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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 330 KB, 1200x848, Dailysketch_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1725793 No.1725793 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning Thread

In order to do something right you must first do it wrong.

Previous Thread: >>1724263

A general message to aspiring artists: Fear is the mind killer. Do not be afraid to make mistakes as no one is perfect, you will make mistakes. Learn from those mistakes, break from your comfort zones and explore new horizons.

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!
>Hitokaku Index
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection
>Japanese Animu Tutorials

Remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

/ic/: "Stop drawing Anime."

>> No.1725798

Second link is broken

>> No.1725841

a-alright guys. I know im a bit annoying but im a click away from ordering intous pro L. Is there any reason i shouldnt buy it ? its a LOT of cash for me.

>> No.1725845

show me a picture of yours

>> No.1725847

I just bought it so nevermind.

>> No.1725863

I never do

>> No.1725866

Buy medium, large is way too big.

>> No.1725873

It can never be too big.

>> No.1725885
File: 540 KB, 2893x4092, catgir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts? critiques? I'm gonna colour this

>> No.1725889
File: 11 KB, 450x295, wacom-intuos-5-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually bought the large one, I also thought one time I needed to do much bigger lines and that didn't do for me, but I found a way in the tablet settings to actually change the responsive surface to how I want it to be, so basically with the large one you also get the small and medium one, worth.

and I got it at the price of the small one, plus the wifi kit for free, found a diamond level sale.

>> No.1725890

thats what your mom says

>> No.1725897

what did you change in the responsive surface ?

>> No.1725922

the size, you open the tablet softwere that comes with it, and in configuration you will find that you can literally change the size of the active surface of the tablet. so you can reduce it to the medium size, small size, or even a medium medium, semi large or whatever.

>> No.1725936

thanks for info.

>> No.1725945
File: 129 KB, 1052x682, tablet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, actually took a screenshot so you can get a better look, here I gave it the size of a small one I think. anyway, you can write down the size you want.

>> No.1726005
File: 532 KB, 800x800, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /ic/. I'm not going to finish this but feedback would be nice.

>> No.1726021

well honestly I can say it's

>> No.1726023

Looks cute from the thumbnail, but full size the linework could use some refining. You are working larger, but seems like you're fully pulled back when it comes to tightening up the art.

>> No.1726051
File: 32 KB, 327x530, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this i think my tablet is broken. When i press harder it makes grey line insted of red.

>> No.1726052 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 2000x3000, 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1726054
File: 426 KB, 1000x1500, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1726055
File: 652 KB, 1500x1125, rsfvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1726059

its like you want to imitate teal.

stat with normal poses, its all wrong.

>> No.1726060

I want to imitate teal and a a lot of other artists.
I already started with normal poses, redline the mistakes please.

>> No.1726061

That's odd, maybe a problem with the program you use or the tablet driver. Try resetting both.

>> No.1726065

i cant im not good enought. The thickness feels all wrong. the hips and legs area especialy.

>> No.1726066

didnt work, wahts strane it only makes grey line in one document, when i press hard in other documents its normal.

>> No.1726067

Well, I'm not teal level nor any of my influences yet so I'll keep working on getting it right.

>> No.1726068

File must be corrupted or you must be doing something without noticing, like a layer mode or a tablet setting, reinstall your drivers just in case.

>> No.1726070

who's teal ?

>> No.1726072
File: 966 KB, 247x248, 1397688121975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking turists.

>> No.1726082

i'm sorry, who is he ?

>> No.1726083


>> No.1726084

oh I see, a mikufag teaching other mikufags eh. well that's nice of him though.

>> No.1726085

He is the bogeyman for the elitists bitter ego inflated old fags on /ic/ and an inspiration to those who are modest and humble.

>> No.1726088

>he is an "inspiration" for the complete noobs around here and nobody else really cares.
fixed that for you, now stop shoving this down my throat.

>> No.1726092

Tdf and haters, just go away, make your own thread.

>> No.1726098

Very nice. I wish I was good enough to help others as he did.

Will get there... Eventually.

>> No.1726100

Seeing the redline teal made for me makes me kinda miss him. He was a nice guy really, but popular people here tend to stir up shit storms. Guess he left because of the drama.

>> No.1726101
File: 306 KB, 676x1000, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this old sketch that i never got to finish lying in my HD and i decided to finish it.

>> No.1726107

you can blame the tdf.

i'm sure teal himself can take criticism or even banter, just like most of the other guys here that post and are recognizable.
the only difference was that he has an army of noobies who would act butthurt FOR him. and that only made the criticism harsher.

>> No.1726127

Make 70 more pics like this, upload to ehentai, become popular.

Seriously though, you got the idea right, but if you could improve on the skin, like ass and leg skin ripples, or the breasts bending around the girl's body, you could really have something.

>> No.1726153
File: 849 KB, 1350x1719, finger-pointing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked how it turned out but it's time to hear the truth.

>> No.1726158


you tried hard at least

>> No.1726159


>those eyes

You need mark


>> No.1726163

Nice face. Though the positioning of her hat is kinda off.

Don't try to shortcut hands with point ends.

Where is the end of her dress going? Her hair is going backwards but her dress is going forwards or something.

How is her legs positioned?

>> No.1726165

>How is her legs positioned?
I forgot the hair or tentacles or whatever where being pushed back by a gust and totally forgot about that. The dress, yeah I messed up.

>> No.1726169

Please just stop posting and go learn to draw

>> No.1726190

>or the breasts bending around the girl's body
I wanted to make it look like she sinks into her breasts but i didn't really know how to achieve the effect properly.
And thanks but i have a long way to go because if i take away my animus my lack of fundamentals
will show. So i cutted down on that and i keep it around one original work a month and all the other time i try to grind fundamentals for now.

>> No.1726204

>that godawful anatomy

>> No.1726219


What's awful about it? If you can't at least write a paragraph outlining what went wrong with this picture you are contributing to the continued degradation of constructive discussion in these threads.

Be as mean as you want but if you can't back it up, fuck off.

>> No.1726221
File: 585 KB, 2893x4092, catgir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips for improving linework? its always been my biggest weakness

>> No.1726230

But everything is wrong with it anon

>> No.1726234
File: 57 KB, 600x300, shouting from a car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey nice picture nerd!"

>> No.1726241


nice copout

>> No.1726260
File: 59 KB, 540x1560, Mako Plus3-Recovered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna take a break from this, since my lines are getting really really messy (left the legs and shoes rough because of that) and I can't seem to figure out these hands.

In the meantime, having some critique woul be nice.

