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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 109 KB, 960x556, 10246431_10202547888290958_2317813339687967829_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1732094 No.1732094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Find this on internet , seems like a page from imageFX
not sure if this is fake .

I don't think imageFX can allow this level of work
Even sometimes there are quite poor work on imageFX , but not this level

>> No.1732102
File: 1.25 MB, 1928x1040, Untitledfga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's legit. I'm pretty sure the artists pay to get put in. Here's another page.

>> No.1732104

dem yaoi hands

>> No.1732126

fuck. i hate anime so badly

>> No.1732138

Fucking toplel. Does anyone have anymore examples of bad/mediocre art like this being praised and given way more attention then it deserves?

>> No.1732152

Deviantart has a whole lot.

>> No.1732158

>I'm pretty sure the artists pay to get put in.

How much would ImageFX charge to ruin the quality of their magazine? Damn.

>> No.1732170

yeah wtf.
sure artists can pay to get in but if they cared about qualit then the shouldnt let everyone in

>> No.1732173
File: 130 KB, 612x627, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, its real. I was convinced I was looking at something that wasn't imagineFX.

I mean, if It was some beginner book or howtodrawmanga I wouldn't care, but for this? god damn.

I mean take a look, what on earth is going on with that leg?

>> No.1732176

I'm less concerned about that leg and more concerned about that arm, is that a fucking cleft arm? or is it just a shitty drawing?

>> No.1732177
File: 10 KB, 300x300, e66955cb-1f7c-46fa-8192-8a768abbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ all mighty have mercy

>> No.1732178
File: 140 KB, 1280x960, 1378697837774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1732185

don't hate anime because of shitty artists. That's retarded.

>> No.1732190

>implying anime isn't a shitty artform

>> No.1732193

anime really shouldn't be hated on as an actual art form. It just gets a bad rep for attracting shit artists.

>> No.1732203


Go away. Baitin'

>> No.1732210

8n't no b8 m8 gr8 r8 m8 8/8

>> No.1732219

Well, it's an entire style based around "how can we produce sixteen thousand drawings as quickly and cheap as possible, in order to push out an episode every week?"
I think it's safe to call it shit.

>> No.1732230

so cartooning is shit? because that's the reason cartoons and comics exist. that's the reason "style" exists.

it would be really dumb to not stylize.
>yeah, sure, we need to draw thousands of images
>i'll put in a tremendous effort and take a thousand years to finish it so i can sell it at a price where nobody can afford to buy it.
that's you.
animation is always stylized, and there is a reason for that.
your point is beyond retarded.

>> No.1732232

Actually, most tv anime have a far superior quality compared to most western daytime cartoons.

>> No.1732233

Not really. It's a style based around drawing very simplified, aesthetically pleasing, expressionate faces. The vast majority of anime also tries to keep the rest of the human anatomy quite realistic. Proportion wise they tend to be closer to realism than western animation. At least the anime I have watched are mostly like that, maybe you watch a lot of children anime so your experience might be different from mine.

>> No.1732234

There's a breaking point where time constraints make the tradeoff so great that it breaks the art.
Episodic anime constantly reaches it.

Besides, I'm not talking shit about animation or stylisation.
Both comic book and manga art are a lot more complex than animation art and obviously designed for static images. Animation's great. But it loses all meaning when you're taking a style meant for animation and stretch it over an entire static canvas. It is very bizzare to me that doing such a thing is a huge trend on the internet.
It's a tradeoff between more detailed art and more frames. In TV anime you often see rather detailed drawings stretched over several minutes, with only the mouth of the character moving.
I'd take beautifully animated stick figures over that kinda shit any day.

>> No.1732236
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, zxczxcxz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding more detail while sacrificing frames, in an animated medium. In my opinion, that's just going full retarded.

Anime seems to be some kinda middleground between being simple to draw and looking good in stills.
Kinda bad at both.

>> No.1732239

there are going to be still frames with lower productions, it's called budget.
what are they supposed to do? take overtime? pull money out of their hat?
What's your point?

