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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 518 KB, 1365x900, Kubert3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1655286 No.1655286 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like we should have a thread on comics. For those of you who are or want to get into the comics scene, what are your goals, where do you want to end up and what are you currently doing to get there?

And has anyone tried their hands at cons, selling their own shit at tables or portfolio reviews and the like? Or are you trying to get internet popular with a webcomic?

Also post some of your fave comic art. Pic related, Joe Kubert was a beast

>> No.1655336
File: 1.26 MB, 1438x1250, tothmagic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are your goals
Just make comics

>where do you want to end up and what are you currently doing to get there?
Dunno but I'm brewing ideas.

>And has anyone tried their hands at cons
There are no cons on my country.

>Or are you trying to get internet popular with a webcomic?
I'm planning this but the future looks grimm, webcomics are hard to sell.

And my favorite Alex Toth. Alessandro Barbucchi is my other favorite but I don't have any of his art handy.

>> No.1655345
File: 89 KB, 543x960, 1392164377137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on a comic for the past week or so now. It's a bit of an homage to Berserk and the video game Dark Souls. This is page 4, and I'm allllmost done inking it. I can post more if you want, or if it's absolutely horrid I can just leave.

>> No.1655365

wow this looks pretty good, anon!
would buy/10

>> No.1655369

Please don't hit me, but I've always been bothered by the way american comics _in general_ are kinda static and overloaded graphically.
Am I the only one? Any good examples of dynamic comics?

>> No.1655373


>> No.1655374

Good one. I also like Zot from McCloud. Perfect mix of influences, that's what I'd like to make. Can't wait for his next comic.

>> No.1655380

I'd like to break into the industry, and either write or draw for a few established characters I'm fond of. In general I'm interested in any jobs involving comic characters, I've seen concept art for Injustice and the costumes on Arrow and both gigs seem pretty sweet.

As for my own original ideas, I'm starting to realize I think more in motion and considering how hard it is to get a semi serious serialized original western cartoon made, I'm considered just animating the thing on my own and releasing it on the web. Probably going to be incredibly hard, but I'd rather be able to do things my way then deal with censorship, corporate bullshit or cancellation.

>> No.1655382


We're in a transitional stage. Traditionally Marvel has always maintained a house style while DC has been more generalized but recently Marvel has been branching out a lot while DC is becoming more insular.

>> No.1655383

Wait, really? You like it enough that if it actually came out, you'd buy it?

Thanks man, that was just a huge confidence boost.

>> No.1655385

I've made comics before and have plans to jump back into it next year after I've gotten stronger at digital painting. I've done stuff with ink (both physical and digital) but find it incredibly finicky and uncomfortable to use. It also separates colour from the drawing process which is the first thing the viewer sees. Kinda confused why ink + colours afterwards is still the norm for comics.

>> No.1655391

Get good, scrub.

>> No.1655402

>Kinda confused why ink + colours afterwards is still the norm for comics.

Three reasons:

1) It's tradition. Inked line art has been a staple of comics since the medium's birth
2) It's practical. Inked lineart means the colors don't have to be fully modeled, they just have to complement the inks
3) It looks great. Nuff said.

>> No.1655408

I'm not a comic guy, per say. I used to read manga when I was younger, Naruto, HxH, Ranma 1/2, Berserk, Death Note and some other stuff. I sort of got more interested in comics when Batman Begins was announced. I started to buy and download some classics. I got into Ultimate Spiderman. Old batman, absorbed the entire DCAU and learned about the DC characters. Unfortunately, I found I really didn't appreciate the story or art in comics. There was no harmony in much of the big 2. I read a few indie, and they were good, but I never cared much to continue. Blah blah last thing I read was Invincible, and I must say, that was a strong comic.

I just want to mention that I read a little thing about Alex Toth critiquing an artist. And I learned that if you want to understand what makes a comic great, you gotta read that critique, and look at Alex Toth's work. I've found similar "storytelling" in Paolo Rivera and Cliff Chiang. TLDR, if I cared about comics I'd want to do it like the latter 3 guys. Toth Rivera and Chiang.

