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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1660594 No.1660594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are there any artists you consider talentless?

>> No.1660598

All artists are talentless. There's no such thing as talent, talent is nothing more than a mere excuse for someone to say "oh I wish I was born with that talent" anybody can learn how to paint or draw if you put your mind into it.

TL;DR - I have no talent, and Mr. Tentacles has all the talent.

>> No.1660608
File: 98 KB, 640x290, Keith-Haring-large-640x290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keith Haring
Nice bait.

>> No.1660616

there are tons and tons of artists out there and tons and tons are not entirely skilled. as far as professional goes, someone like jackson pollock or rhotko may appear talentless but the truth is that thew do very well in their style. i love to pencil draw but i dont know how to create abstract and modern art. they are good at what they do.

>> No.1660620

i wasn't calling him talentless, i really like his work and have some of his prints up, but whenever people come over they ask about the artist and think it's easy to do

>> No.1660721

>There's no such thing as talent


>> No.1660725


>> No.1661018

Warhol, Hirst, Emin. Keith Haring is pretty bad too. Lots of folk artists...

>> No.1661020
File: 85 KB, 450x619, basquiat 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand why he was popular.

>> No.1661026
File: 1.39 MB, 3421x2295, poison-oasis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art world needed a black artists to latch onto and his style was unique. I like some of his work, others don't deserve a second glance.

>> No.1661029


I wanna puke.

>> No.1661032
File: 212 KB, 1024x516, 50_Number_30_autumn_rhythm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 Pollock 'cause he's my nigga and suffers more than most other artists in reproduction.

>> No.1661033
File: 249 KB, 600x846, anabasis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twombly is in the same boat as Basquiat for me, occasionally I'll really like one of his works but often it just seems lazy.

>> No.1661036

get a load of this faggot.

>> No.1661038

Get a load of this other faggot.
Really tired of the parrots who go around throwing fits every time the word 'talent' is used. It's part of the English language for a reason. You think Mozart wasn't talented? Picasso? If they achieved success only through hard work, why were they child savants? Different people have different aptitudes, deal with it.

>> No.1661041
File: 40 KB, 480x333, Stupid-Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh margaret this artist is sooooooooo talented

>> No.1661048
File: 201 KB, 709x1024, Firstcommunion_picasso4by6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no actual argument
>post an image of a stupid person
Why yes what a valid point you raise. I'll have to rethink everything I've come to believe after that.

>> No.1661050


>> No.1661347

> It's part of the English language for a reason.
Just like "magic", but it doesn't mean that it's real.
>You think Mozart wasn't talented?
Yes, I think that he wasn't talented. When Mozart was born then his father (successful music teacher and composer) started teaching young Mozart.
>why were they child savants?
There's no enough evidence.
>Different people have different aptitudes, deal with it.
I agree that not everyone can achieve greatness - you can't expect someone blind to draw, or complete retard to write poems, and so on.
But I don't see reason to think that healthy, hard working person, learning from master can't become master himself.

I suggest you to read "Talent is overrated"; it's based on scientific research.

>> No.1661388
File: 449 KB, 850x1454, lord and saviour based loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter if your father is a musician or not, 5 year olds can't compose music and play several instruments. Mozart also reported that he just heard music inside his head and he just had to write it down, or else he would go mad.
If that's not an insane musical aptitude(talent), then I don't know what is.
Same goes for those handful of 12 year old kids doing advanced algebra/maths, and shit like that.

I agree that talent isn't important, and certainly
not in art, but to deny that some people have an insane natural ability for certain skills is ridiculous.

>> No.1661392

Every time somebody denies the fact that talent exist I get the feeling they feel threatened in a way.

They just can't deal with the fact that they have to work for years on end to get good at a certain skills, and then some 12 year old child prodigy shit head comes along and he makes the same progress in 3 months.

>> No.1661402

While I agree with you, and the saying "oh, you're so talented!" makes me so fucking mad, but we can't deny that given the same resources and time, no two humans will accomplish the exact same progress.

>> No.1661404

Talent is real. Trying to deny it is sheer idiocy. Just like with intelligence and various sports, there are also varying degrees of talent among artists.
The only difference is that artistic talent is more abstract and difficult to measure objectively, and can be based on a large variety of mental processes.

>> No.1661419

Maybe he gets the most flak because he couldn't fucking draw.

Even Picasso could draw.

>> No.1661489

i guess "talented" or "not talented" is just an expression of how people percieve and think how art works.
mainly, people get good at thinks because they can express themselves, and feel joy/relief by doing so. in a real good painting, you can feel the personality of the artist. that's what makes it unique, there's a lot of unconscious stuff that the artist gave his work, and urge to say something. people connect with that. so if you percieve art just by technical means, you can only explain it as something "magical". talent.

maybe one point is that there a "visual, cinetic and auditive people". but as a human being you can explore all of those senses. so yeah i guess everybody can learn it in a way.

