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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 481 KB, 1913x1080, kgi1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1617919 No.1617919[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>you will never draw like Kim Jung Gi

How do you git godly?

>> No.1617975

According to him, in high school he would fill up 50 pages in his sketchbook everyday

Every single day.

>> No.1617980

I think he is a savant or some shit

>> No.1617983
File: 453 KB, 480x245, tumblr_lv98xhjZEx1r6aoq4o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I need meth and or adderall

>> No.1617991

How do you even do that without being buttsmacked by your teachers for not paying attention?

>> No.1617995

That's a whole new level of autism and/or dedication.

>> No.1617994

Source on this? 50 pages is pretty unbelievable, even taking into consideration that he draws quickly and uses primarily just line.

>> No.1617996

have autism

>> No.1617998
File: 76 KB, 1200x801, sticky notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.1617997

>pic related
His sketchbooks

>> No.1617999

this is utter bullshit if you ask me , its not possible to fill up 50 pages every day , with decent sketches maybe he did a fucking line on every page , but still i call this bullshit , he's the type of faggot that is saying woo woo look at me ul never be this good wooo , fuck kim jung gi , d o your own shit and don't think that you will never be that good , you might be better than him in future

>> No.1618002
File: 407 KB, 630x473, snoopdogg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said it tongue in cheek during his demo at the massive black workshop

>mfw seeing the sketchbook wherein he keeps his lewd art

>> No.1618039

I can finish 10 pages in less than half an hour.
5*30= 150= 2.5hrs.
Assuming he really loved drawing, and assuming you too love drawing, it's not really a godly, unreachable thing to achieve.

>> No.1618040


could you be any more jelly? ofcourse you can fill up 50 pages every day. does it not make sense when you see him draw? he is asian after all. he probably sacrificed relationships, friendships, socializing, having sex, seeing bands, going to bars/clubs, dating, playing vidya etc to draw all day erry day from ages 15-25.

also he is the last guy who would go "woo woo look at me u'll never be this good woo" you fucking dumbass sperglord. dude is humble as phuck. because he knows his ability is a product of ALOT of sacrifice, and nothing else.

who knows maybe he envies us shitty artists because we had a fucking youth.

>> No.1618047

I once saw a Swedish documentary on Korean students.
The dedicated students will spend more than 12 hours a day studying.
If you want to be as good as a Korean, you'll have to study like a Korean.

>> No.1618078

The guy just draws a lot.


When you're playing vidya, he's drawing.
When you're posting on 4chan about >tfwnogf, he's drawing.

Gotta applaud him for that dedication.

>> No.1618083

Kim Jung Gi has drawn so much in his lifetime he's broken through the barrier into perceived supernatural ability.

>> No.1618089

He rehearsed the soldiers and objects.
Simple, when you know how.
If you like soldiers, you may as well study to draw like him.

>> No.1618090


screencap this and buy an ad with this in it

>> No.1618108

WTF you got to see it??? I was there and like in an hour ti only made it like not even halfway through the front row. I think some idiots pulled out their camera and were photographing it all instead of passing it along for others to see.

>> No.1618133
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naw man, didn't you spot the huge crowd that gathered at it? It was real good yo

>> No.1618134

No I left and watched some other demos because I wasn't getting that much out of his demo tbh, like I couldn't see that well and stuff, and he was mostly just making a few jokes about being hit in the head with a baseball and being pervy and stuff and not talking about art

>> No.1618138

Because he might have done a few warm-up drawings of that scene, it's suddenly becoming a simple thing to do? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.1618173

By not making shitty >youwillnever threads and going outside to draw a tree.

>> No.1618178

You do it after school, between classes, during lunch. You have no social life, you remain a virgin until college when you finally get tired of being alone, go to a party, do some drugs, and fuck a fat, ugly chick that smells like slightly aged cheese and contract herpes. After this incident, your survival instincts kick in and you vow to never forget what happens when you abandon your sketches for the "real world," and go back to doing nothing but drawing and refusing to go to any social events out of fear that Rosie might be there and give you a new super strain of your finally suppressed herpes.

