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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 592 KB, 675x778, rare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1562129 No.1562129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Things that make you mad.

>> No.1562133

idk i like anamorphic projection, obviously that's not the best example. although i guess it's that it's a pretty common tumblry thing these days that enrages you?

i find the 'realism' mania here pretty maddening from time to time. it's a bit like idk, trying to explain color to and blind person, only to have that blind person scream in your face that sight is made up and you only think you're seeing things because '2deep4u hipster 2edgy4me'

>> No.1562136

>being mad over nothing
never change, /ic/

>> No.1562138
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, dddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60k subs.

>> No.1562141

wow if that's a joke it's pretty dead-pan

>> No.1562158

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

>> No.1562249

hahahaha wow

>> No.1562256

>Things that make you mad.
The asshole that cut me off on the highway the other day.

Non-artists being non-artists doesn't bother me a bit.

>> No.1562278

reveal yourself kitsune elly.

i have to make babies with you.

>> No.1562309

I like anamorphic projection, too. The problem here is that the actual drawing is fucking bad.

>> No.1562325

I think the part that got op mad was the comment below the pic

>> No.1562362
File: 616 KB, 1280x1682, to_hajiilee__5x13_by_imorawetz-d6po3xp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now maybe I'm wrong, but thee are almost definitely paintovers. Anyone have any insight, they just have that look.


>> No.1562365

Why would anyone, other than the artist himself, care so much about the processes and details involved in the making of the píece?
Do you think that using a technique is cheating?
Most importantly, why do you feel mad about a supposedly "lazy" over-painting? No one is forcing you to do it that way, and not even to like it. Judging the entire piece based only on the fact that it is a paint over, seems to me like a narrow-minded attitude.

>> No.1562369

It'd be fine but she specifically says she doesn't showing that even she knows its basically cheating, deep down.

>> No.1562371

She's spending 15+ hours on these, it's not hard to believe they're very close to the reference. Look at some of her WIP work and you'll see the skill involved.
It shows a lack of skill and deception if you don't specifically say it's a paintover. A lot of people are impressed by these heavily referenced paintings because of the raw skill involved. If she's doing paintovers then it's just a glorified photo-manipulation.

>> No.1562373

breaking bod hurkdurk

>> No.1562378

It all seems to be paintovers,but I who cares really. Only people she is screwing are Deviant idiots and herself.

>> No.1562379

I have no words for this, this is both hilarious and sad.

>> No.1562384

I looked at the wips, and apart from the joey one, they prove nothing, they're all basically finished and are just missing backgrounds or are uncoloured or something. They quite obviously exist only to "debunk" people calling her out, while actually proving them right. look at some of the work in between the hyper photo like face, her technique is sloppy. maybe she really did paint them the honest way, but it sure as hell doesn't look like it.

>> No.1562383

So, you aren't mad about the final result, but about the artist's possible lack of honesty?

>> No.1562385

How can people be so fucking blind? Why is it that many people can instantly recognize shitty music, but few can recognize shitty drawings?

>> No.1562390
File: 466 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosh he's amazing
%%yes, im russian%%

>> No.1562391

An untrained eye, possibly due to the lack of knowledge. It's the same way when I draw something and am oblivious to many mistakes like my drawing right now with the underlying perspective issues I can not pick up. (Someone critiqued it and told me this)

Hehe...hehehe better not find out who's behind that name otherwise you'd get disappointed.

>> No.1562395
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1562397

Naaah... not paintovers, but she definitively traces a lot, like with those "Friends" portraits.

>> No.1562400

I used to watch his vids, it taught me how to seek out human landmarks when drawing a portrait... I thought he was pretty good... now I see the obvious proportion mistakes. It's like that disease that makes you ignore the left side of things.

Also this isn't a thing to get mad it for me, people like him and Mark Crilley are stepping stones for wannabe artist, the weak will stay at pleb level and the strong will seek out more knowledge and try to understand what are they drawing and how does it work.

>> No.1562407

"Artist reveals ultimate secret to drawing faces! Artists hate him!"

>> No.1562408

Yes but the result can be annoying too. It's like the difference between watching a speedrun with tool and one without tools. The one without tools is infinitely more impressive.

>> No.1562479
File: 270 KB, 660x754, mangas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So glad I screen shot this when I first saw a few years ago.

