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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1726452 No.1726452[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here attend art school, had art in high school or just attend a few classes? Then you are bound to run into some weirdoes/hacks because art communities are full of them.

Tell me your stories! Personally I attend an art university and have a million stories.

But please, don't turn this into an opportunity to brag about your achievements or whatever, these kinds of threads always turns into that.

I'll go first

>in animal drawing class
>it is finals day and everyone are bringing in their last project of the semester, which are three drawings of an animal, one of it's skeleton, then the muscle system and finally the whole animal with skin and fur etch
>hang the drawings up on the wall so everyone can get critique from the teacher
>one of the girls in the class has clearly just taken a picture of an animal and put a photoshop filter over it and is trying to pass it as a drawing.
>literally everyone in class has noticed, people whispering about it
>I want to tell the teacher in case she doesn't catch up on it
>one of my "friends" stop me and says she can get kicked out if she gets caught
>bitch fucking deserves to be kicked out
>mfw people pay 9000$ a semester to attend this school out of their parents money or student loans, just to handicap themselves on purpose
>holy fuck can anyone be this retarded.

I see this all the time, art is "easier" to cheat than most majors, but I literally don't get why people do it as it's the portfolio that counts in the end, not our grades.

>> No.1726456

but wait there is more

>in life drawing class
>drawing male model (naked ofc)
>model gets a semi
>try to keep my face straight and keep drawing
>it literally wont go down
>luckily this is nothing compared to what happened to my friends

apparently in one of their classes a model got a hard on and came several times through their class, several times! A girl felt sick and had to go home, the teacher totally understood.

And in another friends class a female model spread her legs infront of the students as a short pose, the teacher had to tell her that that was not ok.

>> No.1726468

What the fuck do you mean "came"?

What fucking kind of college is that?

>> No.1726470

Like...he started stroking it in class?

>> No.1726471


he just literally came while sitting still.... It's like he got off by being drawn or something.

Also these are just normal life drawing classes with nude models..

>> No.1726482

Nothing much OP. Just I hate drawing black people for life drawing, as soon as they take their clothes off the whole room stinks and since we have to keep the door closed that shit just sits.

>> No.1726484


that doesn't seem physically possible.

>> No.1726487

Oh I guess I have one I just remembered

>drawing jolly African American woman
>old British teacher always plays music
>song from fallout comes on
>you know the one
>bongo bongo bongo I don't wanna leave the Congo oh no no no no no
>bingo bango bongo I'm so happy in the jungle, I refuse to go
>look around to see if anybody notices
>nobody does, fucking leftists
>smile to myself
>after about a minute the prof walks over and changes the song
>it was the only one he's skipped before

>> No.1726505

it is.

>> No.1726508

Must be a shit school if they can't even vet figure models properly.

>> No.1726509

you owe me my sides back.

>> No.1726511

it sounds like a shit school.

>> No.1726516

lel i know who you are top kek.

>> No.1726517

all you plebs who can't do hand's free ejaculation disgust me

>> No.1726529

? What's the first letter of my last name?

>> No.1726533

on a similar note, am I the only one here who's noticed fat girls are never any good?

They seem sensitive enough to get offended when people point out mistakes but too lazy to get better. SERIOUSLY! It's not like they're too busy with boyfriends and parties to practice.

>> No.1726537

I know a fat girl who is really good at 3Dmodelling, but she switched from 2D to 3D. I assume it was too much of a challenge for her.

>> No.1726540

i met a fat girl who said she wanted to be pro in animation and storyboarding. she was the only other person who would show up at the studio early. probabbly because she didn't have friends. she sucked but i told her she needed to draw 16 hrs a day if she wanted to be pro realisticly.

at the end of the year i swear to god she was probbably as good as me. biggest improvement i had ever seen.

i also knew two cute girl who were naturallly talented and they didn't really improve much. also one semi cute girl who did anime deviant tier who didn't improve at all. fun times.

tfw i don't even think i have improved and am way to hard on myself maybe..

>> No.1726541


>> No.1726543

itd be funny as hell if a fat ginger girl read your comment then comes into the thread with a vengeance posting all of this super epic artwork.

>> No.1726546

>Freshmen year of high school.
>First art class.
>I notice that there's a lot of special ed kids, and sort of just outcasts and such.
>No problem with them.
>First day, kids are talking about artists they like.
>One strange girl is talking about some old woman who draws at the fair or something.
>Says "She's like a grandma to me".
>Teacher asks what her name is.
>"I can't remember".

Another time,
>Teacher talking about hands.
>Says, "The thumb is really just made of two little parts".
>Special ed black kid plays with his thumb and goes "CO-OL!" excitedly.

>> No.1726549

that bottom one seems like something i would have tottaly done.

tfw i sat next to the special ed kids so i wouldn't be bothered by the qt pies and distracted so i could focus on my art.

tfw autism.

>> No.1726553

>a female model spread her legs infront of the students.
y-you mean like the one pose from my doujins? she should have also done a double peace sign.

>> No.1726556


I do fine art. Could that be the issue? Maybe all fat girls should be animators.

Anyone any other body stereotypes for art?

>> No.1726560

That's some motherfuckin' dedication

>> No.1726566
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i do notice that there's this sort of round physic that a lot of good optical painters have for some reason. zorn is a good example of the type, sargent too if i think about it , although he's not all that optical. i think it comes from being fat but also being pretty active.

and obviously sculptors and potters are often brutish.

also not physical thing but potters also often seem to be zen, i mean the good ones. probably something to do with having a lot of work easily destroyed at any moment and the 'just enough' level of force you need to use on the clay.

>> No.1726568

Thats true with guys too though. Fat boys are generally better at art than skinny ones because the skinnies are too busy bangin hot chicks (or takin fat boys girlfriends) while fat boys stay home to eat and draw. The skinnies party hard and bang more hotties every night while the fat boys continue to eat n draw. The skinnies drink a lot and usually black out because of their low tolerance which sets them back more in the drawing game, while the fat boys stay home to eat and draw. More eatin and more drawin well what do you expect? Eventually they surpass the skinnies.

>> No.1726569

there isn't a dichotomy of fat and skinny there are people who are just normal weight. those get the chicks, skinny people are just as poorly with the ladies as fat people.

>> No.1726570

>sitting in art class waiting for it to start
>professor walks in dressed like an owl
>me like wtf
>mfw coughs up half digested possum
>why am i sitting in a forest watching an owl puke?
>yfw this is you
>so i eat anothe jellybean
>the trees are dancing
>they start eating each other
>i think i just huffed an otter
>wake up, just a bad dream
>nfw owl next to me wtf

>> No.1726574

No, if a guy cums (several times!) in the middle of the class and no one says anything and the teacher lets the class continue like nothing then that's not a normal fucking place to study.

I would have instantly said "that's fucking disgusting we have to stop this and also let's call the cops on this pervert and never bring him ever again"

>> No.1726576

I know a professional ceramicist who is the most Zen jolly mofo I've ever met.

>> No.1726752

The most beautiful thing has happened to me in my last semester.

There is this girl. She is awful. She makes excuses for her shit being bad, blames teachers for not helping her enough (she is focusing on 3D) and tried to make a 3D animated short film for her thesis.

The reviews for the entertainment kids involves a screening in the auditorium where all the other seniors and juniors must attend. Usually, it's pretty cool, I was very proud two of my animation roommates had completed films and there was some intense 3D work too!

But this girl

She played an unrendered, barely lit, UNTEXTURED film that had almost zero actual animation. This chick constantly posts selfies taken during class, claims to have worked as a concept artist for Ford (nope, you just took a class where the winning team had their idea picked to be made into a game app but ANOTHER team won)

The sweet victory is that she may be getting barred from graduating. The dept head straight up told her the amount of work she had for senior year was insufficient AND she commandeered like 7 computers in the senior lab to shoot her shit renders. There is limited space and other kids need to work too so one boy logged her out to do his own shit and she turned out and posted to fb saying MOTHERFUCKING FOREIGNERS CAN'T EVEN FUCKING READ etc racist comments you shan't make public on facebook etc

Aaaand we all saw, capped it, lol'd and the nice, quiet korean kid who started this showed the dept head who got enraged and they are taking it to the dean. Literally everyone hates this girl save for her like 1-2 friends.

Feels good, man.

Oh we also have some hxc furries. I draw furry art sometimes and enjoy it but it's one of those things where no one should fucking know you're a furfuckfag, but these people run around in suit on campus and act like autists.

>> No.1726776
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>tfw you were one of those kids who didn't try in classes
>your classmates are probably talking shit about you behind your back
I-I guess I deserve it

>> No.1726777

Potters are the most zen artists I've ever met.

>> No.1726780

I wonder if in japan there are life drawing classes aimed at hentai artists.

>> No.1726784

That's not true at all. Fat people are in general less dedicated in all aspects of life than athletic or skinny people. The vast majority of great artists I know of are not fat.

If you have the dedication to put in the crazy amount of work it takes to get good at art, chances are you are willing to put in at least 3-5 hours a week to exercise and keep a healthy body.