>> No.1618185

Yeah keep telling yourself that every dedicated hard working person must automatically have no social life and is therefore off worse than you.

You'd be surprised how much work can be done while maintaining a healthy social life, just by managing your time efficiently and not wasting it on 4chan, playing video games or watching TV.

>> No.1618188

his glasses have a perspective grid lighlty etched in.

>> No.1618193

That's it, I'm done. Why did I even pick up drawing to begin with?

>> No.1618197

probabbly has autism, so he can see and rcall things clearer than even artist can.

>> No.1618301

would anyone possible have the download link for one or all three of his sketchbooks?

would love to have those in my collection

>> No.1618306

$100 bucks a book and $120 postage!!

>> No.1618313


because realism isn't necessarily or always the point even if it's technincally impressive/amazing. keep drawing anon

>> No.1618444

Autism > Practice
We have a winrar!

>> No.1618447

Are you implying that KJG can only draw realism? His sketchbooks are full of cartoony stylized stuff and caricatures.

>> No.1619365

Call me an art noob....but looking at the OP I feel this kind of art is so over detailed that it isn't even really real. It's like some sort of take on reality where our eyes are like a hawk and can somehow focus at every angle at once.
To me the perspective of focusing detail on what is important gives it meaning but also the ability to see from the perspective the artist wants us to se from, the focus he wants, the details that he wants us to notice from the character or from the only semi omniscient narrator or whomever.

>> No.1619368

what the fuck

no pencil outline (?)

does he not make any mistakes?

>> No.1619374

There are no mistakes, anon, just happy accidents.

>> No.1619376



>> No.1619377
File: 134 KB, 500x707, bob ross fem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your mom's name Bob?

>> No.1619382


Dont know Bob, but from what youre telling me he ought to invest in some condoms

>> No.1619383
File: 19 KB, 160x190, what you on about.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dont know Bob

>> No.1619386


Im guessing I'd have that in common with his kids

>> No.1619419
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 1046890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know Po-pe Ross?

>> No.1619425
File: 247 KB, 720x450, 243141323142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this shit. i will get nowhere in live.
i have a big problems with sitting down and doing something. i want to be an arts teacher and i cant get myself to study every day. i am currently studying something non art related and i am barely doing anything for it in my free time because i hate having to do homeworks and having to sit down and study.
i really wanna be good at drawing but i will never ever get anywhere because i just can't focus.
i am starting to think i have ADD but i can't be sure unless i get a diagnosis from a professional. i have always been like this which is why it doesnt seem that unlikely.
i used to take guitar lessons with a friend like 10 years ago. while he sat there and concentrated on playing the guitar i spend my time crawling around on the floor because the guitar lessons were boring.
the hardest thing for me is to actually sit down and do something and even then i will get easily distracted. the thing is that it's not that i am not interested. i just cant get myself to do anything. sometimes it's like i'd rather stare at a wall all day and do nothing than having to study for university.
fuck this shit. i am already 20 and if i dont change soon i will end up homeless or some shit.

where do these people get the dedication to do this?

>> No.1619427

because they don't want to end up homeless?

I know I like to draw because I love the feeling of creating something on my own, I always feel really satisfied after finishing a picture. I also love to impress others with my drawings.

>> No.1619429

>because they don't want to end up homeless?

neither do i but at the same time i cant get myself to do anything

>> No.1619433

Stop watching tv (is shit anyways) and limit your internet time. It helped me at least.

>> No.1619440

Yeah you really are an art noob because you don't seem to realize that what KJG is doing there is just sketching. He randomly paints a scene showing off his skill and visual library to an audience of people. It is not a composed illustration with actual focal points in mind.

Rest asured that the concept of indicating detail and keeping non-focal areas loose while keeping focal areas detailed is such common knowledge that if even you have heard of it, KJG has mastered that concept decades ago.