>> No.1655415

bro ,that looks like a medieval desert punk

>> No.1655417
File: 961 KB, 1520x2688, 1391607567123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that good or bad? In actuality the MC is a Doppelsoldner (double paid soldier schooled in the use of using a zweihander) who hunts monsters and dragons in his spare time.

>> No.1655420

different anon, im not gonna critique, but u you're doing what you're supposed to creatively. Writing down ideas and putting them to paper, making comics and inking them. You must keep posting too. The old mediums and ways of getting published are bullshit. You have to show your stuff. So keep doing what you're doing.

>> No.1655421
File: 12 KB, 210x240, 1391242420045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post example or try to justify yourself without being a weeb.

>> No.1655432

Well I don't know, pretty much any cape comics I've seen except maybe Quitely. Post counter-example, it would be more simple. I'm not being an asshole, I really wish I could find american comics to make me wrong.

>> No.1655435
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>> No.1655436
File: 39 KB, 472x645, 1377212476907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bagbosse, you just made my fucking NIGHT dude. Goddamn.

>> No.1655441
File: 296 KB, 1151x764, s1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what kind of art you like? Animeish? What about comics with cartoony artwork?

>> No.1655442

>1. Tradition
Fair enough, but ink was initial chooses due to limitations in reproduction technology.

>2. Practical
Debatable. But considering that concept art has to turn out as much if not more quick images than comics and they don't use it I'm not so sure.

>3. Looks good
Ill agree with that. But so do lots of other mediums. I don't think it shouldn't be done, it just strikes me as odd that ink is still the standard.

>> No.1655444
File: 137 KB, 623x616, verdinho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love your style.


>Wait, really? You like it enough that if it actually came out, you'd buy it?

Of course, I seriously think that you have future on what you're doing right now, keep it up anon, I don't know why but your work captivated me.
Follow your dreams!

>> No.1655446

How can I learn to get that perfect comic book handwriting? The lettering in comic books back in the day just gives it something so special that I feel like you miss out on with a font. Just print out some old comic letters and copy them for days until I can write like not-shit?

>> No.1655445

Depends. There's good as well as horrible cartoony styles. Same for manga. But I like manga more in general, in terms of comics, not only drawings, because they're more fluid. And drawings have more impacts. I'm not a big fan of the -semi-realistic or realistic style anyway, not for comics. I'm totally with what McCloud's saying in one of his books, when he explains that realistic comics tend to be less fluid, or something.

>> No.1655447

Go easy on the lines in the bricks there, man. It looks good in the last panel since there's enough your eye is drawn to other than it but that first one, ooof.

>> No.1655449

There was a nice image illustrating that anon's point. It was split in the middle and had a comic page on one side and a manga page on the other. It was pretty clear how the comic basically just put one panel after another illustrating separate action without giving a single thought to the comprehensive layout of the page, while the manga had a "cinematic" feeling to it, with the character out of the panels taking a good chunk of the page, and his action being repeated in the panels, just from different perspective.
I don't really like manga and I've read maybe 5 in my whole life, but the instant I tried to pick up a comic this staleness just killed me. Also, it felt really heavy on description too. It was some kind of X-men comic, I don't remember which. I dropped comics entirely after that, and I don't have any anti-comic bias due to the style in which the character are drawn or anything like that. It was just that boring.

>> No.1655450

Yeah, looking at it, it seems like he's almost in a dungeon instead of cobbled city streets. I'll ease up on them.

>> No.1655451

Maybe it won't be your thing, but maybe try playing around with watered down india ink for values in situations like that. Unless you plan to color or grey tone everything later of course. You could even use it in addition to the linework and see if you like it. But all those lines get real busy real fast.

>> No.1655458
File: 374 KB, 1373x858, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I've found it.

>> No.1655464
File: 306 KB, 643x997, img104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, /ic/ has this kind of thread once every 3 or 4 months. I wonder why that is, when threads like the anime one is updated almost weekly. Oh well.

>what are your goals

To support myself by making comics. I do have some short term goals of course. Make more pages, draw faster, get published, etc. But that is the end all be all goal.

>where do you want to end up

Working for MARVEL if I can help it. Or making creator owned stuff that people will like.

>what are you currently doing to get there?