>> No.1726791

this, being fat comes from lazyness.

>> No.1726793

art schools suck.

>> No.1726795


back to /pol/ or /fit/ or whereever you hang out

>> No.1726797

My art school was filled with.. eccentric students.
One girl was a gigantic nutcase. I think I've told stories of her before too, but she is legit the craziest person I have ever met.
>at school
>crazy girl has a sketch book she always carries around
>ask her if it's ok to flip through it
>go ahead, she says
>friend and I browse through the sketch book
>drawings are edgy as fuck, girls throwing up, girls cutting, girls missing limbs, girls with their guts sprayed all over, all in a bad anime style with scene hair and piercings and tats
>lols just as I expected, mildly entertaining
>keep flipping through the sketchbook
>one spread is covered in dried liquid....
>it's blood
>the pages are stuck together with dried blood, must have been tons of the stuff
>drawings made with blood
>don't want to touch the shit, it even smells kinda rancid
>forever scarred

Another class, another girl. She was usually pretty cool but...
>friend needed to photocopy something
>went over to the scanner
>came back right away, holding something
>"anon, dude, look what was in the scanner"
>it's a nude photograph of a student in our class
>tits and bush all showing
>turns out she was working on a gigantic painting of herself, nude, from photo reference

Yet another day, yet another student. Adult woman this time. Was weird as hell.
>always wears skirts and stockings
>is sitting on a desk, with her legs spread a bit
>friend notices she is not wearing any underwear
>bitch is just literally sitting there with her hairy vag on display through her see through stockings

>share a studio with her for our final year
>the place is always a gigantic mess after her, half-empy, rotting food containers everywhere, paint everywhere, tissues everywhere, she even spent her nights there apparently
>cleaning up after her shit
>find nudes of her too
>the nudes were taken in the studio

>> No.1726856

>apparently in one of their classes a model got a hard on and came several times through their class, several times! A girl felt sick and had to go home, the teacher totally understood.
Don't they have like a union or something and you get kicked out for this kind of behaviour?

>> No.1726871

i don't know if they have a union but im pretty sure as an artist i would have got up and walked out. hell i have seen some of my racist comrades get up and walk out when a black model was present.

the complaint was to dark to draw.

>> No.1726873

what about dan warren or simon bisley, both of those guys are huge

>> No.1726886

What little bitches they could've just done negative space.

>> No.1726897

i'd believe the stories about some dude cumming everywhere. i've yet to do live drawing but a few of my friends have and they've said that some of the models were straight-up vagrants and obviously homeless people.

>> No.1726909

they do indeed, and I'm sure that guys behaviour wasn't allowed in the future, but I dont know what happened later as I hadn't even started attending the school yet.

Things like this sometimes happen because the university is really huge and have hundreds of models hired, quality control is sometimes a bit shabby.

>> No.1726914

What I want to know is how do I learn this.

>> No.1726922

I was in IB in high school, 13 of the 16 students could only do what they were used to doing, and were incapable of anything else.
They also worked very, very slow.

>> No.1727283
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From the majors at my college

Designers are very normalfag. Work harder than any other major and rarely go out.

Sculpting, Glass and Woodworking all have beards and muscles. Even the ladies. on average the most attractive major/s.

Painters are all psuedo hippies, lazy and smoke a lot of weed.

Illustrators are like designers but slightly less uptight.

Digital media [animators etc, not design/advertising] are all fucking autistic. Seriously that entire department is filled with furries and autists. My school is mostly attractive, fit, left wing artist people, except for the fucking media and digital technologies school. Only fat chicks and neckbeards.

drawing majors are quiet and textile/fabric people are all fucking nuts.

>> No.1727297

>Digital Media = Autistic
As someone who's majoring in 3d animation I can tell you they seem autistic because you have to be OCD or develop OCD habits to do 3d animation well. This seems to partially be the case with 2d animation as well but with all the extra bells and whistles and ways things can fuck up with the pipeline being OCD or developing those tendencies is a major plus for computer animation.

>> No.1727330

Yeah man, get in shape like Sheldon Borenstein. Dude's ripped.

>> No.1727333

Not entirely related to the topic.

>nude model week
>excited as it's the first time I draw real life nude
>model arrives
>she's like 62
>disappoint but at least I can focus properly
>we have 20min passes
>model walks around checking out our stuff
>she's impressed with my work over and over
>lingers over my shoulder commenting her shapes
>new pose
>she gets down on her knees
>bends over, her back to me precisely
>exposed to me is a 60 year old hairy bumhole and roastbeef jungle
>scream internally for the entire pass
>she takes a seat at me and my friends table and chats with me
>this continued throughout the week
>contemplate my life and the bullet I dodged

Next time I'll be bad on purpose.

>> No.1727334

>Sculpting, Glass and Woodworking all have beards and muscles. Even the ladies.
but I see what you meant, second . was meant to be a , I think. At least I hope so...

>> No.1727339

It's the same in my school too. Everybody I know who used to be in illustration that switched over to animation were all the weeb/furry types, none of them work particularly hard either. Seeing the work they produce displayed on the screens around campus makes most of my friends cringe.

As for actual stories...there's a lot that goes around but not a lot that really stick out in my mind. I do remember one though, I'll write more if I remember.

>in sci-fi illustration elective class
>prof and i are total bros
>qt girl in class who draws bunch of animu
>assignment was to illustrate one of a few select science fiction short stories
>she picks "to serve man"
>fast forward a week or two, pieces due
>everyone puts their shit up, prof goes down the wall doing critique, being harsh but reasonable as usual
>gets to her piece
>asks her why does it look so anime/manga
>she gives an excuse that went along the lines of "its how i draw my successful webcominc/muh style"
>prof tells her that shit like this doesn't sell here in the US and she'll need to adapt
>she turns red and sits down
>that night i look up her deviantart page and look at her webcomic
>mary sue, gary stu everywhere
>see her journal post about how the prof is terrible because he's mean and doesn't get her style or something like that
>all her fans coming to her defense
>muh sides
>next week everyone in class somehow knows about this, she gets mad and stops talking to people in class
>her next piece came out pretty good

Another one I just remembered

>weird, obnoxious girl who talks too loudly about shit nobody wants to hear
>artwork is middle school tier, draws zombie celebrities and shows them on twitter
>superiority complex because one or two celebrities retweet or stuff
>obsessed with celebrities in general, talks about them all the time
>occasionally mentions shit about her sex life out loud when the class is quiet
>one day during critique, prof eventually gets to her

>> No.1727340


>couldn't find any positive things to say
>this coming from a really happy/positive prof
>"uh...yeah, you know, she has her own style...and stuff"
>dead silence
>i stare at her piece
>looks like a mass of grey scribbles
>went on for about 5 minutes
>she sits there smiling like a lunatic

>> No.1727344
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>High school drawing class, I think sophomore year
>One of my classmates was this obese black girl, really quiet, kind of mean looking
>Class is quietly working on something one day
>The calm before the storm
>mfw Precious suddenly destroys her work and materials then knocks a few desks over as she storms out

That's the only time I've ever seen someone lose their shit,
I'm certain someone else has seen worse and I'd love to hear about it.

>> No.1727349

dan warren doesn't exactly work at a breakneck pace. Especially not for the eventual result

>> No.1727361
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>19 year old literal neckbeard, wears fedora and trenchcoat all the time.
>Never shuts up, constantly talking about anime and furries.
>He has aspergers so it's not completely his fault but goddamn.
>Take a comic class with him, he does a comic about furry porn stars who are wolf hybrid vampires.
>pic related
>He starts talking to another guy in class saying how "Obama was horrible and America went to war as an excuse to bully other countries."
>He keeps ranting at dude for several minutes
>Dude starts getting mad, leans back and uncrosses arms
>I see his shirt and realize he's a retired marine
>Kid still doesn't shut up and it looks like the dude is going to beat the shit out of him
>Teacher decides to intervene at that point and tells kid to calm down.

The kid also asked me if he was good enough to be considered a professional artist, he tried to open commissions a while back and got really upset when no one took any. I just told him if he worked hard and studied things like anatomy he would get there.
I wanted to help him out, I set him up with Paint Tool SAI and got his tablet working properly but... I don't think he's going to take any of my advice.

>> No.1727372

that was actually the personification of /pol/

>> No.1727375

>sensitive enough to get offended when people point out mistakes but too lazy to get better.

seems like a familiar dilemma with them

>> No.1727379
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>coworker from my summer job starts coming to figure drawing
>sprightly 17 year old qt 3.14
>says she's going to start modelling
>strikes dynamic poses, unlike our other models because she does dancing
>one pose she does has her accidentally pointing her juicy pink pussy straight at me from behind
>teacher says to the group 'For the next pose try to focus on studying a specific body part.'

>> No.1727384

Holy shit, that's too much.

I want to try some figure drawing classes but I don't think I could handle all embarrassment, I don't have a poker face. Am I making too much of a deal out of it, does it get easier after you draw the first one?