>> No.1619452

i barely watch tv but i could really cut down on the internet. but then again i have had this problem way before i even had internet.

>> No.1619509

It's a psychological problem really. If you cut down on one time waste activity without actively changing your entire mindset and work ethic, you will just replace it with another one soon afterwards.

>> No.1619512

I have his books and read his interviews.

He says the best way to learn is through observation and imagination.
Everyday he observes everything around him and takes in every detail then later incorporates those details into his drawings.

He draws a lot of F1 racing because he loves it and watches it all the time, and because he loves it those drawings are his best.

>> No.1619540

>Everyday he observes everything around him and takes in every detail then later incorporates those details into his drawings.

that's a simplified and romanticized thought.

>> No.1619546


no it's 100% true. observation and attention are very very good teachers. walk the world constantly discovering visual information and learning and you WILL improve from it.

>> No.1619547


It's the story of my life in one line.

>> No.1619555

that's just too generalized and not applicable in your way.

in reality you just have to, duh, study and studying already implies that you are concentrating(looking) at something and learn from it.

>> No.1619570

He's not a faggot you who abuses ctrl+z.

>> No.1619804

Get through first couple weeks of struggle. After that You'll slowly see a progress and enjoy training a lot more. It took me about 4 months of serious practice to start genuenly enjoying drawing and painting, because I can see it is still shit, but not as shit as shitty it was at the beginning. Just carry on anon.

>> No.1619806

Get through first couple weeks of struggle. After that You'll slowly see a progress and enjoy training a lot more. It took me about 4 months of serious practice to start genuenly enjoying drawing and painting, because I can see it is still shit, but not as shit as shitty it was at the beginning. Just carry on anon.

>> No.1619816


You ever people watch for a while and suddenly you can draw from all sorts of details for your own head drawings? Observation alone is a hell of a teacher when you're at an intermediate level. Not so much when you're a beginner, you should be drawing as much as possible on top of observing.

>> No.1619885
File: 481 KB, 600x600, lainpattern.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sleep for 8 hours a day which leaves me 16 hours, 5-8 are spent at school which leaves me 8-11 hours for whatever else, lets assume I eat for a total of 1 hour, study and do homework for another hour, this leaves me with 6-9 hours a day for whatever the fuck I want while maintaining good grades and good health

Assuming you work instead it's still 5-8 hours depending on how much you work, minus the hour for homework and studying

You're all lazy and make excuses for your short comings

>> No.1619900

God damn you are fucking retarded. Traditional artists, even really great draughtsmen such as Glen Keane, Steve Huston, Michael Hampton, Vilppu etc will still all use gesture, guidelines, perspective lines to help set up the perspective in a complex scene etc. KJG's approach of drawing something straight from his head to paper without doing any of that and without making any major mistakes is unique regardless the medium.

>> No.1619907

Tell me something I don't know.

>> No.1619923

>"I'm gonna draw ALL FUCKING NIGHT"
>10am rolls around
>drew an anime eye so far
>too tired to put pencil to paper
>just wasted 2 days instead of 1

>> No.1619925

>im shit, I need to get to the grind and just practice
>draw a bunch of circles
>browse 4chins
God damnit

>> No.1619952

reading about some of your guys' laziness really makes me feel better about myself. I'm so far beyond that loop. I feet like I cheated on my diet if I haven't spent at least 4-5 hours a day either drawing or working on a design.

get gr8

>> No.1619972

If you draw anywhere close to that, even let's say 10 full pages a day for many years, you'd have accumulated enough familiarity with different poses, forms, motifs in general to just have them gush out at will.

It's like playing an instrument so much with a huge sampling of existing music, that at some point you can pull off improv melodies without much mental effort.

>> No.1619974

I feel like how my car must feel when I go to start it at 20 below zero.

