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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 563 KB, 1000x1462, my_influence_map_by_kitsune_elly-d7dyn91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1750674 No.1750674 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: We tell our success stories in the field or a goal you have. It may be a personal achievement or some type of recognition from your art that may have been influenced by /ic/'s Critiques, board culture or Resources found on the Sticky.

My personal goal is to at least put a smile on someone's face from my art and make them forget the problems of the world for a brief moment.

>Why such a thread?

There must be a motive, an initiative in order to pull you through during times of doubt or fear of exploring outside comfort zones and if that motive is strong enough it will overcome obstacles. If you lack this motive or initiative, think for a moment and search for one as it will prove to be an invaluable source of strength to endure hardships.

>Why do I need others to tell what my goals are?

Someone could have the same goal and may have more experience than you and can even potentially provide you with advice or tips on what to expect.

>Who cares what you've accomplished this isn't your blog

I don't know about you but reading the achievements from others after they have striven to accomplish their goals is a source of inspiration and that is all it may take to get you off your butt and stop procrastinating.

>This is an Artwork/Critique board where is your art?

You may post your most recent drawing or the one you are most proud of and receive critique right on the spot.

>> No.1750676

I'd like to be able to design houses eventually. It's something I'm really interested in, coming up with concepts and stuff, I just can't put them on paper (or tablet) yet. Not even necessarily professionally, I'd just like to be able to do it.

>> No.1750678

My ultimate goal is becoming an animator, be able to convey my ideas, tell stories and having a decent life.
>sorry for my mediocre english btw

>> No.1750691
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I want to make comic books... become successful graphic novel author and have movie franchises based from my comic books.

>> No.1750715
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I've set my goals quite broad as I just want to be able to do what I love and make money from it.
So be it promo artist, character designer or illustrator. I dont really care.

But what i found out on IC was invaluable, here I learned that i sucked hard and that I was improving at a snails pace and needed to up my game.
I started doing studies and improved alot more over 6 months then I ever did before.

>pic related

So thats my personal achiefment I guess.

>> No.1750716

I want to be the worlds greatest mangaka!!

>> No.1750725

i want to do animated crossover shorts and
create comic with interesting character,story and so on..

right now i trying to make my drawing have form so it easy when i do animation

>> No.1750727

I wanna make a short animation film I'm proud of. After that, maybe getting a job.

Also, I want to try being decent enough to sell my sketches and do commissions.

>> No.1750732

I want to draw comics.

Four months ago that goal seemed so daunting and so impossible that I considered suicide. I decided against it and decided to do what /ic/ says and spent hours every day doing study from reference. In just four months I have made huge progress and my goal once again feels attainable.

>> No.1750734
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>> No.1750740 [DELETED] 
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I just want to have fun with a pencil.
Here, have some Loomis heads I drew while on coffee break at work.

>> No.1750741

I want to paint. I don't really have a goal, I just enjoy painting.

The other day I sold a painting. Today I'm going to keep painting when the sun goes down and the lighting gets good.

Tomorrow I might also paint. Depends if it rains. Internet says it will rain.

>> No.1750744
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I just want to have fun with a pencil. Here, have Loomis heads I drew on coffee break at work today.

>> No.1750753

Want to annul my pen, pencil handling inability, and at the same manage to express my imaginings. This would make me more confident, It already makes me more confident, as I now gradually build up a penchant for drawing.

Eagerly learning revealed that it is true, everyone can learn to draw. Plus, I am utmost happy about not being so incomprehensible while writing, I credit that incomprehensibility to being such an uptight with my pen, now with more confidence i gained more control, more clarity.

>> No.1750755
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/ic/ hates me and i can explain why: I want to, as a westerner, successfully emulate japanese and korean cartooning aesthetics and successfully apply them throughout my career, because that's always been what I've liked since I was young, and that's always what I've had the most fun drawing. Personally I branch out and study in realism and work on my fundamentals like anyone else, but when people say anime doesn't sell it doesn't sit with me. I hold it as an ideal because I'm a sperg fucker but I work hard and I'm going to make things happen, it's been my weeb dream since I was a kid.

