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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2 KB, 98x124, 1392028493845s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1654075 No.1654075 [Reply] [Original]

>Over the past few centuries, artists have successfully developed a host of imaginative and unusual methods for applying paint to canvas. But few are more colourful than the rectal squirt method developed by Keith Boadwee, Adjunct Professor of Fine Arts at the California College of the Arts, and visiting faculty member at the San Francisco Art Institute.
>The professor part-fills his rectum with (non toxic) water-based paint using a rubber hot water bottle with an attached plastic tube. Then, by carefully positioning himself near a large blank canvas placed horizontally on the art-studio floor, he is able, at the appropriate moment, to eject and direct a constrained jet of paint. Thereby rapidly creating one-of-a-kind artworks with an appositely chaotic and spontaneous feel

>> No.1654080
File: 51 KB, 459x580, 1392028493845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the low res picture.

>> No.1654083

That is surprisingly near Pollock's process (and product).

>> No.1654084

there's no real message or provocation behind that, so no? it's just a dude shitting out paint.

>> No.1654118
File: 322 KB, 1600x1094, 1389009512667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need Equality right?
New Challenger Appear!!!

>> No.1654119


>> No.1654123

I'm gay now. Thanks ._.

>> No.1654136

>just a dude shitting out paint
Well, try harder to think of a message. It seems like he's figuratively shitting on the idea of painting itself to me and yet making some sort of abstract expressionist painting at the same time. People hated abstract expressionism from about 70s. This almost feels like a hate speech but a little funnier than that and a bit gross too.

>> No.1654139

>dat ass-muscles
>cute and bearded too
>being able to spit out liquids for making art
>imagining how it will squeeze my duck
Yep. 100/10 would bang

>> No.1654150

she forgot to do the eyelashes

>> No.1654155

How about this?

>> No.1654179

I want my life back

>> No.1654182

I hate how people made the word ART be associated by this retarded shit, like pooing and puking paint, pissing in cans, etc.

When someone calls me an artist, it is an insult.
It is basicly calling someone a borderline ,worthless piece of shit clowning around.

>> No.1654185

So.... I assume you wouldn't watch a movie that has puking or shitting in it?

>> No.1654189

Are you retarded?

>> No.1654190

What do you even mean? I don't see much difference between sick shits in a performance art and a movie.

>> No.1654191

So you are a confirmed retard.

>> No.1654192
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>> No.1654194

I see you cannot even explain your own words. No doubt you clearly never put much consideration in your own thoughts. I hate to say it but you'll need to think a bit more.

>> No.1654195
File: 64 KB, 901x306, movieart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talk about fucking nonsense. I wouldn't watch a fucking movie about someone shitting paint and smearing puke. When did I ever said I would? Its utter fucking garbage.

As for movies even this random screencap is closer to art than what is on the right.

>> No.1654200

But why is it not art when it's got a sick stuff that disturbs you? There's a scene in I Saw The Devil (2010) where a guy shits and takes out a key out of his shit. Is that movie not an art?

>> No.1654201

Is the movie about shitting? Is the movie about only one scene? Is the movie utter nothing? Did that scene serve no purpose?

No you fucking drooling idiot.

>> No.1654202
File: 147 KB, 804x1200, 1392047178146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being good at something > being edgy

>> No.1654206

The movie isn't about shitting but why is it suddenly not art if it was? Why do you think that shitting in an art gallery means nothing without any purpose nor message? Why does art even have to have meaning at the first place when you can give pretty much any meaning if you wanted to.

>> No.1654207

>lol everything can be art
fuck you, keep watching bitches playing with their menstrual blood, support this worthless piece of shit degenerate art culture

>> No.1654208

>When someone calls me an artist, it is an insult.

My view of the world is changing and I don't like it. I am now starting to feel embarrassed telling people "Oh I am an Artist" they'll probably think I am some lunatic who yells at his canvas while stroking a huge yellow brush across or stuff my butt with paint and shit allover canvas.

>> No.1654209

I thought you just defined art as something with meaning. So, what IS your definition of art then?

Also, sick shits can be pleasing to watch like horror movies. It seems you don't understand it though.

>> No.1654211

clipping my nails is art, fuck you, you don't understand.

>> No.1654212

Being enjoyable doesnt make it art. I enjoy farting big farts but I dont consider their braps an art.

>> No.1654213

Yeah it's better to call oneself a painter. At least that word still mantained respectable associations.

>> No.1654214

>clipping my nails is art
If you say so. I'd at least try to understand it though. But you still haven't answered my question. What is the definition of art?

Being enjoyable attracts audience where entertainment value itself has some sort of use regardless of intended meaning. I was trying to say its entertainment value makes it have at least one single purpose.

>> No.1654215

It's nothing close to either, and the fact that you believe the two are comparable says a lot about how unfamiliar you are with Pollock.