>> No.1619975

you have to be azn to have that kind of discipline (anal parents). you see, if you're not good you will dishonor your family and be forced to kill yourself.

in the states you can fail art school and come home with open arms from mom and pop and they will shower you with kindness and a place to stay til you eventually get a job at your dads company.

i really like Kims drawings but i'm bored of them already. they're just doodles which he compiles and sells in a book of doodles.

>> No.1619977


>> No.1620841

>holding his tool like that

>> No.1620853

you mean his grip? drawing with a brush pen with a digital grip is hard. imo anyway.

>> No.1620907

Yeah, no. Mastering the concept of storytelling is something one must do as an observer. Sorry bud.

>> No.1620994

you dont know who bob ross is?

>> No.1621178


>> No.1621193

What the hell are you talking about? Kim Jung Gi works as a comic artist primarely, he sure as hell knows how to tell a fucking story, it's his bread and butter. These demonstrations you see of him on the internet are literally just showing off his visual library and sense of detail and perspective to wow the audience and nothing more.

>> No.1621197

Notice that he is drawing with his wrist. Where are the carpal tunnel faggots? Humbled the fuck down?

>> No.1621212

someone make this rite now

>> No.1621217

Except he doesn't. You seem to be under the assumption that the only way to not draw from your wrist is by making flashy movements with your entire arm.

KJG clearly uses his elbow while keeping his wrist mostly steady. Yet because he's drawing with a permanent marker or brush pen, he has to keep the strokes more controlled and can't do the same type of flashy and fluid strokes from the shoulder as most fine art draughtsmen do when using charcoal or pencils.

Enjoy your carpal tunnel though.

>> No.1621240

>he has to keep the strokes more controlled and can't do the same type of flashy and fluid strokes from the shoulder as most fine art draughtsmen do when using charcoal or pencils.
yea and i have my own excuses, bitch.

>> No.1621249

That's not an excuse though as he still doesn't draw from the wrist, he just doesn't do flashy strokes from the shoulder but instead does small and controlled strokes from the elbow. Chances are, you are not doing that but you are actually drawing from your wirst without using the elbow at all. But anyway, it's your life, do whatever you want. If you feel being lazy and sticking to your bad drawing habits is worth the risk of getting a career ending injury, you're free to do so.

>> No.1621251

Are you blind?

>> No.1621261

Stop drawing with your wrist you retard.

>> No.1621272

actually, the way i imagine drawing with the wrist is the way kim jung gi does, because that's the way i've always been drawing, i have nothing to compare it to. i don't know how you imagine drawing with the wrist is, i can't know how you do it, but that's probably what you compare it to and according to you, it's wrong. you need to stop projecting. just because we're both anonymous, doesn't mean we're anything alike.

>> No.1621274

that's a meme now, isn't it? top kek

>> No.1621278

no, you retard, that's not drawing from the wrist.
in fact, it's impossile to draw from the wrist when you use a giant canvas like that.

drawing with your wrist means your hand is lying on the canvas and you adjust with your fingers.
drawing with your elbow/shoulders is one step above that.

not the anon you were replying to btw

>> No.1621283

wow really? you have to move your hand around canvas to draw? wow
you have to use your fingers to draw detail with your wrist resting? wow
you teach me so much i haven't known or been doing. wow

>> No.1621287

why yes, you are a retard.
because you seem to think that "not drawing from the wrist" means not moving your wrist at all.
and because you think that KJG did was an example of that.

you realize that you HAVE to draw with your wrist when it comes to small details right? the point is you're not supposed to do it too much.
and apparently you can't read: i said drawing with your wrist means drawing while locking your wrist onto the canvas.
in that video, how often do you see him do that?

wow indeed. so you're the imbecile who tells people to "draw from their wrist".

>> No.1621290

>in that video, how often do you see him do that?
all the time. this video was sped up but in his other videos you can clearly see what he's doing.
that's identical to how i draw and clearly, according to you that's how we're supposed to draw, so why are you arguing about this? you don't even know what you're saying, you're just spouting random crap from blind rage. i didn't know they allow internet in mental institution.

