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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 18 KB, 320x220, bundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1662808 No.1662808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that one girl who only draws self portraits

>> No.1662814
File: 77 KB, 768x576, run over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those thousands of people who only draw animu

>> No.1662818

>Those anons who think only western shit deserves to exist and shitpost all over 4chan

>> No.1662824
File: 376 KB, 900x582, 1392697171910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those anons who draw redlines that are worse than the original drawing

>> No.1662826

>can't draw for shit
>talk about style all the time

>> No.1662829

im that girl except im a man.

>> No.1662832

>that shit tier artist who thinks he is god

>> No.1662831

>that guy who always starts new projects
>working on atleast 5 at a time
>never finishing a single one

(I fall into this cathegory)

>> No.1662834

>that art student who refuses to listen to critique except from his/her favourite teacher
>that art student who references you to talk to the teacher rather than give him/her criticism

>> No.1662836

>only takes advice from teacher


in most cases this is probabbly a good thing.

>> No.1662837

>that guy who does flawless work but makes all kinds of excuses for why it turned out so well.

>> No.1662841


>> No.1662843


>> No.1662844

>that guy who can only draw in manga style and automatically classifies everyone who calls them out on it anti-japanese, completely missing the point

>> No.1662847

you know those guys,

wow that's great, i love your marks!

>'oh well i'm new to charcoal so i lucked into it.'

wow that's great, it looks like a photo!

>'oh well i'm pretty boring so i couldn't think of anything interesting to do with it.'

wow that's great, so expressive!

>'oh well i couldn't really think of anything so i just had to dig in. thanks.

>> No.1662855

>>that one guy who only draws self portraits
Classmate of mine. Only thing he did for years and now he is posted here regulary as inspiration.

I hate the guy because he's a douche, but he's an amazing artist so I wouldn't say self portraits are shit.

>> No.1662856

Tehmeh is the only guy i know who get's posted here as inspiration , but he doesn't do many self portraits.

the only other guy i can think of that is known for doing self portraits is Andriod Jones and he is a douche had the pleasure of meeting him once. i don't know why he would be an insipiriation either.

>> No.1662860

I really don't understand this, sometimes I'll think I can make a helpful redline of something, but once I have it drawn up I realise it looks like shit and delete it. I guess they just feel that if they don't post it they've wasted their time.

>> No.1662889

often people will post a red-lines which are just fine but the s/ic/kness will jump all over them because their lines aren't pretty.

>> No.1662908


don't underestimate pretty lines

>> No.1662921

Let's say frequently then. When I see traditional art threads his art usually pops up.

I was so fascinated by Andrew Jones when I saw people use a wacom, but these days I can't stand his stuff.

>> No.1662943
File: 111 KB, 850x640, srsly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who thinks art is a talent

>> No.1662944

>draws eyes
>lots and lots of eyes
>just fucking eyes all the time

>> No.1662945

>That guy who doesn't realize aptitude is a thing

>> No.1662956

>that girl who only draws mspa fanart for tumblr

>> No.1662959

>that art student that forgot about their sketchbook assignment for the entire week and the assignment is due in 5 hours

>> No.1662960

>that one girl with the inuyasha messenger bag who calls herself an artist but is in a graphic design program and LUVS TYPOGRAPHY ^_^

>> No.1662962

>that;s me

> everyfuckingtime


>> No.1662965

>that frat boy who wears a beanie and draws familyguy slapstick doodles with a ballpoint pen

>> No.1662963

hey hey hey mate inyuasha is the best anime in all fandom you watch your dirty mouth.

>> No.1662964
File: 57 KB, 200x205, 5YGwB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that girl in foundations that dresses as the tardis everyday and only draws the tardis
>she also left a sticky note which was a tardis in the bathroom of a blank tumblr
>gets mad when asked to draw something other than the tardis

>> No.1662967


Those bags don't look good man. Makes me cringe every time I see somebody with one. Then they don't bring it back to class when somebody brings it up in sheer embarrassment.

>> No.1662969
File: 178 KB, 1024x1024, 1383055884096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do hope I am being rused

>> No.1662971

but it's so original and kewl.

>> No.1662973

>that guy who thinks he's better than you.

>that other guy who is better than you.

>that hot chick who is an "artist" but can't draw.

>That pain in your wrist that stops you from drawing.

>that coffee spilled on your fresh t-shirt.

>that family judgment of your career choice of always being locked away in your room.

>That 1 person who has no clue what they are talking about trying to give you art advice, example :....

"wow anon you are artist? you should move to new york and become artist "

im sure there are some other ones that really grind my gears but can't think of them right now.

>> No.1662975

>"You used to projectile shit on me. Stop being useless and get a job with your art so you can buy me a house."

Sure thing Dad.

>> No.1662978

Now that manga was the shit
captcha: 666

>> No.1662980

fuck yeah muh nigga.

>> No.1663014

or just only portraits in general and
>critique only the face, every time
i know it's supposed to be the focal point, but jesus christ, don't be blind to the rest of the piece/composition.

>> No.1663016

>can't style for shit
>talk about drawing realism all the time

>> No.1663018

>that one girl who reads five million tumblr tutorials and has awesome color and shading on a really shitty form

>> No.1663036

>that gril who has a strong grasp of color theory but exclusively draws flowers, curly writing and patterns

shes maximum qt though and i sit opposite her, i just say "wow that looks really nice" or a variation of it everytime.

>> No.1663037


you let eloy out of this or i'll rek u m8

>> No.1663040
File: 26 KB, 270x352, 1304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one bisexual tumblrite that draws Adventure Time yuri fanart

>> No.1663043

That shit makes me bonkers. It's like wow you have no idea how to put things in perspective. Every single limb is lopsided and broken. Every single detail of the face looks like you bought a sticker pack and pasted it on. Yet you soft render like an autistic champ.

>> No.1663047

>be me in paintchat
>try to socialize with the young artists
>chatroom full of emotes
>forgive them because I was 12 once
>discover they are highschool and college age girls
>they draw nothing but tumblr style TF2(scout and doctor character) and deadpool yaoi
>someone brings up catcalls on the street
>turns into feminist victim circle
>try to ask when it's ok to hit on girls
>they say only when he's hot
>i leave room discovering I will never be friends with a woman

>> No.1663061
File: 24 KB, 316x341, 1371519221533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out you retard

>> No.1663084


>> No.1663086
File: 301 KB, 650x303, Be true to your heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those people who care way too much about what other people draw

>> No.1663087

>>try to socialize with the young artists
pedo pls

>> No.1663091

but they're right. a normal guy who is flirting is doing it wrong. you should find things in common and get to know each other (maybe she's a bitch who will rob and cheat on you), before you spend money on her.
trying to get a date with a first impression only works if you're handsome.

