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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 528 KB, 738x1920, 1387763658434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1615277 No.1615277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets see your improvement, /ic/
I'm in need of motivation! Art is not mine

>> No.1615281

How about everyone shows their progress through out this year? Your best piece from every month

>> No.1615283

What the fuck is Jojonium

>> No.1615291
File: 414 KB, 1440x900, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I did find an old drawing of how I used to try and construct Animu faces. I wouldn't call it much of an improvement, though I am happy enough to post with the little progress I made.

>> No.1615292

Can someone post the template?

>> No.1615313

>that "thing" on the left
Nice improvement bro

>> No.1615345

holly molly Miku, thats an expression! great job!

Also try to remove little by little your guidelines, although these are a lot less than b4

>> No.1615379

(Not the person you're replying to)
I don't understard how someone can use a guideline for every tiny detail, like a nose guideline, mouth, ear, etc. For me, it kind of "suffocates" the drawing within those lines. It doesn't gives off a sense of freedom.

For me, a simple circle for the head with a horizontal and vertical line just for an idea of the direction the character is facing, and after that it's all freedrawing (with an occasional line for the arms).

>> No.1615385
File: 2.22 MB, 603x4158, Improvement 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have improved more.
pt 1

>> No.1615386
File: 2.21 MB, 603x4299, improvement 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1615489


>> No.1615490
File: 1.74 MB, 850x2804, improvementmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blergeh :/

>> No.1615493

For 3 years difference, that's hell of a mad improvement right there. Just don't stop drawing :V

>> No.1615496

Do you have a DA? I feel like I've seen those sniper pictures on there somewhere.

>> No.1615505
File: 794 KB, 996x576, progsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I could just stop being so fucking lazy and actually do studies and practice and things I could be like 1000x times better but I'm just a lazy piece of shit

>> No.1615510
File: 1.51 MB, 850x2180, 1381034081256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1615513

Dude, not to belittle the artist or anything, but that's pretty mediocre for 3 years.

I certainly wouldn't call it mad improvement.

>> No.1615515

I wonder where he's at now.

>> No.1615523

mugenmcfugen.deviantart.com, you've probably seen them around tumblr too!

>> No.1615525

That feel when I throw mt old shitty works away so I can't contribute

>> No.1615527
File: 936 KB, 1422x3000, review3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1615530
File: 214 KB, 1000x787, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throwing mine in.

>> No.1615531

What is your blog? i need that Renge to be my new background

>> No.1615539

This thread is an example of animu holding artists back.

>> No.1615542
File: 2.87 MB, 720x3420, 2013progv1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I made it too big and I'm sorry.

>> No.1615544
File: 1.93 MB, 728x2626, 2013progv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1615545

Not really. It's just that when many beginners start out, they don't study the fundamentals and they draw just for fun. In most cases, they start with anime because that's what they enjoy when they were younger. Which is why their anime work looks like shit.

A good anime artist who studied his fundamentals, has a strong understanding of anatomy, dynamic poses, gesture and perspective is ten times the artist than the photocopy wannabe realist artists on /ic/ who constantly talk shit about stylized work, yet couldn't draw a decent figure from imagination if their life depended on it.

>> No.1615546

i dont have a blog, but here's my pixiv

>> No.1615548
File: 587 KB, 2472x1400, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improved a bit but i was slacking for the most part of 2013 :/

>> No.1615550

I'm seriously impressed with your work man. Please could you give a more indepth look into how you improved so much? I'm trying to improve myself but I feel like I'm going in circles.

How did you improve your fundementals? What books/videos? What kind of exercises did you do?

>> No.1615563
File: 270 KB, 1032x1020, hyjyj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done anything to improve. I've been doodling for the past 2 years ;_;. I lost my graphics tablet pen a few months ago, but my grandma is getting me a replacement for christmas. Hopefully this will motivate me.

>> No.1615597

Thanks! Tbh i didnt learn that much the first year considering how much time i put in. I mostly did photo studies (copying photos without thinking). Which didnt help much when drawing without reference.
I learned most from looking at stuff, trying to understand why it looks that way, and then painting it. I dont just paint stuff a certain color without having a decent reason behind it anymore.
Learning 3d helped me with understanding material attributes and lighting quite a bit.
I havent read any book but i have looked at videos on youtube, mostly FZDschool, although im not sure if that is the best source of knowledge, it's mostly inspireing to me.
I would say the best advice i have is make a list of things you need to think about when doing your peices, including studies and try to stick to it all the way through. mine is something like this
Shape (perspective and all that) > value(lighting, aerial perspective) > temperature > color/material > Details.
I try to make sure each step is good enough before i go on to the next. I kinda do color and value at the same time but i focus mostly on values first.
Mindless drawing is wasted time if you want to learn you're better off looking at other peoples work or photos and try to break them down and understand the reasoning behind everything.
I'm far from good but these are the things i've picked up since starting.

>> No.1615602

how can you draw that much stuff in a year?

>> No.1615604

uh... i like to draw

>> No.1615605

I mean what else do you do? do you just draw 24/7 or are you really fast?

>> No.1615612

I guess I just spend most of my time drawing. I have a 9-5 job at a game company that I draw too. Only 2 pieces on that are from work though.

"Really fast" is one of my biggest problems that I'm trying to tackle at the moment. I'm trying to be more patient with my edge control and values especially...

>> No.1615616

Not him, but how is that much for a whole year?

>> No.1615619

that's not literally everything i drew though... there's still quite a bit of terrible pictures and bad studies i didn't put up

>> No.1615621

Well I also went to the pixiv page and looked at the dates
definitely more than I finished this year, and I bet more than you too, faggot

>> No.1615625

>definitely more than I finished this year, and I bet more than you too, faggot

Don't assume too much about others just because you are lazy. I imagine that anyone who is remotely serious about art would draw at least that much per year. I personally have a folder for each month and rarely do I end up with less than 60 images at the end of it.

