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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1592873 No.1592873 [Reply] [Original]

Why has art become so terrible?

>> No.1592875

That second artists painting of the black dude really gives off the you gonna get raped vibe

Poor Hitler

He was pretty good

>> No.1592881

Because there exist plebs who actually believe Hitler is more of an artist than Schiele.

>> No.1592882

>but he no into perspective

>> No.1592888

>That second artists painting of the black dude
>not knowing who Schiele is
>not recognizing one of his self-portraits
>thinking dark beige = black
Anon, you just can't.

>> No.1592889
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Because artists have become mentally ill. Beauty is ugly to them and disgusting things arouse them. Modern art is entirely based around arousing the depraved sexual desires of mentally ill and inbred billionaires.

Create something that shows the beauty of the human body or the magnificence of human architecture? Terrible.

Take a picture of yourself shitting on a rotten cow head while a woman stand nearby and shoves spaghetti up her cunt? BRILLIANT. A TRUE MASTER PIECE.

>> No.1592897
File: 684 KB, 1952x2760, riiiighhhtttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1592899


Schiele wasn't an artist, he was a degenerate.

>> No.1592909

Hitler should've presented a more complete portfolio. The three shown in that pic look more like "studies" than actual demonstrations of what he sees and what he could be or wants to be as an artist.

>> No.1592911 [DELETED] 

We don't need this thread every week...or at all.

There's a load of great contemporary art. You just don't care about any of it because your real interest isn't art, it's belonging to your wannabe Nazi club. Just like any other aimless youth. Actually exploring the art world and looking at all of the fine work being produced would bore you to tears, because, like typical liberal scum, you're only interested on focusing on what upsets you, and telling people that they shouldn't be able to do things that upset
>muh feelings

You're like a shrieking, irrational feminist.

You have absolutely no interest in the huge amount of traditional and rather conservative art being made because you're a culturally ignorant shit - a TRUE degenerate. You're probably NEET to boot.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.1592913

We don't need this thread every week...or at all.

There's a load of great contemporary art. You just don't care about any of it because your real interest isn't art, it's belonging to your wannabe Nazi club. Just like any other aimless youth longs for some rigid idealogical system in an effort to simplify the world. Actually exploring the art world and looking at all of the fine work being produced would bore you to tears, because, like a liberal, you're only interested on focusing on what upsets you, and telling people that they shouldn't be able to do things that upset
>muh feelings

You're like a shrieking, irrational feminist attempting to dictate culture.

You have absolutely no interest in the huge amount of traditional and rather conservative art being made because you're a culturally ignorant shit - a TRUE degenerate. You're probably NEET to boot.

Are there problems with the art world caused by money and cultural marxism? Absolutely. Are you the one who's going to do anything about it, and does this thread belong here? No.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.1592916
File: 23 KB, 529x573, Hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1592960

>The next Hitler could be posting on /ic/ right now
>One more critique consisting of 'how many Loomises have you read in your life' could be all it takes to drive him over the edge

>> No.1592971

I hate to sound like a pleb but these statues the 2nd guy makes are so ugly. They look like turds.

>> No.1592984

No, people have become less interested in aesthetics since the fall of the renaissance and instead have become more interested about the artist in question rather than his work.

>> No.1592988
File: 108 KB, 417x266, 1362701978612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /ic/ worship realism?

Face it, realism is dead. Yeah Hitler's skills are impressive but that's about it. Realism is almost counter productive, the better you are at painting realistically the more obsolete you become. All that work to become a shitty photocopy machine.

Hitler was smart and moved on to become the greatest source of comedy in history.

>> No.1593002

He was denied because his work was plain and uncreative. You don't want your art school to be remembered for doing what everyone else is doing.

>> No.1593004

Surrealism is where it's at.

>> No.1593005

Guys, guys, just because you don't understand it, it doesn't mean it's terrible. It's just not your thing to play puzzles with arts or receive pleasure by ugliness, that's all.

>> No.1593019

>not knowing who "that second artist" is
>thinking his it's a black dude

Stay pleb /ic/

>> No.1593063

hitler was actually kind of bad at painting

>> No.1593070
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>> No.1593073

>the better you are at painting realistically the more obsolete you become.
Or the better you get at being able to render recognizable and/or believable structure.
Which is important for any style.

>> No.1593113

>No, people have become less interested in aesthetics since the fall of the renaissance

Your grasp of art history is stunning. Stunningly poor. Holy shit, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.1593165

>Why has art become so terrible?


nuff said

>> No.1593212

you're a fucking moron.

>> No.1593228

seems like you don't know much about the modern art world.

do yourself a favor read and if that's to hard watch some documentarys one the subject instead of spewing your non-sense of ill informed opinons all over the place/

>> No.1593239

>you're just not smart enough to "get it"
>said every circle-jerking hipster faggot modern artist ever

The emperor has no clothes. The sooner you get that, the sooner art will be good again.

>> No.1593243


>> No.1593271

Well, people have been trying for centuries to get better at art. The reneissance and the rise of perspective is an indication of this. People realised that shadows actually had colour when the impressionists appeared, but recently art has become less about depicting the real world.

