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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 626 KB, 1920x1080, 1399256877710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1738270 No.1738270 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning Thread

"Perspective may not teach you how to draw the figure but you may never draw the figure without perspective."

Previous Thread: >>1733388

A general message to aspiring artists: Fear is the mind killer. Do not be afraid to make mistakes as no one is perfect, you will make mistakes. Learn from those mistakes, break from your comfort zones and explore new horizons.

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!

>Hitokaku Index
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection
>Japanese Animu Tutorials

Remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

/ic/: >tfw no art dominus.

>> No.1738277


>> No.1738281

I'm pissed off and I hate everything I draw

..time to find some inspiration I guess

>> No.1738282
File: 86 KB, 511x330, 1368246799947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1738284

If I'm not the flower there's no point in existing.

>> No.1738286

You'll become the flower in due time, anon

>> No.1738290
File: 211 KB, 546x1464, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chin up Anon just pull through you can do it.

>> No.1738295
File: 797 KB, 941x2177, uh oh oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, this is my first time venturing to /ic/, so please bear with me, and keep in mind I'm fully aware that I have a lot to learn. But yeah I just finished this drawing of a shitty shameless self-insert OC for a video game concept I like to wishfully think about in my spare time
tell me what you goys think

>> No.1738304

this is what happens whe you skip leg day

>> No.1738305

keep being an asshole to yourself and you'll be a cheap ass flower that gardeners pull out.

>> No.1738306


>> No.1738309

Are you saying that the legs are like badly proportioned or that he's topheavy
pls i want 2 get gud

>> No.1738311

legs look way too long and thin, yes

simply does not please my eye, it's awkward looking

>> No.1738312 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 1181x1083, 0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1738313

You know, you're starting to grow on me. Now tell me your place to find your other stuff already.

>> No.1738318

I like to think he's drawing all these to decorate a giant wall or something

>> No.1738330
File: 167 KB, 445x675, sads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this looking so far?

>> No.1738334

Why are these the only generals without /ic/user created op image?

>> No.1738344

There has been images created by the users, and there is a constant flux of decent images to use as the OP, but for some reason the dude that starts the threads does not use them, I believe he wants permision from the authors, and some autistic faggots actually complaint about the quality of the pictures used as OP.
>autism 101

>> No.1738351


Mikufag, is that truly you? If so, I'd like to tell you something.

>> No.1738388

I'd fuk er

>> No.1738473

legs are too long.

>> No.1738480

You can't just suddenly become the flower, you idiot. You grow into it.

>> No.1738487


>/Ic/ It's about becoming Flowers.

>> No.1738492

Hi hi

>> No.1738555


Not same anon but if that sketch is yours then you've improved quite a bit.

Keep it up!

>> No.1738571

It's a nice metaphor and we all want to be pretty :3

>> No.1738572


Make me pretty, Anon.

>> No.1738582
File: 61 KB, 380x800, 322f913675a75550030537e1f334b115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you but I am using a reference though I can't draw from imagination that well enough yet. I try not to reference it completely I just need an idea for the pose or the gesture.

>> No.1738620

Implying using reference is bad

>> No.1738629

I used to be like that, its when you know your proportions and all but you just can't figure out how people stand and move.
You should do gestures with the focus on memorizing how people balance their bodies and how they move, just because you are
used in seeing them, doesn't mean that you know it. Do one from ferecence and one from imagination, compare what you forgot in the process.

>> No.1738633

Using reference to get that hand right, or that foot right or to add a bigger leven of information
to your anatomy is not bad, but if you can't draw a simple figure from imagination to save your
life, then yes it's bad.

>> No.1738637

Nothing new actually, but let me know, /ic/, what do you think about proportions of her legs? >>1738144 I mean, is the knees too low?

>> No.1738641

>I can't draw from imagination that well enough yet.
and you never will be. because you never try.
i keep telling you: sketch more

>> No.1738643

One of the methods to ensure that 'a simple figure from imagination' can be drawn is to use references and study them first.

>> No.1738648

Why are you mixing up creative work from imagination? yes that's obvious that you will be studying them, those are both my posts >>1738629
>>1738633 Studying is always frome reference or life, but if you are trying to invent a figure and you need reference to even get going then
there is something wrong with you, you can't be creative and draw what you imagine if you have to spend 20 minutes googling photographs.

>> No.1738661
File: 224 KB, 1155x762, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to regret this tomorrow
going all out and tyring to give her lips in <- and -> is still trying to keep her "moe" but at this point i think i'm just way too tired to think straight

>> No.1738664

pick 5

>> No.1738667

It's okay to refer to references to make sure what you pulled from imagination looks right. And it's okay to use references for you to get going.
I think we have the same opinion on this matter, but some of the things you say sound too dramatic.
>if you are trying to invent a figure and you need reference to even get going then
there is something wrong with you

>> No.1738671
File: 58 KB, 293x569, best lu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1738678
File: 294 KB, 1155x762, 1401217016917R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try seeing more works from artists you like. Even better, do studies of female heads so you'll understand where to place and shade the facial features.

>> No.1738679

We are looking at her from a straight, slightly below angle, yet her mouth is closer to her chin than her nose.
Move the mouth closer to the nose.

>> No.1738694

jesus blend in some of those values it looks like shes made of the thing that candles are made of.

>> No.1738711


>> No.1738718
File: 61 KB, 600x707, reich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She thinks I am National Socialist.

>> No.1738813 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 918x961, 0037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1738817

So DO you ever draw anything other than those stupid faces?

>> No.1738833

Well...I don't know how that happened, but I kinda got around 45k views in a day for this:


>> No.1738834

How the fuck...

>> No.1738838

Samefag. And I like the way you posted the link to get more views and stroke instead of simply posting the image here :^)

>> No.1738842

try again

>> No.1738845

this was to show the views, not increase them. not like the 10 people on /ic/ are gonna change something anyway, retard.

>> No.1738846

Look at the post times though.

>> No.1738847
File: 473 KB, 2000x2000, miku_by_elee0228-d7ilc8w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I saw this it reminded me of you. My sides went Chernobyl and couldn't help but spread the lulz here. I love your delicious /fit/ girls but pic related is cringe worthy.

>> No.1738848

If I was him, why would I insult his shitty picture for undeservedly getting 40k views?
You're some special kind of retard.

>> No.1738868

> implying your typical LoL player has any semblance of taste
> inb4 jelly

>> No.1738893
File: 450 KB, 1000x563, 20657073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love NEGI's Rin and have constantly tried to transfer the likeness of his Rin to a more realistic style, but no dice.

>> No.1738900
File: 647 KB, 243x199, 1393873611696.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1738904
File: 552 KB, 1500x1500, Babyfeets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this FEETus.

Look at his little toe-toes. This was a doodle but I love him.

>> No.1738905

why is she in lingerie? am I supposed to be looking at porn here?

>> No.1738908

It was clearly made by a Woman to empower others. Be proud Femanon.

>> No.1738929


Mikufag, you may not remember me but I remember you. I was the anon who would constantly tell you to learn perspective and read Perspective Made Easy. I just thought I'd tell you that you've made substantial progress from when you first started here. I just wanted to encourage you to keep progressing. And never forget: even the tiniest of progress is still progress.