>> No.1727401

This series is my favourite account of art school youtube.com/watch?v=GH0r258ho3M
I saw students trying to pass off paintovers etc. when I was in college (brit equivalent to community college, before 'real' art school).
Now things are a bit better but there is still a lack of structure and practical tuition in the course. I've been to different regular life drawing classes for years and never once seen a guy get a boner, though

>> No.1727403

>handle the embarrassment
It'll pass once you stop being a child.

>> No.1727436

This, holy shit.

>> No.1727440

>Take art course in college
>oh boy this is going to be so great, I bet it's going to be just like the stories I see on the internet of how people learn the fundamentals, take figure drawing classes, paint painfully all day and night, etc.
>class doesn't teach fundamentals, art history, or any of that
>Okay maybe they expected everyone to already know it all and this is just for the grade.
>nobody in the class draws frequently, or if they do they're drawing terrible anime shit.
>teacher sees guy drawing a circle with tiny chicken scratch lines making it look like a fur ball, says nothing
>teacher sees another person draw something with absolutely no knowledge of perspective, says nothing
>teacher sees guy use all saturated colours, puts green and pink next to each other, drays a figure that looks like a 5 year old drew it, says nothing
>someone is having trouble drawing a bird
>shows him how to make a grid and copy it from a photograph

>Okay okay maybe I'm wrong, maybe I've been learning all the wrong stuff, she's the teacher after all, she must've been in the industry for years!

>the year passes, all the work is graded based on the concept and never the technique
>passed with flying colours because by coming up with stupid ideas and not having to draw anything

>class never questioned teaching, never realized they were doing the kind of art shit you do when you're 6 years old and were wasting their time and money

>we made stone necklaces, boxes that expressed ourselves, fun patterns with paint and everyday objects, fun lines by wiggling the pencil across the page, played instruments artistically, etc.

What did I do wrong?
I just wanted to be taught how to art professionally

>> No.1727446

Most art classes, even those at colleges, are usually terrible. You'd have to do research and seek out a good teacher if you want to actually learn something.

>> No.1727449

That wasn't what I had in mind. I wouldn't giggle, I'm not immature. It would just be a weird situation for me, and I might not be able to focus on what I'm doing at first.

>> No.1727452

That's the place where you go learn how to use your dick on as many people/things as you can, smoke weed, drink shit, and pretend to be cool and important.

>> No.1727455

I'm so glad that in my nude model drawing class, the model would assume his/her pose first and then everyone could decide which angle to draw it from. I never had to ogle at anyone's wrinkly junk because I always picked angles where their legs etc would cover it.

>> No.1727460

you didn't study on your own time

>> No.1727463

I had a classmate who was the stupidest, most ignorant person I have ever met, all while having a college degree.
One time, my friends and I were working on a project about greek philosophers and mentioned something about Plato ( Platon in my language). She overheard us and went "oh, like the stuff whales eat?". We were all wtfing for a minute until we realized she thought we were talking about plankton.

>> No.1727464
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Maybe she just heard wrong.

>> No.1727465
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cool story bro

>> No.1727466

I try to draw a few hours everyday

What I mean is

most of the teachers there were atleast 40 so they must've been in the industry for a while and must know what they're talking about
They didn't encourage the students to stop drawing anime, learn the fundamentals or any of that
There were no critiques of any sort

I thought maybe I listened to /ic/ too much and being a professional artist isn't all about being skilled in what you're doing

Who should I listen to?
Have I fucked up my understanding of everything?

>> No.1727468

Nope, we corrected her and she really didn't know the difference between the two. It wasn't the only time she said stupid shit either, just the one I remember the best because we laughed about if for days.

>> No.1727470

>I thought maybe I listened to /ic/ too much and being a professional artist isn't all about being skilled in what you're doing

Whoa whoa whoa
slow down.

the teacher is in the teaching industry.

second find two or three local businesses that you want to work at later. Animation houses, cool game / 3d motion graphics places, graphic design advertisement boutiques. Just the coolest shit in town, and ask if you can talk with the artists.

You need to get some perspective.

And then also
this art thing is a fun job. everyone wants a fun job (there is competition). git gud to outshine competition

and then finally
Think to yourself, do you want to be good enough to pass that class? No that would make you on the level of the shitty anime kids that never try. Do you want to be good to work your own projects?
it's the second! you want to be as good as you can be. even if it's conceptual work you want to do - there's a lot of thought, reading, writing left to do before you get to that level.

>> No.1727474


I get shit like this mixed up sometimes
not because I'm an idiot
because I'm nearly deaf

You don't hear the word platon said everyday and could easily be mistaken for plankton

What other shenanigans have occured?

Captcha: socrates ondtypi

>> No.1727475

*shitty anime kids
there's always that one guy.
post still applies if you want to make anime

>> No.1727476

this came out in a second.
I'm so angry right now.

You're can do this anon, shoot for the moon.

>> No.1727483

Thanks man

You're right, I shouldn't worry about what's teaching, I should've known art courses were a waste, my mistake. All that matters is doing what I love. I just want to draw for the rest of my life and I'll have to see where that leads me

>> No.1727543

>I should've known art courses were a waste
that doesn't have to be true, it's just that this one wasn't very good (wasn't right for you/ for what you wanted out of it).

keep at it.

>> No.1728040

>I should've known art courses were a waste
They're not all a waste, just certain ones. At my college most of the professors are industry pros currently, in that they make a significant part of their income from their work outside teaching, and the courses are absolutely worthwhile.

>> No.1728173

>be in life drawing class
>dislike most people in this class, big group of tumblr girls present
>one of said tumblr girls talk to the teacher one day
>shes showing him a drawing she did for some school organization
>she talks about it as if it's a commission (tho shes not getting paid, yet)
>proceeds to brag about how she is in contact with a guy who attends our school who has a lot of watchers on DA
>fucking wow deviantart
>brags about how the guy had told her awhile ago that she was skilled for her age.
>her drawings are cartoon tumblr shit, literally the most avarage shit ever.
>want to puke hearing her talk so high of herself

Why do average people think they are so great and actually skilled people are often more humble?

>> No.1728178

Dunning Kruger effect.

>> No.1728219

>Painters are all psuedo hippies, lazy and smoke a lot of weed.
And that's why I never went to art school.
I would want to beat those fuckheads.

>> No.1728223

why is a retired marine in a comic book class

>> No.1728225

>All these horror stories
Well shit, I'm all the more glad to have my instructors then.
Gold standard teachers one after another.

>> No.1728240

im a skilled humber person, wait..by saying im skilled now im not humber, nm. no really though ive thought about this, basically for me anyway when your stuff is good, you dont have to talk it up anymore because it speaks for itself. people seem to react certain ways to really good work, they either feel a little self concious and or expect you to act like a hot shot. so after a while it feels better to just be humble. it makes people act differently and more comfortable when you act humble rather than not. i guess good work can be intimidating enough, you dont want to overdo it. this is something thats learned over time though

>> No.1728242

i dunno why it typed humber instead of humble hehe

>> No.1728251

I'm famous in my school and everyone looks very highly of me, the pressure of that kinda makes me feel awkward around them. I'm not even that great an artist, I just worked on my fundamentals a lot more than the rest of the school - and this school mostly have graffiti guys and street artist, hence the level the people here are at.

In other words, I'm just a traditional artist in a school filled with graffiti guys (and to an extent, weeaboos that are always in the corner of an art class). I sometimes teach them a little bit of what I do whenever they asked, because somehow, fundamental stuff is blowing their mind up.

>> No.1728252

Post something you've done. I want to see fundamentals.

>> No.1728268

Here's a recent one
>be in introductory drawing course
>school wants every art student to make an art piece promoting global awareness
>due day comes and teacher wants us to display our work on the wall and talk about it.
>one of my fellow students who is a middle aged guy brings his work up.
>it's basically a powerpoint slide with statements about nuclear energy and a couple of shitty drawings of cooling towers in the corners
>he proceeds to talk non-stop about energy industry conspiracy theories for 20-25 minutes
>even the teacher begins to look exasperated
>worst of all a couple of my friends who are considering taking the class next semester had dropped in to check the class out that same day

I can't stand people who talk on and on about their own work. They could put all the energy they spend talking about the work into the artwork itself, you know what I mean?

>> No.1728269

I know exactly what you mean. Group critiques/presentations in class are always rage inducing.

>> No.1728274
File: 111 KB, 500x669, jenny_saville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat girls are never any good
lol good one

>> No.1728290
File: 132 KB, 648x595, 1374133628631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw most kids around you think you're really good.
>Family thinks you're really good.
>tfw you're not that good.

>> No.1728305

>17 year old nude model


>> No.1728310
File: 94 KB, 1200x975, + Picasso, Bulls Head 1942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>one pose she does has her accidentally pointing her juicy pink pussy straight at me from behind

>> No.1728311

you go to AAU?

>> No.1728315

what school because maybe same school

>> No.1728316

>not having underage model/s

also not OP but this happened to us too

>> No.1728322

Europe probably, our age of consent is 14 here, so i wouldn't be surprised if they have 17 year old models.