It's become about how far you can push the boundaries of something and still call it art. As a result, everyone has their own limit, and everyone interprets things differently. The artist might be saying something about existantialism in his painting of a homosexual covered in his own semen- but then again he could just be thinking to himself "I cant believe I got paid millions for this piece of dogshit".

The boundaries of what defines art aren't there, and they never have been. Our boundaries of what we THINK is Art though, we have pushed those so far that we can no longer be truly shocked by anything anyone does anymore, and as such it becomes less about the work in question and more about yourself. Are you willing to accept the disgusting work before your eyes as a piece of art? You might say, "fuck no!", yet it's still there in that museum, protected by alarms and cctv.

>> No.1593301

I'm convinced that you are the one and only guy that calls shiele garbage on this board.

>> No.1593354
File: 258 KB, 800x609, 1376068570823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you know someone in a New York Art School that regularly goes to MOMA
>tfw he and his classes are based around the idea that ugly, cheap things are 'art', and pretty things are 'old fashioned'
>tfw Van Gogh is considered old fashioned to them

I can't deal with it
I just want to make beautiful things to enjoy and to pull myself out of my miserable existence

Who in their right mind wants to look at horrifically ugly things?

>> No.1593358

this pretty much sums it up:

>> No.1593359

because they do not have robust manful fortitude.

>> No.1593378

Granted Hitler paints boring shit, but when I see the bottom three it makes me wish that he had won.

>> No.1593382
File: 56 KB, 500x541, tumblr_msi9q5BTX11r2g7mto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if that's the case i want it to be known that i call schiele garbage too. and i'm not even chromafaggot.

so there's two of us, atleast.

>> No.1593397

fukkin dare you to try and make a sculpture like that

>> No.1593399

You best be kidding m8. A high schooler with a high school art education could make that.

>> No.1593403

I'm surprised more and more people don't talk about the wrath of an angry painter who shook the world.

>> No.1593415

because he wasn't good enough at painting to be called a painter. he was much better at other things and ws never professionally an artist.

>> No.1593423

you don't know what "modern" is. You mean "contemporary". The modern era came to a close with Warhol.

>> No.1593429

that chick got a lazy eye

>> No.1593606

Modern era with Warhol?
What about Van Gogh, Duchamp and Malevitch. Those guys made modern art.

>> No.1593608

>this pretty much sums it up:

No it doesn't, you stupid fucking cunt.

1. Modern Art era began in the mid 1800s.
2. The CIA helped fund some struggling traveling European tours of American Abstract Expressionism in Europe so as to show that America had a free and distinct art scene, notably different from that in places like the Russia where socialist realism was enforced.
3. The CIA were Ivy League people who just picked the art they already liked. The Abstract Expressionist scene was already well-established and influential in the U.S.
4. The CIA did absolutely nothing to create art or art movements.


>> No.1593621

Hitler's paintings were unbelievably bland. No emotional passion or artistic flair whatsoever... maybe because he was a psychopath who would later commit genocide.

>> No.1593622

Paul Rand once explained that design is simple form and content together, and everything human is design. Art is a part of that tradition of combining from and content. Form is the presentation, the actual shape of something, while content is meaning or reasoning behind something.

The problem with Hitler's work is that they're empty of content, and the form is mediocre at best. There's nothing meaningful behind his work, NOTHING. You could tell his work evokes no spirit of seeing things beyond how they're presented. It's interesting how in a speech he declared modern art to be subhuman. Perhaps this was because he was so egotistical he was incapable of seeing the elements of design and the fundamentals art moving pass the role of presenting things as they actually are, and into the role presenting the content of things as they could be.

That's why he sucks. He couldn't make things like color, line or shape (etc.) into being prominent actors on the canvas. All he could do is limit them to minor roles like being stage props in a boring play. They're mediocre, hollow, representation of things with nothing of interest behind them.

>> No.1593628

This is delicious and I'm saving it for later.

>> No.1593638

>Who in their right mind wants to look at horrifically ugly things?



It's a long-term large scale effort to destroy Western civilization and European-derived peoples.

>> No.1593647

That was beautiful man

>> No.1593652

Egon schile was amazing, what are you talkin' bout.

>> No.1593658

>Hitler's work is that they're empty of content, and the form is mediocre at best. There's nothing meaningful behind his work, NOTHING.
And what is the meaning behind the other works in OP's pic?

>> No.1593672

They showcase the intangible things in life, content that can't be fixed to a particular thing but can be expressed through how forms are presented. They show perversion, sexual desire, fear, anxiety, sadness. Hitler's work is the odd man out, scenery with some figure studies. Boring and unsophisticated, like draw threads or animu threads

>> No.1593677

You could read nebulous feelings like that into Hitler's work too if you wanted.

>> No.1593681

No you couldn't. It would be you putting those things into his work, the others provoke from their work, your feelings and thoughts add to the experience they provide. Boring doesn't provoke. Hollow stuff can be easily filled with whatever you want, and that would not be innate to the work no matter how bad you want it to be.

>> No.1593772

CIAIDF detected

>> No.1593816

>first 2 pics are meh
>third is actually good
>fourth looks like shit
I can see why he was denied.