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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1627707 No.1627707[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning Thread

"Gesture is the single most important element in the drawing." - Glenn Vilppu

Previous Thread: >>1624421

Try to keep calm, have a positive attitude and avoid making Kind Janitor-san angry!

A general message to aspiring artists: Don't ever think that you should stop attempting to learn how to draw because "it takes too long" or "drawing is just a hobby." Being shitty at your hobby is definitely not better than doing your hobby well, no matter what your laziness tells you. Have some dedication in what you love to do, damn it!

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!
>Hitokaku Index
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection
>Japanese Animu Tutorials

Remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

/ic/: "Git gud."

>> No.1627744
File: 280 KB, 750x1000, pandatits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less anime, let's make some western cancer.

>> No.1627747

dude, /co/ just bust out with the panda requests lately.

>> No.1627758
File: 498 KB, 1284x616, shitcocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crits pls

also any tips on making VN art? I know I'm miles away but I want to know if there's any techniques artists use to make them.

>> No.1627773

why are you guys such massive weirdos

>> No.1627782

Why do you hate fun things? It's not like we're drawing furry here or some shit.

>> No.1627787

Really? got to start lurking there again...

>> No.1627876
File: 427 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started drawing anything a week ago and decided I liked the sort of manga anime style. This eye is what I have to show for my progress.

>> No.1627886
File: 185 KB, 1200x1600, jail x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have I been unable to delete post as of late? Anyway reposting from last thread with a little progress.

>> No.1627889

have you ever seen a vagina?

>> No.1627894

Sorry, I've never seen past mosaic censoring in my life.

>> No.1627933
File: 163 KB, 521x725, lucca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1627949

It's...not much to go on. You might want to start drawing other things besides eyes though.

>> No.1627951
File: 28 KB, 339x82, 1389249570534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever i look at a vagina theres a weird black bar blocking it for you see, i'm half japanese

fuuuuuuu try and type this captcha when you're as drugged as i am lol lets see if works

>> No.1627956

Tip on drawing large sagging breasts pls.

>> No.1627970

draw them large and sagging. also ref

>> No.1627973

Imagine drawing bags of sand.

>> No.1627982

Her body reminds me that of an ant, or insect of some short.

>> No.1627993 [DELETED] 

>Being shitty at your hobby
A year ago I came here with my shit, and got so depressed I haven't really recovered. I quit drawing, ripped up a new paper article I had about me, and have basically nothing I want to do with my life now. In a way I should thank you guys for helping me to realize how worthless I am. Eitherway, drawing is a useless hobby, you will never make anything out of it even if you are good.

The most important thing I have learned from failing my dreams is that if you have no dreams you will not fail.

>> No.1627994 [DELETED] 

if you have no dreams you wont succeed either

now take your defeatist attitude somewhere else

>> No.1627995 [DELETED] 

>you will never make anything out of it even if you are good.
There is money to be made, you will be surprised how much people around the internet are willing to pay you
if they want to try and procreate with your drawings.And even without that drawing is an awesome tool
that lets you create anything, maybe you won't be that good in 1 or 2 years but if you keep at it for the rest
of your life, you will be able to make pretty good things at some point.

>> No.1627997 [DELETED] 

>if you have no dreams you wont succeed either
thats what you think. now back to my masturbation session and autism bucks.

even in that analogy so what at worst we are equal? what are you even trying to say.

>> No.1627998 [DELETED] 

go back to /jp/

>> No.1627999 [DELETED] 

>you will be surprised how much people around the internet are willing to pay you
>if they want to try and procreate with your drawings.
yeah what have you made, $50 in a life time? $200? You would make more robbing college kids.

>maybe you won't be that good in 1 or 2 years but if you keep at it for the rest
>of your life, you will be able to make pretty good things at some point.
Drawing, a lifetime investment, for ahh some 'pretty good' results. Wow sold, sign me up.

>> No.1628000 [DELETED] 

Draw your fetishes. Eventually you will get good enough to fap to your own art. Now you have an endless supply of material. This works best if you never view other pieces of art again.

>> No.1628002 [DELETED] 

yeah except there are already 10k people already drawing what I like for free and 100k free porns online that do my 'fetishes' and beyond. boring.

>> No.1628003


Not sure what people think of Sycra here but if you're going to straight out pump desu sauce on everything you're drawing then watch at least the first 3 mins


TL:DW = Style is a result of an artist interpreting and distorting reality in their own little way.By copying straight off another style then you're not getting your work from the original source. Its more flexible to work from reality and then mess around.

>> No.1628004

yeah, your in the wrong thread buddy

>> No.1628005 [DELETED] 

Your problem is that you don't like drawing, you like making good pictures for others to admire.
If you don't enjoy the process of it, you will never do anything. Half the fan is trying to solve the problems
as mister vilppu said.If you don't like it you will never like to study and practice and i doubt that you ever did
practice with effort, let alone practising with an effort daily.

>> No.1628007 [DELETED] 

>Drawing, a lifetime investment, for ahh some 'pretty good' results. Wow sold, sign me up.
you are pathetic. you will never get good at anything, and it's nobody's fault but yours.
take this to /jp/, you'll find more of your kind. because honestly, we don't care.

so you've given up. alright.
now get lost

>> No.1628008 [DELETED] 

>Eitherway, drawing is a useless hobby, you will never make anything out of it even if you are good.

Useless or not its fucking fun, sorry if you got your dreams crushed snowflake and couldn't enjoy it anymore

>> No.1628010 [DELETED] 

yea probably.

>> No.1628011 [DELETED] 

nobody cares kill yourself kthnxbai

>> No.1628012 [DELETED] 

>take this to /jp/
And don't forget to ask magister for tutorials if you ever draw again.

>> No.1628014 [DELETED] 

Yeah except I have drawn my whole life. Have practiced tons. Have stacks of scrap books and improved insane amounts beyond what I showed here. No matter how good I do, I get nothing but negitivity back because doing anything is futile in life.

It was my dream to leave behind a body of work, then I realized that I failed because I had a dream. At the risk of being edgy I fear that 99% of us are just destined to leave behind a body, and nothing more but scribbles that are nothing but points of entry for hecklers and the more/less talented to tear you apart for.

I like the Lao Tsu line ''do nothing and leave nothing undone'' I think I will never have to complete anything because I never did anything.

>> No.1628015 [DELETED] 

>you will never get good at anything, and it's nobody's fault but yours.
see you seem to think I am pathetic, but I have realized this is true for myself. while you still haven't.

>> No.1628016 [DELETED] 

take this shit to >>>/soc/ we are busy improving our craft

oh wait, this is the anime thread, carry on

>> No.1628017 [DELETED] 

>improving our craft
but your not. you will never be as good as a pixiv or DA artist. you will never be anything. thats why you are here on 4chan in the first place.

>> No.1628018 [DELETED] 


>> No.1628019
File: 195 KB, 503x785, lucca2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still bad but not as bad. I won't give up

>> No.1628023 [DELETED] 

And as i said before, you don't like drawing it's easy to think that you do but you don't, you were just
chasing the carrot. Drawing is the whole process, studying is exciting and not a grind. So i think that
it's good that you realise this, i just don't understand why you are showing your problems down on others,
i love drawing and every minute of it,i get excited everytime i open an new anatomy book because i might learn
something new, and i don't really care when or if i will ever be at any kind of level, because drawing and creating is fun.

>> No.1628024 [DELETED] 

I like to say 'it's the journey; there is no destination'

>> No.1628025 [DELETED] 

I'm taking a science foundation that lasts a whole year then i can take any degree i want according to my GPA and I'm aiming for multimedia.

If I get a 3.00+ GPA (full is 4.00) I'm eligible to take part in a monbakusho program that lets me choose whatever degree course in Japan and get a 30000 yen allowance each week for the whole course.

Both the science and monbakusho program is government funded and I get scholarship on both.

you tell me.

>> No.1628026 [DELETED] 

nope. you can go "boohooo it's so hard" all you want. you think others don't know this?
i've probably known this for much longer than you can even draw.
most people get into this knowing it's hard.

so yes, i meant it exactly as i wrote:
you will never get good at anything, and it's nobody's fault but yours.

>> No.1628027 [DELETED] 

>you will never be as good as a pixiv or DA artist.
I am very interesting to see what you think is a good artist now.
I bet you also believe at talent as a necessity for technical skills.

>> No.1628028 [DELETED] 

What you don't know is, quite a number of those pixiv and DA artists lurk 4chan.

Mainly on /a/ and /jp/ drawthreads

>> No.1628029 [DELETED] 

Does Magister give tutorials? I need to master the art of oppai lolis.

>> No.1628030 [DELETED] 

I thought that it was obvious that i was ironic. As magister has made /jp/ his little dick sucking
nest, at the time that i was around anyways.

>> No.1628031 [DELETED] 

You can ask him directly in /a/'s drawthread irc

that's what i usually do

>> No.1628032 [DELETED] 

I have the feeling that you're the one who kept sending him death threats

>> No.1628034 [DELETED] 

No, i haven't heard of this before, but i can't be throwing stones in my glass made house i guess, as i do post my drawings on deviantart to get my dick sucked from people that draw naruto fan art.

>> No.1628035 [DELETED] 

It was damn weird man

It started from minor insults to the creation of the term Maginigger which spilled a little onto /a/ then went to full blown death threats.

sasuga /jp/

>> No.1628036 [DELETED] 

How did you NOT hear this? If you spent even a minimal amount of time paying attention to the threads, you'd know it was all shitposting in his general direction. None of the artists that frequent /jp/ start shit, only the people who don't contribute.