>> No.1663094

only saps play the game. You fags all chose to be artists. You understand from day one taking risks or die trying is the only shit that exists.

>> No.1663095
File: 77 KB, 320x200, 1389277860699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking it's an "west vs east" argument instead of "shit vs. quality".

average weeb's knowledge of art:
-"classic japanese style" (Ukiyo-e/Sumi-e paintings)
-Pixiv and tumblr fanartists *squeee*
-North American cartoons *sigh*
-vague knowledge of American comics
-maybe abstract expressionists like Pollock
-Pop Art
-clumbing together all non-japanese art from before the 1900s as "Old Masters" or "Classical"

Yeah, no. There's a much bigger art world than that. Learn some god damn art history.

Let's start here since you weebs love Japan so much. The grandfather of gesture drawing:

>> No.1663099

you're going to die early, anon. take a hint, learn a lesson from your mistakes, otherwise you will never improve and grow as an intelligent human being.

>> No.1663104

>Those art students who have no interest in art and never draw outside class

Half the people on my fucking course

>> No.1663109
File: 99 KB, 960x720, 1375932837001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choosing to be an artist
>implying it didn't chose me
Who the fuck wants to starve all the time, be in debt, and have your family disappointed in you all the time besides a masochist?

>> No.1663115

>they should just call it pantychat

>> No.1663118

>calling things "Western".
Disgusting weeb detected

>> No.1663120

>that guy that says "shading" instead of "rendering."

>> No.1663130

Im not a weeb I just dont know how else to call it. Your faggot elitism all over 4chan is fucking disgusting.
If there was only western stuff holy shit it would suck to live in such world. Same with only eastern. I just dont see weebs being elitist, its always you faggots.

>> No.1663133

>"classic japanese style"
The odd thing is that classic japanese art is mostly just imitation of Chinese traditional painting. Didn't Hokusai learned to paint in China? I'm likely mistaken.

>> No.1663151

Same thing

>> No.1663162
File: 702 KB, 690x1055, 100_views_edo_107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't tell a japanese woodcut from a chinese calligraphy painting then you need learnin'

>> No.1663169
File: 302 KB, 439x487, 1392755686369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one artist whose work is nice to look at, no complaints here
>click to zoom in
>preview size is the max size
>on every single thing in their gallery

>> No.1663176

I always figured shading is black and white only while rendering could be colour as well as black and white.

Is that correct?

>> No.1663179

I say shading because rendering sounds as if I think I'm all high and mighty
>Hold on I need to finish shading in the coat
>Be patient, I'm rendering his jacket

>> No.1663184

why do you need to see it bigger?

you get the idea of the picture from there. If you want more, then you have to pay for it. It's up to the creator if he wants to give free shit away.

>> No.1663186
File: 162 KB, 1000x759, TCPainting02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know is not the same, I'm talking in very broad terms... didn't say Japanese Woodcut I said 'classical'. I did type Hokusai however, like I said I might be wrong. I do know some classical Japanese artists studied in China.

>> No.1663187
File: 14 KB, 600x403, 1351012737446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 19
>Go to summer camp with mates
>Do some workshop stuff in small groups with people I don't know
>In introduction this one pretty fat, acne-ridden kid with a notebook says he likes to draw
>Just started drawing, maybe I can learn something from him.
>"Hey, can I have a look at that?"
>Open it.
>Badly drawn Naruto, flip a few pages
>Anthros, flip a few pages
>FiM Ponies
>"T-Those are very nice"

I tried to pokerface but I don't think I did a very good job of it.

>> No.1663190

>Old Baited Troll thread gets deleted
>New Troll thread appears
>The Circle of Life on /ic/

>> No.1663200
File: 390 KB, 1200x878, 1391726230552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Here's another:
>Oh my god such a waste of talent! Why would they draw that? why if I had that talent..

>This offends me! Now I will go on some moral crusade on how because you draw X means that you do/are X. Now I will proceed to shit up the thread with a bunch of self-righteous horseshit.

>> No.1663206

is't this painting a parody of something else?

>> No.1663209

I would also like an explanation of what's going on in this picture.

>> No.1663240

im anti Japanese cause they're a dying culture of sick fucks with a human rights abuse record that makes the Nazis look like petty thieves

>> No.1663242
File: 32 KB, 362x500, 2009_American_Music_f440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ art threads.

>> No.1663243

wayne barlowe

>> No.1663246

800-1000 pixels is fine but lower than that I find myself pushing my eyes against the monitor. Do you have something against wanting to get a good look at an illustration you like?

>> No.1663248

Don't blame the nazis and lets not turn this tread into a/ pol/ one.

>> No.1663250
File: 23 KB, 640x480, 1387461451626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates japan
this guy's autism levels are out of the charts!

>> No.1663251
File: 71 KB, 519x679, 1392519094776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those artists that get progressively less creative and fun the more skilled they get

s-stop going to school please

>> No.1663257

>that one artist who has been self-studying intensely for 5 years but hasn't improved in the slightest
>still convinced they're going to make it big through hard work and dedication

I-I just want to tell him.

>> No.1663258

I dunno, what some people say they do and what they actually do can really differ.

>> No.1663260
File: 8 KB, 190x265, Fridah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I hate people who feel the need to include themselves in every picture

>> No.1663261

GR8 B8 M8

>> No.1663264

>when every nigger that you nig with wants a fucking picture of them and their baby daddy
>When nig asks for tattoo design
>when nig shows you there shitty sketchbook
>that one nig who think he can art
>That one nig who only draws shitty anime

>> No.1663266


> be me
> met this landwhale who introduced herself with a Japanese name at a society event
> "hey anon what do you do for fun"
> "I draw"
> "oh really? I'm an experienced manga artist with over 5 years experience"
> I hear some autists are quite good so why not
> "cool, show me"
> come back 10 mins later
> "hey anon this is my oc, I want to be a manga artist in Japan"
> poorly drawn cat girl that barely resembles a humanoid in colouring pencils
> mfw I have no face

>> No.1663269

He uploads all his work. It's clear he draws all day but he's still no better than the average weeaboo, just like he was 5 years ago.