>> No.1728335

I'm not a top tier artist, but I've see some autistic shit at my 1 year at a community college

I'm in my first drawing class first day we are doing blind contour drawings teacher after explaining what it is, the teacher leaves the room saying
>When I get back I want us to critique each others work
no problem, I don't expect anybody to be serious over scribbling on a page, but the teacher gets back
>Allright, everybody turn your drawing to the middle of the room
>can everybody pick a word to describe the lines you see on your paper
A few different description come by and its y turn to describe, after thinking it through its my turn
The teacher and the rest of the class think that is a very good word to describe the drawing from then on when class would start half the assignment we showed would be described as organic, people would look at eachothers art when asked for critique and say organic, I regret using that word so much.

About 3 weeks in we actually start drawing things, the entire class is shitty middleschool tier artist except myself and fat janet, fat janet is a furry at this point if anybody asked me about their work I would tell them it looks primal and go on with life. I'm kind of tired so my story might not make sense, but that was the beginning of my autistic experiences at this community college.

>> No.1728336

I see so many misspelled words in that Im going to take another shot and go to bed

>> No.1728338


Listen, I know the reason all you neets fantasize and obsess over anime is because every girl looks about 10 and is emotionally damaged, ie perfect for pedos, but wouldn't a 17 yr old be shit for anatomy and interesting drawing? I want some lumpy milf for drawing.

>> No.1728368

It depends on if you want to learn more about how muscle works, or how fat works and 17 year olds can be pretty curvy
and 30+ woman can be totally flat and skinny so there's that.

>> No.1728375

Its actually been pretty common in a bunch of life drawing classes I've been to the male models will get hard. Nerves I think.

>> No.1728380

>I want some lumpy milf for drawing.

If you were a halfway decent artist, you'd optimally want a variety of all kinds of models in your life drawing classes.

>> No.1728383

Both work fine

>> No.1728394
File: 147 KB, 804x1200, 1884515-wacky-professor-writing-on-a-supposed-whiteboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute skinny girl
>great dynamic poses due to dancing
>muscle groups clearly defined
how is that not good for drawing?

>> No.1728419


I went to SCAD for a year. So many talentless rich kids....

90% of the time art school is a scam. If you have talent then that's all you need. Everything else is just self motivation.

>> No.1728431

You get all kinds of backgrounds at college, especially community college. There was an former army guy in one of my art classes, but he was a whiny self-absorbed shithead who proceeded to blame his problems in the military on everyone but himself.

>> No.1728434

Try erotic audio recordings (hypnosis) by Isabella Valentine for example. Jackpot is what the series are called. It requires multiple tries but it is possible. She is ugly so don't look at her picture anywhere, just listen her nice voice. Also, it is possible to do so by practising muscles. There are videos of it happening on various porn sites which I will not link here.

>> No.1728450

Guys don't just ejaculate spontaneously. It doesn't work that way.

Christ this thread.

>> No.1728458

Some do. Good for them.

>> No.1728478

You haven't seen enough of the world yet.

No, fuck you. I'm not getting my shit out there for the hawks to crap on, I already mentioned I'm not that great an artist, I just look like one in a school full of graffiti people, taggers, weeaboos and middle-school level kids.


>> No.1728502

Don't worry, it passes. I remember my first life drawing class and it was the first time I saw a grown male naked. I blushed real bad, but quickly got over it.

>> No.1728504

>fat girls never good
What the kind of crap is this? What, the fat prevents their hands from holding a brush?

Hell, they probably can sit in a single position longer than you drawing because they have more cushion to rest on.

>> No.1728506

Yah, no.
It is not ok for a male model to suddenly cum while in a life drawing session. That is not ok. He should have been kicked out and all future contracts destroyed.

>> No.1728508

>No, fuck you. I'm not getting my shit out there for the hawks to crap on, I already mentioned I'm not that great an artist, I just look like one in a school full of graffiti people, taggers, weeaboos and middle-school level kids.
If you weren't going to post your art, why even bother mentioning it? And, who cares if it gets shit on? If you know it's not great, and people tell you it's not great, well...so what?

>> No.1728510

Being fat is a result of a lazy mind. Obviously there are some exceptions to the rule, but in general, fat people lack self-discipline and work ethic, which are very important traits for an artist to have.

>> No.1728518
File: 9 KB, 213x243, 1369688725199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they ask you to draw for them
>they get upset at you when you tell them you're not that good
>tell you to have confidence in yourself
Y-you don't understand!

>> No.1728535

No means no. Stranger danger!

To people that always asks artists to draw something for them, I always say that I have to charge to get theirs done quick since there's already a lot of people who already asked
me to draw something for them. Even if it's not true (I only got one or two jobs at a time, mostly quick ones), it shuts then up at least. Or if they don't shut up, you got yourself a client.

>> No.1728542

Which country do you live in, Germany?


Screw you, I work 18 hours a week as a dishwasher and share a car with my dad!


Also, I hate anime, except for Gundam Wing, Pokemon Season One, Cowboy Bebop and One Piece.

>> No.1728544

>it was the first time I saw a grown male naked. I blushed real bad, but quickly got over it.
Assuming that you were not a grown person at that point, you are still gay as buttfuck.

>> No.1728556

They clearly stated they were talking about fat artists not models. Fatness is a product of lacking discipline, something essential to developing skills

>> No.1728630

I was embarrassed for a whole two minutes at my first life drawing session. Grow the fuck up. If you can't act mature you have no place being in there and you should get kicked out.

>> No.1728842

Everyone in my year is probably talking behind my back but it doesn't bother me none. I've steadily distanced myself from the people on my course after realizing how fake and unmotivated they are. Nice enough people but it's like they're pretending to be friendly yknow, just desperate to try get friends and such. I prefer sitting and quietly working on getting better than loudly quoting memes, scrolling tumblr and watching sherlock all day, or going out to clubs and pretending it's fun. I feel bad for how oblivious they are though. They're all so confident and boastful about their art skills, but it's almost always awful DA level and it'll never get them a job at Disney or Rockstar or whatever they say is their dream job. Seems the statistic of 90% of art students not working in art related jobs 5 years after graduating is oh so true.

>> No.1728844

Dude i think we just have autsim im the same way. no matter how hard i try to think know one is actually like that my mind thinks they are. I think you just have to try and talk or whatever.

+ our generation pre internet is full of mediocricy because they are muh chosen ones that don't have to put in any effort and still be # 1.

>> No.1728848

what do you think OCD means?
just use the word anal or meticulous you tool

>> No.1728852

Honestly never had a problem with life drawing. Took my first class at 16 or 17, with a bunch of other similarly aged people of both genders, and the girls were giggly before hand but as soon as the model got their clothes off and sat down it wasn't a problem. It just felt like drawing a bowl of fruit or something, they were just an object, lighting over forms, nothing to be embarrassed about.

>> No.1728862
File: 115 KB, 720x960, Farshid Khodayarzade5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to give a presentation on my work this year next Monday and I'm dreading it. Don't get me wrong, I do well with presentations and such, no trouble with that, I just don't want to talk about my art at all, it should speak for itself.

Nah man, I'm good with people and have some great friends. Whatever weird social things I have are there because of choice. The people on my course are lazy as hell, completely oblivious to the skill needed to get into the industry, and these things are just encouraged by the tutors, none of which have been in the industry themselves. Most were seriously just hired straight after graduating to teach the course they just finished. I wouldn't say I'm antisocial, because spending time with my friends and family is fantastic and I make new friends pretty frequently, talk to new people and such. I just don't have the desire to play the social game they play at uni. It shows through you know, underneath the constant talking you can see how some of these guys just can't stand to be silent, need to distract themselves in any way they can.

I don't know. Don't assume I'm pretentious or intoverted or any of this shit, it's just that the people here aren't the kind of people I want to be with. Surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you right, the people who work as hard as you want to work, who do what you want to do. And these people just don't, I don't want to get all lazy and oblivious like them.

>> No.1728863

i have friends to anon, + worked in sales so im not exactly shy. but i was talking about how i am in my "study zone" example is i had a friend i would draw with for fun and have drinks with but than in the learning /serrious mode i bring my A game and buckle down and he was still stuck in the sketch time etc.. I think that competitive spirt scares people these days or whatever, im not good by anymeans i guess i just expect the same effort from other people as i put in if they are being serious about art.

to be fair i have met about 3 people in real life who did put in an effort though only 1 of them has actually matched me in drive.

But the internet makes it easy to connect with people who are beyond my level and have met tons of cool guys even here on ic that remind of what i need to dol.

>> No.1728871

On another note to add to what anon said. is if these are your peers you are stuck with do your best effort to connect with people even if you don't think they will be succesful like you are going to be.

You never know those people might be inspired by you or think your a cool guy and work in another industry or be in posission to benifit you later on.

At the very least you don't wan't to have a negative impression by your entire class as an elitest who didn't want to socialize and thought he was above everyone.

>> No.1728872

My best friend is a fat guy, and he smashes an insane amount of pussy, and I'm talking good looking chicks.

When I was still in the Army, he was a welder working in Brownsville Texas, and he was fucking good looking Mexican chicks left and goddamn right.