I start my degree in august to begin studying animation, and before I'm 25 I'd like to have produced a fully voiced and well produced animated film that's about 40 minutes in length, and I'm going to start working on the script this summer (I've already mulled the ideas for the script over for awhile).

The two independent artists featured in the map are kalkulation (kalkulation.deviantart.com (schoolgirl and meduka)) and john su (johnsu.deviantart.com (shrimp girl)).

I love gainax for their solid and usually innovative animated series.

Below that is Yoshitaka Amano, who did the character designs for FF 1-6 and 9, he makes very recognizable illustrations.

To the left of him is the art of the MGS series, I don't know the artist's name from memory but I've always admired his/her work.

To the left of that is a character design by Nobuteru Yuki, who did the art direction for games like Chrono Cross and the character designs in Escaflowne, which both also exhibit unique, colorful, and recognizable elements.

Independent art and open source production are both incredibly important things for modern artists, considering that with the internet, literally anyone in time can create their magnum opus, be it in illustration, animated films, games, music or otherwise.

There are two examples of two different genres of art that I enjoy; maximalism and impressionism. Maximalism (cont'd)

>> No.1750757

can be studied by artists of any skill level, and experimenting in that style can lead to producing artwork that regardless of quality, makes bold statements about yourself as an artist that say you really love and care about your work. Suck at anatomy and values? Draw a shitton of pipes and tubes, like thousands, all on one canvas, and with at least halfhearted effort it will look intriguing and will convince people you really give a shit about your art.

Impressionism I've always liked just because impressionist paintings are calming and beautiful.

I love squaresoft, before they became square enix, because they were a large influence on my creativity in my formal years and the worlds in their games held so much atmosphere and in my opinion were very memorable.

And in the corner there's rusemaster Kojima, who dropped out of film school to make games in a time period where the industry was arguably its most experimentative and is incredibly successful regardless.

>> No.1750761
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I want to explore animation and stylised lineart weebshit but I also want to be a painter the likes of Mullins and Jaime. I want to be good at everything from stylised caricatures and twisted rib-less jelly figures to photorealistic renders and landscapes. But its a long road and the reality is I wont make it; Im one year too deep in the broken toys box and I still cant fundamentals, which shouldve been the first step.

Shame on me, look at my cancer

>> No.1750762

I think it looks great anon. I don't enjoy drawing porn myself because I have a stick up my ass but you should always do you.

>> No.1750765


>To the left of him is the art of the MGS series, I don't know the artist's name from memory but I've always admired his/her work.

Yoji Shinkawa

>> No.1750772
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I'm going to work on becoming a storyboard artist and possibly do designing as well.

The thought of helping other people realize their visions seems like something satisfying to work on
and being involved in those early stages of development is where I think my input can have the most impact.

On top of that I get gratification from watching scenes unfold as I planned them and things look pretty because I designed them.

For the time being I need to learn some perspective,
going through Perspective Made Easy as I wait for Scott Robertson's book to come in.
Pretty excited about that one, especially after reading Parka's review

>> No.1750775


>hurr durr you suck git gud lern fundamundals

>> No.1750784
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you can do it!

>> No.1750791

I just want to draw a lot of lesbian and dickgirl porn. It would be nice to make it in the art industry, but I have a more pressing goal unrelated to art right now. Of course, I'd like to make sure my porn styles and my professional styles are separate and virtually impossible to link to each other, if it's in the cards.

>> No.1750792
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thank you pretty lady

>> No.1750804

I actually think i am better than most famous mangakas, like obata, kishimoto and kubo, oda being a special case. Maybe not on the level of (forgot magaka's name) the vagabond on terms of general work, but I can easily reach that level with à bit more work. Unfortunately, I'm european, lack a bit of motivation, and dont really know how it's possible to try and be published by the shueisha.

