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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 58 KB, 772x814, gadsadbvda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1513091 No.1513091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>paint randomly slapped onto a canvas
>random lines and colors like pic related
>blank canvas

>"wow look at how deep and meaningful this artwork is, so artistic"

kill yourself

>> No.1513095 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 495x480, 1364410424568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1513096

1. Precapitalist theory and postcapitalist theory

If one examines dialectic subcultural theory, one is faced with a choice: either accept precapitalist theory or conclude that sexual identity, perhaps paradoxically, has significance. Sartre suggests the use of patriarchialist narrative to attack hierarchy. Thus, any number of desublimations concerning deconstructive objectivism may be found.

The characteristic theme of the works of Eco is the bridge between narrativity and class. The subject is interpolated into a precapitalist theory that includes culture as a reality. But Lacan uses the term ‘preconstructivist materialism’ to denote the role of the observer as participant.

Patriarchialist narrative holds that reality serves to entrench sexism. Thus, Buxton[1] states that we have to choose between postcapitalist theory and the cultural paradigm of expression.

In The Name of the Rose, Eco examines patriarchialist narrative; in The Limits of Interpretation (Advances in Semiotics), although, he affirms postconceptualist dialectic theory. It could be said that the premise of precapitalist theory holds that the law is fundamentally unattainable.

Derrida promotes the use of patriarchialist narrative to read sexual identity. In a sense, a number of discourses concerning a self-fulfilling whole exist.

>> No.1513097
File: 49 KB, 495x480, 1364410424568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1513098

do you seriously think that shit is art?

>> No.1513102

It should be added that the metaphorical resonance of the purity of line notates the remarkable handling of light.

>pinishou truss

>> No.1513107

>"B-B-But muh realisms!"
>"all abstract looks like child shit, hurr lol no anatomies"

>> No.1513113
File: 297 KB, 1112x810, monet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1513117

Are you seriously that ignorant of Composition?

>> No.1513126
File: 22 KB, 555x506, Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I can do it in 2 minutes with MSpaint, it isnt art
pic related, my mspaint art

>> No.1513127


>> No.1513129

the weird thing is, yours is actually cooler looking than the one in OP's post

>> No.1513128

The colors are better in the original but I still like yours better

>> No.1513132

>print that out
>slap it on a canvas
>put it in art exhibition
>get some stupid faggot to buy it for 10 000 dollars because HURR SUCH DEEP COMPOSITION

>> No.1513133

Wow, you fucked up. The color balance is awful and the harmony is gone.

Do you even Goethe? Or are you really this stupid with color proportions?

>> No.1513134

shut up faggot, if you thought this was done by some famous 2deep4u artist retard you would have praised the shit out of it

>> No.1513137

google "bias"

>> No.1513138

yeah, OP
abstract paintings are a way to distract goyim from actual skill and fundamentals, im glad to see there are people who realize that.
fuck all abstract artists.

actually, he started painting like that because he went blind, not because hurdur abstract so deep

>> No.1513139

im a realist painter and i love mondrian

you guys take this shit way too seriously

>> No.1513141

vision loss caused this, stop being ignorant

>> No.1513146
File: 6 KB, 443x381, wrfhgwafd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

45 seconds in mspaint later, pic related
am I a famous artist yet

>> No.1513148

somebody paints something i dislike and someone else considers it art!!! OH MYY GOOOODDDD!

yeah, read that multiple times until you realize how stupid you sound

>> No.1513151


I don't need know the artist to know how a piece works. I can't help you don't know shit about Art beyond what is frequented here on /ic/.

>> No.1513150

>somebody paints something that a child could paint with 1 eye closed and his hand tied behind his back and someone else considers it art, what the fuck is wrong with people. do you really need to have it explained why an art degree wont get you a job?

yeah, read that multiple times until you realize how stupid you sound

fixed that for you

>> No.1513153

heres my MSpaint version guys, what do you think?

>> No.1513156

says the guy who thinks that these are art

>> No.1513158

>something that literally anyone could make in 5 minutes

stay upset

>> No.1513157

ITT: plebes who dont understand context or the progression of mondrian

stay jelly

the fact that we're arguing about this well after he died is proof that he was on to something

>> No.1513159

tell me more about how your standards and opinions are objective and superior and everything should dance as you whistle, mr merchant.

>> No.1513160

>he was on to something
he was on to nothing, stupid 2deep4u hipsters got ahold of his work and acted like it was the best shit ever, now ignoramuses like >>1513151
actually think it is art

>> No.1513161

Google "Classical Order" you dumb shit

>> No.1513162
File: 15 KB, 470x413, dgnsvfnsv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if it can be done so easily, so quickly, with no motivation or meaning and with no purpose, it isnt art

look, I made one as well, wheres my praise?

