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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 190 KB, 1556x915, way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1700452 No.1700452[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

wtf is this shit /ic/ ? Did that nigga just steal Chhug ?

Is it ever coming back or RIP ?

>> No.1700456

I was about to tell you you're an idiot and need to learn to spell, but cghub is seriously gone. What the hell?

>> No.1700461

learn to spell because of one wrong letter that is right beside the right one on the keyboard ? damn, you must be bored.

RIP cg

>> No.1700467

CG Hub is kill.

Only time will tell if this is permanent or not, though I have asked a few of the prolific posters there and they seem to agree that it's gone for good. Which makes sense given that they were running into financial troubles, and had to resort to the CG-Pro service.

On the flip side, maybe it'll be a breath of fresh air. People will stop trying to be the artists they see on the front page all the time (Mostly legend of the cryptids style work) and produce some more original works.

>> No.1700469

Holy jesus no!

>> No.1700474

>though I have asked a few of the prolific posters there and they seem to agree that it's gone for good.

I have asked even more prolific posters and they all seem to agree that I should tell you to stop spreading retarded bullshit.

>> No.1700495
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, Senki-Zessho-Symphogear-G-5-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd shrugged it off as them not being able to keep it up, server problems, or being hacked.

Then I noticed their facebook page is out of commission too.

>> No.1700496
File: 424 KB, 500x653, 1366541219073.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, does it have to do with the Heartbleed thing that's been going around lately?

>> No.1700498

I seriously doubt they'd just vanish from the face of the internet without as much as giving a simple statement as to why.

>> No.1700504

>legend of cryptids
I don't really like that style, repeatitive stuff witout much variety, girls have the same face, same for guys.

did they even save the content before that ?

guess it's been hacked then.

>> No.1700513

It's card illustration, there are dozens of artists working for them, all need to follow certain style guidelines, otherwise the art would be inconsistent as fuck. still a Ruanjia illustration looks nowhere the same as say a Brad Rigney or Dave Rapoza illustration.

>> No.1700530
File: 1.45 MB, 255x191, shoahbradley.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Feng Zhu didn't buy up CGhub in order to shut it down and direct traffic to drawcrowd

>> No.1700541

I prefaced my statement with 'Only time will tell' I did not yell 'zomg CGhub is dead 4eva!', it may return it may not. I don't know.
I'm only relaying information from other artists.

Stop being so aggressive, what are you 12?

Eh it's samey, but the publishers behind it dig that look and it sells so it's understandable. It was never the most interesting thing on the site though for me.

>> No.1700542

How is that site anyway? I don't really like the look of the layout.

>> No.1700544

wow, visibility is way better here. art mosaic was so horrible on cghug. I used to randomly click on things without even knowing what it was gonna be, ends up 3D 90% of the time.

>> No.1700697

I wonder if conceptart.org will return to its position of prominence now that cghub has fallen.

probably not. why are all these great art sites dying, /ic/? sijun, eatpoo, CA, and now CGHub? If this continues, will we all be reduced to posting sonic fanart on DeviantArt?

>> No.1700729

There's no way cghub is just going to vanish out of nowhere. Someone must have hacked the site or some other shit happened. If the site owner had money problems, he'd have at least tried to get donations or some shit and made a statement about the future of the site, instead of taking it down completely out of the blue.

>> No.1700735
File: 26 KB, 932x694, heartbleed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop living in a cave you fucking NEETS.Put on the fucking news.Heartbleedi s spinning the shitstorm so hard right now,you're lucky that it's just CG hubs.

>> No.1700736

I just read that all cghub users personal information is up for sale on some auction site. suxors. i hate asshole fuxxers.

>> No.1700741


can someone with a facebook account confirm that CGHub's facebook page has also mysteriously disappeared? Because that would seem to indicate more than just a late check to the hosting service is at fault.

>> No.1700742

cghub fb page has been deleted and is lost which means it was someone on the inside

>> No.1700761

I'm missing the joke..

>> No.1700804

its not a joke. cgh has been hacked and looks to be toast. app is dead. fb page is deleted. the site may be gone for good. back to conceptart.org for me.

>> No.1700980

Huh? What data? Cghub doesn't require the users to register with their real name or address or anything else that would be relevant. Why would some hacker auction off random usernames and passwords without any useful information attached to them?

