls go"

>> No.1771838

Is there any way to quickly throw down horizontal and vertical lines in MS5?

Like in PS you can just hold down shift and then you're only able to draw vertically or horizontally, is there a setting I can change to make it do that?

>> No.1771847


How is a 'clear' brush any different from pretty much any eraser?

>> No.1771862

would SAI to manga studio be an easy enough transition?

>> No.1771867

this. at first i kind of guessed it worked like a brush but it was an eraser. then i realized that photoshop can do the same thing if you just adjust the brush settings.

does it have to do something with the layers? so it works more like a masked layer or something?

>> No.1771882

The "clear brush" isn't a brush but the ability to pick the alpha channel as colour. In other words, you can turn any brush you already have into an eraser without having to create new specific ones. Much easier, more software should have it (SAI does too).

>> No.1772069

Well, SAI's interface absolutely sucks, so it would be a hard transition from SAI to any other software. But if you know how to use photoshop, it's really easy to change to MS5/CSP.

>> No.1772086

I still can't move from SAI

>> No.1772534

I know ps fairly well, im not pro, but i have used it for several years. how reasonable is painterly stuff on Manga? i dont like to use outlines often....

>> No.1773087

O.o Manga Studio is actually used Professionally quite often...

...unlike literally anything else Smith Micro sells. Seriously, everything else is horrible.

>> No.1773122
File: 10 KB, 225x225, servo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very doable, anon. I've been testing the waters since starting to see MS5 mentioned here more, and I'm enjoying it. It's not just for line work. I've just finished up cloning my basic PS brushes and they're working well. You can definitely paint in MS5, and get a better brush engine to boot.

The only thing I see so far that PS has over MS5 is Liquefy. There might be more, but it's covering all the bases except that for me thus far.

>> No.1773255

I've never seen any torrents or free downloads for the manga studios

>> No.1773357

It's cheap as fuck for the basic version. I believe it's on sale for $20 on Amazon right now actually. Don't be a faggot.

>> No.1773488

get clip studio paint, it's the downloadable version of ms5 with much frequent updates

>> No.1773493

please for gods sake fucking kill yourself

>> No.1773516


>> No.1773528


>> No.1773543

Can someone explain the differences between manga studio 5 and clip studio paint

>> No.1773548

The only thing i don't like is the borders on panels and word balloons are not sharpened, i have to make the panel lines with a soft brush and then clone the panel layers in photoshop over each other to get the sharpened borders.

Anyone found a fix for this? it's killing me. I'm using the EX version, this never happened to me with the regular version, so when i did the change something happened with the borders.

>> No.1773555
File: 48 KB, 1360x1020, vlcsnap-2014-04-04-23h33m13s93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manga studio comes in a cd. clip studio is the downloadable version. they are the same program

>> No.1775397
File: 350 KB, 1920x1038, no antialiasing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anybody help me with this?

Here you have a screenshot of manga studio. On circle 1 there is no antialiasing even on the menus. On circle 2 you can see the lines are very good and sharped on the panels but on cirlce 3 as you can see the lines have no antialiasing and looks ugly compare with horizontal and vertical lines. Same happens with word balloons and it's not a res problem (i got this file at 1200dpi), there must be something else. This is killing me.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.1775403
File: 127 KB, 418x902, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AA is always available in the "advanced settings" but only on some tools its in the minimenu by the default.

>> No.1775405

Thanks for the response but i'm talking in general, not tools only. Eevrything in manga studio looks jagged. Thatwouldn't be a problem if when exported/saved to a different format it could get the anti-aliasing working, but it doesn't. What i see is what i get, and i get jagged panels (using the cutting utility for panels) and word balloons.

>> No.1775410

circle 3 looks fine, it's anti-aliased.
you must be crazy.

>> No.1775411

Might be a problem with your version/bug/something. I just tried the word balloons and for me the AA works perfectly, line is jagged with no AA and perfectly smooth with strong AA.

>> No.1775429

You don't know anything anon. Looks different form the circle 2.

>> No.1775431

yeah, a diagonal line is different from horizontal line. it's sharp, but not jagged.
maybe your screen resolution is shit or something else wrong with your monitor, idk. looks fine from over here.

>> No.1775434
File: 43 KB, 1025x878, jagged line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you. And monitor res has nothing to do with this problem, i know. The thing is that i used the basic manga studio 5 debut and everything was ok, but since i installed the EX version (with the "story" menu on top and other new stuff) everything went to crap now with all the borders.

