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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 8 KB, 300x300, Handsome_Squidward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1653544 No.1653544 [Reply] [Original]

Are you always in the mood to draw?

>> No.1653547

No, sometimes i think that i am bored and don't want to draw, but when i force myself to start drawing then i can't stop
to do anything else, i don't know why it works like that.

>> No.1653550

No, I'm not. Shut up. Don't mention it to me. I don't even want to draw anymore.
I guess we all have ups and downs.

>> No.1653553

sometimes im afraid to start drawing because once i do i can't stop. once i started drawing and a year passed i missed my own wedding.

>> No.1653556

I have these bad days when NOTHING comes out right, and I get sad, angry and hopeless.

>> No.1653558

I'm ALWAYS in the drawing mood! Doesn't necessarily mean I'm good though...

>> No.1653561

>I have these bad days when NOTHING comes out right, and I get sad, angry and hopeless.

Congratulations, you are now an true Artist!

>> No.1653563

when I'm drawing, I'm irritable and snappy

if I'm not drawing I'm irritable and snappy


>> No.1653578

No. However I'm not a slave to my emotions. I can't imagine having no self discipline, and having my body do things that my mind doesn't want.

>> No.1653580

Way too much, especially in latter stages. Rendering is a huge timesink for me.

>> No.1653582

Don't be afraid to draw bad, you can't get better if you don't draw.

Think, you might draw something that you see as bad now that you would have seen as turning out perfect a month or two ago.

>> No.1653586
File: 401 KB, 448x428, colorstudies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist block is your brain's way of telling you that you're not studying hard enough. If you're frustrated with how your work's turning out do some studies. After a few hours of serious thought and study your brain will be brimming with ideas.

>> No.1653595

Art block can also mean you need to get the fuck out of the studio go party or explore some shit.

>> No.1653597

A better question for me would be are you ever in the mood to draw

Answer is no

>> No.1653604

Only when I get tired or get extremely hungry from being a poorfag.

>tfw hungry skelington

>> No.1653774

Only when I'm stressed and have no time due to school and work. I usually never draw when I have free time.

>> No.1653809

No, never.

>> No.1653822

#Euphoric #Atheist #Fedora

>> No.1653826
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>> No.1653880
File: 277 KB, 541x480, 1386185939695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm not a slave to le phony emotions

if you're unable to understand let alone imagine such a thing, then you're probably unable to imagine yourself drawing well.

>> No.1653959
File: 94 KB, 640x477, 1392017564565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you mean partying with the old masters and exploring their techniques then yes.

>> No.1653982

Not always. Most of the time though, if I'm out and don't have my sketchbook or with somebodyI just look for things to draw and think about how I would move my pencil to get it done

>> No.1653987
File: 54 KB, 430x432, 1372607921645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me

>> No.1653995

lol not really.

>> No.1654141

We should have a thread to draw the perfect Squidward face.

>> No.1654144
File: 65 KB, 600x471, 1392040145129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent counterargument. 10/10 would read again.

>> No.1654204

there's no point in arguing, it's obvious that you're up in your own ass about studying so it doesn't matter what I say, it won't change your opinion either way...Cuz you're a stubborn dick,just how every person here is.Establishing YOUR TAKE on art block and how you deal with it as an universal truth is exactly the type of shit that makes me just say "lol not really".You're just a moron.80% sure that you're probably not even good at your craft either,but you like talking that you're working hard expecting praise, or just to feel better about your miserable life that's not going anywhere.

>> No.1654237
File: 56 KB, 500x446, 1392001281114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious samefag over something a lot of artists who work professionally would agree with.

>> No.1654243
File: 22 KB, 272x348, 1390686160467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not arguing with you because you are obviously unwilling to listen to reason *sigh*
>let me just build up a strawman and claim that you said your opinion is the universal truth and imply you suck while ignoring the thumbnails you posted

Get outta here, son.

>> No.1654253

Jee, it's so fun and contributory coming to /ic/ to read about stupid neck-beards fighting about who's opinion is superior

>> No.1654257


if i feel like i've been improving lately, then yes i have a strong urge to paint more. if not then it feels like a chore, i get depressed when it feels like i'm getting worse

>> No.1654284

>thumbnails you posted

wow you did some master color thumbnails Noah Bradley would be so proud...

>> No.1654296

no, but I still draw always nonetheless

>> No.1654425
File: 19 KB, 396x385, 1362512166575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very much lately, because I've discovered Feel-It Vilppu and I finally have a clear practice path that I like.

>> No.1654430

Do you usually samefag and resort to calling people autists to make a point? you do know all successful artists overcome have "not feeling like practicing"?

>> No.1654466

This is me. Starting drawing is the hardest freaking thing, like I could literally sit there pondering about it for an hour but no get started, even though all I'm doing is thinking about it. I really don't understand what it is.

But when I manage to get started, maybe I fool myself into thinking that "this certain thing is interesting I'm going to try it real quick", then I start to enjoy it like crazy and I could keep going forever...

..until I get distracted. I have hard time concentrating on anything for a long time, so I tend to do many things at once. When I get distracted with something else, it's like the current is taking me in and it's hard to get back to the drawing. And why bother struggling, it's no big deal right, I'll just get back in a second right
But of course that doesn't happen if I convince myself of that, and then I don't draw at all for the rest of the day.

I'd really like to know what it is that makes art so enjoyable but at the same time so scary.

>> No.1654602

No, Noah Bradley would be sad I didn't pay him his rip-off prices to do the same shit I'd be doing regardless.

>> No.1654810

One thing that I know for sure is that the worst thing to do when you're not in the mood to draw is going on 4chan, or internet browsing in general (do as I say not as I do).

If you want to draw/practice, but you just can't get into it, you probably need some time to unwind. The internet is terrible for this, as most things don't leave you fully satisfied and there's always, ALWAYS something to look up.

Instead, do 20-30 minutes of any of the following to clear your mind:

-Read a book you really like, especially if it's from your childhood.
-Watch a single episode of a TV show (not live television, mind you, but something on netflix or a DVD). Episodic shows are the prime choice for this (for example, Cowboy Bebop).
-Play a video game that is concentrated fun (like a mario game or something like Puyo Puyo), or whatever you like as long as you don't start playing for 8 hours straight.
-Go get some aerobic exercise (this is the most effective for me)
-make scribbles, careless doodles, and what have you with a pen or pencil until your arm is warmed up and you've let out any pent up frustration.
-Whatever else suits you that doesn't involve browsing the web

Watching a good movie is a sound idea as well if you feel like devoting the time to it, especially one of your favorites. Most of the time that I do this I end up relaxed within 15 minutes, and I just doodle in a sketchbook for the rest of the film. I recommend a Miyazaki movie or a Disney classic, but whatever works for you.