>> No.1621299

yep, still a retard i see
do you see the scale of his drawings in the video you posted?
do you read what i said?
>... you HAVE to draw with your wrist when it comes to small details ...
also notice how in your video, the drawing is so small that he barely has to make any strokes that would strain his wrist.

now compare it to the OP. he's not drawing with his wrist.
he is drawing from the shoulder the entire time. you know that because his arm is loose and not locked, just look carefully.

>you're just spouting random crap from blind rage. i didn't know they allow internet in mental institution.
more like you are acting like a teenage rebel. you don't even understand what the fuck you're talking about. you just want to say it's fine to draw with your wrist! because you do that!
and i bet even you don't do it all the time (unless you draw for midgets). if you want to do it, fine, don't tell others it's a good thing when you don't understand a thing

>> No.1621301

>he is drawing from the shoulder the entire time. you know that because his arm is loose and not locked, just look carefully.
he is moving his hand around canvas, yes. he details with his wrist resting, yes. the video is sped up so it looks like he's waving his arm around, yes. am i arguing with a retard? unfortunately, yes.

>> No.1621306

Not him either.
If you have to make a fluid line, your hand rests on the canvas and you use your wrist so your fingers move to make that line, that is called drawing from the wrist. KJG doesn't do that. Whenever he has to make a fluid line and not tiny details, he moves his elbow while his wrist remains static. Now please stop posting. You didn't understand what the term "drawing from your wrist" meant, that's okay, but there's no reason to drag this dumb argument out any longer.

By the way, it is literally impossible to get good lines on such a huge piece of paper when drawing from your wrist. I mean physically impossible due to the limited range of the wrist. The fact that Kim's drawings are not chicken scratching but are always confident and fluid is already proving that he does not draw from his wrist.

>> No.1621308

i don't know what it is you're not getting, maybe i'm not expressing myself clearly, so let me repeat once more: i draw exactly like him, so what is your problem?

>> No.1621314

>i draw exactly like him
i highly doubt you even understand what that mean, seeing how you don't even understand the difference between OP and the video you linked

>> No.1621317

you don't seem to understand the difference if you describe the way he draws based on a sped-up video, as opposed to real-time one.

>> No.1621319

that's it, you're retard.
good luck in life

>> No.1621320

same to you, retard.

>> No.1621321

I don't have a problem, you are the one who said:

>Notice that he is drawing with his wrist. Where are the carpal tunnel faggots? Humbled the fuck down?

After that, several people have explained to you that this is not "drawing from your wrist". If you draw like KJG, then you are not drawing from your wrist and you just used a term that you did not understand.

>> No.1621323

i already explained that in >>1621272

>> No.1621324

Yes but it doesn't matter what you imagine what drawing from your wrist means, as there exists a clear definition of what it means. Why do you keep dragging out this pointless argument instead of simply admitting that you had the wrong idea what "drawing from your wrist" meant?

>> No.1621326

because some idiot kept insisting that i'm doing it wrong and used a sped up video as a basis for his argument.

>> No.1621328

nope, look at >>1621278
i never made a comment about what or how you do it.
look at the very first thing i said (besides you being a retard):
>that's not drawing from the wrist.

>> No.1621329

yeah and then i linked a video where he was drawing with his fingers only
>drawing with your wrist means your hand is lying on the canvas and you adjust with your fingers.

>> No.1621334

which is normal, since the drawing was miniscule.
we went over this already.

and again, you proved another thing i said:
>you seem to think that "not drawing from the wrist" means not moving your wrist at all.
yes people DO move their wrist all the time.
that is not the same as "drawing from the wrist".