>> No.1775443
File: 356 KB, 1102x998, f2fg2g2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i got. does it look jagged to you?
note that i have anti-alias checked and through canvas resolution isn't as high as yours, i'm showing it at 100%

>> No.1775445

btw, i'm using EX too.

and make sure your "basic expression color" in canvas properties in grey, not monochrome.

>> No.1775459
File: 362 KB, 1920x1036, jagged balloon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the reply, but it seems to have nothing to do with the resolution or color option. The entire software seems to be bugged, as you can see on the menus, the lines looks jagged as well. At first i thought it was something related with my video drivers, but i ran the 3D testing utility and my PC passed it.

I also use SAI, Photoshop CS6 and Corel XI for painting and filters and everything works ok.

I don't know what to do. I don't want to loose the Multi pages feature on the EX versions but is dealing with this in some other way or just getting back to the debut version. Damn.

>> No.1775462

jesus just use a vector based program if youre that butthurt about jagged lines

>> No.1775468
File: 517 KB, 1170x1055, sdgshs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this

>> No.1775469

does anyone have a safe dowload or torrent for manga studio ?

>> No.1775476
File: 375 KB, 1920x1080, pencil brush border.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please enlight me with a vector software to create panels, dynamic word balloons, comic effects and multi-page features, able to export to .PSD without any issues, and doing all this automatically, saving me tons of time.

I think not, but thanks for the suggestions, though i have the problem and others seems to do it just fine and so i prefer to look for a solution to this issue that seems to not be normal.

Also, i think i found a way to work this out, though i would prefer a fix. I used the pencil brush option for the word balloon like in pic related and voilá, soften borders, in case someone has the same issue. Same works for panels, thank god. What's the catch? i have to do it individually for all the word balloons, but thank god Manga studio allows me to work on panels in a single layer so i just need to select it and it do it for all the panels at once. After this, i save as .PSD and using photoshop i duplicate the panel layers over and over, then merge them and then i get my loved sharpened panels back. A bitch to do for each page but it's better than nothing.

But please, somebody, if you know a way to fix this issue for good i would really appreciate it.

>> No.1775478

Again, i appreciate the effort, but i don't even use the elipse tool, just the page features, quick panel creations and word ballons with text editing. For the sketches and lines i use SAI, for the colors i use Corel and/or Photoshop and for filters i use photoshop.

>> No.1775481

it's not ellipse, read what it says [Editing Balloon] and there's even an icon.

>> No.1775483

Quite a few of them on pirate bay

>> No.1775484
File: 494 KB, 1170x1055, r232t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it look like an ellipse to you?
click the damn setting. christ, stop giving up.

>> No.1775501

>adobe illustrator

>> No.1775505

have you tried what he showed you?
for every line based tool you can adjust the level of AA. i don't really understand your problem

>> No.1775515
File: 84 KB, 1920x847, antialiased panels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, it works, makes the lines soften but it doesn't fix the issue completely. at 100% size it looks ok, but when i see the file at 75%, 50% or 25% size, the smaller the view the jagged the lines gets, so at the end it looks good only at 100% size which is a shame, nobody sees a comic/manga page at 100% size all the time.

Right side is the file at 100% size, left one is at 20% size.

>> No.1775519


Yes i did on >>1775515
But again, it seems to be a general problem, not only with what i draw. I see the jagged lines even on the menus. With the debut version this wasn't an issue, the lines worked fine, but when i installed the EX version every line got messed up and don't know how to fix it. Reinstall didn't do anything.

>> No.1777070

Ok, everyone knows Photoshop is no. 1 and Corel is no. 2.
But is this better than SAI as a basic illustration/comic art sowftware?

>> No.1777080

im really used to photoshop but because my computer is dying and i heard the surface runs clip studio paint better than it does ps i have been playing with it a bit.

and really do like it. however not sure im ready to give up ps just for the surface 3.

>> No.1777081

also >this

>> No.1777083

swiss army knifes come with a built in cork screw anon.

and unless you are a retard it works just as good as a regular wine opener. + you get a shit load of other tools as well like spoons scissors, knife, and whatever else those shits pack.

also clippaint is more fluid.

>> No.1777085

that sad moment when you realize lefty master race "chose by the gods rah and jesus" is not available for almost all gaming keypads.

>> No.1777110

What I really like about SAI is the anti-aliasing and the super comfy canvas rotation/flipping, does MS5 support this? How smooth does it run compared to SAI and PS5/6

>> No.1777129


>> No.1777140


Thats how it's supposed to be. No anti aliasing pure black and white bitmap.