>> No.1562487


>> No.1562492
File: 131 KB, 562x773, muscle elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unfortunately cap'd without context, but one of his videos teaches you how to draw a "muscle elf".

>> No.1562504
File: 143 KB, 1920x1765, 1379041898353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I can't tell if this guy is for real or not.

>> No.1562525

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.1562543

>To people that speculate you do paint-overs, how do you respond? How would you disprove/put to rest their suspicions?
I try and ignore their shit most of the time as it isn’t worth it.
I also try to take progress shots of my work when I can remember, and when they realise that I use grids (a lot) for proportions that seems to quell their suspicions. Sometimes, anyway.
I have references literally next to what I’m painting so it isn’t that difficult gaining likeness if you have the patience, especially when you employ the use of grids on top.
I begin with a large-spaced grid and as I’m filling bits in I add rows/columns to tighten it up (my gawd it’s difficult trying to explain this in words - I’ll take a few screenshots of the next thing I work on so I can show you what I mean >_>).

>> No.1562671

>I don'' paintover, but i use a grid so i can copy the image one for one

What a talented printer she is.
Still not convinced, anyway.

>> No.1562677

>Still not convinced, anyway.
Honestly accuracy isn't that difficult, especially if employing a grid. She's using the same techniques an academic school would use (which is all about accuracy). It's really not that difficult to copy, train your eye, pay good attention and be slow and precise and it's easy.

>> No.1562699


right, then all that matters when you get technically skilled enough is the subject matter, which is.. breaking bad fan art? who gives a fuck about that ahha.

>> No.1562701

Well...h-how do you guys feel about someone who freehands realism? I-is that considered being a printer?

I fucking hate grids and shit like that.

>> No.1562705

all i care about, anon, is what your drawing. what do you draw?

>> No.1562707

I usually draw people. Portraits mainly (unless I'm commissioned to draw something mid body or almost full body). I've always been fascinated by human expressions. How we all have eyes, a nose, lips, hair, a chin, ears, yet tweak or move those things and it can become a different person.

>> No.1562710

so u like free hand and expressionism? what do you think about manet

>> No.1562712

I think he's one of the best. He changed impressionism for the better. May not have come up with it, but he definitely helped make it into what it is now. His work is something you can't confuse with another artist (well at least to me).

>> No.1562713

i think this too, and its funny people think meticulously rending every little detail is what makes and image good, but sometimes, like rembrant too, just the right mixture of "its a person" + "its a drawing" says more than reality

>> No.1562714

>meant to say rendering there.

>> No.1562718

I'm just saying, they still have the look of being painted over photos, the brushwork is weird, and the edges don't seem to match the brush style, the same with a lot of the smooth gradients.

Obviously accuracy isn't difficult if you use a grid. It's basically paint by numbers.

>> No.1562724

Yes, thank you! I've had some commissions where they absolutely want full detail, which I'm fine because I just charge more, but sometimes too much detail is just not good. It's pretty to look at, but more often than not, it just takes away any focus or meaning from what you would like the viewer to see/feel. Usual portraits I do are in similar style of Darrel Bevan (portrait artist, I love his work.).

>> No.1565059

people who always draw stereotypical pretty faces

>> No.1565069

I'm pretty sick of seeing overrendered portraits in pencil from either exactly straight forward view or exactly profile view with no perspective.
I see them all the god damned time and it reeks of not actually being able to draw.

It also makes me mad to see fellow students who aren't interested enough to really engage with their discipline and study for themselves. On one hand it's their own time and money that they're wasting, but as a group shitty students bring down the standards of art education everywhere

>> No.1565352
File: 1.81 MB, 200x180, 1319234746141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1565370

this with the force of 240 red hot burning suns.

>> No.1565378

> ITT: a bunch of skilled and self agrandicising "artists" criticizing unskilled artist's lack of skill and getting mad at amature/beginner/children's work.

>> No.1565399

I didn't know art was supposed to be technique wankery. If the result is good the method is fine. This is also why exactly replicating a reference from some TV show produces fucking boring art.

>> No.1565407
File: 562 KB, 900x981, cake7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least someone wants to fight the mangas

>> No.1565417

That's sorta true, except that all those works done by children are in fact done by full grown men. And all those skilled works are done by the same kind of grown men. And when think you about it, for both the skilled and the unskilled, the whole of /ic/ is creepy. It's a huddle of adult males getting excited over drawings that are mostly reflections of sexual angst and power fantasies. It's funny and weird. All that technique and skill to argue from a mindset that is basically insecure, confused, and frustrated.

