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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1686965 No.1686965 [Reply] [Original]

any tips for getting back into art after a long period of art block? Specifically anatomy and making things that are not sketches/portraits would be helpful.

pic unrelated

>> No.1687091


>> No.1687097

lol eat a dick nigger

>> No.1687105

Hello fellow person who's returning after quitting like a douche

Vilppu's drawing manual
Get it, study his drawings, absorb his words, and practice every single day, only moving onto the following sections when you feel comfortable enough to push on
The book is like a full course so really take your time with each section and practice plenty

As you practice, be mindful of your actions, if you're really studying Vilppu's examples you should be able to spot to some extent what you may be doing incorrectly though don't get hung up on making pretty pictures, the point is to understand
Doodle on occasion to have fun and get the creative juices flowing, work in what you've learned and see how you can apply it, experiment, again don't dwell on making something perfect, sketching is your time to really let loose

Don't get discouraged OP, just do your work and focus on what you enjoy

>> No.1687120

breaking when you lose track, really does suck. The rust is awful.

Your post makes me feel like making a folder for if i ever get lost again. Complete with easy to digest drawing tutorials, addresses to life drawing classes, exercises for bouncing back. Notes to myself on important things for me to remember, what my weaknesses are.

But that would never be needed if I just keep drawing daily. It's a fun to think about though.

OP i'd recommend doing some gesture drawings. Do 30 second life drawings until you tire out. http://reference.sketchdaily.net/

May not work for you, but it always shakes the rust off for me the few times I've let drawing everyday slip away. I'll be struggling for a few days then remember about pixellovely or some other site and do some gesture drawing. And I'll always snap back with minor improvement.