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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.64 MB, 900x4128, art_improv2low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1700111 No.1700111 [Reply] [Original]

post progress that you have made, or someone elses you find inspiring.

A base can be found here: http://kamaniki.deviantart.com/art/03-09-IMPROVEMENT-MEME-TEMP-148611559

people who never improved are welcome too.

>> No.1700136
File: 1.26 MB, 800x4744, improvement_by_toolkitten-d70w19h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not mine but it's interesting to see progress from 2yrs-30.

I don't think I have kept any artwork from before 10 years old

>> No.1700153
File: 630 KB, 2339x1520, improvementthread_2013_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... yeah

>> No.1700158

Your skill has improved but your font sure hasn't.

>> No.1700159

Doesn't look like you improved at all and you're still in the "muh style" stage.

>> No.1700162
File: 36 KB, 185x185, 1370495682235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1700170

I want to post my old drawings but I can't stop cringing and feel so embarrassed I can't believe I was proud of these before.

>> No.1700171

inb4 I do practice figure drawing, not as often now as some weeks ago but I try to sit down and draw Pixelovely every other day.
>you're still in the "muh style" stage
I see what you mean but by "muh style" I meant that I was drawing those weird ass noses and calling that "my style" now I'm drawing other things (although those are stylized as well)

>Your skill has improved but your font sure hasn't.
I like that font, is it really that ugly????

>> No.1700174

>I like that font, is it really that ugly????

Well, yeah it is annoying to read and you could of picked a better font that isn't such an asshole to my eyes.

>> No.1700176
File: 82 KB, 394x255, 1382556287120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1700186

4chan is 18+.

>> No.1700211
File: 1.07 MB, 1689x629, reach for the stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just posting this because its funny (?)

>> No.1700221

/d/ pls go.

>> No.1700265
File: 1.62 MB, 1682x2000, improvement new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of early 2013 is really late 2012 and some of early 2014 is late 2013, but it's the general progress.

>> No.1700311
File: 7 KB, 228x221, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was at your 12yo level when I was 18
>tfw even after 4 years of practice I never improved much
>tfw how you spend the first 18 years of your life determines what the next 60+ years will be like
>tfw I have no more feels

>> No.1700321
File: 980 KB, 471x363, Good advice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep working hard man, many artists become pros later in life.

>> No.1700323

wat u mean dood ??????

>> No.1700326

>tfw how you spend the first 18 years of your life determines what the next 60+ years will be like

that's wrong though. you know when i graduated school at 18 i thought, "fuck, now i will have to know what i wanna do for the rest of my life". that's bullshit. adults act like you have to know this shit by then but the reality is that at the age of 18 most people have no fucking idea. you just start with something that interests you and see if it works out and it's really not unlikely that you will end up doing something and changing your mind about what you wanna do. when i graduated school, no one i knew had a fucking idea what they wanted to do. most of them still dont.

>> No.1700340

The more time you spend moping about, the less time you're spending on achieving your goals. Don't let age determine shit, fuck age. Fuck age right up the ass and let it know who's in charge.

>> No.1700351

But it's really just human physiology and there's nothing you can do about it. Once you reach your early 20s, your brain begins to lose neurons and it becomes literally hundreds of times more difficult to learn anything. Why do you think society's standards for completing higher education is in your early 20s? It isn't an arbitrary age.

>> No.1700355

i remember you from an old Progress thread, one of your goals was to "stop being gay"
i think you failed

>> No.1700366

Sup detlef, how's the tower life.

>> No.1700369

>it becomes literally hundreds of times more difficult to learn anything
[citation needed]

>> No.1700379

This has been disproved.

It is due to people getting in a rut (doing the same routine everyday). If you do not slack off, the older you get, the better a learner you are, because you acquire good study methods and know how to approach problems.
Look up Robert Sapolsky if you're interested in that kind of stuff. There are also interesting free lectures and conferences about neurology on fora.tv

>> No.1700378


thats not true at all brah. im too tired to type out how it really is, but believe me that you got it wrong.

>> No.1700380

I'm in my early 20's and since I ain't a shithead kid anymore I'm actually interested in learning

>> No.1700387


that about sums it up lol.

>> No.1700392
File: 1.32 MB, 2536x3050, Henri_de_Toulouse-Lautrec_056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh such bullshit...

>Van Gogh
started painting with late 20s. and I've seen his early attempts. he's done the same old mistakes we all did (it's actually quite ridiculous, how quickly he improved)

>> No.1700397

This guy's a troll, don't let him make you feel bad about your age and skill level. You'll only ever get better by doing.

>> No.1700400

That's not true at all though. Van Gogh went to art school at 13.

>source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_van_Gogh#Early_life

>> No.1700423
File: 78 KB, 700x866, feynmanart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about Richard Feynman? He started his art studies at 44, and kept his physics studies while doing that. I wouldn't necessarily call him a GREAT artist, but I think it's fairly evident from his work that he wasn't incapable of learning. :P

>> No.1700429

This. He keeps posting the same drivel every time we have a thread about improvement or something similar. Just a random loser who has long given up and now spends his days shitposting on /ic/, trying to demotivate beginners and aspiring artists.

>> No.1700434


>> No.1700475

I'm not sure about making a progress chart, because my last two years (starting to draw - now) look like this:
>one week of enthusiasm
>one month of frustration
>months of quitting
>repeat ad infinitum
There is improvement, but it's like taking seven years to do a three months' job.

>> No.1700500
File: 778 KB, 4600x2480, sss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much improvement,but i was satisfyed with myself since I had the fear of a standstill.

>> No.1700506

You went colourblind? that's so sad.

>> No.1700548
File: 1.63 MB, 1997x3568, 40review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying my best

>> No.1700594
File: 784 KB, 3500x3500, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2011 - muh style fag jeeping that loop >>1700475
2012 - "lets try to download some good tutorial about how to draw an owl"
2013 - did'nt draw for almost 5 months, but then from nowhere I decided to take it seriously.
Go full traditional and put tablet in exile, start to study anatomy and focus on studying everyday (fail on that)

2014 - became a real man and started to study everyday.
Tablet was in exile since this week, because i was afraid of paiting digital.

sorry I'm to lazy to scan all my crap and this is all that I could find

>> No.1700596



>> No.1700646

sounds like you're overdoing it in your week of enthusiasm and burning out. for your type it'd be better to pace your work, make a stimulating but unambitious schedule, and stick to it. grindan is the key to greatness.