>> No.1777142

>no warp tool

>in the trash it goes.

>> No.1777173

Can you guys share your brushes, using texture brush is one of my weakness and I want to start exploring it.

>> No.1777250

Manga studio features the same painting/drawing system that SAI has, downside is it can get a little laggy at high resolutions. I think the same happens in SAI though.

>> No.1777253

that's your pc maybe

time to upgrade.jpg

>> No.1777258

Also: http://blog.nuclex-games.com/2013/09/using-wacom-touch-gestures-in-unsupported-applications/

>> No.1777276

No, it's well known than manga studio doesn't handle high resolutions well as Photoshop. That being said, manga studio is still a better program for painting.

>> No.1777277

>Corel is no. 2.

>> No.1777286

MS is a great tool for making comics. I've been loving the panel folder and masking tool, as well as the radial line and perspective rulers. I've yet to use the tones or lettering tools yet, and one can import 3D objects.

That being said PS still has an advantage over MS in the simple notion of making an ellipse from the center instead of a corner, highly annoying. Vector pathing tools are better even in my PS7 version than in MS.

>> No.1777298

use the latest dev version not the one in the top link that's from 2013

>> No.1777343

It does have warp tool, kek

>> No.1777379

define high resolution
both apps can work on the gpu, and depending on your brush spacing, ps is slower

>> No.1777453

I just got this, and I'm very very impressed with it.
One thing I can't figure out is creating thing reading left to right, rather than manga style.
Like, I drag a frame preset onto the stage, and the panels all go right to left. Is there a solution?

>> No.1777457
File: 190 KB, 533x400, BeardlessKyleKatarn-PreTalay-SWDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I prefer MS over PS for painting but free MS brushes are fucking impossible to find while free PS brushes are everywhere

>> No.1777463

There's no absolute technical categorization, but digital painting and digital drawing have pretty different feels to them because they imply different techniques.

>> No.1777471

Is anyone here good with Krita? I'm a bit bothered because I have to move my stylus a bit in order to make a stroke, yet with my mouse I can just click stationary and the dot properly shows up instantly (which is what I want).

>> No.1777504

the only brush you need is the chalk brush

seriously fiddle with it a bit and you'll see its the most fucking versatile thing ever

>> No.1777508

Huh, I'll give that a shot. Right now I'm mostly using the Watercolor and Oil brushes.

>> No.1777509

fanged zulung is that you?

>> No.1777556

>not making your own shit

>> No.1777557
File: 196 KB, 1920x1038, Sin título.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is false.

SAI is master in working with linework because you can modify every single line you draw, and toy can even create more mod points to the lines and move them individualy. Shit, you can even control the thickness on every single point, which is great for tracing the sketch. Manga studio doesn't have that and i don't know of another software able to do that. Manga studio just has the regular pen tool present in photoshop, which is a pain in the ass to work with.

Pic related. Linework layer.

>> No.1777560
File: 74 KB, 959x790, Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 2.57.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o rly?

>> No.1777561
File: 136 KB, 724x634, sure it doesnt....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manga studio doesn't have that

nigga, please...
In MS5/CSP you can even change the opacity in between points.

>> No.1777566

Oh cool Manga Studio 5 is on amazon for only $30. I should try it.

>> No.1777567

The vanilla version is not as good as the EX, tho. The EX comes with freaking perspective rulers, which is fucking amazing. It's a lot more expensive, tho, but you can always pirate it.

>> No.1777572

I stopped pirating because I'm getting into doing stuff professionally instead of just for myself. I think I can handle making perspective lines the old fashioned (by digital standards) way until I can upgrade.

>> No.1777577

Now that Clip Studio Paint and Manga Studio 5 are both $30 in Amazon, is there any reason to get MS5 instead of CSP other than the fact you get a physical disc with MS5? I heard that CSP is updated significantly more often. Are there other differences?

It seems like you'd have to buy it again when Manga Studio 6 comes out, whereas CSP is more permanent (pure speculation). Is that true?

>> No.1777616

Kill yourself

>> No.1777637
File: 421 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im really liking it so far will end up buying it most likely.

however feels a bit too smooth for my taste. everything feels soft etc.. how to make brushes? i heard you can import your photoshoop brushes is that true?

>> No.1777669
File: 125 KB, 419x429, new brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to make brushes?
see pic related

>however feels a bit too smooth for my taste. everything feels soft etc
see >>1775468

>i heard you can import your photoshoop brushes is that true?
try seeing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaravBpXzmY

>> No.1777712

>>however feels a bit too smooth for my taste. everything feels soft etc
>see >>1775468
i think he meant density or blending. and yeah, you can control that, so it's a nonissue.