>> No.1750809


I'm really not trying to sound rude, so please don't take it that way.
Could you please show some of your work?
It sounds awesome.

>> No.1750810

you're so wrong it hurts.
you need to read more manga, maybe then you'll realize that you know nothing at all.

>> No.1750814


I really don't I'd rather be like

"Wow anon you draw some pretty strange shit but we couldn't find anyone better for this job so it's yours"

>> No.1750816

I can dig that, hear there's plenty of dosh to be made doing fetish commissions.
Maybe do it in some kind of animu style which you never do in your real work but with a quality that makes you worth the price.

>> No.1750838

I think that kind of works in Japan where mangaka can make lewd shit on one hand and still get work with gud animu studios on the other hand, doing whatever--like Makoto Uno or that shitter who made High School of the Dead, but I can't imagine the west letting that fly, so I'd rather play it safe.

>Maybe do it in some kind of animu style which you never do in your real work but with a quality that makes you worth the price.
Yeah, this is pretty much what I'd be aiming for.

>> No.1750842

I don't know, what would you want to see ?

are you responding to me ? if you are, can you tell me on what basis are you supposing what you are saying ?

>> No.1750852

i can 100% guarantee that you don't have the skill and most importantly, the consistency to be better than any of the artists you mentioned.
also, based on the artists you mentioned and all other things considered, i can assume that you don't read that much manga and that you are MAJORLY underestimating the skill of comicmaking.

>> No.1750857

>itt: racism on a national scale

>> No.1750862

>I can 100%
no you can't, stop projecting your own incapabilities on others pls. stop, you're just making yourself seem like the angry kid who tries his best at trolling.

what does that have to do with anything

>the artists you mentioned
could you elaborate ?go ahead, and tell me that takehiko inoue, takeshi obata, tite kubo, and masashi kiyimoto are not some of the most famous artists at the moment. I can also give more and more examples, like miura, hiramoto akira and so on, but If you think I was going to list all of them that is a moronic statement

>I can 100%
no, again, you just seem to not be able too.

>> No.1750869

i'm sorry, my prediction abilities are just that good. :^)
by extension i can also tell that you've never or almost never tried to draw a manga/comic project before.
nobody who knows his way around manga both artistically and as a reader would say the things you did.
it's pointless to go into this, i'm saying i can tell. so just take it as it is.

if i'm wrong, then go ahead and call me stupid and do a dance and fispump all you want. but i know i'm right.

>> No.1750877
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>> No.1750885

i know it must be hard to understand how i can say all this just going by the posts you made, but that's why you're naive.

>> No.1750892
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>> No.1750893
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I want to become a great animator that's influenced by western and eastern works.

I'm okay with anatomy, but I'm super weak with perspective, pose-to-pose, writing, and storyboarding.

If there's anything that I should have learned in the past, it's that I should have introduced myself to all mediums. Writing comics have shown my weaknesses.

>> No.1750895

go tip all those fedoras elsewhere pls, let's just ignore this guy for a moment, is there a way to get published without going to japan, or even, is it actually possible for foreigner to even be published ?

>> No.1750899

i can give you even more predictions:
-you are around 20
-every now and then you can make a drawing that is seemingly "professional level"

the fact that you don't even know how consistency plays into comicmaking shows that you have no experience in it.
you can always prove yourself though :^)
just show a page or a drawing :^) i can guess at what level you're at..

>> No.1750903

Let me fill you in on something.

Honestly, anything is possible but to be able to get published in Japan, you have to be either one of these or most likely both:

1. Near fluent or fluent in Japanese
2. Extremely good (I mean, gud as in git gud or higher)

Animation studios are not against foreigners from what I have seen.
It's about being really REALLY good.
If you were a native Japanese though, getting into animation will be a lot easier there.
It's the same with manga but even more so because you are selling yourself.

TL;DR you have to be really fucking good and be fluent in Japanese.

>> No.1750906


Can you post some of your work?

