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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.07 MB, 1430x2522, Untitled-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1583885 No.1583885 [Reply] [Original]

Progress thread?

I was cleaning out my facebook pictures and came across some art i done a few years back, decided to put it together in a mega progress sheet, to see how I've done, thought I'd share it with you guys, would love feed back on my progress! Am I progressing quick enough? Or does it not really work like that?

>> No.1583903

I'd say so yeah

>> No.1583909

If you were to draw for the 100 years (Assuming it were possible) you would have fairly decent skills
If your were to study art and art art for 10 years you would reach the same level
Mileage is important but so is the car

>> No.1583915

Yeah, you got a little better at drawing terrible derivative juvenile garbage. The only thing that's missing are stoner abstract doodles. Did you actually decide to start learning how to draw this month? Good, keep at it, and maybe you'll make some progress by the time you're old enough to browse this board.

>> No.1583918

I was trying to put my portfolio towards a tattoo apprenticeship from mid 2011 which is currently still going, which actually got me a apprenticeship along with the newer things the past few months, cos y'know other people have different taste in art that traditionalism.

Since august ive been in college doing an art based course that has a drawing segment in it and since the start of October I stopped coming on here as much.... Wonder if they're related.

> time you're old enough to browse this board.

MFW Im in my late 20's

I vaguely understand this.


>> No.1583929

>MFW I'm in my late 20s
Do you understand what the acronym stands for?

>> No.1583936

my face when

>> No.1583937

It's my feel when.

>> No.1583938

It's both
Same goes for tfw and yfw

>> No.1583941

tool, do you even know how to internet?

>> No.1583951

And really, either way of saying mfw in this instance would still be correct, op could have felt hurt/confused whatever and/or shown it in his face.

>> No.1583957

>I stopped coming on here as much
mfw you still spend all your goddamn time spamming this board with your shitty art
>please actually leave

>> No.1583958



>> No.1583976
File: 1.57 MB, 4312x1248, Untitled-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody's actually posting progress stuff

Here's me

Moving along slowly.

>> No.1583977

stop painting in colors for 6 months and draw alot.

>> No.1583979


Yeah I've been thinking that to myself lately..

>> No.1583985


How fucking long are you spending on that shit? God damn. It looks like you spent 5 minutes tops. That would also explain the lack of any noticable improvement.

>> No.1583991

I see an improvement. Light values,depth.

>How fucking long are you spending on that shit? God damn. It looks like you spent 5 minutes tops. That would also explain the lack of any noticable improvement.
Really? Must be what your english teacher says about you. It's noticeable asswhipe

>> No.1584003
File: 2.61 MB, 2000x1784, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took these yesterday. Sorry for the crappy layout.

>> No.1584009

i keep waiting for that moment when i get good so that i can make a progress chart, but it never comes...

>> No.1584011
File: 980 KB, 1500x3000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow and steady wins the...something. Hopefully. Fuck.

>> No.1584012

I found your problem

>> No.1584013
File: 696 KB, 3000x2064, My-ride-will-never-end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all for putting up with me all these months.

>> No.1584014

how would you have worded it?

>> No.1584019
File: 48 KB, 630x420, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1584044

How can I improve my drawings from imagination?

>> No.1584046

By learning/mastering drawing them without? For characters, if you've a solid grasp of anatomy, perspective, fundamentals, etc., it'd certainly be easier, or at least make more sense.

>> No.1584047

Proof that anime will get you no where.

>> No.1584049


>> No.1584061
File: 499 KB, 500x4220, artistforalltime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the greatest progress in the history of man, watch him go from brilliant to groundbreaking

>> No.1584065

They're shit drawings, they're done for comedic effect, I get that, it's pretty hilarious, but is it wrong that I like some of the exaggerations?

>> No.1584072

>That black chick at the bottom
I lost my shit so hard, my eyes actually hurt.

>> No.1584076

0 progress after april

>> No.1584078
File: 847 KB, 660x5000, review2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really havent much time outside of work to draw except study...

>> No.1584096

I don't think it's the anime that hinders a person's progress (though there are "stylistic elements" to anime that are bad habits to pick up, like the flat faces and putting the facial feature where-ever the fuck on the head).

>> No.1584097


>> No.1584105
File: 96 KB, 501x503, Portrait challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have anything to show but this.
>portrait a day challenge
>quit in August

>> No.1584136
File: 186 KB, 1555x901, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go.

>> No.1584138

I'm 'aving a giggle.