>Besides, I'm not talking shit about animation or stylisation.
you literally did call it shit.
also i don't understand what this post has to do with the previous one you posted, are you just trying to change to topic to still frames?

>> No.1732240

I honestly cannot think of any western daytime cartoon that comes even close in animation quality to, say your typical Kyoani show. Maybe the pilot episode of Legend of Korra and some 90s Disney tv cartoons, but that's about it.

>> No.1732242

so you think it's better for it to be much, much simpler just like in the west?

>> No.1732244

I called anime art shit. Because it's static art that tries to mimic a style designed for animated art.

Besdies, budget is not really a good excuse for shit art. It's shit regardless of the reason and if the entire medium is geared towards producing shit as quickly as possible, then oh well.
True, japan's weekly animation industry is much more active than the western one. A well oiled machine, mostly thanks to the fact that it's so standardized. The west still produces great stuff, but it's fewer and far between.
As long as the animation is good, sure. Nothing's worse than starting at a single frame for minutes. Just pick up a random donald duck cartoon, much more pleasant to look at than most anime stuff.

>> No.1732249

> not liking anime art

why is everyone acting like every single 'anime' (or manga, whatever) drawing looks the exact same.

nothing amuses me more then non-anime artists going "anime is so fucking easy look at me drawing it" and to shit out a Christopher Hart-tier drawing

>> No.1732250

You know what's even more amusing? People who've never drawn anything other than tohou fanart attempting any other style and-
Oh wait, that never happens, does it. They never get out of their beaten track.

>> No.1732251

so what, let them enjoy what they draw, at least they don't act all pretentious and go 'look at how great I can draw cartoons" and then fuck up

>> No.1732252

Why are we suddenly talking about people?
We were supposed to be discussing styles. I don't care what people enjoy. That's kinda irrelevant.

>> No.1732253

No, it really is more amusing when someone comes around and screams how easy stylizion/anime is and then fucks it up. I see that so often happening on here.

The people who draw they "badly" drawn anime at least dont go around and pretend they are better than others.

>> No.1732256

>I called anime art shit. Because it's static art that tries to mimic a style designed for animated art.
but there is also this field called illustration. we call it anime art here but strictly speaking it has nothing to do whatsoever with animation. if anything, it is closer to cartooning and comics.

> Just pick up a random donald duck cartoon, much more pleasant to look at than most anime stuff.
and so much more limited
there is a reason why anime art is so differently stylized. because they use so much more angles and different shots than in the west, it actually becomes easier if you just use a properly simplified style instead something "vague" like donald duck or adventure time type of styles

and this is not necessary the best example for quality, but still.

>> No.1732259

I wouldn't say it's easy. It obviously takes a bit of time to learn to stylize.
It just looks like shit, is all.

>> No.1732265

now, explain to me what about this pretty broad style you think is so shit. Because I refuse to believe that you find every single drawing that has 'anime' style labeled onto it is absolute shit.

>> No.1732268

>donald duck looks great but anime looks like shit
yeah, no. it's just a bias of yours.
and you probably havent seen much in terms of illustrations.

>> No.1732272

do you also think mangas look like shit?

>> No.1732276

Disney cartoons let me appreciate the gesture and expression work fully. There's a lot of skill put into the animation/movement itself.
Whereas a lot of the well animated anime looks as if it's trying to impress me with flashy colors, sharp angles and shaking the camera around.
Yeah. It's actually largely devoid of any variety. Which, again, goes back to its roots as an animation medium, where a large number of people would be drawing the same character. I mean, I find merit in drawings with a more graphic look, where value plays a role. But that's already shying away from the simplistic linear drawings of your typical anime.

>> No.1732285

>Whereas a lot of the well animated anime looks as if it's trying to impress me with flashy colors, sharp angles and shaking the camera around.
some do overdo it, but then again those are action scenes.
i don't see the west do any memorable action scenes.
and anime has just as much gesture when it comes to calm scenes.