>> No.1700982

Data worth a ton.
The possibilities of what they can misuse it for are endless, the simplest example would be this: now they make bank with a ton of valid email addresses they can sell or send spam to themselves.

>> No.1700985

Nothing of value was lost, DevientArt is still up

>> No.1700988

Has no one on the inside posted anything anywere? No twitter, facebook or blog post or anything at all from some mod or admin who knows what's up? Say what you want about ca.org but at the very least if the site went down, people would instantly know whom to ask for explanations. Does anyone even know who the site owner of Cghub was?

>> No.1700991

except that hardly any worthwhile artist even uses DA anymore, meanwhile almost every pro who works in the industry used cghub. It was the single most global site as well, with tons of asian artists posting work that they otherwise would never have posted anywhere else other than some obscure password protected chinese blog.

>> No.1701018

>Does anyone even know who the site owner of Cghub was?

I think Manley mentioned something once about CGHub being owned by some guys in Eastern Europe. Manley wanted to hire the same web-designer they contracted to build CGHub's layout, but that guy told Manley that the Eastern European guys had specifically added something to his contract about not working for Manley.

>> No.1701021

>except that hardly any worthwhile artist even uses DA anymore
I'd disagree. There's a quite a few great artists posting there, but definitely not of the quantity that CGhub had.

Everything else you're spot on.
>Didn't bother saving my favourite artists' pictures
I do hope it isn't actually down for good.

>> No.1701032

>added something to his contract about not working for Manley.
That's awesome.

>> No.1701035

its total bullshit too.How can people believe such incredibly stupid rumors.It's highly unethical and a career suicide to contract somebody especially a freelancer to NOT do work for somebody else...

>> No.1701040

rumored to be ran / started by blur in la hollywood.

made by company from russia working out of la.

>> No.1701043

not really you wouldn't sell to direct comp etc...

>> No.1701136

the owner of cghub is some dude andrew jones and manely went to ringling with, and some other dude that was a director at blur. here is the whois record for the dude.

Full Spectrum Digital
4205 Cahuenga Blvd. Apt. 210
Toluca Lake, California 91602
United States

Domain Name: CGHUB
Created on: 03-Nov-04

Administrative Contact:
Duncan, Ryan ryan@ryanduncan.net
Full Spectrum Digital
4205 Cahuenga Blvd. Apt. 210
Toluca Lake, California 91602
United States

>> No.1701138

Unlikely as fuck.

>> No.1701139

The likelihood of this being Heartbleed related is slim to none.

>> No.1701140

here is his cghub link...if he had one.

my friend works at gnomon and told me today this guy is the owner. http://rduncan.cghub.com/

the whois record i pulled from the domaintools website. he also shows up as a graduate of ringling along with andrew jones in google search.

>> No.1701141

here is a direct link to one of the cghub domains that shows he is the owner. the cghub domain whois is hidden unless you have a membership on domain tools, but this should work for everyone. t


>> No.1701142

the facebook page has been deleted. if it was heartbleed the facebook page would still be there.

>> No.1701150

here is a link with more recent contact information


>> No.1701155

Did anyone else get refunded their membership money?

>> No.1701156

why is the cgh fb page gone? wha happened????

>> No.1701157

Read the thread.

>> No.1701159

Doesn't any of the officials of cg have twitter ? or any artist ? somebady care to check ?

>> No.1701169
File: 59 KB, 585x481, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this.

>> No.1701171

I asked JM about that at the sf workshop years ago. He said that cgh made the developer promise to never work with massive black.

>> No.1701173

yeah they also said that cghub would be trendy on twitter today, so they know what is going down.

>> No.1701178

I did read the post. heartbleed is not affecting facebook according to news reports. someone had to have gotten into cgh accounts and deleted everything. it is bs that they haven't made any announcement.

>> No.1701187

Fuck cghub and fuck Ryan Duncan. I needed to get into my messages today to get a client email and #########!!!!

>> No.1701190

Anyone ask the moderators what is going on? They have to know.

>> No.1701231


>its total bullshit too.How can people believe such incredibly stupid rumors.


>> No.1701233

really sad to see this site go down. it was the best concept art / illustration gallery on the web.

>> No.1701236
File: 339 KB, 1280x1705, 1397205509591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thankfully i post in many places, a sad day indeed years of posting in a sketchbook gone, almost as horrible as when ca.org went down...