>> No.1584146
File: 1.21 MB, 1538x1312, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a deviantart hobbyist for the longest time, hence no much progress in the first few years. Hopefully 2014 will bring clear progress now that I'm trying to take this more seriously

>> No.1584150
File: 676 KB, 360x2081, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm getting better. R-right guys? inb4 hard to see.

>> No.1584169

I would make one of those but couple months back I couldn't finish any painting so really hard to compare

>> No.1584179


i know dat feel. 99% of my work is abandoned at 30-50% completion stage.

i also love percentages.

>> No.1584197
File: 65 KB, 709x389, hilarious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depressing stuff.

>> No.1584525

I think it's a good progress considering that both are from imagination.

>> No.1584579
File: 19 KB, 1000x340, contour intersection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your faces are lopsided, this little trick may help you.

>> No.1584582
File: 171 KB, 1091x603, trollingsoftly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pic related, Christmas 2011, Christmas 2012.

I'll post the 2013 pic in one month.

> My Loomis when I'm progressing so fast that even my mom can't see my progress.

>> No.1584584

I don't get what this trick is about. Help?

>> No.1584608

Thank you for your advice.

If you find the center of the sphere you may divide it much easier it's one of the techniques found on fun with a pencil. Not only that but it also helps you with perspective.in this case the ellipse is seen below the horizon line.

>> No.1584630

From the filename I think he's trying to show, that the four points at which the two dividing lines on the sphere intersect the contour will always be at 90 degree angles to each other. Meaning you can basically draw a cross on top of a circle then eyeball some curves between the points where the cross and circle meet, giving you an accurately divided sphere.

Handy for placing the terminator when dealing with lighting spherical forms too.

>> No.1584661

Been drawing for 3 years now,
didn't improved a bit.

>> No.1584669

8 years here. didn't improve a bit.

>> No.1584676

I like yours. You can definitely see where your thoughts were on composition and color relationships.

>> No.1584707

What books did you read to learn your digital coloring techniques? Any recommendations?

>> No.1584716


care to show us?

>> No.1584725
File: 662 KB, 1562x1031, NF colorkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dont need any books man. look at real life, look at good art, even just by diving into it you will develop a sense for color by trial and error.

what helped me alot:
- james gurney (his blog aswell as his book color&light)
- nathan fowkes schoolism course and his blog)

- doing pic related kinda things (lots of them)

>> No.1584826

my progress chart is 7.15 Mb, i can't upload it... what to do? i'd have to cut more than half of the material...

>> No.1584828

cut it into several parts you genius.

>> No.1584844

yeah i guess that's better than downsizing or compressing

>> No.1584853
File: 2.79 MB, 5000x1811, noprogress_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here goes nothing...
lost a lot of my old work

>> No.1584855
File: 1.60 MB, 5000x436, noprogress_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is really embarrassing, you guys are going to troll me like no tomorrow
>look at him, don't be like that guy

>> No.1584858
File: 1.61 MB, 4725x570, noprogress_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1584859

Well u didnt have to post everything

>> No.1584862

>That Miku drawing


>> No.1584864

i could cherry pick, but that wouldn't be accurate.

>> No.1584865


your problem here is being a sick fuck pedo

>> No.1584866

I'm not really sure what to think of it. Doesn't seem like a "progress" pic because, though there's a lot of shit in there, each year has a lot of great stuff, too. Did you actually make money for graphics at the top right?

Is... Is that Moot?

>> No.1584867

i drew naked men, does that make me gay too?

>> No.1584868

>Did you actually make money for graphics at the top right?
i did graphic design for my degree in college. guess where? the art institute...
and you're right, there is no progress. maybe i learned to polish turd better, but my personal work is utter shit and i don't know what the fuck

>> No.1584873

>Graphic design at TAI
Wow, that's neat. I hope that's paid off. In any case, explains a lot, actually. Your coloring and rendering is great, but you still seem to struggle with human anatomy. I recall you in the draw thread. That unfinished image of that woman at the left, eight images to the right, is damned near photo-esque.

I don't mean you've not "progressed", I just mean you've already such a high skill level, and these are so scattered, it's just really hard to tell.

>> No.1584885
File: 280 KB, 1415x2000, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't do anything during the summer so heres 7 months of progress ish.

>> No.1584894

>Wow, that's neat. I hope that's paid off
nope, not a cent. my portfolio got me several interviews, but once i got there they saw autistic social misfit and never heard from any of them again. tried some freelance, but that didn't go anywhere either.

