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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 247 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1712505 No.1712505 [Reply] [Original]

Yay? Or nah?

>> No.1712507

Are you 12 and still having trouble learning your alphabet? Your handwriting is god awful.

>> No.1712508
File: 117 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.1712707

nope. back to the sketchbooks

>> No.1712751

We should ban the fucking graffiti threads.
This is getting ridiculous.

>> No.1712776

ugly, generic, vandalism.
Try to be a rebel in a less retarded and ugly way.

>> No.1712777


>> No.1712791
File: 549 KB, 787x831, grafuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graffiti destroys every place it's smeared on. Every decent park, building or street turns into a shitstain nobody wants to be near to as soon as you faggots show up.
And the worst thing is you do it for no fucking reason at all. "BUT IZ ART" my ass. Draw on your own fucking walls.
Fucking pests

>> No.1712796

Unless it's a place where it's allowed, please stop making everything look gross and creepy. People don't want to have your art shoved down their necks and they won't remember you regardless. It's not your town, those are not your buildings, you can make your mark by actually being good at shit.

>> No.1712798

But anon, you would be raped in those 2 places regardless of the amount of graffiti around.

>> No.1712801
File: 1 KB, 250x250, 139778117770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ruining public spaces

>> No.1712810

I am a sexy tart after all.

>> No.1713649
File: 321 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2013-05-27-13-03-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must under stand graffit is many different things there is tagging witch is but simply being a vandle, peaceing witch is the really complex colourfull stuff and street art that most dont consider graffiti or valdalisom, me i love the stuff, tagging is very amusing, not the fagot shit op.posted but tags that are like mini peaces, very complex but flow amd have structure, as for you not.likeing the graffif posts them fucking hide the thread and go back to being an asshole some other place

>> No.1713656

Learn better spelling, punctuation and grammar

Or just go back to /b/

>> No.1713659

This, fucking this.

>> No.1713672
File: 290 KB, 1212x1665, grafuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares how good or bad graffiti is. Nobody asked to see your shit.
If you want to draw, draw on your own fucking walls and not public spaces.

>> No.1713688

One must be a fucking cunt to dislike da Graffiti, you're not even able to recognize new forms of art, you're fucking retarded

>> No.1713689

No, why there's so much graffiti out here, because people's doesn't say anything or doesn't care when a writer put his name, it's not their house after all.
And yeah it looks messy, but you will not be raped by them.

>> No.1713695

Graffiti is great when done right. majority of the times it's awful but I really did like Basquiat.

>> No.1713697

>da Graffiti
>fucking da
And this is how we know you're a 12 years old faggot.

>> No.1713701

Real graffiti is vandalism, it's just the way it is, of course it is some bastard shit, but you can't deny it's art

>> No.1713709

so what if it's art? It destroys public property, makes everything look like shit and annoys 90% of all citizens.
If I say slapping random people in the street is performance art, what do you think would happen? I WOULD GET FUCKING ARRESTED.

People don't give two shits about what's art to you and what's not, they want to live in a beautiful town where they are not exposed to whatever 15yo Mohammed smeared on a perfectly fine train in the middle of the night.

There's a lot of controversial art out there, but the difference between controversial art and graffiti is that people can get the fuck away from it if they don't like it.
Graffiti is like spam mail you can't get rid of.

If you had a spark of respect for your community left behind your zit-swollen face you'd know where I'm coming from.

>> No.1713720

>spam mail
I think honestly it's use on public spaces is what makes it so interesting.
granted, i hate graffiti done by the average suburban kids just fucking up a nice wall, but in some places it gives the youth a voice and sense of importance! the ghettos are full of interesting people

talkin as ex-vanaliser. i made my way in life tho and i dont rite on walls anymore

>> No.1713782

So much butthurt in this thread. I always find it funny how people have so many opinions on how bad they think graffiti looks, but never cared about all the billboards or other ads put up every where we go, telling us how to live our life, what to eat and who to fuck. Graffiti belongs to the streets and the people who wander them, not to the people who's got the money, and that's the beauty of it. That's the art of it, cause you need to actually make a name for yourself, based on skills ONLY. Not your looks or who your parents are.

>> No.1713807

Goddamn hipster faggot. Tell me all bout how Fight Club changed your life.

>> No.1713811

It's not about skill, just being prolific. They can paint on billboards too, they just have to buy them, which is impossible because graffiti artists don't get much of an allowance.

>> No.1713906

> "The streets belong to the people who wander them"
What kind of pretentious bullshit is that?? I wander the streets too, buddy. Your grandma does too. Schoolkids do too. We all do! Why on earth do you think Teenage retards, Homeless people and Punks with no jobs have the god given right to do what they want with "the streets"?

PEOPLE WITH JOBS PAY for the fucking streets! We pay people to build them, we pay people to keep them functional, and ultimately we pay people to clean up after social rejects and edgy teens who like to destroy stuff.

So spare me your pre-teen philosophy "wake up sheeple" Bullshit you pretentious cunt. If you're going to hate the free Market, hate money and hate economy you're hating mankind itself.
So please erase yourself from the gene pool and go live in a cave.

>> No.1713910
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1374843499342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Implying some paper and pencils are more expensive than thirty-seven different cans of spraypaint and a court date

>> No.1713968

oh no muh feels is hurt

>> No.1713982
File: 344 KB, 1250x575, revok2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MUH city walls being destroy
>i cant read it so its shit, your shit, MUH traditional arts is best
>dirty nigger did that
>its gang related

every one of you anti graffiti faggots

>> No.1713984

that is actually pretty good :#

>> No.1713986

billboards >>>shit>>>>>>>graffiti
you don't seem to understand that it looks like shit.
if it looked appealing in any way there wouldn't be a problem.

it is barely one step better than having a swarm of pigeons bombard your house.

>> No.1713990

>Graffiti belongs to the streets and the people who wander them
And those streets walls and signs are the property of those who actually own them. You have no right to deface others property.

>> No.1713991
File: 278 KB, 1600x757, opct_fe0d36b9feab5699ed3ec67c9aa356b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see this is what i support GOOD graffiti not the fucking gang shit, fucking toys(thats a new fag to graffiti) and definatly the fucking racist stuff god i fucking hate that shit

>> No.1713994

even the best examples in this thread fail to reach the level of mediocre art.

>> No.1713996

>nice graffiti livening up a dirty shithole
yeah cool fine
>names scribbled on lovely old buildings that somebody cares about
not ok

>> No.1713997

lel oh man your a funny anon but your wrong and a faggot

>> No.1714000

I was gathering pictures to post something like that, then I decided to check the thread if it wasn't already made. 100% agree. A graffiti is a bit like a tattoo, it's a well-made or not so well-made doodle slapped with no taste on top of something

>> No.1714001

Yeah, and before the faggot who made those got good he defiled 20 Bus stations, 25 Train Wagons, 18 schoolyards, 30 Bridges, 40 Bus Stations, 15 Monuments and 5 Parks. Which cost the taxpayers (you and me) roughly 40'000$ in total.