>> No.1726263

Not him, but there is seriously everything wrong with the anatomy. I cannot see a single body part that makes sense when it comes to portportions, perspective and anatomy. To write a huge elaborate critique that is pointing out all the flaws one by one is pointless. When you are at this level, you don't need specific critique, you need to learn the very basics of figure drawing and train your eyes to be able to spot these blatant flaws yourself.

>> No.1726267

Linework comes from detail, so this is probably your real problem.

Not much to see from a sketch.

>> No.1726334

Teal was egotistical and couldn't take any form criticism. TDF reflects that same quality.

>> No.1726337
File: 307 KB, 783x1228, dig_sketch001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me /ic/ what do you want to do in the future once you "git gud"

all I want to do is be a character designer and animator, there's something about seeing drawing come to life that fascinates me

>> No.1726349

why, draw pornography of course.

>> No.1726361

I want to be a concept artist and... a jack of all trades? Is that a thing?

Have you goals changed since you started drawing? When I started, I wanted to make small comic strips, then webcomics, then become a well known porn artist, and now I'd like to use my future skills for good and not for faps.

>> No.1726369
File: 267 KB, 700x800, msyudoinglewdthings2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I've always wanted to be an animator even though the work is tedious (i'd rather work 3 days to make a character move then a super detailed illustration)
if I don't make it there's always that option

>> No.1726370

draw porn of my waifu and take commissions

If I could make 100 bucks a month I would be living the dream

>> No.1726377

I want to make people happy with art and be a part of a community that does something that makes people happy. Vidya art, graphic novels, niche fetish art, whatever it is I just wanna work with bros and have a good time and a good product at the end of the day.

>> No.1726383

I don't really have any dreams or aspirations. I was correctly informed that I was a loser on this board. My main goal is to be at a 'competitive level'. Basically to be able to draw accurately from life. Beyond that maybe a part time job.

>> No.1726392

not a bad the dream
same here, I also want to be an character animator/asset creator for vidya
even though I know what my dream is I don't expect much. same here I was pretty much ok with working a regular job until someone wants to hire me to work as a animator/designer

>> No.1726418

I like this a lot! Her left arm looks too short though.

>> No.1726419

I know this sounds dumb but can anyone explain the business end of art? Like you make a portfolio and take it to people or you?? Do you look for jobs on craigslist? Don't people just go to art school for connections?

>> No.1726439
File: 48 KB, 438x591, ss (2014-05-11 at 12.09.32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1726445

My main goal is being good and diverse, that's actually all I want, be a good artist and do a lot of different shit, from animu to concept art having a miriad of styles and techniques.
Though since I started, I just keep thinking about achieving godtier drawing to be able to produce good animation. I'm not really that passionate about animating, I think its just one of the cool things that come in the package, but once I achieve mastery of drawing, the next step to transcendence is animation, so yeah.

>> No.1726457
File: 25 KB, 1209x146, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1726461

Her left shoulder and chest are at a weird angle from each other. Like you didn't decided if it would be behind or over the chest and did something in between. Her chest feels hollow.

>> No.1726476


All these drawings and you still haven't fucking learnt. Your heads are completely wrong, especially with that wrong angled ear. I also recall times where the eyes were too close or flat out wrong (even here, where the eyes look like they're angled level when it should be up) Before you try your ball heads get used to just what the hell a head is made of in blocks and triangles.

The worst part is the fucking body.Those teal-like guidelines aren't going to fucking help you if you don't know what the body even looks like. Countless of times it's like the characters have rubber tubes for bodies. No visible shape of the ribcage, long torso, and hips that don't always make sense. Did I mention the ridiculous space you've created for the vajayjay? The only think you seem to somewhat succeed in is the legs, and when you place that next to a shit body your drawings will still look like shit.

Learn your skeletons, get to gesture drawing, imprint into your mind what a body actually looks like. I don't like being a realism fag but if you don't even know what you're deviating from then you're just going to go further into the abyss of wrong.

You know what's the kicker? You did some 'perspective' draws but fail to use them in the drawing (unless the studies were done after the fact, then I have nothing to say on that).

WIth the camera looking down, thinking that you can just make the bottom of the character smaller and the top of it bigger is a misguided belief. Look at those fucking redlines from teal, especially with regards to foreshortening parts of the body. The body has to OVERLAP do to the foreshortening. Right here all you've done is to just stretch out the drawing. What are you doing?

I suspect you're ruining yourself by drawing round guidelines because you lost any sense of planes. Go back to the basics.

And if you, or anyone else is going to toss this away because I didn't redline the drawing or whatever,then I think I'd rather watch you fail instead

>> No.1726479

My main goal is to take a fat ass shit tonight and I dont give a fuck who I hurt along the way. I guess you can say I sold my soul to the devil.

>> No.1726498
File: 620 KB, 1066x1422, ok b0ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? this is better than being told to fuck off and "lern3drew".

>> No.1726500

And you're telling me this beacause...?

>> No.1726548

I was none of those guys, but as i said above of course i get the feeling that there are many things wrong with this,
i tried to forcorten most of the hands and the leg, and i can't tell what went wrong. Sometimes if you know how
to fix something, things can click with a few words, there is no need for paragraphs. Most people come here
because they don't want to walk away from a bad drawing without learning anything from it. If i were to realise
one of my errors, it would be a bigger step forward than watching another hour of marshall's or vilppu's videos.
I am sure that the perspective of the chair is wrong, but i don't know how to fix the bad foreshortening of everything.

>> No.1726579 [DELETED] 

Badoop, gonna call the lines done and start "painting"

I need to find a better way to do it, but I'm going to do it the "bad" way for consistency's sake (since this is actually a character sheet assignment...)

>> No.1726580 [DELETED] 

Badoop, gonna call the lines done and start "painting"

I need to find a better way to do it, but I'm going to do it the "bad" way for consistency's sake (since this is actually a character sheet assignment...)

we trip now, so you can call me a faget and keep track of meeeeeeee

>> No.1726582
File: 52 KB, 633x1560, Untitledsdfasdfas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badoop, gonna call the lines done and start "painting"

I need to find a better way to do it, but I'm going to do it the "bad" way for consistency's sake (since this is actually a character sheet assignment...)

we trip now, so you can call me a faget and keep track of meeeeeeee

>> No.1726612

where's her abs

>> No.1726613

did you use any referneces?

>> No.1726622

No comments on the op pic?

>> No.1726624

Stop using such a messy brush, take your standard inking pen and work small, size 2 for example, and draw as fluid as you can and as connective as you can, try to not make lines by combining smaller lines, and don't worry about line weigh, aafter that go back and fill or erase the lines ass needed to add weigh. Thats how i do it.

>> No.1726625

I want to murder all people who write "git gud". But before that I will pluck their teeth and tongues.