>> No.1663267

>>That one nig who only draws shitty "realistic: portraits and figures from reference.

>> No.1663272

>Unfortunate nigger surrounded by niggers who can't draw
>I can't tell you how many times I day I get asked to draw famous nigs and nigglets and ugly ass tattoos and stupid anime characters nig nogs give me the stupidest commissions I swear.

>> No.1663273

bruhhhhhhh who you tellinnnn. "Realistic" LMAO

>> No.1663274
File: 22 KB, 400x266, 1392934364679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1663282

I wouldn't know what to do besides sending him a message that sounds as sincere as possible telling him that what he's doing isn't helping and he needs to rethink his entire approach. And then linking him to some resources like ctrl+paint and vilppu. But if he's really been that way for 5 straight years, well damn, I sure hope he doesn't spend even more time stuck in that rut.

>> No.1663299


lol there actually are people like that? i mean after 5 years you should have figured that you are doing something wrong...

plz tell me you didn't have anyone specific in mind anon, or i'll be legit sad for this dude, without even knowing him.

>> No.1663344
File: 242 KB, 319x311, 138834223226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at this >>1652628

>> No.1663349

There are people that draw for years without improvement, but there aren't people that study for years and don't improve at art.

>> No.1663356

not exactly,

shading is when you make something darker.

so in pencil you shade to render.

the opposite is called tinting.

>> No.1663358


yeah yeah no i'm aware of that dude and i researched him hoping to find a problem and it turns out that he is legit autistic.

so it's not like he was grinding serious studies and hoping to become a professional concept artist oneday.

it's just some autistic dude doodling to have fun. there's probably "real" examples but i would hope they don't take more than a couple of years to figure out WHAT they are doing wrong.

i would sure hope so man.

>> No.1663365


This shit right here.

>arrive early
>no one else there. ever
>get to work
>the rest show up at best 15 minutes before school starts, at worst around lunch or not at all
>at 2 PM about 65% of the people have stopped working, sitting around drinking coffee and gossiping instead
>feminism and "rape culture" is a frequent subject

I want to get off this ride.

>> No.1663368


> I do know some classical Japanese artists studied in China.

In other news the sky is blue.

>> No.1663373


>> No.1663376



>> No.1663383


I'm so afraid of this happening to me

>> No.1663387

Because why would weebs be elitist? They are into something that's inferior. It's like being proud of driving a pinto.

>> No.1663391


it's pretty easy to counter.

1. take a look at your art, now and then
2. compile it
3. are you going in the right direction or are you stagnant?
4. if you answered "stagnant" then take action to change this

>> No.1663397

>4. if you answered "stagnant" then take action to change this
5. start stealing art
6. sudden improvement

>> No.1663398

Rendering is a more accurate term. "Shading" is typically a term used by art newbs that want to learn how to "shade" well. Unless you're critiquing a piece that has light and shadow, and you're literally talking about the shaded area (area in shadow), try to avoid the word.

>> No.1663401


7. purchase lube and prepare for when the internet discovers what you did

>> No.1663410

>girl makes a mold of her face for experimentation and funsies
>one of her guy friends gets a copy
>he now has a mask of her face. he works a bit on the nose of it but skips the eyes and everything else. he just can't be bothered
>he stuffs her mouth with yellow styrofoam

>"Oh hey uh. That's something alright. What's the thought behind it?"
>"You don't know .. ?"
>"it's an artwork I guess."
>"It's done?"

and then he sent it to an exhibition where a jury decided if things would or would not be displayed.
>predictably; he was rejected
>never spoke about the mask again

>> No.1663421
File: 23 KB, 640x480, 1336439713310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one artist that builds up a huge following for her funny comics and then deletes everything once she decides to start her own fer reals webcomic, changes usernames and blocks anyone who even mentions her old stuff (or how bland and boring her new stuff is)

>> No.1663425


Ugh. People like that in general, man.

>we need to break up
>what? why?
>i've been accepted to college so I have to move to X in Y
>but that's not far away at all!
>I knooow. but it doesn't work anymore. this is a new life for me don't you understand?

>> No.1663427

>that one guy who think there is only one proper way to draw anything
>that one guy who point mistake because in book/youtube/blog somebody tell it's wrong
>that one guy who think books and advices > visual library

>> No.1663429

i agree people should never change

or at least think of better excuses to break up with losers

>> No.1663430
File: 168 KB, 336x258, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring when there's an archive
>those parody comics ever being that great in the first place

>> No.1663432


>implying you need an excuse to break up with a loser

>implying there was any point in dating said loser to begin with, if you planned to "upgrade" as soon as you got the chance

Most common offender: small-town girls who move to a city and breaks off with everything small-town related. Dumps their friends, dumps their boyfriend, barely speaks to family.
>I a city gurl nao!

>> No.1663435

rendering is wrong too, perhaps even wrongerer.

rendering is the whole picture, there's not a drawing and a separate thing called rendering you put on top.

>> No.1663436

>calling someone autistic when you reside on a board for 20 year old nerds to talk about anime and other nerd shit
lets be honest were all fucked in the head somewhat and 4chan isn't stuck back in the 00's anymore.

>> No.1663438

>blocks anyone who even mentions her old stuff (or how bland and boring her new stuff is)
She's talked about it on her blog, you're full of shit.

>> No.1663442

women change men like they change underwear
because they can

>> No.1663445

That anon's just mad about getting blocked

>> No.1663448

lol i can imagine his angry /ic/ style ranting.

>> No.1663468

Who are we talking about specifically?

>> No.1663486



>> No.1663487


stop talking gibberish.

>> No.1663512
File: 79 KB, 680x510, 1390352311688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whats frightening is how I used to joke about this kind of stuff over 10 years ago in highschool, and now its a god damn reality. Not too long ago I had a friend whose roommate was this fat weeb girl who moved to Japan with basically the same stupid expectations. She moved back only after a year because she found out the hard way it wasn't some kind of fairytale-land where being an annoying fucking foreigner otaku is acceptable.

>> No.1663516

Where'd she get the money? That sounds expensive.