>> No.1615626

so where's your chart then?

>> No.1615638

Not him, but many of us don't wish to post much of our own work here. I mainly surf for resources, tips and perhaps I'll do some red-lines now and then. I do how ever love my anonymity and I don't want people to know I brows this place because all of 4chan generally looks like one hell of a shit hole and people tend to focus on that and not the nice lil' resources hidden within all the shit.

(And I have a regular job but still manage to draw a minimum of 50 pics of varying quality a year, it's not that hard when you have the interest)

>> No.1615645
File: 1.00 MB, 1684x1191, progress copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a good year of learning but I must definitely try harder next year if I want to get anywhere.

>> No.1615652

Great progress!
You should work on your edge control.

Also your love in dark pink colors is disturbing.

>> No.1615657


haha thank you!

That's exactly what I'm thinking too. Recently I've been noticing more people using the lasso tool and smart objects to get a perfect edge and sort of lock the layer's pixels if you know what I mean. I've been experimenting with it.

>> No.1615676
File: 864 KB, 2181x2500, chart2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even realize how many fucking trees and natural landscapes I've painted this year. Next year I really need to get out of my comfort zone a bit more.

>> No.1615680

Do you have a tumblr etc?

>> No.1615686

I'm 18 and my current skill is a little similiar to yours, when you was 18. I can only hope that, one day, I draw (and color) like you.

>> No.1615687

Gonna need the Holo image

>> No.1615688

i love how you render skin especially on those muscles dude. One thing i see is not going overboard with highlights but do you have some other tips ? thanks a lot

>> No.1615733

Yeah, I don't have any excuses, I spent too much time fucking around and not doing studies or any significant art.
(also anime)

>> No.1615745

Nope, sorry. I used to have a conceptart sketchbook but haven't updated that in almost a year either. I'm not really uploading my work anywhere online right now, other than occasionally a study or wip on /ic/.

Thanks. I try to always be conscious of the color temperature of the fill light and the main light and how that will affect the local skin color. Knowing that helps a lot to prevent muddy colors which is the main problem I used to have with skin. Also what kind of light source I'm using. If it's directional or diffuse, how strong it is etc. Always think of those things and how it affects the color, saturation and values. Sorry that it's failry generic advice, but I can't really think of any specific tips on that subject.

>> No.1615750

Me too please.

>> No.1615778
File: 707 KB, 900x900, mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only got into drawing last christmas, but here's a year's worth! (posted this as a thread first, lol9

>> No.1615811
File: 2.38 MB, 862x4000, collaage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine, finally got around to make one.

>> No.1615815

Great stuff, keep it up.
May I ask your age and your job, if you have one not related to art?

>> No.1615820

im almost 24 and currently working freelance for K-Lab. Thank you!

>> No.1615829


Fantastic art right at the end there, well done indeed. Does you freelance job support you enough to live alone with all the usual facilities/necessities?

>> No.1615865
File: 2.41 MB, 3833x2263, progresschart3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated with more recent stuff

>> No.1615870

Man you guys make me wish i kept stuff from when I was a kid

>> No.1615873

They make me wish I'd stopped being a depressed sadsack and drawn more.

>> No.1615874
File: 408 KB, 1846x1346, Sketchbook_57_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says 5 years ago but either I was hell awful in high school or the drawing is even older than I remember.

>> No.1615876

I like the highschool one better

>> No.1615877

and that's why you suck at drawing

>> No.1615878


Currently no as I only started, Im working on smaller projects like commissions and card illustrations alonside with the freelance job to support myself while I get my economy stable enough

>> No.1615882

You haven't even seen my art.

>> No.1615881
File: 849 KB, 280x189, 1385735530404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that soul-crushing emptiness when you try to make one of these and find out you haven't noticeably improved in over three years

welp, looks like I'll be doing studies for the next forever

>> No.1615911

Post it

>> No.1615938
File: 341 KB, 1024x675, 1387851182469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked his DA
this is his newest one but it was submitted in sep 9th

>> No.1615943
File: 719 KB, 1600x961, progression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2004-2008: Using GIMP and a tablet I bought from a garage sale, I begin drawing silly little things during my free time. Despite drawing consistently for four goddamn years I make no progression whatsoever.

2009-2010 - Discover /ic/, suddenly begin to give a shit about the quality of my art. Abandon gimp for sai & photoshop. Attempt color for a little while before getting frustrated and going back to lineart

2011-2012 - follow some awful /ic/ advice and rely solely on loomis & life drawing to improve my art. I begin drawing women for the first time in ever, and poses become a bit more dynamic but I'm still hesitant to leave the 3/4th view. Overemphasizing gestural drawings has made my line quality incredibly shit, and keeps me from progressing away from chickenscratch.

2013 - am depressed as shit at current state of art. I've started trying different things to try and get out of this block, like artist style studies and speedpaints. I really need to finish a painting, but I have no idea what I'm trying to accomplish with my art so I'm not sure what the ideal end product for an illustration would be. for fucks sake I've improved, yeah, but way less than i'd hoped 9 years would have accomplished.

at the very least, compiling this has seriously opened my eyes to how stagnant the past few years have been... perhaps I'll ditch lineart drawings since I have so much difficulty drawing clean lines, and just focus on digital painting.

>> No.1615949
File: 222 KB, 2064x800, only a bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-drew in shitty "muh style"
-didn't bother studying

-began to study fundamentals more
-improved, but still have many problems

not a ton of improvement, but atleast it's better than what I've done in the summer.

>> No.1615952

The worst part about 2013 for me was that I made huge progress (at least in my own scale) in July but I can't come even close to that level anymore

>> No.1615956


Revisit your old ideas when you actually get good at drawing.