So worth it rite guise



>> No.1714003

as a person that has been writing for a years (you my find this funny) there is a kind of code that some people follow, i for one and the people i paint with do not paint on any religious place regardless of our opinions toward the religion (graffiti is not /pol/) we try and keep the naughty stuff in areas only other writers will be able to see (i would not like my kids seeing a giant cock painted on a wall on the walk to school) now it goes with out saying there are a bunch of cunts that love just fucking shit up because
> im 15 muh parents are devoiced im a virgin and unhappy with my life

>> No.1714004

notice how that looks to be a nice location without the edgy skull graffiti crap.
planting/arranging the right trees and greenery is much better for livening up the enviroment.

i admit that one looks interesting, but imagine it not being there. the place would be so much better

>> No.1714007
File: 89 KB, 680x694, 1398169846049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh you know what revok has done
>you seem to know a bunch about what he has painted and the places
> wow you keep a total too

>> No.1714008

i thought people appreciate all kinds of drawings

>> No.1714009

you fucking got me there, i will say i do like the location and the skull is edge based

>> No.1714010

so you're not ok wit a giant cock on a wall in your town - But if someone writes his own faggy nickname in lime green and ALL CAPS it's ok? How is that different from a giant cock?

My house, my garage door, someone's wall, someone's building, our school, our village, our bus stop.

Nobody has the right to ruin private or public property.
If you want to permanently fuck stuff up - USE YOUR OWN STUFF.

I seriously hope Graffititards start smearing their shit on cars too so that more people could relate to how it feels to have your property soiled.

>> No.1714016
File: 52 KB, 460x460, 1379673189704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Implying destroying things is not what Grafuggy is about

>> No.1714017

it is different by the fact that tagging is not offensive (politicly of sexually) to the viewer where as a big cock is to most people that see it as for you wishing for graff to start showing up on cars, in japan people do that but its commissioned and looks nice

like i said i got kids and i want them to grow up to be open to all art forms unlike your self, but at the same time i am a father that does not want age in appropriate things to be painted it is a thin line that you would not under stand, i just hope that one day people like you would just stop your ignorance towards graffiti.
im suer when van gogh started painting a bunch of people didnt think his works where anything but just bullshit

>> No.1714024
File: 1.17 MB, 374x352, 1396756557775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you know anything about graffiti

>> No.1714039

>im suer when van gogh started painting a bunch of people didnt think his works where anything but just bullshit
But you know what, he owned the canvases that he used.
I'm ok with people drawing graffiti on their own walls or on the walls of someone who commissioned them; I'm not ok with people manipulating other people properties without their consent and it doesn't change anything if the painting it's good or not.
>>1713672's pic explains it quite clearly.

>> No.1714044
File: 64 KB, 288x408, 56490_2_grafitti_ar_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god you really went there
I don't want a giant cock on my fucking door
But I also don't want some asshole raping my door with his phallic pen and permanent lime green jizz. I didn't ask for it. I didn't want it. It looks shitty. And even if it looks decent I do not want it.
Is that so hard to understand?

Do you want your kids to play in pic related?
Doesn't that make you think "hey shitwads, that was a nice playground. This rustles my jimmies."

>> No.1714050
File: 67 KB, 300x255, disfaggotsagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Implying permanently fucking up public property is not the exact meaning of grafudy
> Implying legal grafudy is not just called airbrush art

>> No.1714052
File: 299 KB, 573x587, 1388624625246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that i dont paint over that shit with buffing pait
>implying my jimmies get rusted

>> No.1714057 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 300x255, disfaggotsdiditagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hard implications

>> No.1714059
File: 51 KB, 600x400, 1388954479145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I spray painted on the street I'm living on just to piss off the neighbors since they don't respect their neighbors

the funny part is that I also put dicks on their drive way. You're cunts, the whole lot of you.

>> No.1714061
File: 595 KB, 1449x1014, coolfilenamebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

airbrush? oh so when did spraypaint become something completely different ?

>> No.1714064
File: 416 KB, 1920x1200, 1394476020899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga

>> No.1714676

The best of graffiti is that its not about what a bunch of massive faggots think about it

>> No.1714905

You're the sort of cunt that carves swastikas and penises into school desks aren't you?

Must be fun living life on the edge.

>> No.1714939

Correct it's about staking out and protecting your territory from people by plastering your shit all over some walls and making sure your name gets out there and that everyone knows who you are because there's nothing else of worth you're capable of doing.

>> No.1715456

You got a small cock?

>> No.1715468

>talkin as ex-vanaliser. i made my way in life tho and i dont rite on walls anymore

Coro, is that you?

>> No.1716825

Thank god we live in a world where made up statistics prove a point.
Diego Rivera defiled 30 City walls, 17 churches, 20 schools, 4 parks and a court building before he "got good" (I made those numbers up too since we live in pretend land)

top fucking lel

>> No.1716916

All these toys man.

>> No.1719711
File: 390 KB, 1024x768, 10700840764_714a4ccc86_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boy Palm PHD

I agree toy shit makes me cringe but stuff on legal walls and in tunnels is nice

>> No.1720485

It's funny watching you people fight over graffiti when most likely none of you that support it are actually involved in it and take it seriously. I've been steady writing for 5 years now but you don't see me crying over it on the internet. If everybody liked it and supported it I wouldn't still be doing it, no reason to argue about it

>> No.1720488

It seems like graffiti is becoming the new "cool" thing which sort of pisses me off as it's the only thing holding my life together atm.

>> No.1720492

graffiti has been the "cool" thing since the 80's... get some perspective.

>> No.1720694

Why is graffiti often just a word drawn in a funky way?

Why can't it be a real drawing?

>> No.1720720


>> No.1720733

> graffiti is the only thing holding my life together atm
I feel you bro... The only thing holding my life together now is bashing in store windows and street signs with a sledge hammer. I always enjoyed scatching cars with my keys but when I first took the Hammer to the window I felt so alive man...
Forom that moment on it became how I express myself and how I release all that creativity slumbering in me. I create beautiful statements where functional ugliness used to be

But THE MAN don't understand the struggle of people like us
Just keep it up man

//Rebel life 4 ever//

>> No.1721503

Sucks that you guys don't like graffiti because it's not going anywhere, ever.

>muh quality of life

toppest kek

>> No.1721719

> It's not going anywhere
Compare a city with low education and poverty to a proper city.
You'll find little to no graffiti. That's because only NEET fuckwads find joy in destroying public property. Less retards less vandalism.

>> No.1722043

yay, but those hands and especially that throw are toy. The fact that all you faggots on here get so butthurt about it makes graffiti that much better to me, just for you homo's I'll paint an extra train tonight.

>> No.1722050
File: 269 KB, 450x488, 1386128121759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, so many good goyim in this thread!!!! why me and my cousin chaim would like to present to you all the shabbos goy 2014 award! tell those rotten kids that are painting on the building owned by the banks( the chosen people, not you filthy goyi... err i mean nice civilians) to stop trying to do anything non conformist!

>> No.1722069

make sure you record it, god i love videos like these, even if the pieces aren't top notch.