>> No.1663519


>talk to a fat girl who's into me
>she's at the pub shooting some pool, asks me to come
>apparently she's meeting up with a friend who's back from japan
>yeah okay. I like japan this might be cool

Huge landwhale in all-white and a goddamn tutu. Shrieking, glomping, laughing too loud. Full-blown obnoxious Otaku mode.
>she starts interrogating me what i see in her friend
>tfw this is the 3rd time i met the bitch so i can't say

Horrible people. Simply horrible people. I can't believe she was allowed into the pub in the first place.

... I guess that my story doesnt have anything to do with art though. Sorry /ic/

>> No.1663547

>that one grown-ass furfag who draws shitty Sonic OCs
>actually does a pretty decent job at the line art but leaves the colors completely unshaded
>tell him to slap some simple cell shading on it

Never spoke to the faggot again.

>> No.1663548
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>> No.1663580
File: 265 KB, 500x288, Avgn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1663582

>that friend who try to fuck your gf.

>tfw im that guy.

>> No.1663584

crimson daggers?

>> No.1663588

can you guys post an example? I don't know that I've ever seen that.

>> No.1663590
File: 170 KB, 224x363, 1381937124033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one friend that spent 8 years "getting good"
>you found /ic/ and reached (and maybe even surppased) his level in 2 years
>Try to help him but he wont listen because he thinks you only got "lucky" or some shit and that you are being a pretentious prick about it.

I don't know if I should feel sad or happy, but I do know I shouldn't be here wasting my time instead of drawing.

>> No.1663600

Find someone who is willing to learn. Then you can really piss him off when you prove it wasn't luck.

>> No.1663604
File: 988 KB, 250x250, 1391828039386.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those artists you used to follow 10 years ago who either barley improved or actually regressed

>> No.1663608

>that guy that saysing "shadowing"

>> No.1663616

not so, here are the artlex definitions of each. you tell me which one people are talking about when they talk about shading:

shading - Showing change from light to dark or dark to light in a picture by darkening areas that would be shadowed and leaving other areas light. Blending of one value into another is sometimes called feathering. Shading is often used to produce illusions of dimension and depth.

render - To represent in a drawing or painting, especially in perspective. Also, to create an interpretation of another artist's work, perhaps in another form.

rendering and rendition - A depiction or an interpretation. Also, a drawing in perspective of a proposed structure. (Rendering can be used either as a noun or as a verb.)

>> No.1663630


It's because she wants to experience college life and not be saddled down with some flat drawing nigger.

>> No.1663636

Like Rahll

>> No.1663641


so much this. i would hold him as some kind of god back when i was just starting to discover digital art (around 2009)

dude has barely improved since then

>> No.1663668
File: 36 KB, 324x470, 1392973493530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noah Bradley

>> No.1663864
File: 132 KB, 471x478, mfw i&#039;m guilty of doing that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they draw nothing but tumblr style TF2(scout and doctor character)

>> No.1664160
File: 286 KB, 642x558, 1389856243038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1664164

example of his work?

>> No.1664171

>that guy saying saysing


>> No.1664175
File: 332 KB, 469x356, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one gf who goes mad when you're studying gestures and drawing naked women


>> No.1664177

Dump her.

>> No.1664180


oh she jelly of marcias ass, alright.

>> No.1664198
File: 15 KB, 508x501, hhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was drawing Marcia.

>gf goes mad
>tell me if I'M drawing a naked woman she will draw a naked man
>go on girl
>she opens ms paint
>she picks a photo of Yoni and draw
>pic related
>I tell her "need more loomis"

I don't know if I cry or if I laugh.

>> No.1664203


>> No.1664241
File: 127 KB, 300x285, 1391042795753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw today i was one of only 3 students to complete their watercolor illustration assignments and hand it in on time
> the other 10 people have only finished linework after 3 weeks

i dont care if you have a job or whatever on the side you have plenty of time to spend a couple hours doing something, especially if its a fun and easy assignment like that one.

>> No.1664243

it's often the fun and easy thing you put aside when you've got a lot to do.

>> No.1664245


but for that long?

>> No.1664255


sbe wants you to draw her mang.

just do it. its fun and it can turn erotic

>> No.1664259
File: 483 KB, 1027x603, FGJFGJFJGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of shit rigt here.

>> No.1664266

to be honest that's just the thought of thing someone would use as 'free' stock.

>> No.1664302
File: 173 KB, 322x478, 1375219855645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that girl who thinks you're arrogant because you're more skilled than her and don't give her false praise

>that girl that makes bitchy remarks and always compares you to artists other than herself

>that girl who when needs help, instead of asking you, asks everyone else really loudly hoping you'd hear and offer to help her out, as to not damage her pride and invalidate all the bullshit she said about you

I love how I can read this bitch like a book.

>> No.1664308

i bet you're a girl too

>> No.1664310

hahah totally, a dude wouldnt put up to that much shit unless he is trying to be a "nice guy"

>> No.1664330

im a girl btw

>> No.1664329


nah, I'm a dude, I just find her transparency and interaction amusing, It breaks up the general monotony of my day, I love figuring people out.

>> No.1664334

>that arrogance

>> No.1664341


I realize that these posts are made out of context but you really come off as an arrogant prick.

If you really have this kind of influence on the girl you should use it to get laid.

>> No.1664345
File: 41 KB, 625x626, 1379024154282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain how having an interest in reading peoples behaviour and reactions is arrogant

>> No.1664348

>that one asshole who thinks he has everyone around him figured out

>> No.1664352

I find you amusing

>> No.1664360


I find it amazing how common this is. Ive heard of some art teachers who had to actually had to stop the lesson and give their class huge lecture on getting their shit done on time and how this isn't highschool anymore. The worst part is how many endless excuses people can come up with. I had a friend who was in a class where the teacher actually told almost half of the people there to leave because they were too busy fucking around on facebook on their laptops. At least there was this one teacher I knew in animation who made it very clear early on about the importance of deadlines and was quite blunt about how fucked you are if you miss them.

>> No.1664362
File: 349 KB, 413x369, 1366061805593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, PLEASE, explain how it comes off as arrogant, I really don't see it, maybe I'm too used to myself to notice what I do to come off this way.

I don't think I have everyone figured out just some if this girls behaviour patterns, its painful to watch at times.

good to know.