>> No.1615957

>revisit your old ideas
you mean like redrawing them?

>> No.1615960

>Not him btdubs
Revisit carries different connotations than redraw. Revisit implies exploring the initial IDEA some more, not just drawing the same picture again. This means reevaluating design, composition, mood, content, etc. It's taking the initial inspiration and seeing where that takes you, often times disregarding 'bad' aesthetic decisions made in the past.

>> No.1615966
File: 252 KB, 396x395, 1387854674114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> "Muh style" is the best kind of style.

>> No.1615967

dA and FA is the worst place to submit your begginner art, as they CANNOT respond to a shitty art with constructive criticism, it's all "OMG UR SO GOOD DONT IMPROVE EVER *HUGS*"
It's a fucking ciclejerk.

>> No.1615973

what's worse is that beginners get sucked into there more easily because dA is the first community they usually find, along with the hugboxing comments

>> No.1615974
File: 1.59 MB, 1400x5000, progress_firez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to classify it into categories.

>> No.1615977


This person said it better than I could. While poorly drawn the older stuff has aspects which I find appealing.

>> No.1615979


This is where the true artists are separated from hobbyists. A true artist always seeks improvement and inspiration through any means necessary and wont get stuck standing still saying "they think im good, then it must be true"

>> No.1615981

Your problem is that you haven't been pushing yourself. All your work, except one, is in line.

Go do more full-color environment studies with characters and stuff going on in it.

>> No.1615983

>Go do more full-color environment studies with characters and stuff going on in it
Wait, aren't studies made from a reference usually? Are there this kinda resources somewhere out there?

>> No.1615985

I agree, although I've run into several situations where some people I know who draw for fun/hobby show me their work, and they want me to comment on it. I give them an honest crit, and they get upset that I'm being harsh and that they just do this shit for fun, etc. Can't win, man.

>> No.1615987

I was using the word as a loose synonym for exercise, but yeah, there are environment studies as well as figure studies. Just look for a picture of an environment you like or even start drawing/painting your own room.

The w/ic/i has some earth porn resources in it.

>> No.1615986
File: 1.26 MB, 2636x1483, digitalsketchcollectionsmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know what the fuck im doing... some of the anons at 15 make better art. I dont know how to sort it by date as I don't pay attention... its all jumbled together and been done in the last 4 months or so. All the other stuff I ever drew was pretty much eyeballed. Brand new to this shit.

>> No.1615990

>some people I know who draw for fun/hobby

Thats the thing. If that is what they want its all good, not much sense in wasting time and effort in giving critique if it is obvious they dont want to improve/become professionals

>> No.1615991

As another finn here hoping to become good at art some day, was the art education at the schools you attended helpful? Currently I'm nowhere near your 2008 level and I dropped out of high school but I might consider starting schools again if it's worth it

>> No.1615992

>4 months

Thats your problem right there. Give it time, dont stress so much about it. Getting good doesnt happen overnight. Go around and have fun with art rather than worry about not improving too much. Also studies.

>> No.1615998 [DELETED] 

They are great for beginners but doesnt really offer anything more than that. If you want to study properly do it in your own time and start socializing in different communities. That is what I did, never really learned anything from schools. Self motivation, inspiration and >>1615991
interacting with other artists will get you much further! Id recommend starting at Conceptart.org, make a sketchbook over there and get to it! If you want to have a chat with me you can throw me a pm over at DA.

>> No.1615999

They are great for beginners but doesnt really offer anything more than that. If you want to study properly do it in your own time and start socializing in different communities. That is what I did, never really learned anything from schools. Self motivation, inspiration and
interacting with other artists will get you much further! Id recommend starting at Conceptart.org, make a sketchbook over there and get to it! If you want to have a chat with me you can throw me a pm over at DA.

>> No.1616004

What I meant is that they do it for fun, but want me to critique their work and get upset when I they get what they just asked for, and then bring up the fun/hobby card.

>> No.1616005

That 2009-2010 improvement is amazing. Good job.

>> No.1616007

I have always had the impression that conceptart.org was more for professionals rather than beginners

>> No.1616010

It is for artists of all skill levels

>> No.1616014

I guess I have no excuse not to sign up then? I do need some more filler for a sketchbook though, hopefully I can get to it after all the christmas hassle

>> No.1616017

Your thoughts on Crimson Dagger?

I have a CA account for almost 4 years, but I mostly lurk. Is the sketchbook part still okay after the overhaul done by Manley?

>> No.1616018

It is a ghost of its former self but still worth the time to keep a sketchbook there. Community is great. As for Crimson Daggers, I have very little experience of it, never felt the need to take part but ive only heard good things about it

>> No.1616025
File: 1.83 MB, 1655x4604, 2010-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still shitty, but practising a ton more and trying to go outside my comfort zone.

>> No.1616030


damn man, thats some good improvement for only a year.

Any specific resources you used?

>> No.1616043

you really hate drawing faces, huh

>> No.1616047


Yup, im awful at it. One of the things I want to work on.

>> No.1616072

I know it's kind of mandatory to post this in every thread, but I still manage to get kind of upset every time I see this.

>> No.1616073

shiiiit nigga

>> No.1616083

you need to work on anatomy and gestures REALLY badly. you spent all that time on detail when you should have been studying anatomy.

>> No.1616101
File: 1.60 MB, 920x1380, juststuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't draw enough

and when i do i rely too heavily on reference.

At least i see a little bit of improvement.. :(

>> No.1616102


Currently taking life drawing classes and learning a lot about form.

When doing digital work I always just draw the gesture from imagination rather than reference which is something I think im going to stop doing.

At first I thought it would help to not use references as a handicap but I think im just making it harder on myself.