But he also uses Backpage and Craigslist, so it's more of a quantity over quality thing.

>> No.1728878

I see where you're coming from, and I did connect with them and such for the first couple of years. It's been a 4 year course which finishes in the next couple of weeks. One of the people on the course was a girl who went to the same school as me, shared a flat with her a few years ago along with other friends, and I tried my best to help her and her friend, show them good places to learn, good books, pointing out helpful things to look at themselves and such. All my words were wasted. Have to accept the reality that some people don't want to improve or work hard to do so. The third year of the course was a group project year; companies come in and get us to make prototype games, so the art teams have to work with coders and audio guys and all sorts. And goddamn, that's put me off group work for a long while, even though I know it'd be better in a professional setting since the pros actually do the work. I'd like it if I've inspired anyone, and I did lead a few people onto sites like CA and such, and hopefully they've done something with those sites. I'm no elitist and I certainly don't think I'm better than other people, but I just don't want to get into social games and what people think of me and shit. They can think what they want, I just need to keep my head down and work. If anything they should bitch about me being a recluse or hermit more than being antisocial or above everyone else. I do talk with a bunch of artists, but they're all on here, facebook, hangouts etc, people who want to get better and put in the work to get there. A good environment is what's needed, not somewhere where slipping into complacent laziness is the eventual outcome.

>> No.1728879

Because veterans never ever go into fields other than fast food and uniformed security.

>> No.1728898

why is that? they smell so different than other people

>> No.1728900

damn i recognize the smell of various cultures "ie whites smell like trash or corn" mexicans smell like beans" asians and muslims smell like pickeld eggs" and blacks smell like grease.

however i think your white racist nostrils can pick up the scen of blacks stronger. because i have drawn from various blacks and never experienced that once.

>> No.1728903


so the day she turns 18 its cool but one day before it's wrong? ffs

17 is legal here, and i'd hit that shit even though im 21

>> No.1728911


pls don't try justify your creepiness. im guessing you think rape is ok to if she says yes.

>> No.1728916

>says yes

>> No.1728931

Diet and different hygiene regimens.

>> No.1728936

if you killed a man either by accident or intenttionally you killed him at the end of the day. however they do offer manslaughter or other lesser forms other than murder 1. Have some self control if you know shes 17 do a 180 and keep walking.

>> No.1728943

>Have some self control if you know shes 17 do a 180 and keep walking.
Unless of course it is entirely legal because the age of consent in many places is younger than 18.

>> No.1728948

I mostly feel bad for the people who suck at art but have somehow found themselves studying in this field of interest. It's just crazy how many of them are apparently oblivious to their lack of skills. Every single class I've had there's at least 3 people with absolutely no business being there, and these are classes of maybe 20 people at most. That being said, there are also usually about 3 people in each class who are very talented, so I guess things even out.

>> No.1728951

i like 'em. makes me feel good about my stuff, sometimes they have fun ideas, just with poor execution. but i'm always in the top few, perhaps if your in the middle you're glad to have someone to look down on.

>> No.1728956

Yeah, some have interesting ideas, but the person who sticks out in my mind is a girl who loves sonic and digimon. I've had so many classes with her and she is so bad, but also one of the nicest kids in class. She switched over to focusing on 3d, and even then her modeling skills are subpar.

>> No.1728959

There were a lot of interesting people in the class. And he was there because he used to love drawing and wanted to get back into it.

>> No.1728961

> marine
> retire

>> No.1728964

>tfw you are the talentless kid
y-You too

>> No.1728965

haha, depends on the class.

>> No.1728987

think about this scenario, last year i was in a 'strong class' where out of 20 or so people about 15 were people who would usually be in your top 3. think about how bad those other mediocre kids felt, then consider the ones that sucked, they ended up quitting in the first few months.

>> No.1728989

dat email. hook, line and sinker.

>> No.1729003

>1st year art school straight outta highschool.
>thinking 'fuck yeah!! now for some real training.
>Supposedly best art school in country >(definitely hardest to get accepted to)
>MFW literally 80% of the class cant paint or >draw to save their lives. The other people with >real talent i can count on one hand.
>talk to another guy who's submission he got >accepted on was photo's of single words >written on bricks in chalk. W.T.F.
>become bro's with the other talented students >who are all chill & fun to work with.
>talented students all easily sail ahead of the >rest of the class, others start to resent us.
>end up so annoyed by the bitchiness of the >others move whole studio to my flat 500m >from art school to work in peace, other bro's >follow too. Tutors are cool & have no problem >coming down to visit there. Much better.
>in all the 4 years i'm there, never get a single >useful bit of technical training at all.
>graduate thinking it was a huge waste of time >& money (only positive i think i got from it was >motivation to increase my work output)
>run into a couple of fellow students a year >later, seems most of the shitty graduates >couldnt get jobs, so most are training to be art >teachers. Oh dear.

>> No.1729010

after i graduated from art school i kept going back for the latenight lifedrawing coarses, one night there was only me and the model but she still wanted to pose and a few of her poses were more erotic than what i was used to lol. does anyone ever get sexual vibes from the model themselves?

>> No.1729013

What school? I had a similar experience with sheridan illustration, but I decided to drop out after first year. It was a great decision.

>> No.1729014

> art school in Switzerland
> is completely free, you just need to show that you're good
> 38 people get in, everyone is excited
> all work together in a huge and awesome studio
> no teachers, but experienced artists who lead, work or help with you

> never leaving the studio ever, making the greatest progress, interact everyday with great artists
> merely endless opportunities

> still half of the 38 are lazy, complain and never show up


>> No.1729015

meanwhile, in the united states, art school costs $40,000 a year (36000 swiss francs) and still everyone is lazy and complains.

>> No.1729017

Are you American? Don't lie now. It's 16-17 in the rest of the world, and somehow, Americans seem to think they're at a higher moral ground for saying 18, even though each American state has different laws about it. Immediately equating it to rape shows the garbage mentality Americans have.

Don't get us started on the age 21 drinking law, when the rest of the world has it at 18 - yet the worst, fucked up drinkers are American youth since they have no idea how to handle drinking socially without acting like assholes or idiots.

Back to topic, there's always this one dude in ceramics/pottery or clay sculpture class who looks like he's baked to the gills everytime, with long disheveled hair, a stoner like voice (even though he claims to not be one), and a crazy laugh that always goes on even at the smallest things. Popular with the new age or uber-liberal girls, but doesn't seem to even date them. But goddamn is he a fantastic ceramics guy, with a crazy working knowledge on all things ceramics. Ceramics here is what attracts the potheads the most.

>> No.1729020


It was ELAM in New Zealand (Auckland university's art school). In hindsight, I would've never gone if i'd known what it was gonna be like. Honestly, if you have talent & are self motivated there is absolutely no reason to waste your time with art school. I learnt the hard way & its taken me 10 years to pay off my tuition fee's. I hope others learn from my mistake.

>> No.1729022

it is rape if the girl is legally under the age of consent. rape is fucking someone without consent .if they can't give consent then any fucking is rape. is simple.

>> No.1729023

yes there is, if you have access to kilns, presses, artists in residence and shit like that.

your statement should be qualified like this,

if you don't take advantage of the useful things in art school it's useless.

the truth is you wasted that money with your own laziness.

>> No.1729025

What a robotic answer. By your logic, sleeping with a willing 17 year old is rape in the US, but not in England.

>> No.1729027

correct. that's why it's called 'statutory' rape

>> No.1729029

I take it by your arbitrary morality that you're a woman.

>> No.1729030


I see what your saying and yes I did make use of what was available, but it depends on what you specialise in as to what you have to use. I'm primarily a painter who wanted training to further my skills, all the artists in residence were in other departments apart from one high profile painter who constantly acted like gods gift to art while not being able to actually give me anything useful from a technical standpoint at all. Paying 4 years worth of fee's just to have access to equipment?? thats retarded.

>> No.1729034

i've never heard someone call being in accordance with the law morally ambiguous before. all those people driving on the other side of the road in foreign lands must drive you nuts.

what would convince you that i'm a man? i'm sensing that unless i tell you that i rape minors you'll never believe me.

>> No.1729039

The fact that you're basing your morality of the laws of various countries, rather than actual logic or common sense, implies you're insane.

How can anyone judge whether an act is moral or immoral, based only on your geographical location? Especially in a crime that is so reviled and carries such a heavy burden for the accused.

>> No.1729043

"basing morality....[off of] logic or common sense"
You lost me buddy, morality has no basis in logic or common sense. It's herd mentality and social conditioning all the way. Nature has no morality, but it does have logic. What you're talking about is a human construct, the idea that you seem to think there is some concrete definitive morality out there leads me to believe it is you who is insane.

>> No.1729053

Well, talent is subjective. I'd have to see comparisons. But standards at my school are pretty low, so I'll take your word for it. I guess that scenario is ideal, but I'm not sure I'd make the cut, haha.

>> No.1729055

Ah, you're one of those kids. Don't worry, most people grow out of their childish nihilistic phase by their early 20s.

