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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1694135 No.1694135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"should I use shading?"

>> No.1694139

>spends hours drawing one eye in ridiculous detail

>> No.1694145

>"I wish I could draw like you!"

>> No.1694175

>"I can't even draw a circle"

>> No.1694179

>My friend knows how to draw Spiderman, he's really good.

>> No.1694183

>overworked bust portrait from either exactly forward or exactly profile view with no perspective

>> No.1694229

>"Can you draw me a tattoo?"

>> No.1694230

>"oh, Anon, you're so talented!"
>so talented

>> No.1694231

>Why do you draw so many naked people? That's weird.

>> No.1694242

>"I'm an artist! I love to draw chibis. :3"

>> No.1694245

>Anon's drawing a naked person!

>> No.1694336

>can you draw me something for free?
I do it.
And then rip up the paper

>> No.1694356

>tfw just CAN'T grasp even the most basic form of shading, while people with zero drawing experience at least posess a modicum of intuitive understanding of it

>> No.1694361

>Classmates opening up my bag and took my sketchbook while I went to restroom.
>Saw all those naked studies
>Hey guys! Anon's drawing hentai!
>Got dragged to the dean's office

Fuck you Ron and you too, John.

>> No.1694364

was it anime?

>> No.1694367

>"I don't do realism. Realism is boring, if I want realism I would just take photography".

>> No.1694370

It's just gesture and I was awful at it.

>> No.1694384

When I draw gestures in my sketchbook, I quickly go over it with a pen to give them bathing suits. Works perfectly, takes very little time.

>> No.1694400
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American BADASS

>> No.1694407

I did that once and I got requests left and right.
All boys school is good

>> No.1694408

Don't work fo free anon

>> No.1694409

But in your story you worked for free then ripped up the fruits of your labor.

>> No.1694421
File: 57 KB, 409x325, onfim-dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

!..... realism is boring

>> No.1694446

>Hey guys am I any good? Here's some drawings I did from YEARS AGO

>> No.1694455

>it's just something quick I made in 10 minutes

>> No.1694456

>my first X
>my first real Y

>> No.1694458

Always do that.

>> No.1694463
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fuck, hate that shit

>> No.1694582

>XD just a picture I made.... I was really bored
>bored in math class
>hehe this is what happens when I get bored

>> No.1694588

>Drawn either on lined or graph paper

>> No.1694590

>"You're good at drawing... you should join art club/anime club!"

I mean, maybe i'd join art club if 100% of the people in it, aren't also in anime club.

>> No.1694594

Art club attracts the worst kind of people.

>> No.1694616

>spends one hour on a pitiful illustration that turns out all wrong when you just wanted to try one little thing in 2 minutes and learn for real after that

>> No.1694618
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>Hey, it's nice, I could never do that
Fucking normalfags. It's the lowest level of drawing ever and you could draw to if you tried a little instead of thinking that's a magical thing.

>> No.1694619

They are just being nice and making small talk you stuck up bitches.

>> No.1694621

I used to do that when i drew stuff in class
also sunglasses when the face was too punchable

>> No.1694650

Isnt this thread for poking fun and not being spot on?

>> No.1694651


>> No.1694655

Oh god, pls no. I hate this so much.

>> No.1694657

>hey guys can I get critique on this, it's my first drawing. I know it's messy it's just something quick I did in 10 mins. Also I know the anatomy is weird but that's just my style

>> No.1694692

And the way they act like they're doing YOU a favor pisses me off to no end. I usually just ask them to pay me my standard fee and they leave me alone.

>> No.1694698


this. autists gonna autist though.

>> No.1694710

They also don't realise that you are in a period of improvement and that in 6 months time you are going to groan at how bad it looks but it will be stuck there forever.

>> No.1694740

but thats true. Achiving realism require you to copy straight from photo.

>> No.1694780

You must (not) take it

>> No.1694874

such is life

>> No.1694926


What do people even mean when they say this?


>"I can't even draw a stick man!"

Nigga. U can.

>> No.1694927

That they admire you for your drawing and making small talk.

>> No.1694975


While it's the norm to put other people on pedestals, I'd really rather not be complimented with another person's self-defeat.
You reply with pleasant appreciation and go on but it does get frustrating before long to have so many people belittle themselves, that only depreciates the effort of developing your skill and creates this air of inequality between people.
I really hate that.

>> No.1695116

I don't think figure studies are meant to be drawn with clothes. Maybe if you ever went to the library and browsed some concept art you would get the idea.

I've personally never drawn sunglasses on my characters.

>> No.1695118

Do you realise they don't care about drawing?
Other than the brisk moment they praise you. They don't aim to learn drawing.