>> No.1621338

>>you seem to think that "not drawing from the wrist" means not moving your wrist at all.
no, i don't seem to think that. obviously, for small detail you use your fingers to draw (herp derp enjoy carpal tunnel tard), for longer lines you start using your wrist, for even longer lines, you start using your elbow and for super long lines you have to use your shoulder. you move your arm around canvas to draw here and there, which is not the same as swinging your arm to draw lines and that's something sped up video is capable of fooling those who watch it
>swing! a drawing here! swing! a drawing there!
no. you can't use unrealistic timeframes for your argument (which i haven't got a clue as to what it is you are trying to prove)

>> No.1621340

>(herp derp enjoy carpal tunnel tard)
i meant to put that in quotes, otherwise people tend to miss sarcasm

>> No.1621350

>and that's something sped up video is capable of fooling those who watch it
alright, i have no idea what exactly you're even trying to say.
i mean apparently it fooled YOU.

fact is, in OPs video, KJG is drawing from his shoulders, and not from his wrist.
and it has nothing to do with speeding up the video. that's a FACT.
if you had any sense as an artist, you'd know the difference immediately.
this in turn means that all your posts from here on >>1621197 are just plain retarded.

this is my point.
now what exactly are you trying to say?

>> No.1621417
File: 670 KB, 1496x1028, img331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people really arguing about whether or not he draws from his shoulder or wrist?

>> No.1621433

People argue on the internet because they are lonely.

Anyway, I don't give a fuck if Kim drew with his ankles, as long as he could produce consistently good works each time.

>> No.1621452

>will still all use gesture, guidelines, perspective lines to help set up the perspective in a complex scene etc.
Yep, and that still has to do with having good line accuracy.

Unlike most digital artists who erase line after line or use the lasso tool.

>> No.1621463

He obviously isn't in the OP's video. Look at his fucking range.

People don't know what "drawing from the wrist" means.

It is important, hand injuries are the scariest and worst kind for an artist. This isn't shit like "install gentoo", it's about keeping artists from physical hurting themselves.

But I guess y'all don't mind doing that.

>> No.1621464

some people love pain, you know. it can probably make you more productive. without pain you can become too comfortable and lax, resulting in stagnation.

>> No.1621489

Turns out he's happily married, has a job as a professor at a university in S.Korea.

He also has been drawing in excess of 30 years, so everyone should just realize that he put in the work to get where he is.

>> No.1621495

At the workshop I saw, he talked at length about parts of his art process. Here's some stuff from my notebook.

"In the mecha drawing, did you decide the pose beforehand?"
-"No, it just turned out that way."

"What's your warm-up routine?"
-"At the start of the day I look at photos and draw things in them from memory."

"What's your advice to other artists?"
-"Collect a lot, experience a lot, draw a lot."

"What's a good ratio for real drawing from life/imagination?"
-"About 50/50"

"When did you start drawing without construction lines?"
-"In my second year of University, I realized I could start with any part of the body and make the rest of the body have proper proportions."

"What is a good exercise to improve?"
-"Drawing comics is a great exercise, it forces you to draw many situations and environments."

"What do you do when you feel so bad about a drawing that you want to start over?"
-"Draw perverted images."

>> No.1621554


thanks for sharing

>> No.1621571
File: 861 KB, 300x169, 1387278678093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this new
winter break is here

>> No.1621576

They get an external motivator like a mentor/teacher and a class to go to.

Self-motivation is difficult. If it were easy we'd all be freelance artists by now.

>> No.1621582

my motivator is procrastinating my homework, it's kind of ruining my life and once the homework is done, i have no motivation

>> No.1621607
File: 122 KB, 242x274, 1385504433100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That last part....
my sides
welp, I might as well draw some lewd images now

>> No.1621633

So god damn much jelly and butthurt in this thread.

This guy is fucking amazing. To have so much time and motivation to train yourself to this talent. I'm happy for that guy, I shed tears watching the whole thing.
It's guys like this that keeps art alive and evolves it.

>> No.1621679

Jung Gi doesn't draw from his wrist the vast majority of the time. The one retard arguing has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.1621680

>fact is, in OPs video, KJG is drawing from his shoulders, and not from his wrist.
this is why sped up video fools you and i repeat:
>you move your arm around canvas to draw here and there, which is not the same as swinging your arm to draw lines
omg how can anyone be this dense? i couldn't be any more clear. you are just trolling me, right?

