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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 49 KB, 575x236, ivory bangle lady head_hi-res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1606262 No.1606262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I need your help, pr/ic/ks. Do you have any references specifically designed to teach a noob how to draw different races? Many thanks

>> No.1606270

the difference is mostly in the skin color and features. facial bone structure varies, but shouldn't be too important for the artist. study different ethnicities from different angles, try to replicate it from your imagination, rinse, repeat.

google images is your friend.

>> No.1606276

They say it's nice to give something back so i'll share with you something i would love to hear when i was asking questions like that.
If you don't know how draw draw/paint something it means you don't understand it. You might know that black peaople have black skin and white people have white skin. But you can't describe how their faces actual look.
Sooo.... open few pictures of one race and start describing what you see. Now here is a cache so let me write every single word that is the most important once again: describe what you see. Don't just think, TALK like there would be someone in the room and you wan't to teach him how Asians look, what is common to all of them.
Once you UNDERSTAND, all you have to do is apply and you won't even need a reference. You'll draw your own version of black, white, orange, purple race.

aaanddd again... if you will fail when you'll get to the eyes, or hair, or mouths it only means, and really ONLY means that you don't understand. Open reference again, analyze, teach yourself loud, close reference and do it again.

Believe me my friend. This is a bit harder than copying a reference or a tutorial directly, but the knowledge you will gain is priceless. You will know those "what is common to them", "how eye look like", "what do they dress",.. for the rest of the life. And once you know that, you can draw it.

And once again. If you want to really learn something, learn that way. If you want to be a copy machine, copy reference, tutorials and illustrations from book. But that will only make you good at copying.

Good Luck

>> No.1606286

Thanks m8, I'm already doing that. I'm slowly working myself through Africa and South America at the moment, I just thought if someone'd know a way to git gud at this faster, it'd have to be /ic/

>> No.1606292


Well, another tip for you:
When you are trying to learn to draw something, do it the way it will make you think the most. And the things that make you think a lot aren't fast. You might spen one day just for studying the eyes. But if you will study corectly you will know how to draw damn eyes for rest of your life. Don't rush. There is no shortcut. It takes time.
Only faster thing is opening reference and copying what you see, but next day you won't have an idea how to draw same face again.

>> No.1606297

>tfw using google image search for random racial reference
>tfw struggling with the goddamn eyebrows of Asa Akira
>tfw no face

>> No.1606300


>>ftw able to be draw whatever you want from your imagination once you understand

>> No.1606302

I know! But my RNG coulda picked someone I haven't spent hours masturbating to. It's kinda distracting

>> No.1606308


get out

>> No.1606312

make me

>> No.1606318

>watching porn

how plebeian

>> No.1606325

there is always the shrimp method (draw something how you think it looks, then draw from reference photo, then draw it again without using reference; rinse, lather, repeat)

please keep in mind that while you are doing studies, if you are trying to replicate a specific ethnicity (example: "Chinese" versus the unspecific "Asian") then you should probably use reference, even if you have experience drawing "Asians."

>> No.1606328

>how to draw different races?
you don't need to know anything, just draw on top of reference

>> No.1606330

I am trying to learn specifics (e.g. Ethiopian, Himba, African-Americans instead of "blacks")

>> No.1606331

you know what? Go even further and just trace dat shit, no one will notice

>> No.1606335

yeah, that's what i meant, but i didn't want to say the taboo word. let's just call it "using reference"

>> No.1606338
File: 77 KB, 790x597, blond Melanesians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome <3

(btw, pic related is a Melanesian child; a significant percent of their population has naturally occurring blond hair, which evolved separately from European blonds and is a completely different gene; neat stuff.)

>> No.1606344


You see, here is example of people who wanted to achieve something in art but failed at doing it hard way.
Don't be one of them. You don't want to work at Walmart as they do for the res of your life.

>> No.1606345

pedo jerking off to naked african children

>> No.1606346


Don't the aborigines have all sorts of different hair colors?

>> No.1606353
File: 84 KB, 634x849, timthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk about Melanesian Aboriginals but the australian ones come in blonde and black, and red if they have the deficiency which turns your hair red. but there are lots and lots of people who are half-caste or quadroons or even octoroons who still look pretty aboriginal and identify as aboriginal and they can have an assortment of hair types and colours.

the blonde ones come from the desert mainly, i think it's a mutation or something though - it isn't like the whole tribe is blonde or all the siblings even.

+ obviously grey and white.

>> No.1606354

>hard way.
that's stupid. do you also run to school/work, send postal mail and eat with chopsticks?

>> No.1606357

forgot to say usually only the children are blonde, it goes away in adulthood and it's mainly girls.

>> No.1606358


>>didn't get the message

>> No.1606360

ooh, i see. my sarcasm meter is broken.

>> No.1606362

or maybe it is the whole tribe, i'm not actually sure.