>> No.1701245

who the fuck are you ? gtfo.

>> No.1701246

stay tuned for us anon. you have our thanks.

>> No.1701263
File: 41 KB, 550x306, 2008_wanted_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably a 100% better artist than you'll ever be even if you got 10 life times, cunt.

>> No.1701289
File: 188 KB, 3642x2854, 158010_79f3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that sony projector
stop projecting

>> No.1701299

-stabs him in the balls- i said BACK THE FUCK OFF?!

>> No.1701307

Hopefully more artists will come to /ic/
This place is slow

>> No.1701328

it is seriously unprofessional of cghub to not make any announcement about what is happening. What are they hiding?

>> No.1701369

cghub still works for me i dont get it.

>> No.1701370

its your cache. ctrl return.

>> No.1701432


>> No.1701462

You know what, I'm kind of happy it's kill. I always wondered if I would miss the CGhub train as I did with ca.org etc., but now that it's dead I don't have to worry about that.
New possibilities.
Glad I actually saved stuff from there instead of favoritinng them though.

>> No.1701469

You are stupid as shit if you don't understand why it's bad for everyone that pretty much no decent online art community exists anymore. At the very least, should you ever get good enough to be able to dabble into freelancing, you'll be sorely missing the job list board on cghub, which was amongst the best and most reputable you could find.

>> No.1701483

So where's everyone moving to now? drawcrowd doesn't seem to be a good replacement.

>> No.1701495

At first i thought it was a cordinated hack by jason manley since he vocally hates cghub.

Than i though maybe they were accuired by deviant art. the only website with that kind of dough.

Than i realized there servers and the company who built it was working out of Ukraine and as we know that location is under annexation so wonder if russkys had something to do with it.
i have heard they have taken down some web servers there as well as cable companies etc..

>> No.1701507

You're stupid as shit if you don't realise that it's easier to just send your work to studios, and talk to other artists, art directors and clients like a human being instead of relying on a website to do it for you.

Be proactive not reactive.

>> No.1701513

Any kind of speculation is premature. We'll have to wait for their announcement.

That being said, I'm sure Feng Zhu is behind this.

>> No.1701530

>having options is bad

Yeah, networking is sure going to get easier if more art communities die out, you fucking retard.

>> No.1701535


i really don't see how a major if not the only universal site for artist suddenly vanishes.

>> No.1701554
File: 94 KB, 300x396, feng-jew010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1701697

it was definitely feng zhu. you know how the chinese are with hacking. he hacked doug chiang's style. LMAO. he must have hacked cghub.

>> No.1701701

fuck drawcrowd. fuck cghub. fuck ryan douchelips.. long live /ic

>> No.1701713

hi manley.

>> No.1701740

It redirects me to my personal feed, so it seems it's gone.

>> No.1701742

cghub dies and traffic on /ic/ doesnt increase the slightest, I did register on drawcrowd tho.

>> No.1701745

CGsociety would be my guess.

>> No.1701755
File: 59 KB, 250x461, 1393627499480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1701787

So what's wrong with going back to conceptart.org?

>> No.1701795

well anon kim jung manley communist dictator has tight control over said sight. he also exploits many artist and is essentially the epitome everything wrong with the world.

supporting that site is directly supporting him.

It is with great displeasure we have come to this point but there is no return. Unless someother fag or hopefully committe creates another site i think a majoity of commercial artist will stick to more generic forms of connecting such as facebook tumblr twitter instagram etc..

The problem with sights like CA/Crimson Daggers and Drawcrowd is they are ran and tied closely by the owners name as to profit ie. exploitation of the community for their own gain.

CGhub was more akin to deviant art where it had no visible direct owner unless you were trying really hard and even than the connections were a bit blurry.

>> No.1701800

I'd love it if people did. Manley did some fucked up things but goddamn. Just stop giving him money. That community was fantastic. I'd understand jumping ship if there was a solid alternative but there isn't.

Ah I miss it. Place was on fire.

>> No.1701826

what happened?

>> No.1701834

He essentially closed all borders and controlled the press did unjustifiable stealing of artist profits and enslaved countless people and placed them in work camps. "many of which died." He than secured his borders of North ConceptArt.org and Split from Massive Black and Tad "South ConceptArt.org" during the conceptart.org civil war of 2009-2010 though there were skirmishes before this such as when Marko split.