It's art to some. Art has no objective, universal meaning, so the discussion is pointless.

>> No.1654216

Im not going to define an extremely difficult thing to define. But I can tell what it isn't.
Not everything is art. If it were so, nothing would be.

Not everyone is beautiful. Not everything is art.
Just saying: it is art! Doesn't make it art. It is what a retarded baby does when it wants to claim someone else's shovel and shouts MINE!

>> No.1654219

Just saying 'it isn't art!' doesn't make it so either. Art is subjective and you're arguing something that's impossible to prove.

>> No.1654221

The onus is on you to prove that it is art, as you were the one who made the claim.

>> No.1654222

Only visual arts allow this kind of retardation though. You will never find a drooling idiot hitting pans and farting into trombones musical art.

>> No.1654223

>hurr who is John Cage

>> No.1654224

Nope. Not the anon you're arguing with, just pointing out the fact that you're fighting a losing battle and are unable to set any parameters at all on the definition of art.

>> No.1654231

Sentimental definition works too. Personally, I think sentimental definition works better on this kind of matters.
Simply saying something is art is like begging people to see it differently and over-analysis it. Sort of like putting an X mark on a map and throwing it away; people would think there is something special at the place where the mark is even if the guy who put the mark didn't leave any treasure there. If people actually find something, they'd think of that as the treasure, or even if they don't, they'd consider the journey as treasure. It's also a good opportunity to un-familiarize what is familiar.
So, not everything is art. But anything can be. Similar to putting cube puzzles in the right combination and positions and it becomes art. Anyone can put X marks on maps and beg people to start a journey.
There are tasteless arts but they are still arts. But if you somehow make up some interesting meanings, it become beautiful.

>> No.1654234

Yeah, art don't have to be beautiful. It can be ugly. But people have a capability to recognise art I believe.

And I think an artist can't claim their work is art. It is not up to them. Same way it is not up to you to judge your beauty, strength, etc.

>> No.1654236

If you have such subjective definition, you probably shouldn't say something isn't art. Not that aggressively. More like, something isn't art to me but understanding that it is your subjective opinion which is not the answer.

>> No.1654238

>an artist can't claim their work is art
Well, at least they can say it in order to bring attention.

>> No.1654239

go back to tumblr with that retarded shit

you know what the old masters said when they thought something sucked? they said it1s garbage and threw it in the trash

>> No.1654240

Being bad art and not being art at all are two different things. The definition of art is also much different now than in the renaissance,

>> No.1654241

>old masters
>they're unquestionably correct
>my opinion is correct therefor yours is wrong

>> No.1654247

>being oooh i dont consider this art but feel free to do it yourself, your opinion is magic and you are beautiful is somehow better than throwing shit in the trash

i dont care if they are right or wrong

>> No.1654252
File: 49 KB, 1000x1000, 1390748780352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does shitting in your mothers mouth mean anything? Oh no it does not.

Also, I have this image of you as an ultra-skinny, or inversely morbidly obese faggot in too tight clothing, with this annoying dreamy smug look on his fucking face. I want to punch you repeatedly just thinking of it.

As to your assertion that everything can be art- I guess that's true. Art has no solid definitions, its a very wishy-washy term that has little solid meaning. So, yeah, go ahead and call shitting on a canvas art. Or think its art when some psycho starves a dog to death in a gallery and calls it performance. But you know what? To me, art needs to have elements of effort and skill, and a certain sense of style. And this just ain't it. So I'm still gonna despise and laugh at faggots doing this kind of retarded shit, and I sure as fuck won't dignify it by calling it anything else than worthless degeneracy. So suck it, gay boy.

>> No.1654259

>agrees with him
>call him a fag anyway

>> No.1654260

That's just the thing. He's a fucking fag no spine arab nigger for going "hurr, yo kant know notin, shit iz art guyze!".- even though he happens to be sorta kinda right. You CAN call this shit art, but you're retarded if you do. Get it? Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should, or that its totally ok to do it. Art IS whatever people call art- and that's precisely the reason why people with good taste and mental capacity need to scorn faggots like him.

>> No.1654262

Art is by definition good. If art could be bad "a work of art" wouldn't be a term of praise.

>> No.1654265

And that i exactly what happened in days before this retarded political overly correctness and sensitivity. Now it opened doors for degeneracy and insane, talentless clowns everywhere.

>> No.1654300

Like it wasn't enough.

>> No.1654307 [DELETED] 

Dicussing art is a matter of semantics. It doesn't have a good enough definition.
It think we should split it into three categories.

Fine art.
Liberal art.
Commercial art.