>> No.1722086

That's cool man, you know what else we hate? People killing themselves. So you should probably go kill yourself to make sure you're a real rebel punk outlaw coolkid. Way to let society dictate your actions. Such shallow logic "I like cause other people don't!" Haha

>> No.1722089


>he isn't a fan of the (shitty) destruction and vandalization of property done by edgy, 420 teens.
>"G-good G-goy-y-yim"

>> No.1722152
File: 133 KB, 620x465, Epinay-Sur-Orge-2011-Man-Vs-Wildjpg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagging is a crime, graffiti is not.
>Hurr durr it makes the public walls look guetto
That's tagging. Graffiti usually needs a permit to use a public wall as a canvas, and I think I'd like to see some art instead of an old, cracked wall.
>but its ugly and theyre all shit and should be arrested
It's not your property, so you have absolute no voice over it. You're just mad that you can't use a public space as your workspace, where everyone can appreciate your work.

Graffiti ≠ tagging

>> No.1722161

>You're just mad that you can't use a public space as your workspace, where everyone can appreciate your work.

Yeah, I bet a lot of office workers would love to work in the fucking street.

>It's not your property, so you have absolute no voice over it.

But it is, dumbo. It could be my wall, or my neighbours wall or anyone else's.

People aren't criticising the retarded cartoons or the crude Eastern European carnival art that these morons put up, they're criticising the fact that they're doing it on public walls. Some graffiti can look good in some places, but the vast majority of it is just shit.

If it was about art, people could easily do it in their own home. It's not hard to get a hold of large canvases or wooden plates. But it's about exposure and being an ass.

>> No.1722177

It looks like you both agree that graffiti can be shit and it can also be awesome, and this judgment varies according to the skill of the artist and the legality of the space.

>> No.1722193
File: 11 KB, 239x211, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

run along back to art school where you can burn your patchouli in the dark room and develop photos of men's assholes in peace faggot, graffiti isn't for the weak.

>> No.1722195

>graffiti isn't for the weak.

Are you kidding me? It's only for the weak. Teenage rats hiding in the shadows, spraying shit on a wall because there are no standards.
Any art school dropout would be able to do far better art than most "graffiti artists", if asked to spray shit on a wall.

>> No.1722202

go pick up a can of rustoleum and go to an abandon drain tunnel and paint something you flaming faggot it will be awful, but please try it yourself.

>> No.1722203

>go see how hard it is to be an angsty degenerate

>> No.1722207

The fact that you think that is difficult is fucking hilarious and speaks volumes about your skill level.

Why don't you try to draw an anatomically correct foot, you flaming faggot.

>> No.1722305

Hey. As long as the owners are okay with it, I don't give a shit.

It's behaving like you're somehow entitled to mark the city as if it where your own that's annoying.

>> No.1722310

I'm not sure you understand... graffiti is specifically FOR hipsters. The irony is you think it's art!

>> No.1722687

The fact its got the normalfags so butthurt, means its doing something right.

>> No.1722688

Oh Lord.

>> No.1723900
File: 1.24 MB, 3642x1389, skn2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freestyle last weekend, 3-4 hours

>> No.1724053
File: 30 KB, 601x695, 1339369517399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this is what the kids actually believe

>> No.1724063

> Implying that's not exactly what you do
Except instead of the dark room its a Bus Station at night and the man's asshole is your edgy "Street Name"

>> No.1724067

that takes so long? how come there's so much graffiti where I live but I never saw anyone doing it, do you all just sneak out and do it at night?

>> No.1724089

another graffiti thread and another shitstorm about "v-vandalism is baaad", why don't you, for a change, post something you like or rate others without discussing some shitty moral issues you have. I don't see what you can accomplish with this, edgy rebels are gonna be edgy but there is good graffiti out there, make this /ic/ related

>> No.1724094

yea for me its often like 3-4hours. btw this was a legal wall so no need for night. You pbly mean illegal stuff, if you can see them police can see them too and in germany where I live (explains my english) its pretty expensive to get caught

>> No.1724126

why should we encourage it.

there's nothing to discuss about illegal graffiti either.

good art takes time, and you don't have that when trying to evade the police.

>> No.1724236

would like to point out that OP's work is on paper-- not a wall, street, or public space of any kind.

OP, your calligraphy/hand-lettering needs work. Keep practicing. Alternating the colors in the second piece seems kind of cheesy. Stick to black for a while and focus on form.

>> No.1724252

Ban this grafilthy vandalism garbage.

>> No.1724362

It's generic as fuck and has no visible signs of thought or effort.

Shit like this is as common as oxygen. Just write a name/object/place with broad strokes, make the ends of the font turn into arrows, and slam on some quotation marks. Done, there you go.

I respect people who only draw anime more.

>> No.1724364

what the fuck is ur problem, u get bullied in school from someone who draws or what. Somewhere u have to start, its not about thinking and bringing the best effort

>> No.1724365

>drawing is not about thinking and bringing the best effort
gr8 b8 faglord

>> No.1724404

not mainly u tard

>> No.1724541

the best part of doing graffiti is that it doesn't matter what pompous, stuck up, big wig dickheads think

>> No.1724570

>People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you. You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with total impunity. Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head. You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs.

>> No.1724986
File: 1.70 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_20140508_135517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"grafrifri is soooio shiet " wbt this? illuminated manuscript that dates back 500 years before your hateful comments? how is this world-renowned art form that was used by Christian monks any better then what you're bashing here now? protip: its not; we're better; eat a dick

>> No.1724987
File: 1.92 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140411_112338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1724986 my bad its called interlacing. you may be thinking of this doesn't relate to graff but some graff it just might. find the word/letters "SLIE" in this

>> No.1725004


>> No.1725023


>> No.1725054

constructive criticism: its very one dimensional and it doesn't pop.

>> No.1725064

i know you're joking around but everyone who's interested in things like line-quality should really look at some well illuminated books. it's amazing. another place to see very nice lines is ancient egyptian stuff. it's not a varied line live we like nowadays but it's very precise and beautiful.

>> No.1725077

We're not encouraging performance art that involves punching unwilling people in the face either.

>> No.1725078

a guy did that!

>> No.1725103
File: 1.08 MB, 1456x2592, fll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less ridged man, these are quick letters. More feeling and motion into it. You should have enough style so you won't even have to see yourself writing it. More like this, make it pop.

>> No.1725106

NO MORE BUBBLE OR BLOCK LETTERS!!! It's a terrible habit of young writers and I'm sick of it!! Only do either wild style and develop there or start with your own letters. Wild style is like building a machine, caligraphy, moster.

>> No.1725107

> Do wildstyle

Worst tip ever. Don't make a piece with your shitty laetters and add some shitty arrows. Try to focus down ONLY to the letters. A good style is based on good,solid letters. Everything like arrows and designs is not relevant as long as u can't write some stylish letters without shit around them.

>> No.1725109
File: 135 KB, 900x382, r21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. Nice style without unnecessary shit around it.

>> No.1725133

Art crimes. Lot's of cool stuff here for those interested. Also, it's so funny that supposed artists are bashing stuff for not being art. Is that going to be a thing for like, fucking ever? One thing I like about graffiti is it is done is a pretty risky manner. Makes it cool, to me anyway.

>> No.1725146
File: 1.58 MB, 2136x1500, fhv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is worse than OP
I second that
You can do bubbles and blockletters but not at the beginning.

When you start pay attention to basic construction.
Only when you're comfortable with, that you can ignore it.
>pic related

>> No.1725150

graffiti is always shit.

who would have expected that people who can't afford to pay for paper never learned how to make art?

prove me wrong.