>> No.1513163

the work ITT is later mondrian, his progression is definitely art

stop being so rigid in your thinking

>> No.1513164

>Thinking you can make something equivalent without understanding the time tested principles applied.

Stay autistic

>> No.1513167

>his progression is definitely art
go back to art school and complaina bout how you cant get a job

>> No.1513168

This isn't Loomis. Mondrian is way out of your league, kiddo.

>> No.1513169

idk, ask famous worldwide critics why is that?

but you still didnt explain why is your opinion objective and everyone should bow down and listen to it?

you surely have a very long experience with traditional art and know fundamentals of all sorts, to throw criticism like this.

>> No.1513170
File: 912 KB, 771x853, gdavaxcv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed OP

>> No.1513172

>idk, ask famous worldwide critics why is that?
>you surely have a very long experience with traditional art and know fundamentals of all sorts, to throw criticism like this.
not the guy you are pointlessly squabbling with here, but if you have been told what art is, and you 'study' it instead of just enjoying it, you are a endlessly immense faggot who needs to kill themselves

>> No.1513173

>ask famous worldwide critics
>you surely have a very long experience with traditional art
get a load of this dumbass, he thinks that you need to be told what art is and that you can actually research it
protip: when you see good art, you will know it without researching it. you have no idea what art is

>> No.1513174

>going to art school being used as an insult

lol only on /ic/

Seriously guys, you can be an academician, you can be a staunch realist, but ranting about abstract expressionism is just stupid and pointless, get over it.

>> No.1513175
File: 1.81 MB, 320x240, 1370791401028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get it, guys! You can't just draw scribbles and call them art!

First you study art for years.
Then you suck popular artist's and exhibition organizer's dicks to get some publicity.
And only THEN you draw scribbles (with slight references to composition and/or color theory) and sell them for thousands of dollars!

>> No.1513176

>idk, ask famous worldwide critics why is that?

>listening to other peoples opinions on what art is
you arent an artist and have no idea what you are talking about, get out

>> No.1513178

wow, you must be a psychic, you clearly describe what I do and how I approach art! amazing!

>> No.1513181

so much this

there are artists who can make works more deep, beautiful and pleasing than ANY of the shit in popular exhibitions, but he wont get noticed because faggots are busy with OMG SUCH DEEP COMPOSITION LATE MODERNISM SURREALIST HURR CIRCLEJERK TIME

>> No.1513182


if you consider something art because some "famous critic" said so then it's sad as fuck that you lack the brain to decide for yourself.

>> No.1513185

>everyone gets over it
>even more art school hipster frauds who can't do jackshit but abstract fecal matter become successfull

>everyone keeps complaining
>memes leve on
>frauds keep on living shitty lives and die out of hunger

>> No.1513183


wow, all this objectified butthurt
I was reffering to OP asking if hes famous yet.

also, I love how it took you that post which you actually didnt understand to know everything about me! you guys are sooo good at this!

pls tell me more about myself! enlighten me about my journey through life!

>> No.1513184

ITT bad painters who waste their time arguing with other bad painters instead of working on their art

>> No.1513186


oh, silly, /ic/.. every-freaking-time...

>> No.1513187

>pls tell me more about myself!
well, right now you are clearly very upset, which pleases me.

>> No.1513188

but thats not reality

there is a revival in realism since the 80's

it's like you've never been to a gallery or show and get all of your opinions on art from 4chan....ohwait

>> No.1513191

>pls tell me more about myself! enlighten me about my journey through life!
you are very easy to upset, you are finally realizing that a bunch of black lines on white canvas with some color isnt art. you may also be realising that you are just a hipster faggot who doesnt know what art is, but i dunno, you might be too deluded to realize. I mean, you actually think the shit in this thread is art.

>> No.1513190

Just like I said

>frauds keep on living shitty life and die out of hunger

>> No.1513193

oh, no, youve got me, that must surely be true because im responding to your posts and all the troll logic says so! go on please.

>> No.1513194

amazing, go on! please! im being enlightened!

>> No.1513195

>meanwhile, at this faggots house

>> No.1513196

tell me more!

>> No.1513198

>just another day on /ic/

>> No.1513204


please guys, cant you tell me more! you surely must know a lot more! enlighten me PLEEAAASE
>im so mad right now so please enlighten me

>> No.1513208

youre an autist, youre incredibly mad right now, you probably cant do shit let alone know shit about art, you should fuck off and kill yourself and your mom should kill herself for ever bringing you onto this world.