>> No.1750908

As a teenager, I didn't want to be a failure
As a young art student, I wanted desperately to get an internship
As a senior, I wanted to graduate and have work that didn't look like it was by a student

I hung around /ic/ when I was 17-19 so RIGHT before I left for art college and stopped visiting (no time). People like Iconoclast, Dot, Ollie (I think his name here was Tehmeh) Upon and especially Timmy-o-Tool really inspired me.

While in school, I thought in very black and white terms. "If I don't have an internship/job soon then I am not good enough and will never be valuable as an artist" etc

After getting baby jobs and a really inspiring internship, it spurred me on to just create things I thought were beautiful and fun to me personally and I ended up very satisfied with my senior thesis. Like I said before, my sole goal was to graduate with work that didn't look amateur/scream "THIS WAS BY A STUDENT" and I managed to land a job as an associate concept artist in S. Cali.

It feels funny as my goals and mindsets have changed over the years, I used to think I wanted to do matte painting for a split second (hells no) I studied 3D (mega hells no I'm too fucking stupid for it) and I wanted to do fantasy card illustrations before I realized my style was still too animated looking

I am happy though. My soph year of art school, I leaned my focus toward environment art because I enjoyed making a scene more than making a character with cool anatomy, 'anatomy' I enjoyed was putting objects together to give a background its own character. Now I'll be working as a concept artist focusing on prop/env so I couldn't be more stoked. It's good to know your strengths/weaknesses. Though I love character art and design, it just ain't my strength and I could never generate enough ideas to make it as a character artist

>> No.1750913

Damnit, is being able to perfectly speak japanese a must..? Or can I have like, a translator or something. Don't they speak English too ?

>> No.1750916


Alright you're an outsider in a very exclusive xenophobic culture, of course you're going to have to master their language

>> No.1750929


Different anon, dude I don't think you realize how ball busting those jobs are. Look up the average schedule for a professional manga artist/assistant. It's.. EXTREMELY demanding

>> No.1750936


It's not required, but it would increase your chances one hundred fold.
You have to prove yourself to the company that you want to work for.
In the end it all comes down to your work and how good it is.

There are three things in this world that make a successful person (I'm quoting this haha).

1. How good your work is.
2. How well you are with people.
3. How good looking you are.

I shit you not.

To be good and successful at anything in this world you have to have at least two of these attributes.
Are you a 9.5/10 or a 10/10? If not, it's not going to make up for one of the other two.
See where I'm going with this? That leaves how good you are and how well you are with people.
You can't be well with people ESPECIALLY in japan if you are not fluent or near fluent.
If that's your dream, start learning.

I'll be honest. I have a similar dream, but I made it a goal now and I'm taking steps.
If you want it bad enough, you will get it.

>> No.1750940




>> No.1750942

yeah, the problem being that the japanese language is really hard to "master". I mean, I don't know if only a fluent level of knowledge is required, to be able to at least hold a conversation, but I don't think a fully mastered language is possible for me (if I want to do it in a year or two).

yeah, I also saw those schedules, I already had schedules like that, I think I can hold my own, particularly when I draw.

I thank you anon for those great answers, now, not trying to sound rubbish or arrogant, but I do think I have those qualities, or at least, 1 and 3 (thx luck). I don't think i'm terrible with people either, i'm an introvert, but not the beta way, I am at ease around people, I just prefer reading or drawing alone.

May I ask you your age and location ? as I also wanted to do that for a long time now, I just don't know how to do it.

>> No.1750943


It's my two cents, nothing more, nothing less.
If you have 1. and 3. then more power to you.
It's not set in stone or the laws of the universe but it's how I see things.

Seattle, WA - US

>> No.1750944


Oh, I forgot to mention my age. I'm 22.

>> No.1750952

thx for posting, i myself am 20. also, should we take seriously mangas like bakuman or other mangaka-life type mangas, I feel that most of them are sometime too unrealistic for the sake of the scenario ?