>> No.1584914
File: 324 KB, 900x398, improvement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only improvement thing i ever made

>> No.1584992


>> No.1585004


>> No.1585023

i'm not >>1584725
but yes, drawing from life, even minimal, will help you alot

trying to fix the problem of too much blacks/too saturated colours now

>> No.1585080

lel, more like mikufag is drawing once a week

>> No.1585169
File: 256 KB, 500x3200, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow progress is slow.

>> No.1585178

If you stopped drawing anime and started to do some realistic stuff you would already be 20times better than that(even the anime)

>> No.1585182


Why would I do something I don't want to do? It's a hobby, not my job.

>> No.1585185

If you dont want to get better at what you do then don't, but dont complain about your non-progress.

>> No.1585189

s/he didn't complain, just said it was slow.


>> No.1585192

and I didnt say that she did complain.
reading comprehension...right

>> No.1585206

how do you know they're a woman?
>reading comprehension

Anime is complete, utter shit, unless it's drawn by someone who comprehends form, anatomy, proportions, perspective.

>> No.1585208

But everything is complete, utter shit, unless it's drawn by someone who comprehends form, anatomy, proportions and perspective.

>> No.1585220

I'm well aware of that. If I ever decide to devote myself to improving, that's what I'll do.
For now though, I have other priorities, so I'll stick to slow.

>>1585182 isn't me BTW

>> No.1585221

Whats up with the jail bait?

>> No.1585224

>I don't wan't to do my hobby
then just quit if you don't wan't to do it and don't come in here posting "Progress" when you don't even want to progress.

>> No.1585226 [DELETED] 

Refer to

>> No.1585230

Refer to

>> No.1585238

>For now though, I have other priorities, so I'll stick to slow.

I dont understand that. Even if its low priority. Why would you chose a path that gives you slow and little progress with no understanding over a path that lets you progress 10times as fast and gives you an actual understanding of what you are doing?

>> No.1585255

Your problem is a lack of studying - not lack of drawing. You need to sit down and study form and anatomy - not attempt to replicate it by drawing it constantly.

>> No.1585257
File: 560 KB, 600x1354, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1585260

literally not understand that someone might do something just for fun... /ic/ chill out a bit pls.

>> No.1585271

Because the main point of each drawing isn't improvement. It's getting that particular drawing done, for whatever reason.
Improvement is something I strive for, but I find it difficult to draw something just for the sake of getting better, rather than for its own sake. I really need to try and work around that.

Also, thank you for that post, it's helped me identify my problematic thinking.

>> No.1585280

Maybe try and see the joy of drawing a proper box?

>> No.1585284
File: 151 KB, 793x557, worth_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because the main point of each drawing isn't improvement. It's getting that particular drawing done, for whatever reason.
Improvement is something I strive for, but I find it difficult to draw something just for the sake of getting better, rather than for its own sake. I really need to try and work around that.

You should. Because improvement is fun and very rewarding. It's not 'work' if you really like drawing. Picrelated is my progress over two weeks when I started to learn seriously. And no, the second one, while drawn from a photo, is not just an outline. I did all the anatomy, construction and thought of the skull and muscles. It's not so hard. Just study and read. You can learn all the basics of the head in a few evenings, and then spend a lifetime perfecting it.

>> No.1587795
File: 172 KB, 552x1238, historyofart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one semester of art class, and zero improvement.

>> No.1587799


>> No.1588058
File: 445 KB, 1024x4800, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

becoming a better human xerox machine. I guess my work from imagination is marginally better too. onward and onward.

>> No.1588125
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1080, Unprogress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm steadily un-learning how to draw.

>> No.1588169
File: 1.51 MB, 4260x5000, progress hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for the pony crap I did, it was mostly out of boredom, I started to focus on real art for a while now. But due to my work I have not drawn almost anything for 3 months.

I'm trying /ic/, I really am ;_;

>> No.1588177

Ohai Rat.

>> No.1588178
File: 655 KB, 2476x1698, spiral progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want honest feedback? I like them less and less. You're earlier works are really pretty good. And you same to gather a little bit of technique each year at the expense of a lot of soul/vision/imagination or whatever you want to call it. Of course it could just be my personal tastes so whatever. Here's one of mine. 19 now by the way.

>> No.1588185
File: 648 KB, 819x3862, progress1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1588187
File: 921 KB, 819x4494, progress2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1588188
File: 833 KB, 819x3965, progress3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1588190

Great progress man! Can you give a bit of insight into what you did to improve (mostly painting without ref? you have no studies there really)? You seem to suddenly have gotten much better at colour and brushwork at some point during your progress. What do you attribute this to?