>> No.1725159

I met a pair of brothers who did graffiti in a summer camp many years ago

It's pretty much the adrenaline rush of not getting caught while doing it and leaving their names for every other person who also does that shit to see because muh reputation

The name of that asshole is in every corner of my city

>> No.1725160

can't be just ban the fucking graffitti threads already

>> No.1725640
File: 730 KB, 2299x2473, 9XTAt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea that is worse than OP's. Way too complex and arrows are lame.

You gotta learn a good simple and clean tag first, then get into learning bars and throwies

>> No.1725710

this is disgusting

>> No.1725716

it's its own thing, >>1725159 gets it, it's more like a sport rather than art, yet there are some nice artistic examples around.

>> No.1725717
File: 60 KB, 182x227, 038iz909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, a year long workshop on fucking graffiti. Not even gonna start with the quality. Is this for real? Somebody actually paid to attend that? I'm dying right here.

>> No.1725721
File: 82 KB, 960x720, 540445_4094382000643_2063522628_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1726020
File: 2.37 MB, 3264x2448, WP_000209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty new and i need some tips on working on
my hand-style
>Pic related

>> No.1726024

Requesting grafitti saying
>Implying grafitti is art

>> No.1726039

is that a K second last? i dont like that letter its too fucked. other than that you letters are a solid 4/10
But looks pretty decent for a freestyle, fillin is pretty cool. Contrast is kinda low tho could be a bit more flashy like >>1725054 said.

well when you do a complex fillin like that you need sketch > fillin (6 layers here) and outline, and if you want clean cuts youll spend some time there too. so 3+ hours is quite normal for a legal piece. For illegals its 2 hours max, the faster the better. But then again not many writers put their 7 colored pieces on trains.

>> No.1726040

Start by drawing Arial Bold 20 times, then start deforming it.
Dont trace.

>> No.1726757
File: 2.32 MB, 2895x2427, Sakon014rw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye its S-A-K-(Onormally but fuck O´s)-N and the 78, both of u r right i just got not much time to sketch because work.

So its mostly freestyle.

>> No.1726769
File: 1.61 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique my shit? And yes I write anon, was an edgy kid when I started and the name stuck

>> No.1726785
File: 1.24 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here's a 5 minute quickie

>> No.1727087
File: 1.62 MB, 1936x2592, 1399821929479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not bad but u should work on ur A

>> No.1727206

oh god here we go...
circle jerk, incest, etc.

>> No.1727230
File: 12 KB, 410x500, self-portrait-rembrandt-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graffiti - garbage produced by a major cultural and artistic void from the lack of funding and respect in the arts by the government and the people. Folks, this is the shit we get after we've been denied the art of the masters for too long - we get garbage artists with money influencing kids today into believing what they're doing is "complete" art. It's all self-serving horseshit and incomplete forms of art, and it's all thanks to the idiots from above for not giving art respect by giving it patronage - art is left in the hands on idiots who could have been able to create better art if they're not so infatuated by graffiti crap.

Look how the best graffiti artists are fine artists themselves, or had dabbled into it in order to push their creative boundaries. Don't stick with graffiti alone - it's an insult to your own absolute potential. If any of you are going to bring up Basquiat - don't. He's born a fine artist, unlike most dolts out there with nothing (or only immature shit) to say with their art.

>> No.1727242

Everyone has those desires, you baby. But all you're going to think about is "ME ME ME ME ME!" LOOK AT ME IMMA REBEL! I DO BAD THINGS AND CALL IT ART!!

Your mom should have used a hanger up her cunt when she was pregnant with you.

>> No.1727279

Someone might pay 40,00 dollars for that.
Instead we all did.
Now every ones happy. Except you, faggot.

>> No.1727411

I second this.

>> No.1728726

Thanks, letter structure wasn't really a main focus,got new paint and wanted to see what kind of fill I could achieve

>> No.1728731

>actually believing this
>being this disconnected from reality

>> No.1728750
File: 51 KB, 497x708, 1902721_636570406408554_343434703_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easier to fool someone like >>1728731 than to tell someone they've been fooled all along.

>> No.1729103

Man, it seems 80% of the people on this board are extremely nasty, overly critical, and counter productive. If you don't like graffiti and are complaining about how "shitty" it looks, then buff it out yourself or start raising awareness in your hometown. Don't just come onto an online image/chat board to talk down to people who come here for legitimate critique. Yes, a lot of graffiti is unpleasing to the eye, but this comes from kids who go to the Home Depot and buy budget crap cans and don't invest in it as an art form. ooOoOoo there I go calling it art... The guys who invest in quality paint, practice at home, and paint on legal walls are creating some really cool shit these days in a public forum and inspiring the younger generations to try making art themselves, just like the OP seems to be doing. Just like him, you all started somewhere in your respective disciplines, and I guarantee you sucked when you did. Apparently everyone on this board is a master in their discipline, a true authority on art. We should all listen to you, I am sorry for blaspheming. I repent for my sins!

>> No.1729111

We're supposed to respect and acknowledge the one discipline where vandalism and defacement/ destruction of property is the norm? Fuck you.

>> No.1729122

You don't have to. I never said you should.

I still bet you sucked when you first started making art though, huh.

>> No.1729279
File: 475 KB, 500x600, tumblr_mthayrvSZz1r4hhzeo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With overgrown babies like this guy >>1720733 representing it, it will be as respected as people respect a crack whore with a meth face.

>> No.1729283

I'm a different anon, I just interjected because you were spouting shit. I made my point, you ignored it.

>> No.1729355

>NEET fuckwads find joy in destroying public property

Do you even know what a NEET is. NEETs dont go outside and by the way they are all as conservative and butthurt about muh quality life as you are.

I dont really like graffiti, it looks just the same all the time. But I like when its some clever painting or some shoutout. When it has a meaning.

You fucfktards will say thats just edgy shit and yes mostly, but I rather have some people questioning something, even if its illegal.

Its shit when not done properly and and when its done on some nice old buildings or something that shouldnt be sprayed on because of respect.

>> No.1729359
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x2448, CAM00034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time drawing on a wall, mostly I just do shit tons in my sketch book, been at it a little while.

>> No.1729365


>> No.1729366
File: 922 KB, 2048x1536, Foto0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little sketch I made some time ago.

>> No.1729371

Honestly I can appreciate that graffiti has some artistic merit (when not vandalism) but it just seems to be the teenage boy equivalent to how teenage girls are with anime.

>> No.1729692 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 1024x711, Marina Ginesta, a 17-year-old communist militant, overlooking Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War, 1936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take what you want from it.

Critiquing is fair game.

If you want to edit it in your own way or use your own ref, go for it.

>> No.1729701

NEET is just someone who doesn't work or go to school
there is plenty of normalfag NEETs

a hikikomori is someone who doesn't go outside

>> No.1730145

Actually, I live in Carlisle (England) which is about as NEET as cities come. There is fuck all graffiti, it's depressing. I love Newcastle and Glasgow because the graffiti livens them up.