Making as many pages as I can and learning from them. Its funny, I decided to pursue the dream of being a comic book artist almost 4 years ago and I still can't get myself to draw everyday. I'm either goofing off with video games or busy trying to make money so I can live comfortably or just plain tired. I'll have a good streak of days sometimes, even more so when I have a couple pages under my belt (My record is a month and a half of continuous drawing on a 4 page story) but the more I try to draw everyday the more exhausting it is to think about it.

>has anyone tried their hands at cons, selling their own shit at tables or portfolio reviews and the like?

Baltimore Comic-Con last year was my first comic con. I brought my whole portfolio like an idiot and made cards out of printer paper. I got short crits from David Finch, Adam Hughes, and Ryan Ottley, who gave me a much longer crit. All of them were helpful, especially Ryan's, and gave me the confidence needed for me to believe that I could actually do this for a living if I just kept at it.

>Or are you trying to get internet popular with a webcomic?

Possibly. I may do that as my first step into getting my name out there. I do have an online portfolio though that I post on here and /co/ quite often:


>> No.1655496
File: 54 KB, 814x218, 1390634154206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make my own graphic novel series, I haven't even started drawing, its all just, ideas in my head and my drawing skills are a shit so im filling may sketchbooks before i can feel like I can start

whats a good page size? a4 doesn't seem right, like, what is a professional feeling page size, saw some 12x9 inch in the art store today.

>> No.1655500
File: 333 KB, 929x1435, hospital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool thread, anon. I like seeing what people are doing with comics too. But i'll contribute some stuff I've been doing.

>> No.1655505
File: 314 KB, 929x1435, hospital2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then to answer the questions--

>what are your goals
Make the story in my head come into reality, slowly while maintaining full time job.

>where do you want to end up and what are you currently doing to get there?
Really, I'd like to end up doing more cons and freelance stuff. I work full time at a game company, and well, its just sorta draining.

>And has anyone tried their hands at cons
I've only done a couple of cons and I've never broken even on costs. Just not anime enough to rock it at an anime convention and just to anime to rock it at a small publisher convention.

>Or are you trying to get internet popular with a webcomic?
Don't really know exactly what format to distribute. I do like the smaller graphic novel idea (manga size) but, again, I dunno. Lots of work to go into something like that.

>> No.1655531

Finally worked up the courage to post my work here. Its a year old but its the last comic I made. I also found a pretty interesting program to display comics online. Maybe it will give someone on here ideas. http://daveclarkeart.tumblr.com/post/45332206351/dive-bar-comic-completed-march-2013

>> No.1655587

>Fair enough, but ink was initial chooses due to limitations in reproduction technology.

And the size of a comic book page was determined by the size of a newpaper, and even the name was based on humor being the predominant genre. It's all antiquated but at this point no one is really going to fuck with it.

>Debatable. But considering that concept art has to turn out as much if not more quick images than comics and they don't use it I'm not so sure.

Concept art isn't a finished product. Even though we all love to look at it, in the end it is not designed as a consumer product. Concept art just has to get the point across. A comic book is the finished product. It has to come out on time AND look good AND tell a story. A team on a monthly comic has to produce 20 pages of finished artwork every month. Each page could contain anywhere from 1/2 to 16 (or more) images, all of which have to been drawn and colored. Thats a lot of work. The traditional workflow is what it is because it expediates the process. The inker means the penciller doesn't have to worry about the actual finished art while also saving the colorist from having to define edges and values.

>Debatable. But considering that concept art has to turn out as much if not more quick images than comics and they don't use it I'm not so sure.

There have been a lot of strides made in the last ten years. Painted artwork used to be reserved for guys like Alex Ross. Now it's becoming more common for pencillers to pass their work straight to the colorist to be painted. But there are a few problems with this vs the traditional approach. 1) The penciller and colorist both take on more responsibility without reduced deadlines and 2) More and more artists are inking their own work just to earn extra cash. As for why inking is still the norm, the technology has really only been there are 15 years or so. And more importantly, most comic artists grow up reading comics and inked art is the aesthetic they like.

>> No.1655588


SUPER mediocre. Read more Loomis.