>> No.1700748
File: 430 KB, 850x2760, 03_09_improvement_meme_temp_by_kamaniki-d2gh9ev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably do more than sketchbook things huh. Fuck.

>> No.1700762


Your monsters and landscapes are bretty gud. If you can make your animu stuff look less uncanny valley then you are really on to something.

>> No.1700763


Swiss or Korean?

Also, nice progress, but please drop the anime crap. Its holding you back. Don't be a weeabo.

>> No.1700765

if your goal is animation, I suggest you start doing it. don't "I'll learn it once I git gud at drawing" speaking from exp.

>> No.1700766
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x2262, progress-april-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the first visit to /ic/. I haven't been consistently practicing ;_;

>> No.1700772

You're right, thanks brah.

>> No.1700778 [DELETED] 
File: 1.67 MB, 4000x2000, sortofprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1700789
File: 468 KB, 365x276, walkcycle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But if you just jump into it too fast and fail to grasp the basics like say construction & perspective you are going to just screw up and develop bad habits that you are going to have to unlearn later down the line. One of the animation teachers I talked to had a test for people that was "make a character walk in perspective from one side of the room to another into a door". It was astonishing how many people fucked this up badly and he said that many of the even minor errors that you can get away with in a still drawing will look far worse in animation. A good chunk of students had most of it complete but near the end found that the character was too tall or short for the doorway and had to start over. Total waste.

I'm not saying to not do anything at all for animation, if you are still bad with drawing you can work on things like timing, and squash/stretch at first with the most basic of objects. Just realize your limitations and don't dive into complex stuff if you are lacking in important fundamentals.

>> No.1700792

>Stop liking what I don't like!
>Only draw what I want you to draw!

>> No.1700797
File: 566 KB, 2000x1000, sortofprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1700800
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x3000, improvements_2010-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only really do space art.

>> No.1700802
File: 116 KB, 595x567, 1377104452621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my....what an eyecandy. Inspired, thank you Anon you should post your stuff on Space Elevator threads people would absolutely fall in love with it.

>> No.1700805


Thank you!
This is actually my first post in /ic/, so I'll have to look out for them

>> No.1700812

Space Elevator creates threads on /pol/ around the weekends, you should stop by. One of his most recent threads:


>> No.1700848

Ooh. I like the legs in the "Love is Dead" thing. Can you post your tumblr or that individual image?

>> No.1700849

>that jump from 2011 to 2012

How? That's pretty amazing, man.

>> No.1700856
File: 1.51 MB, 1316x1861, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My progress, more or less. Havent really done drawing / art before 2012.

>> No.1700878

all that talent wasted on ultra mangas.. you make me sad

>> No.1700918

He's drawing what he wants to, how is that wasted?

>> No.1700925


>> No.1700943
File: 430 KB, 2532x838, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animoo incoming
it was scary but i finally made this.
progress has slowed down a lot since 2009, and i feel like there are even instances where i regressed.
it was pretty insightful though

>> No.1700977

I really like your work man, just keep it up (and finish something goddamn)

>> No.1700989
File: 43 KB, 670x468, dragons-crown-sorceress-art-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct.

I always wanted to do animation but I never learned how to draw and it fucked me hard. I would make a rudimentary animation and less than 20 seconds in I'd have no idea what the fuck to do from that point forward. So many failures that took so much time and so much time further wasted in the despondency that followed. Only now that I'm 10 years out of high school am I beginning to draw seriously so I can finally live muh dream.

Learn. To. Fucking. Draw.

I should have listened to Richard Williams when he said as much in "the Animator's Survival Kit".

>> No.1701011
File: 1.19 MB, 2000x2000, Stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously I selected my best stuff for this chart, don't know if that's how we're supposed to do it? Because 80% of the stuff I have from 2013 and 2014 is below the level in the chart.

>> No.1701020

Why is the general narrative to almost everyone's "progress" here is going from fandom drawings of characters to straight copying pictures of portraits, nudes, and landscapes? It's as if the measure of gud is in the change of subject, and how well you can copy a photo. Doesn't it bother anyone else, this gradual sliding into mediocre monotony?

>> No.1701031

>copying pictures of portraits
I agree. Especially bothers me because more than often these artists think they are at a higher level than they actually are.

>> No.1701038


>implying that portrait studies aren't the basis of understanding the dimentions and structure of facial features and form.
>implying you should just turdpolish shitty animu for the rest of your life

this is an 18+ site , kids.

>> No.1701039


In the last two years you've only drawn for 330 hours?

>> No.1701042

Yeah, I'm this guy >>1700475
This year has been good so far though... Haven't given up since mid February.

>> No.1701044


I'm surprised you've progressed as much as you have. Being generous, you only spend 1.8% of your time drawing.

>> No.1701046


Damn, at FZD they draw that much in a week.

>> No.1701048

>implying photo reffed polished turd portraits helps
seems like it, since most artists posting here have improved so much...

>> No.1701049

>copy pictures to be able to copy more pictures

>> No.1701050

Since I selected my best stuff, the chart is probably giving the wrong impression. Most of the time it's a total failure. Except for still lifes. I rarely mess up a still life. Think that's because I started out with still lifes in my first month.
Like, this is the last thing I did >>1700960 and that's also above my average results.

I'm working on discipline...
...and at the moment of typing this, I'm eating chocolate while I was supposed to be in the gym. *sigh*
Baby steps ^^

>> No.1701051

Atleast you are having fun and trying

>> No.1701060

Just cause you can copy something very well doesn't mean you understand, just as well, the stuff that went into the original. And copying portraits doesn't teach you about capturing volume as you might think.

For one you're not translating 3d to 2d--you're translating 2d to 2d. You're not translating real 3d information, that's already been done for you in the picture you're copying. So you're missing the crucial lesson here--translating real 3d into 2d. The problem solving that you should be doing, and learning, is already done for you.