>> No.1726632

I took a short course in classical animation a few years ago, that time I truly believed it was my dream. With every lesson I learned more, but at the same time it was filled with pressure and most of my classmates were lazy fucks that were only there to have fun. It ruined me, in a way. The teachers weren't there to sell dreams, they told us it's hard and that it's going to be a pain in the ass to find a job in the field. You have to be good and fast enough to survive. Not to mention, you have to have good social connections; having friends on the field means more people get to see your work. You've gotta do a lot of ass licking.

I still want to animate, and I love character design, but I'm just going to keep working on it as a hobby for a long long time till I feel like I'm good enough to make it "big."

>> No.1726653
File: 110 KB, 565x900, jewmis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contributing with random drawing

>> No.1726655

Just because you were beaten up in that course you let it dictate your whole life? Get over it.

>> No.1726657

I'd like to fart on you though after I finish eatin this taco bell

>> No.1726658

top cake brah, top cake

>> No.1726663


>that hand
she needs to get the fuck off the book and start reading it

>> No.1726683


dem feet, though.

>> No.1726694

Eh? No. Not at all. I think you misread me. I just got a healthy dose of reality into me. I'm not good nor fast enough, but I'll get better. If I really wanted out of animation I would give up completely, and this isn't the case.

>> No.1726704

what about what i told you last time?
about how you should go way simpler because you don't understand SHIT as it is right now?
have you done that?
but hey, at least you're happy that someone spent some time writing for you again.

don't get me wrong, i just can't stand this kind of behaviour of "yay constructive critique". it's a FUCKING FARCE.
being told to "fuck off" used to be a very valuable experience around here. and that's the only thing still preventing this place from becoming a weeb hellhole.

>> No.1726755
File: 60 KB, 561x459, ss (2014-05-11 at 11.02.08).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where should I place the wall?

>> No.1726767

>long ass horseface
>eyes are literally next to each other
>weird burly body with only a surface understanding of anatomy.

not even the guy from last time but i also hate your type of "style" with a passion.

>> No.1726771

What...what do those lines even mean? None of them match up at all.

>> No.1726789

You know how to use two-point perspective: [_]


>> No.1726798

Your idea of critique is distorted, telling someone to do someting just because "you're ridiculously bad" without providing further exposition on what makes it bad and how will the recomendations help is not critique, still, I did considered what you told me in your last comment, I did several drawings in profile and frontal view, I found out that most of my drawings are 6 heads tall and I also did a drawing in perspective using scott robertson's method to estimate the equal foreshortened lenght of a section, just because I did't posted it doesn't mean I'm not doing it, but if you want me to I can do some digital practice and post it as well.

Now, being told to fuck off is not a valuable experience anywhere, you might be thinking "hurr survival of the fittest" or some shit like that but it just drives away people that could be growing by being exposed to good constructive critique, the fucking farce is that 4channy attitude of "I'm so rude and I will forge the character of all these faggots by telling them mean things instead of actually helping them directly".
Don't get me wrong, I know this isn't a place for special snowflakes but I can't stand shitlords that cannot differentiate between good honest critique and "lol learn to draw".
anyway, thanks for taking your time to word out a better piece of advice.

>> No.1726801
File: 46 KB, 484x560, ss (2014-05-11 at 12.06.34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You only like opai and lolis here am I right?
Stop telling me about your dick phobias.

>> No.1726811

Not him, but that face is messed up. He also looks limp-wristed, dainty legs, bored expression, I just don't see him spanking anyone.

>> No.1726826
File: 57 KB, 834x204, Two point grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1726829

I want to be a Tezuka.

>> No.1726831

I disagree. It helps you build character, and develop a thick skin when someone tells you to go away since you are constantly being tested on how bad you want to learn.

Its part of helping someone improve when someone tells you to quit or that you will never improve it should motivate you to prove everyone that you are worth time and critique its one of the reasons why I am still here, its inspiring to see someone improve after going through hell and back when everyone was tearing you apart

>> No.1726832

Whore myself out to the concept art and design industry for minimum wage and die a early, content death due to overexerting myself working towards deadlines.

>> No.1726833

>on the op
I like the design and the intent in the colors but it still looks unfinished.

>> No.1726846

no, in the end it depends on how it's drawn.
your drawings are too rigid, and your knowledge could also be a lot better, especially when it comes to the face.

just compare yourself to any artist you look up to. and be honest with yourself: your faces are pretty damn bad. you need to learn more about the whole thing.

the other guy that critiqued you was very rude as well, so you tell me: is that really the issue here?
what do you think is the difference? is there really a difference beside the length, and the fact that he adressed your piece directly while i just told you what to do in general?
things like this just reinforce my belief that you guys just like the idea of "critique", but don't actually care about what you are doing wrong or could do better.

it's not like i just call anything shit. when i see huge issues, i'm going to tell you they're huge issues.
when i think it's really bad, i'm going to tell you the same.
and that in itself should ring some bells in you.

but of course, you can always be like >>1726801 and blame it on taste and style. and those do play a role(!), but let's not kid ourselves here.

>> No.1726874
File: 182 KB, 1438x638, ss (2014-05-11 at 01.21.52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the face messed up?

The big guy isn't trying to being rough with the little guy.

You guys keep talking about 'style' but I haven't said anything about style. Most of my questions / concerns don't involve style.

>> No.1726880

You're missing the point, is not that I'm against building character by being tested and teared appart, I'm agaisnt faggots that have no right to test others as they themselves aren't any better, even if they don't post their work you can see who knows and who doesn't.
I truly believe that harsh and direct criticism coming from superior artists can be way more beneficial than a buch of random faggots talking shit.

>> No.1726881

Not related but maybe make it look at the kid? Also what is his expression supposed to be?
And I think his eyes are too high and forehead too small but I may be mistaken.

>> No.1726882


now you're scaling is fucked

nice job

>> No.1726883

I am non of them but the older guys face proportions are pretty wrong in some points, try drawing a skull underneath the face
and compare it to another skull and see for yourself. His eyes are very close, the way his eyebrows are is like his forehead is deformed they are also too close, and his jaw is pretty long, not impossibly long i would say, but still very long. Also his right hand
is very fat, it's like the hand of a guy with obesity.

>> No.1726900

Perspective applies to figures too you know. That guy's torso and head look like we're level with him, but everything else in the scene implies we are high above him.

As anon said, you have some serious scale issues. Pretty sure one of the Loomis books talks about scale in the perspective section. Perspective Made Easy also covers it.

Your gestures are stiff and unbelievable. Study real people in motion, whether it's from real life, film, or even a mirror.

>> No.1726901

Well that's true but with the Anonymity here there is no way to tell who's who now is there...