He hasn't even been there in over a year, though?

>> No.1628037 [DELETED] 

Pixiv and DA have some decent people but it is few and far from what I have seen and most of it is on Pixiv. and yeah no, I have been in the /a/ and /jp/ draw threads and yeah no, you are all shit. a few of you get anatomy and heads, bravo. nothing special, and I have yet to see one of you who has made it to backgrounds yet.

there really is also no such thing as talent, it is a buzzword thrown around by those who dont want to give it to you straight and merely encourage you.

all of this is lies, you will all never accomplish anything. turn back now.

yeah you and me know if that was possible you wouldn't be here on the losers refuge on 4chan. also I would love to see your lol manga.

>> No.1628038 [DELETED] 

what the fuck are you talking about we've always been talking about shit there.

hell, people are currently trying to get him to join the kancolle game too if he hasn't already

>> No.1628039
File: 65 KB, 672x1000, body_practice 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I git gud?

>> No.1628042

By not drawing anime.

>> No.1628043 [DELETED] 

That's sad to hear, it reminds me of the time that trap drawing mangaka was getting
antygay death threats and decided to stop drawing traps, it's quite sad as art is for creating things
with no limit, outside of realities boundaries, yet some people want to take that awesome gift away.

I haven't been on/jp/ for over a year, i remember that people was always shitposting about him but
i didn't hear about any death threats at that time.

>> No.1628044 [DELETED] 

because most draw for fun the actually good artists now took time to practice and listen to advice alongside study.

a good number of /a/'s and /jp/'s artists are beginners but there are even people who make a living selling doujins in comiket and draws for the dr/a/wthreads

>> No.1628046 [DELETED] 

>but there are even people who make a living selling doujins in comiket and draws for the dr/a/wthreads
umm no

there are
>people who make a living selling doujins in comiket

and then there are people who
>draws for the dr/a/wthreads
you need to make that distinction so people can understand the difference between something that sells in japan, and furry porn on DA

but please go on and tell me more about all that big money you have made. like that college guy who is obviously making so much in art he is going to college to learn from people who cannot do. fantastic.

>> No.1628048 [DELETED] 

>no such thing as talent
So you don't believe in talent, you acknowledge that there are many professional and good artist around
but you somehow think that is impossible for anyone to reach that level of craft? you just don't make
sense now.

>> No.1628049 [DELETED] 

son, the guy goes to irc

a few others proxy through him to sell doujins too since he's the one who has easiest access to comiket.

another guy who draws on /d/ and /a/ sell his futa doujins by proxy and on melonbooks and dlsite.

>> No.1628052 [DELETED] 

>a few others proxy through him to sell doujins too since he's the one who has easiest access to comiket.
>another guy who draws on /d/ and /a/ sell his futa doujins by proxy and on melonbooks and dlsite.

yeah so he doesn't exist. nice.

>So you don't believe in talent
What is talent? A first grader might have talent, same with a 10th grader. Its subjective. People who study and get good have skill, not talent, because talent is a lenient term to encourage people from beginner onward. I bet you think you have talent too. I bet you are under 25 and your brain hasn't fully formed yet and you are still under the delusions that you are 'talented' because you are better than garbage and mommy said you were. So drawing teacher at community college said so right, because you showed up to school and he was trying to stay positive in the face of what his life had become.

>> No.1628053 [DELETED] 

If you're so adamant on denying someone is indefinitely better than you on 4chan you can go check it yourself on /a/'s drawthread irc.

I'm still trying to get better so I can proxy him too without the sheer embarrassment.

>> No.1628054 [DELETED] 

holy shit, THE irc? does he know taliz too?

>> No.1628055 [DELETED] 

my original post is>>1628027
How did you even got to the conclusion that i believe in talent is beyond me.

>> No.1628057 [DELETED] 

/a/'s drawthread IRC

not the fool'z shiposter brigade IRC

it's funny actually, tali shitposted the drawthreads to hell once because he got banned from drawthread irc

>> No.1628058 [DELETED] 

>sheer embarrassment.
yeah and don't hold your breath. its always nice to have a dream, and you too will soon find out that yours is pointless and a disappointment engine that has yet to accelerate into full gear.

also I just came here from the /a/ drawshit thread as that is my home board, and frankly its garbage. one poster on there is not a full retard and still at best he is marginal. not trying to knock him, because he has spilled countless hours into his craft but none the less it was useless and will never bear fruit. so enjoy your bakuman fantasies, you will never be good enough to sell in japan or even in the shitty domestic market. the best you can do is get a 9-5 at michaels and dream on about self publishing one day. anything else is merely a waste of time.

>> No.1628059 [DELETED] 

>How did you even got to the conclusion that i believe in talent is beyond me.
how did they even got internet in your part of the world is beyond me

>> No.1628060 [DELETED] 

nice projecting

>> No.1628063

I appreciate the thought. I got to that drawing from a semi-realistic looking eye and adapted little things from other people's styles, so no worries about just copying and pasting from somewhere.

>> No.1628064 [DELETED] 

pls get a trip and post more often.
this is giving me some serious motivation

>> No.1628065 [DELETED] 

and honestly on that note I have real shit to do tomorrow like learn Japanese, and watch the new anime season, so at this point I am going to bail.

I will leave you with this.

You are all wasting your time, no matter what you are trying to indulge, fantasy, fetish, sexual relations, friends, there are better ways to go about it than this dying medium full of people in a highly competitive market of marginal people who mostly are going to get jobs because of their contacts and not skill. That being said the majority of you have not even the skill to hack it in this tilted playing field. The best you can hope for is a 'thats really good son' from mommy/daddy(assuming you have one) or a future spouse/significant who praises you without really caring too much because its better than their stick figure art.

>> No.1628066 [DELETED] 

was meant for >>1628053

>> No.1628068 [DELETED] 

>You are all wasting your time, no matter what you are trying to indulge, fantasy, fetish, sexual relations, friends,

oh god /jp/ my sides can't take it.

>> No.1628070 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 305x279, 1333740843562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how you're feeling anon, I hate fun too.

>> No.1628072 [DELETED] 

have fun playing the broken wise man.
and please post more often since it is motivating. because there is a little truth to what you're saying.

but still, in the end you're just a loser who gave up because it was too hard for you. and now you try to convince us about CANT YOU SEE HOW HARD IT IS?!
you'Re already crying and you've never even gotten past the beginner stage. and now you gave up.
with accomplishments like that, you're not qualified to tell anyone anything.

that's what happens when you let hobbyists onto /ic/

>> No.1628088 [DELETED] 

What a loser.

>> No.1628136 [DELETED] 

You are pathetic.

>> No.1628149


If you have an under-drawing why are your inks so inefficient and chicken scratchy?

>> No.1628150

oh well

>> No.1628152
File: 132 KB, 397x705, IMG_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuk, forgot picture

>> No.1628160 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 320x200, vegetahurr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you this thread was taken over by catty foreveralone slapfucks from /a/, /v/ and /jp/

>> No.1628179 [DELETED] 

Don't encourage stuff like this. When shit starts flying, it gets on everyone. Look at how all the boards have changed thanks to /v/'s "ironic" shitposting in the past years.

>> No.1628182 [DELETED] 

>because there is a little truth to what you're saying.
no this isn't motivation its truth. regardless of what you feel it it. I encourage you to find out the truth for yourself. then after a year or two come back here and tell me that you don't feel this way.

If you feel that way fine. I didn't solicit your opinion. I actually feel liberated by not having to worry about becoming good. I accepted that I suck and that this hobby is not only a waste of my time its also a waste of your time too, because of how incredibly marginal you are. but none the less you are telling yourselves that I am a loser and and you are the exception right? thats youth. not experience speaking, in your still incompletely formed mind you have hope for the future because you haven't yet realized how completely hopeless it is. either way, good luck and don't believe your professor or parents when they praise you. its fake, they get paid to help encourage you/they are your parents.

>> No.1628183 [DELETED] 

oh and here you go idiot. tell me more about how much money you are going to make from doujins in the future. back to the 'draw your fetishes' defense I guess.


>> No.1628188 [DELETED] 

They are comparing downloads of something that is downloaded worldwide
of something that is for sale in japan only and for a very limited time. Also
downloads are always going to be more than sales of anything, that's a given.

>> No.1628193 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 800x800, hakukin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still around, but you're better off asking Kyle about doodling fat little girls than me...

You should quit replying to that guy in general, but he is right about Comiket being poor for sales. Nobody goes to make money, honestly, unless you're a humongous circle/huge name. You will likely -lose- money if you are not one of these. However, you're a foreigner, and foreign conventions are massively lucrative in comparison, even for smalltime artists. You can sell single pictures at an American convention for 4~8x the price you'd be forced to sell whole doujin at comiket at(and of course the cost is much cheaper). Also the Japanese are somewhat foreign to the concept of the single commission when it comes to art(pay one time, get one picture). I've seen popular mangaka come to large American conventions and sell doodles they can make in 5 minutes for $60 or more, and they do this all day, while they'd never get away with it at Comiket. In that sense, it's actually easier for gaijin to profit than regular comiket-goers.