>> No.1730178
File: 120 KB, 474x528, 1390011816440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps you masters of the fine arts can court yourself a young lass by means of showing her your anatomically correct drawings of mlp figures? when the deed is done and she looks on in approval a simple tip followed by a "m'lady" as you walk to your anime drawing class is a sure way to get her dtf.

>> No.1730181
File: 300 KB, 800x704, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fine art


>> No.1730190
File: 52 KB, 474x528, 1400180788248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe if I sneak around at night like a filthy drug-addled degenerate and shit all over public property with my gay nickname I'll finally score

Stay delusional fag. Keep huffing those paint fumes buddy, at least your mom might think you're edgy, lol

>> No.1730346

I see someone is upset they missed their nude male modeling drawing class today? fear not friend, at least you will be able to use that worthless art degree as toilet paper if you are one of the art school grads fortunate enough to land a job at starbucks.

>> No.1730376

Are you arguing that grafittifags have better job prospects?

>> No.1730496
File: 503 KB, 800x704, 1400180937710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is wrong with this legs?

>> No.1730517
File: 122 KB, 678x904, VonBerg_1396875365-678x904[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck does every graffiti thread has to be started by a toy faggot.
Makes me want to join the side of the retard who argued about tax dollars.
I would gladly defend graffiti, but not with these toy faggots by my side.
If I have to start, though, I would just point out that the drawing on public space is just a result of not giving a shit. I don't need to tell you art people that beauty is subjective (except for OP's faggot crap shit). So, if I find my letters to be beautiful, i will go and paint them on the wall. Because I like the wall better that way, and there's no one stopping me from doing it. There are consequences, however, and I'm willing to deal with them.
Advertisers didn't pay ME to display there, sometimes very bad stuff on billboards. So, why should I pay anyone? It's PUBLIC space, it's not MAJORITY VOTE WINS space.
Also, /ic/s lack of knowledge of all things graffiti really scares me (and has been for the past 4 years). I really urge you guys to make some friends in that world, because faggotry like OP presents a really distorted picture.

>> No.1730518

Pretty sure having an art degree is more marketable than a parolee.

>> No.1730579
File: 269 KB, 800x704, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1730625

haha why did you give him buffed biceps

>> No.1730627

Lifting for the lord

>> No.1730673

not all public space is state property.

moreover shitting in public should be acceptable as well, if we follow your reasoning.

>> No.1730700

Graffiti is shitting in public. It only relieves the guy taking the shit, while others have to deal with the stench. Some become sick at the sight and smell of graffiti/shit.

>> No.1730774

this is the most accurate description of graffiti I've ever read.

>> No.1730811

B-b-but shitting isn't art, muh glorified ugly fonts.

>> No.1730837
File: 31 KB, 500x342, TheBestKindOfGraffiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitting is totally art... I don't like it, but graffiti is art, just like shitting is art. Just gotta know the right people and find the right gallery and you'll be set. I'd guess some gallery in germany would probably be a good bet, aren't they crazy for shaiza? Or should I not trust Cartman's mom for advice on foreign countries?

>> No.1730888

It's Scheiße bro

>> No.1731090
File: 27 KB, 240x172, 3909945060_bb8e4c57be_m[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only the one guy, but the whole graffiti community.
but ok, let's assume that graffiti people are a small group, who enjoy the smell of each others shit..
first, I would argue, that they should, because they want to and they can. Your awesome analogies on /ic/ sure as hell won't stop them.
then, I would point to the one main difference in the way writers see the world. In their (definitely perverted) view, it's not a building with stuff painted on it, it's stuff painted on a building. The same way you don't tell your artist friends, that they ruined a perfectly good piece of cloth, by painting over it. Writers just see every building as their canvas. They truly believe that with their piece (of shit, if you want), it looks better.
Once again, this is a distorted mindset which you acquire through years of doing this shit.

One more thing, I think many of my graffiti pals you do a much better job of doing graphic design of text, than many of the gentlemen arguing here. Cmon, the years of practice, they add up. They can't paint a vase, or a goat, but they sure can bend those letters.

>> No.1731112
File: 275 KB, 640x368, Screen_shot_2011-06-24_at_11.52_.12_AM__640_368_s_c1_center_top_0_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but ok, let's assume that graffiti people are a small group, who enjoy the smell of each others shit..

How kinky, this is turning me on.

>> No.1731758
File: 9 KB, 148x189, 1253232902692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1732458

i'm pretty much a beginner too, but i really would recommend you to work on the proportions.
I don't know if your sketches are similar but your pic looks like you wanted to force a "wildstyle" yet you should start with easier letters. had to learn this the hard way too.

>> No.1732690


thats fucking embarassing but props for at least going out and doing it

>> No.1733155
File: 273 KB, 1155x890, DoublePenetration_1395506119-1155x890[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fucking props, are you kidding me?
2 years sketching, then only can your crap be worthy of a wall.
Don't raise the kids ego for doing something a chimp can do. With such dumbshit props, he'll eventually think he doesn't need to train any more, and it's his "style".
Moral: 1. don't listen to toys

>> No.1733291

is this supposed to look good?

>> No.1733320

you don't find this perfect? you think you saw/can do better?

>> No.1733366

>can't criticize a movie without directing one if your own
>don't like the president? How's YOUR presidency going then?


>> No.1733411
File: 57 KB, 783x500, gBkGRme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i fuckin triple that shit
>too many TOY writers start trying to do >wildstyles without any letter foundations AT ALL

1) work on your tags till theyre respectable and look at respected writers tags and learn from them and not adding stupid arrows and swirls and crowns, even actual fucking kings rarely if ever use crowns
2) work on your throwups till theyre a respectable style and not just a generic marshmellow throwy but something with a good flow and is your own
3) start playing around with straight letter pieces take the letters from your keyboard as reference and just bend and flex them in certain directions but dont overdue it when youre learning just try to make your letters clean and LEGIBLE just cause you try to camouflage the absolute shit out of your piece DOES NOT mean that its good!
4) once youve been practicing your straight letter pieces then you can start experimenting with flexing and bending your letters and giving them more of a flow and adding in your little doodads and arrows and stars and shit and if youre good enough start practicing some characters

id suggest watching graffiti documentaries on youtube like

>> No.1733416
File: 192 KB, 800x680, 123412shae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1733623
File: 2.22 MB, 2592x1936, phillystyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reppin the philly wikket style....

>> No.1733816

T'was a question, lass. I was actually hoping that someone from the graffiti opposition camp would provide me with examples of what they think is good graffiti (pretty sure you have some)

I'm sorry guy, but you're a perfect example of a kid, who did way too much 3d colored wildstyle, without developing a proper handstyle first.
This is backed up by your extremely narrow vid suggestions, all of which are US.
Let me be clear (because this is definitely causing a lot of confusion, since most of you are probably from the US): Graffiti is dead in the USA. You originated it, you defined what it is, there are still amazing people that do amazing things, but for the most part now people can't forgot what it actually was. And now, it's young and relatively fresh in new areas of the world, where people do it for what it is. It's hard to describe, so lookup:
grifters code
stockholm subway stories
can't stop fanatics
and google pixacao
Without a broader mindset, of what you can actually do with letter forms, you'll be stuck in your wildstyle loop, adding a new color, making the 3D pop more. I can save you some time right now: learn vector graphics, it'll get you to that ultimate piece much more faster. Graffiti is in the connection between the wall, the can, and the man.