>> No.1726913

So if I don't take the shit (because your "general advice" wasn't any good) as well as the good critiscism I'm just a fucking style-fag that just likes the idea of getting critiqued but is unwilling to learn?
Talk about stupid assumptions.

>> No.1726915

But we can tell youre a beta cunt who can't draw for shit amirite?

>> No.1726917

unless you are a cyber ninja like me anon.

>> No.1726921


>> No.1726924

That's right.

>> No.1726956

>lines are brown
Why do people trust teal when he doesn't even live up to his own name

>> No.1726961

Well, hello there newfaggot.

>> No.1726974

My goal is to be an Illustrator/Graphic Designer. I've always liked Fine Arts, but I figured a good compromise was to learn Graphic Design and I've learned a lot. Recently me and a friend have been talking about making a manga, so I'm going to work on that once I git gud.

Currently I noticed my perspective is mediocre, my hands and feet suck, and my heads suck. Outside of that I'm too thick with my line work, mainly due to not having a steady hand and I don't know shit about how to paint and blend colors.

>> No.1726981
File: 35 KB, 282x376, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips to make the bg more interesting? Some really poor planning went into this.

It's uh. Her 18th birthday.

>> No.1726985

The dick is out of perspective, it looks as if we are looking at it from above, yet the girl is looking at
as at a straight angle, so is the guy who this dick belongs to flying in the air? also the dick is pretty
ugly, there are more anatomical errors like the nipples that are misplaced and the armpits are too
low, but your priority should be to study more dicks and perspective.

>> No.1726998

"/ic/:dicks and perspective"

>> No.1727002
File: 117 KB, 740x682, ss (2014-05-11 at 03.39.39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna try and push emotion / facial expressions

>> No.1727021

Ultimately to be able to paint the stuff in my head. I have a story I want to make, whether that's a graphic novel or whatever I don't know yet, but mainly want to become a fantasy illustrator who paints in an impressionistic way. I love loose looking paintings way more than hyper realistic stuff, and want to make that my thing.

>> No.1727026


>> No.1727047

my "general advice" is lost on you.
you'd rather have me point out the dozens of little mistakes in your fundamentally fucked up drawing/s. the more beside the point the better.
and then you fucking wonder what my "assumption" is about.

and i thought you did do front and side drawings? what happened to those?
i'd like to see them because i'm curious wether their proportions are equally as flawed as in the drawings you posted.

>> No.1727053

>You guys keep talking about 'style' but I haven't said anything about style. Most of my questions / concerns don't involve style.
but you did say >>1726801, which involves taste.
basically you think people don't like your stuff because of preferrence, under which "style" falls too.

in any case remember what i told you, you should try to compare your art to any artist you look up to.
if you don't want to just give me some artists/artwork and i'll put them side to side for you.
it should be an eyeopening experience.

>> No.1727063
File: 47 KB, 597x701, ss (2014-05-11 at 05.14.51).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1727070


were there really elves in star wars or is this some extraordinarily specific fetish

>> No.1727072


>> No.1727083
File: 232 KB, 517x478, output_rnbRAv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need some of this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNrXMOSkBas

>> No.1727095
File: 10 KB, 180x206, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling me to smile
>after presenting this
the answer is and always will be "no"
maybe we just have different standards. you tell me what i'm seeing here.

>> No.1727100
File: 324 KB, 1165x686, female_chest_3_4_view_text_by_lwyn-d6mbj52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perspective on her chest is weird. You really need to consider the chest as a 3D item: you kinda drew it in 2D, which is why it looks flat. Even if she has small breasts.
And the left shoulder still look low. Erase her hair so you can see what you're doing, do your base lines and repost.

Took this from dA. I don't think this tutorial is perfect, but it should be better than what you have right now.

>> No.1727101

Give it up man. That person is not willing to learn.

>> No.1727108

Thanks this helps with lighting but he doesn't have boobs. This will help me in understanding the chest plate of the armor as more '3D'

>> No.1727117
File: 44 KB, 457x555, idon'knowr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe make him look down?

>> No.1727119

Your general advice was shit, your stupid assumptions about me are shit as well, I mean, seriously, what kind of retarded reasoning is that.
>he's asking for a detailed critique, this stylefag doesn't want help, he just wants to get off while reading!
You seem to be unable to get over the fact that with a little more insight your "general advice" could've been a lot better.

And even now that I amenably took this >>1726476 since it's clear on the areas I need to improve and offers insight to what I'm doing wrong, YOU KEEP ARGUING.
I'm getting the feeling that you are just one of those faggots that need to be right about everything or else their damaged ego shrinks their dick.
About the front/side drawings, they're on my sketchbook, and you're right, I'm not acing my proportions, however your advice is still bad due the way it's presented
>You are shit at X, do Y that apparently has nothing to do with what you're doing wrong and even seems to encourage regressing, I won't explain further how it adds up to help you with your problems, just do it because I say so and I clearly know better.
>tip top tier advice of the year
>better than hampton
I really don't see why you keep fighting about it, it was bad advice, it wasn't even "general", you just proved that yourself when adressing more than proportions in everything else you said.

Then again, thank you for the detailed advice you offered, it has given me direction as well as other great pieces of advice I have received, just stop being so buttmad about the fact that your first intervention was shit.

>> No.1727121

>thank you for the detailed advice you offered, it has given me direction as well as other great pieces of advice I have received

That's all you had to post. The rest, blog about it.

>> No.1727139
File: 168 KB, 593x1023, character OC do not steal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want cute/goofy, but might have ended up with creepy.

>> No.1727143


move the eyes, blush circles and nose down closer to the mouth

>> No.1727144

It looks very creepy anon. I'm not entirely sure what style your aiming at but to pull off a cute face you have to learn basic facial structure. Having little dot's for eyes is a lazy and cheap way of pulling off a cartoon look/feel and unfortunately has been popular nowadays. So doing this hurts you in the long run. Try to draw the eyes with more expression. I like the thought of the pose but learning some basic anatomy would help you construct your pose better and help with generalizing fundamental shapes, in which I don't see any basic shapes in your drawing.

>> No.1727145

>>You are shit at X, do Y that apparently has nothing to do with what you're doing wrong and even seems to encourage regressing,
this is shows that you're not getting it. i told you, and you even mentioned it yourself: proportions.
you have many many other issues, but proportions is the main reason why your stuff looks so derpy. that's why i focused on that first.

and again, your problem is that i didn't go more into it. but is there any reason to? i told you the problem, there are COUNTLESS solutions to that problem. figure drawing, studying photos, life or artwork, or read about it in books.
bottom line is, you need to "study proportions". what makes up normal proportions and what stylized choices you could make.
now do i need to tell you exactly what to do?
why is telling you the problem not enough? it would be more than enough for me.
and this is why i have my "assumptions" about people like you. i just don't understand why you are so dead set on receiving "constructive critique" at your level. what if there are underlying problems?
same argument every time: what's the point of correcting that ear if i know you're going to mess it up next time anyway?