>> No.1664368

> explain how it comes off as arrogant
Because your immediate assumption is that you are much better than her, that she thinks you're better than her, and that the reason she excludes you is because she wants to manipulate you into coming to help her on your own volition.

It's almost like you've never considered that maybe she thinks you suck donkey balls and is avoiding you on purpose.

>> No.1664369

I do the same thing.
generally I found that when you become smart by grinding your intelligence, you start doing that.
It has actually help me to mimic my inexistent social skills and become even better than normal people.

>> No.1664374
File: 1.03 MB, 699x699, 1385261842434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you fuckheads take this "Analyzing girls" shit back to /r9k/?

Thank you.

>> No.1664406


Sometimes that's a sign of them being afraid of praise or being the center of attention (probably because kids gave them shit for doing a good job on things when they were young).

Sadly, it ironically only makes people like them less. Sometimes I do it and I kick myself for it. I've been trying to at the very least just give a simple but earnest thank you (and immediately compliment their work), but I slip up sometimes.

>> No.1664408
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 1392068187027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be quiet and attentive student
>always turn in work late due to procrastination and depression
>teachers are understanding and always extend my deadlines
>tfw feel like shit each time when have to ask for an extension
Fuck you, man. I try to get shit done.

>> No.1664410

what i like about girls is that they dress really individually, here all the dudes wear the same thing more or less. and this is an art school. sure there's one blonde dreadlocks guy and a few punky people but for the most part it's still cargo pants and a t-shirt. the girls wear all kinds of different things.

and we have an attached fashion school, and those girls dress well. as a dude i've never really thought about dressing well, but there is a certain aesthetic appeal to the way those fashion girls dress, good palettes, nice materials, emphasising positive features, negating negatives.

the other thing i like about having so many girls around is the smell that comes off them, not perfume per say. but i'm sitting there in a class-room with 20 girls and 3 dudes or whatever and sometimes my dick will get hard just from the olfactory overload of so many women.

i wonder if girls in, like ,computer science classes or wherever has the opposite ratio are wet all day being assaulted by all those manly smells.

also i noticed girls really like to touch you, they're always putting a hand on your shoulder, hugging you hello, playfully punching you, stuff like that. i think women are actually much more sensuous than men, i think that's often reflected in their art too. another example of this is i think women have less personal space then men, when talking to a man you stand a certain distance away, and often to the side, looking in the same direction. women stand right in front of you and much closer. within arms reach.

>> No.1664419
File: 95 KB, 362x348, 1385789480126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, last post on this

It's not an immediate assumption, we've been in the same class for years.
technically speaking I produce works of a higher standard than her (not that I'm some sort of child prodigy or something)

her foundations are pretty sloppy in comparison to mine and she knows it, it's evident in the critique we've given each other over the years, our grades, and her regular self-depreciating comments.

the reason she's excluded me is because she's constantly challenged me and has too much pride to just suck it up and ask for help, and would instead rather be incredibly indirect and awkward (as asking for help from someone you've tried to put down would probably be too shameful for her to do, which is understandable considering the type of person she is.) I see no reason why anyone would feel the need to avoid me, I try to be as friendly and approachable as possible to people, and I'm a pretty passive guy, Its not like I go around shitting on peoples work and giving unwarranted crit.

but thank you, you've given me a viewpoint I hadn't considered.

>> No.1664421


yep, time to hide the thread

(some of you guys are straightup fucking weird)

>> No.1664425

I hate you and everything you represent

>> No.1664437

i'm just a normal person. i've just never been around so many women all the time every day. i'm also the type of person who likes to keep my eyes open and notice all the little things that are going on. it's perhaps not an essential part of being an artist but i like it. i could go on at equal length about the light in my backyard or the little decisions people make when they're deciding when to cross the road or anything really. i normally don't though. i just thought i'd be funny to go on and on to spite that dude.

>> No.1664446

>That guy who brings McDonalds food to a figure drawing
>That girl who is drawing something completeley different during figure drawing
>That girl who adds animu hair to the figures
>That guy who brings a big-ass sketchbook and violently sketches with charcoal, grunting and over-acting like some artist in a film
>That guy who bought a ton of expensive pens and sketchbooks but draws like shit

>> No.1664449

>That guy who bought a ton of expensive pens and sketchbooks but draws like shit

I am this guy. Feels bad man

>> No.1664462
File: 23 KB, 300x279, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Will you draw me?"

>> No.1664463

>"I'll draw you if you draw me"
> -"Uhh, nah, nevermind"

>> No.1664464
File: 29 KB, 162x200, 138819557349.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay, 30 bucks
>What?? C'mon dude I have no money, you know, we're friends right?
>That's a lame
>You're arrogant
>Yeah, whatever you say honey

Fucks given: 0

>> No.1664465
File: 111 KB, 262x239, 12YOURBIRTHDAYISOGRE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in a dorm with a Korean-American kid who only drew anime stuff and wanted to move to japan and become a manga artist there.

If you don't know, the Japanese hate Koreans and hardly ever hire outside of their own country. I tried telling him this but he blew me off.

>> No.1664468

>Sit next to the cool, skilled kid of the school that everyone likes and knows
>Realize he doesn't like you that much
>Realize you took the seat his girlfriend wanted so they could sit together
>Realize he's not open to criticism or talking about his piece

Of all the feels I had in art school, this was the worst, cause I though that guy was cool and I wanted him to like me. The thing was, it wasn't fucking high school, it's college, sit wherever you want. He never moved and I had the seat right next to the animation camera.

>> No.1664469

>>That guy who brings a big-ass sketchbook and violently sketches with charcoal, grunting and over-acting like some artist in a film

all I can imagine is some sweaty dude with a super intense expression and is like, slashing at his canvas, grunting and screaming in anguish while dramatic music plays in the background goddammit I can't stop laughing

>> No.1664477

>That one girl who holds her pencil like a slasher knife and violently stabs her paper like it's her ex-boyfriend

It actually doesn't look half bad.

>> No.1664488
File: 112 KB, 762x704, 1368299299268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh fuck you got me laughing too.

I think we need to animate this or something.

>> No.1664524

Most anime is animated by Koreans.
We all hate weeaboo faggots here, but settle the fuck down and actually learn what you're talking about, m8.

>> No.1664525

no they aren't. western cartoons are done by koreans. japan has it's own animation sweat shops.