>> No.1732288

Not a fan of excessive action, might be my personal bias there. Prefer things to be swift and to the point, instead of feeding me a single piece of information for minutes. I mean, I get it. They fought. Can stop trying to fling shit into my eyes now.

But I agree, as far as technique goes, they're really impressive.

The faces, though. I can never really enjoy the expressions in anime. They just look like symbols. Like I'm looking at a bunch of emoticons. Really hard to relate to those.

>> No.1732289
File: 461 KB, 1036x740, humi - おためし (6372358) 10ページ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they look like symbols
and again, but disney, and western animation in general apparently doesn't. ..right.
it's just your bias.

>> No.1732291
File: 370 KB, 1600x1035, flynnfacial_02b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. There's great deal of effort put into facial expression in every single disney movie.
Whereas anime expressions are completely static. Fuck, the most commonly used technique for creating a strong expression in anime is literally turning the character's face into an emoticon as a gag.

>> No.1732297

well to be far the faces in anime are basically emoticons.

due to the low quality paper, printing methods and smallish size of manga [initially at least] the facial expressions needed to be very simple otherwise you couldn't see them.

then on the anime side there was a huge disney influence, via tezuka mainly, which is where you get those big eyes and cuteness and stuff. (compare astroboy to mickey mouse).

the anime we have now is a confluence of those two things, you have the simple mickiesque faces and the stock expressions from manga which along with just being part of the language of the medium also happen to be cheaper. production cost also has a huge influence on many anime tropes.

>> No.1732298

Hardly any of that motion in the illustrations transfers well to CG though, which is used the most for modern western animation.

>> No.1732300
File: 521 KB, 1036x740, humi - おためし (6372358) 7ページ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the expressions are definitely different. and i get what you're saying certain styles don't let their face contort too wildly, especially with women and children.

but still, it's just a cliche

in any case, i still find them expressive in their own way, and if you look at the whole package of body and what they're gesturing, i still get a great deal of expression out of it.

>> No.1732305

I agree that CG feels kinda stiff.
Just have to give it time to mature.

>> No.1732306

Oh it's this argument again.
Here's a cool Disney action sequence in case you're interested

>> No.1732310

This is a bad example of mostly mediocre anime.

This is a GREAT example of amazing anime.

>> No.1732313

Doesn't look like your typical anime.

>> No.1732314


Nobody wants to look at a babbling old hag. If you want that kind of animation there is Boondocks, Black Dynamite, and Avatar...normie shows for people like you.

>> No.1732320


Oh and Space Dandy. Why do you think it's dubbed right after they air it in nippon? To carter to the short attention spans of stupid people.

>> No.1732322
File: 485 KB, 1036x740, humi - おためし (6372358) 16ページ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't look like your typical anime.
this is why i'm telling you it's a bias.
you're the same as people who hear manga and think of shitty how to draw books. in the end you simply don't know much about it but you judge it anyway.

>This is a GREAT example of amazing anime.
you know what else it is? a movie.

>> No.1732323

How is that bias?
I was talking about a particular style. You posted something that does not conform to that style.
If there's anime that doesn't use the same generic style as every other anime, then that's great.

>> No.1732324



>> No.1732325


>> No.1732327

That smile is creepy as fuck, as if it's plastered.
I can't even make out what emotion she's trying to convey.

>> No.1732333

he's right, tokyo godfather is different than 95% of the stuff we get every season

>> No.1732336
File: 489 KB, 1036x740, humi - おためし (6372358) 14ページ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are still differences. differences that people can make out. you obviously can't because you don't care.

i also can't tell apart different western industry artists. would i be an idiot if i said they all look the same to me?
and so would you.

it's the same when white people think all asians look the same and vice versa.
it's a generalization.

you know what would've helped? if he didn't draw the teeth.
but then you would go on to complain about smileys.
also, it's a loose sketch. the first one i posted was wonky as well.

>> No.1732337

Look we get about 30+ shows every quarter on top of movies on top of hentai releases on top of countless games* that you'll never get to play/never will hear about ever. The market is way more oversaturated than 15 years ago where we only get 5 shows every season and maybe 1 movie worth a damn each year. And even still back then most of it was shit reused frames.