>> No.1565454


>> No.1565543
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, 20131014_212520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this make you mad op?
I drew it just for you.
>love me, faggot

>> No.1565544

A lot of people say he's fake, but I do think he's real.
The channel is a serious "how to" channel and it would be really off if they'd just suddenly upload some parody drawing videos

>> No.1565737

this guy is just a master troll.

>> No.1565744

mark crilley is way beyond this guy

he has no creative ability or originality, and he doesn't even have skill

>> No.1566353
File: 253 KB, 1191x670, jinx___league_of_legends_by_magicnaanavi-d6qfvmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that's bad?


Comment from pic related:

''I meant, it was a challenge, never painted smile like that before, it was really out of my comfort zone, ''

This line really cracked me up because she doesn't even grasp concept of ''stepping out of the comfort zone''. All she does are same fucking faces and portraits with that sparkly glow or some shit, I bet she can't draw male for a life. I also like how she abuses categories so she could reach front-page easier.

One of reasons why I scroll past down this shit on dA front-page because good stuff is always when you go down more.

>> No.1566360

Dude, Mark is a great artist.. What the fuck?

>> No.1566376

Oh god all that chomatic aberration

>> No.1566412

looks ok to me, but then again I'm not a trained 'criticfag'

>> No.1566454

>this much jealousy

>> No.1566499

Anything by mark Crilley

>> No.1566552
File: 467 KB, 1280x1024, 1356400823603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i'm jelaous

>> No.1566596

you are

>> No.1566609

To be fair. This chick really does the same kind of shit over and over again. The only reason why she is popular is because she does fan art of popular stuff like League or Disney princesses.

>> No.1566620
File: 1.88 MB, 400x224, anguish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so obvious she uses a reference for the faces.

Who makes me mad? Everyone who draws heavily from reference (as in copying, not studying and applying - you know what I mean), doesn't mention it / credit source and slaps a gazillion TOTES ORIGINAL DO NOT STEEL warnings around it.

Why? I don't know. I guess it's because there's all those little nuances I know the maker couldn't have created if it weren't for a ready instructions from the reference. What really annoys me is people who have no idea about this and praise "wow so real r u god" etc.

I mean studies are good. They're important and you can learn from them. I can't respect someone much who does nothing else and labels themselves as professional, except for their technical skills (if they happen to be good).

>> No.1566650
File: 36 KB, 385x500, 1361912548730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"wow so real r u god"
Makes my blood boil

>> No.1566674

his drawing is pretty bad,

but his observations about proportions seem okay ?

>hating on useful information because the guy can't draw that well

>> No.1566689

prepare yourselves gentlemen, for i hold the holy grail of cringe worthy hipster artist.


i hate cunts like this

>> No.1566693

nahh his obsservations are flawed, he was comparing heads that were obviousy tilting down to heads that were looking straight or tied up.

the guys a joke

>> No.1566695

tilted* up

>> No.1566696

wow, that is like a whole new level of bitch-art

>> No.1566747


10. Asks for critiques but only provides blurred and skewed picks

9. Uploads the maximum file size of an unfinished doodle

8. Post sideways or upside down

7. Posts an entire screen grab just to show something minor

6. Uses a png when a jpeg is more suitable

5. Posts incessantly ever step or alteration

4. Types stuttering or use emoticons to seem cute

3. Is completely oblivious they lack a good sense of taste or don't have a keen eye

2. Makes a thread asking anons how they should think or feel about pursuing the Arts

1. They want to be a conceptartist/illustrator/idon'tknowhat/dildo/furry/pedopornpeddler/ etc. etc.

You idiots know who you are. There is a reason why you don't improve. It's not cause you don't practice enough, or you're thinking about all wrong. The reason is much much deeper. It's cause you're a fucking moron, a socially inept idiot. All that Loomis, Vilppu, or Ctrl+Paint can't save you from yourself. There is no tutorial jpeg that will teach you to be un-dummy. You suck cause you're an idiot. Fix you're idiocy first and then maybe you'll improve.