Never quit.

>> No.1738931

Is that your excuse for saving not-porn.
>b-b-b-but it's empowering art!

>> No.1738936
File: 159 KB, 689x820, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I remember you thank you for telling me that over and over again. I hope you'll do the same thing to the next guy who wants to learn.

>> No.1738939

indeed you improved well, so ? did you find flipping your canvas horizontally useful ?

>> No.1738941

Yep I'm rotating it and everything now

>> No.1738945
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to play around with colors. I don't know what i'm doing. time to find rendering and color tutorials. I'm still doing loomis.

>> No.1738960
File: 256 KB, 500x514, help me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me with the proportions? The legs, specifically. I can't find a reference of a leg in that position from that angle so I'm having trouble (bent knee, close to body, aerial view). A redline or quick repaint would be awesome.

I know the perspective of the furniture and stuff are wonky.

>> No.1739015

You should really get drawing down before you start focusing on colors

>> No.1739019 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 600x300, shouting from a car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey nice drawings faggot!

>> No.1739021 [DELETED] 
File: 609 KB, 1920x1080, 1400360132858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where are those nice drawings of yours, faggot?

>> No.1739042 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 321x300, 13 angry_driver_shouting_out_car_window_pe0068121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet you faggots don't even loomis!

>> No.1739048 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 509x336, shouting from a car 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vilppu thou

>> No.1739091 [DELETED] 



>> No.1739139 [DELETED] 

Just give it up you fucktards

Face reality, doing this dumb shit won't get you anywhere at all, might as well quit and do something else that's actually useful

>> No.1739144


>> No.1739146 [DELETED] 

one day i'll feel useful like you

>> No.1739147

>what is style

>> No.1739148

It's alright, it's fictional

>> No.1739156 [DELETED] 

Some people draw for fun, you know

>> No.1739178
File: 113 KB, 671x1200, AT140528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't had some Dirty Pair in a while. Have some Dirty Pair. Retreading old idea in my head, sorry.

>> No.1739180
File: 195 KB, 900x900, octopus wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have at it guys.

>> No.1739236

How do I draw 80s anime girls?

>> No.1739244

Goddamn this picture is fucking retarded. LIke, where is the gun even coming from? Why are her fucking pants coming down? What a goddamned waste of kill. This pictures makes 0 sense.

>> No.1739247

Also this is a terrible choice for alternative art and stylization. The only thing going for this picture is that its actually convincingly realistic. The girls body is the closest thing to what girls actually look like from what I've seen on the entirety of /ic/ and the face is non animued and non styled

>> No.1739249 [DELETED] 

>implying these threads are anything but dripping puss filled cancer.

We have to put the garbage somewhere...

>> No.1739258


Not saying that 4chan is anything but this, but these posts are really demoralizing. You are not going to weed out the competition you feel by shitting on 20 other artists on /ic/. It just makes everyone feel like shit.

>> No.1739259

You're a bit late to the hate train m8

>> No.1739263

if you look closely, there is a kind of hint of a backpack thing behind her back

main problem here is the delivery really. the design of the weapon should at least show the mechanism more.

looks real purdy but will make /k/ go apeshit.

looks like what the koreans would draw

>> No.1739264 [DELETED] 

>18 images
>6 of them reaction images
>the rest is pure shit, attempts to copy not draw


>> No.1739280

okay, but for what purpose? Does it make you feel better? You're the ones making the posts without drawings you know.

>> No.1739284

Sure as fuck not like that. It's more of an ugly hybrid style in the form of that faggot Otaking.

>> No.1739290

Its literally just the hair.
afro = 80s
Personally I think you draw well, though

>> No.1739300
File: 272 KB, 580x516, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

study the 80s anime that you like.

>> No.1739339

It's sad to see that the cost-cutting simplifications they use in anime have spilled over the anime style in general. It goes to show how shallow commercial artists can be when that's what guides them, and those are the traits they adopt.

I suppose the same can be said for American animation, with all the simplified, stylistic garbage they shat out in the 90s in order to cut costs, with Batman being the most obvious perpetrator. No need to worry about anatomy or details, when nothing is more complicated than the simplest geometrical shapes.

>> No.1739342

these are trends. notice how even graphic design is getting more minimal. Plus it looks more realistic compared to the old ones.

>> No.1739343

That's just an opinion, though. I legitimately think that the current generic 'moe' style looks a lot better than the generic style of the late 80s and early 90s, and trust me, I was all over shit like Saber Marionette J.

>> No.1739347

>these are trends.

Stylistic trends based on making animation cheaper are not good trends.

>Plus it looks more realistic compared to the old ones.

Are you insane? Or do you genuinely believe that the face being a flat surface with huge eyes, a dot for a nose and a line for the mouth are realistic?
The old designs may have been cartoony, but at least they had cheek bones, noses, lips and socketed eyes.

>I legitimately think that the current generic 'moe' style looks a lot better than the generic style of the late 80s and early 90s

Well, if you're watching moe anime at your age, your opinions are largely invalid. Also, SMJ is a shitty example, due to its extremely exaggerated style... but hey, I guess that further solidifies your terrible taste.

>> No.1739349
File: 91 KB, 600x375, sad-anime-girl-t3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know when it became a thing but double mouths make me sad.

>> No.1739353
File: 192 KB, 500x563, 1339854060576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you.

>> No.1739354

bullshit. that particular style came into being because it's much cuter.
it doesn't have as many angular shapes and not as many uneeded details either.

that being said, it's not like details just died out with this style. 90 style still lives on in other artists, except it's improved and not as goofy looking.
it's just a different way of stylization.
and if you think about it, the modern style makes much more sense too. it's just more subtle.
>top of the head
>volume of the hair
with the modern one, all of those are more "human" looking than the old 90 style, which was stll developing.

it doesn't have much to do with cost. the style itself evolved from a wildly angular to a more carefully curved style.
in that image both are extreme examples though. to me, "good" is somewhere in the middle

>> No.1739355

Whether you think my taste is bad or not, none of that really changes the fact that what you think is only opinion.

>> No.1739358

No the new direction took off because it's a lot more visually appealing and is more anatomically and proportionally correct.

>> No.1739360

>bullshit. that particular style came into being because it's much cuter.

Wow, you actually believe this? The style came around because it's cheaper to animated. Fewer details, less shading, less depth perception.
The demographic also changed, to appeal to socially retarded shutins who substitute cartoons for real people. The vast majority of modern anime can roughly be divided in two: moe shows that either pander to pedos or waifu-faggots, and wildly exaggerated action shows that pander to kids and manchildren with ADD.

> the style itself evolved from a wildly angular to a more carefully curved style.
Fuck off. At least try to use arguments that are remotely true. 90s styles weren't wildly angular. I'm guessing you're a kid who never actually experienced the age, if you're going to drag out a tiny minority of shows that in no way represent the average style back then.
The average shows would be Evangelion, Tenchi Muyo, Patlabor and so on.

>> No.1739361 [DELETED] 

People come here to learn how to draw.