>> No.1513213

oh wow! nice! tell me more!

>> No.1513215

I think we should praise the msp artist over OP's featured artist because he did not convey to such methods and created something truely original

>> No.1513217

you should just stop, youre pathethic and youre only hurting yourself, im laughing my ass off at how stupid and butthurt you must be, you dumb shit. get out of your basement and find some nice tree in the forest. everything that needs to mentioned was mentioned, so just go kill yourself to /b/ you little pathetic fuck, and stop inducing the dumb rage youre experiencing, lol

>> No.1513218
File: 209 KB, 500x610, detail_Mondrian_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think there's something "oh so deep" intended with Mondrian's late work, you're basically standing up to have yourself counted with the rest of the loud idiots.

You can't do it in two minutes. When you produce such a painting in that time, let us know. Mondrian's late pieces are highly textured and varied. Many different whites are layered. There was a process of building up and removing strips to create ridged 3D ravines.

>> No.1513221

thats so enlightening, im getting to know myself!! tell me more please, dont stop!

>> No.1513219
File: 133 KB, 500x333, Detail_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1513222
File: 97 KB, 899x674, Mondrian-Sheep_Pen_Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mondrian - so untalented. Not like faggot OP, who will light the world on change culture with his great skill and clear intellectual brilliance.

>> No.1513223

If it's time consuming it doesn't automatically make it a work of art that should be praised
>When you produce such a painting in that time
It's not a race either

How dumb are you people, seriously?

>> No.1513225
File: 265 KB, 441x688, Mondrian-Dead_Hare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Mondrian. If only he had half the skill and artistic insight of OP.

>> No.1513226

>implying he wasnt just smirking shit on there and overdoing multiple times because he couldnt get the right value
>implying it isnt just a proof of his inability to use paint correctly

dont stop being pleb, /ic/
praising shitlord for being shitty is really what youre good at!

>> No.1513227

You dumb fag, that was a response to the direct quote:
>If I can do it in 2 minutes with MSpaint, it isnt art

Was your father disappointed that you were a faggot?

>> No.1513230

>we should praise
>truely original

He attempted to do what Mont did, how's that 'truly original'? And worst he failed at it. How's that praisable?

>> No.1513228

just stop, seriously, you're overindulging your rage and your stupidity, and you're obviously too dumb to comprehend anything that has been told and you are way to shitty to understand what to answer, you're a fucking autistic noggel that deserves nothing but misery, so leave before you really get hurt

>> No.1513229
File: 27 KB, 364x552, Mondrian-mill_heeswijk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's right, retard, poor Mondrian didn't have your skill or insight. He couldn't mix...white.

>> No.1513231


these are also really shitty, they are extremely muddy, miss composition and color correction, theyre overall boring as fuck and show how little experience he actually had

the hare might be slightly good, but its still a muddy piece of shit painting, that deserves no praise

so, as been said multiple times, please, kill yourself, you know nothing of art

>> No.1513232

>muddy shitpiece of a pathetic study that should be burned

yeeaaah youre really proving your point here

>> No.1513233
File: 38 KB, 758x475, Mondrian-going-fishing-1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only OP had been there to give painting lessons and teach art theory to Mondrian.

>> No.1513237

Just like I said.
>study art for 10 years
>and only THEN go full retard and start selling scribbles

You are praising a Snake Oil sealeseman just for the fact that he has an actual doctor degree.

Doesn't make him and his oil less of a fraud.


>> No.1513238

awesome! please tell me more!

>> No.1513239
File: 78 KB, 744x590, Mondrian-wood-with-beech-trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In for a penny, in for a pound. OP doubles down on his retardation and the world laughs.

>> No.1513240

He didn't covey to the norms of others like Mont did regarding classical order and medium

>> No.1513244

ITT: mads

>> No.1513242

also, his studies aren't even that good

hes a jewish fraud and deserves no fame

>> No.1513245

get a load of this fucking guy

>> No.1513246

If you made these pieces in digital medium people would call them average or below average

>> No.1513248

but that's because digital painting is massively easier than handling physical media

>> No.1513249

durrr obviously, digital is a shit tier medium to start with anyway. muh tablets.

>> No.1513250
File: 7 KB, 424x434, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurrr composition 2 depp 4 me.

>> No.1513252

thats right, goyim, call me retarded without proving any points! exactly how the good uncle merchant thaught you!

>> No.1513253
File: 3 KB, 424x434, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can haz rich and famous yet?