>> No.1628197 [DELETED] 

>no this isn't motivation its truth. regardless of what you feel it it. I encourage you to find out the truth for yourself. then after a year or two come back here and tell me that you don't feel this way.
but i'm already not a beginner anon. how did i get there?
what you're doing is you're telling every beginner here they'll never learn drawing. that's just ridiculous.
just imagine i saw a post like this 5 years ago and listened to it. imagine huke or redjuice listened to somethng like this while they were learning and decided to stop doing their craft.
not to mention that even IF they never got popular, they would still be doing their thing.
you are pathetic. stop projecting already.

also: you're not the exeption but you ARE a loser.
and that's not because you gave up, it's because you gave up and now proceed to cry about it like a wet puppy in the rain.

there are so many things wrong with your thought process. you treat art as a way to get attention. and that's where you failed.

>> No.1628198 [DELETED] 

nobody here ACTUALLY cares about making it into comiket.
i don't think so at least.

>> No.1628202 [DELETED] 

agree with you, this guy just assumes everyone here only draw for 1-2 years. There are also people who just lurk here on /ic/ but draw for years and can make a living with their art. A ton of people did it before him and made it, and even more will make it. It's hilarious how he projects his pathetic failure on others.
Can't wait for his next reply.

>> No.1628205 [DELETED] 

I couldn't help but notice the lack of discipline some of you have; in order to achieve any goal you must strive for that goal and keep at it no matter the circumstances. Some of you have been told to stop drawing, maybe you've been told you will never make it, or maybe you where rejected in some way shape or form. Doesn't matter, let me remind you all what I quoted in the previous OP:

"There must be a genuine basic motive behind any genuine effort. ...search quietly and thoroughly for this basic motive, because if it is powerful enough, it will give you the strength to withstand discouragement, disappointment, disillusionment, or even seeming failure." - Andrew Loomis

Point in case, if you draw as a pass time, if you draw to relieve stress, to get away from the world and its problems, to achieve personal satisfaction, or if money is your motive use these to withstand the obstacles you encounter.

>> No.1628208 [DELETED] 

>but i'm already not a beginner anon. how did i get there?
not a beginner, not a success. you are the best example I could have come across.

also you guys keep throwing around the pejorative 'loser' or similar terms. I think that is your own mental rejections of what I am saying because you already know its true. its unfortunately so true that you have to bitterly cling to the one resource you really do have and that is hope. but hope really is just fleeting and only exists in youth.

Its also preposterous to suggest that I dont think some are going to make it, but the odds of that happening are closer to winning the lottery. I can guarantee that none of you are going to be making it either. If one of you did defy this, it would only serve to create more despair by encouraging other people to waste their time by pursuing this as something that was a viable use of their time.

Again you cling to your hopes and dreams that you are infact reflecting from others. "So and so made it!! So I can make it!" Yeah except no, you're not going to make it, and if you ever get decent enough to where there aren't people mocking your work life will have passed you by.

>> No.1628209 [DELETED] 

what are you even going on about, what is "making it" for you? getting paid for your art and being able to live with it? this is really not that fucking hard.
Art is also more than just conceptart or anime. There is animation, comics, storyboarding, illustration and much much more.
You are either b8 here hard or you really think the way you do, if that is the case I can only feel pity.

>> No.1628211 [DELETED] 

I may not be good at art, but I excel at crushing people.

>> No.1628214 [DELETED] 

Y-you are just young!! If you are as old and bitter as me you will see the light and then stop trying to get good art such an useless thing as ART! Once you realize this you will do more productive things like fapping to hentai and shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.1628216 [DELETED] 

He thinks that successful artists are internet idols. One look on a disney or pixar credits or any big game or movie can show you just how much of a
big industry the art industry is, stop talking about things that you obviously have no idea about. And those are people that "made it" there are alot more smaller studios and job opportunities around

>> No.1628217

Why are these shitposting faggots not being banned?
Seriously, go blog somewhere else.
95 posts and only 9 user made images, fuck off already

>> No.1628222 [DELETED] 

because most of these kids are just hype, none of them have any skill, or proficiency. dreams not substance.

>> No.1628224 [DELETED] 

i said i'm not a beginner and by that i mean i'm pretty far from a beginner.
but hey, what about that faggot magister? do you think he "made it"? or what does that mean to you?
you simply don't belong here. you don't even seem to understand WHY people like, or make art.
>drawing well is like winning the lottery
drawing skill has nothing to do with luck you dumb fuck
>only "making it" makes it worth it
tell that to the majority of all pixiv members
you must have heared this before: if you are in art mainly for the success, you should become a doctor instead.

please, stop deluding yourself.
imagine going to a japanese drawing board and delivering this crap. they would react the exact same way. they would tell you to gtfo and call you a sad and pathetic loser.

and there is a reason the word "loser" exists.
if you are not a loser, who is a loser?
who else, if not a guy who only believes in losing?

>> No.1628232

Because nobody reports shitposters blogging.

>> No.1628233 [DELETED] 

>janny purging again
oh well

>> No.1628234 [DELETED] 


>> No.1628234,1 [INTERNAL] 

you're still patetc

>> No.1628249
File: 190 KB, 800x800, hakukin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the janitor purge was kind of a blind sweep...

>> No.1628282

Mags? That you?

>> No.1628283

Really dig the expression on here.
Might want to reevaluate her right leg, looks a bit awkwardly placed.
Hot pic overall.

>> No.1628284

Cancel that i'm retarded and didn't check previous posts.
Glad to see you're still drawing.

>> No.1628285

Now that you mentioned it i too think that her right leg looks like it's being pulled down
rather than resting on something, you might want to make it look more free, relaxed.

>> No.1628297


mostly a matter of taste the dick would have looked better jerking up rather than down

>> No.1628299

You are right about taste, i love dicks looking soft and floppy, also i love dicks with smaller head.

>> No.1628311
File: 410 KB, 2000x2000, YouAndMeWatermark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get into Kendall College in Grand Rapids MI, think I can get in with shit like this?
(will post moar)

>> No.1628314
File: 588 KB, 2140x2600, AnnieMinimal1WatermarkedSmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1628315
File: 911 KB, 4100x2500, SoulManureWatermarked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1628318
File: 232 KB, 773x1000, somegirlorsomething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1628344

No, flat out no.

>> No.1628345

Is this a joke? It's not very funny. Don't do that.

>> No.1628358

No, you most likely will not unless you're attempting to get in some shit like graphic design, then maybe.

You need to draw. On paper, preferably. To get admitted. I was accepted into Pratt and I'm not even that good, but I did have an 1800 SAT score and high GPA. Art schools actually care about that stuff, too, by the way, so don't slack off if you still have time.

>> No.1628442

Here's the general proportions I use for bodies:
>1 head down is nipples
>1 head down that is belly button
>1 head down that is bottom of crotch.

>> No.1628443

just give the guy a range

2 to 3 head torsos

>> No.1628486

I don't know but anime face are harder to draw than realistic faces. It' just don't make sense.

>> No.1628488

Manga is just heavy stylization. Stylization is the skill of exaggerating or simplifying realistic forms.

>> No.1628521
File: 2.76 MB, 2433x1539, still at a beginner level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I tried drawing again, and this time I tried implementing this >>1626231 anon's advice by taking off the sides of the circle I start with and rounding off the resultant corner. Is this acceptable construction practice, or is there something else I should be doing when I draw heads?

Top picture was the old attempt at Ibuki and second picture is a different subject of no one in particular. Sorry about the lined paper: I was intending to do a lot of practice for cheap and didn't expect the second to look as okay as it did.

>> No.1628530

4chan is 18+

>> No.1628532
File: 552 KB, 900x1273, 1389328010014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on

I just started drawing, ignoring loomis btw, and proportions are not that hard.

>> No.1628550 [DELETED] 

This was fun to doodle. Some dwarf guy. Feel free to piss in my cornflakes guys.

>> No.1628553
File: 920 KB, 400x226, 2spooky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck.

>> No.1628560
File: 656 KB, 2975x3850, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun lil dwarf doodle.

>> No.1628583


I didn't let that stop me 6 years ago when i first started browsing this site and i refuse to report anyone for being underage.

>> No.1628585

what a fag

>> No.1628586


Anyone stupid enough to say they're actually underage deserves to get banned.

>> No.1628606

Is this a joke? Even at a beginner level it doesn't look like you actually tried.

>> No.1628618

>i refuse to report anyone for being underage
Good lord you're a faggot.

>> No.1628692
File: 298 KB, 750x435, gabriela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls rate me guys.
an older drawing remade.

>> No.1628700

am I being baited? Anyway, her skull is fucked up entirely, lrn2planes of face, and if you want to shade w/ a pencil you would benefit from actually looking up how to do that

>> No.1628702

>her skull is fucked up

>> No.1628706

Because you drew it that way, dingus.

>> No.1628707

but is not a realistic portrait.

>> No.1628711


>> No.1628742

You know features, proportions and skull shape change as you age, right? You don't age just be getting an increasingly hairy and wrinkled baby's head.

That's why your pic looks terrifying. It's like one of those kids who are born without hormones so they age but never mature.

>> No.1628746

sounds like anime to me

>> No.1628747
File: 283 KB, 500x547, dropwip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip, not sure how I feel about the colors but I will probably paint over or redo them completely

>> No.1628755

just be more subtle
a lot more subtle

>> No.1628768
File: 858 KB, 1902x2629, 20140110_111250-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1628780

The tail really kills it for me
Ugh... I'm sorry

>> No.1628782

agree, i like the girl part, 'cept maybe the arms, but the tail ruins it.