Copying anime =/= learning how to draw
Copying anime=acquiring poor habits that stunt artistic growth=Cancer

>> No.1739362


Quit crying and hide the thread asshole

>> No.1739363

No, it's a fact. Corner cutting is a fact that has been confirmed by several animation studios. It's also blatantly obvious to any sane human being who knows the first thing about the real world. There's a reason animation has been outsourced to cheaper countries for decades.
It's also a fact that idiots tend to copy what is popular at the time. So whatever the animators do, whether it's for stylistic or budget reasons, will be adopted by the thoughtless masses.

So you believe real people have smooth heads with absolutely no features? The sad thing is, you're probably not even a troll.

>> No.1739364


Why are you even here
Why do you force your shitty opinions on people who don't want them just because you can?
Why are you such an asshole?

>> No.1739365

The general level of art in japan got a lot better in the last decade, and if you can't see that you are just
pretending. People that gave a fuck about anatomy and fundamentals in manga back then where a small minority.
Look at the hentai industry, it never was to this level never before, people were literally used to masturbate to
anime faced marionetes back then.

>So you believe real people have smooth heads
Have you ever seen a human with a bean shaped face? and with eclipses for eyes? we are talking about general
level of art quality, and today's animu art is in a lot better state than before, in almost every medium.

>> No.1739366

>So you believe real people have smooth heads with absolutely no features?


>> No.1739367

>moe shows, pedos, waifu-faggots, manchildren
> if you're watching moe anime at your age

Oh boy you have it all, why do i get the feeling that you are not even arguing about art quality in general but about your own ideological connection to art?

>> No.1739370

Yeah, fuck expressing opinions, rights?

>People that gave a fuck about anatomy and fundamentals in manga back then where a small minority.

You got that backwards. Quality requirements were higher back then, at least when the budget didn't shit up production. The reason hentai was shit at the time, is because the otaku fanbase was considerably smaller and anime wasn't watched exclusively by otaku.

>and today's animu art is in a lot better state than before

The main difference in quality today is largely a result of the fanbase and the number of artists being many many times larger. All these artists also have access to computers, wacom tablets and Photoshop. I'll admit there are good artists who do individual pieces, but if you look at manga and anime, the standards are shockingly low.
As I already mentioned, animators and directors have come out and said how depressed they are at the state of anime, and that they have to shit out poorly made ecchi anime in order to keep the studio going.

Your opinions imply that you're a kid who is defending the current generation of anime, simple because it's what you know and what you've grown up with. I doubt there's any actual reasoning behind anything you say. It's like some young girl being convinced that her parents have awful taste in music, and the ol' Justin Bieber is the pinnacle of music.

>> No.1739371
File: 157 KB, 536x1463, copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So instead of arguing over cheap tricks and double mouths and flounder faces why wont we do something about it and either invent forms to fit Animu?

>> No.1739372

>Oh boy you have it all, why do i get the feeling that you are not even arguing about art quality in general but about your own ideological connection to art?

Are you implying they're not connected, or something? Are you saying the art wouldn't be impacted when you have to create a higher volume of content and switch to a demographic of socially retarded shutins?

>> No.1739375

No i was into anime my whole life i have gone through the 90's phase quite well and i just have to say that
even though at least in anime, it's hard to find any stories to take seriously, (even though i enjoy the moe ones quite a lot)
I like the art a lot more than back then, tis just more visually appealing to me.

>The style came around because it's cheaper to animated
But it's cuter isn't it?

>> No.1739378
File: 31 KB, 720x480, eva6_0769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you believe real people have smooth heads with absolutely no features? The sad thing is, you're probably not even a troll.
you're not getting it. like i said, it's just more subtle.
and if you think about it, can be simplified into pretty smooth ovals. a pointy chin and cheeks that look more like cheekbones aren't necessary better simplifications of the human face. no matter what style, the stylization is much more subtle than it was a decade ago.

again, just compare the features, even in: >>1739300
which cheeks actually REMIND you more of human cheeks? (they definitely remind me of my little sisters cheeks)
chich head shape actually REMIND you more of a human head?
and again, that image just shows the extreme examples, but it shows in what way things have changed.
everything is more subtle and there is less focus on things being angular and more focus on things like flow and gesture.
of course, shit artists are still gonna be shit, but "style" in general definitely evolved.

from the sound of it you are just hardcore nostalgiafagging. pic related
in terms of STYLE, most styles today look much more thoughtful then they did before. at least the ceiling grew by a lot.
maybe as an animunostalgiafag you don't understand it, but as a mangafag myself it is very very obvious. it has developed in every way.

>> No.1739381

>But it's cuter isn't it?
No, it's sterile and devoid of personality. I stopped watching back in 2004, which was 4 years too late. I still draw the shit, though, but try to focus on evolving the old style, rather than adopting the new style.

>> No.1739387
File: 244 KB, 736x720, 1401290188251.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grabbed the most random new animu image i could find, on another board.
Please explain to me why this is sterile and devoid of personality and this >>1739378 isnt.
I honestly can't understand your criteria

>> No.1739388

But the new is more round, with less sharp edges
And thinner lines makes their skin look softer
These charactiristics are like a baby's
You're biologically expected to think babies are cute
Therefore the new style is scientifically cuter
Your opinion is invalid

>> No.1739394

because the image you posted is generic garbage.
like i said, boring, generic or shit artists are still going be such, but style and the way artsts stylize has evolved over the years.

>> No.1739395

>like i said, it's just more subtle.
It's less subtle. Modern anime have fewer features to work with, because they're basically just ball with a set of huge eyes. All subtlety is ripped away, because it has to be exaggerated so badly.

That being said, the personality in modern anime is just gone. I don't know if it's the result of digitalization or the people involved being retarded, but the characters are stripped of depth, personality and individuality, so the humor doesn't work.
Watch Golden Boy, an incredibly low brow eccho show from the 90s. Despite what it is, it's full of personality and the character animation is extremely expressive.

>again, just compare the features
That's not an accurate representation. That being said, the one on the right looks like it has Down's syndrome. The face has no features. The face is a completely flat surface, and the expression is blank and devoid of character.

>everything is more subtle and there is less focus on things being angular and more focus on things like flow and gesture.
Again, everything here is just wrong. It's not more subtle. It's the opposite. It's been dumbed down and simplified to the point where they no longer look remotely human. Subtlety comes from a simplification and refinement of reality, but the new style takes it way too far. The Simpsons is also extremely simplified, but it's far from subtle.
As for flow and gesture, once again you're way off the mark. Modern animators can't animate hair. It's just a blob of plastic. Lines are thick and sterile, without variation.

>hardcore nostalgiafagging
Yeah, you faggots sure like to use that term.

>in terms of STYLE, most styles today look much more thoughtful then they did before. at least the ceiling grew by a lot.

I can't even imagine what kind of warped mind would think this. Why are you even on this board? I've already pointed out that even the people in the industry hate the state of modern anime.

>> No.1739400
File: 345 KB, 600x337, TM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not this guy: >>1739394

That being said, your picture is terrible. Notice the line quality. All the lines are exactly the same thickness.
Look at the lack of detail in the shading. It's just slapped on here and there, and doesn't follow the details of her outfit. Notice the lack of depth and detail in her outfit. There are almost no folds, and the folds that are there make no sense.
Look at the face. The eyes don't fit into the sockets on her head. In fact. none of the features of her face look like part of her face. They look like decals, stuck unevenly onto a flat surface. She has no brow, no cheeks, no nose and no mouth.
Also, the hair. It's just a blob of plastic with hastily slapped on shading. Look at the spikes in the hair. There's no flow, just jagged edges. Look at her hand.