>> No.1664528

>most anime is animated by Koreans
For less than half the price they would pay a japanese animator

>> No.1664537

I was really annoyed at him at first, but then I couldn't help but laugh at him.
When he did something he didn't like he'd just very publically grunt, crush the paper and throw it to his side.

>> No.1664539

>"Will you draw me?"
>Start to draw
>She notices I'm drawing her massive nose
>"Is that someone else?"

No bitch you're just ugly.

>> No.1664560

What's not animated by Japanese sweatshops is almost always animated by Korean sweatshops, though.
Read the credits at the end of your favorite animu or something, anon.

>> No.1664572

Or maybe you just can't draw.

>> No.1664574
File: 94 KB, 500x500, 1370964457658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of a friend I used to have, some beaner weeb that barely put forth any effort into his still life (for drawing I. ) and then at the end would put some animu faces on the blocks or pots or whatever the fuck we were trying and turn it in, thinking that he was actually going to get a good grade on it..

>> No.1664587

>start a new course for vidya design and production
>only me and one kid wants to be a concept artist
>he shows me his work
>manga animu drawing, anatomy all over the place
>feel reluctant to show him my stuff, as it's shit but all loomis stuff
>couple days later doesn't want to be a concept artist any more, wants to be a 3D modeller
>ask him why did he change his mind
>he says he doesn't want to draw any more and he's wants to be a 3D modeller
>be the only guy in class now who wants to get into concept art
>feel lonely ;_;

I think I drove him off, I tried to convince him to get back into it and we could study together. But he declined, I still feel as if it was my fault in a way.

>> No.1664590

you say "procrastination" like its some sort of mental illness

>> No.1664591

>vidya design and production
I hope for your sake this is just some sort of elective you've taken as part of a more practical degree.

>> No.1664598

>that one artist that believes you should say "rendering" instead of "shading" because he's a pretentious elitist who can't really draw.

>> No.1664600

Yeah I actually did change course a while back, I realised my mistake now. Also I'm britbong, college doesn't matter as much as uni, as you college is just to get into uni.

So basically I could do medical science in college and still get into geography or what ever in uni. It's your grades that only uni cares about.

>> No.1664604

>that one girl who always wants you to do her work for her

Every fucking art lesson, when ever I refused or said do it yourself she would start crying/moaning.

>> No.1664624

srsly, this, what the fuck, anon?

>> No.1664626

>that one girl who asks for critique
>gets mad when you give it to her, then goes on and on about how she went to art school

>> No.1664646

oh man I have seen that happen so often
recently googled some artist I liked back then and almost all of them stopped drawing the creative and interesting things they used too, and surprise every time they mention they are going to art school and at the same time they start drawing uninspired and often generic or sloppy things
made me sad.

>> No.1664681
File: 312 KB, 424x389, 1338068876818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to universities and seeing the deviantart level work of fucking third year students
All the interviewers love my shitty work and it's probably because they've never seen a good drawing.

>> No.1664721

aw hell no

>> No.1664723


you burst out laughing didn't you? ic has turned you into a heartless monster.

>> No.1664725
File: 5 KB, 184x227, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one guy who is a hipster,

>> No.1664727

But anon, you are the hipster

>> No.1664738

i know.

>> No.1664739

I have no idea why, but this hit me the right way and I lol'ed heartily.

>> No.1664750

Korea recently has been letting up on japanese culture imports

>> No.1664804
File: 32 KB, 590x350, saville-370439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one guy who molests children

>> No.1664839

Its a bunch of demons judging a guys soul in hell by wayne barlow

>> No.1664860

Times 1000

>> No.1664865

>>Dar description


>> No.1664904

>that one guy who suspects another guy of molesting children

>> No.1664967
File: 24 KB, 516x384, tmp_1391810569458-775710058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know someone like that. Expect she a firend of mine thank god she's not in to me.

>> No.1664990



>> No.1665023 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 311x310, 1360801415604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon uses a tool to help him draw circles
>anon even uses a ruler to draw straight lines

>> No.1665106


get over it.

>> No.1665109


and its like, if you dont enjoy doing the work itself then what the fuck are you even doing in art school.

>> No.1665123
File: 21 KB, 338x429, feel with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who can only draw people in 3/4th views
It's me

>> No.1665125

The sooner you get out of your comfort level, the better. Don't be afraid to get frustrated and do mistakes with symmetry when a face is looking at you directly.

>> No.1665202

she likes you you fucking autist. ask her out. be nice. fuck her silly.

>> No.1665217
File: 25 KB, 530x543, 138707263586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that group of guys who used to laugh at my drawings on school

Thank you fellas for waking up my ambitions, you all made me a better artist that I was before!

>> No.1665218
File: 84 KB, 253x230, 1375495824852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

>> No.1665401

you are a very negative person

>> No.1665413

>that one person giving you advice
>actually complimenting you
wtf cunt get that stick outta your ass

>> No.1665417

>that girl who has to be in the pictures of her art instead of just getting a good clear picture of it

>> No.1665426

I remember way back in highschool I think sophomore year, there was some guy in my spanish class who would copy anime pics and people would quietly laugh at him. Teacher didn't give a shit what went on in that class. I looked at some of it, they were honestly pretty bad even though he was copying.

But 2 years later the same guy ended up going to a decent art school on scholarship. Some of his work was outside the art room and it was a million times better than his copied anime drawings. And they weren't anime.

Sorry for the long story, but I saw that even the worst weebs can improve drastically.

>> No.1665427
File: 108 KB, 912x491, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat parents' quick "mah boy you're in your twenties and doing stupid drawing" look they give you when pass by while you drawing

>> No.1665428

>that guy who thinks he's better than you.
>that other guy who is better than you.
>that hot chick who is an "artist" but can't draw.
>That pain in your wrist that stops you from drawing.
You just sound like a negative, bad artist who draws with his wrist instead of his elbow/shoulder.

>> No.1665444

The Boondocks is animated by Ks

>> No.1665448

i was mostly joking and even if you have perfect elbow drawing form you are going to get pain in your hand and rest if you paint 8 hrs or more a day.

>> No.1665456
File: 9 KB, 225x224, 1387754321343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Move to japan and become a mango artist there
Now that we are talking about this, do anyone think it is more plausible to, say, learn to speak korean and then get hired by a korean animation or game studio, or even by a 'Manhwa' publisher? I mean, compared to the Weeb-dream which I'm pretty sure has never happened to a westerner.
>Japs hate K's and hardly ever hire outside their own country
That's funny, I've seen a couple artists that are korean and work for japanese publishers here and there, I don't think they are as popular but it does happen.