>> No.1621689
File: 427 KB, 1000x667, 1359787696126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so no sketchbook scans ????

i really think you guys are all over blowing his skills,
yes he is awesome but with enough hard work and practice any one can do this, i think the difference with many people is how much time they can and do spent on working at their own talents. this guy obviously dedicated many many years.

remember different artists specialize in different things, i wouldn't be surprised if he can only do basic landscapes, most of his sketches seem character / anatomy driven. not many mechs, and hes great with clothing, means hes got a short hand method . .. . . . just my 2 cents

>> No.1621696

>he can only do basic landscapes
Nigga, have you seen his environment drawings and sketches? Plus, he's not a concept artist specifically that needs to draw mechs and shit. People draw what they want to draw.

But looking at his sketchbook, I'd bet my left testicle that he could design a proper mech if he wants to.

>with enough hard work and practice any one can do this
Talking about it and actually doing it is two different things. "Oh, it's nothing to be a quantum physicist. You only need to read and publish stuff, and if anyone work hard at it, anyone can do this". It's because it is hard to do is why people are appreciative of his skills. And people really do appreciate it.

Oh, and just shell out a couple of bucks to buy his book. It's more than worth it. You don't really need to buy that cool new third person action game, just save it for the book.

>> No.1621701

>Oh, and just shell out a couple of bucks to buy his book. It's more than worth it. You don't really need to buy that cool new third person action game, just save it for the book.
how much is it with shipping? do i buy it on amazon?

>> No.1621703
File: 8 KB, 272x252, butrsstre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'd like his books but shipping is almost double the one books price.

been googling his images, i'm not gonna retract my statement but you do raise many great points and he probably could draw anything he wants to, also "easier said than done" well said good sir.

i do still feel that people are placing him on a extremely high pedestal, but again i feel most people can achieve the same level of greatness.

>> No.1621706

I'm not sure. They just set up a website that handles shipping to US recently, if you live in the US. Try searching for KimJungGiUS I think. There's also one for Europe if I remember correctly.

I bought them at my local bookstore (Kinokuniya) in the city. They have the complete collection, plus tons of other good art books like Gurney's.

>> No.1621713
File: 21 KB, 479x398, anothercryface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do feel guilty , n i should die,

Kim Jung-Gi 2011 Sketch Collection

>> No.1621717
File: 70 KB, 313x291, dildobottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

otherwise view one image at a time




>> No.1621720
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Well, I think it comes down to the appeal of his drawings. Mainly, his technical skill, style and his subjects. If you like what he draws, you're really going to appreciate his drawings.

I agree that some things are overrated and put too high on a pedestal, but looking at his works, it's hard to not feel any kind of admiration for his works. They usually have a very vivid and clear imagery, confident lines, interesting point of view, and are very lively, in a way that you could relate to them. Some things are overrated, but personally, I think it's well deserved for Kim Jung Gi.

>> No.1621725

Oh, and I hope this would make you reconsider your views on him. I just want to share what I feel when I look at his works. It's damn good.

Look for him in facebook. He post tons of drawings there. Can't post it here since moot thinks I'm spamming.

>> No.1621727
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>> No.1621728

>>1621495 here, just wanted to add that in case you are wondering if there is an alternative to buying his books (which have ludicrous shipping rates), you can just follow him on facebook, and he uploads a lot of sketches that are also in his books, including some lewd ones.

>> No.1621729
File: 561 KB, 497x547, dumbaxebitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im actually friends with him on facebook

dam maybe i spoke to fast and miss judged it all in my haste......

his comic strips are epic.