>> No.1777714

I don't know what everyones bitching about. I've used SAI for almost 4 years. Just started using Manga Studio a few days ago and it's pretty easy to get used to. I was even able to set it up similar to how I had SAI.

>> No.1777716

Is there a quick way to change the 'min size' of a brush? I've only used SAI, I know you can turn off pen pressure but that's a hassle and I just want to lower it so I don't have super pointy lines.

>> No.1777720

You could just make a different brush with the same settings except for the min size.

>> No.1777746
File: 87 KB, 664x465, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make the option visible on your brush settings by clicking on the Eye icon for quick access.

>> No.1777896

It's not like your clients have any way to know, or care, that you're working on pirated software.

>> No.1777916

Ok, youve convinced me to give it a try.
Any recommended dl link?

>> No.1778096

It's an honor thing for me, too, because I know people work hard to develop software. That said I switched from Photoshop to Krita because Adobe is evil.

>> No.1778109
File: 206 KB, 495x700, img213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intredasting drawing OP. Let me translate it into muh style.

>> No.1778755

Ohh, thanks!

>> No.1778867

I really like your style - you're such an amazing artist! <3

So, I picked up MS5 and I gotta say that I do like it. May become my regular. I really enjoy its damn line brushes.

>> No.1778978

nice man face. i bet you couldnt get her to look female if you wanted(which you were probably trying to do anywhere)

>> No.1779018

you can reprogam the shortcuts...

>> No.1779019


>> No.1779028

the right word is not "reprogram". you arent reprogramming anything. you are "remapping" the keys. the difference is that remapping means it's a function of the program. programming would mean that you are making changes to the actual program

>> No.1779040
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>> No.1779063

anyone got them frenden brushes?

>> No.1779069


>> No.1779073
File: 303 KB, 600x503, newnui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clip Studio Paint updates come quicker than MS5 does.

>> No.1779078

seriously if you ever want to touch a woman you're gonna have to learn to keep corrections like that to yourself.

>> No.1779087
File: 32 KB, 200x284, 1395483890729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks grammar autist bro!

But wouldn't reprogram be good aswell since your changing the program?

>> No.1779111

only if you're retarded. Remapping is the act of changing keybindings. Reprogramming is actual programming.

>> No.1779113


it's what dan savage would call "the price of admission".
if the reason you reject a person is because they are a bit of a grammar nazi then you are an asshole. no one is perfect and if you keep thinking the way you do then you are the one ending up alone. because in reality we always have to arrange ourselves with the people around us one way or another. there may be people in the world who will fit perfectly to you, but they probably arent around and you will probably never meet them, which is why you will just have to learn to live with others the way they are.


>> No.1779163

>"Oh yeah, I'm a programmer. I can copy text using the F6 key in Photoshop."

>> No.1779173

is it wrong that i expected dolphin porn?
thanks anon

>> No.1779875

Are the lineart tools as good?
DL link where?

>> No.1779998

Thanks for the correction, I couldn't think of the right word.

>> No.1780016


You should be getting an option to upgrade from MS5 to MS6 with your existing MS5 license, when 6 is available. Going from 4 to 5 worked the same. You dont have to rebuy the whole damn thing.

>> No.1780018


MS5 regular version also had perspective rulers. What MS5 doesn't have is multipage comic layouts. EX is suitable if you're doing a very long narrative.

>> No.1780128
File: 249 KB, 504x700, bookchinchilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inking tools are probably better than the coloring.
You can usually find it on Amazon for less than $20

>> No.1780131


>> No.1780210

is the right boob bigger than the left one? or is it just me

>> No.1780247

Just u

>> No.1783107

don't want to start a new thread, but, how do you add a ruler (symmetry one) in the center of your drawing? I mean dead center

>> No.1783769

1- put down the ruler
2- select it with the object selection tool
3- change the x coordinates to half of the canvas' length
4- ???
5- profit!

>> No.1783942
File: 959 KB, 245x400, 1378352996254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this program and I am liking it, but I turned off the stabilizer since I saw people bitching about it for SAI artist. Does it really matter if I use a stabilizer? I want to git gud and was just curious what the pros prefer. Does photoshop have a stabilizer?

>> No.1783958

Saw this on Amazon for $18 and didn't grab while it was low. But isn't this Clipstudio, or round about the same thing?