>> No.1606502

I'd take her tutorials/spreadsheets with a grain of salt, but when it comes to raw information they can be quite useful.

>> No.1606513
File: 52 KB, 496x329, family-of-blondes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melanesians are typically South East Islanders; the articles I have read on them did not mention anything about the hair fading into adulthood, although you see that with Europeans too. However, a quick google image search revealed several photos of adult Melanesians with blond hair.

As for population, about 10% are blond, which is a "significant percent" of the population, roughly the same as Ireland.

>> No.1606539

There are differences with skulls due to the climate each set of people grew up in. I forgot what the particular field is called, but it's out there in google-land somewhere.

Though the best way to learn to, actually, draw people of different ethnicities as others have said. My drawing instructor showed me how to construct a base of the human head and from there I can adjust the skeletal structure for whatever face I am drawing. That base and, constantly, drawing people has helped my characters avoid the sameface curse that I see plague tons of artists.

>> No.1606659
File: 645 KB, 3850x2975, races.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to find out the different facial features of different races too and this is what i've generally found

>> No.1606667

>Willam Dafoe, Bruce Lee, and Sidney Poitier
>starring in
>how to into art: a racial study

Jokes aside, pretty true generalizations.

>> No.1606668


Cake good.

>> No.1606691

i was talking about australian aboriginals, whose hair typically fades.

>> No.1606745

Bone structure (and musculature) IS facial features. Color is a secondary concern. I mean, if somebody drew an accurate, unshaded line art picture of a black person, you wouldn't mistake it for a causasian just because it was uncolored.

>> No.1606760
File: 859 KB, 1538x429, skulls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this may help someone

>> No.1607418
File: 889 KB, 507x1209, le_coloured_ppl_faec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from a month ago

>> No.1607467

Not op, didn't look for it but thanks. It was interesting anyways

>> No.1607539
File: 40 KB, 222x278, Head-Drawing-7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heads look flat, try to focus on the shapes of the head rather than placing facial features haphazardly.

>> No.1607569


>> No.1608105

doing that right now

well duh

>> No.1610242
File: 201 KB, 1370x1240, Features.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1610739

>almost every single East Asian and European country represented on chart.
>Only three representations hailing from Africa.
>Africa most ethnically diverse continent in the world

>> No.1610771

fuck off nigger

>> No.1610805

you fuck off, I want to learn something based on reality and not Eurasiacentrism.

>> No.1610856

West African, Central African, Ethiopian, South African (what, she doesn't count because she's white? Racist). African American and Iranian/Afghan could also be considered relevant.

>> No.1610861

She doesn't count because she migrated there and isn't native. As far as I know, only niggers are native to Africa; anyone else is an empirical colonist. I'm not defending this faggot:

We can both agree he's retarded for thinking any artist would even give two shits about learning the multitude of ethnic variances among bush monkeys.

>what, she doesn't count because she's white? Racist

I just don't get how the fuck you've come to the conclusion that spewing the same shit retarded 'das racist' shit is any smarter.

>> No.1610862

imperial, sorry. the stupidity of this thread is rubbing off on me.

>> No.1610866

>African American and Iranian/Afghan could also be considered relevant.
What do you mean?

>> No.1610867

Get back to /pol/ you dumb fuck.
As far as i'm concerned, only native americans actually belong to america since everyone else is a colonist.

What? that doesn't reflect todays reality? who cares! I'm a dumb faggot from /pol/.

>> No.1610877

Lots of Arabs in north Africa - Egypt, etc.

(Hell, Indian could be considered relevant as there's so many of them in East Africa...)

>> No.1610881

Yeah, because the American population is 90% redskins and Africa is 90% South Africans. When someone says "American", I don't think Navaho Cherokee Pocahontas; I think white, motherfucker. When someone says African, I don't think whites; I think niggers.

Dumb faggot from /basement/. Go /out/ sometime and learn.

>> No.1610882

>Most ethnically diverse continent

>> No.1610888

I still don't get what you mean. Iranians and Afghans aren't Arabs, and neither country is in Africa.

>> No.1610964

>hurr muh ethnical diversity
why don't you go to africa for some ethnic black dicks, i know a girl who went to africa who wanted to fuck like an animal because she was so in love with tribal uncultured subhumans.

>> No.1613670

I didn't make the chart, I just posted it.
Also, I'm not white.
I don't know whether its biased or not,
I didn't really care. I just wanted to post something to help people draw.

>> No.1613672

>>Only three representations hailing from Africa.
Your geography sucks
or you can't count

>> No.1613761

>#anally pained
>#rectally devastated
>#tearful fap before bedtime
>#muh stormfront privilege
>#die cis scum

>> No.1613913

fuck you, I just wanted to learn something to make my art more interesting. If you want your pics (as if) to be populated solely by long-nosed, beady-eyed white people, pls go ahead. But fuck off while your doing it.