Anyways, keep it up, I look forward to seeing how your progress further. Any website or anything btw?

>> No.1588195

Muthu fuckin win!

>> No.1588199


You're a fucking fag.

>> No.1588201

Also, post your stuff you shithead, let's see your "not juvenile" shit.

>inb4 "lol OP butthurt"
I am not OP
>inb4 same art type guy butthurt
I am not an artist, I don't study art, I hang on this forum sometimes.

>> No.1588202

You're shit, also what the fuck is that ? SRC ?

>> No.1588204

Stop getting your panties in a bunch over something that has nothing to do with you.
Go back to lurking.

>> No.1588206

So ? If the OP dare to tell retards to fuck off it will be instantly "lol u jimmies rustled lol u mad bro lol". So I'm just giving a hand here on insulting people who deserve it.

>> No.1588207
File: 256 KB, 566x1280, studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


:] Well thank you kindly. I'm a bit exhausted from tonight so I'll write up about the improving, colour and brushwork after an 8 hour nap.

I've done a bunch of studies and sketches, I just don't post them often - here's all the ones I did in spring, for example. Also I have my work up as Sprias at either deviantart or tumblr.

>> No.1588209

>I am not an artist, I don't study art

not them but why hang here? In all seriousness what coerces you to stay? I mean /ic/ has it flaws and good points but most of the good points imo are participating in sharing your work.

>> No.1588219

My family is made of "artists" in various domains, even tho I haven't got a heartbreaking talent I still think I could have some interesting ideas in visual arts in general. I go there to see what the "upper main artists" think and what their work look like. I draw, I do 3D and I code but I don't consider myself good at one of these 3 at all. I just want to see some interesting ideas on this forum to get inspired for the future.

>> No.1588412


sprias you shouldn't be allowed to post in these threads :P

also check your tumblr I sent you some new questions

>> No.1588413


My tumblr archive is pretty much my progress since last year. Before that, I had not touched a pencil since I dropped art in high school. Too many lost years.

>> No.1588474
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I still have about 90% of my "work" dating back to when I was in 4th grade (so like 10 years old)
>I'm 22

It's really interesting looking through it sometimes.

>> No.1588477

It fucking is man.

I went through an anime drawing phase in high school, AND I CANT SHAKE THE FUCKING HABITS.

>> No.1588484

The only shackles on our mind are those we believe in, man

>> No.1588488
File: 39 KB, 284x177, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I didn't do it that much till I did a writing class again.

The teacher told me he loved my portfolio because I put "anime like" illustrations along with my writing.


>> No.1588499

No, it is myself who hinders progress and the amount of time and effort I put in. If I really wanted to put time and effort together I would stay up late at night drawing but I rather get my eight hours of sleep.

I personally feel I improved in other areas like getting used to my tablet it feels more natural now.

>> No.1588540

TFW i don't even have my sketches from yesterday because in the trash they go.

thw always improving because nothing is good enough for me.


>> No.1588548
File: 717 KB, 1024x768, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it's almost all terrible.

It was worse when a few days ago I found my old writing notebook from high school.

That's the one thing I've gotten a lot better at least.

>> No.1588551

yeah those i do have.,. and i remember winning awards and having my stuff sent out for state competitions and god damn all that crap is sooo bad.

>> No.1588728

is this thread a joke?
these are the people who critique your art here.

>> No.1588732

yeah honestly i never take critique here serriously a bunch of hacks "for the most part" who think they are good.

unless it's a name fag who you know is actaully skilled.

>> No.1588734

this is why I think it should be fair to ask for the art of someone who critiques, not towrite off their critique but to validate it.

>> No.1588735

not to mention imo these progress pics are stupid when you only see work go from shit to mediocre.

i mean tehmes was cool because it proved a point for studying boring stuff. and showed actual improvement to pro.

these are just circle jerking for the most part to make the poster feel better about their art.

>> No.1588737

or go to a better place/person than /ic/ for crits

>> No.1588742
File: 322 KB, 1500x1052, eRAedhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1588746


>> No.1588747

You couldn't tell from the level of art in the Draw Threads? Anyways, this thread is mostly filled with fairly beginner people because they can see more improvement from one month to another than a pro will. Also not a lot of people wanna bother going through their artwork and making one of these charts.

That defeats the whole purpose of an anonymous board. The fact that there are no names is good--it means everyone's voice gets equally heard, and people are more willing to say the blunt truth instead of dancing around it and asspatting.