Compare it to Ryoko.

>> No.1739403

>These charactiristics are like a baby's
Just like it's audience, apparently.

>> No.1739409

but we are talking about STYLE and not the state of anime you faggotron.
this is why i made the manga comparison. it is apparent in that field.

again, first: shit artists are gonna be shit, so bad stuff will still exist, but the ceiling is higher.
and second, just like the other said, that emotion is purely your opinion. it works for you because you bought into the style (and all it's mistakes). just like other might do with >>1739387
to me that rei image looks derpy as fuck.

are you saying all this just as an anime watcher or do you understand it from a drawing standpoint as well?
because all the things you are talking about are more about production value rather than art.

>> No.1739410
File: 493 KB, 496x279, 1349650103705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John K arguing about calarts ITT

>> No.1739412
File: 115 KB, 400x395, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are comparing the ability of one artist to the ability of another and not the styles itself.
Newer anime styles can be a lot more anatomically correct than old ones and they will still look
way cuter.

>> No.1739416

>but we are talking about STYLE and not the state of anime you faggotron.

No, you complete moron. At least follow the fucking conversation. This whole thing started when I pointed out that anime had devolved and been simplified as a RESULT of the state of anime and how it's produced.

Yes, there are great individual artists, and most of them don't follow the modern standards of anime. But that's not what we're discussing. We're discussing the whole, and in particular the average.

As for the Rei image, no, it's not great. However, Evangelion was a show made on a tight budget, and has plenty of animation flaws. That being said, it's still far more expressive than the vast majority of anime produced today, and some of the visuals are fantastic.
There are also episodes draped in personality and fun animation.

As for Rei, she's the prototype for a lot of the shitty moe characters that followed in her wake, all of which failed to capture what made her an interesting character to begin with.

>are you saying all this just as an anime watcher or do you understand it from a drawing standpoint as well?
I've been drawing it since 2000, but stopped watching a decade ago, apart from a handful of shows.

>> No.1739418

>Newer anime styles can be a lot more anatomically correct than old ones and they will still look way cuter.

Just shut the fuck up, troll.

>> No.1739420

>We're discussing the whole, and in particular the average.
No, you are trying to pass your option that the older style looks and IS better because it's more technically and visually
correct, but newer anime styles or moe or however you want to call them can also follow the fundamentals
if the artist is capable, and to my opinion they look a lot better.

>> No.1739422

>No, you are trying to pass your option that the older style looks and IS better

It's not an opinion. Regardless of your poor taste, the older style is technically more advanced and has more detail.

Your argument basically boils down to the fact that you prefer overtly simplistic, childish styles and that you want to watch shows where the characters look like babies.

>> No.1739423
File: 1.74 MB, 400x225, 4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and some of the visuals are fantastic.
>There are also episodes draped in personality and fun animation.

I can say that about K-On as well. I think their faces look much better than the keyshit like Haruhi for example, the eyes are lifeless.

>> No.1739428

>I can say that about K-On as well.

No you can't. The animation in K-On is based on reducing the quality of each individual frame, so that the animation appears smoother.

And why the fuck are you watching K-On?

>> No.1739432

So? It's great animation. Not everything has to be extra detailed to look good.

>why the fuck are you watching K-On
Fun things are fun. It's a great SoL in my opinion.

>> No.1739435

You make me want to cry.

>> No.1739436

And your argument boils down to the fact that you prefer more detailed characters even if that makes them uglier.
As long as you keep basic proportions and fundamentals intact, you can stylize to death, the new decade of
anime managed to make bring out the best of a human face and make the characters prettier and cuter.
>>1739400 This girl is ugly as fuck compared to almost any new material that you will find in anime now.

You only like dark and "mature" anime i suppose?

>> No.1739437

Even as someone who thinks moeshit is trash I think you're a fucking miserable twat.

>> No.1739439

Don't respond to this faggot anon.

A single in between frames of K-ON! is better than anything Disney ever made.

>> No.1739440
File: 296 KB, 616x858, ketladi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I color and finish it or do I just fuck it.

>> No.1739441

Lighten up.

>> No.1739442 [DELETED] 
File: 630 KB, 850x1748, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's style is actually fashioned from BJD which is fashioned from 80's anime rendered realistically, angel alita being the best example of the style it comes from. the nose style definitely looks like from 80s as well which is well known as having some shadow in the side. just sayan.

not the guy you're arguing with.

maybe I shouldn't have posted that 90s 00s chart pic.

>> No.1739443

>valuing frame detail over animation quality.
>pointing out detail economy on animation as if it was a strange thing at all

Kill yourself you worthless piece of trash.

>> No.1739445

>even if that makes them uglier.
No, I'm saying that I prefer more detail, as I'm not a 9-year old child. There's a difference between simplifying and streamlining reality, and just going full retard and making nonsenscial characters that would make no sense in three dimensions.

The fact that you're equating a lack of detail to cuteness speaks volumes about you. In fact, that you think cuteness is the only reason to watch anime is nothing short of astonishing. I have severe doubts that you're a well adjusted human being.

>> No.1739446

I haven't even seen these animes but a lot of you seem to be forgetting that detail isn't the same thing as quality and that "realistic" isn't the same thing as "believable"

>> No.1739447

and that "appealing" isn't the same thing as "cute"

>> No.1739448

>going full retard and making nonsenscial characters that would make no sense in three dimensions.
>The fact that you're equating a lack of detail to cuteness speaks volumes about you. In fact, that you think cuteness is the only reason to watch anime is nothing short of astonishing. I have severe doubts that you're a well adjusted human being.

If you're going to make provably false statements and just shove words into other people's mouths the only person you make look like a retard is yourself.

>> No.1739449
File: 55 KB, 550x800, 73872e9c6eac063cb8a71d21e3c3a2cf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot image.

>> No.1739454

just color for the sake of it then start anew afterwards.

>> No.1739455

The thing with modern anime is that it just chucks all the basics out the window. Anime designs no longer makes logical sense, in that many figures can't actually exist in three dimensions. If you look at figures based on modern moe anime, you'll notice the vast majority look like shit, because they're trying to represent something in 3d that can't be done.

The simplification has gone too far. The structure makes no sense. There are no jawlines, no mouths, no noses and the eyes are plastered on top of a smooth surface, rather than being inserted into socket in the skull.
Now imagine someone trying to learn by drawing something that can't exist in three dimensions? Of course his perception is going to be fucked up.

Just look at the nonsensical retards above and the shit they're spewing. It's no wonder anime fans have become universally reviled. They're reaching MLP levels of idiocy.

>> No.1739456

You seem to implying that moe fans are cute

>> No.1739457

>. At least follow the fucking conversation.
no you idiot, you were talking about how anime STYLE "devolved" because of your bogus reasons, and i was telling you that your problems had nothing to do with style.
you not liking moe shows doesn't mean that moe shows would be better if they had 90s style, do you understand?