Another problem is that without a formal background you will not be able to distinguish the necessary from the arbitrary, meaning you won't be able to tell what makes the piece work and what was an embellishment. Without knowing the background stuff that went into making the piece, and if you're really impressed by it, there will be a tendency to look at every detail as if they were all necessary. This leads to mimicry and being unable to progress, as well, outside the breadth of your sources.

While it's true in the guild system you copied plates in the beginning. The exercise wasn't solely about learning concepts. It was about conditioning you for the physical act of making art. It was used to distinguish those who had patience and diligence that are needed in completing a piece. As well it was used to spot those who showed some control and accuracy. If you could copy something very well you had promise.

Granted there are those who use copying to "learn" but the truth of the matter they are actually reinforcing what they already know. So it really becomes lesson that conditions and not a real learning endeavor that a new artist would need.

>> No.1701068


if you're too slow in the head as to not think what you're doing while doing a study and just copying,thats your problem :/
Just because you're a retard missing the point of the exercise doesn't mean everybody else is,and assuming they're the same as you only solidifies your retard status to a new height

>> No.1701106
File: 1.10 MB, 2221x2882, progresschart4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting the file size and stuff down and not making everything a blurry mess is pretty hard.

>> No.1701108

Work on foreshortening. Especially that purpleblue fight scene and the dog illustration are kinda ruined by bad foreshortening. Apart from that I like your 2014 stuff though.

>> No.1701109

Honestly doesn't look like you did much in 10 years.

>> No.1701111

Thanks niggahs. Reading these got me thinking hard about my own weaknesses, and what I have to improve before getting into "The Animator's Survival Kit" in earnest.

>> No.1701125

I really hate the dog illustration, kind of wish I never did it to be honest (it was classwork). The purple blue scene is a straight side view of the figures in 3/4 so I don't think there would've been much to foreshorten.

Well considering I mostly fucked around from 04-09 and only started to take it more seriously after that, yeah I haven't done too much. Although I did leave out a ton of work I did as they wouldn't fit in the image size limit anyway.

>> No.1701128

Holy shit that is unbelievable progress. Good job man

>> No.1701129

I've been trying to learn how to draw properly recently, which requires a lot of bad-habit-unlearning which is making the whole thing pretty frustrating. I've been trying to find good anatomy guides, but my brain chemistry is pretty bizarre and I don't learn well unless someone is physically showing me what to do. Ctrl+paint was able to get me to understand more about some of the base fundamentals in ten minutes than most whole artbooks have managed to. I need to see it being practically used and explained to properly understand it, and I haven't been able to find anything similarly in-depth and hands-on for anatomy.

Since you guys are probably getting your nose down into reference materials pretty heavily, do any of you know what kind of beginner stuff would work best with that kind of learning? I've looked through the sticky a bunch, but I'm not sure about downloading every single reference book mentioned in the hopes that one of them works well enough. Loomis' first book was pretty good, but I found the jump from "Circle heads with silly noses" to "Actual people" left me behind, and later guides seem to assume I already sort of know what I'm doing.

>> No.1701135

I miss your 'muh style' from your early tumblr days, it was cute, it would also help to clarify how long between the first and the lost.

>> No.1701154

"Proko" on youtube does a pretty good job. His work is very impressive and his movies are kind of funny even if he does come off as a bit of a faggot, lol.

>> No.1701162
File: 67 KB, 595x400, 1395898875155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 28
>tfw started drawing like a year ago and it's all terrible
>tfw you young people creating such awesome art at the point in your life where I was playing video games and daydreaming
>tfw I've wasted my life

>> No.1701166

Sorry to hear that buddy, I'm the same age.

>did art in highschool and college
>no delusions, knew I couldn't hack it in a professional setting cause no drive
>kept doodling and drawing, mostly crap stuff never tried to get better
>started career
>career relatively decent
>now in a position to work 2 or 3 days a week and be able to pay the bills and live decently
>due to maturity of my dumb ass now possess drive to get better and be able to be committed
>trying to get better now
>might be able to start freelancing soon.
>sometime in distant future may even drop previous career and do art fulltime, but no illusions on that, probably gonna keep working 2-3days a week and arting on the side

Feels good man.

>> No.1701172

Op, I will buy your charcoal drawing of the torso.


>> No.1701195

/v/idya daydreamer here, I started from nothing 4 years ago so I know exactly how you feel. It's never too late, though. Everyone starts off making shit, and the most important thing is to stay positive. While likely good intentioned, /ic/ is horrible for that.

Don't give up.

>> No.1701196

Nigga please, I'm 25 and I started taking art seriously last November. By having the diligence and discipline to be consistent and to develop a critical eye I've improved loads.

The good thing about being older is that you're (hopefully) passed that angsty gaia online phase and you can knuckle the fuck down to concentrate.

>> No.1701205
File: 47 KB, 350x359, 1373214945001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a gif for those of you worried about your age relative to your skill level.
Fuck it, If thats what you worry about you need this one too.

>> No.1701208
File: 1.33 MB, 902x1500, progmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1701219

god damn it man, learn about structure.

>> No.1701220
File: 231 KB, 1499x988, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just my stuff from imagination.
I don't even know man...

>> No.1701225

trying to

>> No.1701229
File: 348 KB, 1600x1200, 1396309573293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know that feel, but don't despair. Ill tell you this

I'm 29, and I only got back into drawing last year. Interestingly enough I used to draw tons from 14~19 but gave up because I stagnated hard because I didn't know how to improve (the big problem was inability to learn fundamentals and recognize what I needed to work on). As of now I have more focus and discipline than I ever did as a teen, heck the fact that you realize that vidya was taking up too much of your creative time is a good first step. Getting gud means time management and cutting away as many distractions as possible.

>By having the diligence and discipline to be consistent and to develop a critical eye I've improved loads.

Cannot stress this enough. With /ic/s sticky, lurking tons, LOOOMIS, and taking note from the harsh but fair feedback as seen in threads, I have improved more in one year than I did in all of highschool. I'm still nothing special, but damn its an accomplishment. I just need to get a scanner to show some work as I work all in pencils.

Another thing is that I have a family friend who started drawing in his mid-30s while raising 2 kids and working as a doctor. He now does phenomenal medical/anatomical drawings. With the right self-discipline, willingness to learn and continually improve you can do it.