No. A good critique is a good critique, regardless of the level of the person giving it. I find that I get good feedback from both amateurs and pros alike, the critiques often just focus on different things. And it is pretty obvious when I get a bad crit...I just say thank you and then choose to ignore it. Not a big deal.

>> No.1588752

if a blind man leads another blind man chances are they both end up dead

>> No.1588764

that's bullshit bub, comments like that are part of the reason art communities are so shit.

protip, just, examine their wording. Stop caring about how well they draw. read what they are seeing. if something is off in their post, kindly ignore it and move on. That should be infinitely more revealing than "let me see YOUR art" "i draw better than him, fuck what he says"

How does it help you, if someone draws better or worse than you? You can easily discern the bare minimum of cuntyness, bullshit and legit critique from a post.

>> No.1588767

I dunno, in my opinion just take the crit as it is. Look at it rationally and decide for yourself if it is applicable and correct. I've seen noobs give good crits and I've seen pros give bad crits. You shouldn't listen to (or ignore) someone's advice solely because of who they are.

>> No.1588771

always wondered what is the amount of skill of someone with so much pride as to think he is better than everyone else. maybe not much, given how much delusion they display.

>> No.1588796

the delusion intensifies .

>> No.1588798


>> No.1588806
File: 823 KB, 1800x619, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the very least I've gotten faster

>> No.1588867
File: 783 KB, 2620x550, glosoli_progression3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been living in the land of unfinished sketches and illustrations for the past year...although this month I have been painting in acrylic a lot. Mostly flowers and animals.

>> No.1588870

6/13 4 hours is my favourite.

Slow down, post results.

>> No.1588872

you stop drawing at 2011-12?

>> No.1588911
File: 140 KB, 399x532, flowerrrrrhurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really; i think i may have gotten a new computer around then and lost track of the digital copies of my work. The past couple of years have been kind of hard on me, keeping track of artwork was less of a priority

I'm bursting with ideas, I just haven't taken them anywhere. Instead I sit around and paint pictures of plants.

>> No.1588939


At least your idle drawing isn't pages of straight lines like me

I feel so retarded

>> No.1588943

At least your pages of lines are straight

>> No.1588949

is that a cake? looks yummy

>> No.1588954

at least your good with what you want to draw.
im a wreck, not gonna post my stuff because it hasn't improved in a good while, like a few years.

>> No.1588994


>> No.1588996

He has a tumblr? Link?

>> No.1589001
File: 2.18 MB, 800x3280, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go

>> No.1589024
File: 842 KB, 1599x675, shshsgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First tablet drawing and latest.. Still shit on hair.. Anyone have some good tutorials?

>> No.1589025


>> No.1589028


>> No.1589037

Are you from somewhere around the southeast asia, anon? Just asking btw.

>> No.1589054

Nope europe.

>> No.1589055

Ah, sorry. I thought you were somebody else. That first picture looks like something that my friend drew months ago.

>> No.1589073
File: 1.98 MB, 1500x2648, prog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much progress lately. Need to work on hair. Feedback appreciated!

>> No.1589086

Still waiting on that writeup :)

>> No.1589088

Do you ever draw the whole figure, or are you only interested in portraiture?

>> No.1589095

well, some people are only interested in eyes >>1589024
that's what i call shortsighted

>> No.1589122

Very nice shading technique but you need to study anatomy

>> No.1589159


>> No.1589175

In my writing class compared to what I've read in the class I'm one of the better writers.

But I'm terrible at giving crits in the class.

>I uh, I liked it
>what could be better about it
>I don't know

>> No.1589199

You're not the only one. Although I'm below his initial level but I'd still find it interesting how people progress

>> No.1589205


Well verbal communication is something that can be trained. Work on it.

>> No.1589206

>I'm one of the better writers.

But how can you be sure of your judgment?

I always feel like I'm right. When I'm asking friends for crits, I always try to make a quick new sketch based on what they said, just in case I'm wrong, because I know from experience that I can't trust myself.

>> No.1589207

I'd like to make one but it would only confirm the fact I've learned sweet fuck all the last year and drew furry porn instead

>> No.1589215

plz post it

>> No.1589218

I have always enjoyed drawing faces more, however, I did a lot of figure work and study while in my last year of Highschool. Since Summer however, I've just been doing portraits. I've been meaning to get back into it, as well as landscapes and such.

>> No.1589409
File: 288 KB, 833x1120, J. C. Leyendecker (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


:> Sprias.tumblr, or sprias.deviantart - I also have a few people who consistently ask me questions on tumblr, which I enjoy quite a bit, so if you're ever wondering something or want to try to figure something out, feel free to ask.




hah my goodness, let's say it was a long nap, then.