>Yes, there are great individual artists, and most of them don't follow the modern standards of anime.
>modern standards of anime
who the hell cares about the standards of anime? we're talking about artstyles here.
and you say average, but the "average" in the 90s was SHIT just as it is now, nostalgiafag.

>rei and evangelion excuses
yes, and there have been tons of impressive visuals created since then

also: you stopped watching a decade ago and pretend to be the expert here, and then you wonder why you're called a nostalgiafag?

>> No.1739458

Why do you always turn the conversation to actual anime shows? we are talking about visuals.
And as i said, someone who know his fundamentals can create modern style anime that make
sense in 3D, so your only argument is that you don't like moe anime and that you don't like the style.

>> No.1739459

Heh, you're actually proving my point, you imbecile. The eyes are painted on, and her jaw is all fucked up.

>> No.1739464

>you not liking moe shows doesn't mean that moe shows would be better if they had 90s style, do you understand?

This has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at all.

Ah, when young fanboys can't see beyond their own shitty tastes.

>you stopped watching a decade ago and pretend to be the expert here

Do you listen to every Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus album in order to determine whether you like them or not? Or is it something you intrinsically know, based on context and experience?

>> No.1739465

you're making one retarded point after another it's not like structural soundness needs to be dead tight in anime or cartooning.

not to mention, it wasn't perfectly 3d before and it isn't now either.

>> No.1739467
File: 2.86 MB, 500x513, 1388518005217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want /a/ to leave.

>> No.1739469

Some of us care about anon developing as artists.
Fuck you in the mouth you cancerous piece of trash.

>> No.1739470
File: 8 KB, 180x240, HT_AstroBoy2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have the wrong idea - I agree with you, thus the "provably false statement" and figma pic.
What point? That it can't exist in a three dimensional form that's true to the animation? Oh wait, no, because I obliterated that and you're coming back swinging with other shit to hide the fact that it CAN exist in 3D. And even the points you bring up in response are weaksauce nit-picking bullshit. Hey, I guess Astro-Boy is bad because his jaw doesn't make sense to you either, right? Yeah, you go ahead and take the one asshole.
Said it before and I'll say it again - moeshit is trash. And that has much less to do with the animation and far more to do with the content, or more precisely, the total lack thereof. I've yet to see anything so totally vapid and absolutely popular outside of - no, wait, scratch that. Pony shit is popular too.

>> No.1739471

>This has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at all.
you're not able to follow the argument. you say the style "devolved". so if those shows had 80-90s style again, you would surely like them again?

also YOURE NOT EVEN WATCHING ANYTHING. for a friggin decade nontheless.
what are you basing your opinions on other than nostalgia?

i'm of the same opinion as >>1739467 you sound like a non artist from /a/ that stu´mbled int an /ic/ thread. you don't know what you're talking about. you don't even draw do you?

>> No.1739472

If you did that you wouldn't be throwing around misconceptions and misinformation.

>> No.1739474

>his has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at all.
Of Course it does, you said that older anime styles are better as a fact,you the said that it's a fact because
it's technically better witch is nonsense as a skeled artist can draw in modern anime style and keep it
proportionaly correct, and also to make sekse in 3D as you said. And then you talked more about how you don't
like today's actual anime shows which has nothing to do with anything. You are trying to pass your options and tastes
as fact.

>> No.1739475

No, I'm making one very good point that anime used to be an exaggeration and simplification of reality, but still based around realistic, conventional visual logic.
Now, the quality of the individual shows might vary for many reasons, but I'm primarily referring to intent here.

The fact that I'm being criticized on a fucking art board, for wanting character to have the absolute basic features of human anatomy, there's something really fucking wrong with the people here.

>> No.1739477 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 746x794, 0035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1739478
File: 446 KB, 580x809, ketladycolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nailed it.

>> No.1739480

I was wondering when you where going to show up.

>> No.1739481

>you're coming back swinging with other shit to hide the fact that it CAN exist in 3D

You blatantly proved that the character looked like shit, and had to have painted on, dead eyed decals to try to force an illusion of looking somewhat like its 2d counterpart.

Actually, Astroboy is perfectly able to be rendered in 3d, because he's designed logically. His head has a distinct shape. He has a brow, a nose and cheekbones.
Furthermore, you're pulling out one cartoon character from the past, in a discussion that focuses around the overall art direction of an entire medium? Great logic there.

>moeshit is trash.
Yet you defend it so desperately.

>> No.1739484

because you don't understand shit.
most styles if not all still do what you're saying, and it's especially apparent in manga.

what you're not understanding is that moe shows are their own subcategory that is centered around cuteness. so the simplification is different as well.
it's a niche that didn't exist in this way in the 90s.
yes, they are growing larger but that doesn't mean that other types of shows don't exist.
it's really like i'm arguing with an animebabby here.

bottom line is, you really shouldn't have talked about artstyles if you don't understand shit about it

>> No.1739488

>you say the style "devolved". so if those shows had 80-90s style again, you would surely like them again?

What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously, what the fuck kind of retarded monologue is going on inside that empty head of yours?

>what are you basing your opinions on other than nostalgia?

Why do you keep going to this argument? I'm guessing it's some sort of bizarre projection? Plenty of the 90s shows I actually watched after I stopped watching modern anime. It has nothing to do with nostalgia.

>> No.1739489

i'm sure you're developing real well there

>> No.1739490

>Actually, Astroboy is perfectly able to be rendered in 3d, because he's designed logically. His head has a distinct shape.
Are you fucking serious? He's obviously meant to be rendered exclusively in two dimensions, and his hair shows it most especially. What was rendered as being the same from any angle being fixed in space, and you have the balls to same it translates to 3d perfectly? You're fucking retarded.

Going further, Astro-Boy lacks a lot of the features you whine about modern anime not having, which is why I brought him up. His nose has no bridge, and his jaw makes no more or less sense than the figma, and his face is just as smoothed out. To priase the one while bashing the other makes you a hypocrite, and totally undermines everything you've said up to this point.

So, you know. Good job. Asshole.

>> No.1739500

Your whole post is full of bullshit that I never said anything about. I didn't bring up moe to begin with, I simply replied to it.
I was referring to the fact that the overall quality of anime, regardless of the theme of the show, has become more simplistic, and as a result, worse.

Here are some basic facts:
Salaries have gone way up in the Japanese animation industry, so a lot of stuff is outsourced.
The production load has increased. Far more anime has been produced after 2000 than before.
Modern anime is 100% digital.
Animation has become simpler, because it's easier and cheaper to animate.
The fanbase has changed, and manchildren have become one of the most important demographics for anime.

Do you honestly not see how this could affect the industry negatively?

>> No.1739502

>not being able to follow the point to this extent.
i have the feeling that you have a complete understanding of what the concept of stylizing even means, seeing how you insist on 90s style being special.
see, this is why you shouldn't have brought your /a/ shit in here in the first place.
go back to drawing, or if you don't draw, get out already.

>> No.1739506

Dear god, you're such a fucking idiot.
The character consists of various simple geometrical shapes.
It's one character. For kids. It has nothing to do with the conversation.

