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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 275 KB, 1000x1000, 1375842458420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1519489 No.1519489 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning thread.

Previous Thread: >>1517156

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge with us and remember to thank those who've critiqued or redlined your drawings and most importantly have fun.

And remember when in doubt - Read The Fucking Sticky as our chubby red haired friend so diligently puts.


Hitokaku Index: /www.asahi-net.or.jp/~zm5s-nkmr/
0033's stuff: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=59317
List of active livestreams:

Tutorial/Reference Collection: http://pinterest.com/characterdesigh/
Figures: http://reference.sketchdaily.net/

Remember, this thread is only a place to execute muh styles and to draw animu/cartoons for fun. This should be supplementary to your art studies. Make sure you're drawing real figures and practicing anatomy/proportions, gestures, and lighting because that knowledge is what will make all your art better.

The drawthread and sketchthread have to mountains of resources you could scan through. Don't get in obsessed in looking for "the perfect method of learning" and remember to just draw. Also, don't get stuck in learning with one artist as well - make everyone your teacher.

>> No.1519494

>Pedo Containment Unit Activated!

>> No.1519514 [DELETED] 


>> No.1519517
File: 11 KB, 330x153, emergency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1519543

Literally no one in threads threads gives good advice outside of TLG.

It's pretty amazing.

>> No.1519553 [DELETED] 

That's for damn sure, best redliner for CP

>> No.1519558 [DELETED] 


Who doesn't like Seepee?

>> No.1519561 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 652x582, po-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is the secret to getting better at making smooth line-work digitally redrawing over everything until it's 10/10? Or do people actually use a pen tool to connect everything after they scan or draw their sketch?

Also I keep screwing up on the left arm, I know the hand should probably be bigger but I could use some advice or redlining on how it should be positioned

>> No.1519598


Most JP artists I've watched draw in person, on streams, or in various instructional videos that come bundled with mooks, do not use vector tools for inking (except for inorganic, mechanical objects or effect lines, things that would have required a ruler when done with physical media). It is a matter of confidence, a steady hand, good lifting technique, and above all having a clear idea of what they wish to draw. Be as messy as you like during the sketching phase, and figure out most of the problems so that you don't have to think about them later. One shouldn't be indecisive at the inking stage.

The biggest improvement to my own line work came from fighting the urge to lift the pen prematurely. Draw the longest lines you possibly can.

>> No.1519631

Those of us who haven't been molested as children.

>> No.1519820
File: 228 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some advice. I have an Original Character. He's in the picture to the left.

You can probably tell that his hair doesn't make much sense. I like the look he has, but like I said it doesn't make much sense.

Anyone have any tips to kind of keep the same look, but lose confusing hairstyle?

>> No.1519822

stiff as fuck, read the sticky.
learn how to draw first before worrying about miniscule details.

>> No.1519829

Think in 3D. His hair is totally different from the front and side view.

Try making a sort of turnaround, draw lines from landmarks across the page to line them up.

>> No.1519832


Thanks. I'll do this. I'd like to keep his hair the same from the side view in some way, so I need to change the way it looks from the front view.

>> No.1519836


I know it's stiff. It's a character concept, he's just standing still. It's not an action pose drawing.

>> No.1519841

Cheats like that are pretty common in cartooning and animation, there's nothing inherently wrong doing it. See mickey mouses ears for example.

>> No.1519842

Not the guy you're replying to, but character concepts need not be stiff. If you ever have a chance, look at The Skillful Huntsman. Great book about the process of designing a world and characters.
But there is a section in character design where poses are shown to change the perception of the characters. They're not action poses, but they're not stiff either.

Just enough to give a glimpse into their attitude while still being able to see the important parts of the design. What you've got going is more akin to a 3d modeler's turnaround.

>> No.1519843

Oh, your armor is so shiny, whiteknight!
Please, take me off on your horse to pussy-land!

>> No.1519844

fucking excuses. you know you don't have the ability to not draw stiff.
you're not even "good enough", no matter what you tell yourself. know your place and improve.
work on it.

>> No.1519845


Yeah, the 3D modeler turn around thing was what I was going for. Basically just to show off the character's outfit and appearance.

This is one of the first actual organized concept I've created for one of my characters. Before they've just been sketches.

I'll take a look at The Skillful Huntsman, I know I have tons to learn when it comes to design and concept art. Your advice is greatly appreciated.

>> No.1519848


I'm not saying I'm a master artist or anything. I know my artwork is decent at best. But, you're just basing your opinion on my art from one drawing.

My intention was to draw this guy standing straight and still. This drawing is to just present his design and outfit.

>> No.1519849

>I know my artwork is decent at best.
that's where you go easy on yourself.
it just takes one drawing, especially form beginners, to see your general skill level.

>> No.1519854


Whatever you say.

>> No.1519915

but what he said is true?

>> No.1519922

projections have no validity with others, they're just introspections applauded by children.

>> No.1519929
File: 747 KB, 248x200, a6wdmXN_460sa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why i've almost lost all my hope for these threads.
You people are so fucking delusional.

I wish people had at least more sense than to post crap like >>1519820
while saying
>I need some advice. I have an Original Character!
For gods fucking sake the sticky is all you need right now you unbearable noob.
Don't you post crap like this while pretending it only has a few small problems and is "just fine" otherwise

But what am i expecting with a terrible OP like this. Of course all the noobs will feel just right at home with an OP like this.
/ic/ needs to go back to the good old days where beginners didn't dare to do anything besides lurking.

>> No.1519936

>/ic/ needs to go back to the good old days where beginners didn't dare to do anything besides lurking.
The draw thread looks kinda the same though.

>> No.1519938

I did ask this in a different thread, but now I found this one so I'll try my luck here.

But I have just taken up drawing (photoshop w/ wacom bamboo) and generally try drawing characters from a certain video game in a cutesy/chibi style, but I need some tips and tricks on how to do that.
Please any help would be greatly appreciated, or if you can point me in the right direction of who could help.


>> No.1519940

But the animu thread needs to change.

>> No.1519942


>> No.1519944

animu threads have gotten so bad, i started posting in the draw thread instead. i advise to do the same, until people chill the fuck down.

>> No.1519946


Original character do NOT steal!

>> No.1519961

>try drawing characters from a certain video game
doesn't /v/ and /a/ have drawthreads of their own?

>> No.1519962


>> No.1519963

tat post is proof /ic/ is being invaded by /a/ and /v/ shit tier scunts

>> No.1519971

you are the /a/ and /v/ cunt

>> No.1519973

Are you guys seriously this retarded? Do you even know what a character orthogonal is or how it's used for /3/ stuff? God damn at least educate yourselves before trying to give out advice. This kind of design work is perfectly legitimate.

