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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 87 KB, 960x768, DanielSprickBirdSkeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1741324 No.1741324[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you will never paint like Daniel Sprick

>> No.1741327

Wouldn't want to.

>> No.1741329

Nigga u gay

I love abex and Kandinsky and the post-impressionists and all that shit, but having this man's ability would be pretty fucking badass.

Thanks for the find OP

>> No.1741332 [DELETED] 

Hello, OP.

>> No.1741333
File: 72 KB, 589x800, 1371195230280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a point of collecting the names of proficient living 'realist' painters.
not because I care for them that much but it's good to rattle of a few names to people who complains about modern art without even putting in the effort to find out about the finely executed realistic art they seem to care so much about

>> No.1741336

I really wish this board had IDs so faggots like you wouldn't throw around "samefag" at everyone who disagrees with them.

Do you think you're in the majority in not wanting to have this painter's ability? Only one person could disagree with your or appreciate the artist?

>> No.1741338

Sure, having this technical skill is great, but he doesn't do much interesting with it.

>> No.1741340

what's interesting? a landscape with a small figure holding a staff?

>> No.1741343

"The objection to Meissonier and other Salon painters like him is that they were mistaken for great creative artists when essentially they were stunt men with a superlative knack for mimicry... His name today is synonymous with all that is routine and unimaginative in 19th-century art."

>> No.1741344
File: 73 KB, 1024x725, ferri_study__3_by_houstonsharp-d5i8a4s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about actual story telling and expressing emotion ,rather than dull still lifes.

>> No.1741345

I like how realism still life faggots always go for the "landscape with a small dude innit" excuse when they talk about anything different.And mostly envisioning concept art I presume.It just shows how narrowminded and uneducated you are about the subject.Look up some Bierstadt and get reckt pleb

>> No.1741347

>everything is shit except nude allegorical painting

>> No.1741348

bierdstadt, actually saw one of his paintings in a museum last week, great painter. I don't see your point at all, bierdstadt was a fine art painter who made massive oil paintings for rich collecters

>> No.1741351

>implying I would want to

photorealism is stupid. That's what cameras are for.

>> No.1741352
File: 725 KB, 1100x1426, rockwell41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assuming that because someone disagrees with your view means they claim their PREFFERENCE as superior over everything else

go read a book or something

>> No.1741353


point is he did romanticist landscapes,not boring souless still lifes...get it ?

>> No.1741357

dont want to.

>> No.1741358
File: 67 KB, 750x960, DanielSprickSkeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so do countless other painters, google hudson river school

ive never seen many handle the still life quite like sprick

>> No.1741360
File: 113 KB, 747x960, SprickFigure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some figure drawings for balance

>> No.1741362 [DELETED] 

nothing to learn here guys move along

>> No.1741363
File: 77 KB, 701x960, SprickFigure1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1741364

trust me I've googled the subject alot more than you...
And it doesn't matter how you say it..."handle" or whatever.He draws only what he sees infront of him.Only purpouse of still lifes is to study or show off your technical skill.The latter of wich is not impressive to me.If he did a necromancer with some skelletons of this calliber then I can get behind it.If he did his vision on Hell with this sort of quallity, then i'd be behind it...but just to draw what's there infront of you is nothing more than technical skill with zero to no imagination.Not worth my attention

>> No.1741366

how you overlook the power of observation and it's connection to life is beyond me, sorry reality doesnt bore me enough to require fantasy in all of the art i enjoy, we will just have to agree to disagree

>> No.1741367

I know that this is years of practice but it still blows me away. Like where do you even start painting a picture like this. How do you start? How do you mix your colors that they have the perfect hue and brightness? How do you paint the fine textures?

>> No.1741369

years of observation coupled with countless hours of study and work to gain the skillsets needed, not to mention he's obviously naturally inclined towards drawing and painting

>> No.1741373

I'd say more likely he had some great teachers who knew what they were doing. You don't just get good by endlessly painting on your own. At least most of us don't.

>> No.1741374

oh and of course proper instruction/access to knolwledge

being in the right environment is super important so you arent ingraining years of bad habits that take someone with a skilled eye to notice and correct, that's why its so important that you study from the right materials if you are attempting to learn art on your own, ideally you want to be in some sort of school/atelier though

>> No.1741376

yeah, i blanked ont hat post

see >>1741374

but even after receiving the proper instruction the artist must work endlessly

>> No.1741398

well at least YOU will never be able to.

>> No.1741402
File: 212 KB, 1024x738, joseph-christian-leyendecker_251895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine, I'd rather paint like Leyendecker.

>> No.1741418


this picture turned me into a homosexual dandy and I've never felt better

>> No.1741440

Is it possible to become a great artist on your own, without formal education? Just books, video tutorials, studying great pieces of art, etc?