I'm talking about the OVERALL state of anime, and that I don't appreciate that the OVERALL design in anime focuses on becoming less detailed, less varied and less realistic. Who the fuck is talking about one character from 60 years ago? I've never said it's a problem if some characters can't exist in three dimensions (which Astroboy ironically can, you blind faggot). I'm talking about an overall trend, of a whole generation of animation and its followers.

>> No.1739507

You spent half the thread trying to prove that the newer anime style is somehow
worse because it's technically inferior to the 90s witch ofcourse stands nowhere because
a skilled artist can stylize in a moe style and still follow all fundamentals, and now
you started talking about the industry.

>> No.1739508

you don't seem to understand that this is /ic/, nobody gives a shit about the anime industry, notice how all the replies to your first post were about the STYLE part of your post.

>> No.1739511

I don't go to /a/, you faggot.

You bitch to me like a little kid, because you couldn't follow the conversation and had to make one up in your head in its place.

>> No.1739512

>you started talking about the industry.

Yes. Because if you had followed the conversation, you'd notice that my original argument was that the current trend of simplification, was a result of simplifying the art in anime in order to cut costs.

In other words, the quality and style of anime was deliberately lowered and simplified in order to cut costs. This new, simplified style was adopted by the fans of anime, because the next generation of artists take their style from what they grew up with or what's currently popular.

That was my entire fucking argument.

>> No.1739514
File: 178 KB, 888x675, 1360696069557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys. It's an image board. Show, don't tell. Show that you think anime=moeblob and old anime=studi ghibli

>> No.1739518

So older styles are not better than new ones and it's just your option on what you find aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.1739519

The comment was about why the style was simplified, numbnuts. It's to point out that the modern anime style is a result of cost cutting, and not a deliberate change of style. It's objectively a downgrade.

>> No.1739520

No, the new styles are essentially designed for mass produced budget anime.

>> No.1739522

But they look better

>> No.1739523

>In other words, the quality and style of anime was deliberately lowered and simplified in order to cut costs. This new, simplified style was adopted by the fans of anime, because the next generation of artists take their style from what they grew up with or what's currently popular.

I agree with you, I've been lurking for the most part during this argument and the best evidence to support you is Deviant Art. Just look at the front page of Deviant Art and it's no wonder Anime is not taken seriously.

>> No.1739525

I'm confused, I hear everyone constantly make jokes about DA and whenever art is shit they call it "DA-tier"
Why is this? I went on DA and the first things I found on the front page were http://loish.deviantart.com/art/lemonade-456857405
I can't help but feel you guys exaggerate the whole "generic anime = DA" thing.

>> No.1739526
File: 2.95 MB, 320x240, typical ic alt thread.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1739528

Yes, and to an MLP faggot, MLP looks better.
The opinions of fanboys are invalid.

>> No.1739531


ahahaha what

>> No.1739532

That would be because you're looking at the most popular pieces in the last 24 hours
Look at the "Newest" category

>> No.1739533

why are you talking about anime style. Do you want to animate ? it has only this puprpose to do. Its manga style thats used for normal drawings and it viaries.

>> No.1739534 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 800x1151, prison-school-4181375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that was the case then at least some people like in manga where evil animation directors don't exist
we would see manga done the same way that was done back then, but every stage changed and evolved,
semi realism is not gone, but it didn't stay the same either.

>> No.1739536


K-on and Ghibli are analogous as fuck that's a dumb comparison

>> No.1739539 [DELETED] 

*isn't gone

>> No.1739540


>> No.1739541

Okay, then that makes complete sense.
I thought you guys were trying to say that the majority of the popular art on DA is generic anime, hmh.
Yeah, it's mostly the girls anyway.

>> No.1739542
File: 148 KB, 1004x795, my_ocs_by_paskiz-d722511.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are not aware of the fundamentals are have been overly exposed to budget cutting techniques to preserve Shekels and energy by not putting an effort to illustrate the figure from life then as a result you get a generation of Artists that mimic this attempt to save money thinking that they're doing it right but in reality are just clueless to what they are actually drawing.

As a result from trying to mimic budget cutting Animu you get very stiff figures, expressionless and somewhat uncanny faces, no perspective and well basically void of fundamentals.

>> No.1739543

man you are pretty fucking retarded aren't you. If the argument can be turned right around on you, it's not a good argument, Fanboy.

>> No.1739544

They're all the same face. Much like the same emoticon in most of Animu. If you've seen an anime face for the first time more than likely you've just seen the rest the great majority of them.

>> No.1739545

The more I know, huh.
Thanks for this!

>> No.1739555

Heheh this dude added one of my drawings to his favorite and now I feel like a dick displaying his featured work on here as an example of bad fundamentals.

>> No.1739559

still better than most of /ic/.

>> No.1739563

It's sad but true.

>> No.1739566

I'd feel like a dick too, it's a shame because most of the scrap-together MSPaint shartists are reasonably alright people and were responsible for giving me that extra push.

>> No.1739569
File: 115 KB, 1024x683, faeron____by_princessfaeron-d6ld5l3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta dive deeper to find true artistry.

>> No.1739578
File: 786 KB, 900x1800, our_old_school_gaming_night_by_apocalypse1415-d6rhxwk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1739583

Believe me, I've dived deep enough.

>> No.1739589
File: 670 KB, 900x579, sanic_heor__s_v2_____by_xxsupercoolartistxx-d4rtv2i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cum on step it up!!!

>> No.1739597

Do you even know what a fanboy is, you complete and utter retard? I've criticized modern anime, not praised older anime. The world isn't black and white.

>> No.1739605
File: 2.12 MB, 2800x3522, ayyokhez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this?

>> No.1739606

Very interesting design, for some reason it reminds me of Monster Hunter (it probably is, isn't it?)

I can't really give proper critique but I can say I like the pose and the way you drew the face.

>> No.1739607
File: 320 KB, 1299x760, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started doing some 30 minute pen tool studies to get better at lineart. I'm sorry its not anime but I can't.

>> No.1739611

trust me bro, i'm glad it's not
love the art style, seems kinda gritty while maintaining a sense of lightheartedness
keep it up

as i said with the other guy i can't really give proper critique as i'm in major need of loomis, but all i can say it keep up the good work

>> No.1739616

keep on rocking, buddy

>> No.1739619 [DELETED] 

Why do you feel compelled to post? If you think you are increasing the value of these threads you are doing the opposite.

>> No.1739627

Are you jealous that I am not praising your works?

>> No.1739628

Did you use Photoshop? That kinda looks like that Painter tool I don't remember the name.

>> No.1739629

Dunno man he made me feel pretty happy for a couple fleeting moments

>> No.1739632

What are you faggots bitching about this time?

>> No.1739644
File: 132 KB, 1713x1000, zkm0ad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for being so slow.. Just finished the linework for the back today, will add some joints tomorrow, I think.

>> No.1739664

I'm increasing their morale, chill man.
Someone else can come along and give them critique, we'll be like a tag team. I toss out compliments, the other anon tosses out critiques, so overall they feel good -and- learn to get better.

>> No.1739674

Please trip.

>> No.1739679

I might, just for the sake of tripfaggotry.

>> No.1739695

The area around her belly to crotch looks empty and odd. Kind of flat.