>> No.1519974

That you?
Oh no, how will we ever get on without our whiny manchildren population?

>> No.1519976

>character orthogonal is or how it's used for /3/ stuff? God damn at least educate yourselves before trying to give out advice.

>character orthogonal

Heed your own advice. The term is "Turnaround" or "Character Sheet" or "Model Sheet."

>> No.1519978

you must be from those places or you'd know spoilers don't work on /ic/

>> No.1519982


>> No.1519984
File: 400 KB, 720x500, e601yk5i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


N.B.: People are telling you the figure is stiff not just because of the pose, but because the figure has no rhythm. Rhythm is the undulation of contours from the natural curves of bones, the tendency of muscles to spiral wrap around bones, contrapposto, gravity, etc. Those exist even when the pose is neutral.

>> No.1519985

which is a foreign concept to you, obviously. Back to emo land little /a/. or /v/ or whatever scunt you are

>> No.1519987
File: 73 KB, 497x333, 1369402403018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1519990

Rhythm isn't always synonymous with sinuous. Stop pretending you have a proper art education, it's embarrassing.

>> No.1519993


Lets see you try to red line that kids work, Mr. pro.

>> No.1519997 [DELETED] 

Who cares if he has a "proper art education" or not, his advice here is completely understandable and sensible!

>> No.1519999 [DELETED] 

you, re embarrassing yourself, sir.

>> No.1520000

Who cares if he has a "proper art education" or not, his advice here is completely understandable and sensible!

>> No.1520001
File: 56 KB, 452x718, tumblr_mr6r2gqMH11sb4zz1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get back into drawing but I just can't seem to do it. I get as far as this and give up, any help to push myself? Refresh the fun of drawing?

>> No.1520003
File: 110 KB, 620x402, mar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuck at coloring.

>> No.1520004



>> No.1520008

i could be him or i could be any of the other several people who are posting animu there, my identity isn't relevant, you pathetic excuse of a troll.

>> No.1520016 [DELETED] 

I'll be more than happy to redline your redline. Post something Mr. Self-Appointed, if you think you know what you're talking about.

It's misleading, and slithers in a narrow view of things. One of those words don't belong, it's easy to spot. That should tell you, they're not talking about the work and what's irritating about it; rather they're talking about what you should have done and prescribing how you should have gone about doing it.

If you wanted to be understandable and sensible, why not say it in it's most simplest form? (i.e. it's stiff.) And I don't remember the OP having problems understanding stiffness. Which leaves to question, why did this egotistical fuck feel it was necessary to explain that?

Narcissist will always try to find a way to manipulate. They view other people as ill-informed or vulgar if they see them doing things the "properly".

>> No.1520019

why are these threads still here? havent we all had enough?

>> No.1520021

I'll be more than happy to redline your redline. Post something Little-Mister-Self-Appointed, if you think you know what you're talking about. I more than postive your fat fingers can come up with something.

It's misleading, and slithers in a narrow view of things. One of those words don't belong, it's easy to spot. That should tell you, they're not talking about the work and what's irritating about it; rather they're talking about what you should have done and prescribing how you should have gone about doing it.

If you wanted to be understandable and sensible, why not say it in it's most simplest form? (i.e. it's stiff.) And I don't remember the OP having problems understanding stiffness. Which leaves to question, why did this egotistical fuck feel it was necessary to explain that?

Narcissist will always try to find a way to manipulate. They view other people as ill-informed or vulgar if they don't see them doing things the "properly".

>> No.1520022

You love it you know you do.

>> No.1520023
File: 18 KB, 300x228, panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nice, the background still looks a little empty though?
Especially the way the composition is set up with the dude looking in the empty space.

>> No.1520026

nobody loves cancer

>> No.1520027

don't be too preoccupied with how something is supposed to look like. just slap some thick blobs of color (imagine traditional media) onto the page and add something else and see how it combines...
that's a good way to gain experience with 'coloring'.
well, it's hard to explain...

>> No.1520031

Then what are you still doing here?

>> No.1520032

>Narcissist will always try to find a way to manipulate. They view other people as ill-informed or vulgar if they don't see them doing things the "properly".
It's not hard to imagine how bad you must be at drawing. Your skill in self-defense is so great, I can tell you honed it over the years to defend your shitty Sonichu-tier drawings. In fact, I believe you went to art school where they teach you how to explain your shittiness in convincing terms.
or maybe you just love to disagree. either way, get out.

>> No.1520036

watching a bunch of idiots develop crippling habits, you?

>> No.1520040


>> No.1520043

>watching a bunch of idiots developing crippling habits, you?

You love it you know you do, just admit it.

>> No.1520049

Post something if you're so eager to make this a dick showing competition. Speculating what my drawing prowess could be, means nothing to me. It's just you making a sad attempt at a psychological ploy.

>> No.1520051


>> No.1520058

I don't think you can draw, not even that guy.

you should either STFU or at least contribute or fix the mistakes you're trying to attack in that redline in the first place, we don't need more of "I can draw but never show" kind like you.

>> No.1520063

And that means what to me? Why should anyone give a shit about what you think? Take your own advice and SHUT THE FUCK UP.

>> No.1520067

wow, being this mad.

>> No.1520068

lol, she snapped.

>> No.1520072

Wow, being this simple

>> No.1520076


Wash your stinky pussy.

>> No.1520077
File: 163 KB, 927x578, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of coloring this.

>> No.1520080

You wish you could smell my pussy

>> No.1520081
File: 120 KB, 600x360, 3638663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a blank face template I could use thanks

>> No.1520082

> Take your own advice and SHUT THE FUCK UP

I don't think it works that way, you're the aggressor complaining about something that is a mistake yet never show it out how to fix it.

and for the record I don't give a shit about what you think either and your opinion on that redline.

>> No.1520084


Girls older than 12 aren't my style.

>> No.1520085


>> No.1520087

This isn't a counseling session, we're not in group therapy. If you don't give shit then go away. Heed your own advice STFU.

>> No.1520089

the neck doesn't connect to the head and torso like that, mister. i suggest you to draw 1000 necks from reference (if you are going to use anime/manga as reference, pick a good artist)

>> No.1520091

We all know about your little boy fetishes, no need to drag that out again

>> No.1520092

im curious, can you read? I was asking for head templates genius

>> No.1520094

you do really enjoy having an IQ of 4

>> No.1520096

read the sticky, the neck doesn't work like that

>> No.1520099


okay... :(

>> No.1520100

thank you, i think.

it's been months since the last time i colored anything and i feel wonky as fuck.

you guys should shitpost less and post art more. c'mon.