>> No.1628786

Winter break for babby ended a week ago. What's your point?

I already know the facial features are messed-up, and I know it would be pointless having you all critique a beginner-level work when the only fix for that would be grinding fundamentals. That's why my original post asked specifically about head-profile construction, and nothing more.

>> No.1628790

Neither of those Anons, but

>Facial features are messed-up

It's not just facial features it is the proportion at which you drew the head. Do not focus on one thing, be aware about how everything is in relation to one another.

>grinding fundamentals

grind all you want but if you fail to observe and put some thought into it and blindly "grind" fundamentals you'll still be stuck at square one. As you are constructing a head, ask yourself just why am I putting this guideline here, how does this landmark say the bottom of the nose is in relation to another landmark such as the bottom of the ears, how do I keep my proportions in check?

>it would be pointless having you all critique a beginner-level work

by your logic it would be pointless to even have an artwork and critique board as the majority of /ic/ are at either absolute beginner or beginner stage. I am not trying to be abrasive here.

Just keep at it but try and put more thought in the process, it's not just about grind.

>> No.1628792

That's fine, you don't have to apologize for that. Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.1628808

Thanks for the help. I'll think about everything you said.

>> No.1628840


>> No.1628907


I really like this, but the hair highlights look more like hair holes revealing the scalp.

>> No.1628910
File: 182 KB, 237x676, dripthumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mado indeed

upon re examination that is what it looks like, I'll fix it up when I get beyond experimental colors.

in other news, I decided to make the piece bigger. thoughts on the composition?

>> No.1629041
File: 348 KB, 661x984, shitbag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any feedback for this? was wondering if the colored lineart is a good or bad idea, never really do it often.

>> No.1629046


This smacks of tumblr feminist SJW insanity

>> No.1629048

That's neat and all, but you got anything to say about the quality of the art itself? You know, something technical?

>> No.1629049

The obvious thing is that her feet are gigantic.
She look like she's about to fall, mind her center of gravity or something.
Proportions on hands, legs, and foot.

Other than she looking like about to fall down, there's nothing I can do about if it's your style. For me it's really hard to say anything technical to a over stylized work. (Maybe because I'm just a beginner).

>> No.1629050

So the stance should be more leveled? Would you possibly be able to do a red-line over the piece to give me a rough idea of how to fix this problem in the future?
As for the feet and hands being large that's just how I've begun doing things.

Thank you for the feedback by the way.

>> No.1629052

the hands look like they were run over by a steamroller

>> No.1629053

On a technical point of view, you image isn't very pleasing to the eyes, way to uncanny and tacky.
As a caricature, it kinda falls short, but I'll give you points because it looks clean.
As a bonus, there are not exactly "rules" for proportions unless you were aiming for realism, but you have to make those proportions to look appealing.

>> No.1629056

i agree, the overall effect is ugly

>> No.1629088
File: 172 KB, 1180x690, makotoWIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /ic/ this is my WIP for now, just wanted to know what do you think about it.

>> No.1629095

Eyes more to the center. Pay careful attention to that browline and how it relates to the top of the ear for that face.

>> No.1629097
File: 95 KB, 437x866, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love critiques

>> No.1629103

I'll try & move the ear a bit to match the browline... also right eye a bit to the left.

Just want to know what you think of the skin color?

>> No.1629104

This is just my opinion but I pay no attention to color as it is but the mere polish; what I am more interested is in construction, proportions, the core at what makes the figure in which you presented today.

>> No.1629106
File: 197 KB, 1168x689, displacement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I've adjust the eyes & the ear placement. this should be correct right?

>> No.1629108

It looks like you drew the facial features and drew the head around it afterwards.

>> No.1629111

I've fix the face placement, see

>> No.1629112
File: 119 KB, 1168x689, 1389414938915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place her left eye(the right eye as we see) a little bit more to the right.

>> No.1629113

It is still out of proportion in relation to the face

>> No.1629114

The shape of the face is fucked.

>> No.1629115
File: 198 KB, 1169x689, herewego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it...

Yes.. I do have a bit of a problem with face shape&symmetry... thanks for the critic.

>> No.1629116
File: 66 KB, 261x545, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face shape doesn't match the way the features are placed.

Nose feels too long, the mouth looks like it's turned too far left (that or the face shape is still not in the right perspective). She's also cross-eyed and her eyes are on differnet levels. Now the ear is too small (it should go from the eye to the bottom of the nose).

>> No.1629119
File: 213 KB, 1178x689, he'sright!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all this time I've been doing faces wrong!
thank you for showing me the way.

>> No.1629123

Should've read loomis first.

>> No.1629136

your in the wrong thread

>> No.1629137

Yeah that looks way better.

>> No.1629140

Better. Some more notes:
> Nose too flat (or not, depends what you want)
> Mouth still in wrong direction (but that comes with practice... So get practicing)
> Still crosseyed
Now that the head's kind of spun, you may want to fix the hair on the right side of her head (cause I doubt it sticks out that far... Or maybe it does)

>> No.1629144
File: 170 KB, 1172x689, handsaretired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi again, here's the update after the fix..
The mouth seems funny tho..

>> No.1629147

I meant hair on /her/ right side, not ours (now you've got it all coming to a very strange sharp point). If I remember, Makoto's got some pretty whispy sharp hair that flips up. Don't mind too much about the mouth for now, then. Just keep going, finish, and do some more practicing after. Good luck anon.

Also, if your hands hurt, you should probably take a break (and you'll look at it differently after). I like how you're willing to erase and redo though.

>> No.1629152
File: 101 KB, 1172x689, thanksverymuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all very much, I'll rest for a while & complete this WIP of mine later. practice practice!

>> No.1629279
File: 166 KB, 427x900, IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how get good at hatching? famous artists in they sketcbooks can make only few strokes on a figure and it already looks cool and awesome and pop out. oh well.

>> No.1629284

>Glenn Vilppu
i downloaded all from thepiratebay
but im deaf and can't hear him, so are there subtitles for those videos?

>> No.1629296
File: 343 KB, 750x1000, ameliaissupercute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you go about doing clean lineart?

>> No.1629297

opacity 20% new layer + trace,

>> No.1629300
File: 157 KB, 1000x750, IMG_20140111_230751r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1629312

What is that arch over the nose and why is it there?

>> No.1629314

Kind of an odd question. Your first option is to draw over it "cleanly" on a new layers. Your second option is to use vectors. SAI and Manga Studio both have vector line art tools, though Manga Studio's implementation is a bit better. Of course you can combine both things. Sometimes if you have very complex continuous lines that need to look perfect, vector is a huge time saver. Photoshop doesn't have any good vector tools for lineart.

>> No.1629317

i can't find anything

>> No.1629360
File: 162 KB, 1050x800, kor2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realized the fatal flaw halfway through the image but decided to finish it anyway.

oh well...

>> No.1629367


Don't you want to at least give her two butt cheeks?

>> No.1629376

Take vital notes and move on. It's great work either way.

Halfway through might be pushing it though. If I were in your shoes I would surely punish myself in the future (as soon as my next drawing) to make sure I do not ignore a flaw that early in my painting. Especially if it's a flaw I noticed on my own.

>> No.1629380

Its shit. Did you learn anything this time?

>> No.1629383

unibutt is the next best thing

>> No.1629389

Way to polish a turd

>> No.1629390

I sometimes use Illustrator. The pen tool is extremely easy to use, and you can add thickness to the line

>> No.1629394

there's none, get his book instead and just watch him draw as supplement.

>> No.1629434

just a construction line I never erased,

thanks all.

>> No.1629469
File: 138 KB, 818x814, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the general placement of things?

>> No.1629474


>> No.1629533
File: 378 KB, 1200x700, knightandwyrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no feedback from draw thread, what do you guys think? im most concerned with the pose and the chest-arm connection

>> No.1629535


>> No.1629546

Don't hide the hand

>> No.1629547
File: 144 KB, 812x685, anatomypractice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /ic/ I'm trying to draw character pose from a real photo reference, just wanted to know your assessment on the posture & anatomy of this drawing...

>> No.1629548

Damn I thought you died or something. Glad to see you're still around.

>> No.1629549

include reference

>> No.1629550

Looks good to me, I'd like to see this finished. Though you should probably finish your sketch before you post it, neither of them have feet.

>> No.1629554
File: 916 KB, 2178x3000, 1382828949605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the reference image, when tracing i see that her head came out smaller than the body vs head ratio that I've adjusted the sketch head to be bigger....

>> No.1629555

Something looks wrong with the face and raised arm but I can't quite put my finger on it

Hair looks like it's floating

>> No.1629556

raised arm seems short & jaw line looks big for a women was it?

>> No.1629557

Polishing a turd? someone sounds like a jelly faggot.

>> No.1629625
File: 508 KB, 815x687, 1389487214292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ic/ I'm back. I'm bad with coloring, I knew... so what do you think? I make her hair shorter since I don't want to mess up the head anymore.

>> No.1629632

Not that anon but I kind of agree. The rendering is alright but the actual figure and structure is poor. Or at least, it doesn't match up to the rendering and it's obvious.