>> No.1695147
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ITT: socially retarded teens bitch about the usual shit they bitch about on /ic/

-The word talent
-People complimenting them
-Being burdened by normalfags

Seriously, you assholes realize this attitude is why you're fucking social outcasts, right? You may have a few friends in your art clubs after school but I guarantee none of you that bitch about this shit have "normal" friends.

And protip on that. It isn't that other non-artist people don't like you because they don't "get" you, it's that you're fucking dweeby cunts and have no idea how to act properly.

>> No.1695154

>they don't care about drawing?
Aaand that's why they plebs

>> No.1695175

That makes it all the more unnecessary for a person to feel they need to degrade themselves when praising another that does something have no interest in.

>> No.1695185

Ill be honest and say that I am a social retard.
Can't even carry a decent convo for 3 minutes

>> No.1695193

its a figure of speech tier thing, don't be such an autist

they don't degrade themselves

>> No.1695218

Except that I do? I was quote on quote "one of the popular kids" during high school. It's just that I know how to internalize feelings and be nice to everyone, doesn't mean that I don't loathe people and their incessant chatter on the inside.

>> No.1695222

>quote on quote

>> No.1695231

>OMG you are so talented for poorly drawing this anime character, i wish i was artistically gifted like you!

>> No.1695235

>someone shades their drawing
>poorly done gray gradations with no sense of form

[spoiler]used to be all of us [spoiler]

>> No.1695236

>people who don't shade at all because of their style

>> No.1695252

I genuinely can't do a circle, it comes out all wibbly and stuff

>> No.1695253

draw with your whole arm

>> No.1695254

I do that, still has major imperfections, I just wanna be able to draw, man ;_;

>> No.1695257

Quit whining and fill sketchbooks with circles until you make the most proportionally correct circles possible, then apply those studies to paintings of circles that leave people in awe

>> No.1695339

> i hate muh style, i'm into like renaissance art.

>> No.1695355
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>Furry artist swimming in $$$
>You can hardly afford a pack of ramen a night

>> No.1695359

What kind of a fascist school do you attend m8? The only drawing that would get me in trouble in my old high school would be drawing any of them illegal hate symbols.

>> No.1695363

Why not draw furry shit too? Apply your actual skills, which without any doubt are much better than most of those so called artists, and youll be swimming in dosh. I really dont see the problem, unless your one of those cunts who cares about ideals and whatnot and consider it to be beneath you.

>> No.1695364
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Then become a furry artist :-)

>> No.1695438

>Oh wow anon that picture's pretty good. It must be because you're related to -insert artist relative here-.

>> No.1695443

god damn this.

every day i think of create a DA profile and start selling furry/mlp shit. The only thing that holds me back is the idea of someone saying:
>"Do you know 'anon'?"
>"Oh the guy who draw a lot of furry stuff?"

>> No.1695455

>tfw im preparing new gmail,da,paypal accounts for my fanartfurryshitartist identity

>> No.1695458

but don't you think people will recognize your "style"?

>> No.1695459

I thought that professionals can use many different styles?

>> No.1695460

what makes you a professional?

>> No.1695461

just my sheer drawing skills

>> No.1695462
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show us

>> No.1695464
File: 18 KB, 400x400, i spend 10 hours on this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1695465
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>what brushes do you use?

>> No.1695466



>> No.1695467
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>> No.1695468

no, because theyd be less realistic and more stylized , with even outlines maybe. Im not known anyway so no one would recognize me except close friends. Im not 'good' yet but much better than the majority of da commissioners

I can do different styles and im not pro at all btw

>> No.1695469
File: 212 KB, 741x598, DCS-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1695480

Is being a porn/furry artist like being a prostitute in the art world, /ic/?

I love drawing nude anthro privately, but I worry that I'd be whoring my skills if I turned to porn.

>> No.1695484

art is a commodity, you'll be whoring yourself whatever you draw except when you draw for yourself.

>> No.1695496

if you get the proportions of a circle wrong you make an oval

>> No.1695531

Not gonna lie, I'm one of those people who pays the really popular ones 100 dollars for a single pic.

>> No.1695533

He looks so damn happy.

>> No.1695548

>art is a commodity, you'll be whoring yourself whatever you draw except when you draw for yourself.

Fuck, truth has been spoken.

>> No.1695567

You could put it that way, there are parallels.

If I ever git gut at drawing I'll maintain two separate accounts. One for normal art and one where I draw furry cub gore porn for maximum dosh.

>> No.1695570

Try being a /gd/ fag
>Oh yeah, move these pictures closer together
>Mmh, YES! I'll have to show that to my wife
>C-could you use c-comic sans?? Please?
Any further edits and you have to pay extra
>I-I gotta go, n-need to be... somewhere, bye!

>> No.1695654

Oh god, make the voices stop

>> No.1695685

>it can't be helped, he's chinese so he's going to be better

>> No.1697684

loving every laugh