>you just proved that yourself when adressing more than proportions in everything else you said.
if you're talking about the boxes thing, yes, that's something relating to perspective. and it is very useful for thinking in perspective.
i only mentioned it because you were asking for more. there is a reason i left out perspective completely in the start: if your drawings look like shit in simple view they will also look like shit in perspective. no need to even bother right now
there are many other things i could've said. but i choose proportion because that will eventually set you up to understand both anatomy, stylization and perspective better.

>> No.1727147


>> No.1727153
File: 1.10 MB, 971x1500, Why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this comic thing is kicking my ass. I'm finding I know a lot less about drawing than I thought I did when I started. Perspective, Anatomy, being the biggest liability. Should I abandon ship and got back to still lives?

>> No.1727157

wow, it's been AT LEAST 3/4 days since I saw this page for the first time, and you're still in a sketchy phase..?

>> No.1727158

If you feel like it, don't force yourself if you're not feeling good about it. The thing with comics is that you have to work on many things at once.

>> No.1727159
File: 607 KB, 720x3808, Male_Torso_drawing_Process_by_AmourFonce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you, bishounen artstyle!

>> No.1727161

A lot was fundamentally wrong since the beginning

>and my lazy ass hadn't worked on it everyday

That sound comforting, but I'd rather salvage something from the page, I might have dumb down the compositions for that though.

I dunno, guess I have to draw more.

>> No.1727167

Shame you never listened. Assfucked by your own ego.

>> No.1727176

Listened to what? Who? You? What are you even talking about?

>> No.1727183

Mikufag pls

>> No.1727185
File: 57 KB, 612x537, ss (2014-05-11 at 08.47.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a girl I'm working on - about to line and then color. This is a easy / fast commission.

>> No.1727187

your lack of animatomy is quite disturbing op

>> No.1727199

comics are great practice dude, keep at it. I've also made some myself and stuggle a fair amount. Just do them while also studying perspective and composition like a maniac (it'll help with understanding and using interesting angles better). Avoid splash pages for a while though, focus on getting the flow of your panels better in normal pages fist. It's a little restricting at first but it makes you focus on the overall page more than just having a really nice panel.
I would also pick up Understanding Comics if you haven't yet, I disagree with him on a few things but he's really insightful in general about making comics

>> No.1727202

Yeah the feet are pretty bad too not as bad as the hands though

>> No.1727205
File: 104 KB, 821x1200, fr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on this, does anyone have any artists I should probably look into? crits are also cool

>> No.1727209

Shouldn't her left foot be at 3/4 view?

>> No.1727211

When you're trying a pose, search for reference pictures a lot. You learn a lot by copying.

>> No.1727225
File: 53 KB, 516x526, ss (2014-05-11 at 09.52.34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

foot change might be better.

>> No.1727226

How about creating something new

>> No.1727231

jesus fucking christ people on /ic/ are fucking douche bags
how bout not being a dick anon

>> No.1727233

>crits are pretty cool
>receives critique
>Whaaaa Whaaaa Abloo bloo bloo people on /ic/ are fucking douche bags! How about sucking my dick and feeding my Ego Anon?

>> No.1727241
File: 65 KB, 600x900, QuietMGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about using this for reference?

>> No.1727260

I wasn't that guy actually. He was some random guy who replied to you. I'm the one who made the piece. And I do agree it's not a new style (it feels like just a random comic strip-ish kinda look), and the subject matter is definitely not in the innovative side of things. If you have any pointers on how to improve it do let me know.

>> No.1727261


You need to measure the furniture back in space properly.

>> No.1727276

Anon was probably referring to how you posted this over a month ago with a different disclaimer, something about printing it and you didn't change shit.

>> No.1727290


I'm going to be the dark horse and say it's way better than before, now that the perspective is somewhat consistent with the girl and bed.

But I've told you already, both figures are on different perspectives, so the man will still look wrong until you fix it so that it looks like we're looking down on him. Also it still shows a lack of force, and he isn't looking down at her enough.

But if you want to be a shithead, you can probably just finish this and submit it no problem; it'll look off, but not enough for any guy on the street to notice.

>> No.1727307

>still shit
Keep being shit shitgobbler

>> No.1727309

plz do not bully

>> No.1727313
File: 845 KB, 2048x1536, 1399871702979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...w-would you hate me if I asked for help on my ponies?

>> No.1727319

No, sine this is an alternative art thread.

>> No.1727325
File: 792 KB, 2048x1536, 1399873174073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great to hear!
I know my doodle 'passes' in our fandom,
But I would really like to hear what real
artist say!

>> No.1727327

It might just be personal preference, but I think you shouldn't make such thick lines.

>> No.1727331

global rule 15/underage b&

>> No.1727335

Kyle is good at drawing feet. Dunno what your talkingabout

>> No.1727341
File: 869 KB, 2048x1536, 1399875117522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the insight, I make my lines darker, since I use them to cover my ball point lines...

>> No.1727343

>>I'm ok with people thinking I'm underaged

>> No.1727345

Only underage care about underage. As long as they're not starting any shit nobody should be bothered to ban them.

>> No.1727387

it's fucking shit.
get out

>> No.1727389


>> No.1727407

Do you guys have a guide for drawing clouds?

>> No.1727413

You have it backwards idiot.

>> No.1727421

you must be underage

>> No.1727423

says the 12 year old girl

>> No.1727445
File: 491 KB, 2893x3401, catgirl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I redid the linework. Definitely improved on the last one in my opinion

>> No.1727447

That looks shittons better. Why were you using that ugly, messy brush to draw lines with in the first place?!

>> No.1727462
File: 401 KB, 1200x1527, Final.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh that, well. Nobody really mentioned any change besides rendering I think? I was screen printing so I could only use gradients which I did. Printing went alright though. I just posted it since I thought it was the most "stylized" thing I've done. But here's a piece I'm working on right now if you prefer something new. It's a color block in so far, I plan on rendering it later today. I do think batman's anatomy may have gotten a bit wonky though.

>> No.1727471

I-I'm not sure. I'm sort of inexperienced when it comes to using SAI. Still gotta figure out the right workflows for drawing animu porn

>> No.1727490


attachment point for the head and neck is fucked

her right breast needs more gravity unless the right arm is holding it up but in that case it still looks weird anyways

>> No.1727515

Yes, very nice!

>> No.1727518

No, no it isn't!

>> No.1727524

It's a cute/sexy catgirl drawing that adequately gets its point across to the viewer. The artist is aware of the forms of anatomy, at least enough to make a convincing enough drawing. The breasts are nicely done, they appear soft and squishy.