Also, any other software like this for OS X that you'd recommend? I like Photoshop for certain stuff like pixel art and animation and all the other options it has, but digital drawing and painting in it is a goddamn chore.

>> No.1783975


Photoshop does have a function in brushes for 'smoothing' that's a slight stabilizer but it doesn't do too much. The problem with using stabilizer is it takes longer to build up line confidence which means when you don't have it your lines look like shit and it generally takes longer to hit the right line with high stabilizers than those who just have good hand coordination.. You watch some of these Sai users and it literally takes them 20+ attempts for every fucking line. It also is really easy to make the lines look lifeless because they're all so fucking perfect, a little bit of wobble adds character (this is personal opinion though I've heard others say the same).

My advice is when sketching and painting turn the stabilizer off or low, when doing final inks then feel free to turn it up, best of both worlds really.

>> No.1783984

didn't know you did digital art, fagboss.

>> No.1783992

I got this for my birthday and never installed it. I'm going to now because of this thread.

>> No.1784004

Thanks, appreciate the reply.

>> No.1784082

>I got this for my birthday and never installed it.

How ungrateful can you be that you didn't even try it?

Kids these days.

>> No.1785881

Ok, this thread inspired me to go and try it...

how is this better than photoshop?

>> No.1785926
File: 138 KB, 1017x703, ms5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw vectors on the fly
see >>1777561
>perspective rulers (my fav feature! but it's only for the EX ver)
>better painting engine
PS's painting engine is pretty outdated. I think the biggest update was on PS 7, 12 years ago. After that it was just tweaks and bug fixes. I remember getting very frustrated when my lines were all wobbly. I thought I was really bad before discovering that it was Photoshop's fault.
>huuuge customization of brushes.
Tools like erasers, pens, patterns brushes and mixers brushes are pretty much just brushes with various settings (also, see pic related! you can change pressure and tilt setting for individual brushes).
>huuuge customization in the UI and shortcuts.
You can add multiple keys for the same function and multiple functions for the same key. You are not limited to just the functions keys for the actions, unlike PS (yes, there are actions, just like in PS). Also, you can even add icons and stuff.
>way lighter than photoshop
It feels like PS is going to burn my poor old notebook's processor sometimes
>posable 3D models
I don't even use them, but some people might find them useful to use like mannequins and stuff. Only for EX version as well
>color wheel
>change AA
PS's AA is too strong, it makes the lines look too soft
>usable paint bucket
>multiple pages and panels & balloons tools for comic books (EX)
I'm a piratefag tho

>> No.1785931

it feels like a cheaper (cost-wise) photoshop with less features to me. it's missing things like channels, copy merge function (I can't replicate this even with auto-action keys), custom shape tool, zooming of multiple canvases at the same time, smart objects, content aware fill, colorize layer, luminosity layer and i couldn't really get it to replicate photoshop's dual brush feature exactly.

it does have neat things like simple 3d models, a built in color wheel so you don't need a plugin, auto fill areas for line art, perspective rulers (if you need it) and premade tones for comics though which I don't think PS has. also has a touch mode for tablets though still runs like ass if you're trying to save a painting with a huge resolution.

>> No.1785935

There are more minor stuff that I could have said (you can divide the layer panel into two! heh), but really it's Photoshop's fault for being so outdated. Every single new feature is always devoted to photo retouching and not a single one for the artist. The last new feature for artists was the mixer brush on the CS5 or 6, which is almost useless considering the low customization options for the tool.

>> No.1786650

ok, i got the 64bit ex version...

lightweight... no.... not by a long shot. this bitch is eating ram like no other program i have ever used.

using a mouse with the program makes the lines go apeshit (just testing the program, tablet they are smooth as fuck, but god damn mouse sucks balls.)

i cant find any of these extra things that would make the program better. ill be honest, i'm only on and off dicking around with it right now but still... the ram use alone makes me hesitant to use it. and than there is just putting a line down on a 2000X2000 72dpi page eats 25+% of the processor but eats ram far harder than photoshop...

its possible bigger images it runs better than ps, but yea.

still looking into it, i just have no idea what to think.

>> No.1786698

>and than there is just putting a line down on a 2000X2000 72dpi page eats 25+% of the processor but eats ram far harder than photoshop...

From what kind of mad world did your pc come from? I'm drawing in a 2000x4000 600dpi page with a bunch of layers right now and it's consuming less than 1/3 of the ram PS eats here. Hell, it's even consuming less than half of Firefox's usage right now.