>> No.1629663

perspective, we should be seeing the character from a higher angle according to your eye line

>> No.1629673
File: 68 KB, 1452x1408, Head Practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So going back to the basics I guess, trying to do heads again from scratch. I know that they need to be more...eggshaped? But looking at this, this doesn't feel right even doing it this way...I don't know what it is, but just...ugh! >_<

No, I haven't done any exercises from the Loomis books. I did look through the "Fun with a Pencil" and was just confused. I honestly don't know how much these will help with the style I'm aiming for (then again, I looked up to page 31 in that book so...). @_@;

>> No.1629675

welp, if your looking for shortcuts that don't work and habits that will cripple your development your in the right thread newfriend!

>> No.1629685

>No, I haven't done any exercises from the Loomis books.

What are you waiting for?

>I did look through the "Fun with a Pencil" and was just confused. I honestly don't know how much these will help with the style I'm aiming for

Regardless of style it will teach you the very foundation of what you're trying to achieve. Stop worrying about muh style, I would worry more about what makes up a head.

>B-but it's not my style! I don't want to draw realistic heads!

Nobody said you absolutely have to draw realistic heads, however you must learn what makes up one as, again it is at the very core and foundation regardless of style. This is funny because I was you a while back and everyone was telling me learn what makes up a head first and now I understand what they meant by that.

On a side note, if you won't even bother taking the advice we're trying to give you by doing Loomis then this may be the last critique you may receive. At this point in time you're drawing flat symbols with no forms, don't just look at Fun with a Pencil actually participate in the exercises and discover the divided ball and plane method.

>> No.1629686

>this doesn't feel right even
That's because you
>haven't done any exercises from the Loomis books

/ic/ is a place focused on fundamentals and core basics. There is emphasis on life drawing and learning anatomy on this board. If you're not jiving well with this approach, this may not be the right environment for you to learn. Tumblr and dA tend to focus more on simplified learning that'll quickly help you achieve the anime style (through tutorials and infographics).

>> No.1629714
File: 2.09 MB, 4071x3184, Heads 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well...I gave the first exercise from "Fun with a Pencil" a try, only for a little bit. I...honestly don't like this exercise at all. I THINK I understand now what it's meant for but...I still don't like this method. Maybe later exercises will actually be more to my liking? Or maybe I'm just not creative at all? Or am grossly misunderstanding this entire thing? I don't know! @_@;

>> No.1629717

Teal should redline this, I wanna see him attempt this pose.

>> No.1629729

Here's a thought, why won't you attempt this here pose?

>> No.1629730

Scroll to the bottom and there's some good videos on facial construction, that'll be more helpful.

>> No.1629733

Neck and arm (in front of face. ) too short. Face is flat and well, just isn't as defined. It looks like you just stopped paying attention when doing the hair as it doesn't follow the ref at all.

>> No.1629739

Why? What would be the point?

>> No.1629752

Ah! That is much easier to understand and learn for me. Thank you for that! I'll be sure to watch the video a few times over and use this as my practice exercise.

I don't know what it is about that book, but I don't think I was getting it. Maybe because the way things were handled weren't in a way that I myself wasn't learning. Everyone learns differently I guess...though would this be considered taking a shortcut or not? Eh...if I can at least learn properly from it, shouldn't be TOO bad, right??

>> No.1629773
File: 99 KB, 1000x1700, pose2ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well let's just ignore the hair for a while (I will change it later) Here's the line art...

>> No.1629776

tiny arms and a giant head with a poorly done face

>> No.1629781
File: 733 KB, 1600x733, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone here who reads Japanese tell me what the guy is trying to demonstrate here? I tried to decipher what he was saying just through the picture, but I'm really not sure.

>> No.1629784

Where the lines are, the skin goes inwards. Like constricting a tube, it creates the muscles automatically that way

>> No.1629786

On what planet is that a giant head? That shit's tiny compared to the torso.

OP, that cranium is mad underdeveloped. Bitch looks like one of those birth defect stillborn shits.

>> No.1629788
File: 1.02 MB, 2178x3000, 1389480380425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would focus on what stands out in the image, for instance the elbow and how it align with her ear. and by the look of your drawing it seems the head in not proportionally to the body as you further draw down which make it seem skewed or maybe that is what you are aiming at? idk but this is my way or how I would go about this.

>> No.1629803
File: 112 KB, 1119x908, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from some anime figurine

>> No.1629804


Need to work on confident ellipses. It looks like you are very slowly trying to draw an ellipse and its coming out crooked and jittery. Use your whole arm and watch some videos of some pros who do quick and confident lines. Perhaps this could help:

Lasty, the emoticons you use in your posts make you look like you are still in highschool.

>> No.1629817

Not how teak would done it...

>> No.1629822
File: 513 KB, 1200x700, knightandwyrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this angle look better? (alternate sketch is dark blue)

>> No.1629826

I do draw slowly because drawing too fast just makes it look terrible. For some reason, I can't seem to get perfect circles no matter how hard I try. It's kinda awkward to say the least as that should be the easiest thing to do. Though with the ellipses, I'm just trying to go for a circle in general as per the first exercise in Fun with a Pencil.

Eh, the emoticons is something that's kinda stuck around for me. Might be due to the people I talk with but meh.

>> No.1629837
File: 498 KB, 436x749, [3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1629849

Left girls' right hand fingers seem clunky. Now finish it up so I can get fapping.

>> No.1629851

really liking your style and this picture but her forehead is abnormally large

>> No.1629897
File: 403 KB, 840x788, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good painting style? I don't do much of it so I'd like some tips if possible.

>> No.1629928

For the record, I really like this drawing and I've had it open in a tab for three days now.

>> No.1629995

I really like it anon, it's soft and pleasant.

>> No.1630011

Why are you hiding Alessa?

>> No.1630249
File: 488 KB, 1500x1000, chess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello again, /ic/; some criticism on this WIP would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.1630254

don't you want to come out and play?

>> No.1630255

your linework is really pleasant

>> No.1630258

this is god tier! blog now! post it faggit!

>> No.1630260

remove the back to charachters they are distracting and don't add to the story.

or move them further back and add an environment.

>> No.1630290

what are you talking about

>> No.1630304

Thank you kindly. SAI's water brushes are really soft, which is why I like using 'em for linework.
Unfortunately, I don't actually have a blog or website for my own stuff. The closest thing I had was a dA account, and I left that a long time ago. I might think about starting a website though, so thank you.
I was thinking the same thing; the linework does get somewhat confusing between the characters. Then again, the story behind the two back characters was that the girl lost a bet or something, but whatever.

>> No.1630306

maybe you can add some money in his hand or something than to help with the story.

>> No.1630314

Sounds like a plan. Thanks for the feedback!

>> No.1630317


That's all well and good but how the shit do you color under lineart made with soft opacity brushes like that

>> No.1630320

Probably by just painting over the whole thing? It's not rocket surgery.

>> No.1630325

That shit is fucking tight, yo.
Really nice line work.

I don't say this often, but I wish you had a blog or something so I could see more of your shit.
The drawing has a nice vibe about it, I guess it's almost cute in a way.

>> No.1630327
File: 86 KB, 865x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a tad tricky, but it ends up looking alright. Pic related; it's a little concept sketch I did a while back.

>> No.1630353

Hey, thanks! I'm glad you like my stuff. I'm still working on improving my knowledge of gesture and fundamentals, but I feel like I'm getting there. As for a blog, I've been wanting to make one for a while now, the only problem being my crappy work ethic. I begin a lot of potential projects, but I never seem to finish anything. I'm definitely thinking of starting one soon, though; any suggestions for a place? i.e. tumblr, blogspot, etc.

>> No.1630405

Sorta reminds me of Ian McConville

>> No.1630424
File: 13 KB, 560x708, Proko Head Practice 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I think this is going to work out a LOT better for me than reading Loomis' books (no offense to Loomis or anyone that uses his works. I just don't think reading books is the way I can handle things. Seeing things in motion is easier on me. ^^;; ). In any case, my lines are a bit shaky, but that's due to A) My hands are pretty shaky as it is and B) I draw relatively slowly. But overall, this isn't a bad first attempt at making a base head I think!

>> No.1630431

I swear I've seen your art somewhere else before and you definitely had a blog then.

>> No.1630477

lol... that is loomis... just not the fun with pencil you were doing before. i fucking hate fun with pencil... everyone says start there. somehow those 1940s cartoon faces agitate me. and phrases like howdy folks. *cringe. I wish there was a more updated kind of loomis imagination drawing for begginers resource.

>> No.1630489

Er...right. He did say in the video it's a simplified and easier version of "How to Draw Heads & Hands" now that I rewatched it. My bad...

Still, I stand by that watching things in motion is easier for me than reading bout it! And yeah, Fun with Pencil kinda turned me off with those first few exercises as they weren't helping me at all I think, and instead just made things worse for me. @_@:;

I'm going to assume that the other books he has are a lot more...easier to understand? Maybe? I dunno...I'll have to look into them later.

>> No.1630512
File: 62 KB, 500x402, Sem título.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since i last tried to draw something for real
I wanted to know what do you think about the anatomy/perspective

>> No.1630530

proko is good. try hampton and vilppu too. edwards or dobson might be good for you at the point you're at.

>> No.1630535
File: 83 KB, 523x800, 1331603008465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the love of kamisama, go korosu yourself

>> No.1630543

have you ever tried not being a snide little cunt? i swear this ic is almost useless because of all the snide petty cunts that reside here.

>> No.1630545
File: 91 KB, 219x219, 1365996515777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commit sudoku with those big boy words, nigga

>> No.1630549

go fap to your loli futa porn weaboo faggot.