So, the artist gave her a lollipop head and the foot and knee aren't perfect, the emotion is there in the gesture and expression, and the energy of the linework and painting works very nicely together.

Bonus points for shiny skin.

>> No.1727531
File: 850 KB, 1024x1536, flutter_pillow_pony_by_passionateshadow-d6ki07c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're ponies look fine- Don't draw on line paperer. Draw in a sketch book or on blank printer paper.
work on line a little more to help show depth. Don't use a phone to take pictures if possible try and scan them. Study the character's hair a little more or study the show a little more because that appears to be the style you are trying to go for, Rarity has vortexes in her hair and that's a bit tricky to do with almost all thick lines. Or you could develop more of your own style. Either way they seem like you have the basics for ponies down pretty good.

>> No.1727551


>> No.1727554
File: 628 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20140512_181513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning

>> No.1727562

>energy of the linework
what energy? All the lines have the same thickness and there are plenty of unclean floating ends.

>> No.1727577

Why do people come and post in this thread without learning the anatomy first?

>> No.1727578
File: 191 KB, 1024x1010, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to anything. Already gonna make the dick a lil thinner.

>> No.1727592

Is that that one stripper in Bloodlines

>> No.1727613

I suppose one might be more critical looking at it at full resolution. It does shrink down and tighten up nicely though.

A lot of artists' work may look shaky at a high enough resolution, if the point of the piece is to have it immaculate down to the pixel, then it's a failure. One can print it up to the size of a billboard and notice its flaws on such a large scale, however if it's meant to be viewed as a whole, those inconsistencies don't really matter.

As for there being no line variation, true. But I'm not seeing hesitation or uncertainty in the line when rendering the forms. There is also no hard rule that contours have to be completely closed. It's just one way of inking something, and in this piece it's effective.

It's good enough for an 8.5x11" print. Print it up, make $$.

>> No.1727614
File: 126 KB, 647x900, harley 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havn't styled since animus in middle school.
got so excited ink'd before I was done...

>> No.1727620
File: 175 KB, 540x820, pyro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying out some new colouring techniques, material textures and textured brushes. As well as trying to get a bit more dynamic with the pose.

Any thoughts?

>> No.1727690

If the environments aren't working out for you, maybe doing some studies of castles, thrones, throne rooms, guards (and their accoutrements, might be in order. Take a look at gothic architecture for ornate stone carvings, etc.

>> No.1727692


Nice process pic. But shouldn't his pee-pee be hanging down closer to the lowest point of the torso between the legs?

>> No.1727725
File: 282 KB, 448x956, Kurisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurisu study. That is all.

>> No.1727728

Chest looks like a dudes and not a loli's.
On top of being ugly, the dick makes no sense at all. Why is she looking at the viewer if their dick is coming off from the side? It's not even clear where the dick is due to fucked perspective, but regardless, the trail of cum from the dick to her chest would be several feet long, which is impossible unless you have Spider Man cum.

>> No.1727731

h-hey I was wondering is it possible for anime style to have small eyes or very small eyes insted of bigger.

>> No.1727732

It's been a long day, hasn't it?

>> No.1727733

She's very long. Like noodle-CLAMP-style long.

>> No.1727734

Also the colors look lifeless and dull, stop shading against black and white.

>> No.1727737

sure, probably.

>> No.1727738

Sure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Modernanime.jpg

>> No.1727745


She is as long as in the reference, which is from the anime :)



>> No.1727746
File: 872 KB, 991x558, 56456546436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See this guy.

>> No.1727749

haha dat guy.

but yeah its always man who are able to have smaller eyes. what about woman ?

>> No.1727752

Old ladies mostly

>> No.1727753
File: 134 KB, 800x1148, oyasumi-punpun-2145411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do whatever you want in drawings, man.

>> No.1727757
File: 300 KB, 800x1188, anime anime boys shorts steinsgate makise kurisu okabe rintarou anime girls 1280x1901 wallpaper_www.wall321.com_68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is as long as in the reference, which is from the anime
Googled her, and you're right. I still don't think it doesn't excuse it, because you could have tried doing something with the design, but that's just me.

She's just terribly long and thin, very unappealing in my opinion.

>> No.1727758
File: 522 KB, 1034x580, 564564674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Smallest eyes I could think of for now in anime.

>> No.1727760
File: 469 KB, 357x959, Nami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Possibly. But fi you think thats terribly long and thin, see pic realted :)

>> No.1727763
File: 39 KB, 160x600, 9642974453938985541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1727764

I'm not a fan of his style either, but at least he knows how to make characters expressive and dynamic.

>> No.1727766

depends on the proportions.
slim eyes, definitely. but button shaped eyes can't get smaller than a certain level i think

>> No.1727802

You are the foot master, Kyle-sama.

>> No.1727807

i have no idea who she is i was just drawing random animu girl

>> No.1727813
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, Yojouhan.Shinwa.Taike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are even smaller ones if you go further back in time.

>> No.1727816


Stop this shit, it's disgusting, even if said ironically.

>> No.1727820
File: 50 KB, 609x841, 0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1727837

>he actually spends time doing these
>he does it for free.

you should apply for janitor

>> No.1727856

It's not said ironically and it's certainly not disgusting. Fuck off.

>> No.1727867


You sound like an underageb@ from gaia, I couldn't give less of a shit about sucking Kyle's dick

>> No.1727877

> tfw you will never be this jelly

>> No.1727879
File: 204 KB, 1000x1003, caught.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I even...

>> No.1727883


Wow nice job retard for completely ignoring my point.

I don't mind Kyle, fuck, I think he draws nice feet too.

It's YOUR tone and attitude I have a problem with.

>> No.1727885

>having to integrity

>> No.1727895
File: 163 KB, 1000x998, conflict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random action.

>> No.1727955

The skin tone of the face to me doesn't match the rest of the skin. Also it makes all the other colors underwhelming. I like the pose but the legs look kinda stiff. The sword looks a little flat and 2D'ish as well. Maybe try a thicker outline for your character too to help bring it all out.

>> No.1728004

Takes less than a 2 minutes. And why should they not be free? You're jelly that I have a better design sense, and dare I say it, feel intimidated by how easily I can shit a design out while you struggle all day worrying about where to put the hands and feet.

>> No.1728021
File: 19 KB, 855x556, Ineedhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What program do you guys draw in? I just got a tablet the other day and want to draw like I do on paper.

>> No.1728030

Photoshop or paint tool SAI should get you started until you find something you feel in touch with

>> No.1728043

>he is genuinely arguing that people are jelly of his "design sense"
no, it's not impressive in any shape or form, but looking at the way you talk, you are apparently pretty proud of them.

at the end of the day, you're nothing more than a malicious little cunt that makes himself feel superior by comparing himself to total noobs and amateurs of this thread.
fucking pathetic.