>> No.1786711

if you set the pixels then the dpi doesn't matter.

>> No.1786763

>using photoshop for anything other than photos
>muh concept art

>> No.1786765

at default i think it was something like 3000x7000 at 600dpi, that ate 3.5gb of ram after 7 minutes of dicking around... like i said, i have no idea what to think because i know photoshop at the worst i ever did with it, never ate ram like that.

also, photoshop seems to handle large brush sizes better than this too.

out of curiosity, there is a cross hatch brush, in my short time using it, i think it sucks for what i want to do, are there any full page filters that have lines, so i can more or less create the cross hatching through masking? crosshatching is something im never going to manually do digitally even if i like doing it in real life.

what other programs do you suggest because it seems like photoshop is the standard... i would love to know what others are worth looking at which is partially why i am looking at manga studio.

>> No.1786771

Photoshop is fine, quit being stupid.

>> No.1786784

Razer Nostromo

>> No.1786805
File: 408 KB, 1280x733, cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ate 3.5gb of ram after 7 minutes of dicking around

Dude, what the hell. I don't think it ever took anything more than 500mb of ram here. Maybe you were dicking around with the 3D models? This is something I never use.

I have some crosshatch materials here, but I don't know if it comes with the default package. If there isn't then download this pack:

>> No.1787501

i dont even know how to put 3d models into the program

and i didn't mean making a pencil crosshatch like that, i meant just a cross hatch layer, and i mask out the areas i don't want crosshatched.

>> No.1787797

any good (and free) comic fonts? inb4 comic sans

>> No.1787803

there's one they use for translating manga all the time "wild words" or "cc jim lee" or "anime ace" one of them, i can't remember what the difference is.

>> No.1789008

ill try em. thanks m8

>> No.1789341

>wild words
the Frenchs use anime ace

>> No.1789354

Photoshop is great simply by the sheer amount of features it has. It's an indispensable tool for me and my main workspace. The thing is that when you use it for a bit, you can really tell Adobe doesn't really give a fuck artists. It acknowledges artists use photoshop from time to time, but it's too much of a general tool that you'll never, EVER see any functionality built specifically for artists like other programs do, which is sad because it's what forces me to jump back and forth between applications.

>> No.1789370

>you'll never, EVER see any functionality built specifically for artists
nigga what. they put in blender brushes and canvas rotation specifically for artists.
i like to paint in PS mainly because i can do it with opacity.

>> No.1789380

oh joy they put stuff other programs already have for years, top yey for adobe.

>> No.1789430

> It acknowledges artists use photoshop from time to time

The rest is an hyperbole and doesn't hold up if you take it literally.

>> No.1789449
File: 347 KB, 542x428, 234634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"le photoshop is shit because it doesn't have X!!!"
>actually, it does
>"WELL ACTUALLY photoshop is shit because program Z had it first!!!"

>> No.1789458


>Program X's development is behind the curve
>implying this is a good thing


>> No.1789471

Say that to all the features Photoshop has over other software.

>> No.1789537

out of curiosity, there is a cross hatch brush, in my short time using it, i think it sucks for what i want to do, are there any full page filters that have lines, so i can more or less create the cross hatching through masking?

Try the (half)tone layer setting and dick with the line settings.

>> No.1789547

quality discussion here on /ic/ as usual. circle jerking about your programs and putting others down cuz they use a different one.

>manga studio/clip paint
>art rage
>ms paint
>an actual canvas
>black ink

pick one. paint. stop being depressive children. maybe get a job too.

>> No.1789555

you meant all those other useless features for photos manipulation that eats RAM and CPU unnecessarily?

top kek

>> No.1789564


I meant the features that allow me to edit 50000x50000+ px images without significant lag.

>> No.1789565


top kek

>> No.1789566

When you draw on a canvas, you're editing the image.

>> No.1789568

>When you draw on a canvas, you're editing the image.

I start with a blank page instead of some image underneath.

>> No.1789572

inb4 50 posts arguing semantics

>> No.1789576

You're a bit late.

>> No.1789612

I use Colors on my 3ds. Is that a decent program to learn to draw with?

>> No.1789614
File: 42 KB, 375x410, 158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1789633
File: 30 KB, 530x317, colors45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got it too myself and i think that its a good program but i think you have to really know what you're doing to make the most of it. I wouldn't try to learn how to draw on it though, if anything i would start on paper and pencil

>> No.1789643

Paper and pencil is pretty much the one thing I'm avoiding learning how to do, due to the cost and messiness of it.