>> No.1616136

Awwww, thanks a lot anon. Just keep on drawing, you're bound to get better :D

>> No.1616180


Anything to do with the human figure and perspective. Michael Hampton, Figure drawing for all it's worth, perspective made easy and specially Vilppu. Also all perspective classes from control paint and drawing medical charts. These things I would say helped me the most so far. Also drawing people from life when studying out side is something I've noticed really helps and opens a whole new type of difficulty. This shit gets pretty boring at some points but I just power through it.

>> No.1616286
File: 1.68 MB, 1430x1300, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goes...

>> No.1616290

>that jump in improvement between 2012 and 2013
Good job. What happened there?

>> No.1616302

Thanks. Until this year I didn't really take drawing seriously and never pushed myself to learn anything from it. Then I decided to get my shit together and actually put some effort in learning and doing studies which I had never even done before.

>> No.1616532
File: 1.25 MB, 750x4350, improvements, i guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still lookin' pretty mediocre, but improving somewhat, I suppose. Thanks also to the good people of /ic/ for bettering my understanding of fundamentals and the development of "muh style."

>> No.1616545

I swear whenever I see those goblins, knights, and dwarfs I am looking at RuneScape.

>> No.1616546

Funny you should say that; I had RuneScape in mind when I drew those. The earlier drawing from 2012 was per the request of a private server.

>> No.1616548

Yep, there was no questioning it the resemblance was indisputable. Gave me lots of feels from those sweet memories, good on ya Anon I love your stuff.

>> No.1616549

Thanks, man. I'm glad you like it.

>> No.1616582

Ohh, how delicious gestures in the latest stuff. Very nice

>> No.1616583

nice progress, also refreshing to see something deviate from the usual render focus stuff like most /ic/ers.

>> No.1616645


>> No.1616654
File: 689 KB, 850x2180, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I've ever seen.

>> No.1616657
File: 1.33 MB, 902x1500, progmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see some progress I guess

>> No.1616658

only drawing naked people studies and faces. seen bigger improvements,

>> No.1616659


>> No.1616661

tehmeh, dot, parsakoira, algenpfleger, mindcandyman etc

Notice how they all do original artwork instead of just doing studies all the time.

Also I'm pretty sure that you're the artist and that you posted the image yourself. I've seen some of your posts around here and you seem to have a pretty big ego problem.

>> No.1616664

I'm aware of those artists, I just haven't seen their work compiled into one whole progress chart, it's hard to judge from threads 100+ pages long.

I promise you I'm not the artist, I just find him to be inspirational

>> No.1616665

Not that dude, but do you really need to have it in a compiled image?

How about something fun? Press the button that says 'Previous', and keep going.



>> No.1616770
File: 194 KB, 1000x1100, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh animu.

>> No.1616773

Not everyone wants to draw dragons and spaceships.

>> No.1616774

>Notice how they all do original artwork instead of just doing studies all the time.
Is that the secret, then? Doing personal work as well as studying? Would you say personal work is more important than studying, so far as applying what you learn goes from said studies goes?

>> No.1616777

Yes, studying is great and all, but application is the most important. I mean, what are you studying for? For the sake of studying? Maybe some people do this, but people tend to study so they can apply what they learn to their desired art.

It doesn't even have to be dragons and spaceships as an anon above said, it can be whatever you want to draw. Giant penises riding on sharks shooting laserbeams, whatever.

>> No.1616817

So your imagination only stretches that far? Dragons and spaceships is the only thing you can think of when not copying something from observation? Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Don't give up, maybe you will get a bit more creative if you study some more subject matters and broaden your horizon a bit.

>> No.1616819
File: 494 KB, 2635x2743, 1312267852733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1616825

All your environments are quite empty, and with only one element of interest in each of them. The only thing that changes are the visual noise in those blank spaces, which increases every year. Ever feel like pushing your environments more?

Expand your visual library and do studies about locations. For example, a backalley in a densely populated city. What do you usually find there? What makes it feel like a back alley? In terms of wiring, objects and facilities, what can you find there? What kind of lighting suits the mood you're going for? How about people? Vehicles? Animals? Study them and recreate them. Bring a sketchbook and a camera, and do quick studies every day. Also, read a lot of books with information and big pictures of exotic locations, and watch a lot of travel documentaries.

>> No.1616846
File: 82 KB, 1100x400, ca-noob-pro-miles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miles is my hero. :')

>> No.1616849

Those recent ones aren't very well picked. The guy has much more impressive pieces than that.

>> No.1616853

I agree, I didn't want to make one for him though.

>> No.1616854
File: 232 KB, 894x894, 1388015753079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, from his dA

>> No.1616873

>Dota 2
mah nigga, we should play a game sometime, if I ever get a damn PC that can run anything beyond MS Paint in the near future

>> No.1616877
File: 2.43 MB, 2126x2551, 2013 progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant see much progression without any finished pieces. Ive pretty much only done unreferenced sketches outside of the studies on here.
Ill start on landscape/colour/composition next year and dedicate more time to drawing in general.

Ganbare 2014!

>> No.1616918 [DELETED] 

are you truly this ignorant?

if Sargent paints a building or portrait its a study?

stay stupid anon

>> No.1616921
File: 84 KB, 508x700, John_Singer_Sargent_SAJ014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you truly this ignorant?

if Sargent paints a building or portrait its a study?

stay stupid anon

>> No.1616936

No, it's a study if that's the intention of the painting. WHAT you paint doesn't matter. You can paint portraits and landscapes all day as studies, apply what you learn to works from imagination or from reference, it doesn't matter. It's only a study if your intention is to make it so.

>> No.1616939

>original artwork
Oh lawdy. What the fucking hell am I reading.

I really despise the anons who keeps doing shitty five minute nude figure studies and circlejerking over oil paints. But you really need to at least google the names of the people you are talking about.