>> No.1701230


Have you been drawing or taking courses before 2013? because that looks like a good amount of progress.

>> No.1701235

No, I started drawing during February of 2013, like it says on the chart.
Honestly, I think this chart makes my progress look a lot better than it is. Any drawing that goes well always feels like a fluke.

>> No.1701241

That's wrong though, I started comp science when I was 20 and I was a fucking retard, now at 23 I have a much more efficient way of learning things and understanding better which I'm now applying to drawing instead of going " muh feels"

>> No.1701242

i concur.

it's only true for people who believe in it.

>> No.1701251
File: 327 KB, 1261x983, wolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2007. I was like 13-14. Major wolfaboo

>> No.1701252
File: 648 KB, 1493x1231, 2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2008-9. Still a major wolfaboo but practiced anatomy. I loved (and still do) learning musculature.

>> No.1701254
File: 788 KB, 1396x1375, IMG_2928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2014, 20 yrs old. I don't have anything really recent other than these doodles in my uni book because for the most part I draw very little now. Not a wolfaboo now at least

>> No.1701255

tell me, how can one get so obsessed with wolves?

>> No.1701260
File: 171 KB, 836x1211, body2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I just realized I liked wolves when I was watching a documentary. Then realized they were aesthetically pleasing to draw. So I was excited that I had a new favourite animal (kid logic). Later went on DeviantArt and realized lots of kids my age also loved wolves and drew their own characters and whatnot so that just fed it.

Mainly I'd say DeviantArt and its community is the main reason I ended up drawing them so much.

It's only recently that I started trying to practice human drawing more seriously, but even then I don't really draw much nowadays so it's very slow.

>> No.1701261

I thought that wolf in the upper right hand was very well endowed and particularly excited at first glance.

>> No.1701267


Probably. I didn't omit the genitalia at that age because my favourite artist didn't and it was realistic. I was pretty mature about it.

>> No.1701268

i like your non-wolf drawings

>> No.1701269
File: 964 KB, 1430x795, miracles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send help

>> No.1701272
File: 218 KB, 1072x874, dreambird (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, I do too. I'm more of a bird person now. I was thinking of making an actual drawing of a cockatrice rather than a doodle, but you know, laziness.

Also here's a bird I saw in my dream once.


Cartoony style is lovely, but I think you should definitely stick with improving your realistic anatomy. In the long run it will improve both your realistic and your cartoony drawings.

>> No.1701276

>and finish something goddamn

>> No.1701279
File: 1.15 MB, 1366x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1701356

I know EXACTLY what would work for you. Michael Hampton's Analytical Figure Drawing class. There is a torrent for it on TPB, and it's eight 1-2 hour videos.

He goes through skeletal landmarks, gesture, and then for the remaining 6 weeks it's just muscles of different body parts.

It's probably the best thing for my art that I've watched, and I'm pretty sure it will help you too.

>> No.1701366

wow you resumed at 23?I'll pick drawing again thanks.

>> No.1701419

I only found one file called "CGMW- Analytical Figure Drawing -Michael Hampton pt1". There's no part 2.

Is that what you were talking about?

>> No.1701420

Yes -- It has 8 weeks.

>> No.1701427
File: 10 KB, 259x194, 1932442_520590364724582_126222726_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first and the lost
Pardon me?

>> No.1701441
File: 1.36 MB, 1472x846, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill try this out.
I was not drawing for 4 years before this so I feel really bad because I missed that many years to be able to improve I am now 20.

>> No.1701465


>tfw 28
>tfw I've wasted my life

People under 30 are likely to live to 90+ with higher quality of life to the top end of age, wasted your life, you're not even 1/3rd done.

>> No.1701475

>I was not drawing for 4 years before this
judging by your first 2013 image, you may as well have started drawing in 2013

>> No.1701493

people under 30 generally consider 30+ to be the end of life since that's when aging starts showing

>> No.1701509
File: 809 KB, 811x3984, fasgasgsa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to step up my game.

>> No.1701514
File: 1.55 MB, 1472x846, pencil prog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was alright nothing special when I was younger it mostly looks really bad because I was mouse drawing up until sept.

>> No.1701523
File: 562 KB, 740x4500, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any hope for me?

>> No.1701524

post the one from 2012, the guy in the hood and the frog from 2013 pls

>> No.1701527

yeah man def. really cool you saved all this stuff. most of my shit i never thought was good and threw it away. my mom might have 1-2 saved i don't know.

either way you have a better foundation i did than i was 19/18 well probabbly i don't know i drew different stuff.

>> No.1701537

I like your 1996 work best, I'm not even kidding

>> No.1701540

some good ideas there. i get the feeling that you're not really studying the fundamentals though. study structure and anatomy, don't just draw. just drawing is the mistake that many make.

>> No.1701542
File: 49 KB, 499x718, ANUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1701551



>> No.1701555
File: 256 KB, 2339x1700, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get the full size elephtan for that.

>> No.1701559

You're pretty much right...I don't know where to start.

>> No.1701560

were you raped as a kid anon? because all this blood from anus shit.
also yea, 1996 is the best, try going back to this.

>> No.1701561

lol no.

>> No.1701569

They were probably just a weird kid.
My dad used to draw rabbits shitting and cats farting and all that shit everywhere for me as a kid.

>> No.1701583

seriously though, you might want to check first proko, sycra, michael hampton's design and invention and perspective made easy by ernest norling (i think the michael hampton book is best suited for you right now).
you look like you'll get some "immediate improvement" out of it.

>> No.1701606

>out of anime stage
>into dragons and boring wanna-be-realism

i will laugh myself to sleep tonight

>> No.1701620

Hurts my feelings. If you read the last column it says I can't draw original stuff, so why kick me while I'm down?

>> No.1701623


>> No.1701622

don't mind him, he's just butthurt because you strayed from animu.

>> No.1701624

Quit being a baby, you big baby.

Go do some, I dunno, alternate universe fanart for a series you like or something. Piggyback some originality onto an unoriginal source as training wheels for branching out and making your own stuff.