>> No.1513255

I don't think that it affects the quality of the work. Traditional painting has some limitations obviously but these pieces aren't bad because of the medium

>> No.1513257

yeah, because its not like you need any experience with it. its the starting pleb medium that eventually anyone can handle! right? RIGHT?

>> No.1513259
File: 37 KB, 364x555, composistion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miss composition

Stay stupid, please.

>> No.1513260
File: 202 KB, 571x912, mondrian-scan0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teenagers need structure in the summer. Otherwise you end up with a colicky babby like OP.

>> No.1513261
File: 5 KB, 420x434, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does /ic/ even lift

>> No.1513262
File: 160 KB, 593x912, Chrysanthemum_1908-09_watercolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got a live one...

>> No.1513264

Those pieces aren't bad period. Digital media makes art easier, deal with it.

This thread is full of geeks whos mindset is that art can only be painfully rendered portraits that are derivative of sargent and zorn, or concept pictures with a large monster juxtaposed with a tiny human holding a staff

>> No.1513267 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 420x434, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1513274
File: 523 KB, 1184x992, evening-at-weesperzijde-sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for OP. People fall on their faces all the time, true, but it's not usually this severe. Poor kid.

>> No.1513275
File: 1.81 MB, 3648x2736, The Intervention of the Sabine Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe there's more to composition than 2depp colors and lines

>> No.1513276

>still posting muddy pieces of shit
>still thinks that the top 'paintings' can be anyhow related with art

stay babby, little one

>> No.1513278
File: 184 KB, 899x700, Piet Mondrian-328927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwww, somebody is a gwumpy babby today and needs nappy time.

>> No.1513279

Most people don't think solely in extremes, you know. Just because someone likes Zorn's kind of work doesn't mean they dislike other kinds of work just because it doesn't resemble a classic portrait or some shit.

tl;dr: Most people aren't bitching about style but about other things that are more important.

>> No.1513281

oh so youre implying that a piece of artwork has to be a masterpiece of composition for it to have any value or garner any respect?

>muddy piece of shit
>likely better than anything this anon has ever painted in his/her life

pick both

>> No.1513283

it's a planned composition though, not random lines and colors like a drip painting.

>> No.1513285
File: 81 KB, 254x809, mondrian-flowers_sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread is full of geeks whos mindset is that art can only be painfully rendered portraits that are derivative of sargent and zorn

Pretty sure that:

1. It's just OP.
2. OP is too stupid to actually appreciate Sargent or Zorn.

Still, watching OP flail like this is amusing, so let's keep it going.

>> No.1513287

>Most people don't think solely in extremes, you know

You must be new here.

My post is entirely relevant to /ic/

>> No.1513288

anybody else see brownish blotches where the lines intersect when you arent focusing on them

>> No.1513289
File: 50 KB, 481x300, 1369858673805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are YOU implying that I'm IMPLYING?
I'm saying it DOES have great composition without relying on it as it's only crutch.

Do you consider a value bar to be a MASTERPIECE OF VALUE? Is a color wheel a MASTERPIECE OF COLOR?

Shit son.

>> No.1513294

optical illusion from the white surrounding the black intersections.

>> No.1513296

Lateral inhibition.

>> No.1513299
File: 467 KB, 1008x1219, 9264_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Mondrian thread's a good Mondrian thread, imo.

>> No.1513305

why the fuck IC is so easy to troll?

>> No.1513307

>implying OP is not a genuine idiot.

>> No.1513311

The good artists get no critiques or opinions on their work.... the troll threads get endless posts...

>> No.1513315

Piet Mondrian accomplished more in his life than you ever will

>> No.1513319

I just want to believe that he is a troll cause it would be too sad if he was really this ignorant.

>> No.1513324
File: 166 KB, 267x199, 1362667009204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it looks like when an amateur tries to sound knowledgeable.

>> No.1513330

like bootsy collins?

>> No.1513334

op, it's painfully obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.1513348
File: 137 KB, 750x934, Shiggidy Diggy Di.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Van Gogh! Thats not how anatomy or anything works!? And whats up with all those strokes!?
>it's muh style

>> No.1513350

Van Gogh isn't known for his technical skill, he's known for the emotion in each of his paintings. He actually started as an artist pretty late into his life (considering how it was cut short). Learn about his life; his paintings are incredibly emotionally striking.

>> No.1513352

what is irony?

>> No.1513356

I don't get it. were you being sarcastic and I missed it?

what is internet

>> No.1513357
File: 1.04 MB, 720x1280, Screenshots_2013-08-01-17-39-351698323887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my opinion on mondrian is important and informed even though i've only seen pixellated reproductions

>> No.1513358
File: 65 KB, 539x700, Mondrian_Self-Portrait+-+c1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP was so butthurt over this thread he went and started the same one on /pol/.