>> No.1616953

I just looked at his archive and in his second year, at 15, he's already better than most of /ic/.
I feel so fucking inadequate.

>> No.1616960

It's probably because I'm a relatively new drawfag, but progress like this really does blow my mind.

>> No.1616970

autism incarnate

>> No.1616974

how did you get worse?

>> No.1616976

only beginners would say that

>> No.1616977

I like your stuff, this is what I have trouble getting the cute and adorable faces but you have it nailed. I hope you keep going.

>> No.1616984
File: 43 KB, 560x337, 1380338429387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to use this to remind myself not to get into stylization too much

>> No.1617114


I would kill to be your everything. I only know how to make a black line.

What are your digital coloring resources?

>> No.1617117
File: 763 KB, 1617x1488, itsbeen2yearsalready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of wips. Still have much to learn

awesome stuff

>> No.1617118

If I see someone is doing art as hobby, I tend not to give them flack or direct critique about their art, but if someone sells themselves as professional then he should be prepared.

>> No.1617119

But what that guy is doing has nothing whatsoever to do with stylization and if you don't even see that, then you are an equally lost cause.

>> No.1617127

pretty good for a few months

>> No.1617137

check his recent work, kiddo

>> No.1617140


Not him, but I'd like you to tell me what he's doing.

I have this irrational fear that I might become something like Tom Preston of Bum Tickley.

Yes, I have literal nightmares of this.

>> No.1617178

What he is doing is drawing shit with absolutely no fundamentals and knowledge behind it. Stylization requires knowledge of the fundamentals that you then exaggerate or simplify based on what you want to achieve with it.

If some kid decides to draw shitty Dragonball and Pokemon characters and refuses to learn anything of value, then that's hardly the fault of stylization in general.

>> No.1617181


I see.

This is what I've been doing all my life until two weeks ago. Time to start out my legacy and see if in two or three years I'm posting around here my own progress.

>> No.1617206
File: 61 KB, 235x235, 1343296368463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've regressed..

>> No.1617220
File: 289 KB, 1400x735, progress for ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same image from the previous thread.
I think they were all about 15-20 minute drawings

>> No.1617264

So I'm trying to get into ConceptArt.org, like some anons recommended in this thread, and It's been three to four hours since I registered and still there is no verification email.

Does this take so long? I checked in both the inbox and spam, nothing. Can't post anything in there because I am not verified.

>> No.1617267

Did you use the right email?
Also there should be an option to resend.

>> No.1617269

I waited for a day or two until I gave up and just switched my email. The email switch confirmation came in a few hours later but the initial confirm email is apparently bugged and never arrives

>> No.1617285

i would have guessed a 3-6 month span if it weren't for the dates.

>> No.1617287


>> No.1617296

you actually stepped backwards into animu? Why would you do that to yourself?

>> No.1617298

drawing is like losing weight; the first fifteen pounds are easy, but then after that you have to claw and scratch. Just ask Miku. He lost his first fifteen and then just nothing for months. you gotta go all in

>> No.1617304

Who is Miku?

>> No.1617307

a champion of stagnation

>> No.1617309

Hey man any advice on compositions and coming up with illustrations? I'm pretty gud at drawing and painting things individually so to speak but when it comes to combining things and coming up with whole pictures I just seem to fail. I often feel like I'm breaking rules I don't even know exist.

>> No.1617312

could you link me to a site of his? Googling 'miku' or 'miku artist' isn't bringing up anything
Thanks for being blunt, though, it's what I come here for

>> No.1617316


Damn, this analogy hits pretty hard because I've been losing weight for almost half a year now, and I know all the effort I've had to put just to get to losing 35 pounds.

Good thing /ic/ is here always to tell you to get your fat ass back to work.

>> No.1617322

mikufag is this guy

>> No.1617324

mikus a piece of shit samefag nazi /poltroll who can't drawfor shit nor improved since day 1, the poster child for the animu threads

>> No.1617326

That's like saying Illistrat is the poster child for the regular draw threads.

>> No.1617335

>Comparing the cancer containment units to the draw threads

Yea, um...no.

>> No.1617348
File: 43 KB, 1012x160, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1617367

damn, just this image alone is amazing improvement. good fucking job bro.

>> No.1617378
File: 1.73 MB, 934x2024, improvement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time I added some more pictures

>> No.1617380

>hurr durr containment thread

Yeah, no. This board has a lot of utterly terrible artists, many of them post wannabe realism paintings and concept art in the draw thread. The animu thread hardly is any worse than the rest of /ic/, so please stop deluding yourself with your false sense of superiority.

>> No.1617383

you hold the drawthreads in a pretty high regad huh?
yea, um... is that where the real artists hang out?
yea, um... you're a faggot

>> No.1617385

That's some pretty nice improvement! Got a DA or Tumblr?

>> No.1617388

What do you guys doing digital started using as tablet?

>> No.1617392

this is a good question. and imo. kind of important.

i was a much better traditional artist before i picked up photoshop. however after about a year and a half i was about at the same level.
now im a much better at digital painting and enjoy it more, as i can produce ideas and full paintings in a week or 3 days vs a month.

>> No.1617395


I myself am just starting out, so I got nothing to show of my progress (just two weeks with Drawing with R-side), but I'm willing to go my way into getting started with digital, I just don't know what to order.

Like, how important is the active size, the pressure levels, someone suggested a 10x6, with 1024 levels is all I need, having tilt recognition would also be good but not a must. Is that ok? Knowing if it is, I can find a tablet that suits that on my own.

>> No.1617400

Yeah that is a good size. anything smaller you are going to want to upgrade fast.

i myself am using an older tablet with about 512 levels of pressure and it works good for me. it doesn't have tilt either. i think the size of it is more important.