So you can cherrypick the old anime that had god tier animation, so what? Are you going to keep drooling about it or move on? It's like showing off an old trading card at every card collectors convention, we get that it's a gem but come on now. It's like you only rewatch old Disney movies and dismiss the newer ones just because "mah animation".

>> No.1732344

That's what you get when you compare a Disney feature movie with an anime series. The exact opposite would happen if you compared an anime movie with a run of the mill American cartoon show. 'Budget' is the keyword here.

>> No.1732345

Sauce for the images?

>> No.1732364

Even Akira doesn't outdo anything by Milt Kahl.
Although of course it's insane to compare it to the Problem Solverz or something

>> No.1732413

lots of old anime had pretty passable animation when they could afford it. they just couldn't afford it all the time.

if you keep an eye out for it when you're watching a series you can actually see which are the cheap episodes, usually they have one or two of those before one with lots of action that needs more time and stuff. a resent example is kill la kill, there were a bunch of very cheap looking episodes in the middle of the series.

>> No.1732425
File: 2.95 MB, 400x300, 0078b82ac76b6d6c3b92368408bd538f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every golden-age western cartoon looked perfect because the animation was done separately. A single character was animated by a single animator. The character, FX, and layouts were done by separate teams.

In Japan however, the animators are assigned to animate scenes. A single animator does layout, FX, character, and camera animation per scene. They're expected to be a "jack-of-all-trades". There are an average of 10-15 key animators in a show.

>> No.1732428


Here's some more info from an interview if you want to check out the eastern animation process.


>> No.1732430
File: 2.46 MB, 704x352, shinya ohira- the wind rises.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a modern example.

>> No.1732431
File: 417 KB, 267x199, 444774_original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw niggas still think that ImagineFX is some sort of standard for quallity of art

>> No.1732433

You must be kidding, both examples show great animation, I've seen some of the "mediocre" ones and truth to be told, the narrative tends to be shit in comparison to satoshi kon's work, and the animation is not top notch trough the entire show, but that doesn't remove the fact that you are biased.

>> No.1732434

The movie was actually about as boring as if you saw this scene in live action.

>> No.1732435

These days most Japanese animators work for a pittance. They need to be clever about their resources, which leads to low budget animation with most efforts concentrated in scenes of "sakuga" animation. One more recent example of this is Kill la Kill (yes, I said it) where they aren't shy of using tweening, 2-frame loops and other low-effort sillyness to take the piss out of exactly that.

>> No.1732439

>tokyo godfathers
>Anything made by satoshi kon
>Anything that doesn't look like ultra kawaii uguu shit
Jeez you weeb

>> No.1732441


You have to probably view it in context to truly appreciate it. Miyazaki is pretty much a great director since he gives great attention to minimal scenes like this. In the majority of his films, he uses realism as a means of connecting with his audience. Shinya Ohira is also a great animator too. Especially if he's a "jack-of-all-trades" animator.

>> No.1732444
File: 3.08 MB, 320x240, 1d84cec84460091a6805ec69e107482e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In both western and eastern animation, the good animation is usually reserved for the OPs. Why is that?

>> No.1732447

because it's the presentation card, the first impression to showcase "how good it will be".

>> No.1732450

Oh no. I like most of his work, and the animation is great, but I just really did not like that movie.

>> No.1732462

what >>1732447 said and also you make it ONCE and can use it A BILLION FUCKING TIMES.

>> No.1732488
File: 2.89 MB, 960x720, bgc_redeyes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thats shitty.

How are OVA's these days? Most of the anime I watched were from late 80s/early90s so I'm really behind on all this.

>> No.1732527
File: 7 KB, 294x217, laughing dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hating on anime is so fucking trendy nowadays

Face it faggots, anime/manga style art is just amazing, mind blowingly cool, sexy, and stylish.

So many different styles, and variations, yet all unmistakably of Japanese art style.