>> No.1661501
File: 520 KB, 678x393, 1392771199368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same goes for those handful of 12 year old kids doing advanced algebra/maths, and shit like that.
>to deny that some people have an insane natural ability for certain skills is ridiculous.
I did some research (pic related) and I have to agree with you - talent exist as long as by talent you mean some kind of illness.
Congratulation, you won this internet argument.

On the other hand most of your arguments were weak:
>5 year olds can't play several instruments.
Because normal parents aren't obsessed about teaching 3 year old children music.
>5 year olds can't compose music
True. First Mozart songs and melodies are very similar to music made by his father.
Coincidence? I don't think so.
>Mozart also reported that he just heard music inside his head and he just had to write it down, or else he would go mad.
I'm mediocre painter, but I see things in my head. Often I fell that I really want to paint these pictures.
I call it "imagination".

>given the same resources and time, no two humans will accomplish the exact same progress.
Because no two humans have exactly same experiences to learn from.

>> No.1661504

no you fucking retard. the point you're trying to make is that talent can usually be overcome.
but talent does exist. not believing in it would make you delusional.

talent exists, it's just the base compatibility you have towards a certain thing.

>> No.1661510

people who are "talented" understand fundementals better then other people that's really all it is.

>> No.1661511

You genuinely can't be this retarded.
Talent is just a word used to describe a certain set of inborn traits that gives people an advantage in certain fields. This can be any field, such as mathematical logic, spatial perception, verbal abilities and so on. These are all easily measurable.

The very idea that every single person is born identical, with the same potential is absolutely insane. Your entire post reeks of ignorance, and more or less everything you're saying has been scientifically debunked.

>> No.1661531

>These are all easily measurable.

>> No.1661573

IQ tests test all of the above.
Men tend to have superior logic and spatial perception scores, while women have higher verbal scores. In fact, the spatial perception differences are so severe that a third of all women simply can't become ATCs, because they can't visualize the data on the monitors.

There are also racial differences, such as Asians having superior rote memorization skills, while Caucasians and Ashkenazi Jews are better at abstraction.

>> No.1661576

No it isn't. Some people are naturally more adept at certain things than other people.

>> No.1661578

thats more for art, I can understand talent being used for sports ect. but something that is purely a mental process such as illustration requires knowledge

>> No.1661595

Here's my take on it guys. People always say I have talent in everything I do but my "talent" is learning the core basics then moving on from there. I'm a great musician but i have no talent. I say i have a pitch perfect ear but I've been practicing it since i was a child. I also don't focus too hard on being perfect but rather on the art and emotion and expression of my music and I think that's what attracts people. It's all about the foundation and I think people just skip over it expecting results. In music learning the very basics of music theory and then just trying to get something from your head into music is so much easier than just winging it, or learning and focusing just on like blues or just on chords or just on one thing. You can do that later on if you think you need it but perfecting basics results in everything being up in skill.

why am I ranting. I need to go to bed. I'm not even an artist kekekek

>> No.1661603

>Caucasians and Ashkenazi Jews
easier to just say white people

unless you also mean middle easterners and indians as well

in which case you don't need to mention ashkenazi jews

>> No.1661617
File: 2.14 MB, 1079x1080, 16sai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy. I don't understand why people like his stuff, it's all terrible.

>> No.1661641


go jerk off to some rockwell pussy.
if you are too fucking stupid to see a black kid die of heroin, i mean analyze his painting on straight, verticals and diagonals, as well color and hue shifting.

>> No.1661747

yo get out

>> No.1661748

Pretty much this.

People have a latent ability when it comes to one thing or another, and different things make it more apparent than others, but it's not the most important thing.

With drawing, I'd say the main thing people are looking at when they look at 'talent' is the artists' ability to observe something and then apply what they observed. It's the difference between the six year old that draws a circle with stick limbs, and the six year old that draws a can for a neck. Both are symbols for something they see, but one is observing and applying that observation better than the other.

Time really can be an equalizer for that, but in the end it's all personal opinion because it's not something that can be quantified.

>> No.1661794

He did great early realism and then went onto work in that style. He is very talented imo. probably one of the most talented artists there ever were.