>> No.1741457
File: 237 KB, 1083x550, AMORE-PIANGE-SULLA-TOMBA-DI-PSICHE-olio-su-tela-75-x-150-cm-anno-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberto Ferri is a self thought oil painter apparently.

>> No.1741462

Is it possible for an average person, I mean, and not just the occasional genius?

>> No.1741466

I already have a camera

>> No.1741493

It's possible. It's just a lot harder.

>> No.1741504

>thank god

it's utter shit.

>> No.1741511
File: 80 KB, 960x681, ferri27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you post a digital study instead of the actual painting?

>> No.1741518

What separates great artists from the mediocre is passion. Their is alot of artists out there who enjoy painting but don't have a true burning passion for it, those are the ones that get left behind, but those with that burning hot passion for what they do, is what makes the difference. If you have that passion, the only thing that can hold you back, is you.

>> No.1742170

Because he's clearly tasteless and narrow minded.

>> No.1742171

If you can't tell this is a painting rather than a photograph, then you know nothing about painting.

>> No.1742188


Oh god I so love rockwells stuff. Just viewing this and you immediately know who everyone is and that they're welocming back home the adolescent boy that just got back unharmed from the frontlines overseas. goddamn.

>> No.1742196

realism is dead. it's been dead for a long time

hirst, KAWS, muriyama, saville are the new masters. would rather make art like them than any of these realist painters

>> No.1742245

Hirst is a better businessman than an artist, his medium is money. KAWS is also a hack, boring lowbrow kitsch. I don't know Muriyama, if you mean Murakami, then I agree he's a significant artist since he's heading the superflat movement. Saville is boss. Realism isn't dead though, it just exists alongside many other movements. That being said, I'd rather paint like Check Close today than Chuck Close in his early career.

>> No.1742247

Wouldn't it be easier to just take a picture?

>> No.1742248

Yeah, that would be more interesting.

>> No.1742486

my mistake the name

but how is KAWS a hack?? and is superflat even a thing? theres like 8 artist that do superflat, and that b/c they were influneced by anime

>> No.1742497

Don't want to, would rather be able to convincingly paint things that are not real than be able to meticulously copy a photograph or a scene.

Technical mastery is neat, but that's about it, I wouldn't want to base my career or my "art" around it.

>> No.1742498

diff anon, i don't think kaws is a hack, but to call him a new master is laughable,

His little urban fashion movement is over, bape is dead and he closed his tokyo flagship store.

He stooped to collaborating with the MTV music awards, how low can you go. The whole faux brand, faux corporate thing is over. You're now the thing you parodied.

>> No.1742500

KAWS is a hack because literally everything he's made is the same regurgitated pop bullshit and it's an offense to the eyes.
>hurr I stole a cartoon character and put Xs for eyes

>> No.1742703

You're a special kind of retard.
>Implying imitation and skill is all there is to still life paintings
>Implying you don't have the intellectual sensibility of a brick for needing a painting to shove an allegorical story up your ass to get a sense of underlying meaning. Really, skeletons? There's a reason romanticism was a vanguard of the last century. It's because it's not relevant anymore.

>> No.1742755

>what is consumerism
>what is meme
>what is the internet
his art is what out current generation is all about. copys, "OC", deriving

and he looks like the feel guy, watch his interviews. he acts like how the feel guy or /ic/er would IRL

>> No.1743043

Yup sounds like a hack to me

>> No.1743058

>muh concept art
>muh old masters

sorry grandpa but art evolves, it doesn't stagnate and rot.

KAWS really refelcts american consumerism and our culture. he's not hacky;our society just sucks

>> No.1743061

Dumb question but: is it possible to develop that passion on purpose?

>> No.1743063

Don't listen to that retarded bullshit.

>> No.1743072

art is a gift from God or a higher power.

if you can't channel that creative force than sorry your out of luck.

>> No.1743074

>implying I'm into concept art
>implying I only like the old masters, and don't appreciate modern or contemporary artists.

Keep your baseless assumptions and go jack off to Koons.

>> No.1743078

Nothing retarded about it. If you're not passionate, you won't put in the tremendous amount of work required to become a badass artist. I see it all the time- lukewarm artists stagnate and are more concerned with being known as artists than making actual art. Passion is necessary in pretty much every career choice, if you want to rise above the crowd.

>> No.1743089

KAWS is 40 what does he have to do with "our generation only 90s kids will understand"? along with nigo, futura, shepard fairey, pharrel (40+) their main inspiration is hip hop and skate culture not tumblr memes.

>> No.1743456

>inplying age matters for knowing about the time we live in