>> No.1733818

for the love of god, moar.
we just recently started introducing philly styles in our city. It really is something totally unique to the rest of the world. The perfect example of when uninformed people are unable to see the beauty and skill underneath the tag

>> No.1733834
File: 242 KB, 1600x1200, graffiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not into graffiti so i just googled graffiti and this looks a lot more pleasant to me.

>> No.1733846
File: 1.40 MB, 1144x456, graffiti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was a big fan of graffiti a few years ago, used to love the different ways of designing things with tons of canvas all over.

I stopped though because I hate other graffiti writers, they are more dramatic than a 14 year old girl.

>> No.1733848
File: 841 KB, 502x623, bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also from like 5 years ago.

>> No.1733861

that's because the piece you posted has proportions and is consistent.
e.g. the ornaments on the left and right are completely shit as well as the face etc.
the whole letters are completely deformed and seem unstable

>> No.1733862

the second part referred to the piece you were referring to ofc

>> No.1733947

are you fucking kidding me? go up to detroit and tell me graffiti in america is dead. I agree other countries are doing their thing out there, but shit has not stopped in the US just take a look at the freight scene over the past 10 years.

>> No.1733957

Detroit is he ugliest city in America. That chimera mural by Kobie is pretty tight, but the only wall-art worth braggin about in Detroit are the Rivera murals in the DIA.

>> No.1733961

But that being said, I'm not the anon you're responding to and I agree that there is still a graffiti scene in the US.

>> No.1733978
File: 148 KB, 800x531, 931819[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you see, again with the wall-art crap. Graffiti is letters, letters is graffiti. If it's not letters, it's art on a wall. No point in discussing that, it's just a canvas replacement for all your unimaginative crap. What i'm struggling to say, is that i love graffiti also for it's restrictions. You have to work within the constraints of letters. At a certain point you realize, that they don't have to look Arial or Times New Roman, or Cope2ish, but you can do whatever you want with them. Then you realize that your experimentation resulted in horrible crap, which has nothing to do with letters. And from then, it's a lifelong process of finding the perfect balance.
detroit is like one gigantic chill spot. I'm not saying graffiti must be in dangerous locations, but it must be in visible locations (visible to the public eye). From the impression I get, Detroit i populated by factory worker, slowly turning, or already turned into homeless people, and graffiti-tourists. I hate the idea of showing a photo of your piece to everyone, when the wall itself has been buffed, destroyed, or in some shitster. Freights are cool, but Europe does way more and massive stuff on trains (and freights, if they feel lazy), so also dead.
But, it's really more dead in you stagnant perception of style. You just thing that NY bombs, and wildstyle are the endpoint, and there's nowhere to go from here.
Pic related. Meet Horfe. 2 colors. Amazing.

>> No.1734000

looks like shoelaces
mad dope

>> No.1734073
File: 92 KB, 960x720, GANETEXAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not mine but this is a new style I've been seeing around philly, huge several story tall roller pieces taht get accented with cans. GANE and TEXAS have been killin it, I think they invented it

Proud to say GANE went to my high school :P

>> No.1734137

upon further reserach its special cans not rollers

>> No.1734160
File: 162 KB, 960x960, 1383479167078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ sure got hit hard by summer, didn't it?
See you guys in September.

>> No.1734346

holy fucking shit, I'm stealing that D
don't let the door hit you on the way out

>> No.1734355

You only hurt yourself when you samefag summer

>> No.1734469


what is this from?

>> No.1734536
File: 58 KB, 500x368, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving shit about american "3d" panel pieces
>keeps going on about other countries graffiti.. that have ACTUAL 3D graffiti "art" pieces
ie: DAIM
also ive seen vids and docs from europe
and almost all of the subway pieces in places like sweden,germany,paris, etc have really shitty letterforms and most of them look like theyre in between a throwup and a piece and have REALLY saturated fill ins
look at pieces from some uk crews like moas,sdk, etc,

>> No.1734842
File: 997 KB, 1347x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1734853

are graffiti artists the ultimate masters of "drawing from the shoulder"?

>> No.1734864
File: 285 KB, 640x345, peps[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying there are no good 3d writer in Europe. But that's not the European style.

>really shitty letterforms and most of them look like theyre in between a throwup and a piece and have REALLY saturated fill ins
that's what I thought about 6 years ago.
that's like saying that most cubism works are over saturated. We can call this differing tastes, but it's really not. You can only bend the letters in one style for so long. Then it gets old and boring. Wildstyle got boring in the end of the 90's. And since only a bunch of people do it in the US, they don't feel the need to differentiate themselves, to explore new ground, imho.
Meet Peps. Those very new to graffiti would think, well this is a toy. But I hope the experience artists can really see that each line goes exactly where it needs to go.

>> No.1734903

I'm a graffiti artist. I spray the roofs of buildings where no one will fucking see it aside from the occasional construction worker, or keen-eyed passer by, who's craned his neck so far up that it fucking snaps.

I don't want to be seen, I don't want to be heard. I just want to climb buildings and use my spraycans. At my worst, it's like pissing on a fire hydrant, but I'm not competing with anyone but myself.

However. I agree. Don't shit up a public place. Graffiti artists should not shit up public places, or even places perceivable as not shitholes already. So like, that building in the image was probably off of a road somewhere. Someone will see that. Don't spray that shit there.

But then a broken down old hospital? Spray the inside of that shit. You already decided to go in. Hell, I take the opportunity to spray cool shit in places like that. Silhouettes of people on the wall or false-shadows and shit.

>> No.1734910

Why would someone ruin that with the fucking red. Also, I'm pissed that peps did those little black swirls that he did, they look unfinished to the point where it looks like he didn't even do them himself.

>> No.1734951

i like all your weird lingo

>> No.1735184


>> No.1735195

That video is fucking awesome.

>> No.1735349
File: 65 KB, 680x454, grafiti-piesiniai-ant-banko-snoras-pastato-4f97cb3302f05[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graffiti artist
you're doing it wrong. You're wasting your time doing something you don't understand. You'll achieve greater success in other areas of life. go do canvases, if you're an artist, and don't care for your stuff to be seen. And in your spare time, climb buildings
I'm a graffiti write. I love how my tags/bombs/pieces look on public places. I couldn't give a shit more who owns the building or it represents. If I think it looks better with my stuff on it, I'll hit it. Sometimes I'll do a bad job, and I feel kinda bad that I have to look at it. Until I redo it... I guess you realize that the crowds will eventually catch up in understanding the beauty of the letterforms we put out. I'm just not willing to wait for them...
But the swirls and the red stuff are the whole point, you see. I must acknowledge that these styles draw the finest line between genius and bad. The swirls actually add life to the piece. They beautify the scribbles and doodles out of which graffiti comes. The fact that the letters themselves are relatively simple and straight makes for a striking contrast. Unlike in the US, where they might as well print out a piece they did in Illustrator, and paste it on the wall. It's dead. This is alive.

>> No.1735353
File: 39 KB, 680x453, grafiti-piesiniai-ant-banko-snoras-pastato-4f97cb391b98d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1735368

reps for jesus

>> No.1735373

What happens if I grab a can of paint and go the nearest,biggest tag and just paint scribbles over it?