>> No.1701637

Thanks ill try

>> No.1701643

Got any more advice for becoming more imaginative with art?

When I'm in bed thinking about things, everything looks (somewhat) unique and very cool but when I get down to business to draw, shit turns generic and terrible and I'm blank again.

>> No.1701648

You just need more skills to be able to communicate the images in your head

>> No.1701676
File: 2.28 MB, 2000x2400, Progress chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quickly made a pic of my progress. The 2010 stuff was all before I started doing digital art in early 2011. The stuff on the right is all from summer 2013 - a few weeks ago.

Im not a nazi btw. I was working on a project about the third reich ressurecting with a friend back in 2010-2011.

>> No.1701677

>Im not a nazi btw
I don't think anyone here cares what your art is of as long as it's gud

>> No.1701692


What's that in the guy with the bomb's mouth? a dart? a cigar? a miniature space rocket? I really can't tell.

>> No.1701694

try drawing not fit people, you're making everyone so strong

>> No.1701696
File: 62 KB, 630x420, bombe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's the fuse that 18th century grenadiers used to light their grenades with. I just thought it looked cool (see pic)


Will do! It used to be a lot worse tho, as u could see on the 2010/2011 art where everyone was on steroids.

>> No.1701718
File: 2.50 MB, 2000x1283, 2011 was 2 years ago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this thread and thought to myself that it's been a few months since I've last drawn. I checked the date on the last thing i submitted on dA and it's a little over a year.

>> No.1701724

you dun goofed than. nazis have more fun.

>> No.1701739

>wallow in alcoholic depression because "teh jewz make life too hard"
>march around in uncomfortable uniform, carrying a heavy stick
>live underground in a stuffy bunker and eat vegetables
>Jazz and other fun music is illegal, listen to Vag-nor instead
>Russian Winter = Nazi vacation

Sounds like fun to me.

>> No.1701757

Welp! Time to destroy my self-esteem!

>Age: 9-11

Never forget.

Also, great progress.

I think I used to follow you on DA. I love your stuff.

You have a great sense of humor. I do see some issues that I can't really spell out, but your coloring is a bit muddy.

Good work, though.

>> No.1701777

>now your starting to get it goy.

>> No.1701803

I'm sorry but I don't think it's so amazing, it's just photoshop brushes and textures.
This tends to prooves one thing about /ic/: you only find great what you already know, what's in your confort zone.
You're not an "art" board at all.

I hate weaboos but the singapore guy got way less good feedback on his stuff (who was great, even if it's "anime/manga") while this guy is "amazing" to you ?
What the fuck, stop being such fucktard kids influenced by call of duty artworks you morons.

Learn 2 art.

>> No.1701802

Absorb things. Build a base of stuff you know. Actively seek out the new and interesting. Nonfiction books are your friend here - hit up used bookstores and you can get stuff like great big photobooks on things like Byzantine architecture of European folk dress or the lives of sloth bears for like 2-3 bucks a pop. Pick books that interest you (first priority) and have good pictures second.
Go through them, see what you like, and start drawing. Don't try to recreate the pictures. Use them as a starting point. Make composites. Change things about them. Use them as a backdrop for something you've created, or as a foreground element to a backdrop you've created. Remember what you like about the books. Add them to other things. Have fun.
Straight text books are good too, but for a different type of practice. Find old books with good descriptions. I've found history books and compendiums of lore, dead religions and folktales are good. I especially like books of seafaring lore. Take those, read those, and start sketching. Visualize what they describe. Try to put it into form or scene. Change it. Add to it. Introduce your own ideas within the framework that the book provides. Have fun.
But the most important thing you can do of all, the absolute 100% most important thing you can do, is don't get attached to the image you've created in your head. Unless you are one of the top artists on the planet, you're not going to get there. Accept it. Let it go. If you just can't get the pose right like it is in your head, change it to something you can get and move on. Even if it doesn't look like you visualized it. Be prepared to start out with an image in your head and end up with something totally and completely different. Never, ever marry an idea. Love them and leave them. Elsewise you'll spend your life frustrated over pieces that you'll never get completely right.
Creativity has to be nurtured if you want it to go anywhere. Go out and feed the beast. Have fun.

>> No.1701811

Marry me.

Saved this to read when I'm feeling down. Thanks.

>> No.1701822

godfucking damnit.

>> No.1701827

/ic/ let me down easy here, is it possible to learn to draw? like if you're really shitty with enough time spent drawing can you eventually become decent?

I was talking to a friend whose an incredible artist and he told me that its just something he always knew how to do, its not something you can really learn. And I thought about the fact that I play a couple instruments and although, im not crazy great and it took work to become okay, I've always had a sense of rhythm and been a fast learner, my piano teacher had me improvise some bs and although some of it was random and a little off key, I was completely on for the most part which is something he claims a lot of people come in and cant hear pitch and tone correctly at all

I just wanna be able to draw some shitty original anime characters here and there

>> No.1701829

I thought the same thing.
I had the courage to learn how to draw only after I realized I could do two things:
> Learn how to play guitar on my own
> Learn to discipline myself through weightlifting
Both of which I was able to witness quick progression in.

I kind of realized the only thing stopping me from progressing was my denial and my shitty attitude. Like music or lifting, you have to keep at it. Chords are hard and you may not be able to bench a bar, but you just need to keep pushing.

This isn't written in the most romantic way, but I hope you get it and I hope you draw those shitty OC anime characters because one day they'll turn into decent OC anime characters.

>> No.1701830

Just check out a few of the charts here, or google Mindcandyman's sketchbook.

Whether you think you, or think you can't, you're right
- forgotwhosequotethisismaybeit'schurchill's

>> No.1701833

Think these are example of people who started from zero and went to "it's something"

>> No.1701835

it's fucking possible. I'm training my non dominant hand right now starting with loomis just to fuck with these smug little fuckers in /ic/ that you can't improve shit.fuck.

>> No.1701837

Thanks guys appreciate the help

>> No.1701852

the year of loomis

>> No.1701884

what kind of mentality should I have if I want to improve?
lately, I've been really lazy and sugarcoating myself like stylizing instead of realism and not practicing core fundamentals. I also have a complex of not wanting to feel any pain preventing me from actually learning how to draw.