>> No.1750958


The way I see it is that you never know when you are going to die.
Your time isn't guaranteed. You could die a year from now.
Why not give something all you have?
If you want to live your life like something from a manga, then do it.
You better damn well be prepared for one hell of a struggle though.
Even then, there is not promises. You might fall flat on your face.
Watch those documentaries that were linked above.

>> No.1750959
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Here's some of my recent stuff. They're nothing too major though.

I sometimes post stuff on imageboards or in flipbook.in.

>> No.1750960


You seem to have a better grasp on form then a lot of people on here from what I see.
I would watch high quality movies/animations and pause scenes over and over again to watch how things move over time.
Do you study anatomy?

>> No.1750964
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I've been doing walkcycles as a daily warm up too to familiarize myself with the figure. I really need to experiment with composition though.

>> No.1750969
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Kind of, I have the terminology of most of the muscles and bones seared in my head. I've been watching "demo reels"/MADs from my favorite animators repeatedly, but I should look at the frames slowly. Do you know of a media splitter? (gif-splitter, webm splitter)

I've been using media player classic, but it's taking me longer than it should.

I used to study pages from bridgman and hogarth books, but I do a bargue every once in a while. I try to aim to do gestures daily though (sorry for the camera photo). They aren't too fluid or expressive, but I use them as a warm up to train my form since I badly want to master perspective.

>> No.1750972

Not bad.

Keep studying anatomy. Your work seems fluent. I like it.
If you have the money, this would help a lot for studying how the figure looks when it moves.
I haven't bought it yet, though it looks promising.

>> No.1750974



>> No.1751080

My personal goal is write and draw a decent webcomic.

By the way, great thread OP and I hope you achieve your personal goal. It's awesome.

>> No.1751140
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Started off weeaboo faggot, now I'm actually past most of my peers and do some commissions.
>mfw weeaboo faggot is more popular than me

>> No.1751144

It's simple.

Become good at something so I don't kill myself in a fit of "Why Didn't I GitGud?"

>> No.1751289
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Is this a thread to shamelessly toot your own horn? Fantastic. I'm just turned 23 and do freelance work at a rate from $60-100/hr.

I just started to get into cultivating an online following, and have gotten over 800 Tumblr (best place for artist, IMO) followers since I joined last month. It's growing everyday, and I actually get fan mail which is a dream come true. It's a really nice feeling to have people think you're amazing, even when you feel you're not. The exposure also gets me new commissions.

I'm growing my presence on Print on Demand sites which I started doing also last month. Across the board, I'm making ~$20 a day average on these sites, which if you aren't familiar with these sites (Society 6, Redbubble, etc.), that's pretty good for how long I've been at it. I expect this to grow every month, and my goals of making $100 a day passively from sales seems very likely. I can also do freelance work while my illustrations sell themselves.

I never have and probably never will get into concept art, which tends to be so popular here on /ic/. I don't draw fantasy/sci-fi stuff - no orcs, space marines, dragons, mountainous landscapes, etc.There are many other outlets for illustration that go largely ignored by most illustrators. I think one of the most important things you can do is to have a unique style. /ic/ teaches you that style is a term used by noobies as a crutch. While that's true, that doesn't mean having a style means you're fooling yourself into not growing as an artist. Having your own creative voice is incredibly useful, and it basically means applying the fundamentals in new ways. Not everything needs to look like a generic Magic the Gathering card.

In everything I make, I live by this one rule: They key to success is not making the best work, it's making the right work. You don't have to be the best illustrator to get a lot of work. You just need to know when you know enough and start focusing on actually running your freelance business.

>> No.1751292


Thanks! Been searching for a book like this. Is there one for effects like explosions?

>> No.1751295

Not exactly published but people sell their doujinshis at comikets through proxy all the time, sure it's not exactly what
you want, but you can start getting exposure to the local market as an artist like that if you really are good.

>> No.1751296
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>My personal goal is to at least put a smile on someone's face from my art and make them forget the problems of the world for a brief moment.

What a douche.