>> No.1520102

You must really enjoy not taking your own advice?

>> No.1520103

that's telling 'em

>> No.1520105

but that advice is purely intended for shitposter like you only

>> No.1520107

the last thing you need is a head template, genius.

>> No.1520112

but thats what we are here for right? development crushing shortcuts? so up with the head templates, the more angles the better. Chop chop

>> No.1520116


This is what these threads have devolved into.

This is our reality now.

>> No.1520119
File: 89 KB, 600x360, head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go! No need to thank me.

>> No.1520124
File: 49 KB, 630x351, 0f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1520130

check the sticky

>> No.1520131

they never evolved in the first place, nothing was lost

>> No.1520134

checked, no template there

>> No.1520139


>> No.1520152
File: 125 KB, 1693x1363, chemotherapy011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still need that redlines. Worked on it a bit after reading BOTH stickies.

>> No.1520156

its still ugly

>> No.1520162

Ugly how? Ugly like you, or ugly like you-don't-understand-so-you're-just-going-to-write-it-off-as-ugly.

>> No.1520165


Ugly like your whole family.

>> No.1520169
File: 940 KB, 1693x1363, moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ass is not kawaii enough.

>> No.1520170

aren't you that guy that argued with greydeath and TLG, still being mad I see.

>> No.1520172
File: 459 KB, 1000x1215, necks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1520173
File: 7 KB, 185x179, ducreux2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hit a neve there huh.
ugly as in SHIT.

but GOOD FOR YOU BUDDY, the others here can't even draw, you can at least do UGLY.
man, what a fucking accomplishment, what great skill. at least you are better than the beginner guys.
is that why you troll these threads?

>> No.1520179
File: 640 KB, 2000x600, CBYSL0s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably relevant to you.

>> No.1520180
File: 1.51 MB, 320x240, indian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/ic/'s worst are Rembrandts compared to all these fags that just fell off the /v/ and /a/ boats.

And most the anons that were working and doing well (deadhorseguy for one) in the first few threads are gone now.

Fuck these threads. It's just newfags and trolls shitting on each other now.

>> No.1520182
File: 99 KB, 600x360, socuteiwannadie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it now?

How about this? Moe enough for you?

>> No.1520183


>> No.1520184


The neck doesn't work like that. Reread the sticky.

>> No.1520185

just started using photo shop and a tablet

>> No.1520187
File: 223 KB, 590x333, 1366819521242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you can't do any better than this.

>> No.1520192
File: 124 KB, 600x360, socuteiwannadie_mk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've fixed the neck like Loomis taught me. Happy now?

>> No.1520198
File: 16 KB, 319x475, 1333578111992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


needs a candy cane in her mouth

>> No.1520200

Jaffa? I-is that you?

>> No.1520203

>implying im going to read that wall of bullshit.

>> No.1520229

Well this thread has gone to shit.

>> No.1520232

It's not the thread per se, it is /ic/'s habit of making an insignificant minor issue whether it be a matter of opinion or something someone doesn't like and turning it into a big deal.

Stay golden /ic/ :3

>> No.1520240

>It's not the thread per se
of course it is nazi troll

>> No.1520248

We really need to rethink these threads.

We want a small place for animu and cartooning or stylization in general.
But the problem is except for maybe a few, most people who want to draw animu here are pretty much complete beginners. And a badly drawn OP like that is just way too inviting to them.
While i think a place for beginners isn't too much against /ic/, i'm pretty sure a place for beginners to post their "art " and get "critique" is friggin pointless. (Read the goddamn sticky or practice instead)

Maybe we should give up. There just aren't enough artists to build an actual animu and cartooning thread. In the end it just becomes a beginner thread.

Well one thing we could do is pump more info into these threads to create content and learning material for cartooning and stylizing, similar to what teal did, only better.
But how are we supposed to get anything done when there are these obnoxious trolls orbiting all around the place?

>> No.1520257

I don't know about you but I intend to continue with these threads in the pursuit of knowledge even if I am the only one posting and I guess it would be similar to something I started seven months ago.

>> No.1520258

I remember a time (3 threads ago) when the animu draw thread was actually helpful. Animu in general attracts the beginners because it is the most accessible and easiest thing for them to start with.

Sure we'd get the "durrhurr cancur containment" post whenever there is a new one but why the sudden wave of trolls? Maybe it's because people are feeding them? We can still have a animu/mango thread like there always has been on /ic/, otherwise how else are the noobs supposed to know if they are going in the right direction?

Or, you know, stop this stupid segregation and merge with the main draw thread.

>> No.1520264


kick out the newfags from /a/ and /v/ first

>> No.1520270

these threads are pure cancer and op should be banned

>> No.1520274

Correction: Animu in general attracts the beginners because they *think* it's the easiest thing to start with.

They don't realise they have to actually learn the basics first before they can start applying style over them.

>> No.1520285


They do realize they have to actually learn basics before drawing anime, they just don't want to accept the grind for the reward.

>> No.1520293

Now that I've given it some thought, yeah I agree with >>1520258 about merging.

These thread were created to solve an non existent problem. Animu was never unaccepted in the generals. It was just discouraged to draw before having at least some understanding of fundamentals, which most beginners never learn. They think animu is very easy, which is deceptive. Mikufag was one of the most prominent pushers of these threads, probably thinking he would improve here more.

/ic/ is actually small enough as it is. Further dividing draw threads is pointless. Only a few people are interested in animu specifically, western cartoons and comics seem unwelcome judging by the name of the threads. This creates an even smaller thread. Also a smaller thread is an easier target for leEPICtrollingXD. Merging with the generals will diminish their effects.

Overall merging seems like the most sensible thing to do, thus eliminating all problems.

>> No.1520298

>These thread were created to solve an non existent problem.

Anime/cartoons do have unique sensibilities, based on practicality. That means there are certain best practices which wouldn't be applicable to other forms of drawing/painting. These threads should have, in theory, filtered out the arguments over construction or exaggeration or simplification, but those arguments happen anyway between trolls and people who should have known better.

>Overall merging seems like the most sensible thing to do, thus eliminating all problems.

The "problems" pervade other threads, as it is the nature of entire board. The only difference is in degree.

If you don't see any value left in this thread, just spend your time elsewhere. No offense, but trying to kill this thread is no more productive than trolling it.

>> No.1520301

just give it up already. let it die

>> No.1520300

Actually I remember when Draw Threads were just there for ppl to show off what they're drawing without necessarily needing/wanting critique. If someone did want advice on a given piece, they'd post it in its own thread.