Going off >>1588207, I mean there's the obvious stuff like do lots of studies, sketches, and always be looking for ways that you can improve how you study. Spend half as much time as you do studying remembering what you did study - and another half after that being critical of how you study in the first place. Always try to catch yourself when you feel like you're just copying, or mindlessly painting. Never mindlessly push paint around, you're almost always making your painting worse if you do. The brushwork came with confidence, and the color with numerous studies, as well as - and this might sound strange - a large amount of value studies. A lot of difficulty with color at intermediate levels comes from poor values underlying it all.

However, I don't believe in earnest that any of that advice will truly help you, so I'll give you the best bit of general insight that I know; If you want to improve, find out why you paint, where your true interests lie, and pursue them with diligence. Make your artwork a vehicle for your interests, an extension of them, and make it a natural part of pursuing a greater goal. Find out what keeps your motivation up, why it does, and how you can best take advantage of that. Find out why you admire the artists you do and learn everything that you can from their work; they've already paved the way for you, you just have to look hard enough.

>> No.1589418
File: 54 KB, 480x604, 1362828481964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never do a study or a painting that doesn't have a purpose, and never do any work that's besides the point; if you're studying value relationships then who care's about accurate drawing, or color? You're trying to learn about value, don't worry about anything else. Don't be afraid to see yourself put out unaesthetic work, it's your first steps to improvement no matter which aspect of painting you're beginning to approach; but never put out poor work - thoughtless, mindless, or purposeless work.

Be mindful of things you avoid because they're difficult and things you avoid because you simply don't care, a lot of people seem to be able to confuse the two for the sake of convenience. Also, don't worry about style, or how loosely you paint - those come with time and confidence and you cannot fake it without harming your development.

Lastly, just don't give up. If doors are closed to you right now it means that you just have to practice more - and that's just about dedication, which you have complete control over.

There's a whole bunch more, but I'll be typing all night and should probably try to get some rest for tomorrow. If I covered anything too vaguely or just said something irredeemably stupid then ask me about it on tumblr, or something, and I'll see if I can't respond as soon as I can.

Happy painting :]

>> No.1589426


do you have a dA acc?

>> No.1589427


Why the fuck there isn't a LIKE button on 4chan.. great read

>> No.1589450

>Why the fuck there isn't a LIKE button on 4chan
Get out.

>> No.1589457


and DISLIKE button for people like you

>> No.1589468


>> No.1589472
File: 782 KB, 2000x800, fuckingprogress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally starting to get comfortable with myself and more confident in my art. It's not a bad feeling.

>> No.1589475
File: 122 KB, 600x800, sixstringsamuraipage1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the record i got to the point i was experimenting in. I'm honestly just trying to find a lineart I'm satisfied in before i start devoting a ridiculous amount of time to colour theory and painting.

>> No.1589514

If you can't understand why a like/dislike system completely ruins the point of an anonymous board like 4chan then you need fuck off back to reddit, the fact you even suggested it shows you haven't bothered to lurk before posting.

>> No.1589529


why mad? His point is probably that he like what other annon wrote. Instead of bullshiting and being bitch, say "thanks" to that guy who spend some time for giving you advice because i bet you've read it and learn something new and important for you.

>> No.1589530

Let's not derail this thread with unnecessary conflict, please.

Facebook and other social outlets are considered anathema to 4chan's anonymity-centric culture, please keep this in mind.

Chill out, dude. No need to overreact, especially on a board where identities are valued more highly. Y'know, prolific artists and all that.

>> No.1589719

shit's horrible. just horrible.
>and came across some art i done a few
>came across some art
>some art

everything you draw isn't art, for example, that shit is garbage. art is something else. definitely not that.

>> No.1589778

you gonna post something or just bitch?

>> No.1589782

love the last one

>> No.1589789

you have improved but your excuses are lame dear,
just because you don't like traditionalism does not mean you should bottleneck you skills into vapid concepts like celebrities, sexxxxy women portraits, and overdone tattoo requests

I just think if you keep that mindset forever you'll continue polishing turds and sure, land a job as a tattoo artist, but you will hit a plateau then stay mediocre forever -- assuming the work you posted in original jpg is full of "completed" works, anyways.

Something that really makes me cringe is an old, worn out tattoo artist whose gallery looks like a 15-year old's. Don't be that chick. Keep practicing forever and go outside of your comfort zone (i.e. traditionalism or whatever isn't your "taste").

>> No.1589790

I think there is lots of progress, congratulation!