>> No.1621731
File: 481 KB, 278x170, tumblr_mxxxct5kzD1t1y086o6_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where anon


>> No.1621735


>> No.1621744
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There's nothing bad about these, they still have the watermark from his site even

wake me up when real scans

>> No.1621795


>> No.1622193


superani.com / kim

>> No.1622204

>it can probably make you more productive
What the fuck? It's probably best to avoid situations where your ability is physically hindered. And the whole point of pain is your body telling you to stop doing the thing that causes the pain, why would it make you more productive?

>> No.1622213

>why would it make you more productive?
the answer is in the post you quoted.

>> No.1622214
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How long would you say you have felt this anger towards digital art?

>> No.1622216

also, you must be a girl or a woman if you're afraid of pain so much. either way, you're a fucking pansy.

>> No.1622225
File: 787 KB, 500x280, ground_hog_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is now about pain

>> No.1622256

That's not an answer. That's just a retarded idea.

>> No.1622267

I don't hate digital art. I hate crutches.

The traditional medium has plenty, too.

>> No.1622270

Carpal Tunnel syndrome and Ganglion Cysts are more productive, anon?

>> No.1622274




Go sleep in the woods; shelter against winter is a crutch. Buying paints at the store is a crutch; you should make your paints from crushed berries and bird poop you find in the woods.

Stahp using crutches you FAGS.

>> No.1622416

>look at my false equivalence, guys
Skills are something you're trying to constantly improve at. While privileges like ctrl+z and color picking with an eye-dropper and line stabilizers makes drawing easier, it doesn't make you a better artist and you're not learning anything.

If your one of those artists I was talking about, get a pencil, pen or a brush and try to draw a person from your imagination and see how good your skills actually are.

Take off your training wheels and your pool floaty.

>> No.1624327
File: 131 KB, 720x720, 138671646725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for the worst Kim Jung

>> No.1624349


^ someone explain that joke to me please

>> No.1624448

she has the witcher poster ib background inplying it's a good game

>> No.1624468
File: 148 KB, 500x667, 1388855239972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought his sketchbook series at massive black and he signed and doodled in all of them, I asked him to draw me for one of them.

hes a really nice and humble guy, his explanations of how he has approached drawing is simple and it's easy to see that he draws for enjoyment and not money, and always has.

/ic/ could learn a lot from this mans attitude, way to many egocentric people here with no skills to back it up.

>> No.1624473
File: 13 KB, 279x320, 1359003380614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my jelly level is 4th impact right now

I'd be too ashamed to ask him to sign my copies because the spines in all of them shipped in slightly damaged (in fact, it's already peeling off of my 2011 copy....)

>> No.1624474

he drew you as a half naked girl.''


>> No.1624478

he wouldn't have anyway, he only signed books that were sold at the workshop. fortunately I hadn't bought them before if I had I would have never gotten them all signed.

>> No.1624484

I am a girl stupid.

Kim doesn't give a fuck he will draw you with ur dick out and it's still awesome

>> No.1624485

you shoulda have told kim to stop being such a weeaboo and get loomis after you receive that drawing.

>> No.1624486
File: 137 KB, 750x500, kimjunggi07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumb fuck, I hope you're joking.

>> No.1624489


>> No.1624490


That was obviously a joke.

>> No.1624509

that's sexual harrassment.
you should sue him

>> No.1624511

And then there's this faggot

>> No.1624855

>draw a tree
I actually really like drawing trees

>> No.1625729

he's autistic. I don't mean that in a bad way, but just look how he can draw completely from memory, he even gets all the technical details of the cars right.

>> No.1625776

he's not fucking autistic. i'm tired of you idiots claiming that.
have you seen his cartoony doodles?
the dude has fantastic design sense.

he's good because he's good, you're shit because you're shit, deal with it.

>> No.1625781

>he's good because he's good, you're shit because you're shit, deal with it.
stop projecting, faggot.

>> No.1625808

Most asians are kind of autistic so there's a good chance he is too.

>> No.1626962

autistic =/= obsessive, do you even psychology

>> No.1626963

Some people actually think this, that's sad.

>> No.1627023

It will be implemented into Google Glass.