>> No.1617403


Thank you for the info. One last question and I'll stop derailing this:

How hard is the step to learning the feel of using a tablet? I always thought for me it would be useless to get anything without display on it, but I don't have $400.00-$1,500.00 for one.

>> No.1617407
File: 562 KB, 740x4500, progressss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I look at this I get sad as fuck.

>> No.1617408

I've been using a 3x4 intuos 3 tablet for years... you dont HAVE to upgrade, but i've found that any progression made in digital media wont transfer over to traditional very well (and vice versa)

>> No.1617426

>studio killers
Well aint that something. Do you draw anything but portraits of people?

>> No.1617428


Yes. It was only a year after I got the tablet that I started using traditional media (pastels). Part of the reason is that despite the positive reaction of my family they thought that the "computer" helped me a big deal.

I replied that this wasn't the case that it was mostly a thing of applied theory, muscle memory and having good taste that probably the only thing that could be hard was color mixing.

They were still doubtful so I bought the pastels and got them convinced.

>> No.1617432
File: 380 KB, 853x777, huehue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i see that improvement template in op's pic, i remember the chick who made it and never improved her work lol. i also knew her in person so...

anyway my progress. i don't know if any of you even remember me, but i use to be a regular here. haven't done much studying this year since i got caught up with a relationship, school, and family issues. now that i'm dumped and depressed lets see what i can do before 2014....

>> No.1617436


Use that depression as fuel, anon.

That 2011 is incredible in my eyes, but what do I know.

>> No.1617438

what i fully intend to do, anon. thanks but i still have a long way to go.

>> No.1617440

Know her in person? I need more details, anon.

Also I like your pieces here but the face in 2013 really creeps me out.

>> No.1617447

yeah, we used to be tight friends til i decided to cut contact with her. she was just kind of unbearable and it baffles me how she has hardly improved since i last saw her. (which was like 5 years ago)

really? faces are what i feel i'm strongest at, maybe painting skin too. shooting for a final fantasy look, maybe not your fancy.

>> No.1617451

My main issue is that facially her facial features feels...small? I'm not sure how to describe it, but it sort of feels like I'm looking at an anorexic runway model, while the 2011 one feels "fuller" somehow.

>> No.1617453


The 2013 face looks like a more serious woman. What you'd expect of one with a really strong character.

I agree with your thoughts on the 2011 face.

Not the artist.

>> No.1617456

oh, that makes sense. i've been studying models faces, have a whole folder full of them. some of them might be anorexic, but i thought they were pretty so eh.

2011 is a result of not studying actually. she looks like she has the downs and stuff, i dunno what i was thinking.

>> No.1617466

illastrat always created his own threads full of work he did years ago.

>> No.1617470

>illastrat always created his own threads full of work he did years ago.

Why can't I stop laughing...still laughing, fucking Illustrat.

>> No.1617471

actually it's one worst thread generals on here and people who regularly post in the drawthread are on more advanced level than any of them except greydeath and teal-sama.

it also always ends up with more people getting butthurt than posting their art or redlines.

>> No.1617477

I think it's because it looks like she's sucking in air, the area between the cheekbone and the chin where the cheeks are is kind of concave, I think that's whats throwing me off

>> No.1617479


Who the hell is greydeath?

>> No.1617480


The dork that draws Dirty Pair porn

>> No.1617481

I try my best to give some advice, critiques and keep things in order with those threads but ultimately it is up to the community on how it performs and who contributes. I wish it where better but with time I hope the ones that participate will improve with it. Rest assured that these threads will continue regardless of artistic levels or the dedicated Anons who find amusement in disrupting the thread.

>> No.1617495
File: 313 KB, 1423x695, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's http://acidenema.tumblr.com/ If you click the archive you can easily see everything

Another comparison to keep it relevant, I remember being really proud of the former - I'm way more insecure about my art now... hehe

If you have any questions just shoot

>> No.1617538

it's because shitposters discourage good artists to post there and new users just don't know about shitposters, so there you have it...
also, studies are not impressive, so if you take those away from draw threads, you're left with the same level of poop quality.

>> No.1617541

Except studies have been separated from drawthreads and you still see a consistently higher quality of artwork being posted in the drawthreads than you do in the anime threads.

>> No.1617543

The way I have noticed people leave /ic/ is that at a certain point in their drawings and paintings /ic/ stops being able to give good advice.

/Ic/ is a fantastic place to realize that you are not special, art takes hardwork, any sense of quality and style comes from practicing and applying fundamentals to works of imagination.

Once a person realizes this, does this on a regular basis and is able to self critique at a minimum level, /ic/ becomes obsolete.

If /ic/ wants to be a home for "good artists" there needs to be "good artists" posting, critiquing each other, offering paintovers, design discussions and referencing learning sources at a more detailed level than: read the sticky.

Basically what /ic/ does now is.
Draw thread, anime draw thread, tumblr threads, questions thread, Complain in new threads that people are not posting in the correct threads.

Oh well merry christmas and a happy new year etc, No useful resources linked here tonight so ill go draw again.

>> No.1617544

what /ic needs is more bleating cunts such as yourself

>> No.1617546

That Anon is right, though.

>> No.1617548

samefag is a helluva drug

>> No.1617549
File: 234 KB, 319x465, 1387778508353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody got the reference pic for this?

>> No.1617551

yeah, well... see the first part (good artists leave because of shitposters).
it's really a shame, because /ic/ is the only board on 4chan where you can discuss artwork posted on intellectual level, not "i don't like this character" or "you're good, can you draw me this?" if you filter out parrots.
i agree, but what would be a good place to graduate to from anime thread?

>> No.1617553

I never finish anything, so I wouldn't know what to post, but I feel like I'm improving pretty well. I'll try to finish the thing I've been working on and post it.