>> No.1655597

Use yout own hand writing, that is how they did years ago.
But there is more to that.

If you guys are going to be so weebish atleast admit you are into it for the moeblobs.

>> No.1655598


Go to Blambot and look at the hand lettering articles.

>> No.1655601


Lot of bullshit here.

They picked a particularly shitty example to demonstrate this since the Batman page was obviously designed as a whole with a symmetrical motif.

Present in the Batman page and without ugly slanted panels

The dialog in the manga page does absolutely nothing.

The manga page wastes an entire page on bullshit and establishes nothing. The comic page actually tells a story.

Comics aren't movies. Comics have a word for that kind of "cinematic." It's called "Decompressed" and it amounts to filler. If a comic book writer wastes as much space/money as the manga writer did they'd be run out of the industry.

>> No.1655611
File: 768 KB, 811x1125, 1392195485949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to make comic page commissions, but how much should i charge?

For example, how much would you pay for a comic page like pic related?

>> No.1655612

>Working for MARVEL if I can help it. Or making creator owned stuff that people will like.

Read this book and you'll change your mind:

>> No.1655614


$25 per page

>> No.1655616

Min wage + 30 for pecils + 20 for inks + 20 for colors + 10 for lettering.

Could you not post a link to a book and post a real argument?

>> No.1655617


Jesus, me confused now.

>> No.1655619

>Could you not post a link to a book and post a real argument?

Oh sorry mister whiny boy. Fuck off and read it if you really care about it.

>> No.1655629

I make my living by drawing comics for turkish airlines' flight magazine. It's horrid, they want to keep it horrid.

It's for toddlers I get it but they don't let me alter character designs, they pay someone to use his design.

So if you want to make a living by drawing comics you either gotta do it commercially like I do or you gotta first get bretty gud, finish some stories, take it to publishers and see if they'd be interested.

By the way, I think /ic/ would love Planetary, it's my favorite.

>> No.1655717

well, one is the classic commission rate, the other probably assume that you have a lot of page to do. if an amateur comics writer want to commission you a 30 page story, he probably cant afford a 100 $ page rate. if you really want to do comics, it's probably better to go for a 25$ page rate and half the royalties. if you want to make money with your art and have enough solicitation for commission, you will be better off with just commission.

(also, is this a porn comics?)

>> No.1655758

This looks good, man! What's the theme/plot/story etc? Got any inked pages to show?

>> No.1655808

>Read this book and you'll change your mind

Doubtful. I've heard plenty of horror stories. Its sort of unavoidable in this era of comics to NOT hear about them. But, I know what I'm getting myself into and I'm preparing myself for it.

>> No.1655810

I'd love to draw comics, but professionally? I've heard bad things about the big two, so probably something different or more out there. but I couldn't be a writer, there's just something about helping bring someones idea to life through collaboration and my own hands that would make me want to do comics

>> No.1655841

I don't want too sound too harsh, but it looks a bit amateur'ish. Yet i think it has a lot of charm.

Particulary this one. The childish and doodly lines make it very enjoyable.

Your comic has potential and i would probably read it if the story is any good.

>> No.1655855
File: 2.09 MB, 2000x2000, Inkle2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any scans of my test comic, but here's a test example where i tried out my markers.

>> No.1656282
File: 599 KB, 800x716, xtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, nice man

i really like jim woodring for his black and white psychedelia. also, one of my favourite comic artists is bastien vives. definetly grab one of his comics if you have the chance - he expresses his characters so well through situations and body language! he makes comics that you can read again and again, even if you know what happens, just because you get inside the feelings, moods and it's an experience in every read.

i find the black and white look alot, but color brings so much life to a character or a scene. the whole world of a comic, even if stylized and cartoony, get's less of an idea, puts it a lot of steps nearer to life because you can express mood etc. in a very different way. flat or painted colours, all are beautiful!

choosing a comic in the bookstore i go for the style. very minimal or expressionistic styles interest me the most. expecially if the comic is painted, or drawn with momentum/emotion/has a nice storytelling it really flows together well.

collage style like dave mceans is awesome. freaks me out a little, expecially in the batman/joker comic he illustrated i found it very desorienting.

i didn't do a comic for a while because i'm busy illustrating for school and making music in my freetime. i don't think i would go for a career in comics, because of what many people who are under the pressure of the business think of it. also what scott mcloud described and schulz' famous quote.

but i'll surely do a big story one day, reflecting many of my lifes discoveries, joys and struggles. hell, if i have the resources i'd make it an animated movie.