>> No.1566765

now do you feel better.
its all off you're chest

>> No.1566777

>seem cute
I think you mean uguu-uguu kawaii-desu

Everything else is good. You are officially in-trend with /ic/ culture. :)

>> No.1566845


I see your zekeslunchbox, and I raise you:


>> No.1566858

0. I'm so BAD, so BAD at drawing, i never draw before, i dont know anything about drawing, i never read a book about drawing, but i created this thread with my VERY FIRST doodle. Tell me, WHAT you think and HOW to improve.

>> No.1566931

I don't care what you call it. It's annoying. This site is for 18+, adults practically. Even of you aren't that old, at least act like it, and not like some shitty character cliche you saw in an anime. It's unauthentic and hamfisted. How could anyone take someone like that serious? Even if it were some playful act to be coy, it's still down right creepy to push it that much.

>> No.1567291

that face looks so emotionless to me
something is just off and its unsetteling
I hope she can improve, she definetly has some skill.

>> No.1567383

So why does png or jpg matter?

>> No.1567416

png is lossless, jpg is lossy.

Some people get their panties twisted into a furious knot over it, but it really doesn't matter for most things. If you're doing pixel art or anything that requires every pixel to be precise, png is the way to go.

>> No.1567443


The lossless versus lossy argument is invalid here. Everything eventually expires on 4chan. The images uploaded aren't repeatedly being saved on top of each other. So there is no deterioration in the quality of an uploaded image. The shit quality you do see is usually people saving at a low quality level (<65%).

You don't need to upload a 5mb image when a 512k will do just fine. Not everybody has the bandwidth or the patience to figure out what the fuck were you trying to draw.

>> No.1567736
File: 501 KB, 1918x2469, whythefnot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a beginner and my hands are shakey as fuck

>> No.1567762


You seem to be quick to pass negative judgement on drawing from references when figure studies from life are so essential for artistic development. In fact many people here seem to be quick to assume that the Breaking Bad painting is a paint-over when it's clearly handled well enough for it to be a genuine painting from an initial sketch. The way the colors are blocked in is handled in a way that suggests the person knows exactly how to go about painting a portrait, be it from life or a photograph, and suggesting the artist painted over an existing printed picture is insecurity and disbelief coming from those who personally cannot paint to that level. I, on the other hand, look at this painting and see nothing out of the ordinary of those who graduated from my university with a painting major. All the principles and fundamentals are present in the painting, and the paint is moved around in a way that leaves me without a doubt that it is not a paint-over.

Generally, when someone traces, you can spot it easily. All the parts will be in the right place, but all the details and depth will be off.

I know it sucks seeing things drawn or painted well, but suck up your insecurities and stop bitching about life drawing, drawing from references, or claiming something's a paint-over simply because it's proportionally sound.

In the real world, even professionals use references when covering subjects out of their personal norm or when trying to get an exact likeness or pose.

>> No.1567771

PNGs can be huge; no one needs to load all that

>> No.1567929

Wow, looks like
>as in copying, not studying and applying - you know what I mean
wasn't enough so I'm going to elaborate a bit.

For me, this http://samspratt.tumblr.com/post/59989267380/how-do-you-feel-about-the-use-of-photographic would be the most ideal way to use a reference.
While this http://p3ncilportraits.deviantart.com/gallery/ is not, when it ends up all they're doing. I don't mind if they're a hobbyist and that's what they're happy doing, some of them have great technical skills (better than mine) and I can applaud to that so it's not about insecurities but I'm not going to give them any creativity points for copying photos. I'm everything but against _learning_ from references or life drawing, if you could read you'd see it too.

To go back to magicnaanavi, it's about more than a drawing being "proportionally sound" it's mainly about some shadows and details. I'm not accusing her of painting over but I'm saying she uses references and I have no idea what the Breaking Bad piece is you're referencing to.
She used to mention and link references regularly (http://magicnaanavi.deviantart.com/art/We-are-made-of-Stardust-392437040)) but seems to have stopped doing so recently especially on commission / commercial works. I do believe this http://magicnaanavi.deviantart.com/art/Diana-League-of-legends-405306799 is done without ref but this is not http://magicnaanavi.deviantart.com/art/Commander-Shepard-403943694

>> No.1567982

I see a lot of fan art like this and I think it is a tumblr/deviantart equivilent of popular youtube singers who do popular songs.
They are easy to make sound good but don't work hard at their own creations or learning instruments. You have a music industry to blame for their possible rise to fame but that's not to say they should not be allowed this rise if it is a possibility.