>> No.1617557
File: 50 KB, 484x640, MY5am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10/10 as fuck

>> No.1617571

Conceptart.org, crimsondaggers, polycount,
Look for google hangouts and such

>> No.1617600


I sorta like the stuff on the left more. Maybe it's because there is more stuff on that side being presented.

>> No.1617602
File: 259 KB, 544x774, photo retouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was annoyed that the top of the head was cut off so I photoshopped it in before doing a study.

>> No.1617613
File: 191 KB, 1000x750, why you need perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that /ic/ does not need more people like me who complain about the way it is.
I barely post here anymore, used to be very active. So there is one less "Bleating cunt" on avarage but I felt like >>1617538
Was touching on something that is detrimental to the board as a whole atm. There is alot of shitposting going on. Not saying it was better before but the laws of logic could suggest that the people I saw post here 2 years ago should be 2 years better and thus the community as a whole could have grown to a more advanced level together.

In a perfect world...

>Pic not related but relevant

>> No.1617614

>agrees that we don't need any more crying bitching
>cries and bitches

>> No.1617643
File: 599 KB, 1944x2066, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw furfag urges get you back into art

someday I won't be shit

>> No.1617803


How much money can you make off of them?

I've always had the interest, and I don't have any shame.

>> No.1617823

>implying that the tiled floor isn't sloping down
>implying that the blocks in the wall aren't cut at an angle.

>> No.1617847

Hardly any. Not enough to live off of, that's for sure. I don't get why people always assume it's some sort of goldmine.

>> No.1617854

I mean, it depends on your skills.
I've seen some artists charge +$100 for a finished drawing.
That Wolfy-Nail guy put an auction a while ago for a sketch he was finishing and whoever won the auction could get their characters drawn in the sketch, turned out he sold it for $1500.

>> No.1617855


That's like a couple hundred or so artists out of the rough estimate of 50000 relatively active artists on FA

I mean guys like Zaush and Wolfy nail aren't that hard to catch.

Just learn that shitty western balto style, have decent enough posing and anatomy, learn how to compose a background (or rip off google images like they do) also that boring multiply pillow shading and you're golden

>> No.1617863
File: 54 KB, 400x285, 4426150@400-1283847137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did that faggot afford this car making a living off of furry shit? pls tell me that is not actually the case...

>> No.1617875

now learn some colour theory

>> No.1617883

everything between 1-8 was pretty sick

>> No.1617884

I think that's a shoop... He does use a lot of photoshop.
And even if it isn't I don't think that's possible, given his montly furfag income.

>> No.1617912
File: 404 KB, 1000x1989, improvement copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1617914


He's also a google employee. He's experienced in CG and he's revamping the FA website.

>> No.1617916

He lives in Russia, 100 US dollars goes a longer way there then in the states!

>> No.1617921

>Just learn that shitty western balto style, have decent enough posing and anatomy, learn how to compose a background (or rip off google images like they do) also that boring multiply pillow shading and you're golden.

No, you're not. Most who try fall flat on their ass trying to make a comfortable living out of just doing that stuff, even with some decent skill. They may get commissions, but soon realize they earn more money for less work in a "real" job! You gotta be A. Very talented AND very lucky or B. Pretty good and happens to live in a country where US dollars is great value.

>> No.1617929

Guy you replied to. No idea. I'm not doing it for the money but I guess if I get good enough I could use it to buy a new bike or something

>> No.1618000

The dollar value is worth almost double of my country's currency, so I think it's a pretty good deal.

>> No.1618014

Unfortunately for me, in my country 1 dollar is probably about 40% less the value of what it is in the US. So yeah, I don't do a lot of commissions even tho I can relatively easily get them. For a 2 character drawing, very simply shaded (cell shading) with sum pretty basic background I charge 55 dollars. I could probably raise it a liiitle (not by an awful lot, too many equally good artists with cheaper prices), but it would still be a lot of work for little.

>> No.1618082

Now I'm interested in your work. Care to share some of your art?

>> No.1618110

A book with art from Araki Hirohaki, creator of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Is this some sort of bait?

>> No.1618163

No resources, I just play around with color and see what works best.
Id suggest watching videos by Vilppu, that'll give you the idea.

>> No.1618200

Nah, furry stuff isn't very welcomed here (and I like being anonymous...)

>> No.1618230

Wow I really love your work. Do you have a blog or somewhere where I could follow your stuff?
Also I've been considering quitting school too but how did you deal with having to pay back your loans?
Thanks for sharing, I can't believe you're not hired. ]: Makes me worried about the future...

>> No.1618257

Thanks! I currently dont have a blog or a portfolio site up, making one is on top of my priority list next month. Dont be hasty about quitting the school, think it over before making such a big decision. I am still working on getting enough money to get up on my feet and get rid of all the loans, should take a couple years i guess. I am actually currently hired for freelancing, K-Lab in japan.

>> No.1618271

diggin this

>> No.1618308

which I why I kinda don't hang out there any more! :)

>> No.1618310

do more studies. Sometimes we feel lost when drawing straight from the head too much. Yeah also, try to experiment more. Draw more than people. Draw landscapes, draw spaceships, or animals, or weird creatures made up of many different animals. Experiment with colors and value. There's so much to do. Don't worry about age. Age isn't what makes a good artist, it's the work that gets put in and the devotion. 4 months isn't long at all, give it at least 2 years and then start worrying if your 20th finished drawing looks really similar to your 200th finished drawing.

>> No.1618561

Thanks homie.

>> No.1619051
File: 454 KB, 1000x728, casca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks, /ic/.

>> No.1619054

first picture is overpaint

>> No.1619056
File: 799 KB, 200x189, 1367861198151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has /ic/ done to you.

>> No.1619059


>> No.1619070

i think i have that same problem too anon... i could never really draw forms in 2d space on a whim like loomis etc..

but my works before the internet etc.. "my finished ones" in some cases look better than my finished ones now.