>> No.1729056

Ah, you're one of those people. People who don't critically think as a hobby.

>> No.1729070

morality as an extra-societal concept is fairly out-dated, went out of fashion on the leading edge in the late 1800s. took everywhere else til about the 20s and america until the 50s. the only people who still even think about morality in those terms are children, crazy people, stupid people and people who really want a higher power because it gives them leverage of some sort or another, generally it allows them to be horrible and selfish but still look down on 'degenerates.'

to be good, morally, is to adhere to the strictures of the society you're in. 'personal morality' ie. choosing the most profitable action instead of the most gratifying isn't actually a moral act at all, it's psychological capitalism.

making up your own personal philosophy which disregards the laws of the land isn't moral either. it is, in fact, the sin of pride.

>> No.1729094

>childish nihlism
I'm the anon you replied too. I have morality anon, I have very strong ideas on what is right and wrong. Funny enough, a lot of it lines up with my society and culture.

However I am not confused as to whether or not those ideas are universal (they are not) or if I can make any logical arguments to convince anyone of my morals (I can't). Morality is an individual thing, it varies greatly given a person's personal experience and culture and predisposition.

>> No.1729098

but you have to suck at art before you can become good at art?

>> No.1729100
File: 196 KB, 946x933, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only people who still even think about morality in those terms are children, crazy people, stupid people and people who really want a higher power because it gives them leverage

Wrong. If you want to know what morality is, look no further than what this guy said.

There are and historically have been incredibly unjust laws. One is not moral for following these oppressive laws.

>> No.1729101


Not if you have natural talent & ability. This however can be a blessing or a curse, untalented people have to practice their asses off to achieve halfway decent results, naturally talented people can either be lazy & coast through on talent & still achieve better results or can actually push themselves & become incredibly good, however surrounded by mediocre competition the former usually happens unfortunately.

>> No.1729104


If you are studying at university level and you suck, you probably shouldn't be there.

>> No.1729106

You don't think the potential output of art quality made by hard work and perseverance can ever be higher than that of natural talent?

>> No.1729108


In my experience? No. A talented person making minimal effort's work will always shit on an untalented person's nomatter how hard they work. I saw it happen all the time at art school, year after year. It never ceases to be true.

>> No.1729109

revolutionaries of all kinds fit into the leverage category. in this case it allows them to effect change while ignoring the cost.

osama! you killed a bunch of people when you crashed those planes into those two ziggurats.

>it's k, i gots morality and a killer beard.

Lincoln! you fucked the south up when you freed all those slaves!

>it's k, i gots morality and a killer beard.

>> No.1729110


>> No.1729116

Hello fellow kiwi!
I plan to be a professional printmaker artist (and if unsuccessful, a graphic designer). I'm tossing up between ELAM and Massey for fine fine arts, did you have any friends who had a more positive experience at Massey? I'm guessing a lot has changed over 10+ years though..

Have you been working as a fine artist in NZ since? If so, how have you been doing and do you have any advice for me?

>> No.1729117

>confusing innate talent for talent + working at improving

Talented people have to exert effort as well to get better. It's a myth that having innate talent at art means you are and always will be better than anyone else who doesn't have "talent".

I'm better than the talented artists I went to highschool with. Mostly because a lot of them ended up having children before graduating or decided doing art for a living wasn't gonna cut it so they chose another route.

The real answer to your question is: It depends on who you are comparing to who.

>> No.1729124


Hi NZbro. As you guessed, its been a long while since i studied & ELAM has probably changed a hell of a lot by now, so I cant really tell you much about its current state. Never had any friends attend Massey so cant comment on that. Yes I still work as a fine artist, usually do 3 shows a year on average on top of a 40hr a week job. Best advice I can give you is do your research on who the tutors & artists are on the course, choose the one with the staff most suited to what you want to do. And dont ever expect to live on income as an artist on its own, nomatter how talented you are, the income is erratic & having a stable day job is something you will have to do as well.

>> No.1729136

Thanks, I hadn't considered researching the tutors in the course, sounds like a smart move! Do you think I should pursue an illustration / graphic design degree instead of a fine arts degree in order to help secure an art related job to do along creating and selling art?

>> No.1729160

Keep believing that, you dumb addict
>commercial art
Do fine arts, or kill yourself.

>> No.1729162

>over an arbitrary age means they can consent
Bullshit. Stay bitter, neckbeard. I'll continue to enjoy the 14-year-old goddess I'm with.

>> No.1729175

No age limit on hands

>> No.1729219

engineer "artist" plz go.

>> No.1729271

17 is legal here. some guy up there said it's "rape" even though its legal in my state

>> No.1729282

With that manbitch answer, I don't think you can convince anyone that you're a man even if you show them your dick.

>> No.1729340

Is in England

>> No.1729343

well would it be rape if it wasn't legal in your country? like 14 or whatever is below the legal age? if yes it's rape.

>> No.1729368

No, it's not rape. Rape is when when you fuck someone that doesn't want to be fucked.

>> No.1729369

you are a pedofile and should be cruicifed in a public burining.

>> No.1729370

Well , I'm not whoever you were talking to if you are the one I answered to. I just decided to butt in when I saw your erroneous use of the word rape.

>> No.1729373


Replied to wrong post

>> No.1729375

>figure drawing I
>professor going through roll call
>asks if anybody has a nickname they prefer (like Jen instead of Jennifer)
>guy asks the professor to call him his dumbass anime/vampire OC name instead of his real life name
>she does it because I'm sure this isn't her first bullshit rodeo and she doesn't even want to put up with him arguing if she tells him "no"
>big surprise, he's fucking terrible and draws nothing but naruto fanart in his offtime
>barely does any work in class, just sits there and fucks around on his phone with his headphones on
>puts down really hard, dark lines with like an 8B lead or something I mean holy shit you can't erase it at all there's just no way
>constantly gives the model longer hair in his drawings so that he can hide "tough to draw" facial features he doesn't want to draw
>like the other goddamn eye
>says he's "going to make a manga, so he doesn't need to learn how to draw realistically"
>professor always lectures him that he isn't paying attention to details, and is still drawing symbols instead of constructing what he sees
>after class he tells people she's "being a huge bitch to him for no reason"
>doesn't even come to class the day the final is due

This is the second semester I've seen him in the program, too. I hope this semester finally drilled it into him that he should quit, because goddamn. He never listens to any professor's critiques, and does whatever he can to inject his godawful Naruto fanart into every project he does.

>> No.1729378

Rape is not an art story
pls go

>> No.1729381

gtfo my /ic/ you fucking pedos

>> No.1729484

There's someone almost exactly like that at my school, and I'm sure that he has no clue that he's wasting his time.

>> No.1729498

My hands are 26, but honestly look like a 40-year-old's.
Damn hand genetics.
animu illustrator pls go

>> No.1729512 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 576x576, 1385959584186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it, Bigot. Love is love.

>> No.1729523


Do you go to school in Utah?

>> No.1729551
File: 155 KB, 498x323, huehue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an animu illustrator, but even if I was it would make me more of an artist than you :)

>> No.1729554
File: 121 KB, 1280x960, kane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never hear a teacher or another student tell the anime fan to learn to draw because everyone even the teacher are just like him

>> No.1729559

Uncut masterrace.

>> No.1729562
File: 52 KB, 852x480, SUBARASHII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my Foundation professor told one of the just-out-of-high-school teen weebs, "Stop drawing anime, it's ruining you as an artist."

I like my school.

>> No.1729564

>be me
>be alright at drawing vehicles in detail
>decent perspective, etc
>thinking about doing some form of drawing class in college
>grandfather who was head of art department at my future college for 10 years
>tells me to do industrial design
>mother did industrial design
>tells me to do industrial design
>Aunt who did industrial design tells me to do industrial design
>cousin who is learning to be an art professor tells me to do industrial design
>old art teacher from high school says industrial design
>I've signed up for a grand total of 0 industrial design classes

I-I just want to draw people ;_;

>> No.1729573
File: 11 KB, 300x250, Adolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone told him to be an architect
follow your dreams bro

>> No.1729588

Nope, I actually received university credits in art because IB works that way here.

>> No.1729591


>MFW there wasnt a single animu artist in my entire time at art school. Feels good man.

>> No.1729596
File: 40 KB, 322x153, yourBasicICCritique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you tell me you go to a school where the teachers draw animoo style

Feel bad for you anon.

>> No.1729644

Yeah, we had a few in intro classes, but past that there's only one or two still in the program at the higher levels--and while they may still draw in an anime style for more creative projects, they at least understand the goddamn fundamentals and know when to apply them. The rest of the weebs get washed out because almost all of the professors here refuse to coddle deviantart-tier teenagers. If you suck, they'll try to teach you and make you better. If you refuse their help and pull the "muh style/muh manga/muh Naruto fanart" bullshit, they'll decide to go help a student who actually wants help, and fail you when your work is shit.

Honestly not what I was expecting from a community college program. I just wanted some decent instruction, but I'm getting a pretty hardcore system of study and professors who really give a shit about what they teach.