>> No.1630551

>my little newfriend can't be this autistic

Everything above the chin could be a smidge lower, but the rest looks fine for the most part.

>> No.1630556

I'm sure you're just being a silly goose, but in case you're an idiot, seppuku is the word you're looking for.

>> No.1630559

That was clearly intentional.
So edgy Im bleeding!

>> No.1630569
File: 134 KB, 1181x1748, gnomesdds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1630581

>anime face are harder to draw than realistic faces. It' just don't make sense.
Are you sure you meant to type this?

>> No.1630583

Did he stutter?

>> No.1630587

No. but I think he may have slipped through a dimensional tear, I think he may be from bizarro earth where Manga is an appreciated form of high art, taught in prestigious academies and studios all around the world, while fine art and still lifes are mostly loved by lonely men in their 20s to 30s

>> No.1630592

Well you can't expect much from weebs LOL!

>> No.1630595

But the legs don't even look like they are a part of her, her top and bottom halves are like two totally different drawings

>> No.1630597

The neck too, whats the thing sticking out in the middle? Does she have an Adam's apple?

>> No.1630627

I think what he means is that real face has more dimensions., change in forms, etc, so it's easier to determine the direction of the face, while anime face is pretty much flat and formless, therefore making it hard to give any depth to it

>> No.1630662

used to draw here and there and kinda want to get back but all my settings have washed away, give some good brush settings for PS and Sai

also is mikuperson still here? I wanna see that improvement from the time I left

>> No.1630663

mikufag died, got hit by a speeding miku ; -;

>> No.1630665

oh darn, what a shame.

I still remember those cold, soulless eyes mikufag always drew on miku

>> No.1630669

what about going trough the sticky m8?

>> No.1630672
File: 1016 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attempted to draw a lamia recently and here's what I have so far. Aside from the arms and hands any other advice you guys could give me? Sorry for the poor quality pic, didn't have access to a scanner at the time and had to use a camera.

>> No.1630685

Nice iphone
I know where you live ;)

>> No.1630706
File: 471 KB, 681x645, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling very uneasy about the jacket. Also I messed up the light?

>> No.1630709
File: 275 KB, 750x1000, skadi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got done streaming, here's sketch that came out okay

>> No.1630735

Anatomy and proportions ain't great but I love your line quality.

>> No.1630739

you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.1630741

you just described all of /ic/, congratufuckinglation.

>> No.1630811
File: 648 KB, 819x1157, commit sudoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, sudoku.

>> No.1630812

>I wanna see that improvement from the time I left

there hasn't been any. he still is trying to grasp construction, and still putting mikuheads on various studies that he does all in lineart.

>> No.1630838

i think the last one actually has some aesthetic to it. of course it's from the reference, but still.

>> No.1630841

Welcome to /ic/, I see you may be having a hard time fitting in.
If you're worried about your ego getting hurt at all, its probably best that you just go to reddit instead or something, otherwise you're just going to end up in a stupid argument over the internet over nothing important to anyone

>> No.1630861
File: 11 KB, 255x197, average skill level on ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeviantArt and Tumblr is what all the cool kids use.

>> No.1630871

>two 2's in one of the lines
shit pic, read the sticky, are you underage etc

>> No.1630877



>> No.1630908

educate me then faggot

>> No.1630915

he means the line quality sucks as well

>> No.1630925

You mean like arguing about ego, which in no way whatsoever affects your drawing ability?

>> No.1630926

Sure, if you felt like arguing with someone about that, be my guest

>> No.1630927

>ego doesn't affect drawing ability
your stupidity is legendary, even here.

>> No.1630950

Ego and confidence has a big impact on your ability to improve and draw.

>> No.1630952

It's not my fault you can't separate ego from doing a simple task at hand. When you get down to it, one has nothing to do with the other. Having an inflated ego or a weak one doesn't change a thing, drawing is just a manual task. What does affect drawing however is having a weak mind, like believing ego is correlated with drawing skills. It's not the worlds fault you have such a bitchy ass way of looking at things.

>> No.1630954

>drawing is just a manual task.
Maybe if you're a shitty architect

>It's not the worlds fault you have such a bitchy ass way of looking at things.
You seem to be projecting anon

>> No.1630962
File: 589 KB, 700x1989, 54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaving this here so you can chew on something instead of arguing over trivial matters.

>> No.1630964

you construct way too much. try to draw loose and freely for once.

>> No.1630966

No it doesn't. You don't go to some Tony Robbins seminar to get better at drawing. This whole shtick about confidence is just a ploy to relieve your frustration and jealously onto some one else. It's really just anons not being able to discern thier conjecturing from thier emotions. Has nothing to do with 'ego'.

>> No.1630968

a noble sacrifice indeed

>> No.1630969

If I thought I was an awesome artist I wouldn't give 2 shits about trying to improve, luckily /ic/ taught me the true way of the artist.

>> No.1630972


Breaking down egos is the one thing all anons can do. It doesn't take much, and it isn't very valuable. Just as artists should aspire to something higher, so too should the critics.

Be honest. Do you think all the wisecracks on these boards were done for the artist's benefit, or the poster's own ego?

>> No.1630975

This < you are probabbly right im guilty of it myslelf. when it happens to me "always" i just absorb it but it def fucks up my confidence. though i still think ic is best for critiques because they don't pussy foot around what they see. like on other sites.

i just have to sort around what they said and remove all the angst and self hatered and extract a good crit.

>Wow faggot that sucks ass neck is broken colors are over saturated


>You may want to double check that neck it seems broken, also your colors are saturated tone them down.

taking advice any other way from this site and you are doing it wrong.

>> No.1630976

(not the anon you replied to)

>Do you think all the wisecracks on these boards were done for the artist's benefit, or the poster's own ego?
eh, in my case it's definitely advice, even if i'm rude.
even if i say something along the lines of "jesus christ what the FUCK is this shit?", i'm not doing it for my ego.

stop with the victim mentality.
>boohooo everyone hates on my (shitty) art to make themselves feel better ;_:
no, your art is probably just too pathetic to look at. anons tend to just tell you straight up what they think of it.

>> No.1630980


I didn't say such comments had no value, just very little. And the need to be aggressive, rude, alpha, and make wisecracks, speaks to a need to validate ego.

If I say your level of critique is rather useless, and you immediately attack me personally as "playing the victim card," isn't that a sign of an arrogance/ego issue? Hold yourself to the same standards to which you hold others.

>> No.1630981

You obviously don't understand much about practing art, and have lot more growing up to do. You let others dictacte your thoughts about yourself? Interesting...

>> No.1630983

What the shit, I just said I was an overconfident ass when I started and after I lurked /ic/ I realized that you should always strive to improve no matter what.
Stop trying to sound like a cheeky cunt m8.

>> No.1630988

What evidence is their that one effects the other? So you noticed a correlation. So what? Where's the proof? Are we going on the abundance personal testimony here? That would make this whole thing dependent on circle jerk mentality (hive mind). But that would be completely counter intuitive if ego and confidence really were related to drawing skills. You'd just be replacing your own ego with some else's. So where's the proof?

>> No.1630994

Maybe if you didn't have such a weak ego, you wouldn't think everyone was a cheeky cunt, 88. Just food for thought.

>> No.1630996

removing the ego is best thing anyone can do for themselves as hard as it may be it's the #1 thing

>> No.1630997

Maybe if you weren't a cheeky cunt, you wouldn't go around telling people they had a lot to grow up, just food for thought right m8.

>> No.1630999

I rather take perspective tips from an architect than the humblest of anons.

What am I projecting?

>> No.1631000

And here we see one of the internet's more boisterous and lovably ignorant denizens, The "underaged sesquipedalian pseudo intellectual". Often found stringing together larger than average words with no provocation or purpose, other than to further self inflate their ego and bathe in a feeling of false superiority. Generally not very social creatures, the Underaged pseudo intellectual takes great pride in his ability to come off as an unpleasant abrasive cunt, and will no doubt suffer from self esteem issues later in life after his super ego develops.

Unfortunately, the underaged pseudo intellectual doesn't often last long on 4chan. Many simply make fools of themselves while they try to make everyone fear their self absorption, or, they give up and leave, opting to search for a more accepting and less critical environment or they will try to alter their personality in such a way that they gain the approval of the anonymous crowd of 4chan, sadly, they never do.

>> No.1631002

>I didn't say such comments had no value, just very little. And the need to be aggressive, rude, alpha, and make wisecracks, speaks to a need to validate ego.
Son, I don't think you get how 4chan works.
Its one of the last online communities that hasn't devolved into a hugbox. I happen to like when 4chan calls me out on my bullshit. They are quick, to the point, and if you can remove your own feelings or your ego from the situation, then most of the valueless, aggressive "alpha" wisecracks actually have everything you need to hear, you just aren't listening hard enough.

Are you sure that Reddit isn't more your style man? They are all about being nice to each other and not hurting each others feelings over there.
You would be able to have all of the pedantic arguments and circle jerk "art critique" sessions you want over there, without ever having to worry about someone telling you the truth

>> No.1631005

Nah, you basically said you like being insulted and put into place cause that makes you draw better, and overall gives you good feels. You're probably into some s&m fetish or something. Is that why you come to these threads?

>> No.1631006

>you basically said you like being insulted and put into place cause that makes you draw better, and overall gives you good feels.
I'd like you to tell me exactly where I said this.

>> No.1631007

>Having an inflated ego or a weak one doesn't change a thing
>What does affect drawing however is having a weak mind
> It's not the worlds fault you have such a bitchy ass way of looking at things.