>> No.1589792

Well, fuck.. That's a great improvement!

>> No.1589797
File: 1.65 MB, 1192x3000, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brings back memories.

>> No.1589799


Keep doing what you do. I enjoy your drawings and the style.

>> No.1589803

why does it look like you got worse over time?

>> No.1589806


define "worse"

>> No.1589811

>still doing shitty cholo clown mask shit 5 years in


>> No.1589814

well, your first line of drawings are all really interesting and look nice and solid and then over time it seems like your subject matter just took a turn for the worse.
you go from drawing some really cool shit to like a shirtless gay man and some under-defined organs and just some generic looking shit

the early stuff looks fantastic though, maybe get back closer to your roots or something?

>> No.1589815

Op here, havent checked this since I posted it, I have no clue what you're on about explain?

>>1589719 yeah ok

>>1589778 thanks anon.

>>1588178 my earlier works hold no understanding of anatomy or perspective, let alone any real thinking behind it. I supose in some way thank you, but you're probably the only person who thinks this way

>> No.1589818

agree. Really like the 2008 drawings. of course its up to the artist but I really liked the subjects you drew there.

>> No.1589821

the very last image in your collage - the happy and sad clown mask cholo shit. That really would only impress some East LA, F-grade obtaining, high school drop out trash.

>> No.1589822


tastes change, I guess, and you have to try new things. funny thing is, in 2010 /ic/ would tell me to stop drawing like a kiddo and study something.

>> No.1589824

It's probably when he stopped doing drugs.

>> No.1589826

trudat, the skull looks pretty nice too

>> No.1589828

bingo. also, I will add: I became interested in different media, textures and abstract art. so yes, try new things..

>> No.1589893
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x3500, progress_firez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to use different categories for a better comparison.

>> No.1589895

Why, thank you.

>> No.1589908

i feel reverse progress here

>> No.1589936

Nah I see some improvement in values/lighting understanding, and a huge improvement in patience.

>> No.1589973

Could you expand on that? I'm far from good but I think it would be an stretch to consider my former works as better than my recent ones.

Thanks and as for the patience, well besides not having enough time for drawing I only "finish" a piece until I'm really satisfied with it.

Speaking of which I just noticed that I used older versions for Rin and bazooka girl :/

>> No.1590015

>responding to clear trolls
don't even acknowledge that person, that's a newbie trap.

I don't care if you're trying to be some stoic artist getting opinions from even the lowliest of trolls, but enemies are enemies. You gotta realize you can't change the opinion of a hater. Don't ask him anything, just move on.

>> No.1590031

That second piece is stunning. I really love the depth you're getting at and the sense of scale.

>> No.1590035

Noted and thanks.

These days is getting hard to notice though

>> No.1590097
File: 854 KB, 1000x1058, well this is awkward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redrawing old shit is my favourite way to check for improvement

>> No.1590137

ah thats from my tattoo apprenticeship. it's not something i would normally draw these days, my mentor told me to draw it, but the pencil shading came out quite well so i included it.

>> No.1590190

well it looks like he's practicing with new medias, you cant expect him to be godly right in the beginning

>> No.1590191

decent rendering but not really my thing (woman with generic standard body types in sexualized poses)

>> No.1590192


>> No.1590208

I draw tons and tons of other subjects, but I wasn't about to make a whole thing of it. I picked the girls because they were the only thing I've drawn over the months of comparable efforts that I could pull and compare.

>> No.1590252
File: 1.90 MB, 1263x3022, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my progress. haven't had much time for art lately with school

>> No.1590305

nice drawing. I like it
any website?

>> No.1590311

How did you even improve that fast....?

>> No.1590313


>> No.1590414

you kidding me?

Not a slam to the artist, but that was about 18 months. That's normal.

>> No.1590429


probably just hard work and what that guy said, it was about 18 months

i mean look at >>1588185
>>1588188 if youre looking for something crazy

>> No.1590438

Thanks man.
Yeah, I'm on a few sites but I don't think the gay porn I draw is exactly the thing you're interested in.

What the others said

>> No.1590518

Do you draw TF2 gayporn?

>> No.1590834

They found out about me
I must leave and never return

>> No.1591047

The redhead guy gave it away, I knew I've seen that naughty face before

>> No.1591049

Sa.. Sauce?

>> No.1591303
File: 160 KB, 752x567, thenandnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not great yet, hell I'm barely even good, but I'm way goddamn better than I used to be.

>> No.1591362
File: 2.13 MB, 1700x2742, April13_Nov13_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't take my art seriously until like three months ago, though I've been having to work more in 3D so I'm progressing quite slow compared to my peers.