I just started drawing like 2 days ago, I don't want to spend a lot of money if I end up being unable to do it.

Colors is kind of need though, but I have a lot of problems drawing straight lines with it because of the small screen size and always accidentally bumping the corner with my palm. It's very uncomfortable to hold it and draw.


>> No.1789659

dude paper is cheap as fuck. You don't need some pretentious italian shit to draw on. In your local store there is a lot of paper which costs. like, 5-10 cents per huge list. Same about pencils. Sure, pricey stuff may be great, but it doesn't matter if you're working on your line control or smth like that.

>> No.1789667
File: 74 KB, 387x505, srsly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paper and pencil is pretty much the one thing I'm avoiding learning how to do, due to the cost and messiness of it.

>1 ream of printer paper + pencils = $6
>Tablet + manga studio $100+

>> No.1789684

get a job if u are worrying about price. paper and pencils are cheap as fuck anyways. you wont b able to get good if you dont dont draw traditionally. then you will be able to switch to tablets with ease. also, pencil and paper is wayy more precise than tablet, including pressure, width, shading, etc, even if your tablet supports 10 billion pressure inputs. also, there is no lag times or loading times on paper, its portable, and if you are worrying about messiness, then go back to being the pansy lil bitch you are.

if you have to make excuses for yourself, then it's obviously not important to you.

>> No.1789686

>not being a photo-bashing concept artist

>> No.1792486
File: 25 KB, 320x237, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just picked this up in the sale and spent a while importing brush tip shapes.
When used with Indian Ink a good portion of the nib shapes result in the same black colour, regardless of actual colour used to draw. Is this a bug? Other tools seem to be fine, default nibs too. What the heck determines whether a brush tip shape works or not?

I've also often got this issue where my tablet changes into mouse mode when hovering over the canvas, while functioning normal on the rest of the UI. I don't know who thought that was a good idea.

>> No.1792501

Never mind, it seems to be a toolwide thing. Damn, this is annoying.

>> No.1792506

file > preferences > tablet

>> No.1792508

infinite paper and colors
infinite canvas size

>> No.1792515

Electricity costs.

>> No.1792517

I've already looked there, with no luck.

>> No.1792519

Black color fix:

>while importing a brush make a new layer
>convert the layer to grayscale
>draw the tip shape you want
>now continue with setting it as material etc. as per usual

>> No.1792539

You have my eternal gratitude, anon.

>> No.1792688

Does Manga Studio have something like the mirror in SAI/openCanvas that lets you view the canvas horizontally flipped without actually flipping it?

>> No.1792721

i'd like to know this as well. i've used transform>flip, but it's getting annoying.

>> No.1793109

i actually found it. for anyone else who wants to know, it's not set to a shortcut. you have to go to file>shortcut settings>main menu>view>rotate/invert>flip horizontal and set it to whatever key you want.

>> No.1793114

there is also a button that lets you do that.
it's in the navigator/preview/what'sitcalled panel. you know, the one that previews your canvas as a thumbnail.
you can flip horizontally and vertically

>> No.1793245

Don't forget about buying or upgrading a PC. Add up like $500+ or even a toaster for -$300

>> No.1793294

artgerm uses Photoshop and Painter, so pls... he doesnt care much about program, he proved it manytimes. Yet, most of the time he uses these two.

>> No.1794416

is there a way to set the middle mouse button as the pan / move tool?

>> No.1794435

>.2 lead container + 3 lead packs (sketching, lining and rendering) = $35
>Ton of 250 cardstock = $30
Not even going semi-pro is digital cheaper than analog until after 5 years of constant work or so, and you'd have to upgrade your PC every 3-6 years anyway.

>> No.1794457

Any MS users here ever do a Livestream or Ustream or anything like that?
I've tried it recently, and Manga Studio is really laggy while I'm broadcasting compared to Photoshop. I am wondering if there are any ways to optimize things so I can use MS while streaming.

expert mode: on a Mac

>> No.1794564

ms is so confusing. Dled it cause of this thread, i don't know what's going on. This is nothing like photoshop. It's more like corel painter, but all the comic book stuff is really daunting.

>> No.1794569

What do you mean anon, like how is it confusing? Its basically same as Photoshop with some more stuff to play with.

>> No.1794573

file > modifier key > scroll to the bottom > on middle mouse button click the "common" and select change tool temporarily > expand "move" and select "hand"

>> No.1794584

the icons make no sense, i have no idea why there are lines on the canvas, the descriptions of things are not clear. it's definitely a huge time investment to learn all this shit all over.

