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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1761527 No.1761527 [Reply] [Original]

I have a very liberal way of thinking so I have read the sticky and I think it's shit because you just can't tell an artist the way where he should go so...
Should I just draw whatever and however I want?
Irony, I know.

>> No.1761535

Why are you asking a question you know the answer to? Every artist need to learn the foundations, the methods and exercises you use to achieve this are up to you, but skipping the basics because you're a "liberal thinker" would be foolish.

>> No.1761537

If you're cool with being shit forever then by all means avoid learning

>> No.1761575

>artists need the sticky

>> No.1761588
File: 1.15 MB, 823x1057, Alan_Moore_by_BrianAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you just can't tell an artist the way where he should go

Irony is that the sticky is for artists asking for direction.

The sticky is about acquiring skills. What you do with them is up to you. The sky is the limit.

>> No.1761589

There's no sky, there are ni limits in the universe

>> No.1761592
File: 158 KB, 960x585, 1399507439586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you just can't tell an artist the way where he should go

This is the same as saying "you just can't tell a mechanic the way where he should go" or "you just can't tell a lawyer the way where he should go".

Think of art in the same context as any other professional field. Without study of the foundations and methods those before you have conveniently established for your benefit you run the risk of never making substantial progress. If you want to make abstract art based intuition alone that's fine because there's no fear of progression or regression for that matter, you just do whatever you feel like and try and make it sound cool.


>> No.1761593

That's too optimistic, man. You die when you're around 80, you reach your peak about 20-30 years before that. You can't reach the edges of the universe within your lifetime, you can only hope whoever's next goes farther.

>> No.1761594

the sticky is about acquiring the "skills" to draw comic books characters.

>> No.1761596

you're dumb
kill yourself

the sticky is just a collection of resources. not the "how to become the super amazing artist i think myself to be in my dreams"
do you buy a cooking book and then say:
>this book is shit, there are recipes in it!

>> No.1761597
File: 84 KB, 784x744, holy_shit__improvement_by_mattyutehev12483-d648md5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of mindset is why most people with an interest in drawing and art never achieve dick, they think it's about "freedom!" and "talent!" and "art supplies!" and just drawing what you want how you want in hopes of one day seeing magic improvement without studying shit, needless to say, most of these people quit and "grow out of art".

If you want to improve you study and practice, obviously you draw whatever the fuck you want, but you need foundation to develop skill, otherwise you're just going in circles.
>pic related, your work if you don't study what's on the sticky (and more)

>> No.1761599

the right one actually is good

>> No.1761602
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>> No.1761604
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>> No.1761607

both are huge piles of steaming shit, that's the point of the image, the amount of "improvement" portrayed can be achieved in a day at most, but it took 2 fucking years because this asshole didn't study what he had to nor practiced as much as he needed to.
Considering this "good" just proves how much you need to study your fundamentals, (even if you aren't OP, you're lost, or shitposting).

>> No.1761619

Do you think this is a fucking game?
Because its not.
This is serious shit. Art is serious shit. And everything else thats hard and serious you need to build a framework of factual knoweldge to guide your skill.

You can either build that framework yourself on the off chance you're some genius snowflake...

Or you can save yourself a 100 years or so and learn from the mistakes made from masters (some being 1000s of years old), party embodied in a virtual fucking page created by an amazing, super new technology.

You should be shitting yourself over this kind of info. Its a reflection of industry-standard, basic knowledge, not some form of mind control. Some of it might be wrong, some of it might be wrong for how you draw in particular, but it sure as shit is better than nothing

>> No.1761625


Sure, that's all good but where do you start. With Loomis and is fucking retarded potato heads?

>> No.1761627

>d I think it's shit because you just can't tell an artist the way where he should go so

It's just a list of resources. They sticky doesn't order anything to anyone.

>Should I just draw whatever and however I want?

Of course. But if you're not satisfied by your work then ,if you want, you can check those resources.

>> No.1761643

I skipped a lot of that shit actually, I started here in /ic/ and with sycra to get a general backgroung in art and a proper mindset, then I added hampton, proko, vilppu, marc brunett and some scott robertson to the mix, and you keep going, drilling your fundamentals, watching and trying to immitate good artists, getting random bits of info here and there, doing focused studies on life and art, after you are capable enough in foundation you are on your own to get as good as you want.

>> No.1761649

The take-away from Loomis head's is not to draw just like Loomis. Its to understand head structure (quicker than one would on their own) and the importance of planes, etc. Its basically there to point out things that a beginner would (probably) never figure out on their own but would find very useful.

So yah, Loomis isn't a terrible start. And if the drawings start looking like potatos then no more Loomis, draw from life, or use another book, while using the techniques of an industry artist as well as ones one has naturally aquired.

If you look back to the art of early medieval Britain (https://www.google.ca/search?q=early+medieval+art&rlz=1C1DVCJ_enCA390CA390&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=eBqqU5_6AsyxyAS164LoCw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1440&bih=761)), much of it was complete fucking shit. Why do you think this was? They completely disregarded the skill of the classics and those who could have flourished were made to suffer in a culture where the knowledge of past generations was somehow completely disregarded.

>> No.1761691

>Its to understand head structure (quicker than one would on their own) and the importance of planes, etc. Its basically there to point out things that a beginner would (probably) never figure out on their own but would find very useful.
It's more like figuring out what form to use for the head. It's basically this:
What form can I use that is as simple as possible while still looking something like the head? Simple and characteristic.

So he gives you a way to think about it, like an example, it's not the only way to do it. There's nothing that says you can't explore and study on your own to find your own way to draw the head.

But it's a damn good starting point.

>> No.1761823

>I have a very liberal way of thinking


>> No.1761902

By all means OP do what you want but for the love of god post every single drawing you make online. The world needs you, i need you to make me feel better.
He went from smooth lines to shaky full retard mode.
Love those things, makes me feel better.

>> No.1761903

>deriving artistic ego boosts from the failures of those who don't know how to improve.


>> No.1761969

There's a difference between don't know and don't want to.

This entire thread was based on someone doing exactly that, not wanting to learn.

I'm sorry if you find that repulsive, i find hilarious how those people are trying to reinvent the wheel and i will boost my ego with it, because doesn't matter how shit my drawing are they'll never be as shit.

>Inb4 post your drawings.

>> No.1761972

>inb4 post your drawings.

You could be Rembrandt for all I care you're still an asshat in my eyes.

>> No.1761981

Oh boy, you would have a stroke at this:

>> No.1762008

Start with Hampton, unless you're a complete beginner, then I don't know how to help you.

>> No.1762289

It's a good thing you are a liberal, because you'll be needing the welfare when your art turns out to be utter shit.

>> No.1762582

>you can't just tell an artist what to do
>tell me what to do

>> No.1762644

He never said he was liberal politically