>> No.1728054

I use Photoshop. CS2 is free on Adobe's website if you want to give it a shot. You can also try out paint tool SAI, Open Canvas, Manga Studio, etc.

>> No.1728065

Not him, but you seem butthurt, and dare I say it, jelly. Touched a nerve?

>> No.1728075
File: 174 KB, 500x858, zerkerelin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing more traditional stuff lately. it feels like I have a bit more control over my lines but rendering seems more time consuming. I was thinking about getting some good markers but they hella expensive. also, how to I get ride of that nasty graininess of the graphite? its really only apparent when I scan it

>> No.1728078

Krita is free and great.

>> No.1728079

Hey, that's nice. OC? Got more?

>> No.1728080

Too bad it's slow as balls and leaks memory like a sieve.

>> No.1728081


Get better quality pencils and smoother paper

>> No.1728082

Slow what? When? Are you working on a 1990 computer?

>> No.1728083

>Not him

Extreme doubt

>> No.1728084


quality open sores programming

>> No.1728097

What are you talking about seriously? And it's not like Adobe makes the greatest software either, considering the money they've got and their experience. I'm surprised no one's trying to fight them for real, but heh, people wants their good old thing I guess, not gonna change.

>> No.1728102

Its not an of. Just copied an anime figure

>> No.1728105

Elin from tera (mmo).

>> No.1728108

Do this for me:
1. Open Krita
2. Select a large brush (at least 50 px+)
3. Scribble with it a bit using your tablet (for whatever reason, it works fine with the mouse)
4. Watch as Krita chokes on it and begins to lag several seconds behind your tablet input
5. You can stop scribbling at this point and watch it spend the next 10 seconds catching up to where you stopped. During this time, you cannot input any other commands.
6. Do the same in Photoshop with a brush 5 times as big and see that it keeps up with your tablet just fine.

I wanted to like Krita, but that's a deal breaker for me. Forget fuckhuge erasers, even reasonably sized brushes exhibit this problem in everyday drawing, where random lines get completely dropped because you were a millisecond too fast.

Also, it consumes memory at least as badly as Photoshop, and crashes fairly frequently.

I don't particularly like Photoshop or think it's amazing or unbeatable, but it's still much better than all the open source alternatives.

>> No.1728109

just get good at using reference images and life drawing and apply that to your work. drawing good born means its even more important to know hoe the human body works, is proportioned and how it sits in space. Just like one or two little life sketches a day will help immensely

>> No.1728121

Oh shit. You're actually right. Sorry, I'm a beginer and never had this kind of problem with what I worked on.
Lag starts to be unbearable with a brush around 200 px for me. Is such a size supposed to be used often?
Well, let's hope they fix it in the near future, because it seems like everyone admits Krita is great aside this problem (even better than PS on certain things from what I've hear)

>> No.1728135
File: 133 KB, 410x448, desert_rat_by_yourfour-d5ze5w6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a program that lets you manipulate a box-set-body in 3D Space?
Ie: A body is made in geometric 3D Forms and you can manipulate the poses like a real doll?
If not:
Should I try to study up on proportions and then craft some out of clay and paperclips?

Also, this is an older drawing/painting of mine, however I do love it. I finish so few pieces, but I would like some opinions on where I went wrong.

Before anyone says it, yeah is overly saturated and I should have toned down some of my blues.
Most, even.

>> No.1728145
File: 1011 KB, 1434x2416, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any criticism on this sketch I drew?
Like this is my oc. But I am going to work on her some more.

>> No.1728147

I forgot to draw clothes or nipples on her. Orz

>> No.1728158

>Is there a program that lets you manipulate a box-set-body in 3D Space?
Pretty much any 3D modeling/animation package will, though there will be a bit of a learning curve because these programs are designed to handle a lot more than just posing reference models for drawing.

>> No.1728186

this has some info about what people do after artschool. It really depends on the major, if you're a profeesional artist, you contact galleries and show them your portfolio and see if you can get a show to sell your art. Freelance artists do stuff like commissions and short term design jobs. Most artists do both. Some teach so they can fund their art on the side.

>> No.1728187
File: 479 KB, 1000x1200, Finished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm somewhat used to maya, though I dislike using the interface as it feels somewhat bulky.

Would I be better off making clay models? I'm some-what used to making the blocky chunks in the form of a body. It'd be for BASIC perspective issues I seem to be having.
@Thread in general:
If anyone is "moderately not shit" you can go on gaiaonline and shitpost and get commissions there. As of late, the admins released in-game-cash generators so their economy is so trash that people pay USD for pictures of their avatars. Pic related, I got paid for that shit.

If you can even tolerate the community for more than 5 minutes, that is.

>> No.1728194
File: 477 KB, 1182x798, imnotanexpert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whys her leg like that?
Im no expert, but just something quick for you.

>> No.1728226

>this is what boobs look like so ill draw it like this
Pathetic asshat

>> No.1728239

Nice Satsuki fanart

>> No.1728286


How does it work? What's the community like? Do I have to be autistic?

>> No.1728292

Gaia still exists? I recall people used to insult people by telling them to go back to Gaia, before people started telling them to go back to Reddit.

Anyway, do they allow porn?

>> No.1728296

Not who you're replying to, but they are the kinds of people who use xD non-ironically. It's like dA, but even more weeaboo. You're going to want to put a "no cluttered designs" in your commission rules if that's an issue with you, because you will get so, so many of those. Just browse around the art shop forums.

>> No.1728297

Op here, am i moderately no shit?
A bit of extra money wouldnt be bad

Oh god

>> No.1728309
File: 159 KB, 538x586, ss (2013-10-20 at 03.04.07).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah her leg is kinda fucked up.
What you expect from me when I am sketching.
Also my facial style is getting worse than before.
Also this is one of my ocs, I been trying to draw her more because I guess I need more character designs and poses.

>> No.1728312


Ignoring the rest of anatomy issues, your faces are really hella flat. The previous one also had fucked up facial proportions and looks nowhere like the second one you've drawn.

Get consistent, get to 3d.

>> No.1728320

Being able to draw/paint is usually not enough.
You should always have different skills and combine them so you don't end up working your ass off as a slave in a gaming/animation company or doing commissions of stuff other people dream about.
It's like knowing a foreign language without nothing to apply it to, you're gonna end up as a translator/teacher.

You should always be good at at least two things and if you can combine them, that's even better. Imagine knowing a foreign language AND being good at something, let's say programming, for example. It really makes a difference, way more opportunities.