You'll cowards just too afraid some girl might not touch your tiny penis if they find out you watched an episode of anime cartoon , amirite? lol

>> No.1732530

That fucking file name.

>> No.1732531

I think the face is the worse.

>> No.1732629

If they get so little money for animating then how it comes that there's so many of those crappy graphical novels out there where every character has 3 expressions and those are used the entire game instead of making some sort of animation?

>> No.1732673

There's not many OVA these days, or they're just specials from TV animu. I feel like the OVA market is pretty much dead, at least the one that was interesting.

>> No.1732676
File: 295 KB, 1280x720, 1360288412661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graphical novels

>> No.1732994

It depends, they would switch it up depending on the production. In Pinocchio you might have Fred Moore doing Lampwick in the same scene as Milt doing Pinocchio or Kimball doing Jiminy Cricket. But in Bambi or Song of the South, the animators took chunks of the movie to do on their own

>> No.1733127
File: 969 KB, 765x545, c283-yo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese animators don't know how to animated "real" people.
Their characters look soulless and unnatural.

>> No.1733137

That's a poor example of what you're describing.

>> No.1733144

>"real" people
anon pls. at least say something that sounds less retarded.
we get it, you prefer the goofy caricatures in the west over the eastern stuff.

i also don't like certain things about bahi's scenes, some of them feel like he is overcompensating for something.
the "acting" in that scene was very cheesy, but when i watched that scene everything felt noticably more alive.
the expressions were bland but the movement was there.
none of those characters were supposed to stand out. they were just random people in the school, all of them. of course he could have done all the faces as well, but if you think about the budget, this is already a pretty good effort.

in any case, it's the exact opposite of soulless.
if you think about how a western animator might have handled this scene, i really doubt it they could handle it noticably better.
this is why i'm saying you people are biased. you don't know what the fuck you're talking aobut. you simply base everything on you vague dislike towards anime.

like i said, it definitely felt like overacting, but bahi's still young and that was pretty much his first scene in the industry.

>> No.1733300

Eh, at this point, this has its audience. This was probably given slack to get more of the anime audience to buy the magazines. But once some of them contrast and compare this woman's crap to that of the other artists in the same magazine, I imagine them jumping ship unless they're the hobbyist type who will forever be stuck to mediocrity.

After exposure to actual fine arts, I left the days of subscribing to ImagineFX waaaay behind.

>> No.1733305

That's a bad example of your point, but that's I generally agree - especially for today's anime. Ever since the anime industry crapped out financially and started relying more on digital crap and outsourcing, we're losing trained, professional artists in favor of basement dwellers.

Basement dwellers *can* put out great illustrative art, but the fact that they don't draw real people, let alone go outside and interact with them would mean they will animate soulless unrealistic (or "disconnected") impressions of "people". And these characters are mostly stereotypes/tropes that fit to their self-absorbed narrative.

Hayao Miyazaki addressed this shit, and even though most people thought he was against "new anime", most real artists and veteran animators who had professional art school training understood his point perfectly.

>> No.1733311

y all de haet on animu /ic
Srs, anime is still art/illustration. Why are you guys pitting it with high art, it's an entertainment medium, not some deepshit that no one gives a fuck about. It still requires the technical prowess of knowing your shit. But it's become so mainstream that anyone who can't draw and paint will instantly claim it to be amazing simply because it represents their type of fandom. It's fucking bias, and it's fucking fanshit culture.

>> No.1733380
File: 931 KB, 250x197, unI1ymM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1733413

Nice dubs

>> No.1733447
File: 581 KB, 1792x1200, P0002331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morimoto Koji is God
Moe era is the the cancer that's killing anime.

>> No.1733503
File: 2.66 MB, 892x480, Gits.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good anime

>> No.1733505
File: 2.97 MB, 1280x720, 1399961711544.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad animetion

>> No.1733510

>Hardly any of that motion in the illustrations transfers well to CG though
Did you watch Tangled, dude? It was really well done.

>> No.1733512



Special Ultra-rare Snowflake status confirmed.