>tfw even /pol/ rejects your reactionary retardation.

Not a good day for OP.

>> No.1513365
File: 393 KB, 640x464, SAM KINNESON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1513384

i did not know that. ignore my post ;_;

>> No.1513386

>early monet is better than late monet
get a load of this pleb

>> No.1513400

he didnt go blind, he had extremely bad cataracts that distorted his vision

>> No.1513407

What is funny about all this, is that my gf has a masters degree in Art History an she even thinks this shit is stupid.

>> No.1513411

And his work is still shit.

>> No.1513425

Only thing in this thread that is painful, is to look at those 2deep4edgy colorboxes.

>> No.1513426

Troll thread. Report and move on.

>> No.1513427

>anything I don't like is a troll

>> No.1513433

No, the intent of these threads, regardless of the subject matter, is to provoke trouble and disrupt /ic/. We've been through it a million times. Doesn't matter if it's Dada or Bouguereau.

You'll get yours.

>> No.1513435

> my gf has a masters degree in Art History an she even thinks this shit is stupid.

It makes sense. Every era has questions and problems that artists try to adress.

People doing art today are not interested in practicing like an egyptian or a Greek did centuries ago, because they're interested neither in immortality nor in beauty and virtues (well, most of them aren't).

But, it also mean that we have no obligation to be interested in the art of yesterday. It answers questions that don't concern us, because 2013 SHYGDDT.

> inb4 we're blocked in a post-modern loop and art can't evolve anymore because muh Guernica

>> No.1513441

>Those pieces aren't bad
Mediocre at best
>Digital media makes art easier, deal with it
I never said it doesn't. Doing something in traditional doesn't make it look automatically better just because it's harder

>> No.1513502

>/pol/ agrees with OP
>'HAHA you got served op!'

>> No.1513512
File: 382 KB, 392x500, 1371871070354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because all the examples look like shit compared to the original.

Yes, it's so easy.

>> No.1513529
File: 75 KB, 300x302, 2317339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the harder it is to make the art the better art it is

>> No.1513532

Thats because you're gf is a retard.

>> No.1513534

>tfw you have done expressionist painting and felt like a million bucks after
>tfw you're the only one that has it and haven't shown anyone else because you do it for yourself and yourself alone

that is until my ex took it....fucking bitch

>> No.1513538

> inb4 we're blocked in a post-modern loop and art can't evolve anymore because muh Guernica

has already been prevented by artists, get with the program granddad


>> No.1513568

Okay guys, I've been a philosophy major for 3 months and I'm pretty much an expert on aesthetics, so let me set all this straight for you:

>> No.1513570

> philosophy major
> expert on aesthetics
> fails to post content

Color me unsurprised.

>> No.1513585
File: 160 KB, 1156x1520, 1374350803221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking true op! i litterally seen on countless times cute 9/10 college sloots worshiping at the throne of mediocricy also know as that type of art.

girl 1 - "omg is this abstract"

girl 2 - "yes"

girl 1 - "oh wow it is awesome and deep"

MFW it is an orange streak acrross canvas with blue on top and bottom... it was shit.

MFW i decide to troll and make the worst possible art i can think of...

I get post like wow that is awesome!

Nice forms and technique! etc....

I actually submitted some work under a different name like that just as a troll to see what would happen.

and sold 1 piece for $400 and i had spent less than 15minutes on it..

i will never understand the art world...

My actual work i spend 15 hours on i get 4 or 5 likes on facebook most the time.
mfw - cute girl tell me wow you are a good artist you really paint portratis well. you should do abstract art it's more cultured and smart...

bitch was a dumb bimbo...who i doubt could even hold a book right side up..

>> No.1513589

But you did give her some abstDICK art rite?

>> No.1513591
File: 67 KB, 343x400, 1373159473486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, I wonder who could be behind the art world...no it couldn't be, it would be way too obvious.

>> No.1513596

>MS Paint

>> No.1513601

For a moment I thought I was still on /pol/.

>> No.1513608

>still on poll


>> No.1513611

Oh god, I never left. It's like a nightmare I can't wake up from...

>> No.1513683

>you should do abstract art it's more cultured and smart...

But it's the truth. The ability to find a face interesting is encoded into the human DNA, whereas the ability to find bullshit interesting is only for the 3lite. Now stop being a pleb and feed me my 2deep4pleb white canvas.

>> No.1513945



>> No.1513949

Are you literally a genius?

>> No.1513951

>being too stupid to understand abstraction and mondrian
