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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1700779 No.1700779 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ic/. I was wondering what things you've noticed men and women tend to do differently in art. I mean there's the obvious subject matter things like teenage boys draw dragons and shit, teenage girls draw bishounen manga, but more fundamentally and in adult and professional artists, what have you noticed?

Apparently women are less concerned with accurate perspective.

>> No.1700781

nice feet.

>> No.1700782

women draw tumblr noses

>> No.1700785


women are more into stylized animation visdev, like you would see in a disney/pixar/dreamworks art derpartment.

guys are usually more into realist, technically proficient and usually also tech-design-heavy stuff a la jaime jones, vaughan-ling, long, etc.

very very roughly speaking.

>> No.1700788

that womens that draw tend to be fucking dykes... That at least in my own experience.

>> No.1700794


I was going to say this! They can't get enough of that shit.

>> No.1700795

Is this a troll

From what I noticed, teenage/young-adult/tumblr/anime boys and girls tend to draw cute boys and girls for muh libido.

Older, I tend to see women dedicating more to colour and gesture and men to more environments.

>> No.1700798

there's surely a lot of overlapping. it would probably be a bit difficult to guess the gender of the artist of some random piece. there is probably less of a difference than what there is a difference between male and female artists.

>> No.1700807 [DELETED] 

I think that women are less likely to hole themselves up in a basement for years, living on ramen, to make their own film/game/whatever, or pursue self-study. Or quit their job and go on tour with a band in a car with no money.
Maybe our society discourages women from taking risks or something.
Men seem to be cooler about sacrificing everything in pursuit of mastery, often choosing the most difficult disciplines. Personally I think it's a very noble thing to do.
Not to say that there aren't a lot of great female artists, just generally speaking

>> No.1700814

female artists tend to either be unskilled or unattractive. pretty girls have too much demand for their social time to spend the long hours inside alone needed to acquire real skill.

this is why there are so many more talented male artists than female; boys are more likely to be social outcasts with nothing better to do than live like NEET art hermits. And why the really badass female artists like janaschi, Saskia, etc. tend to usually be chubby butterfaces (although janaschi has lost some weight recently...).

inb4 whiteknight/uggo nerd rage

>> No.1700817


mind blown at how accurate this is.

>> No.1700818
File: 375 KB, 1200x600, spitcastle (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say on a professional level you probably couldn't tell the difference. Say if you were to compare female and male works that are similar conceptually (e.g. a female stylized work vs male stylized work). on an amateur level though there are some aspects that you could pick out and be able to put a gender to the artist.

though I assumed the tumblr artist who drew these comics was female but they turned out to be male, and not the "tumblrtransotherkin male".

>> No.1700819


At the risk of turning this thread into /r9k/ does /ic/, I would tend to agree with this.

I find it sad that it seems so much unlikelier that girls will form a skill or develop and enduring passion for something. I suppose they aren't really praised for skill and expertise in the same way men are. It's seen as an un-feminine thing to do.

They get a lot more praise for being beautiful and ladylike. Depressing.

>> No.1700824
File: 96 KB, 849x553, 1397166154953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks pretty female to me.

Anyone like the soundtrack to A Clockwork Orange? It's a classic and brilliant soundtrack and I enjoyed it for a long time before looking into who arranged it: a composer and early electronic music pioneer; Wendy Carlos.

"A grill?" I asked out loud, "M-muh privlujj."

Turns out she was born Walter Carlos.


>> No.1700831

Wow. I was afraid this thread would be terribly sexist the moment I saw it. but it's unfortunately very true what you're saying.
Successful females are normally born in successful non-hillbilly families that support their ambitions and intelligence, which is rare.
Others rely on their looks, as they were told to when they were young. All women have to do is be pretty and obey. That's pretty disgusting.

>> No.1700834


It's perhaps equally disgusting that men are considered worthless for not being successful. That's what men need to liberate themselves from.

I've spent a lot of time on /r9k/ and when the people there go on about how women "live live on easy mode" and don't have to work to get by, they're right in some ways. But they're missing the opposite side of that coin. And the thing is, it's typical of the type of jobless, no prospect, no ambition guys who hand out there that they would want that life. They see pretty women getting married to rich older men and that's basically what they want. A free ride.

But with less asked of them, women also have less freedom. If this belief makes me a feminist, so be it.

>> No.1700842

>let me tell you about your gender

>> No.1700843



>> No.1700845

I love clockwork oranges ost

>> No.1700844
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>> No.1700846
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>> No.1700850
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>> No.1700859

Is it just me or are the forms at the bottom of those columns completely fucked up?

>> No.1700860


>> No.1700862

Just you.

>> No.1700866
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>clockwork oranges

>> No.1700872
File: 51 KB, 226x242, 87654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1700873

dudes usually draw porn of girls being fucked by disembodied penises
if a girl draws porn she'll include the guy

>> No.1700876


>> No.1700875

I think homosex from both genders are better artists. Both faggots and dykes are better than straight artists. I don't know why.

>> No.1700877

When looking at comics and illustration there are several things girls do:

1. Disney Face. They like drawing expressive cartoony faces that look as if designed ready to express someone with bipolar
2. Dress up. They like to dress their characters in a fashion forward sense. Clothes and accessories fall on the body.
3. Coy-i-fy everything. Every character or object is drawn to look coyful. Its all done for attention.
4. Colors schemes are keyed by temperature. If something is bright, the other colors are tinted to look warm. Green is always the decider.
5. Flat contours. Contours are usually very flat looking. Volumes rely too much on cross contours to fool you.
6. Mechanical avoidance. They don't like things with lots of tiny rigid parts moving. It annoys them for some reason.
7. Me too, angst. Personal drama and sexual angst are always the subject of every thing they work on.

>> No.1700879

art is not concept art you idiot
that you don't see women drawing pimp girls and robots doesn't mean they aren't doing art with other concepts
stop being underaged, grow up already

>> No.1700880
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>> No.1700883


Well that was certainly... thorough.

>> No.1700884


very accurate.

>> No.1700887


>cross contours

Was is?

Do you mean harshly juxtaposed planes rather than smooth, more natural contours?

>> No.1700893

this topic.
my entire life experience in working and uploading art online has resulted in my again and again being assumed to be male. never bothered correcting anyone, because gender wasn't what i came to discuss where there were much more interesting art convos to be had.
all of my female friends who have worked professionally in the art field have studied exactly what our ic sticky will tell you to study. many of our users here in ic are females, many are males. we're all studying the same things in the same ways, bar our individualized study habits.
i've learned from experience to never assume gender anymore when i see someone's work, because i'm right 50% of the time and wrong the other 50%.
many of my more skilled art friends who work together generally produce things which look as if they could have been produced by the same person, since they learn from each other, too. they're about half male half female, and they all draw pretty much exactly the same subjects too, because they're all into the same video games in their free time, and like to draw the same characters monsters and things.
(by the way, just to op, some of my favorite art books are those dealing with perspective, and i read reread and rework them for fun, every few months, if i think i'm getting rusty. all of my art friends do this too, of both genders. so yeah. whatever the case, will always try to keep enough of an open mind so as to not discount what those on the other side of the fence are saying. don't know what else to say.)

>> No.1700897


Tis an awesome thing to see.

>> No.1700898


yeah, but post some of your work, and watch how it fits the stereotypes.

another stereotypical female trait: excessive political correctness and always looking for compromise: "i'm right 50% of the time and wrong the other 50%. "