>> No.1751327

Douche wouldn't be quite the right word. I think it's more a problem of setting your standards very, very low. Amateur digital illustrators in general have a tendency to expect very meager results from their work in terms of exposure, making a living, being well liked, etc. People here lack confidence, and it's crippling any hope of a creative career.

>> No.1751329

The first finn I've seen on /ic/, hello brother!

>> No.1751335

Hello. I haven't seen any neither, even tho' I've been here forever.

>> No.1751338
File: 60 KB, 550x366, time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-me too...

Why...Why didn't I take drawing more seriously sooner?...Even if I started 10 years ago the second I turned 18 I would have been late to the party...I've wasted my life!

>I started doing studies and improved alot more over 6 months then I ever did before.

Good to hear. Keep working at it nig.

>> No.1751347

I'm curious now, can we see your stuff? you sound pretty amazing.

>> No.1751353

any tips on where to find jobs starting out ? I think im gud enough to get some small jobs, and would be happy to make 500$ a month. But i cant find enough jobs to do that

>> No.1751365

Thanks a lot! I'm really hesitant to share some work, since I feel my post sounds arrogant when I really don't mean to be. I guess it just felt good to vent some of the good/accomplishments for once instead of worrying about the difficulties (which I guess is sort of the point of this thread). I also think a lot of this sounds better than it actually is too. Sure, I charge a lot but I'm not doing commissions all day and the POD stuff is very slow to grow. Some of my artsy online artsy friends have upwards of 10,000+ followers on multiple sites each. Anyway, here's my Tumblr: http://ronanlynam.tumblr.com/ . I've found a good amount of success in drawing for apparel. I'm trying to transition more into digital painting work, but there's less outlets for it.

One of the biggest lessons I've learned is how important nurturing your online presence is. I don't know where the best place is to go get commissioned work, but I think that a good alternative to finding work is letting work come to you. To make this happen, I would argue you need to have good online visibility.

In addition to this, if you get a commission always charge more than you think. A lot of freelancers make a lot of money simply because they're asking for more money. Never, ever work for less than minimum wage (which so many artists do surprisingly), even if it's just a "small job". Freelance artwork has a lot more value than people think, and you should stick to your values.

Just my thoughts!

>> No.1751369

I can see why you're getting commissions and fame. Your paintings are not the most difficult in technical level, but they really look like you have fun with them and the subjects certainly are popular (some are clever too).

They also work, like the anon in other thread said about the imperial guard with the bearskin. I really digg some of your paintings, inspires me to pick up the brush aswell.

>> No.1751381

Thanks a lot! I do have a lot of fun with them. I really like strong brushstrokes, and they make drawing anything really fun for me. Like you said, they're not the most difficult and right now that's probably about the extent of my ability. I'm by no means an amazing illustrator, I just value sharing my stuff a lot. I see a lot of great illustrators here on /ic/ that I think could benefit a lot from spending some time promoting themselves online. A lot of the times I'll draw pop-culture inspired stuff just because the popularity of it all is so useful to piggyback off of. It also gives you an opportunity to share your work on things such as gaming related blogs as well as art blogs, so you can really give the work a large online reach.

>> No.1751475

Love your stylization.

>> No.1751498


Had no idea this was you! We're both 23 but you're miles ahead as far as a career. I'm still groping around for what I even want to do. It's trending toward animation though.

You seem to really have your own voice and know where you're going, which is the biggest thing I lack at the moment. Frankly, all I wanna do is draw girls, is that a career? I'm gonna grind on fundamentals for the next year and see where that takes me.


I guess If I had to shoot for something, it would be to win an Oscar for Best Picture with an animated film, and have animation not referred to as a genre.

Other than that, make enough money to live comfortably.

>isucess nearer


>> No.1751537

Ty, I feel like I'm free to stylize and disregard normal antomy when I work on copy paper with shitty ballpoint pen and just doodle. It's really relaxing in midst of a day. At home I draw from imagination way too rarely.