Gee, I can't possibly imagine why you would think being a giant cunt with an over inflated ego for absolutely no reason other than to be unpleasant and deflect any criticism from anyone that you deem "intellectually inferior".
You reek of teenaged undeveloped super ego, you also reek of pseudo intellectual, armchair psychologist teen.

Don't worry anon, by the time you hit your early 20's your head should start to slide out passed your sphincter on its own

>> No.1631009

You didn't say that, the other guy is just a retard.

He won't stop calling the board ic either. Its as if he really has no intentions of hiding the fact that its more than likely his first day on 4chan, that he didn't lurk at all, and is in here telling us how we should act on 4chan because he thinks we're doing it all wrong.

The newfags get bolder and bolder every year

>> No.1631010

>But that would be completely counter intuitive if ego and confidence really were related to drawing skills.

I have no idea what you're trying to say, what proof you want, or whom you are even arguing with, since I never made that comment.

I merely observed that the kind of curt, rude, pointless and banal comments which some on /ic/ like to defend as necessary to break down egos, reflect the egos and defensiveness of posters themselves. For /ic/ to think it a high responsibility, or even take pride in this under the guise of "honesty," without seeing how simple and common a tact this is, is tortuous logic.

>> No.1631016


The last thing I would advocate is for this place to be a hugbox. I am merely saying that the kind of post you seem to champion has little value. A good artist, or a good critic, can do much better than an reaction image and some saucy language. As much as you should aspire to be a good artist, you should also aspire to be a good critic. It seems the standard for what is a helpful post is set awfully low.

Of course, if you take pleasure in being a hardass, I'm not here to take that away from you. Revel in it by all means. But don't elevate it to something noble, either.

>> No.1631018

You know what else it helps with?
It weeds out all of the attention seeking teens with no ambition or drive to improve. It helps keep all of the people that only draw so that they can hear people say "wow, that looks awesome. Where did you get the idea to draw a dog in clothes like that?"

If we turned into a hugbox like you seem to want, then we would be full of shite artists constantly posting absolute garbage, with zero interest in actually taking the critiques. "holy shit, did you just start drawing today? Aboslutely nothing about your shading or anatomy are even close to being even passable as a doodle" hits a little harder than " its not too bad man, pretty good, but you might want to pay a little more attention to where the shoulders connect, and where the eyes should be in relation to other parts of the skull"

9 times out of 10, people will remember the abrasive comment, and they will remember that they were called out for being shit at shading. If they have any drive to improve, then they will work on their shading so that next time /ic/ rips them apart, they don't have to mention shading, and instead move on to the next most noticeable issue.

Besides, I thought it was common knowledge that as soon as you become happy with your work and stop telling yourself that you're complete shit and need to improve, your progress suffers or just stops all together.

Just look at Andrew Dobson, he is a great byproduct on an internet hugbox. Do you want to be the guy responsible for creating the next Andrew Dobson?

>> No.1631024

>Revel in it by all means. But don't elevate it to something noble, either.
I'd be inclined to agree with you, if it wasn't for the fact that /ic/ being ridiculously honest and harsh with me over the last 6 years is what has lead to nearly all of my major improvements. They also introduced me to Vilppu quite a few years ago which has been a tremendous help.

It may not seem like much help to anyone at first, but the overall atmosphere and attitude at /ic/ does serve a purpose. And it has become this way after 10 or so years.

Either way, its not like either of us will change /ic/ just by posting about it like this, but I wouldn't want to change it even if I could.

If anything I miss back when /ic/ was even more judgmental. I remember back when I first started browsing, "anime style" drawings were pretty much banished forever to /i/, /ic/ just would not put up with that shit unless you showed a clear understanding of the fundamentals. If you didn't show understanding of the fundamentals, then /ic/ would just continue to tell you that your shit sucks, and you need to review the basics. They used to be very quick to redline EVERYTHING as well, so it didn't take very long for someone to visually show you how bad you really did suck dick at anatomy.

>> No.1631027


A precise, measured critique backed by knowledge cuts much deeper than any curt insult, as it leaves no lace for an artist to mount a defense. Why should you think this a hugbox?

I've nothing against cruelty, or abrasiveness. But some of you seem to hold it in all too high regard. One might even say, in a weird way, you are over-valuating your own contribution. If that does not speak of ego, I don't know what does.

>> No.1631028
File: 163 KB, 403x399, 1378669489529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts get longer and longer
why does this happen every time?
get back to drawing, faggots

>> No.1631031

>you are over-valuating your own contribution
Actually, its quite the opposite.
We can afford to make quick, harsh, decisive, although not all encompassing judgments because there are enough people on /ic/, that by the end of the thread, all of the posts together will have in almost all cases, covered any issues that the artist would need to work on.

An artist should never mount a defense against criticism, and if that is something that someone has problems with when faced with unpleasant reviews, then they will most certainly need to work that out before posting on /ic/

Deviant art is where the people that can't handle hearing nasty things about their work go.

But seriously, a lot of what you're seeing is just the 4chan culture as well. Its just how this website works, I think it just comes with being anonymous, it makes everyone act like a cunt once in a while.

basically though, the unpleasant cunty attitude of most people on /ic/ works as a sort of filter, it keeps the right people on /ic/, and the wrong people out

>> No.1631037


Please, don't confuse me with any other poster, or think I'm trying to change anything, or that I'm trying to diminish the value in mockery. But this discussion started as one about egos. And it seems to me that many posters would prefer the level of discourse be held to a level that even a small child could participate and feel important. Or perhaps, for a bad artist to participate in the bashing and feel good.

It is all well and good, I guess, this somewhat twisted hypocrisy. But it's quite low level.

>> No.1631041

>It is all well and good, I guess, this somewhat twisted hypocrisy. But it's quite low level.
It only seems that way on the surface, and yeah, some of the posters on 4chan are just cunts for the sake of being cunty. But most of the time, all of the information presented in the abrasive comments is very useful, and not only do you sort of just become immune to insults on 4chan after a while (which normally isn't a problem if you follow the sites rules and lurk moar before you make your first posts. if more people did that then they wouldn't get ripped on for being obviously new, which is a big crime here. We hate new people browsing the site because it has only dragged the post quality through the mud, especially since that Scientology bullshit that /b/ pulled around 2006-2007.
If it wasn't for /b/ being fucking retarded, 4chan might have actually managed to be the secret club house factory of everything on the internet that people laugh at for a little while longer.

But instead /b/ made 4chan a household name, and now damn near zero OC is ever made, and its never quality.

>> No.1631045

>But seriously, a lot of what you're seeing is just the 4chan culture as well.

Believe me, I understand. I'm not the poster/artist who set this discussion into motion. And I don't care to change the board.

But one has to be inflicting blindness on himself, if he does not see the hypocrisy of advocating excellence and humility in pursuit of art, and discarding ego, while lowering the standards for himself in regard to critique and evaluation. And I certainly hope you don't think it a valid excuse to lower your own standards.

Bad critiques and shallow insults are just that. It demands so little that it is within the capacity of children, beginners, and simpletons. There is no need to glorify it.

>> No.1631060

>works as a sort of filter
yea it keeps cunty people in and makes the place a shitty sty of cunts. that isn't something to be proud of.

>> No.1631064

>that isn't something to be proud of.
Not when you're so new to 4chan that you don't understand the communities meta.

I say this not as an insult, but as a legitimate suggestion. Reddit might meet your needs better than 4chan.

>> No.1631067

See >>1630969
It's not explicit, but given how /ic/ is...

>> No.1631071

Can you at the very least post your wip(s) when replying?

>> No.1631115

these threads are shit

pls go back to /i/ or /a/

>> No.1631126


Whatever is going on in this shit is pretty god damn wierd

>> No.1631128

right arm is fucked feet are wierd and the left leg does not look foreshortened at all, i don't seen any sense of volume. Also this looks like some homestuck bullshit

>> No.1631141

It contains the cancer, let them rot here in developmental hell.

>> No.1631159
File: 18 KB, 684x788, Scan6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so here's what I'm doing. I redid last night's Loomis head practice today (though gods is it hard to make a circle for whatever reason). I'll be using this here as my base for the face (probably still going to try to aim for the feminine faces that I've been doing, based around Nowi, Nah, or Tiki...I COULD probably try other characters or my own but eh...for now, using bases to at least get the right shapes and places and whatnot). Don't mind that square chin, I'll be rounding it out so it's more feminine at least.

Anything else that I should be aware of here? Do the lines all look like they're supposed to be? Also, I apologize if it's hard to see any lines. My scanner for whatever reason isn't fully 100% scanning the thing and makes things lighter (or maybe all scanners do that...)

>> No.1631161

It's still flat, what I want you to do is find a ball. A real ball. Get a marker, and draw a line over it; after you draw the line observe how it goes around the ball. You want to do the same thing on paper, this will describe the form as the line is giving information about how the surface is shaped. After a while you will begin to think in three dimensional forms be patient with yourself this will take time, just keep at it.

>> No.1631168

The way you're phrasing your posts makes it sound like these are the only drawings you've done these last few days, that isn't the case though right?... right?

>> No.1631171

Hrm...so the lines from the axis aren't curving around correctly then I take it? I feel like the previous one I did of this exercise I had the lines go around at least semi-decently. But looking at this, it doesn't feel like the lines are curving as they should after all...also, not sure on how to handle that jaw at all. I know it's a box-shape, which I'm trying to do, but getting it to curve up to meet the head is...something else.