Work hard to get good and make your own stuff, not get good so you can work somewhere and make some rich guy's business possible.

>> No.1728323

oh god my large tablet arrived and its waaay to big for me. I should have listen to the guy who said to buy meddium. fuck.

>> No.1728333

Just take advantage of it and draw with your shoulder

>> No.1728337
File: 130 KB, 822x1080, Elves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to improve yours, but I fear that my anatomy is too stiff.

>> No.1728340

i find drawing with it from shoulder so uncomfortable. The extra function keys are useless too since theres not enought of them. IT also takes most of my space on desk.

>> No.1728344

man hips.

>> No.1728346
File: 273 KB, 640x800, firamod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slime waifu

>> No.1728355
File: 332 KB, 1434x2416, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you expect from me when I am sketching.

please just read the sticky

>> No.1728363

elizabeth ?

>> No.1728387
File: 108 KB, 935x756, sketchysketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redoing my Balthier/Fran drawing from scratch.. This time I referenced the game itself for these quick ass sketches. I'm hoping it looks a bit more dynamic now that it's less flat.
I didn't pay much attention to anatomy/propotions yet, I was hoping to hear feedback on the posing before I start putting more effort into this.

>> No.1728398
File: 28 KB, 264x281, dadadd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I notice if I'm breaking a person?

I've been studying this all night and I don't seem to get it right

>> No.1728400

Get off your ass and do the pose.

>> No.1728403


Angled balthier looks way better now, even if the arm holding the gun looks shaky perspective wise. Could have fran crouching or something, because as of now it's still not too different

>> No.1728413
File: 130 KB, 936x761, crouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried out the crouching and I have to say I personally vastly prefer having them both stand straight.. I guess having Fran crouch makes the composition more interesting but at the same time I think I lost all sass and amazonian sex appeal Fran has in her posture.

Could I have redline on the arm-holding gun?

>> No.1728436
File: 141 KB, 922x759, howdoIhands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok last update today.
I kept the crouch after all, it looks a bit action hero-y now I think but it's out of my comfort zone and I should get out of it more often.
I'm really lost on Balthier's hand/gun though.

>> No.1728445

Ahahah, you fucker.

>> No.1728461

grab something pistollike and look in the mirror. I have a mirror next to my monitor, it helps.

>> No.1728463

Do you have a tumblr?

>> No.1728465

It's coming along nicely man.

>> No.1728467
File: 2.26 MB, 3500x3100, tempo as a troope2r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1728488


Hey man, if you don't like it don't sweat it, just giving my two cents. This is all up to you, and if you don't think it's better then don't do it.

Also I think Balthier's knees look a little low.

>> No.1728500

The gesture seems fine, but your hand and feet are rather loose in a way that seems you do not understand how to draw them. It's not simplifying them if you don't know how to draw them in the first place. What about the composition? If you have her shadow projected towards the viewer, it would make for a better composition. Right now the white space beneath the artwork isn't justified.

It feels too stiff for a painting. I don't feel the harmony between the elements and the figure. Try zooming out from your painting from time to time; it helps with checking the composition and values. It feels really boring right now. Even the painted lady looks bored.

That is because you have your gamut warning turned on. Colors that don't print are shown as grey. Best to avoid these colors.

Your lines are neat but it doesn't redeem your poor stylization, bad foreshortening, and poor proportions. I'm not a proportion freak, but what doesn't look or feel right isn't right.

Very stiff. I can't even get wet from this. Drawing erotic stuff doesn't only mean nudity and lewd positions. The gesture is off and not exciting. Your figure volumes are rather poor- imagine kneading the dough before making your pasta and bread; yours isn't kneaded at all. The coloring is rather boring with the lack of basic lighting sense. Viewpoint and composition is too boring as well. Don't get discouraged though, identifying your faults is the first step to improving.

I can't comment much from this because I know you must've traced or copied the exact same post from the original illustrations. Drawing from an anime pic often leads to distasteful images that are lifeless and devoid of natural, flowing gesture.

>> No.1728503
File: 209 KB, 630x900, b9ce595dd1466882decff66abdfdd4b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right I did copy the pose.

>> No.1728513

I like the looseness of the binary brush and how the legs are simplified. You made some really interesting forms and shapes within the figure with simple lines. The hands seem a little too short. One of the tricks to stylization is to figure out how each figurative element (hands, shoulder, head, hip, knee, feet) connect to each other.

If you're interested in animation, you need lots and lots of gesture and figure-in-motion practice. You need to be better than /a/jp/-level animu artists.

Very stiff and boring lines. The hair needs to flow better. The coloring is terrible; try blocking it out in values or shapes of colors first. Get the overall feel and valur of the painting before adding your details. The rendering of the armor makes it feel fuzzy and soft. You have lots to work on. but don't take shortcuts.

You seem to think you are above others, yet you're not. Don't make fun of the "Loomis" thing unless you can draw well enough. I like some of the shapes and forms you have in your figure; but they don't come together as a well-cohesive figure. You need to work on connecting your limbs.

Stiff. Feels rather masculine for a female. The gesture feels really off. Warming up with really loose sketches of gesture will help you for a bit. Study from life and photographs. etc.

Similar to the above comment regarding the stiffness. Your knowledge of lighting seems to come from observing animu drawing. In that case it's a poor observation as well. Poor highlights placement- not everything needs to be shiny.

The problem with painting out distinctively different materials is achieving the cohesiveness of the character with all these different textures and rendering. It doesn't feel natural at all in this pic.

>> No.1728525

I have a mirror next to my monitor too but it's fucking tiny. I'll figure something out though. Thanks.

Yeah but recently I don't draw much. Also this piece is already quite a bit above my usual boring shit so you might be dissapointed. bitstupidart.tumblr.com

Thanks. My first sketch was shit but I took /ic/'s advice and just redid the whole thing with more references. Looks way better now.

Noted the knees, thanks. And about the pose, it's about time I branch into poses other than standing/sitting. I really should be challenging myself more if I ever wish to improve.

>> No.1728529

just get poser (or its free alternative, I forgot the name), it's faggotry software but if you want it to pose mannequins for drawing it's good enough.

>> No.1728532
File: 288 KB, 627x800, pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh I suck at come up with jokes for this comic thing I want to do. this second strip is going to be about hover handing

>> No.1728536

Oy vey! That Amoretz is going around all Beheyme like SHUT IT DOWN CHAIM!

>> No.1728579

New thread:


>> No.1728592

Ooh, I like this, keep it up!

>> No.1728817
File: 203 KB, 1300x1100, practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips/critique pls
hair is bad i know

>> No.1728849

Looks good tho.
Do you have a tumblr? >.>

>> No.1728957
File: 46 KB, 1536x768, draw thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]