>> No.1591372

still seems you have yet not read a loomis in your life.

>> No.1591452
File: 1.41 MB, 3640x1656, sketchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that reference thread of that smoking kid a while back in fact i redrew him just recently.

pic related progress on said ref.

>> No.1591574

Stunning improvement.

>> No.1591581
File: 586 KB, 1000x744, ic kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was that these guys? (i didn't keep the ref so hopefully you recognise from my sucky block in) or was there another thread with one guy?

>> No.1591843

yeah it was those guys

>> No.1592392

Nope, sorry.

>> No.1592431

I'm the guy who you responded too, I also redrew that kid. Looks a lot better but I never got past the the pencil line art, I really don't want to make it look shit.

>> No.1592484

Keep going, you're gonna be making a billion other drawings, why does it matter if you fuck this one up

>> No.1592494

this are some of the shittiest outfit designs I've ever seen

it's like you took the worst possible aspects of anime and games and mashed them into a random 'sexay' mess


>> No.1592513


I have a question about how much drawing in odd or cartoony styles like My Little Pony would affect your overall art style and what ever?

Well would it? From what I have seen some people draw solely from MLP and get good at that but I don't see anything else from them, but their art is good none the less.

>> No.1592514
File: 1.22 MB, 450x450, PETROLEUM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.1592516


I like you :3

>> No.1592518


>> No.1592595
File: 289 KB, 1400x735, progress for ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to keep mine short to avoid boring you all.
I progressed a lot in 2012 but never bothered scanning any of it in, so it's all packed away at my dad's house, so that was the only image I had at hand.
the other two drawings took about 15 or 20 minutes each

>> No.1592659

sounds like someone didnt read his Loomis

>> No.1592733


Question bump

>> No.1592735

You won't actually learn anything so it won't affect anything.
At best you'll be able to draw the flat symbol of the character from memory, but unless you actually start studying you won't be able to turn them around and articulate them like the show's animators and illustrators do.
Or at least I assume they do, I haven't seen the show so I don't know if the animation is actually any good or not

>> No.1592752

>tfw no life drawing classes offered in my area
>and drawing from photos is shit-tier
drawing people at the mall is just fucking weird
I still do it but goddamn
just wish there were some fucking art classes out here

>> No.1593210

I know how you feel, man. I hate drawing from photos, especially if they're just on screen
I've found that most of the community-centre type classes tend to be hard to find out about. They usually don't advertise online because most of the people who go are bored middle aged ladies, but if that's all you can get then you're better off going.
If you live somewhere big enough to have a mall then there will probably be one somewhere.
Don't expect to be taught anything though. Just read the books and try to apply what you've read about when you get there.

Also I've found that at those sorts of classes, the poses are always super long, and I run out of things to do after about half an hour

>> No.1593251

> I run out of things to do after about half an hour

get up and move to a different place in the room, and draw again from that new angle. I do this in life drawing sessions, may as well, get my money's worth

>> No.1593786

Not >>1593210, but I tried life drawing sessions(10 min sketches) too. The result was worse than from photos at home. I got lost into details or just did very fast Vilppu-style gestures. Maybe I should drop this business? Also, at the end of session the instuctor gives some small critiques, but, of course, I would like to hear more useful things and advice. So, what questions would be wise to ask?

>> No.1593854

you'll get used to it.

>> No.1593881
File: 151 KB, 450x750, fartprog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my prog chart but i saved it from another thread because it was nice

>> No.1593905
File: 1.97 MB, 1528x1266, prog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such cases.

>> No.1594121

>these are just circle jerking for the most part to make the poster feel better about their art.
What is circlejerking? Talking about common interests? People present their work, you shit on it and give suggestions. That's it.

>> No.1594127

circle-jerking is a positive experience for everyone, and unlike real circle-jerking you don't even have to look someone in the eye the next morning.

>> No.1594137

i would feel like such an attention whore if i did one of these progress thingies.

plus there's such a huge disparity between stuff i doodle out in 15 minutes and stuff i work on for weeks. some of my "old" work looks alot better than some of my most recent... would lead to quite a bit of confusion i think. or i could cherry pick and make my progress look mindblowing... equally silly.

>> No.1594138


>> No.1594139

this alla circle jerking da fags

>> No.1594144

where can we see more? oh please with a cherry?

>> No.1594150
File: 182 KB, 1262x744, jph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1594155

And you call yourself an artist

>> No.1594161
File: 39 KB, 899x689, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come a long way