>> No.1701894
File: 804 KB, 1361x3324, compilation 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt include studies.

>> No.1701926

Woh woh woh...is that last one a wizard chiseling that giant statue but with a little model?

>> No.1701931

Its Hephaistos. The effects on the little statue affect the big one. I did it for the Crimson arena contest.

>> No.1701943
File: 2.62 MB, 700x4437, 8563434532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm more recognisable these days since my style has become a bit more consistent now.

>> No.1701950

time to put on your given-up-on-life pants or get some zoloft

>> No.1701972


>> No.1702001

>higher quality of life
lel, are you paying attention to what is actually happening in the world? with the widening income inequality gap, the majority of people on this earth will not be able to even afford any kind of basic healthcare in a few decades and the toxic environment we continue to create for ourselves is shortening our lifespans, not increasing them. the only people who will actually live into their 90s in this generation will be an increasingly smaller super-wealthy elite, and I guarantee nobody in this thread will ever be in that class. the term "middle class" will not even exist in the english language in the year 2050.

>> No.1701999


>> No.1702010


only applies to the us lel.


u mirin free healthcare? HAHAHAHA stay jelly amerifat

>> No.1702025
File: 375 KB, 400x300, 1393276633403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it's really just human physiology and there's nothing you can do about it. Once you reach your early 20s, your brain begins to lose neurons and it becomes literally hundreds of times more difficult to learn anything.
What a moron.
I started to draw at 25. As well as other artists who get wrong jobs and left it to draw. Now may be im not super-professional (yet) but sure its not THAT hard for me to learn...in fact. It's easy and fun.
>he actually don't know the amount of artists who become better after 30
You sound like a veeeery young person who observes only stuff like Tumblr where mostly 14-18yolds being artists.

>> No.1702075

does anyone have dots and tehmehs improvement images?

>> No.1702077

sounds like excuses to me.

>> No.1702097
File: 152 KB, 866x923, Progress Chart (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is tehmeh. Who's dot?

>> No.1702099

Some people can never learn good composition.

>> No.1702101

Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my guns, Van Halen and freedom.

>> No.1702114

not same guy as >>1701803 but he's right you know

It looks like majority of it is just textures and digital manipulation

>> No.1702120

As funny as your comment is, that's one year into his progress. It's been five years now, have you seen his new stuff?

>> No.1702122

Dot is http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php/105915-Oh-god-how-did-this-get-here-I-m-not-good-with-computer

>> No.1702125
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1808, 1349830870554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's dot's improvement

>> No.1702126

Does anyone have Marek Okon's? Shit is ridiculous.

>> No.1702131

>Who's dot?


>> No.1702132


I used Paint.Net for that, not Photoshop (although it doesn't really make a difference.)
There isn't any way I ca justify myself here. On the last (2014) one, the clouds and satellites were the only stocks I used. The rest of the textures were either made by me beforehand or newly created.

Every now and again I record myself doing them - which I did for the image of 2 people sitting - if you want to see it.

>> No.1702136

Has there ever been an era when more people had access to healtcare than now? Or access to clean drinking water? Or when a smaller percentage of the global population was starving?

>> No.1702138 [DELETED] 

I'd love to see your first year improvements that showcase some masterful understanding of composition. What's that? You don't post your art here because [...]? Oh, alright than.

>> No.1702143

Oh, I actually have quite some of his stuff i my inspiration folder. Including that progress chart. Never bothered to look up whose art it was.

>> No.1702145

well in real numbers, yes. they say 1/3 of people are starving atm. 1/3 of 7 billion is like 2.3 billion people starving. before 1930ish there weren't that many people in the world.

and you can say 'well % is all that matters' but tell that to the starving people.

if we'd just institute some kind of eugenics program we could drop the population down to a few million prime specimens and live in utopia.

>> No.1702155
File: 2.93 MB, 850x2180, yuumei improvement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this chinese girl on deviantart who such beautiful shit from time to time, but the most impressive thing is how good she was as a kid.

>> No.1702162

Shame she got into anime. She had potential.

>> No.1702168
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x1357, re_imagine_by_yuumei-d6b1y26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my thoughts exactly. she does all these amazing drawing from time to time and you can just see how good her style is once when she stays away from animu. her animu shit is...shit.

pic related. animu

>> No.1702169

non animu


>> No.1702173

I like the idea but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

>> No.1702175

fucking this. anime is one of the worst if not THE worst thing to happend to art.

>> No.1702177
File: 1.22 MB, 1500x960, blue_planet_by_yuumei-d62mn5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do love some of the backgrounds used in anime though. They're lovely. It's just the characters...

>> No.1702184

you guys just dont get it.

>> No.1702187


>> No.1702195

Yes, and I stand by my statement. That thing can dream about sucking Rembrandts dick all it wants, it well never learn to compose a picture like him.

>> No.1702198

ITT: Durr anime is bad because I don't like it

>> No.1702199

No, it's just your taste.

>> No.1702202

>all that jelly and hate

>> No.1702208

Explain. What's to be jelly about? What's to hate? I truly feel sorry for the little thing.

>> No.1702211

>I truly feel sorry for the little thing.

maybe, just maybe, you could give him some pointers about why his composition's a mess instead of just crying, then again it's hard to trust an advice from anon with that attitude anyway.

>> No.1702221

I don't go out and teach stray dogs tricks for the hell of it. What's in it for me to teach that thing about composition. I've seen its posts, its rhetoric is clear: it's not interested in learning anything new. Let the little thing froth in its drunkardness.

>> No.1702225
File: 74 KB, 1024x1024, 8e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1702227

no one would like to learn from someone who can't draw worth shit anyway.

>but I'm greatest drawfag professional well-known and respected.

maybe in an alternate dimension but sadly not this one.

>> No.1702230

>all that jelly and butthurt

Maybe if you sit up and beg I might show you a thing or two.

>> No.1702233

ok illustrat, tell us what you know about composition.

>> No.1702236
File: 795 KB, 1371x1346, 5-27-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's the only front profile shot of a drawing I found from last year in may, my most recent one is here


I personally am not satisfied. I want to get to Wokada's level.