The same can be said for those artists, They will never grow to the heights of others and find lots of great fulfilling freelance work, but if they enjoy their 'quirky' popular TV show niche then I have no issue with that.


I find this an interesting concept and I believe that due to music being very integral to a lot of young peoples lives while good art not so much that we gain a good ear long before a good eye in our young years and maybe even in to adulthood where it is unlikely to change.

All very interesting concepts here but TL;DR stop bitching about other 'bad' artists and do your thing and when you get the recognition and your ego fulfilled all that hatred for others that are doing better than you will go away!

>> No.1568075
File: 215 KB, 570x742, le tumblr nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tumblr noses

It makes me physically ill.

>> No.1568077


you havin a fuckin giggol m80

>> No.1568091

the one thing that pisses me off is people who only draw pre-composed images
eg. paint overs-draw overs

>> No.1568105


yea im mad

>> No.1568107


Dude draws like a teenage girl

>> No.1568127

Something that really hones taste and eye is going to art exhibitions, even if they are one of those people that hate all modern art.

>> No.1568132

Stop being so tsundere anon-chan.

>> No.1568141

i have been defeat

>> No.1568143

wow, just.

>> No.1568145

>Act the way I tell you to act!
I find posters like you the most amusing. You are the sinlge most hilarious mother fuckers on the entire site, with your comedically misguided attempts at demanding people do as you want them too.

>> No.1568148

Your analogy at the end made me laugh heartily, thanks man.

>> No.1568187

Nothing makes me mad, because creating art makes me happy.

Seeing you autistic fuckwads get so bent out of shape because some DA artist may do paintovers/use projectors/are over rated just makes me sad.

It makes me sad for you autistic "BUT THERE'S A CERTAIN FORMULA TO ART ALL MUST FOLLOW" that you will ALWAYS be pissed off because others are more successful than you, instead f learning to focus on and develop (not perfect, there is no perfection) your own art.

>> No.1568235

Concept artists comparing themselves to fine artists, is cringing for me.

I've always felt the kind of artists being pushed out by these for-profit trade schools were taught an abbreviated version of whatever art tradition. Some of them are quite masterful at making an amusing picture. But beyond that, there is't anything really all that inquisitive. I mean on a deep level, There isn't something that speaks to the human condition or least something that expands our thinking through Art. Lots of Hirsts but no Cezannes.

It unnerves me when some concept artists compare themselves to those who pioneered in the Fine Arts. Granted there aren't many "Greats" today, but comparing yourself to the likes of Picasso is just plain insulting. Your work doesn't push any boundaries, it's nothing but a bunch of scribbles meant titillate for a few short moments.

>> No.1569072
File: 1.06 MB, 2318x1304, ahri___league_of_legends_by_eddy_shinjuku-d6qomhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what bugged me from the start.

I also noticed tons of artists that do that sakamichi-styled stuff hit front page, and whenever I went mouse-over those stuff, it was always different artist in question, with same disorted anatomy and proportion, and use of that ''3d'' thingie with channels in PS. Pic is related, it's not that bad, but... something bugs me hell out of it. And it's just example from one artist, there are also many others who do exact same thing. It should have it's own category.

>> No.1569074

>because others are more successful than you, instead f learning to focus on and develop (not perfect, there is no perfection) your own art.

I know I'm not perfect, but that doesn't mean I can't get pissed at some certain stuff. I'm not gonna pretend I'm ok with someone who rips on other artists style while I know this one special person used to steal stuff and present as his own on his own webpage. And then he makes fanart not because he loves character of said show but because he knows he's gonna sell it.
Sure, call him smart and whatnot, but he's still dipshit in my eyes.

>> No.1569078

wait...so you get mad because artists that actually take the time to learn the formula's (how to draw) complain about faggots that cheat. idgi.

>> No.1569150

That's kindergarten stuff.
Do people make money with this?

>> No.1569180

>my hands are shakey as fuck
Use fast, long strokes.

>> No.1569206

I have shaky hands as well and I'd like to point out that this doesn't work for me. Fast, long strokes turn into wavy long lines and you need to crank the stabilizer up to ridiculous levels to negate the effect. It's best just to find a way to minimize the jitter of your hands with proper support for your wrist and arm and then do short, controlled strokes with small stabilizer if needed