He has made countless threats to other non hostile comunites and people such as cghub, MB, Tad, saying such things as " i will enihalate you" It will be as if you community never existed etc..

He is essentially a Nazi and Communist dictator of the entertainment and commercial art world.

Having said all this the appeal of the sight is at an all time high as it's still the best option vs Crimsondaggers etc..

I just want a place to take place in part of the community. I mean besides ic which is the only place i actually post.

>> No.1701836
File: 204 KB, 702x678, Ugfdfgdfgn1212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slim pickings.... (pic related)

would you anons donate to restart cghub????

Manley is the bomb, why so much hate all he did was say blizzards art sucks.....???

>> No.1701839

where is this anon? just your local area or what.

>> No.1701844

Honestly the thing that keeps me away from conceptart.org right now is not even Manley and his jewish business practices but how fucking convoluted and impractical the site has become. All this social network bullshit everywhere, those terrible new thumbnail layouts in the sketchbook section... You don't even see how many people currently browse what sub-section of the forums or who is online etc. Just terrible all around.

>> No.1701847

I see your point but i actually think the design is an improvement at least compared to how it was a few months ago.

The thumbs aren't bad at all and i actually prefer it. easier to look at work before you click etc.. + the words are still there. much better for viewing images vs small thumb.

They need to cut about 60% of the main topic threads. No need to have so many fractions of subjects that are essentially the same.

Just hit it with a minimalism bat all around but that will never happen.

The popular thread feature is pretty cool and have seen it work well on previous forums.\

Get rid of the social share bar. no one needs that in 2014 we all no how to copy past links.

>> No.1701864

i stay away from ca because the site loads so slow for me. no time to waste

>> No.1701902
File: 379 KB, 1200x960, sunblastangel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a general search on a popular cg site

Apparently UBISOFT is doing a campaign drive with the aim of hiring 600 people over the next three years

the way ca.org was even 5 years ago was a million times better than this trend following shit....

pic unrealated

>> No.1701948

yeah i keep hearing that. i used to lurk there back in 2010 ish but didn't start getting serious about art until late 2011 really. are you a working pro or just browsing options for the future?

>> No.1702081

a bit of both..... tons of work in advertising at the moment......

>> No.1702109

Hopefully cghub gets its shit sorted. Til then all you fuckers bitching look like the bunch of angsty cunts you are. Go draw.

>> No.1702196

tips fedora

>> No.1702632
File: 278 KB, 880x836, 044_max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I managed to change my host files and go in and manually save all my favorite favorites and compress them into a .zip. Would anyone be interested in them? That was my favorite site for finding awesome art... :(

But yeah I can put the file up on 4shared or something... i-if anyones interested..

>> No.1702633

Yes please!

>> No.1702635

Woot! Ok, i think its just under 200 pics, but ill try and get it up.

>> No.1702644


Aww yiss. Let me know if it works


>> No.1702807
File: 357 KB, 1000x1344, Vampire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its still down randis

>> No.1702814

I'd say he went downhill around the time he made a post explaining how he could have bought a Ferrari with the amount of time he maintained the site and a huge amount of butthurt over how many people were surfing the general forum.
TAD also turned into a shithole and Manley into an even bigger turd burglar.

Also shit like this

>> No.1702843

i don't even want to paint like this, but i took 1 look at my art and i just want to throw my computer away

>> No.1702850

At least cghub took the korean invasion with it. No more halfanime girls on the front page...

>> No.1702858

Almost every piece is in shade of blue and images seem to merge into each others.
They need a border...

>> No.1702873

Thanks, works great!

>> No.1702882

Why isn't the 20 seconds counting down/the website forcing me give them acces to fb/google+/etc,etc ?

>> No.1702889
File: 36 KB, 475x356, obama_no_questions_AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks.

>> No.1702893

I feel like a xenophobe but it really irked me how much uninspired over-rendered eastern art was on that site. Makes illustration feel like a cheap commodity.

>> No.1702906
File: 204 KB, 514x1050, 101_max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your loss broquina...

>> No.1702909

I honestly dont know what youre talking about, haha sorry. All I use the site for is transferring pics I take from my phone to my comp. But with this file I compressed it with winrar and then uploaded it and then hit 'share' and it just gave me a direct link.. everything else is on the site itself.