< here's a comic i did a while ago for a friend who liked clubbing.

>> No.1656285
File: 204 KB, 315x500, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also a self portrait from 1 or 2 years ago.
back then i was the greyscale man

(means i didn't use colors)

>> No.1656309

>(means i didn't use colors)

No shit, seriously? Thanks for telling me that, also
>le tumblr nose

Toplel anon

>> No.1656318

well, i didn't want somebody to be a dick because my work with actual grayscales isn't the best.

but you're a dick anyway

>> No.1656322

Rates for completed pages are usually $100 p/page.

>> No.1656323

>Lot of bullshit here.
In your post? Yes, there was plenty.

>> No.1656354
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Page I'm working now.

>> No.1656482
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I support this motion.

Comics were my gateway drug to wanting to be an artist. Although I spend a lot of time nowadays learning how to paint and aiming for a career in advertising and concept art I still come back to linework every so often.

>> No.1656485
File: 1.64 MB, 2338x2338, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is I can't seem to slow down with this stuff like I can with painting. These sketches took between 5 and 15 minutes each.

>> No.1656488
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>> No.1656503
File: 126 KB, 706x540, groo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks real nice. You might find some inspiration to further develop your style from the Groo comics

>> No.1656540

Kind of.

>> No.1656555

I keep making comics unfinished. But I want to make comics as a practice for film making. Usually, I'd make something more close to being a graphic novel, not an ongoing series, but I keep getting new ideas. It's hard to stick to one thing without losing interest.

>> No.1656707

This is pretty good.

Would be nice if you could show more than contruction work, because we don't really know what you're working on.

Is this yours? I like it. It has a very clean and expressive look and i don't usually like minimalism.

>> No.1656754

thats a muppet nose

>> No.1656867

Just a 4 page story to build up my portfolio. Its a continuation of the page posted in >>1655464. Two women, a fencer (left) and a police officer (right) in a fighting tournament. Just something quick and simple that I could use to show off my storytelling and practice my drawing of women.

I take pictures of my construction for my blog so its all I have right now until its farther along.

>> No.1656892

what's a good paper that can take watercolor for comics? I can't shell out tons of $$$ for arches.

>> No.1657089
File: 33 KB, 241x290, SAD18-11~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I study the body language and direction of Archie comics, interested in submitting to Fantagraphics or King Features syndicate

>> No.1657091
File: 65 KB, 375x369, satan3~01~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Canson triple -ply, for watercolor

>> No.1657099

MFW 140lb arches is cheaper at the same size, t-thanks for the suggestion anon, I'll stick to them cheap canson watercolor pads instead.

>> No.1657478
File: 199 KB, 536x680, page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy drawing comics, and it's what I want to do with my life, but there's always something that bothers me about my art. I just can't put my finger on it.

Is this just a case of me being my own worst critic?

>> No.1657479
File: 235 KB, 790x1053, legendprog-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thing.

>> No.1657484

the font is hard to read.

otherwise, no their nothing wrong with this quality, I could picture myself buying books with this level of drawing if the story is strong. That natural and good to seek improvement in your art, but this is good enough for production, in my opinion.

>> No.1657488

I like your guy, dude.

>> No.1659956

You're okay too, pal

>> No.1660397
File: 106 KB, 617x599, 1391450981652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden age or silver age? There was never a crew like E.C.

Check out Sad Sack - the forties rendition. Great character!

>> No.1660399
File: 384 KB, 850x1267, SAD18-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 page

>> No.1660401
File: 359 KB, 850x1267, SAD18-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#2 page...more?

>> No.1660403

ys pls

>> No.1660405

>The problem is I can't seem to slow down with this stuff like I can with painting.
Then pretend you're painting, but with a pen and line instead.

>> No.1660444

yes pls. reminds me of Cowboy Henk

>> No.1660458
File: 1.62 MB, 2342x828, set 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been working on this for an embarrassing amount of time.