>> No.1520308

>Anime/cartoons do have unique sensibilities, based on practicality.

I get what you mean, and I agree. And these threads should have worked. But the problem is that /ic/ is just not big and fast enough for every niche and artstyle to have its own thread.

And I'm not trying to kill these threads. If enough interest is shown in them, maybe they can still be viable. Perhaps a first step would be changing the name to something like "CARTOONING GENERAL cartoons/manga/animation/comics etc..." Right now it seems to be limited only to anime/manga style. The name counts for a lot.

>> No.1520310


>It was just discouraged to draw before having at least some understanding of fundamentals, which most beginners never learn.

Never learned the fundamentals or any of that shit, still draw decently.

All you need is a shitload of references and photoshop.

In this day and age, how good you draw depends more on your technical know how around software and ability to gather reference, really.

>> No.1520318

Keep calm, this is only an opinion... please don't start another uproar because of a single post /ic/.

>> No.1520343

thanks for the info that nobody gives two fucks about namefaggot

>> No.1520350

thank you for your opinion, noname faggot.

>> No.1520384
File: 1.18 MB, 240x252, 1375643934382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1520394 [DELETED] 

you suck for being here that long

>> No.1520395

shame all the time spent here hasn't helped your work

>> No.1520409
File: 29 KB, 269x409, AT130808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that it was me that responded to you Anonymously, Anon, you are mistaken.

And if you're "that guy from a couple ATs ago, all I have to say is, "Still Mad? :D"

All I'm saying is post in Draw/Anime/Cartooning thread if you just want to show a WIP, or contribute images to /ic/. If you want a serious critique, make you're own thread. Might make the board move faster at least.

>> No.1520416 [DELETED] 

shit, i think i recognize who you are. you're that faggot who was making anime troll threads years ago, aren't you? oh god, there really are people like you who dedicate their like to making shitty posts.

>> No.1520417

shit, i think i recognize who you are. you're that faggot who was making anime troll threads years ago, aren't you? oh god, there really are people like you who dedicate their life to making shitty posts.

>> No.1520419

You I like.

You mean Troll-Chan? I actually like this person hehe

>> No.1520420
File: 79 KB, 811x754, troll-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll-tan is actually old /a/ OC.

>> No.1520421

Oh I haven't been around for that long then. I only saw those drawings back when that dolphin guy was around.

>> No.1520422

no, this guy drew squiggles (called them pokemon) and started all of his threads with "anime sucks" and everyone would prove him wrong and it would repeat over and over...

>> No.1520426
File: 101 KB, 600x825, larry_birkhead_by_nitronight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1520431

>This is what the OP actually perceives! See the world through his eyes, only then will you understand!

>> No.1520470
File: 101 KB, 400x440, asdfasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime sucks

>> No.1520510

1. You're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Speculating why a person would want to draw anime is pointless. This is an anonymous board. To each their own. Why should you give fuck where they came? And sometimes, the fundamentals don't mean shit.You have no idea of the history, nor the actual goal(s) of these anonymous artist, until after they mad it clear. So any kind of presumptuous suggestion would automatically carry with it, you dictating what constitutes a "proper" animu endeavor. Already out the door, you're trying to control the conversation on a website known for it's chaotic dialogues. This ain't your personal toybox, so stop trying to control it as one.

2. The Blind leading the Blind

In the history of Weeaboo based threads, they all ran their course and failed in the end on one crucial problem:You people don't know how to critique. You don't know to give one, and you don't know how to listen to one. This lack of understanding can only come from two things: you're not interested in that much to care, or you don't want it. The reasons behind those reasons will vary. What matters is the resulting environment. People who don't know what they're doing when it comes to critiquing, giving advice and taking advice from each other. Some get high off the attention and process that learning. But eventually most get bored with the endlessly routine banter that ultimately goes nowhere

to be cont'd

>> No.1520514

>to be cont'd
No need, everyone already knows

Draw fucking something

>> No.1520516


3. The Privileges of anonymity will always bring its consequences.

Let's be honest, you can draw weeaboo shit anywhere and get the same feedback. We've all seen the deviantart forums. They can be just as ruthless. (And they have stricter moderation!) The anonymity here brings people who want to draw things they can't get away with publically. Stuff that belongs on /d/. This always happen. Two or three anons will start to post loli, then it turns into hentia, then it turns into futa, then turns into shota, or it turns into yaoi or guru or whatever. And the thread becomes inundated with the shit. Give a twenty something brat an inch and the'll take a mile, these grown ass children don't know shit about moderation. And it always ends up the same--janitors come sweeping along, with the brats complaining on /q/ WAAH WHY DE HATIN ANIMU? IT"S MUH STYLE.

Anime doesn't mean CP. But for some reason here on 4chan it sure does attract a lot of people with pedo like penchants.

>> No.1520520

Not drawing you CP. Stop asking.

>> No.1520521

>janitors come sweeping along
>on /ic/

>> No.1520526

>All this posting with no drawings
Gee no wonder these threads are shit, you guys are the one shitting them up.

>> No.1520530

Well to be honest I've been drawing somethings but I am ashamed of them because of uncanny valley. I can't into cute and adorable faces like Lefty.

>> No.1520532

lol so much meta, looks like the 'cancer containment thread' might burst like the ghost containment thing in ghostbusters.

>> No.1520534

I tried to, but apparently posting cartoons in a cartooning thread is considered trolling around these parts

>> No.1520535
File: 340 KB, 1000x1256, 565112545432s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to ask for some red line on some figures I'm working on but since you're all too busy bickering with each other I doubt anyone would be helpful.

I'll try anyway.

>> No.1520536

>The Blind leading the Blind
jesus christ that's literally what you are doing right now. stop saying that already, you are just randomly assuming nobody has the qualifications (besides you apparently) to give advice.
usually if the advice is bad people will point it out. they almost never fail to do that and to get into heated discussions over it.

if you are the same guy aing this all the time, you always say that without giving any suggestions about which part of the advice is wrong or what the correct approach is in your opinion.

>> No.1520539 [DELETED] 

shut up, we need more walls of text about how /ic/ is crap. not more pictures.

get that on-topic SHIT out of here, you make me sick.

>> No.1520540

Anyone want to pixiv chat?

>> No.1520542

i need to go to sleep

>> No.1520543

I don't think those are bad enough to benefit much from redlining.

The foreshortening on the rightmost figure's arm looks dangerous, but it might work when coloured in (with possible colour perspective) and I sure do hope that's not an ass crack on the leftmost figure

>> No.1520549


>> No.1520551

i completely agree with you.
i would just like to add that animu thread was created to guide in stylization, because some people in draw threads couldn't get their heads around stylized proportions.