>> No.1794595


Yep, seriously what's with the fucking lines on the canvas.

And for me personally, ms is laggy. Not massively, but compared to the basically 1:1 response of Photoshop, it's unbearable. No idea why everyone in this thread is sucking ms dick.

>> No.1794639

Glad I'm not the only one who notices this.

I love how MS handles painting, but that lag is annoying. Also the interface is a bit clunky. I wish it were more like SAI.

>> No.1794644

... how old are your pc's, guys? are you running MS with a game in the background and seeding with torrents? jesus.

>> No.1794645

How to make UI dark?

>> No.1794647


Not really old. Running 8gbs RAM, high end i5 (can't remember which one), and no heavy processes in the background. I can work on PS at 10kx10k+ canvases without any issue at all. Like I said, the lag isn't bad or anything on MS and it's slight, but when you come off of the response time of PS it's very noticeable.

>> No.1794648

Preferences>Interface>Color>Dark Color

>> No.1794659

Looks like I need to update to do that and I can't get the update files because pierat.

>> No.1794662

i have an i7 with 16gb, i lag only when using india ink darker bleed. Not when low pressure, only max pressure. That's very specific, it shouldn't lag there either but normal brushes dont lag.

>> No.1794667

i think you need EX version to change interface color, then. you don't have to upgrade, just pirate it.

>> No.1794671

I have EX but version 5.0, just need to dl newer one and reinstall to get updates.

>> No.1794974

Nope, I've got Pro and I can do that just fine.

>> No.1795021

you just need to update to the newest version. ex doesnt matter

>> No.1795036

actually didn't notice yesterday, but with i7 haswell and a 770 it still lags when just using regular tools like eraser and pencil. Is it really this unoptimised or is it something in the options to change? That's really kind of annoying.

>> No.1795038

update the tablet drivers? Try different ones? maybe switch from Tablet PC to Wintab in MS5 preferences?

>> No.1795047

i'm running a toaster AMD 3.2 GHz with 6GB RAM and never experienced any lag. something's wrong that's causing you to lag, but it's not MS.

>> No.1795061

Dude what lag

MS doesnt lag at all, unlike Photoshop

>> No.1796661

AMD PhenomII X4 965 c3
Nvidia gtx 650 ti 2gb
8 GB ram 1600mhz
Crunchbang Linux (Sid)
A wee bit old and new, I really wish every app can fully optimize the GPU instead of the CPU even if there is opengl available feels half baked.

Most popular apps end up for windows and Wine hardly works for some or never opens, PS, MS, SAI
Thank god for neckbeard developers bringing alternatives to these and I use them all.

>> No.1797804

So what exactly is the difference between Manga Studio 5 EX and Clip Studio Paint Pro? From what I've understood, they are the same software but the latter is an English translation by the Japanese maker, and Manga Studio is by some western publisher? Are there any pros and cons in regards of updates and such, does Clip Studio come with dark theme too?

>> No.1798057

its the same thing. clip studio is a digital d/l and ms5 is a hardcopy. literally in their website mr. detective.

>> No.1800553

Does having a Mac affect MS performance in the least? I'm interested in getting this program to replace my old Corel IX as a lineart and painting program.

>> No.1800612

So why is this better/worse than photoshop?

>> No.1800627

i was messing around with MS 5 a bit and i noticed i couldn't find the option to make the brush rotate with stroke direction
Did anyone find this option.
I found an option that can do it (Ribbon) option that can do that but it locks the interval of brush stamp, so you can't adjust the spacing of the brush anymore.

>> No.1800638
File: 71 KB, 643x327, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1800641

>Photoshop doesn't have symmetry

I don't understand what you're saying. What exactly can't you do?

>> No.1800644

Hey guys, I know this is off topic, but does anyone know what program professional animators use? I.e. The people who make Naruto, Bleach, DTB, FMA... I can't find any info.

>> No.1800649

probably retas pro

>> No.1800651

Ah nice Thanks based anon! I have searched and searched but it's impossible to get solid information, thank you so much for the help.

>> No.1800677


>> No.1800861

You can always try TV Paint Pro as well. It's like photoshop basics combined with a really good animation program. A bit counter intuitive but once you get past the curve, ti's awesome

>> No.1801084

That video is from 2004, I assumed technology has advanced beyond hand - drawing each frame in the ensuing decade.

>> No.1801365

Do you have symmetrical ruler? MS EX v5.0.2 here, i don't have it.