10/10 would rage again.

>> No.1733514


>> No.1733517


The Disney art style used in these images make me absolutely rage. I hate Disney specifically because of male characters that look like this and to a lesser extent I also hate the way Disney females look.... lets say starting from Little Mermaid up to modern times. I hate everything about it.

>> No.1733528


That thumb though.

>> No.1733533
File: 2.42 MB, 174x174, You could of stopped this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those legs.

>> No.1733572

Obvious bait.

>> No.1733617


So you're saying you don't like Glen Keane

>> No.1733648

he's saying he doesn't like the art style not the man's ability to draw nor the man.

fucking sage for autism questions.

>> No.1733905

>super deformed style
It's a style choice, guys.

>> No.1734011

Study up on the subject before criticizing it please. There is no such thing as "anime art", but rather what I assume you are talking about is manga, which means comic in Japanese. The art style used in anime originates from this style, not the other way around. Also, as another anon stated, there is a field of art called illusts (or illustrations) that also count as art for the effort put into them. Anime is simply a compilation of similar manga frames with simple shading applied to them (not counting CGI), and it shouldn't be/isn't considered "art". It's misinformed people like you that think anime is art. Did you even know that anime is short for "animation"? The style existed before modern, "standard" anime was created: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manga#History_and_characteristics

It wasn't until companies like GAINAX popped up that anime and CG illusts looks the way they do now.

>> No.1734013

>don't know how to animated

max kek enabled

>> No.1736645
File: 19 KB, 336x326, .-..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some Yaoi Hands going on there.
What is happening to her legs and right arm?

>> No.1736658
File: 539 KB, 324x1363, Delusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was last month's star letter. Should give you a good idea of who ImagineFX's core readership is.

>> No.1736887

Something tells me this anime-hating guy would really like Little Witch Academia, considering his arguments. It's made by pretty much the biggest westaboos in the industry too.

Anyway, I'm a huge weeaboo and I mostly agree with this guy's criticism even if I don't share his preferences. I find that that anime is more creative with it's perspective and scenes but it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of it's actual movement for me.

One of the biggest reason I and a lot of other people really liked LWA and went on to fund it's Kickstarter is because the animation was a lot more lively and refreshing compared to typical anime and it's precisely because it's animation is more Western in style.

Japanese Otaku, on the other hand, don't really seem to give a shit and mostly thinks we're crazy for throwing so much money at Trigger for this.

>> No.1736906

Yutaka Nakamura
Mitsuo Iso
Yoh Yoshinari
norio matsumoto
Toshiyuki Inoue
Takashi Mukouda

It's muh list of favourite gud japanese animators, look them up on youtube if you feel like it.

>> No.1736923


Shinya Ohira's work is great.

I laugh at everyone who looks at an amazing piece of sakuga animation and thinks it's rotoscoped.

>> No.1737225

Illustration isn't art.

>> No.1737226

>says the guy who likes bloody tampon

top kek

>> No.1737227

>those hands
fucking hot

>> No.1737230

I don't, I view it as more inventive.

>> No.1737233

>because bloody tampons are a breakthrough in discovery of expressing oneself

double top kek

>> No.1737237

Better than the oldest 'art' form in existence.

>> No.1737239

>admitting to liking bloody tampons

triple top kek

>> No.1737270

I have done quite a few of those imagefx Q/A pieces for Future and they don't really pay all that well...

but the art in the OP does not look like they tried all that hard with it.

>> No.1737273

>I have done quite a few of those imagefx Q/A pieces for Future and they don't really pay all that well...
Right. Like anyone on /ic/ has been in ImagineFX.

>> No.1737275

tehmeh has been in it.

>> No.1737279

He hasn't been here in like half a decade.

>> No.1737283

I believe you. Got anymore to tell?

>> No.1737286

i've seen him around, not in the last few months though

>> No.1737289

Not too much to say about their commissions. They just give me a list of 5 or so questions to choose from and I just pick the 2 I like the most.