>> No.1520552

Right girl's face is weird, her right arm doesn't look foreshortened enough, her left hand looks weird and her neck doesn't look attached properly to her ribs. But I like the overall design.

>> No.1520554

Maybe "stylization thread" would be more appropriate ._.

>> No.1520555

so the guy writing a billion word essay about how he is the only smart guy on the internet is fine. but fuck that guy pointing out the hypocrisy? mk.

>> No.1520558

More of this, thanks. This is what I come here for.

The left figure is the most challenging pose since I'm not clear on how the backside should be constructed, I know I shouldn't do this but I'll try to cover up with clothes. I'd appreciate if anyone can redline the correct gesture.

I'm still in the concept stages as you can see. I'll post more progress soon.

>> No.1520559

That's fine bro. Just keep observing photos and drawing construction beneath every figure you draw, and you'll get better over time. Just. Don't. Give. Up.

>> No.1520560

So it really is meant be her ass crack? Spines don't do 180 degree twists, jesus.

Incidentally, the pose works just fine if you swap it around and just pretend her vag was facing towards us all along.

>> No.1520562

left figure with the foreshortened arm: show the elbow, she's turning too much, we should only see here torso (and breasts) in profile.
rightmost cleaned-up figure: i get that you're probably trying to foreshorten her right arm, but it just looks small, so show it in full length, it's also poorly attached to her torso.

>> No.1520575
File: 44 KB, 424x892, 552125188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The breasts placement was screwing up so I fixed it. Is it better now?

>> No.1520582

you're going to need to tilt her hips a bit more forward.

>> No.1520584

just make a room.

>> No.1520585

You're going to need to tit her hits a tit more forward.

>> No.1520586
File: 99 KB, 600x800, New canvas Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to practice heroic anatomy with a generic pose. Hoping to get better with practice.

>> No.1520587
File: 295 KB, 2048x1536, P08-08-13_19.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1520591

"heroic" is fine, but you need to know how muscles actually work to do that first.
Try practicing gesture first. Use Proko's videos as guides. Then you can pretty much make any character look heroic by doing a heroic pose... know what I'm saiyan? After that, you can look into what muscles make someone look buff and stuff.
It looks like you're scratching down what you want on to your paper without constructing it. Before what you draw can be successful, you need to know how things work in a 3D way. Try looking into how construction works.

>> No.1520596


Thanks for that. I'll check out Proko's vids as I haven't in awhile. Just want to know, though, did I get anything right in the pic as far as the muscles go?

>> No.1520601

>you need to know how muscles actually work to do that first.

Can you actually prove that without presupposing? Can anyone here make an argument for that without begging the assumption that it's just so? Where's the real meat to that argument? What makes you think that that is the answer? (Cause I can think of several ways without learning anatomy.)

>> No.1520602


Not particularly.

>> No.1520614

I'm sorry for making it sound like 'AGH YOU NEED TO KNO ANATOMY OR U CANT DRAW HEROIC BLAH' my English isn't perfect. I could slap a superman logo on a cup and it would look heroic to some people. That particular artist wanted to draw a heroic looking person by what I assumed was heavy muscles and "awesome" gestures. You don't necessarily need to know how muscle anatomy works to make something look heroic. It may help you draw better pictures of heroic people, though.

>> No.1520612

Please don't start.

It's a suggestion. Just because it's stated in that way doesn't mean it's the only correct method. Having knowledge of the positions of muscles and how they interact with each other does help greatly to drawing accurate figures. Even if you don't explicitly draw them all they help you identify flaws in anatomy. If you know a quicker and easier way then please do tell us.

I'm not the poster you're replying to btw.

>> No.1520616
File: 87 KB, 900x900, backgound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave it a try to doing animu backgrounds. I fucking hate how sai lacks polygon selection.

>> No.1520618

Here, http://anime-backgrounds.tumblr.com/
to get you on your way (although they're mostly outdoors stuff).

>> No.1520623


Not asking for a definitive answer. I know there isn't one. And this isn't about wording right either. It's simple question: can you justify your method without a general presupposition?

>Having knowledge of the positions of muscles and how they interact with each other does help greatly to drawing accurate figures.

That's only helpful if you draw based liked that. What justifies the method in the first place? There are other ways of drawing a figure accurately and efficiently without knowing that. Cast drawing is one of several possible ways.

>> No.1520625

No, actually. I can't justify my method. It just happens to be how I, and many others, approach that issue, so I suggested that method to him. If you have another idea, go ahead and suggest that to him as well.

>> No.1520630

Why can't you justify it? What's would be needed for you do that? And why is it important to you that you draw like others do? And why do keep asking if I know of a better way?

>> No.1520632

I'm sorry, I know you have a lot of questions that just keep spawning off of each other, but I can't sate your curiosity.

>> No.1520633

it's your loss here, really

>> No.1520634





>> No.1520635 [DELETED] 

I don't mind.

>> No.1520636

I don't mind.

>> No.1520637

neat i'll remember that next time someone tries to socratease me

>> No.1520640

not your private thread, scunt

>> No.1520668
File: 289 KB, 2048x1536, P23-03-13_02.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1520671 [DELETED] 


It's a start. I have a great book that you might like that can really help you improve your work:


>> No.1520710
File: 228 KB, 2048x1536, P07-04-13_23.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the hime cut

>> No.1520715

This is something I would of drawn many months ago...tell me why did you draw these? I'm just wondering why because I am starting to lose my joy of drawing something. Now I hate everything I do and sometimes I wish I where innocent again.

What have you done to me /ic/.

>> No.1520718
File: 227 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this nice?

>> No.1520724

Y'all need to read the sticky

>> No.1520730 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 800x742, AT130809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pron. Sorry for the sketchyness, i'll be cleaning it up when I pencil it up.

>> No.1520735
File: 130 KB, 800x742, AT130809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pron. Sorry for the sketchyness, i'll be cleaning it up when I pencil it up.

>> No.1520736

is this the guy from small soldiers? although this isn't animu

>> No.1520756

You got an account with more?

>> No.1520773



>> No.1520802
File: 851 KB, 1966x1357, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fan art cartoon I just finished

Critique appreciated

>> No.1520816

Is that a bizarre? Fill that shit up.

>> No.1520818

You need to improve your line quality anon.

>> No.1520835
File: 82 KB, 398x687, earlysketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1520860
File: 118 KB, 609x750, naee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont really draw anime much but i thought i'd give it a shot cause i like dangan ronpa

will probably try again cause i'd like to make something worth coloring

>> No.1520862

read the sticky

>> No.1520866


It's painfully obvious you people are only here for confirmation.