>> No.1739715
File: 799 KB, 2552x3305, img_by_obershutzewienman-d7k46m6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1739716
File: 266 KB, 944x1163, masked man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use manga studio 5, which has an ink tool that is really similar to painter's. I didn't like photoshop because I couldn't paint straight lines in it for some reason, everything kept ending up jagged.

>> No.1739730
File: 244 KB, 1746x3104, g45QeLk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only been drawing for a little while, wanna gitgud at drawing properly but I'm just having a good time drawing dumbass cartoons at the moment since I'm just starting out. tell me how I could do better pls

>> No.1739733
File: 1015 KB, 475x475, tumblr_n65hlv7uCP1qg7mgao1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1739734
File: 328 KB, 785x1080, halewip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

character design for a fantasy story I'm working on.
Thoughts are appreciated.

>> No.1739752

stop drawing dumbass cartoons

>> No.1739802
File: 896 KB, 1375x1447, img718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gave no quarter to men in retreat

We have a duty to die; now off your feet

May you meet death only in defeat

>> No.1739805

Pretty cool. Her body seems off to me, mainly where her neck attaches and her left arm.

I dig this. Maybe go a little more ornate with the arms.

>> No.1739861
File: 1.57 MB, 2270x2080, emeraldSlagtoth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guy reporting in, how's this?
(worse prolly, but hey idk)

>> No.1739875

the way you've drawn the nose in profile doesn't match the way it's drawn at other angles. the definition of the nasal bridge at the front/3/4ths angles suggests that his nose slopes outward from his face, whereas in profile it recedes completely into his skull until reaching the tip.

>> No.1739877
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1000, 20140524c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /ic

>> No.1739878

Nice, reminds me of junji ito

>> No.1739880


tone down the nose. It looks like a block glued to her face.

>> No.1739881

Youre almost miku-bad

>> No.1739895

you was useing too high spacing in brush probably.

>> No.1739896


>> No.1739897
File: 98 KB, 785x1080, halewip4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Glad you dig, but could you elaborate on what you'd change about the arms?

Thanks for the crit. I was having some trouble with the nose. Hopefully, this is an improvement:

>> No.1739921
File: 749 KB, 2048x1536, 1401355877125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make it look like the same character?

>> No.1739924

not for what you're asking but, from your hard lines, I can tell you really press on your pencil too hard, try lifting it a bit and let your pencil flow, your lines end in a square shape, it would need to end with a more fluid line, as if it's vanishing slowly. don't really know how to describe it. that comes from lifting your pencil more and more as you finish your line.

>> No.1739932

The person has an idea of how the character looks in THREE DIMENSIONS.

Even cartoonists/anime artists should be thinking in 3D.

>> No.1739938

how we do dat?

>> No.1739950
File: 554 KB, 1000x750, 14099697_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw things in 360 degree angle.

>> No.1739953
File: 844 KB, 2048x1536, 1401359986105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea thats somethinh i have to work on
Im trying man
Bodies are easy. But i have a hard time with animu faces

>> No.1739957

it's really not that hard though. you just have to know what a head looks like 3 dimensionally. and you don't which is your problem. when you rotate your heads you just guess because animu but if you properly constructed your head instead you wouldnt have to guess because it all makes sense.

>> No.1739961

Draw from life. It's just something you need to develop through a lot of practice. So really, just draw a lot.

>> No.1739990

Very nice, the character kinda reminds me of Ghibli heroines.

>> No.1740009

Omfg this is amazing

>> No.1740011
File: 878 KB, 1536x2048, 1401370725753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can rotate a head but i you are right i tend to guess because animu. Ill work on that.
Yea i guess ill just have to keep practicing
Thanks for the feedback guys

>> No.1740012

Don't constrain yourself to a set idea of "animu style".
I mean in the department of not overly stylized designs, manga art styles vary from Fukumoto's swordnosed people to Urasawa's fairly realistic but still cartoony people to much more realistic people in Takehiko Inoue's works.

>> No.1740018

>hair goes over eyes
>eye line work still visible
Fuck that sends my autism into a boiling rage, why do people still do this? Even when I was a young mini-weeaboo this bothered the fuck out of me.

>> No.1740023

Because the hair isn't a solid mass so you get a semi-transparent effect. Still looks like shit, that's just the logic.

>> No.1740024

well technically if it's thinly spread enough it's possible to see the eyes through the bangs

>> No.1740048
File: 500 KB, 719x823, 4141231243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can rotate a head but i you are right i tend to guess because animu.

take a look at some hampton. remember that to draw stylised and simplistic stuff like animu you first should learn how to realistic draw and then move on to stylisation.

pic related. hampton has a very geometrical approach to drawing that really helped me understand how important it actually is. this geometrical approach has the advantage that you don't just copy what you see, you can somewhat easily play around with it, given that what you do makes sense(and it should because the geometry helps you with that).
for example the eye line(eye brow to be precise) will help you with the placement of the nose, the keystone, the mouth, aswell as where everything is in space. draw the nose and you can play around and discover new nose shapes simply by altering the geometrical form. it will help you realize why at a certain tilt certain features are visible and others are not. now it's important to mention that you still should look at ref pics and study real people to see how things match up, what's realistic and what's not, what possibilities do you have, etc.

this should help you understand the human head and assist you in drawing from imagination.

>> No.1740105
File: 39 KB, 720x540, 10356015_10152182280465963_8580862536896974579_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello there

>> No.1740108

Stop copying Anime. Refer to >>1739542

>> No.1740146
File: 63 KB, 704x619, peacockage18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send help

my brain does not compute how to draw feet
nor how to draw high heels on that pose

also this is my second try at coloring
any tips?

>> No.1740156

Draw more feet. Turn that one hundred feet drawing into a thousand until you become master of feet like Kyle.

>> No.1740157
File: 567 KB, 685x1028, 031913_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you get a reference where the shoes and feet is covered? No wonder you couldn't figure it out. Research more like attached.

>> No.1740169

that was my dress reference
also this computer is fucking slow and finding references, something that usually takes me 20 minutes at most, it takes 1 hour in this toaster

also sometimes i get really fucking stupid and i forgot i can use my own body as a reference, using that and the pic you posted i think i can make this work

>> No.1740327
File: 124 KB, 1007x1500, kawai ritsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perspective guy here.

>> No.1740335

youre almost as good as miku

>> No.1740348

>best ideas and composition ideas coming

fuck you brain.

>> No.1740350

do gestures and focus on the perspective of the figure

>> No.1740394
File: 631 KB, 1147x986, waitress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of things I'm not too happy with, but I must move on. Tear it up with crits, /ic/.

>> No.1740395
File: 106 KB, 394x397, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My sides went Chernobyl and couldn't help but spread the lulz here.

>> No.1740397

I like it, you have a good sense of atmosphere and colour. Although I don't think the perspective of the cup is quite right. Also the nostrils seem to be floating on the face, you should define the nose more.

>> No.1740412
File: 196 KB, 600x800, water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting critique, please.

Also, what's the best way to construct a body? I've seen a lot of tutorials and references but...what do you think?

>> No.1740416

that gut seems off...like its to flat.

>> No.1740421
File: 581 KB, 1200x727, prc_323oijdskls_org_todo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still learning to simplify properly.

