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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 627 KB, 2000x1459, 615856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1736234 No.1736234 [Reply] [Original]


This guy talks a lot about the "fundamentals" and "basics".
Later in the video he mentions the 80% of professional design being fundamentals, and the 20% being creativity.
he also talks about how most amateurs try drawing the same stuff over and over until they get good a drawing that ONE THING, then have to start over to draw something else, and I realized im stuck in the rut.
I don't want to be.

I want to know who or what to go to for study these fundamentals. If possible, I'd like to find a place that has sort of an outline for learning these fundamentals in an effective order.

I don't really care hoe much time it takes.
Do I have to take a class to get on this level?
Are there online courses for this type of thing?

pic unrelated

>> No.1736235

well, the pic is sort of related...

>> No.1736237
File: 64 KB, 600x600, BSSMyNjCAAEpw0W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1736238

No argument here.

>> No.1736239

I personally bought the hands and face by loomis, figure for all its worth, perspective made easy, mastering manga and the art of drawing animals.
I think ill imaginative realism and a book about color and shading.
and I think that should do it.

>> No.1736244


you've come to the right place anon.

i can only offer you this piece of advice: don't do what 90% of people studying here do. which is spend 99% of their time studying female anatomy.

>> No.1736247

Thanks, i'll keep that in mind.

Truth be told, the deeper I get into art, the more interested I get in graphic design and concept art.

Ironically, that's what I plan to use for something as simple as a graphic novel.

As much as I love females, I find i'm more interested in drawing distorted, surrealistic forms.

>> No.1736249

Read the sticky.

>> No.1736250
File: 187 KB, 700x600, 21 - 2Wtdipy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As good as loomis is, I found some of it rather hard to grasp when I was starting out. When I began I focused mostly on perspective since that was probably my worst, and I found that after developing my sense of 3D space, I had a much easier time with everything else. Studied stuff from Michael Hampton & Ron Lemen , as I preferred their approach (but I still learned a lot from loomis).

Also, as for the question of classes I found it to be like this:

Classes: Good for if you need to be motivated/disciplined, ask feedback from teachers, get critique and have a lesson and goal in an effective order. Cons would be cost of course, and be sure to check out the teachers work to see if they know what they are talking about.

Self-Taught: Nowadays this is much easier with video streaming and access to numerous PDF's, but if you have no sense of goals, being critical of your own work, or a shred of self-discipline, you are going to fuck up bad and waste tons of time learning nothing (or worse become stuck in the deviantart hole where you spend years with no advancement due to ego and/or the hugbox effect). Also more difficult to get outside critique if you don't know any decent artists. Admittedly, when I first self-taught I omitted several key fundamentals and wasted time by reinforcing bad habits because I had nobody to tell me I was doing some things horribly wrong.

That's my 2cents, also pic related might help.

>> No.1736254

Realism is for morons.

>> No.1736255

How 'bout surrealism?
Is that okay?

>> No.1736256
File: 340 KB, 421x333, be the marble_see the sculpture within.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The basics are important, and you can improve them through strong observation of the world around you and replication of the things you see, until you are so comfortable at mimicking real life that you are able to take what you know and add your own artistic personality to it.

That way, it's still you, but it's also appealing to others because it makes sense because it's based in real life fundamentals of structure, lighting and color.

Just need to get out there and take it all in, and keep a sketchbook with you everywhere you go. Or a tablet you can draw on, whatever. Just try to capture the moment and make observations about what you see. Ask yourself what you're looking at, dig into the environment with all your senses.

>> No.1736258

Was that episode of spongebob theologically accurate?

>> No.1736260

No, it is just as bad

>> No.1736285
File: 2.66 MB, 2480x3504, forinter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the fundamentals.
sorry for the file size it gets hard to read smaller.

color isn't on there but is obviously fundamental, they just treated in as it's own topic.

>> No.1736343

None of those are fundamentals unless you are a degenerate realist,

>> No.1736347

That what? Cartooning? That sounds fucking stupid.

>> No.1736351

>There is only realism, surrealism, and cartooning
I want to smash your face in.

>> No.1736352

Hey, im the noob here fucker. Explain some shit.
So just what do you do, huh?

>> No.1736353


>> No.1736354

im guessing you;re into some kind of shitty, abstract ink blot art, right?

>> No.1736355

What kind of painting?

>> No.1736356

Painting isn't a style. It's a method.
You can paint realistic, surrealistic, or even cartoon shit.
So what even is your point?

>> No.1736357

they apply to all art, either in the subject or the artwork itself.

>> No.1736358

No, complex color decompositions of landscapes.
I also do ink washes, but nothing abstract
Why would I do what has already been done when I can attempt to spearhead something new?

>> No.1736361

You paint landscapes.
I imagine you use principals of realism to do any kind of landscape effectively.

Also, how is surrealism anything that "has already been done"? the whole point of it is to take elements of what's real and abstract them into odd/disturbing forms.
Actually that's what all art is. A variation on what you once perceived.
Realism is the foundation. How is that not a valid art style?

>> No.1736363

I don't use any principles of realism.
Surrealism has been done a billion times before, it's dead as Elvis.
>How is that not a valid art style?
Because a camera can do the same.

>> No.1736365

What, and Photography isn't a valid art form?
Man you sound really self-important. Like some brat with a massive inferiority complex trying to justify how his effort is the only effort that should be praised.

When in reality, i'm pretty sure lots of people do "complex color decompositions of landscapes" or whatever.

>> No.1736366

why are you getting baited so hard bra. it's too obvious.

>> No.1736370

This. Let go of the hook and swim away bro

>> No.1736372

No, photography isn't an art.
>When in reality, i'm pretty sure lots of people do "complex color decompositions of landscapes" or whatever.
I haven't seen any, most mix colors.
Are you so frail-minded that you believe anybody who isn't a 12-year-old making Skyrim fanart is le trole?

>> No.1736609

When will people stop arguing over petty things.

Anyways, the first basic step is to learn how to envision surfaces correctly. Many beginners make the mistake of thinking out their images two-dimensionally, so their images end up lacking basic elements like perspective and look terrible.

To put it into layman's terms, you need to be able to think up stuff as 3-D models, and then understand their structure and the elements that affect them, like lighting and anatomy. Once you can break down an image into its base parts, then understand how they work, you can pretty much draw and paint everything as you envision it, in any style you want, be it manga or realistic.

>> No.1737383
File: 767 KB, 2647x4734, Untitled-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here OP. HAve this pic

>> No.1737403

Go and take photos of what mullins, ruanjia, syd mead, feng zhu, frazetta amongst many others painted, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker.
Don't listen to this faggot op, he's only shitposting here because you're a begginer and he wants to poison your mind.

>> No.1737590
File: 28 KB, 400x253, swafw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1737627

Awful handwriting.

>> No.1737643

Sorry you can only pain faces on children's parties despite of your art degree, bro.

>> No.1737651 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 339x340, robert_mapplethorpe_john_nyc_1978_from_x_portfolio_d5515933h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, photography isn't an art.
Go fuck yerself m8.