>> No.1520867


>> No.1520868


Did you even look at the first one you replied to?

>> No.1520873 [DELETED] 

it's shit, read the sticky

>> No.1520874
File: 389 KB, 709x558, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, what have told you about replying to trolls?

>> No.1520875

>I don't like it, it must be a troll then.

Is that the only mode you got?

>> No.1520886

>Deliberately trying to start shit
>Offers nothing useful
>Not a troll


>> No.1520888

I'll post my dick if you can actually make a better linedrawing than that said post.
Of course it's possible, but i doubt YOU can do it, or come even close. You are severely underestimating all of this.
And that's because you don't understand shit about cartooning or animu. Maybe that's because you are a concept guy or just a digital painter, who knows, who cares.
You might as well be a troll in my eyes.

Also "read the sticky" in general is trollish to me (but not always) since you should know how large it is. It'd be less trollish if you actualy said which part of the sticky you were referring to.

Both armpits are weird, but her right one is worse. Study up on that yo.
Maybe also study up on the way the elbows work, since it looks like you are freehanding your way through those parts with guesses.

>> No.1520921 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 1366x768, PbPO3An.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hao 2 araki

>> No.1520924
File: 230 KB, 1366x768, PbPO3An.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hao 2 araki

>> No.1520967

How do you motivate yourself? I haven't drawn in a week.

>> No.1520971

Sometimes by looking at other people's art I get ideas and then I want to draw those ideas. I have to be in the right mood though, otherwise I end up getting jealous haha.
Sounds cliche but sometimes taking a walk helps too.

>> No.1520975

There are many things I do to get motivated. A lot of the time I start with a study to warm up, then get inspired and work on a project on my own. Once you get inspired it will all flow together nicely.

So yeah just force yourself to do a lot of studies and practice.

>> No.1520983


>> No.1521005

unless you start drawing, you're gonna die alone and afraid but that's not all, you're gonna die being shitty at art as well.

>> No.1521017

I'm not entirely sure what polygon selection is... but if it's something that you use to only paint in a selected area, then there is an option. Draw the thing you want to paint clean and sharp in a separate layer, for instance a table. Just color the whole thing (in the same layer) with the an opaque base color, for instance brown. Then have a peak to the left on your screen. Right over where the layers are listed there's something called "preserve opacity", click it! Now you can paint away on that layer without ruining your crisp edges! When doing this, it's very important to name your layers, as it quickly can be a lot of them and it makes it easier to keep order...

I hope this was what you were after, if not... ignore me.

>> No.1521023

I forgot to mention, if you use the line art layer for the first step, then "Preserve opacity" is not an option. But what you can do is: Draw your lines in a line art layer. Create a regular empty layer under it. Knock the two layers together - ta daa - it's turned in to a regular one!

>> No.1521028

Jeez, you either have no clue what you are talking about or you're a troll... I'm guessing the second one.

>> No.1521034

Jeezuz chrizt... Um, you are aware that YOU sound like a narcissist here! If you can't see that... then it just means you truly are one.

>> No.1521058

roar! scunt got teeth

>> No.1521060

Thanks, yeah i prolly should add more stuff in, i was thinking the guy is looking at not visible from that perspective buildings.
any ideas what to pus as bg?

>> No.1521061

i kinda dont understand.

>> No.1521066

i think its bazaar, yep it is.. yeah i should

>> No.1521071
File: 81 KB, 960x640, 524532_4937110309016_1853605700_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres one of my old stuff, not much but eh..

>> No.1521083

keep your old stuff to yourself.
and it's shit

>> No.1521094

Its called an imageboard for a reason, faggot.

>> No.1521097

projecting assholism is a best way to show youre hurt inside

>> No.1521098

There's no point in posting old stuff on a board meant for critique.

>> No.1521107
File: 1.73 MB, 1284x2454, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts so far from a design perspective? The cross over her uterus? Do her hair ribbons look too much like bear ears?

>> No.1521108

work on your perspective, especially with the hair

>> No.1521109

Yeah, I know my technical skills are shit, but what do you think of the design itself? I'm wondering if the cross is too silly and stuff.

>> No.1521111


>> No.1521112

Come on, Souleater is hardly the only thing with spiky-toothed grins.

>> No.1521115

>I know my technical skills are shit, but what do you think of the design itself?

Such ideas are a dime a dozen. The real worth of your design depends largely on how well you can elaborate it. If you already know your technical skill is lacking, then work on that instead of trying to find validation for your ideas. It is not at a stage where people would care to hear them.

>> No.1521116

Not him but I agree, it's very Soul Eatery.

>> No.1521126

get out

>> No.1521130
File: 125 KB, 566x854, loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A loli for you pedos.

>> No.1521132
File: 66 KB, 1060x706, chemotherapy012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1521133

Not him but it's the truth indeed.

>> No.1521134

stop same fagging loser

>> No.1521137

why you no flat?

>> No.1521139

thanks. saved :3

>> No.1521140

>Atrocious Anatomy General

>> No.1521141

It is hardly original or exciting and without colour it's kind of hard to tell. If it's a more subtle colour palette it might work but if it's going to be garish and lots of red it's going to look like a million other edgy deviant art designs drawn by 12 year old girls... and they can draw better than you.

>> No.1521151

Going to be a large mix of mis-matched colours.

>> No.1521152

>most of the shit on deviantart looking better than this

Going to have to disagree with you there, sir.

>> No.1521154

Let's see you do better

>> No.1521163

Then it'll probably come across as too in your face, who knows, it might work, is she a character in a story or just a design?
I never actually said that, I said it's similar to a lot of designs I've seen that have had better execution.
Anime isn't actually my style so I probably couldn't do better, but I'm a concept artist.

>> No.1521165

C'mon guize I posted in here for some feedback

>> No.1521167

This piece will be coverart for an album.

>> No.1521168

Too undetailed for me. Looks like it was drawn with a thick marker.

>> No.1521176
File: 765 KB, 2550x2418, wip-colour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coloured version so far. And yes, I know coloured pencil looks like shit but I think a little paint.net magic will clean this up. Should I leave out the hair ribbons or colour them as well?

>> No.1521179

I like it, it's cute yet it gives an unpleasant feeling but in a good way.

>> No.1521181

the darker hair works well, not sure about the legs warmers/arm warmers (two match on one side the other two don't?)
It looks better with the hair ribbons.
The orange in the right sock/thigh highs looks a bit weird as all the other colours go together and match something else

>> No.1521180

Thanks, usually what I draw is embarrassingly bad.

>> No.1521184

Noted, will probably change that.