Most of the stupid fucking garbage that people like to call contemporary or modern art would fall into the second category. The reason it exists is because of the equality principle that has been plaguing the western world for a long time.
You'll notice that the message is often very liberal or left-wing. It's usually made by feminists and people on the far right. I also have a hunch that it exists because real art requires extraordinary talent and years upon years of hard work. This doesn't sit well with the equality crowd who wants everything to be available to everyone, so by making all these hackney, no-talent idiots artists, you even the playing field. Now suddenly some woman who covers her face in her own menstrual blood is in the same category as Rembrandt.

>> No.1654308

by whose definition?

>> No.1654309

Dicussing art is a matter of semantics. It doesn't have a good enough definition.
It think we should split it into three categories.

Fine art.
Liberal art.
Commercial art.

Most of the stupid fucking garbage that people like to call contemporary or modern art would fall into the second category. The reason it exists is because of the equality principle that has been plaguing the western world for a long time.
You'll notice that the message is often very liberal or left-wing. It's usually made by feminists and people on the far left. I also have a hunch that it exists because real art requires extraordinary talent and years upon years of hard work. This doesn't sit well with the equality crowd who wants everything to be available to everyone, so by making all these hackney, no-talent idiots artists, you even the playing field. Now suddenly some woman who covers her face in her own menstrual blood is in the same category as Rembrandt.

>> No.1654336

Amen to this.

>> No.1654359


Oh god damn that made me laugh.

>> No.1654419
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1654427
File: 1.09 MB, 750x741, 1374076153267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that, ladies and gentlefags, should end this sorry excuse for a thread.

>> No.1654461

Everyone has their own take on art, as well as what it is, and is not. The thing is that everything CAN be art if one wishes to define it that way.

Whether one considers the piece art, well that depends on the person's definition. Art is too nebulous of a word to define concretely. Hence why there is so many genres/sub-genres/mediums and the like.

Personally, I can't see why anyone would want to insert, then eject paint out of their ass, or use their period blood as make-up/paint; both are fucking disgusting in my opinion. I wouldn't even say that either one of these things are forms of dedication, as they are forms of stupidity.

However, you could tell these people that their work is shit (sometimes it is in the literal sense), but some other person might find meaning in them. Which is okay; no one is forcing you to like anything. That's the whole point of forming your own opinion.

And as long as you have an opinion about what art is, you do not have to be subjected to the slippery slope of anus-paint, shit, menstruation-portraiture and/or anything else that people wish to define as art.

>> No.1654471

No, dude. Seriously, it's okay.

>> No.1654474

What would commercial art be?

>> No.1654475

>"The concept of this cyclical piece is to literally face the shame that women bear when concealing their menstruation."
>"And also to hide the fact that I'm a shit artist when it comes to painting faces".

>> No.1654477

it would be one thing if the portrait was actually, like, good.

but all those symbols, come on mang

>> No.1654479
File: 21 KB, 420x315, concerned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geeh, thanks...

>> No.1654499

Not him, but it was obviously a joke.
>Look at those blobs of paint, so visceral and powerful, by the way you are an ignorant and art is everything you want, don't try to dicuss it because I wont listen.

>> No.1654505

Concept art and shit.

>> No.1655132

>Art is supposed to be specifically ordered towards the glory of God and moral instruction of those who experience the artwork, especially given the brevity of life and length of eternity

into the trash it goes

>> No.1655142

Art made for commercial products. Concept art, comics, cartoons, ads, etc.

>> No.1655143

Someone applying meanting to something, doesn't give it value, given the enormous amount of stupid people with worthless opinions in the world.
If not, MLP is art.

>> No.1655151


Nigga, art is supposed to take skill, intelligence, and a sense of style/composition. Shitting out paint takes none of those. Same as painting in period blood. Now, if the piece was actually GOOD, then I might reconsider, but the bitch makes kiddie doodles.

>> No.1655193

>random screencap is closer to art than what is on the right
i disagree. though i like the still on the left I also like the still on the right; however, i like the thing on the right because it shows some context to how the art is made/ its proper space. I too have an issue with abstract paintings in certain exhibition spaces; they just don't fit. the thing on the right actually looks interesting
>tfw no access to completely white room without windows

>> No.1655198

Enjoy the whole performance.

>> No.1655200

Guys, if I record my farts and then play the sounds in an empty room, could it be called art?

>> No.1655205 [DELETED] 

Yeah that's shitty. I like some of the elements (interior architecture, color) but that sucks

>> No.1655207

Yeah that's shitty. I like some of the elements (interior architecture, color, also I personally think singing is really powerful) but that sucks

>> No.1655459
File: 41 KB, 512x384, spfart3vo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God I hate this shit. They're nothing but pretentious fucks who think they're "unique" and "spiritual" for doing something "different". Especially that video. Just fucking look at the way she moves coupled with the fucking singing. You can tell she has her head far up her own ass. These are the kind of people that smell their own farts

>> No.1655469

this is not art, this is just capitalism