>> No.1702243

Not that anon, and that's not begging

>> No.1702256

Not everyone is meant for creation; it is a complex mental process many don't have the tools for

>> No.1702263

> goaded into replying

>> No.1702265


I know who watches Marc Brunet's YT videos

>> No.1702267 [DELETED] 
File: 841 KB, 2056x4326, years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i found cringy stuff from past years while digging for old folders.
im still not good but lol@ the shit i did previous years, i only started applying myself in 2013 but im working hard now, lets git gud!

>> No.1702276 [DELETED] 
File: 841 KB, 2056x4326, years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i found cringy stuff from past years while digging for old folders.
im still not good but lol@ the shit i did previous years, i only started applying myself in 2013 but im working hard now, lets git gud!

fuck im dumb there are too many pics and almost all too little

>> No.1702311
File: 998 KB, 2000x3809, PD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck 3rd attempt. should be fine size now

>> No.1702322

Are those self portraits towards the end?

Also you didn't start improving till like 2012, good progress bro.

>> No.1702333


are you german? you look german.

>> No.1702335

he's italian

>> No.1702437
File: 995 KB, 1920x1080, progression in comic sans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had buckled down I could have probably made more progress, I go days without drawing. Sometimes a measly hour.
Right now I'm working on productivity using timers and shit.

I wanna be a decent artist by 2020.

>> No.1702441

>dashingly handsome
>good artist

You must have some mad pussy game bro.

>> No.1702488
File: 871 KB, 862x4000, my_artistic_journey_through_2008_2013_by_kjkallio-d6z3kfl (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres mine

>> No.1702491

post the monster with the spear from 2009 and the goblin from 2012 and the guy with the helmet in the top left of 2013 pls.

>> No.1702501

yeah prior to late 2012 i didnt really think of going into art as a career , i wish i started studying before but whatever now . thanks!
german?haha my skintone is even darker than the usual italian's
hi m8
t-totally..thanks tho
based KJ love your stuff

>> No.1702506
File: 1.39 MB, 900x2666, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny I was just looking through old stuff the other day, I still have much to learn, but that's the fun of it/

>> No.1702509

From 2008 onwards your faces look the same tbh.

You should draw more things.

>> No.1702511

>only drawing from references


>> No.1702536

Mostly referenced now, the stuff I draw from imagination these days doesn't tend to get finished or see the light of day. Earlier I used to make comics(the third picture from 2004 and the second picture from 2007 are characters from two of them) but I was never that serious about them to begin with.

But it is a good point, recently I've wanted to go back and draw some of those old characters with new techniques and it can't hurt.

Likewise to your point, I should draw different things. My portraits just aren't that popular or interesting anyways

>> No.1702544

>and it can't hurt.

it's a lot harder, but also more fun than drawing from references. i don't get it anyway why some people would want to limit themselves to only drawings photo realistic copies of photographs. that's what cameras are for. i cant take these people seriously.

nothing against learning from references though. the people i talk about dont do this anyway, as they copy complete photographs.

>> No.1702552

you need to work more on the fundamentals, brah. Your values are a mess, and you need to analyse the planes of the face more. Try life drawing cubes and shit, it actually really helps. And yes, you need more than photos for refs, life drawing people is fun.

>> No.1702571
File: 1.93 MB, 1774x2456, progress not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The worst thing about yuumei is her freakish obsession with "green" culture. Her webcomic she's making about it right now is a joke based on 4chan culture and her knowledge about green stuff is stereotypical hipster shit.

>> No.1702587

Wooooah yummei, now that's a name I haven't heard in awhile. Those death note pieces are super nostalgic thanks to my fujoshi phase coinciding with her death note phase.

>> No.1702629

You're pretty good at drawing faces, but you should probably try to draw some other stuff in addition to them.

>i don't get it anyway why some people would want to limit themselves to only drawings photo realistic copies of photographs
Using a reference is not the same as making a photorealistic copy, though. I'm not sure why you'd think it would be. :/

>> No.1702676

Isn't it, like, about muh freedom and muh hackers and muh teen revolution and stuff? how is it related to 4chan's nature? (asides from that computer with the four leaves in the first chapter)

>> No.1702683
File: 95 KB, 605x453, 658279440583455-t640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 18 and I draw really bad. I kick myself everyday for not taking drawing seriously until now. I hope I can post in these threads one day. I know I'm young, but that's no excuse.

>> No.1702716
File: 1.16 MB, 874x4221, Progress report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is interesting, so I gave it a shot. Time sure does fly when you're sifting through old shit you're embarrassed about.
I probably made it too big though.

Some of the images posted here are damn good. Down right impressive.

>> No.1702721

woaaaa that armor study from 2011
Do you still have the ref? I feel inspired to try too.

>> No.1702731

Nice stuff, you got a dA?

>> No.1702734


well if you can bear reading the whole thing, you'll see "u mad" and other memes in there and the main character seems to be a mai waifu type.

>> No.1702736
File: 100 KB, 600x800, 1315162861660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, man. Sure, I have it. Here ya go.

Sorry, man, I don't. If you want to see some more of my stuff you could always look it up at my tumblr,
*cough* shameless plug

>> No.1702779

God. Your improvement in line control is absolutely amazing for only eight months. Every now and again, I'll try to get into drawing and follow all the advice from the sticky and whatnot, but my line control never seems to improve. How did you do it?

>> No.1702790

Being young is the perfect excuse. Do yourself a favor and don't make my mistakes, pull back a bit on anime and video games in favor of your studies.

>> No.1702798

Hey, that's the same program at AAU I start this summer!

>> No.1702806

OP here, I switched from illustration to visual development half a year ago, a lot of students did that once the major was introduced.

>> No.1702811

AAU Illustration student here btw

>> No.1702813

because I'm more interested in visual development/concept art and there are a lot of traditional based classes I don't want to take. Just really fed up with them after 2 years.

>> No.1702827

I've been thinking that as well. I've been taking classes for about 3 years now and I do feel like I wasted a lot of time on those traditional based classes

>> No.1702830

what classes are you taking now?

>> No.1702845

i guess not?

>> No.1702905
File: 597 KB, 1600x818, Image002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're talking about the physical aspect of making lines it's pretty easy. Just draw a lot, preferably multiple hours a day because you really need to get into it and warm up, and use your shoulder elbow.