>> No.1521186

I like the smile and purple hair

>> No.1521188

name of the artist? this is the coolest marisa I have seen xD

>> No.1521189

Also eyes are a kinda weird khaki colour, not sure if they're s'posed to be the light green used in the socks and have just got muddied up with pencil though.
Aside from that, the colours are pretty good and the drawing itself looks a lot better coloured in :)
Are you going to go over the lines with pen or leave them as is?

>> No.1521191

Probably do pen and have a version as-is. The eyes are meant to be yellow, but the pencil I used is shit and will probably need digital fixing to look decent.

>> No.1521193
File: 34 KB, 411x157, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click it you brain dead retard, and drop the emotes, you aren't on Facebook.

>> No.1521194

There's no google link and that other thing on my screen. What are you using?

>> No.1521195

T-There are seriously people here that don't use 4chanX?

>> No.1521197

go to settings next to home and images then enable image search :)

>> No.1521198
File: 290 KB, 2048x1536, P09-05-13_18.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just made this hope you guys like one piece

>> No.1521199

Little off topic but, do you have embedded youtube on your 4chanX? Ever since updating it, I have no clue how to enable videos on 4chan.

>> No.1521200

>Anime isn't actually my style so I probably couldn't do better

so you have nothing of value to contribute, get out

>but I'm a concept artist.

you and 2 million other anons. Post shit, or get out

>> No.1521201

Why are you getting agro? I wasn't overly rude, just gave my opinion, chill.

>> No.1521206

>Asking on 4chan why people are being agro

>> No.1521215
File: 706 KB, 1369x794, girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where should I aim now? I don't know how draw many things, and every day I'm trying to watch\rewatch more and more lessons(Vilppu, Hampton, others). I wanted to try out Dynamic Sketching with Peter Han, his exercises, but don't know, are they any useful. Or go into full anatomy.

>> No.1521219

Yeah it's all practice strokes.

>> No.1521221

I ceased to frequent since these threads truly became the shit hole of /ic/, so, I just want to ask, why is pedophilia, like, the main topic at hand?
I mean, I get that weeaboo related topics attract unpleasant crowds, besides, some anons here are fond of drawing loli, but why is this getting so much attention? As if some people want to derail the threads.

>> No.1521222

it's funny since there's no lolicon at all in this thread

>> No.1521224

How did you guys get through the Vilppu videos?

They're interesting and I'm learning slowly but I'm finding it hard to sit through several hour and a half videos without getting bored or letting my mind wonder.

>> No.1521228


It's just one guy trying to derail and shitpost, and then retards take his bait.

>keep spinning your wheels
>wow think for yourself fag you don't need your funDAmentals
>sorry don't draw CP

It's the same fag, it's probably Chaos/Dolphin guy.

TLDR: It's a one man conspiracy to keep /ic/ shitty

>> No.1521229


I don't think so...

>> No.1521230

hows the weather over there in fantasyland

>> No.1521231


I'm pretty sure

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.1521232

I don't post often but you don't really need to say "original character, please rate."

Flesh out your character, give him a defining figure, make him look like he's a serious samurai then drawing him stiff as a board. Anyways, It's a very nice character design.

>> No.1521237


>> No.1521238
File: 26 KB, 534x578, kitkatsnap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1521240


>> No.1521239

Work on the shoulders, and a bit on hr anatomy. And please next time read the sticky before everyone bears there fangs and claws at you.

>> No.1521241

>a bit on hr anatomy
>a bit
You're fucking kidding.
No wonder these threads are laughed at, holy fuck.

>> No.1521244

These threads are laughed at because of the deviantart-quality and everybody just drawing characters from other shows instead of making their own shit.

>> No.1521245

It's complete shit. You're just drawing symbols of the things you think make up a person. Learn anatomy. Study live models. The composition sucks, the "background" that you've created with what I think might be balloons is awful. And are those fucking song lyrics?

1/10, and that 1 point is only because you created something. You're one step closer to not sucking, but you're still absolutely terrible and need to learn.

>> No.1521247

fuck you not everyone ahs to be a master artist you fucking dipshit. Fucking shut the fuck up.

>> No.1521249

I was just being nice. Might as well play the good cop.

>> No.1521250

Stop drawing with your mouse!

>> No.1521251

This can't be real. This can't be anything other than trolling.

>> No.1521253

High School Weeaboo Fanart General

>> No.1521254

Do an animu drawing better than everything else in this thread and then you can talk.
>inb4 hurr i don't do weeaboo shit because its stupid!

Then shut the fuck up and move along.

>> No.1521257
File: 769 KB, 800x1168, crappy fanart why are the colours so screwed up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crappy fanart, I like yours a lot better

>> No.1521261

Holy fuck, it really is deviantart in here. Okay, fine, you retards enjoy your general.

>> No.1521258

Not everyone is like me when someone gives me their upfront and honest opinion about my drawings, some people have feelings you know.

>> No.1521259

Holy fuck, that's awesome you liked it enough to do your own. It looks pretty good.

>> No.1521260

I can't read this without thinking of an angry 12 year old hammering his keyboard.

>> No.1521262

That is just plain ugly and disgusting, yeah the other drawing is a whole lot better.

>> No.1521264
File: 28 KB, 800x533, 1373655017194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1521265

But, you do what you were doing is like a person who hates sports telling people who good basketball players are.

>> No.1521266

>Guy claims to be a master of picking up a pencil
>Punches a hole in the table instead of picking up the pencil
>Guy who isn't a master of picking up pencil can clearly see that he's doing it wrong

>> No.1521268

No it isn't. At all. I like anime quite a bit, in fact. The problem is that goddamn picture. It's objectively bad. It's not a matter of "you don't like anime, so you're clearly biased against anime." The anatomy is fucking awful. Shirts are not part of the human anatomy. The body must be understood before you can add clothes to it. It's bad, and the artist needs fundamentals.

So why don't YOU take your ass back to your deviantart--or whatever awful "art website"--hugbox you crawled here from, and let artists try to help other artists.


>> No.1521267

That doesn't make sense. The guy throwing a fit hasn't done a fucking thing and therefor the guy telling him he's wrong doesn't need to produce his own work to prove his opinion is valid.
A better example would be
>guy makes a cake
>fucks up the ingredients
>cake is dry as fuck, tastes like shit
>somebody tells him the cake sucks

>> No.1521269

No, he is giving you a honest opinion on your work from an outsiders point of view.
Don't get hurt and learn from it, don't be a dipshit, even the most ignorat criticism is better than ball licking flattery

Besides, his first comment was right, there is NOTHING slightly good here but the example made by tealbro, it's a shitfest of poor uneducated anatomy

>> No.1521271

Okay, okay I'm sorry. I wasn't being serious. Let's not fuck over the thread further.