Then I write an article and do a couple of quick paintings to demonstrate what I wrote about.

I don't do them for the pay because honestly it's not even a fraction of what an actual freelance job would pay (like, applibot or gameloft)

They are just fun to do.

>> No.1737381

http://www.chocolatepixels.com/ Her site, for who's interested. Seems to be mostly graphic design and chibi-related stuff, so the choice of tutorial already seems odd in the first place to me.

>> No.1739855

Get the name right OP. Also, the tool is not to blame, you can create good work even with Microsoft's shitty Paint if you have the basics down. But this image... I've done illusts for 5 years now, and never have I seen art quality this bad. Then again, I stay on pixiv most of the time, and try to avoid eye-burning "art".

Also note that illustrations aren't art. It only counts as art when its creative. But most of my work is requested with certain parameters, as is with most illustrations. so yea. I think I'll go wash my eyes with soap now.

>> No.1739860


Who do you email about getting this job? Thanks.

>> No.1739933

>tfw she is more successful than you as an artist because she is a grill and can easily make connections
>tfw you'd have to top your game to make your work appear on somewhere while a girl can draw chibi bullshit and get paid for it
just kill me now

>> No.1739935

>tfw she is more successful than you as an artist because she is a grill and can easily make connections
I see you're trying to avoid blaming your own faults here.
>spoilers: it's not because she's a grill/the fact that you're shit is because you're born a male
>tfw you'd have to top your game to make your work appear on somewhere while a girl can draw chibi bullshit and get paid for it
The majority of people, male or female, have to do this.

>> No.1739936

>be girl
>draw shit
>get introduced to retarded businessmen who'll hire your work just to be with you

>be guy
>have beard
>get no social interaction at all

sure being girl is hard

>> No.1739940


>> No.1739947

Source, or at least explanation!

>> No.1739949

she's a cyborg and she's trying to force open this hatch. and her muscles were ripping one after another.

>> No.1739973

I guess that gives a whole new definition to getting ripped.

>> No.1739999

not really, when you work out you actually rip your muscles and they get bigger&better on the proccess of healing.

>> No.1740046

People that hate on anime are like the scared pussies who think the first deep sea creature is ugly and don't want to look or explore for any more.

Yeah, no shit a lot of anime or manga is cheap garbage. But the stuff that is good offers so many different experiences.

This is coming from a person who doesn't pick east or west, just loves animation and cartooning for what it is.

>> No.1740055

In regards to the anime vs western debate:
in terms of how appealing the animation and still frames are, if the best of the west is disney and the east is ghibli, Disney wins by a clear margin. Character animation wise, even disney feature animations worst animated work is better than ghiblis best. Although ghiblis best work mononoke has some god damn good backgrounds which makes it better than fox and the hound.

If anything the best animation from Japan I've seen are some of Toeis early works such as Hakuja Den and The little Prince and the 9 headed Dragon. Maybe that's because I like the amount of movement they use and the higher framerate. They still have their flaws though.

>> No.1740064


does anyone know who animated the scene in Tokyo Godfathers, where Gin confronts the husband of the mad woman who kidnaps the baby, in his apartement?
the style reminds me of the Kid's story segment (of animatrix)

nevertheless, I regard Masaaki Yuasa as a great animator

he animated a forth coming Adventure Time episode :


and Mind Game remains my favourite film
(how can someone animate this pure madness?)


>> No.1740085
File: 86 KB, 482x271, bmo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adventure Time
Ohh yaaas, I am excite.

>> No.1740104

not sure if trolling, but if
don't dismiss it so quickly

>> No.1740116

No, I'm serious! I love AT, and having such a big animator guest on this ep is great.

>> No.1740117

We're not on /co/ right now, we can like cartoons.

>> No.1740136


And I thought it was bad when they were promoting Genzoman, at least his stuff is half-presentable.

Captcha: subject ogrenta

>> No.1740615

didn't genzoman draw for WoW ?

>> No.1740616

he drew for WOTC

>> No.1740928

This is from Ghost in the Shell.