>> No.1729663

>I just wanted some decent instruction, but I'm getting a pretty hardcore system of study and professors who really give a shit about what they teach.

Consider me jelly Anon. Be sure to use it and learn as much as you can.

>> No.1729682


Yeah our professors were the same, no patience for students who refused to get out of their 'MUH STYLE" box they made for themselves. Generally people with weeb portfolio's dont have a hope in hell of getting accepted to art school here, they all end up in their Graphic design containment course.

>> No.1729706

what school do you go to, I have a guy like that too in my school

>> No.1729763

hello I live in Atlanta

>> No.1729775

thats rediculous,
a life drawing teacher in my college once sent a model home for refusing to open legs wide enough

>> No.1729783

i know that feel
i havnt picked up a pencil in in ages because i became so sick f looking at my fuck ups

>> No.1730067
File: 100 KB, 600x795, petergraystrikesback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a kid in my class using this to trace from
Does he have any hope?

>> No.1730076

No hope whatsoever

>> No.1730147

>teacher giving an oil painting demo for the entire class period
>asks a student to model for him so he can do a portrait and explain techniques to the class
>she says okay
>when he's done, she asks if she can buy it from him
>he tells her that if she's serious about commissioning him, they can talk after class
>"but you already painted it, I'll give you like twenty bucks"
>she doesn't get why he's offended by that suggestion
>whole class can tell teacher isn't happy with her
>"so do you want more like 30? I'll totally buy it for 30."
>nobody else can fucking believe she's serious

>next time we meet, the class has a serious discussion about commissioning and pricing and etiquette
>she clearly takes it personally and gets kinda bitchy
>doesn't fucking understand that this should be a humbling experience for her

Goddamn it, I hope she's gone this coming fall semester. I hate her so much. She wants to be an artist but refuses to learn about the business aspects of being an artist. And her critiques are always wrong--the teachers will usually correct her after she makes a critique because her ideas absolutely will do nothing for the piece she's talking about.

Also she's said the phrase "Steampunk makes everything better" and meant it.

>> No.1730159
File: 87 KB, 1088x747, 5858071650_c044570baf_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's said the phrase "Steampunk makes everything better"
that's reason enough for murder right there

>> No.1730176

steampunk is kool n all, but it ain't always makin things betta

>> No.1730192


This is so stupid. Until you meet every single fat person trying to do art you can not make these claims. The five or so you met in your life don't represent the whole.

>> No.1730194

I have seen a lot of amazing artwork online only to find it traced and changed slightly in the sketchbooks of many fag art students and hearing them call it original.

>> No.1730195

Calm down, fatass.

>> No.1730200

>study game art
>mixture of 2d and 3d
>art history and game design basics thrown into first year
>most people are immature bunch of cunts
>"oh sorry I missed half the class, I just don't feel creative in the morning"
>"yeah I'm drawing inspiration from final fantasy how did you know?"
>"everything is dragons"
>"lol super metroid is a dumb ass name for a game, what's it about"
>be student rep
>be one of the single digit students in class who actually cares about studying
>student rep meetings are just teachers bitching about our class

>> No.1730214

>hands-free fapping

This guy is on another level

>> No.1730219
File: 91 KB, 650x758, 1396155779858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea after seeing all of anon's experiences at art schools theres no way im making it a proffesional career.
I mean seriously can there be that many austists in one art school?
I mean i might do some comissions on DA (dont judge!) everyonce in awhile for some extra cash but shit man, working as a professional artist really takes it out you.
I know of one legendary neckbeard that i can say is the most awesome and tolerable one of them all hes actually taking me under his wing.
Would /ic/ like to hear the story of....Baroody?

>> No.1730244

I just remembered a story

>some lecture
>teacher screens stuff from his pc
>his chrome browser background is Naruto
>one of the students says "Hey, is that Naruto?"
>teacher goes "huh?"
>"that's Naruto, your background"

He soon realized that the teacher isn't interested in talking about that, and stopped asking. Thing is, I'm 70% sure the teacher did this on purpose, maybe even a bait. He's a big troll, one of the weirdest people I ever met.

>> No.1730257

she sounds like a bitch, but if I were the prof I would have just given it to her after I painted it. woulda made everything less awkward.

they dont need to be relying on fucking poor ass art students for commissions, they should have actual patrons...

>> No.1730307

Redneck detected.

>> No.1730315


Oh my god i know exactly what school this is. I'm not really surprised.

>> No.1730333

the prof sounds like an ass

>> No.1730401

Any more weirdness you can tell us about him?

>> No.1730405

I, for one, would.

>> No.1730411

that's rather a suprising verdict, i tried to give an account of something which we consider evil, 9/11. and something which we consider good, emancipation. hoping the equivalency would high-light the opportunistic nature of setting your own moral standards.

>> No.1730433

One time he talked about his favorite fetishes in class, and he actually screened weird cripple porn from what I heard, "accidently" of course. He doesn't give a fuck, even when he talks about stuff we should know of he sneaks some weird things in-between, like shit about how he likes MILF porn actresses. He's a fun guy.

>> No.1730438

>Be in first real college class, Drawing One
>awesome class, great professor, understands fundamentals but enjoys doing more creative stuff occasionally
>Go to museum close to campus for class(intercity, really fucking close to museum)
>say hi to other student on the way. Dude kinda starts following me, speaking in an odd sort of way, pretty sure he has aspergers (confirmed when he tells me at end of day. fuck)
>Whatever, I'm cool with it at this point, just head to museum faster with crowd of classmates. talk a little with him
>hope he stops talking before we get there, cause he's looking to ramble, and I'm not good on long conversations with strangers
>can't even get a word in after two minutes of talking with him, guy just talks without pausing the whole way.
>arrive about 15 or so minutes later, still hasn't shut up. Made the mistake of mentioning his Kingdom Hearts pin on his bag. WTF was I thinking?
>Guy bothers me the whole semester about this shit. says "See you later keyblader!" every single fucking time I leave class (WTF?!)
>Guy always asks for advice on work the few times he bothers showing up to class (he dropped out about 2/3 into semester, didn't fail due to his mental condition)
>His work was terrible, not sure why he bothered even getting in the class. he never had interest in drawing anything
>Every time I give critique he complains that he thinks it's all correct, and that I'm wrong and he can do what he wants
>Ok, why bother asking me if you think it's perfect?
>He always thinks my work is shit, never can give reason why
>Does this every single time, can never focus in class.
>Finally leaves for semester, can focus on final and not dread coming to class.
>Thankfully never saw him again in art classes.

Admittedly I fell like an ass because he did have some mental issues, but damn the guy never bothered anyone else, and never left me alone.

>> No.1730449

is funny cause you complain about him rambling during your rambling story.

>> No.1730451
File: 11 KB, 200x230, 19946t38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"See you later keyblader!"

>> No.1730459

guess you make a point. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Never could get a moment in class to work, y'know?

>> No.1730460

yap yap yap

>> No.1730484

>he actually screened weird cripple porn from what I heard, "accidently" of course.
Sounds like someone who comes straight from the KS generals at /vg/.

>> No.1730485
File: 67 KB, 350x525, 1370635839229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"See you later keyblader!"

>> No.1730499

>small town, there are some cheap weekly art classes for children and teens
>used to attend them when I was in elementary school, but it was mostly drawing things for local art contests with topics like "Our town in year 3000", so I got bored
>fast forward, be in high school, for some reason have to visit the place where the classes are held
>there's an exhibition in the corridor
>"The World of Fantasy and Manga"
>everything is poor pencil copies of pictures from vidya magazines and colored pencils anime babes
>the last two framed pictures are tracings of original artwork from Chobits
>see that they're done by a 17yo girl I know
>have a laugh and then forget about it
>a couple of weeks later I see her cited in an article about teens having nothing to do in our small town
>she says she's preparing to apply to a prestigious art school so she's very thankful for the art classes
>have a laugh
>high school is over, I look her up on facebook
>she didn't get accepted, ended up studying the history of art, which she applied to only as a security measure


>be in high school, know a dude who's in a four-year computer science themed program instead of a regular three-year program
>the word is out that an experimental free art school preparatory course is going to be held at the newly built cultural center
>the cs dude suddenly starts telling everyone that he's going to go to art school and then he will work for blizzard
>turns out he's attending that course
>check his dA gallery, he draws orcs and flat still lifes with bad value range
>he continues to brag about his future job
>high school is over, I look him up on facebook
>he does some kind of manual labor abroad

>> No.1730553

Second time I've seen this in the past two days.

Do you watch Veritasium vids? Either way, nice to see you again Dunning-Kruger guy.

>> No.1730559

>In a film class junior year of highschool
>Basically just chill out, listen to music and talk w/ teacher about film theory while everyone else makes shitty ass films
>Never made a single film
>Get straight Bs
It was tight as hell and worked out for everyone involved

>> No.1730565

You never had a wet dream?

>> No.1730575

This dude sounds chill as fuck

>> No.1730585

Almost all garbage, wow.

>> No.1730593

>"See you later keyblader!"
10/10, going to use this for mah kingdom hearts faggot from now on.

