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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1735549 No.1735549 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ic/ scaredy cat social anxiety Anon here,
I have been doing night courses for drawing and etc from a college for 2 years now to get a graphic design diploma however my courses unfortunately now keep getting cancelled due to lack of people signing up.
I keep trying to research colleges for online schooling for game concept art similar to FZD but I can not find anything. I am okay with it being located anywhere in the world as my courses will be online. I have a couple disabilities so learning in class is very difficult for me, I exile on computers.
Anyway to make this simple I have lots of goals and passions, and I figured since you guys seem to know everything happening in art you may have a better idea than I do for where an online diploma suited for me would be located.
Thank you /ic/ I look forward to your reply

>> No.1735554


fuck the diploma man, just learn online. here with us. there's many guys just like you (with varying degrees of social anxiety or plain social retardation) some of which have gotten quite good within 1-2 years.

find means to finance your life for a while such as a fake student-loan or a low impact dayjob (saving all expenses possible obviously) and study study study. the ressources are all freely available and we are here to mentor you until you reach point X.

once you are at point X you won't need anyone to mentor you further, but actually actively mentoring others will be a form of selfteaching to you. doing paintovers and whatnot.

you are not alone.

>> No.1735561
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Thank you Anon, this really cheered me up.

The bad thing is though I need college background in anything in order to be able to have people take me seriously, even if its something not related to drawing. Is there some kind of diploma you think would enhance my eye more for drawing? I always see a lot of amazing stuff on /gd/ so I took the graphic design in order to put my art hand and hand with it but I can not do that course anymore due to not enough people.
When I did the drawing courses in person for my college my teacher could not draw at all, he could only draw caricaturists. I learned more in a day on here than I did that whole semester.

>> No.1735693


I don't think that's true at all.

A diploma doesn't really mean anything if you wanna live off your art, only your portfolio.

There's a lot of streams and such on Youtube where artist in the illustration and concept art industry discuss this matter, and the general opinion seems to be that art school is a ripoff (if you live in the US or similar where it cost a billion dollars, if you live in a country where college and university is free, it may be different i would assume). Anyways, a school can provide a good environment and may fuel your dedication, but the diploma itself is just a paper.

it's different times than 10 years ago, you can find EVERYTHING you need online, especially if you got some cash. Schoolism courses seems to be one of the most recommended. alternatives.

>> No.1735834

Is that what your parents told you? They lie. Especially in the art world, a diploma means nothing. Not only does it cost a shit ton in America, but the quality of such studies is usually not very high. You learn about boring shit you'll never need in your career (meaning nothing related to game art), some professors are incompetent, and if you don't study online, everything is full of people.
I have social anxiety as well, as does most of /ic/ and probably whole 4chan and I almost committed suicide during college. it was the worst part of my life. At least education is free here, but I still have to pay back my stipend, because I didn't finish even a year. I'm also a graphic design graduate (high school).
Do you live with your parents or where does your income come from? If you do, you shouldn't have to worry too much about surviving, like I do, and just STUDY. You might want to get a mentor/art buddy to know where to start, what to do, to get motivated. I'm free, if you care.

>> No.1735913

I would love a mentor Anon, I just got back into drawing 8 months ago and now I feel like I am all over the place. My only issue is that my parents do not see me as independent studying as doing something if I am not in school. I went to college full time in the past before for special effects make up and sadly majority was female (class of 40 all females) so it was not the greatest time for me either.
Thank you Anon, I am going to go find some artists streaming and ask them their education background.

>> No.1735920

Because you're especially anxious around women, or why did it have such a big impact?
Are you parents very retarded or are they able to listen to reason? Try to explain the situation to them and say that you're determined to make something of yourself, but college is mostly just hindering you. Well, if you still think that college is the best choice, I don't want to order you what to do and what not, but most people on /ic/ and a lot of professionals share my opinion. Noah Bradley hates art college, Algenpfleger was self taught, Jonas de Ro isn't a fan of it, even Jaime Jones said he didn't learn much from it - to ease your research about professionals' education. They all agree that an awesome portfolio is all you need.
Now, my skill level isn't very high, so I wouldn't really be a mentor, if you need someone like that, I think the Sycra forum has a mentorship section, but I doubt any skillful people would actually help you for free. What say you?

>> No.1735924


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1rmP-xDiSQ (marc brunet, character designer at blizzard talk about art school)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJQiVSrihXU (chris oatley, former disney, and noah bradley discuss freelance and art jobs and also why art school is unnecessary)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwLgAdzG8io (pretty much the same).

i know it's cool to hate Noah Bradley and all, but those guys does know a thing or two about marketing.

I know i saw a stream with Dave Rapoza, where he talks about the subject... i'm pretty sure he is self taught, and he is one of the best of the new young ones IMO.

>> No.1735992

Watched the first two, thank you.
Don't really know what's with the hate for Bradley doe, only know about that recent painting where a chick rises from a black rock and his pissy blog about portrayal of women.

>> No.1736022

> I went to college full time in the past before for special effects make up and sadly majority was female (class of 40 all females)

Holy shit, thanks for the tip

>> No.1736055
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>tfw you go to a workshop and are too afraid too talk to anyone and end up being that sperg sketching in the corner

conections don't matter, git gud r-right?

>> No.1736057
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sure, having nice portfolio is enough.

>> No.1736059

They do matter and help a lot, but if you're a sperg, what can you do. Either stop being one (which you can't) or try something else. Of course we have it a lot harder than other people. Where I live, everyone gets jobs only by having connections and no skill and I don't even want to be like that. Imagine you have the best portfolio your client has ever seen. He will hire you, no matter what. Now if you're not completely retarded and inappropriate, it won't matter that much that you're silent all the time, it's pretty normal in the video game industry.

>> No.1736070


some things you can't change. focus on the things you can. an absolute minimum of social interaction will probably still be required, but you can make it work by relying 90% on your kickass folio.

i mean i'm the exact same.

>> No.1736078

Atleast we aren't those weirdos that gush about their diaper furry obsessions.

>> No.1736091


can always take comfort in that atleast,