>> No.1665490

Except that if you read the credits for almost any current anime, you'll see a fuckload of Korean names pop up on the screen.

>> No.1665492

Felipe Smith is the one single person I know of who managed to get serialized in a jap manga magazine as a foreigner. But it's not like he stuck around in Japan after finishing it, he moved back to the states and works in animation, now.

>> No.1665496

>do anyone think it is more plausible to, say, learn to speak korean and then get hired by a korean animation or game studio

I remember seeing a video of a 'murican talk about his experience doing this. I don't remember the video name, but at least I know it's possible. It just doesn't really make sense for people outside of Korea to do it when you could just work on the (arguably) more creative parts rather than the busy work and make more $$.

>> No.1665500

That's all for outsourced inbetween chump work, mostly. Because koreans work for even cheaper than japanese animators. The bottom line surpasses almost in-born hatred. Manga is another industry entirely, a korean is much better off trying to get published in their own country. Or in that anon's roommate's case, in the states.

I know maybe like 2 koreans who actually got work as animation directors in anime alongside a production team full of other japanese ADs rather than as just inbetweeners. And one of them actually did better than most of the other ADs. But the fact is that it's still not a common thing.

>> No.1665507


Hell has frozen over.

>> No.1665530

>Girl has more than a thousand dollars invested in Copic markers and accessories
>Only draws bad weeb shit.

>> No.1665596

>mah boy

I have to agree with The King, Link. You should go to Gamelon to save Duke Onkled and defeat Ganon.

>> No.1665729

I think I read about a Canadian girl doing character art for Ncsoft. That's more what I was thinking, not so much the 'busy work' whatever that means.
I've also seen a fuckload of korean names pop out in the credits of videogames (some Capcom neogeo games) though in most cases they do background art, character art, most of the 'thinking' to put it simply was done by japs though.

>> No.1665733


>> No.1665742

>That one guy who draws "graffiti" all over his sketchbook

>> No.1665746
File: 167 KB, 800x716, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tolerate this shit way much more than those middle aged women who scrapbook/make cards. pic related.

>> No.1665748

>Apply for design school with shit ton of graphic design, digital illustrations, etc.
>>1665746 this is what the wanted to see


>> No.1665761

>Still pretty shit at art
>Be reminded that there's all these people out there not even willing to try

Thanks, /ic/

>> No.1665764
File: 103 KB, 500x498, 1393186241996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be reminded that there's all these people out there not even needs to try something because they're actually very good on everything they do

>> No.1665766

>I think I read about a Canadian girl doing character art for Ncsoft. That's more what I was thinking, not so much the 'busy work' whatever that means.

I assumed you meant the actual animation part considering it really makes no sense to go unless you're going for that. I'm not really sure how much Korean studies have in the actually design process when it comes to animation, but I suppose a game studio would be a lot easier.

>> No.1665769
File: 9 KB, 267x181, 1393187578936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep down knowing these people actually do spend hundreds of hours grinding it out behind the scenes to get very good
>Saying they have talent to excuse myself for being a lazy cunt

>> No.1665780
File: 30 KB, 236x289, 1391094485351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop whining and draw things, anon

>> No.1665784
File: 35 KB, 300x360, 4343t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am you.

>> No.1665796

these people who draw eyes all the time

>> No.1665802

There are people that don't even have any hobbies.

>> No.1665826

Maybe he was just copying for fun, or trying to see what he could glean style wise.

>> No.1665833

is it so hard to admit that you're lazy?

>> No.1665840

He was copying them into his sketchbook, and it was the only sketchbook I ever saw him with. We were only acquaintances and didn't talk regularly, but he let me flip through it and it was 95% copies. Mostly screencaps from fate anime (I think?) or full metal alchemist. The few drawings that were his own were also pretty much the same quality. I'm not knocking on the guy, he managed pretty impressively for himself in the end, and it's not like he was full of himself or was an unpleasant person.

>> No.1665863


it's not my fault.

it's genetic
my mother didn't love me
i am too depressed to do it
i get anxiety attacks when i push myself
i can't find the time
i need my beauty sleep
good things come to those who wait! remember that Dante Gabriel Rosetti took a week to sharpen his pen. don't rush me

>> No.1665880

>mfw people draw on computer paper
>mfw I have no face

>> No.1665890
File: 38 KB, 200x160, 138755069655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>eat something
>lurk at /ic/
>compare yourself to other badass artists
>feels bad
>watch alot of art videos
>think "I wanna improve!"
>finally start drawing something
>looks terrible
>feels bad

That's my life everyday and I don't know how to study things.

>> No.1665897


You're still learning and expanding your visual library so it's not a total loss

Stop being a lazy shit though, rent a big scary dude to intimidate you or look into the pomodoro technique

>> No.1665899
File: 198 KB, 398x750, ITSNOTMYFAULT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haha, oh man those are amazing.

But yeah holy shit some of them will never own up and its always something else at fault. Doesn't help that many have these constant pity-parties where they bemoan how its soooo harrrrd to do have the most basic self-discipline or time management. Pic related.

>> No.1665904


doesn't sound like you even want to do this. better find a different career path anon befiore you end up like that dude who posted here:

>been pro artist for a while now
>every day i think about killing myself

>> No.1665906

Nah, I think he does want it. He is just like a shy girl who doesn't dare to talk to her crush.
Needs some courage to buckle down and grind those 10 000 drawing hours.

>> No.1665913

>console shit


>> No.1665918

You guys motivated me, I'll change my life today, I wanna create an training routine, is this a good idea?

>> No.1665917

>I've only got 5 hours till I go to bed/class/gym. It's not even worth opening up SAI to practice

Me every day.

>> No.1665923


It's a good idea if it feels like it'll motivate you.

Try it out. Does it work? No? Feel bad about it? Well keep at it. Give it an honest shot. If you keep something up for 3 weeks straight it becomes a habit.
Still not working? Ok then try a different approach. You'll find something that works eventually.

Remember: don't give up straight away if it feels wrong. Keep trying for 3 weeks.

>> No.1665925


To be honest I have trouble with self-discipline as well.