>> No.1661796

I think the thrill of it was just seeing a dude from the street do his thing on a canvas. Rich collectors liked that kind of primitvist style. I think his work kinda carries on from Picasso's late work as it becomes even more expressionistic yet still retaining a figurative style

>> No.1661810

it's not smart to think of the art market as being controlled by collectors. they buy the stuff, but only as investments. they're told what's good and what's bad by agents, curators, gallery owners and critics...and their wives.

it's important to remember that the art market isn't controlled by 'rich plebs' but people with fine arts educations. that's why it's all such shit.

if it was the money making the decisions we'd be painting middle aged male fantasies.

>> No.1661828

People tend to think manga is easy to do because: it's just lines and big eyes.

>> No.1661964

It's true that Picasso predicted neo-expressionism.

>> No.1661981

Who is the artist? Sorry cant reverse image search on my phone.

>> No.1661996


Are you the guy from that talent thread on /lit/?

>> No.1661997

Gustav klimt

>> No.1662004
File: 103 KB, 576x576, 1392831177839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This rustles my jimmies

>> No.1662006

Josef Albers, im sure his originality will strike you dead

>> No.1662026

Albers, Rothko, Barnett Newman, Mondrian, Ellsworth Kelly, Yves Klein

>> No.1662027

Ruan Jia?

>> No.1662031 [DELETED] 

Every hotshot vidya artist working today. Nothing but tricks. They have no concept of the fundamentals of Art. Boring, meaningless flare.

>> No.1662260


>> No.1662302 [DELETED] 

Anyone whos was every published in a Expose book.

I know promotional/concept art isn't suppose to have significant meaning beyond being eye candy. But the bombastic enthusiasm given to the work tries to imply a higher elevation that isn't there. It's as if were to be implied they are the NEW fine artist of our generation.

And if you read up on their process you can see a common trait, over time they collect these tricks and shortcuts to get the product out as quickly as possible. Given the situation that is to expected and is absolutely fine.

But the irritation rises when it's implied that they know the secrets to Art. No they don't. They know a lot good techniques for making great eye candy to sell a product, no argument there. But I have yet to see one make a significant and impactful statement like you would find with an exceptional fine artist.

>> No.1662359

What is the greatest piece of art you can link me? I'm new to art and I want to be blown away.

>> No.1662539 [DELETED] 

The Eiffel Tower

>> No.1662549

You know that he would have been relatively unknown had it been for Andy Warhol.

That being said there is never a need for a 'black artist to latch onto.' Like ever.

>> No.1662586

myself, pretty much a failure

>> No.1662588

He did more for Warhol's waning career than Warhol did for his.

>> No.1662625

Talent exists but is a complex thing. But the way most people think about it is short-sighted. Painting and drawing, well, it's learned. Although, there are people that get way beyond others in terms of skill and the quality of their art. There are different levels of intelligence and personalities across the art world...therefore, the "talents" are different.

I consider most of abstract artists talentless, but that's most likely because I don't really understand it. I'm sure they are talented, just in a different way.

>> No.1662631

it's kind of funny because the word comes from the bible story, the parable of the talents. and the moral of that story is if you're given a gift you have to develop it yourself and use it well, otherwise it's worthless.

so the, 'talent isn't as important as hard work' thing is built right into the etymology of the word.

>> No.1662657
File: 30 KB, 500x590, odd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here heard of Odd Nerdrum? He's Norway's most accomplished living painter, having earned more than $30 million on his art. He apparently loathes modern art, and claims his art is kitsch (it's actually classic) because actually being skilled in traditional painting techniques isn't popular among art critics. In fact, art critics actually criticise him for painting the way he does, and for not living up to modern ideals in art.

>> No.1662677

His definition of kitsch though is different from the standard one. He has actually written a fair bit on it.

And it's stupid to criticize the way he paints saying it isn't "modern". He paints like Rembrandt, but with modern subject matter--it's an interesting juxtaposition. I really like his work.

>> No.1662691

Yes, his primary influences are apparently Rembrandt and Caravaggio.
I'm a fan of his style and I also greatly appreciate that he's openly critical of both left-wing politics and modern art.

>> No.1662709

>critical of left-wing politics
muh nigga

>> No.1662730 [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 2592x869, mykneegur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ doesn't deserve Nerdrum yet.

>> No.1663070

talent= hard work, imo.

>> No.1663097

It looks like the artwork of children.

>> No.1663680


>> No.1663698

> implying talent exists

>> No.1665101
File: 213 KB, 628x783, 1393113520336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone's an art critique.

some people hate a jonathan meese or an andre butzer for their childlike neo-expressionism, some people think they're geniuses.

i am in the latter category

>pic related: jonathan meese

>> No.1665111

>implying it doesn't
read the thread before posting, thanks. if you actually have a thoughtful response to the talent discussion above (spoiler: you don't), then go ahead and post it.