And that's when i knew nothing about techqniques proper lighting loomis etc... i think they broke the natural way i learned... not sure if better or worse now.

>> No.1619082

It's because you're a mindless copier at heart.

>> No.1619084


>> No.1619086

everyone who's new to criticism does this

i did the exact same thing when i started video editing for frag montages in video games

eventually they'll learn that calling their work bad does not mean they themselves are bad

>> No.1619087


>> No.1619093

i like to see a board having a strong contingent of people who actually know what they're talking about, especially when i just bought a tablet for this purpose and was hoping to ask /ic/ for feedback

>> No.1619103

bottom left picture would have to be my favourite, but i have to say good work on the lighting in that last one

>> No.1619135

don't you guys feel like you are cheating posting these progress pics? i could easily make my progress like mindblowing, or like complete shit depending on which images i put in

or do you actually make an effort to pick the "median" work?

>> No.1619148

One would hope that the best pieces from each time period were chosen, but obviously some people fudge it a bit. Same with the dates on it, they may say 2009 and put work from January 2009, then for 2010 put stuff from december, so it really is a 2 year gap but looks like one.

>> No.1619166

this so hard <

actually i have seen artist trying to "cheat" there way to fame on conceptart.org using the same tactic. quite interesting they ended up with a 5 star sketchbook really fast for such good improvement.

but when a few semismart people started calling him out it was pretty obvious he was just posting prgoress he made a long time ago.

>> No.1619172

All artists cherrypick.

>> No.1619174
File: 106 KB, 480x640, sUCT6WA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone here who gave up on art a long time ago and one day got interested again?

I used to draw lots back in 1999~2001 when I was in highschool but gave up because I could not progress after a certain point. I also could not understand perspective and form. This year I got inspired after spending a long time browsing danbooru & pixiv and later migrated to here where I found out about Hampton, loomis and others. It feels wierd almost re-learning everything, and making lines in a totally different fashion than in highschool.

>> No.1619173

nintendo pls

>> No.1619175

I did, quit in mid 2003 got back in late 2009.

>> No.1619177


well most people come here thinking they are gifted, get told their work is garbage, realize their work rly is garbage, and only THEN they learn that there is actually a "right" way to do things, and a "right" way to study, progress and improve.

>> No.1619220

Not quite the same as most people, but was discouraged to pursue art as a career when I was a little kid by my dad, but then picked it up myself when I was 13 when he moved away.

Now I'm almost done with art school so, no fucks given.

>> No.1619221

tfw you used to secretly say you had football practice and would go paint at at the library. tfw. your best friends were the librarian and your neighbor who was a chearleading captain.

>> No.1619229

Didn't have cheerleaders back in school, no football either as that shit doesn't exist in Asia.

I did go to the library a lot but mainly to read books.

>> No.1619233

And then I just realized you weren't thinking I'm someone you know but were talking about yourself.

Stupid mistake, ignore what I said.

>> No.1622239 [DELETED] 


>> No.1622261

Which tablet have you bought?

>> No.1622315

I'm inviting him to participate here and see how it goes, maybe he can learn a thing or two from you d/ic/ks.

>> No.1622325

I have ambition to make one of these things, but I haven't been drawing for long so I don't have much improvement to show. Seriously, everyone's earliest stuff is better than what I can do now.

Do I have years of garbage to look forward to until I can see evidence of my progress?

>> No.1622329

>high school
>senior year

>> No.1622330 [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 1280x960, 1388621810848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 16 y/o. Drew this when I was bored, just asking to see if this is relatively good for my age? Problems with this?

>> No.1622340



>> No.1622353

>seniors can't be 18
Do you even realize how retarded you are?

>> No.1622354

>the year before he was in his junior year
Yeah I fucking read the whole album, did you?

>> No.1622357

I cannot even comprehend what you're trying to say. He was a freshman when the album started and a senior when it ended.

>> No.1622360

>these deleted posts

>> No.1622371
File: 116 KB, 900x1966, prog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't exactly an accurate measure of my improvement, this is just something I seem to keep redoing for fun every now and then.

I've been focusing on fundamental stuff lately so haven't really worked on much final polished paintings to show.

>> No.1622442
File: 96 KB, 717x1024, jenne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad copy

>> No.1622450

she's going to die in battle, that armor is terrible.

>> No.1622453

Nonsense. Don't you know that the armor rating goes up the less you have?

That's female privilege for you.

>> No.1622452

it was a photo study, dude. is there supposed to be a limit to how messy or unfinished a photostudy should be? if so, i'm sorry i failed to meet that criteria.

>> No.1622456

well, at least she can wear a codpiece.

>> No.1622457


>> No.1622491

I sign my works as "Dan" and write it in Korean because I like Korea... I don't speak korean though

>> No.1622498
File: 726 KB, 850x1533, IMPROVEMENT_MEMEccccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1622519

Pls get better and to a remake of Flyman tied up. This is some intense furry.

>> No.1622523

that's hella lame

>> No.1622547

lovely, keep going!

>> No.1622558

Dude. Don't do that.

>> No.1622572

so you did that frog hoodie drawing...

>> No.1622589
File: 1.03 MB, 4800x4800, 000point0002improvement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0 improvements for me, one day ill make a real one.

>> No.1622590

i see a ton of improvements

>> No.1622660

Regardless, I really like your work and the girl in that picture.

>> No.1622661

jesus, what a journey, keep improving and you'll soon be a god

>> No.1622673

Some good advice right here, bumping for niggas to read up

>> No.1622703
File: 767 KB, 843x4000, gasf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt include studies.

Ive posted it here before but updated a bit.

>> No.1622740
File: 799 KB, 960x1500, Progression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't draw very much...

>> No.1623274

>cumstain skin

you even made her face more manish

shame on you

>> No.1624065