>> No.1735376

The Empire Lifts Back?

>> No.1735391

dude cans are hard as fuck I have really weak shrimpy arms and my shoulders/elbows/wrists get so sore from it

>> No.1735394

You got to love it when graffiti points out how ineffectual it is when the artist can't even be bothered to follow his own command.

>> No.1735400

literally nothing but vandalism

>> No.1735415

Always been interested in learning graffiti. Have a sketchbook n shit, what should I practice with? (letter wise) and how did you pick a "tag". Writers block hitting hard

>> No.1735432

An anonymous graffiti artist in Pompeii said it best.

I'm amazed, O wall, that you have not fallen in ruins, you who support the tediousness of so many writers

>> No.1735455


>> No.1735459
File: 507 KB, 1600x1200, rqwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any tips on how to dry a fresh layer of paint quick to finish work faster?
When ever I try to work in a short time (crowded places etc.) I mess up the lower layers either by smudging them with a covering layer or running paint that's just a bitch to try and fix.
I've considered torching, but I'm not sure how this affects the overall quality of the outcome. Any tips welcome.

t. stencilfag

>> No.1735465

tray to make all the letters at the same size, and try to drew FAST like sharp lines and work only on simples and pices, let the squares help you with the proportions

>> No.1735471

How do you make your stencils?

>> No.1735473

Photoshop stock images or photos of my own drawings to separate layers. Print out the layers on paper. Transfer them to stolen advertisement cardboard with a scalpel. Then just use the cardboard for spraying or (if they get too heavy to carry around)... use them to cut out further paper which also saves me the money spent on printer cartridges.

>> No.1735487

>I couldn't give a shit more who owns the building or it represents. If I think it looks better with my stuff on it, I'll hit it. Sometimes I'll do a bad job, and I feel kinda bad that I have to look at it. Until I redo it... I guess you realize that the crowds will eventually catch up in understanding the beauty of the letterforms we put out. I'm just not willing to wait for them...
your letterforms overwhelmingly represent appeal to lazy degenerate nigger thug culture more than the craft of lettering or type design. i'd rather see shit well worked out in illustrator. i hope someone breaks your fucking arms.

>> No.1735837
File: 405 KB, 800x400, tumblr_n4s8fxLvO51rdbstso1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'd rather
I wouldn't. Hows that for a rebuttal to your weightless argument?
>overwhelmingly represent
pretty sad, if you're an artist, whose views are guided by the overwhelming majority

>> No.1735844


>> No.1735861

If you want to be a graffiti artist, but not a thug, study fonts and the art of letters in general first. You can take things even from just look at the kerning of a word written in Helvetica, whether you believe it or not.

As it stands, you can 'practice' IE: copy whatever you want, but really you don't want to copy text, you want to copy down and study different forms of symmetry and asymmetry + compositions etc. If you want something original, you can bluntly ignore what the current generations of graffiti painters are doing and you can just make up your own font with studied knowledge of composition and shape.

Remember that you'll be fucking destroying your arm + shoulder for awhile when you start practicing, so get used to just two tone pieces for awhile. Hopefully the wall is white and your can is black. Make the best out of what you can and try to add depth with shadows and varied line weights. Contours can be okay, but they're only the start of something special.

I picked my 'tag' by my username. Sadly, for years it's been something along the lines of "Baka", though it's lost it's meaning at this point (not a huge weeb even remotely). Luckily for me, that's only 4 letters. You might want to think between 3 and 5. Granted, it can be as long as you want, but if you want to be able to do more than just a fucking ratty scribble, shorter names can come out faster obviously, if needed.

I would suggest buying a few one-dollar cans of black and white at Walmart and practicing on something with the cans for awhile, just to learn motions (quick, close, and graceful). Stick to the design work mostly in the sketchbook for a little while, because the cans cost mo' dollahs.

>> No.1735888


>> No.1735900

I'm just going to take a second to make a statement outside the confines of this argument (new guy here) -
Illegal graffiti always involves evading the police. But, it can (and does) just involve being stealthy, and long singular sittings in the dark. Great graffiti, great illegal graffiti, takes finesse and great skill. Each stroke has purpose and mistakes are rolled with if not easily or quickly undone.

I don't advocate doodoo poopoo, but graffiti does take time and some police suck cocks + are slow + are asleep

>> No.1735902

I had a portfolio that qualified me for most (if not all) MA art schools. I opted for a 'regular' college, and didn't start spray painting until I was 20 (after a fuckton of traditional art lessons and hour and hours of my life poured into proper art education)

And I can absolutely stand behind the art-school dropout statement. :)

>> No.1735967

Agreed! I've spent hours/days just spotting all the angles of the cameras, the times lights go off in buildings, escape route planning. And that's all prior to actually going out with the gear. Shit takes serious planning if you're not bombing some desolated warehouse somewhere no single person ever goes to.

>> No.1736009
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>> No.1736012
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>> No.1736015
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>> No.1736030
File: 333 KB, 1400x1050, img_7950[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the anti-boring police...

>> No.1736032
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>> No.1736033
File: 479 KB, 1024x773, 5773895500_f4485796bc_b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahah, serves me right for being an asshole ;D

>> No.1736035
File: 371 KB, 1024x375, 3377275351_24f51bea09_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of my favorite writers AWE & HEAT

>> No.1736042
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>> No.1736044
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>> No.1736050
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>> No.1736051
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>> No.1736060
File: 69 KB, 960x575, 10385302_321052604713785_6352710830924524423_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this? 1h30 - 2h sketch, ink and paint

>> No.1736065
File: 51 KB, 960x292, 1467222_264980273654352_1443926462_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't agree with the general public opinion of graffiti making places looking like shit. I mean, how fucking dope is this! Its like a museum! so much writters made their mark, so much different styles, so much colors! It's just beautiful!

Picture is from Hills Blues Cafe in Amsterdam, walls were pretty much different everyday!

>> No.1736071
File: 157 KB, 1595x273, r1wimv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly looks like TOY shit
work on your tags and if you are gonna try practicing pieces do this >>1733411
go back to practicing letter structure asap

>> No.1736075

That was 4 months ago, I did work on my tag, just wanted some feedbacks

>> No.1736509
File: 154 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody wanna rate it ? I dont got any connections to other writers btw.

>> No.1736524 [DELETED] 

you all suck and I hope somebody fucking lights your house on fire... to "express himself" of course

>> No.1736708

that took 2 hrs??
but yeah you really need to work on letter structure, learn what works and what doesn't and have much cleaner, straighter, more assertive lines.

>> No.1736760
File: 67 KB, 511x746, alphabeatz-511-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice flow, Ugly letters. It's just my point of view, there is a lot of thing that i don't understand yet. I can do a piece tommorow to explain my point.
I'll try to devellop my point of view of graffiti and say where i lack of knowledge.
>btw, i've got this french book on how to do graffiti, i can translate some page, pic related.