>> No.1730633

Only twice? Its become a thing to know, and its pretty annoying to hear it come up all the fucking time.

>> No.1730751
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 089743251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sophomore year of highschool
>art class, covers basic concepts of proportion, perspective, and lighting
>super cute classmate volunteers to be first life model on the first day
>draw her as well as I can, realize I can't draw eyes because I'm 15 years old and I suck at drawing
>draw animu eyes because blank face is creepy
>she comes back to the table, asks to see peoples drawings of her
>sees mine
>"wow that's really bad"
>pic related

>> No.1730759

shoulda replied: "sorry, that's because I put all my life stats on bedroom skills ;)"

>> No.1730761

that would be so stupid to do
especially as a 15 year old

>> No.1730763


I should have totally said that. Not like I got laid in highschool anyway.

>> No.1730764


>life stats

>> No.1730790

what about fat kids?
who grow up to be fat?

>> No.1730792
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is being skinny, strictly speaking.

Maybe moreso, too lazy to fucking eat.

Only ripped muthafuckas have any work ethic. Now we shall replace all our artwork by selfies of ripped bods and praise Scoobs.

>> No.1730798

It's just like premature ejaculation but without having to touch, kinda like a wet dream. I don't think its common but can happen when extremely aroused and anxious and it does not feel as good as a normal ejaculation.
Happened with me in my 15's

>> No.1730822

either they´re smart enough to realize at some point that being fat is not healthy or they´re screwed, by their parents and their own dumb brain, its a 50/50 thing

>> No.1730828

it's almost as though about twenty years of con artists shilling health food on tv every ad break, and more recently in the actual shows has affected how you see the world. fascinating. perhaps you were born into it.

now i know why old people are so angry or giggly all the time. they've seen more then one generation build their world view on fads.

>> No.1730842

hi /fit/

>> No.1730886
File: 102 KB, 803x430, 1362453523313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>exposed to me is a 60 year old hairy bumhole and roastbeef jungle

>> No.1730951

Dear god try hearing that everyday.
When did this become /fit/? True artists have terrible physiques, filthy healthy person!

>> No.1730978

Holy shit this wasn't just me?

I took film classes for two years in middle school and two years of highschool. I made one shitty 12 frame animation each year and the lowest grade I ever got was a B.

Maybe film teachers are just as lazy about grading as the students are about film.

>> No.1731146

>Sixth grade
>Reading Holes
>Have to do title page for the chapter where a character gets hit in the head with a shovel
>Draw the kid getting hit in the head with a shovel
>Get in trouble for being gruesome

>Same class
>Reading Rats of NIMH
>Have to draw the characters
>Draw realistic rats
>Get in trouble for drawing monsters.

>> No.1731381
File: 99 KB, 803x430, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1731571

Go back to /fit/ asshole.

>> No.1731578

what you see when you look at a rat looks like a monster to others.

when you draw someone being hit in the head it has rather a lot more brain matter and blood than usual.

you are unwell.

>> No.1731581

shouldn't have done "game art" then, man. What did you expect?
ps. Was it at Abertay?

>> No.1731585

>professor teaches us about blind contour drawing
>has us practice with a drawing of our hand
>everyone finishes
>professor comes around and looks at everyone's work
>one kid's drawing looks fucked up and wonky
>professor is about to call him out on it
>looks down
>dude's hand is actually fucked up

>> No.1731625

tell him to loomis or gtfo

>> No.1731629
File: 145 KB, 500x282, 1388091403460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never meet a Loomis thumping d/ic/k in real life
>You will never have somebody yell at you to Loomis it up.
>You'll never have an Art dominus.

>> No.1731631

40k a year? Do what now? What the fuck? Why is this shit so expensive?

What kind of fucking job do they expect you'll get out of this experience? This sounds like a fucking scam.

>> No.1731638

Even if he's 7, it's a bad way to start

>> No.1731672

It's a for-profit school that due to it's name (such as SVA), people are willing to pay to go. State run schools are much, much cheaper as they are not a for-profit.

>> No.1731679

Not much cheaper really, even for in state students at a public university it's still like 20k a year. Turn that into a 4 year degree and 1-3 years at a masters program and you've easily shelled out 100k for the opportunity to become an underpaid college art teacher.

>> No.1731729

>Not much cheaper really, even for in state students at a public university it's still like 20k a year. Turn that into a 4 year degree and 1-3 years at a masters program and you've easily shelled out 100k for the opportunity to become an underpaid college art teacher.
You can figure a good half of that 20K will be paid for by grants if you aren't rich(Pell + SOEG = just under 10K) which drops the price significantly. Knock 40K off that 100K price point to 60K, vs 160K for a school like RISD, or 120K after grants.

And that's not counting scholarships; one of the schools I'm looking at offers $5000 for anyone transferring with an Associate's degree already under their belt and another $3000 for anyone with a high enough GPA, dropping the first year tuition to around $4000, and then I'd only be going for two years, which would be 30K or so after grants.

>> No.1731730

He's 21

>> No.1731732

I apologize typing "kid"

>> No.1731734

I can be honest, I fell into this trap as a kid, had the fucking Chris Hart books and all. Had a good high school art teacher, snapped me out of this bullshit real quick. So yeah, there's some small hope for him to stop

>> No.1731739

Jesus in heaven, he's 21?! I take back what I said about hope for him

>> No.1731744


I was just being realistic.

>> No.1731749
File: 138 KB, 1200x1200, bondage fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wears one of these
I have a picture of him, dunno if it's a good idea to post it though, I think we're drifting off topic

>> No.1731753

Dont post a picture of him just explain how and why the zipper is there

>> No.1731754

He's one of those guys that wears a ton of stuff
He's always wearing a torn up scarf thing and a bunch of rings and necklaces with skulls on and whatnot

>> No.1731755

you can store a joint in there, whew!

>> No.1731756

Oh shit sorry didn't read your question
I have no idea what the zipper does

Access to cut your wrist I assume

>> No.1731759

Oh shit, we are dealing with a class 5 weeaboo here. No, there is truly no hope for this loser.

>> No.1731945

Read it again.

>> No.1731968


I just reread it and I didn't see anyone hit with a shovel. What are you talking about?

>> No.1732194

Actually laughed out loud, jesus.

>> No.1732221

Third kiwi chipping in and pretending like this line of conversation didn't eventually go to shit. My two experiences of ELAM (not firsthand, though, which I understand may equal to talking out of my arse) are as such:

>2010: emo friend just graduated high school
>is deviantart-popular. Straight excellence in photography classes. Edgy as fuck but work is actually not bad in my opinion
>cut to Photography in ELAM. Fails first assignment for god knows what reason (think it was "muh style", but there was something else to it than that). Ragequits and switches to arts.

>2014: Pop into ELAM with emo to meet her friend in honours
>Entire year to work on one project, as far as I can tell
>Honours students given whole studio to themselves. 2/3 who I meet that day just loaf around entirely. Not sure if they even have classes to go to

So as far as I can tell all the stereotypes about fine arts school are alive and well at ELAM. My suspicions are that it's largely "self-directed" as others have experienced, which generally translates to a waste of time. But often it's not so much about your art as it is about the industry - you're learning what people like, how to push your work, where to push it. If that sounds useless then don't do it. If you're directionless and it's piqued your interest then.. gotta start asking about massey I guess, I haven't got much to offer beyond the generic "fine arts or non" front. I don't expect the difference will be too significant though; the hierarchy across NZ institutions seems more or less a tiny circlejerk. Lots of people graduated from all of them and they're doing fine.
Commute, in my opinion, is the deciding factor; I take an hour's bus to AU which I would have gladly never touched if my parents weren't asian.

>> No.1732226


Don't do illustration if you're a designer at heart. They're distinct mediums. I have a designer friend who fancies himself a more abstract artist on the side. All of his attempts made me cry. I could probably draw a contortionist licking his own anus but tell me to draw someone a logo and I'll shit myself. Maybe you can do both (minus anus contortionism), in which case all the better for you. I think graphics design is the better option; every business is looking for a logo, and every ad needs a layout.
That said, both client-based careers will always be more lucrative than selling your own works - if only by a hair.

>> No.1732246

>fine art
>only 3 people in the group
>prof is a bro
>too few hours, though
>we do still lifes for the whole year
It's ok

>> No.1732308

Hey fellow Eidgenosse, what school do you go to?

>> No.1732827

>Go to art class as a generic, milquetoast conformist type of young person.
>Another student comes who is somewhat eccentric.
>Obsessively observe them doing things that seem foolish or just whatever I would never do.
>Make them out to be some kind of clown to validate my own existence.
>Loathe them for having a different opinion to the professor or teacher's thoughts/methods because I am too much of a sycophant who cares too much of how others see me to be an individual.
>Post on /ic/ to see if other shallow elitists will accept me.

So, am I cool, guys?

>> No.1733011

So which story made you out to be a weirdo in the thread, anon?

>> No.1733629

Holy shit, I can hear your fedora tipping from here.

>> No.1733752
File: 21 KB, 514x385, 1394386024447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man, that feel...