>> No.1751551

Technical mastery won't alone make good paintings. Some times the most simple piece can make a huge impact.
I happen to love visible brush strokes, hatching, markmaking, construction... Might be one of the reasons your work appeals to me.
Marketing one's self is never ending problem for artists. Everything should be fine (as long it won't hurt others) if it allows you to make living out of your passion. I'm happy for your success.

>> No.1751696
File: 641 KB, 800x1080, tumblr_m3q09djICW1qimfofo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be able to draw as good as my favorite fan artist, Quere.

>> No.1751707

Is that a boy?

>> No.1751712
File: 493 KB, 950x1003, tumblr_mrhkbzKYlO1su39aso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would hope to someday publish a comic, but for now I just really want to draw for my own enjoyment. That is my goal.

I rather enjoy drawing classic movie actors, and hope to someday be able to draw as good as this artist.

>> No.1751719
File: 1.06 MB, 1632x2567, Scan07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My short term goal is to find drawing and painting fun again, enough so that I'm willing to paint/draw for more than an hour or two at a time. Everything I do lately a shit.

Long term goals are to be a concept/3d artist, eventually leveraging that to become a game designer.

>> No.1751883


>In everything I make, I live by this one rule: They key to success is not making the best work, it's making the right work.

This might be one of the single best pieces of art advice I've ever read.

>> No.1752089

I've been drawing on and off (as an amateur hobby) all my life, never really thought about studying it on the side until recently, mostly due to artists on 4chan. After seeing how people have progressed after drawing for years it's sort of inspired me a little.

I'm not fussed about making a living, I just want to draw things I'm happy with, and other people find at least mildly interesting.
god damn, your stuff makes me smile.

>> No.1752094

I havent thought too much of my longterm goal but I know I'm interested in fantasy illustration and my short term goal is to start producing convincing scenes with character(s) in environments, but lately I've just been working on my anatomy and character sketches with simple pencil and paper, I dont see the point in doing backgrounds yet when my characters still suck. Ive got a long way to go

>> No.1752208

I just want to be really good at drawing human figures and objects. Focusing on these so much has slightly offset the other areas of art I should also be studying (such as color/lighting and perspective) but I feel like I've made progress when it comes to knowing how things should look or the steps to drawing them, and I think that's a good start.

I think I've got a ways to go but there are some little things that make me really happy. On another board where I posted a drawing someone commented that it looked like I was familiar with proper anatomy, and on another an anon actually asked if I could scan a page of gesture drawings from my scratchpad because they thought it looked cool. There are a lot of mediocre artists out there but boy do I wish I had the same amount of confidence as them.

>> No.1754226

i've been doodling ever since i was a kid, and i want to get better at drawing, mostly as a hobby, maybe a career if i like it

>> No.1754237
File: 126 KB, 692x597, man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to draw like Loomis and Bridgman. Then whatever I draw will look good and realistic. I have tons of pictures in my head, and I need skill to put emotion on them. I'm really worried if one day I'll be able achieve my dream. I'm just 18, but compared to some artists at my age, I'm shit. I'd post something, but I'm only using tradicional media to learn everything and I don't have camera. My current drawing look a little with GTA San Andreas artwork but inferior, of course.

>> No.1754240
File: 671 KB, 800x1130, bubbly27smalerl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to become known for making high-octane fap material with drawings that look like boguereau paintings ( I know I wont be there for another 20 years doe...)

>> No.1754242

also, y'all need Felipe Smith. that is all.

>> No.1754295

I eventually want to be a creative director for a successful design studio or something along those lines and be a jack of all trades. I'm currently slugging away as an interaction designer for a company that makes enterprise apps/websites/whatnot. I do get to do a bit of animation, motion graphics, and illustration here and there, but my work primarily revolves around interfaces and UX.

I'd like to eventually be freelancing based on my work in painting, illustration, video production and animation because these are most enjoyable to me. It just means I need to build on my portfolio more when I'm not at work, otherwise I'll be limited. I also want to get more confident with my 3d modelling and animation if possible.

I guess we'll see - I just need to stay motivated and push myself in all directions I can instead of procrastinating as much as I do.