I've done very little outside of those, but I have done more than just those. I tend to only draw one or two things a day though, since I've got other projects to deal with as well.

>> No.1631181
File: 227 KB, 629x904, 2014-1-10scene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I should put this in the Drawthread or here, but I think it fits better here since it's heavily stylized.

Could I get some critique?

>> No.1631185

I actually like it a lot. Thumbnail looks great.

I'm not a fan of the figure though. Feels very small and insignificant to the composition, yet attracts too much attention by being a figure. I also don't like his odd and unnatural posture.

Unless the figure is necessary, I'd get rid of it entirely, and incorporate other natural elements for scale (shrubs, tree, birds, etc).

>> No.1631210

This. Getting real tired of seeing weeaboo shit in this board.

>> No.1631216
File: 204 KB, 629x904, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, but something about this area kinda irks me composition-wise. Maybe it the lower bit was separated from the upper bit it would be better. I also agree with what the other guy said about the figure.

>> No.1631219

*maybe if

>> No.1631223

whoops, >>1630988 was meant for >>1630969. my apologies

>> No.1631234

It's extremely simple, even a primary student could understand the concept:

If you don't know how to think critically then chances are you don't know how to critically check yourself. Your self-esteem shouldn't be factor. If it is, then that should tell you there is something wrong.

>> No.1631236

Is this finished?
I don't know about the others but I found my eyes drifting to the bottom of the image since it's the brightest area. I don't like that though since the waterfalls feel very shoddy, but I'm assuming you haven't gotten to finishing that part. But that's the only real concern I have. I like the figure there, actually. It's nice he feels insignificant and small, but perhaps add more to imply a sense of scale and depth.

>> No.1631238

*perhaps add more elements and layers
I was afraid you'd misinterpret that as add more characters.

>> No.1631241
File: 236 KB, 629x904, 2014-1-10sceneedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted him to be small to make the rocks and stuff feel big, but I see what you're saying. I wanted it to be that moment where you stop, look up at all the beautiful scenery you're surrounded by, but I suppose because he's so small the pose ended up stiff and awkward instead.

Like this?

Well, I did consider it finished, but I think I might work on it a little bit longer now, just adding some shrubs and other vegetation and generally touching it up. How do you think the waterfalls could be improved?

Oh and thanks for all the feedback, guys.

>> No.1631263
File: 376 KB, 647x983, testpage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so I started on a page, kind of. it's an important one were the the brother sees his sister for the first time.

I don't know much about comics but how's this layout look so far. I'm not to sure about the second panel but I really want to put a lot of emphasis on her legs and feet, and the fact that shes taking her time to take her shoes off and step up into the house. The next few pages after this will focus on her teasing him.

>> No.1631266

I like you.

>> No.1631301

post more kiwi

>> No.1631305

I can't tell if i should read right to left or not

>> No.1631328

It's hard to critique with just one page and I'm not sure how much of a WIP it is, so my impressions may become invalid. That's why artists tend to go to editors with storyboards, rough pages, and etc ready. There's a visual and a narrative aspect that work together. Additionally I'm not sure your exact goals for the comic so the best advice for you is to go find a comic/manga/whatever that shares a similar theme and study it as a visual narrative. In the future it would be better to create a "storyboard" so you could change things easier. Instead of spending time coloring, plan out more of the story or work on the current/next page because you can save that for later. Big picture stuff first.
Here's a random manga that might be relevant to your interests: Kono Oneesan wa Fiction desu!?


>> No.1631330

For immediate impressions: The panels and speech bubbles need work. Speech bubbles can give more emphasis to the text depending how they are drawn and the panels don't seem to follow well into the next one. You can do more with the background to help with the juxtaposition of height. Assuming this will span at least 20 pages you can spare a page leading into the scene or use the title page for it. For example the sister can walk up stairs and that is where you can zoom in on the legs as well. For storytelling she could be looking at a map and looking at the house number giving an impression that she is confirming the location. Therefore giving more weight to the "Hey long time no see..." etc. But I'm not too sure what comic goals are etc. etc. Also it might be better to demonstrate her height with a full spread of her body. For example, since she's tall give her a tall panel or lots of vertical page space for the reader to see it.

To take a step back, what you have is okay. It's clear from your post that you're thinking about things, such as emphasizing body parts which is good, and the page will surely improve with that line of thinking. You can pretty much dismiss my immediate impressions since that's just what they are, impressions with some suggestions. First part of my post is more important. Also once again I'm not too sure what your goals are so if you found my post unhelpful sorry because I did a lot of assuming on my part.

>> No.1631350

thanks for the advice. I didn't spend/waste much time coloring it luckly. how you suggest I re arrange the panels? I think I get too attached the individual drawings in each panel and I become reluctanteto change or get rid of them

>> No.1631357
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 12549337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question here.

If I don't want to go deep into drawing skills, like in this thread just basic drawing of animu for example, do I have to do the same exercises as for any kind of drawing? For example realistic drawings? Or is there any other "path" for animu?

>> No.1631366

It's a mix of people who don't read the sticky and m-muh traditional art.

>> No.1631371

It's called 'cancer'

>> No.1631379
File: 297 KB, 1200x852, 6547657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you pay attention to any other thing than the faces in manga or animation you realize that the work has skill on it, so yeah you need to learn realistic drawing first

>> No.1631381

Kyle is that you?

I was about to ask if you'd ever do a comic page or enter the comics business.

>> No.1631382

Learn realism, but not that much? As in, learn about basic anatomy, without going into how the soleus shows on the surface?

>> No.1631391
File: 2.53 MB, 4128x2322, 20140113_221230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like a guy?

>> No.1631400

To me the composition looks a bit off because the point of interest is dead center on the page and simultaneously almost right on the plain of the background.

Very lovely drawing and idea though.

>> No.1631404

Looks like some whore from tumblr.

>> No.1631410

I'm actually relieved I have to learn everything, since I have more information that I can use for everything.

Thanks for the answers. I actually saw some ctrlpaint videos about traditional drawing and he actually teach "science" of drawing, opened my mind a lot so I just tried right away to copy an other drawing using ctrlpaint mindset and even if the sketch was rubbish the proportions and "sense" of the drawing was a lot better then I ever draw, it feels really that I know what I am doing now even if it is a really rubbish of a drawing.

I really was looking to find the mindset for drawing I am really happy and motivated since I found it.

>> No.1631411
File: 17 KB, 654x764, Head Retry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I took the earlier sketch, went over some lines to see if I couldn't fix them. Mostly the lines along the axis and the chin...the chin is really hard to round out (since I'm more about females than males). I THINK I got the axis lines to go right? They're as they should be moreso than last time. I know how they're supposed to go, but it's not easy sometimes. I can see things as they are in my head, but can't exactly do them on paper...

So, does it look any better? Am I at least getting the correct axis and lines? Aside from my shakiness which I'll have to learn to deal with eventually. I know it's kinda hard to see but this scanner.

>> No.1631412

Not really, but to make it more feminine consider toning down the eyebrows (or at least make them feathered, not blocked in) and soften some of the harsh angles in the neck and shoulders.

>> No.1631414

Also, who the hell has a larger upper lip than lower lip?

>> No.1631440

This might sound like a cop-out but I'll repeat, to go find a comic/manga/whatever that shares a similar theme and study it as a visual narrative. Grab a page and think about what's happening in the story. Is it a character Introduction, a fight, or etc.? In your case you should probably look for character introductions. Then look at the panels and ask yourself why some are differently shaped, overlapping, nonexistent, and etc. Why do some panels have a close up scene and others view from farther away? Why do the characters sometimes go over the panel? There's a lot behind the making of a good comic/manga/whatever so look at examples from a good comic/manga/whatever artists for a good start. Panels are just another device for composition. Think about the story and how you want to convey it. The power of a "good" story can hook a reader in even if the illustrations aren't the best. If you have more time go look for resources that explain this theory or give a quick introduction/summary, there's plenty on the web and I think the sticky has some too.


>> No.1631446

For more immediate: For a few things you can make the last panel the next page so the height juxtaposition has a bigger impact. Surprise Meeting -> Sleek Legs -> Soft Feet -> Fine Ass --(next page)-->*BAM* Tall Height--(next page)--> etc. Change the other panels to fill the missing width of the page. Take this change to have the action flow better from one panel to the other. If she steps towards the right then the flow goes to the right. Text bubbles can also help guide the flow. The link below probably gives a better summary of this. Also test out the composition out with thumbnails, you can probably find a better one than the example I gave. Big picture stuff first. Give hints to the next page. Be creative! Once again comics/manga/whatever are a visual narrative. Every time you work on a page ask yourself, "How do my illustrations bring my story to life"? It's not easy that's why author and artist roles are split for many works. The story in your page has the sister show up unannounced, very casual like, and apparently not in a long time. That doesn't surprise him at all? A more believable reaction from him might be disbelief when she says she's his sister and maybe a small "wow she's tall" before that.

Done for now, the first part of my posts should be good enough advice for most of your other pages. Also make thumbnails, your reluctance might stem from the fact that you don't do them.


>> No.1631621

New Thread:


>> No.1632779

Can anyone help me out?
I would like to start drawing people or figures but I dont know which approach I should take.

I know about the 8 heads method from loomis and all but it seems more easier just to do basic shapes and draw over them.
any advice?