>> No.1740430
File: 61 KB, 546x406, watfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is amateurishly detailed out

>> No.1740453
File: 44 KB, 481x429, ss (2014-05-29 at 10.57.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The face is so unappealing and creepy. It looks like an actual human baby's head on a grown woman's body. Her mouth is doing that pouty thing that actual little girl's baby dolls do. Her eyes are also very far apart, I can tell you were trying to shade them a little bit but it's making the forehead protrude.

>> No.1740460 [DELETED] 

Stop wasting your time coloring dude seriously grab a fucking pencil and draw shit for six months then come back to the tablet.
You need some fucking discipline.

>> No.1740471

Tmblr/DA pls

>> No.1740490
File: 401 KB, 1800x2394, kankolle05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying some G pen inking, it's too diferent than the materials I've used before.

>> No.1740495
File: 73 KB, 500x171, fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Flat and lifeless
>Middle School tier hands
>Huge scan
>Shitty scan

I demand 100 hand studies and a formal apology for being such a dingus with your scanner settings

>> No.1740498
File: 62 KB, 823x460, ss (2014-05-30 at 12.26.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any problems?

>> No.1740502


god awful muddy colors for one, but it's good to see you hash out a background BEFORE trying to put figures in it

>> No.1740503

It looks like your vanishing points are too close together, assuming your horizon line is at eye level with the people sketched out. Your vanishing points should be really far apart from each other.

More generally though the bed and pillows look like they're on a skewed plane.

>> No.1740504
File: 119 KB, 958x328, ss (2014-05-29 at 11.53.59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my perspective stuff- should the vanishing points be further apart? be farther?

>> No.1740509


left VP is sort of close

Also, make sure you're shift+ clicking the parallels from the exact point of the VP. It's going to look fucked if they're not radiating from the same exact point, zoom in and make a bull's eye if you have to

>> No.1740513
File: 273 KB, 1319x942, values.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh before I go balls deep on finishing those values, does the "black and white" values first and then color, work ? Cause I'm kind of just using the blending tool of sai, but at full opacity, do I just aply the colors and reduce the value layer's opacity or what ?

>> No.1740516

gais i'm not feelin it

>> No.1740517
File: 202 KB, 610x502, ragedy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1740533

Bumping this thread cause retards keep responding to an other retard. fucking waste of place.

>> No.1740535


Tube arms is bad, anon. Don't do it. Arms are also at different lengths. Torso also has a weird outline; I don't like how her back is just curved outwards.

There isn't a best way to construct a body; just go with whatever you're comfortable with. Some like dem loomis guides, others go for block shapes. Personally I go mostly by intuition, sketching vague shapes. Sometimes blocks if parts of the body is angled in perspective.

Use other artists as reference to how they simplify. What you have now is a horrible doll face. like other anons said.

That Jay Leno chin is horrifying. I don't like how the neck looks either, or the absent clavicle. Do hands studies as well.

>> No.1740543
File: 641 KB, 1600x1600, 20140429f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble posting the link
4chan thinks I'm spam
(it may be right)


>> No.1740545

the chest looks so weird

>> No.1740555

someone ?

>> No.1740557


>> No.1740565

This, holy hell that face is terrifying.

I'm having trouble understanding what's going on with her face.

>> No.1740574

I think the face and hair looks quite good! The mouth might be placed a bit low, but other than that I think you are doing a good job! The body however seems a bit off to me, both in style and anatomy.. the head seems oddly "glued on", as if shopping two pictures together, and the body has some overall anatomical odd spots.. I also think the skin coloring looks a bit unnatural, with shadows and highlight going too close to pure black and white.. On the face however I think the colors work, so the rest of the body might just need some refining.

All in all, some areas are very pleasing while others need some refining. Keep up with this, I'm looking forward to seeing it finished:)

>> No.1740581
File: 111 KB, 500x500, 1400153264712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the best babby's first coloring technique for lineart?

>> No.1740583
File: 337 KB, 1000x647, SKOOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this mornings' drawing

>> No.1740587

noice, site?

>> No.1740590

same old sundryaddams.tumblr

>> No.1740621

are you fucking taking the mick?

>> No.1740623

i don't even know what the fuck that means, but I don't think so.

>> No.1740624

It's australians shitposting.

>> No.1740625

he sed u takin the fockin micky m8

>> No.1740643

no, not draven. Draaaveeeen

>> No.1740665 [DELETED] 
File: 2.12 MB, 2008x1813, anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls critique

>> No.1740668

it's got a great feel of chinese culture from where anime originates, needs some pagodas in background though

>> No.1740671


You didn't paste flip it the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.1740696

I don't want to be pretty, I want to be a solid block of rock hard fundamentals. Carve me into a statue, Anon.


Mah nigguh. I'm no animu fan, but I love how that guy paints skin.

>> No.1740711
File: 626 KB, 1000x691, prc_323oijdskls_org_todo_rc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I skimmed the face and this is the price I pay holy shit. No excuses this time.

Entering maximum over salvage mode.

>> No.1740726
File: 532 KB, 1920x1080, CzechslovakianStopMotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know this is a thread for alternate styles and yet it's one of the least imaginative in its approaches to art.

How does one learn how to pull off glorious imaginative Czechslovakian/Russian Stop Motion.

>> No.1740760
File: 663 KB, 1920x2560, 20140530_165645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting unfinished chicken scratch, I struggle immensely with drawing hands and feet

2 months exp

>> No.1740761
File: 223 KB, 610x502, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see. i stepped away for a while and looked again; is it any clearer? i appreciate the critique and i realize this is moving at a glacial pace

>> No.1740776
File: 26 KB, 221x221, 1400585465184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1740786

Cel shading, I guess.

>> No.1740791

base color -> shadow color -> lights and highlights

>> No.1740800

One color for all the shadows?

>> No.1740812


>> No.1740820

There is no best technique. It's all personal preference. Looks at stuff you like and try to reproduce it.

>> No.1740822
File: 1.61 MB, 1692x2088, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of Course there is, there is basic theory, after that it's all style.

>> No.1740831
File: 115 KB, 720x718, ss (2014-05-30 at 01.57.47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1740832
File: 220 KB, 1250x1316, 1391874420796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try to copy from anime drawings for the time anon, but trust me on this one you should really learn
color and light as a fundamental, its the same thing, it goes from fundamental to style like everything else,
instead of copying from others and not knowing where to place your colors and shadows everytime learn
the foundations of it. Once it clicks in your head, that's it you can try any style of coloring you want and everything
will fall in place. Do color and value studies from simple objects to humans, and read Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter - James Gurney

>> No.1740834

Do you have a website where I can see more?

>> No.1740838


So is this spanking fetish guy taking permanent residence here, is that what's going on?

>> No.1740839

I'm interested, try to clean and finish.

>> No.1740840

Why oekaki only?

>> No.1740858

New Thread:


>> No.1740989

The one on the bottom HAS to be a girl right? There's no way that face can belong to a boy

>> No.1741039
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some critique in this

>> No.1741124


For an easy coloring I'd say cel shading, basically what you see in animation which is just flat colors. Just a base color, a shadow color and highlight color and shine on certain areas like eyes, hair, etc. Basically what >>1740791 said. No blending or soft edges whatsoever for extra babby.

>> No.1743355