>> No.1521274


needs more loomis

>> No.1521276
File: 922 KB, 1366x2540, Scan4-colour-final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I think I can say the character herself is about finished until I do the background and shit.

>> No.1521277
File: 45 KB, 400x279, 3th41h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forget we're drawing animu not loomis

silly anon

>> No.1521278


>> No.1521286


You forgot "fat fingers". That's my latest one.
>Thanks for being such a fan.

>> No.1521289

In the 4chan X website, go to the "Extra" section

>> No.1521295

These threads are laughed and cried at because in essence they are nothing more than full grown men fixated in expressing themselves through a fantasy of being a japanese cartoon child. It's laughable because they are only partly serious with using crying emoticons and flattering each other with cliches doodles of vulnerable, nervous children. It's depressing because they really do want to be wholly serious with it.

If they are sure they aren't the joke they'll tell you this is all just fun and games, relax. But question it, and they'll show you their teeth.

>> No.1521297

Either that or I think I should have used a much bigger piece of paper to draw, I was using a small notebook and a brush pen. Too broad?

>> No.1521299


>> No.1521302
File: 537 KB, 1600x2133, IMG_20130809_145955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALERT my interpretation is bad but it shows how much a concept benefits from even a little amout of knowledge
Hope it helps you OP
Beware of hands and well all in general

>> No.1521306


>> No.1521326
File: 483 KB, 1000x1256, 565112545432s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to do some studies on faces before I finalize my lines and paint.

>> No.1521329

you need to study more that just faces, kiddo

>> No.1521333

See >>1521329
But don't be offended. It's a pretty good concept. This picture is one of those things that, after a lot of study, you might want to re-draw.

>> No.1521340

GTFO Stop feeding the trolls

>> No.1521345

Add some shading and this is professional quality. Looks fantastic, don't listen to fags like

>> No.1521349


>> No.1521350
File: 141 KB, 918x1264, 1375011253114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why what? I can compare its quality to shit like pic related. That's professional quality. Just because its not fully coloured doesn't mean it can't look good.

>> No.1521362
File: 99 KB, 417x690, tilt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK! I'm trying to practice here and I keep tilting my head unknowingly and it causes everything I draw to bend.

Has anybody else had this problem? and how did you deal with it?

>> No.1521370

I had that problem too. It left when I got glasses, though. Weird.

>> No.1521374

Whats even weirder is that I went to the opticians today for an eye test and to sort out some glasses.

Hope it clears it up then.

>> No.1521377
File: 743 KB, 1366x2540, (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, lots of people are re-drawing your stuff.
Why not? Mine is pretty different, though. Also, don't look at the arms. Just don't.

>> No.1521379

If that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell ya.
Steal someone's neck brace, maybe?

>> No.1521382
File: 121 KB, 470x718, reimu is a sex kitten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, world!

>> No.1521383

lol file name

>> No.1521384

It's YOU! You're back! I've been waiting to ask if you have a tumblr/dA or something!
Also, I feel like Reimu's irises are a bit weird, but that's just me at the moment.

>> No.1521391

i've got both:

they won't be updated for the foreseeable future.

>> No.1521394

Pff, I never update mine, so I can relate.
Thanks so much!

>> No.1521403
File: 188 KB, 869x717, Sukub3 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something to do in free time.
Also, disregard stupid censorship. It's a joke for another site I'm posting to.

>> No.1521405

Looks fantastic.

>> No.1521406


based dead horse guy

>> No.1521408

her left foot shoot be foreshortened too, otherwise it just looks like she's got a stumpy leg.

>> No.1521422

>they won't be updated for the foreseeable future.
why not?

>> No.1521442

just a time sink. i also don't want to get caught up in what i've already done.

>> No.1521446
File: 33 KB, 400x286, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I probably should have never mentioned the original character part. Been getting a lot of flack for just stating that.

The reason he looks so stiff is because I'm just drawing a turn around character sheet for his concept. This was inspired by the Legend of Korra character concept sheets. (Image to the left).

I just wanted to try the same thing to present my character. Although, I'm very aware my anatomy or artwork is anywhere near LOK. Just using it as an example.

I do have other drawings of my characters in fluid poses. I'm glad you like the design.

>> No.1521458
File: 102 KB, 430x700, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1521464

New General


>> No.1521469

Alright it's cool and yeah I'm glad you know your stuff.

>> No.1521500

somebody got mad

>> No.1521506

It was a bad op. had to be done.

>> No.1521517

trying too hard to seem like it wasn't trying too hard.

(it wasn't me, btw)

>> No.1521519

should've made it more pedo friendly

>> No.1521521

it was fat fingers. Ever since he lost his "contacts" from that TOR fiasco, he's been a bitter ever since.

>> No.1521553

shame on you for gossiping

this isn't high school

>> No.1521570

it ain't gossip if it's true. Fat fingers is bitter because he lost his CP resources.

>> No.1521584

i will ask you to stop bullying one more time before i escort you off the premises!

>> No.1521597

For what?

>> No.1521616

uncensored version pls?

>> No.1521626


>> No.1521643

Do you have a place where I can find more of your stuff?

>> No.1521655

this is bait

>> No.1521709
File: 112 KB, 1078x734, body work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. He's the only "animu" artist in this thread with any sort of basic grasp of fundamentals.
I've only been drawing for about a year and a half now, and I know I've got a terribly long way to go. But I know I'm not going to get anywhere without fundamentals, and finding someone that teaches that while still drawing in an anime style is something I don't want to pass up.
I want my figures to be well constructed and make sense in 3D space, but I'm not aiming for realism in the least bit.

>> No.1521736

Are you retarded? The poster of that image is not the artist himself.

>> No.1521737

this really is bait

>> No.1521738

Look at the filenames of >>1519984 and >>1520179.
Why would someone bother to rename the files the same weird way?

>> No.1521740

>He's the only "animu" artist in this thread with any sort of basic grasp of fundamentals.

1. CP =/= Animu
2. Teal is all skills but no talent
3. He knows his fundamentals, but doesn't know anything outside that

read the sticky

>> No.1521743

Now this is bait.

>> No.1521745


>> No.1521747

Now this is needless shitposting.

>> No.1521748

Shitposting exhibit A) >>1521747

>> No.1521778
File: 198 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1521817

Will do. Thanks!

There will be one after I finish.

>> No.1521971

Stop pirating.
If you're going to use sai, at least buy a license.

>> No.1522109

How can you tell they pirated it?

>> No.1522262

Go ask TLG