I mean. Fuck. Look at me I'm on 4chan AGAIN.
I have shit to do. Better take out the garbage or something that removes me from the 'puter

>> No.1665938

Start exercising. Just 20-30 min. daily. I'm not talking about lifting to get swole or preparing for a long distance marathon, just a 1/3rd of an hour of cardio. Physical exercise helps everything else in your life fall into place a lot easier.

>> No.1665956

>"I'm going to draw you."

please, don't, no

>> No.1665966



>> No.1665974

what scares me every night is thinking that someone will actually buy this mask because he thinks that it's "cool"

>> No.1666066

100% this actually. I know this landwhale that only draws 3/4 portraits of her weaboo shit on Tumblr. I was actually the same level as her 2 years ago, but then I got serious, and started learning shit. She hates my very existence because I'm what she could've been if she started getting serious at the same time I did. It's... really sad, man...

>> No.1666151
File: 283 KB, 636x636, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that cat that can't decide whether it wants in or out

>> No.1666158

I know this isn't the thread about it but could someone tell me what the tool in this pic is called? I'm in really need of one but cant look for it since idk the name.


>> No.1666187

A micron pen? http://www.jetpens.com/Sakura-Pigma-Micron-08-Marker-Pen-0.5-mm-Black/pd/767?gclid=CIy34N6b5LwCFfNxOgodOEIANQ

>> No.1666189
File: 6 KB, 200x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1666192
File: 19 KB, 226x182, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1666196


>> No.1666198

>be sophomore
>start drawing /mlp/ shit for bout a year
>"anon you fukin gay"
>damn son
>man the fuck up and burn all my art
>begin drawing figures
>discover livestream
>discover sticky
>discover /ic/

>> No.1666199

>be sophomore
>start drawing /mlp/ shit for bout a year
>"anon you fukin gay"
>damn son
>man the fuck up and burn all my art
>begin drawing figures
>discover livestream
>discover sticky
>discover /ic/
Uphill from here

>> No.1666200


>> No.1666201


>> No.1666202
File: 71 KB, 520x678, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1666216


I don't quite understand why people get upset over this.. ?

>> No.1666240


Today in the art studio I was commenting with another student about the the lack of weekend open studio hours attendants despite the complaint about the lack of over all open studio time. apparently the weekend heavy 24 hour a week open studio hours isn't enough. it's not a much but it's better than nothing.

>> No.1666250


you got 24 hours? lucky bastard.

We got 18 hours. It's a lot I admit, definitely enough.. only problem is that the hours that it's closed (midnight - 6 AM) are the hours I'm the most active. I'm a nightowl, always have been.

>> No.1666251

because it's hard to walk the line between accuracy, caricature and a good likeness. most of the time you get it wrong and they'll think you suck and it'll be harder to bed them.

>> No.1666253


You're ... saying that the only reason you talk to her is because you want to fuck her.
And you don't want to draw her because then you'd show your weaknesses as an artist and be less likely to fuck her?

>> No.1666258

that's not even enough, I'm just at a small state college, some art schools rock open studio all the damn time. you can get in when you need too and that's pretty much it.. all the fucking time.

>> No.1666261

no, she talked to me because she wants to fuck me.

>> No.1666273


It is what it is.
I got my 18 hours and, while they don't fit my lifestyle, I've got to adapt.

or make a studio here at home. I mean I might as well. Before long I'll be working in my own studio and not one handed to me by some institution, so the experience will come in handy.

>> No.1666407
File: 124 KB, 771x599, 771px-Edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His inflation stuff was better than what he does now.

>> No.1666409
File: 33 KB, 460x381, 1393255884100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those splochy white spaces from colouring exclusively with the paint bucket

>> No.1666478

>tfw want to practice drawing naked men but afraid my family will find the drawings and think I'm gay

>> No.1666530

>I've never heard of Rembrandt

>> No.1666543

>that one girl who draws nothing but lesbian anthromorphic horse porn.

Not even joking.. she asked for my critique, all I could really say was it was an interesting style.

>> No.1666547


If that's a concern, then practice drawing naked men and women simultaneously.
I doubt that they'll look at a paper with 3 naked men and 2 naked women in figure drawing poses and think "he's a faggot."


Criticise the art, not the subject.

>> No.1666551

I like what she has going at her age, but damn, somtimes it looks borked.

>> No.1666556

>all I could really say was it was an interesting style.

>> No.1666570

>draw girls all day
>mom thinks I'm lonely
I think I have Autism, cause I don't give a fuck about the opposite sex.

>> No.1666587


Why do you draw girls all day?

>> No.1666595


not the poster above, but I'd understand him if he thinks that female body lines are pure grafical beauty


at least it's lesbian horse porn and not gay horse porn. seconded on criticising the technique and not the style

>> No.1666599


>don't give a fuck about the opposite sex
>female body lines are pure grafical beauty

In my book these two statements don't really mix.

>> No.1666601

Don't be so pedantic. He probably means on a relationship level.

>> No.1666603


In that case it would make sense.
So >>1666570 what is it? What's the motivation? We're beginning to speculate over here

>> No.1666607

You're either gay or asexual or married to your art.

>> No.1666622

4 years ago I dreamed of making my own wife. Drawing her would take practice and time.
So I did it, and I'm almost satisfied with her. Whoever she may be.
I enjoy the idea of a girl. But not being in a room full of them. Always scares the hell out of me and I start sweating.
See the first response on this post

>> No.1666628

Posting again as>>1666622 .
Whenever I see a naked girl IRL I don't think about fucking her, but I think about drawing her, in order to add to my image diary.
Granted I still fap. But only when I need to.

>> No.1666634

Sorry, was at an interview.
The technique was utter shit, the style was the ONLY positive thing about them. I hoped she would get the idea that I thought they were shit.

Turned out to be her fetish... strange, but kind of sexy.

>> No.1666679

That sounds kind of disgusting.
I don't really like the smell of people, specially men.

>> No.1666718

Me too. Let's have lesbian sex!

>> No.1666836

This guy fucking gets it.

>> No.1667059

Thanks man

>> No.1667382


The one where it was a guy complaining he had no life because of his job?

Honestly, that would be the dream for me. I think most non-artists are sucked into the idea of being an artist because of how you apparently have no boss, can work from home, laze around all day. I know Sergio Aragones did a short comic about that.