>> No.1660468

jesus you are slow with the dump.

>> No.1660472

Way to ignore any and all crit, and you actually made it more confusing/worse

>> No.1660473


>> No.1660482

you can't really see what's going on there. try to lead the viewer trough the panels more, through the action. it's very confusing, the way you guide through the panels and the composition of each.

>> No.1660487

he posted this last year and ignored all the crit he got, its a lost cause

>> No.1660490

what would you recommend I do? Can you really not tell what is happening?

>> No.1660501

This is true, I posted the first in 2 and half the 3rd in January or February. I deployed shortly after and havn't worked on it since.

I'm sorry not much has changed.

Do you think I should just start it over?

>> No.1660505

Does the assailant fall down or something before he mushes her face?

People viewing a 'comic book' shouldnt have to ask those types of questions

>> No.1660506

yes he does.

the woman says "woah" ... "are you okay?"

>> No.1660510

First 6 panels nothing happens. actually looks like she is walking AWAY from the exit.

Intro man. arm indicates he is running towards her already.
frame with man running on ceiling is confusing

Every shot has horrific perspective and none of the figures look like they are in the space

Otherwise good job. <eyeroll>
Since you were told all this before, maybe this will help other anons at least.

>> No.1660517
File: 280 KB, 446x142, 1342055268975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anobody worked in a team, i.e: With a writer, an inker a colorist and a letterer?

Where did you found your team mates?
What is like to work that way?

>> No.1660523
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x784, comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you can see what i mean, because the drawings pretty shitty, but this is how you can use simple directions to indicate a flow, then the counteraction where he punches her. and the shot where he's running at her is much more dramatic when you see it from her perspective.

>> No.1660524
File: 1.72 MB, 2342x828, the missing pieces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know some pieces are missing, I scibbled in somethings.

I understand what you are getting at with the second page, I can portray him falling into the hallway better.

perspective and floating figures are probably at fault for me adding in back ground separately?

>> No.1660566

My dream is making comics.
I'm learning to draw solely for the purpose of giving my stories life.
I don't really care about making a living out of it. All I want is for it to be acessible to the largest possible number of people.
I want to do something that is bigger than pure entertainement, I want to do something that moves people. Changes, connects, touches, makes them think, makes them rethink, etc.

Just opening my heart to you guys.

>> No.1660661
File: 54 KB, 216x191, Screenshot 2014-02-18 00.51.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second to last panel just looks distractingly goofy to me. Her mouth just gets way too big, doesn't look right. I'm assuming her jaw is supposed to be dislocated? This almost looks like a muppet or something, I don't know

Live the dream man

>> No.1660939

I want more blood. Keep the shot. It looks brutal but the resulting damage doesn't give me what I want. Make her face rip?

>> No.1661427
File: 294 KB, 2717x2081, ilawthumbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, great to see this thread has taken off! Maybe we should do these more regularly, perhaps a sequential storytelling thread that can encompass more than comics would be ideal

I don't have anything recent and finished to show but here's some process work for a short story a friend wrote I'm gonna have a crack at. Just thumbing out panels before I start. I like to keep them fairly simple, not a fan of breaking them up or experimentation

E.C. were the tits, fuckin Jack Davis, Sam Glanzman, Wally Wood...

I have a hard time figuring out what's happening. You need to work on your storytelling, panel flow and angles a lot. The backgrounds are very sparse and jarring too and don't mesh with the way you've drawn the figures

I dig this, nice confident shapes and funky cartooning! You like Brandon Graham?

>> No.1661529
File: 263 KB, 600x444, Character ConceptSm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Going for dislocation/ broken jaw. She needs to live though. I had started another version of it's not scanned in though, I'll see if I can find it.

It may be the carpet being the more "finished" then the other bg elements?

>> No.1661547


>> No.1661577
File: 718 KB, 1182x890, compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1662192

>mfw a comics artist (currently working on a major Marvel book) that lives near me has opened up an internship

I don't enough things in my portfolio. I wonder how many pages I can crank out over the next few days? Fuck, this is exactly the break I've been lookin for and I'm not even ready for it