But yeah, there are about 200 images in there that I manually saved last night which took a good 2 hours. I didnts save a lot of some of the really amazing ones as they were by some really popular artists that you could find in multiple locations.. but whateva. Just enjoy!

>> No.1702913

well...the file was a .zip and it should have been enough, I don't see how dowloading pictures require an .exe file.

also. never, never dowload an .exe file from 4chan, ever.

>> No.1702915

I feel like cghub is taking a steaming stinking shite all over us and are hiding the truth about what is really going on. Complete bloody fucking bollocks all around. Get your head out of your arses you gormless cunts. CGH needs to give us some answers.

>> No.1702919

care to make that into a simple zip file ?

>> No.1702923

How do I do this? Sounds like the site I hosted it at is a pain in the bum. I tried copying the link in an incognito tab and it asked for the social network poop and the timer wouldnt count down. I have the file in a simple .zip, I just need a good way for peeps to DL it, how do I do dis?

>> No.1702925


Randis is a phenomenal painter, but he's also got like 25 years of painting experience. Unless you're in that same weight category, no shit comparing your work to his is going to make yours look bad.

>> No.1702930


that's already a zip file...I don't know, put all your picture in a zip file with Winrar, upload that zip file, profit.

>> No.1702987

Damn. So much drama. Can't people just draw and live peacefuly?

>> No.1703057


Mothafukkas in here griping about the artists who make these sites we all use need to step up and do better if they are gonna run mouth like a bunch a ungrateful beyotches. I am sure none of the pros that make this shit happen love getting haxxed or dumped on but they all seem to keep at it anyway, which is good for me and good for all of us. It has to take some thick fukkin skin to put up with all this troll bullshit, especially when it costs these dudes serious benjamins to have these sites up in the first place. talk about bitin the hands that feed us. WTF.

I got a long way to go to get where Randis and some of u other badasses skillz are. i said my peace. Back to my sketchbook. I'm done here. Lates.

>> No.1703095

later manley.

>> No.1703155

cool if you're defending cghug, but if you're talking about CA then gtfo. I hate people doing art ONLY for profit.

>> No.1703195

well when you put it that way... i keep thinking that the digital art that gets posted here is being made by 16-25 year olds. Every time someone posts a nice painting i think to myself. Oh great she's probably 16 and a beautiful girl like Charlie Bowater.

I don't get jelly I just sink in my chair...

>> No.1703197

lol anon everyone is doing art for profit

i got bills, i want a nice car, i want a pool. And unfortunately My only abilities are drawing and painting. If I were smarter I'd go be an engineer, software developer or stockbroker like the rest of em.

>> No.1703418



Welcome, welcome

>> No.1703420

i wasn't going to comment but you made me SMH. what are you talking about? cghub is a for profit business promoting commercial artists and commercial art almost exclusively. it sells banners and subscriptions. it makes companies pay to post jobs. wtf do you think the entertainment and concept art and illustration industries are? that ain't fine art for art's sake. so by your reasoning, guys like stephan martiniere, ryan church, feng zhu, or the thousand others doing commercial art are guys you hate? can't buy pencils, and a new wacom with rocks and garbage. takes cash for that. I would bet your parents pay for everything.

>> No.1703437

Nothing wrong with making cash with art. Last I checked, being a starving artist sucks balls. All these sites gotta make money. I sold two paintings this year and got my new wacom and laptop. That's what it's all about.

Any word when cgh is coming back?

>> No.1703444

well said. you are following your heart though. that is smarter than most of em in banking or the stock market who just follow the cash and end up miserable. plus nothing keeping you from investing later anyway. my mentor tells me to follow my heart and the money will come. art is just a long road

>> No.1703450


It's never coming back, friend-anon. The light has gone out in the digital art world. Now is only Sonic fanart and amateur mangakas forever.

>> No.1703461

No more CGHUB.

Sad day. Project CGHUB is officially closed.

The reason behind this extremely tough decision is personal and will remain private. It’s absolutely not connected with business or any kind of technical difficulties.
On behalf of development team I would like to apologize to CGHUB users and fans for abrupt project closure and delay with its announcement.
If you have any kind of questions please send them to cghub@shakuro.com . Can’t promise replies to everyone though. CGHUB wasn’t ideal, but we loved it SO MUCH! :*(

Team Shakuro

>> No.1703705


I never even used the site but it is a sad day when a classic webternets closes down.