On top of that I like to observe how other artists make their lines. I dig the whole renaissance Vilppu/Michelangelo bumpyity bump line work, I don't like straight edges. So I consciously try to think about making my lines nice and like the cool kids.

This was my work like a year ago, so I'm sure if I managed to improve, so can you.

>> No.1702908

Already dropped all games, animes, comics, and mangas anon. I draw for hours everyday, making a lot of exercises even if I'm not good. I want to be good, I'll be good one day.

>> No.1703867

I actually like the 2012 one the most.

>> No.1703873
File: 25 KB, 300x276, 555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1704084

That's overkill. If you want to work as a concept artist you need to stay up to date when it comes to things like pop culture. You have to know your audience

>> No.1704086

The last one can be easily colored with the same scheme.Technicly wise the last one is superior to the previous ones no matter how you look at it.The first one is stacked with gimmicks and relies on your impression on "ooh shiny".
Don't be so easily swayed by hues,anon, it's not healthy

>> No.1704102

That's not how you do it, anon. It's about moderation, nobody said you can't watch movies/anime and play vidya, if anything those can help you as long as that's not what you do all day. Draw a lot, watch a some animu and play some vidya every now and then. Getting gud doesn't mean suddenly you become a hermit.

>> No.1704117

...Thank you for this, anon-senpai

>> No.1705314

wow are you shit!

>> No.1705316

wow thats quite something!

>> No.1708891


>> No.1708899

LOL This is batechan

>> No.1708942

Hey man, what exactly is this job of yours that put you in a position to work only 2-3 days a week? Kinda interested

>> No.1709620
File: 234 KB, 1400x1098, 1389002060513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love that elephant anus blood.

>> No.1709632
File: 190 KB, 1030x1290, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only 2 photos, sorry, I usually delete all my shit when I finish.

>> No.1709657

Neat, and you really shouldn't, would be nice to see more of your new work.

>> No.1709727

>thinking people who are colorblind see in b&w
the fuck

>> No.1709805
File: 488 KB, 750x1856, self_portraits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's easiest to compare something similar... in this case self-portraits.

Got to make one for this year though, and see the difference.

>> No.1709812

Uhh sorry bro but I see no difference...
BUT, your line confidence leveled up pretty well

>> No.1709841

there is a clear difference in >>1709805 's work. his improvement is just very little given the time frame

>> No.1709856


i genuinenly hope you are not an aspiring pro anon

>> No.1709861

Ask yourself something...

Was that necessary? No, it wasn't. There is no need to put people down just for self-amusement.

>> No.1709879


aw dude. i wasn't trying to put anon down, but if he really WAS an aspiring pro then realizing that he is doing something very wrong might just be the first step to a path of success. im one of the good guys, really.

>> No.1709880

And you are cancer

>> No.1709884

I'm pretty sure resorting to buzzwords rather than an actual retort or explanation as to why is much more cancerous.

>> No.1709901

Alright. Just point out the issues then instead of making snide comments and he'll grow as an artist.

No, I'm a Gemini.

>> No.1709917

No, you're definitely cancer.

>> No.1709935

I dont know how the tripfag acts outside of this thread but in this instance, he is right, there's no point in just putting someone down without giving criticism, that's not the point of coming to this board. If you want to put people down so you can feel better about yourself, then this isn't the board for you.

>> No.1710064

>1 year

Jesus fuck, how?

>> No.1710068

Does he have a sketchbook thread on conceptart.org?

>> No.1710069

do you know how to google moron?

>> No.1710072

he deleted most of his stuff, so don't even bother googling.

more inspiration:

>> No.1710077

only been actively studying for two months now. sucks that it'll be so long before I can make one of these.

>> No.1710636


My sides, holy shit.

>> No.1710640


doesnt he post on /ic/ sometimes?

>> No.1711113

Jesus anon, you like some creepy shit. Start drawing some angels and cute dogs, it will be good for you

>> No.1711150

I genuinely think the best artist in this thread is this guy.

>> No.1711153
File: 690 KB, 1292x2298, part.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so who's the idiot that though having an elderly woman pick her nose would add to the composition?

>> No.1711159

well her bonnet balances out the lighter tones on the other side of the image.

>> No.1711509

Just saying
Sometimes people learn methods, ways of thinking and most importantly speed instead of having 100% visual improvements.
I can see the difference, proportions and values are way better.

>> No.1711558

What's your DA?

>> No.1711784

Boner no

>> No.1712276

Cool hard surface stuff, but your humanoid faces and proportions are hella whack

>> No.1712435

my id on there is "omega52"

>> No.1712463

looool you're the douche that "redlined" Omochabox's faces .I laughed so hard back then.I didn't know you were still scrubbing around.

>> No.1712471
File: 41 KB, 500x372, tumblr_ms1maoWxcp1r2g7mto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nothing douchy about trying to help anon

>> No.1712504

there is when you're so delusional about your own standing on the art ladder and do overpaints on someone who's way beyond your level and actually make it worse.

>> No.1712551

Why do so many people strive to be shallow realists?

>> No.1712564

Can you post the one from 2013 pls

>> No.1712568


because it takes skill.

>> No.1712590

>muscle fetish artist


>> No.1712598

No it doesn't, it's visual masturbation

>> No.1712606


fuck off retard. people like you are the reason i always get mad as fuck posting on /ic/

>> No.1712615

I'm not the one praising shallow art

>> No.1712725
File: 3.62 MB, 1078x9800, retrospection_8_years_by_aquasixio-d4gjxio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine and it's relatively old, but this artist has some of the most beautiful use of colour I've ever seen.
DA can be found here: http://aquasixio.deviantart.com/gallery/

>> No.1713001

She's doing tabacco dude

>> No.1713055

I dunno, the guy's good with colors, but he actually traces his "refs", which has been a turn-off for me since I found out :/

>> No.1713107

that would explain the "perfection of realism technique" in 4 months of drawing

>> No.1713139

>you were 12 in 2009

I want to get off this wild time ride.

>> No.1715044

He's average with colors.

>> No.1715076

I haven't seen him mentioned here in a very very long time