>> No.1737091


>> No.1737103
File: 145 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one ?
( I know its floppy drawn and ugly tagged, just let me know what you think about the main sketch please )

> captcha: Ngger Bedford

>> No.1737114

The R is much better than in your previous piece, however i still don't get the second letter + I (personally) don't like your X
Oh and the combination of black and pink does not match in this case (too much black/not enough pink)

>> No.1737466
File: 36 KB, 500x318, psycho realm b real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You callin' us hipsters essa?

Where you from foo?

This is 12th street block Big Bad Sur Homie What's cracking?

>> No.1738262
File: 2.63 MB, 6255x1845, spawn_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus its sad when kids like this think theyre ANYWHERE near good enough to lecture and critique others jesus its about as bad as the toy graff crap you see 15 yr olds doing on youtube

here toy something you need to study

>> No.1738630

All of the shit in that image is pretty much deviantart trash tier, except on a wall.

>that video
>everyone will know ur bad and laugh at u if u don't do it this way
>u don't want everyone to think ur a "toy" do u?
Jesus Christ, this whole culture is so fucking lame.

>> No.1738670
File: 13 KB, 259x194, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your tripping saying the american freight scene is dead. just look at any freight writers in mfk, syw, or cdc they're out there killing it. pic related paser, a perfect example of using nice color combos as well abstracting letters.

>> No.1738693

I like graffiti if it's well done art. i hate taggers and faggots who use stencils. they barely require any skill, time or effort. also especially taggers will make everything look like shit. if they could at least use other colors than black or silver or white then it wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.1738695

whats that say? "FAGGE" what is that french?

>> No.1738699

man what an embarrassing post

>> No.1738736
File: 1.28 MB, 3630x981, sadef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

germany back here, 2013.

>> No.1738776
File: 232 KB, 800x360, burny2_zps6937b15b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling MEK and TASTE deviantart trash

>> No.1739380
File: 2.50 MB, 4128x3096, sneak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-is this ok /ic/?
I'm kinda trying to learn how to do this stuff because I personally think it looks pretty neat, but I don't plan on vandalising anything other than a sketchpad

took ~20-30 minutes, for reference I guess

>> No.1739385
File: 226 KB, 1280x1037, teach me plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much mad in this thread.

>> No.1739402

for you

>> No.1739503

dont do such very thin lines in blockstyle, it makes the letters seem very unstable

>> No.1739546


>> No.1739552
File: 128 KB, 610x551, gettinggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that kid can render plants better than i can

>> No.1739562

>mfw no one cares how bad you are at art

>> No.1739640
File: 854 KB, 595x446, 6[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't say that. what i said was freights are easy. especially in you gigantic yards. safer than walls, probably.
to reiterate, graffiti in the us separated into two paths: legal, basically brands, and illegal, in spots where no on e would give a shit if you took a shit on the wall (detroit/freights).
The people who go each path are pretty good at what they do, but there's no mix of extreme rebellion, recognition and product, like in Europe (Radicals, Germany)

>> No.1739642

it's a .gif
one of the best .gif's you'll ever see...

>> No.1739650
File: 19 KB, 367x332, 1399727796756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you kidding me, bitch? fuck off.

>> No.1739659
File: 1.54 MB, 1360x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's my wallpaper

>> No.1739783

I think graffiti/street art has a lot of value to it that's often overlooked. Graffiti, from giant pieces to the annoying "tags" is all important. Tagging, while it may not look as fancy or as high of quality as giant murals is still quite beautiful. It doesn't have to mean anything to be considered art. I mean christ, look at modern art/abstract art. That stuff sells for an insane amount of money and it's so simple and a lot of people don't think it requires any talent, but it does. Graffiti/street art, requires talent.

Another anon somewhere in this thread brought up the concept of advertisements. He's completely right. No one complains about billboards, signs, fliers, TV ads, news paper ads, and all of that other crap that's being shoved down your throat. Telling you that you need to consume consume consume to be happy and be accepted. Graffiti kind of combats that and forces one to look at places they might not have looked before. Forces people to notice things that they may have overlooked previously. Or maybe it adds a new perspective on already existing ads. Gang graffiti is shitty because it's made by gangs. But the majority of graffiti isn't gang related.

I don't know where I'm going. All I want to say is that I think graffiti is often quite brilliant. I love it.

>> No.1739956


>> No.1740081
File: 63 KB, 640x480, sweet_8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

define anyone.
anyone can come up to it and do stuff to it.
the difference is the consequences which society puts on this action. Now, because you can get caught by the police, and then have trouble, this makes you think that this is wrong/impossible to do.
Another aspect of what you said is probably the fact that some other person paid for the wall, and he wants it in that particular way, and I didn't, so I don't have no choice. This makes perfect sense in the society we live in, rich people are smarter -> we trust their choices better -> their vision of what will be beautiful on that wall is more inline with society than mine (not trying to be sarcastic, I approve of this kind of function of money).
But I like that wall better with my doodles on it. I take my paint, and do my stuff. I know of the consequences, and am willing to deal with them.
So, the wall might not by anyones, but the visual space definitely is. No one paid me money to look at this stuff, nor did anyone ask my opinion (disregarding the notion that we vote with our money). So if I don't like it, and I can change it, I will.

>> No.1740095

that's some stupid shit.
>Another anon somewhere in this thread brought up the concept of advertisements. He's completely right. No one complains about billboards, signs, fliers, TV ads, news paper ads, and all of that other crap that's being shoved down your throat.

you know what the difference is? ads actually lead to something if you are interested in them. whereas graffiti is fucking USELESS and only serves as an "ad" your shitty ego. not to mention it usually looks way shittier and out of place than billboards and ads.
if you talk about "shoving down our throats". it is pretty fucking clear which one is worse.

>> No.1740106

>wannabe freedom fighter
>"i'm a rebel!"
i don't even want to start writing a retort for all this crap
you're too dumb to live.
please do me a favor and kill yourself.
i hope you're still in your teens, otherwise i'd feel really sorry for you.

>> No.1740164
File: 56 KB, 595x446, taps_moses_cross_mtn_graffiti[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 24. And I yes I think I am a rebel, by definition. Meaning, i'm not doing the stuff to be a rebel, but i'm doing the stuff I do, and you categorize that as a rebel. Is it so hard to believe I actually don't give a shit? :D

>> No.1740173
File: 48 KB, 500x316, tumblr_n5b3dkxspv1rlnrpro2_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by that logic I guess you're against real artists doing real artwork on the side of buildings, without product tie ins. Because it doesn't lead to anything, right?
You now can say that it leads to you greater appreciation of art in general. To which I would reply that graffiti does the same for many of us.
There's a ton of shit on the walls, I'll admit that. That's why it would be great if most of you people, who consider yourselves artists, could distinguish the good from the bad.
I actually thought that art people tend to be more open minded, until I started posting on /ic/. Goes to show you that professions and hobbies never imply a similar mindset. That's why /b/ is the best board...

>> No.1740184


>> No.1740228

that's very interesting. Didn't think someone would have an opinion. You're pretty brave to express yourself like that on the internet. My mom told me to be careful with that, but I guess you're one of the cool kids.
As long as I have you... not that I ever had you, mind sharing your opinion on the following video montage:

>> No.1740252

bump that att shit

>> No.1740564
File: 62 KB, 720x516, tumblr_mzny6b1mBk1rkapa5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]