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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 372 KB, 785x785, 1375184178142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1510909 No.1510909 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning thread.

Previous Thread: >>1508220

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge with us and remember to thank those who've critiqued or redlined your drawings and most importantly have fun.

And remember when in doubt - Read The Fucking Sticky as our chubby red haired friend so diligently puts.

"...in the end, nature is the best teacher." - Andrew Loomis

*OP image was presumably contributed by the artist, thank you!

>> No.1510917

cuncur felrd erktiverted

>> No.1510919


>> No.1510920
File: 348 KB, 1000x845, pracc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a redline for this, please?

>> No.1510921
File: 185 KB, 1319x939, ss (2013-07-30 at 11.51.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get clean ink like lines? all my lines feel sterile and lifeless.

>> No.1510924

you drew that from a reference so redlining would be redundant.

it dosent look like youre actively constructing the figure, just copying the lines. the point of using a reference isnt to copy exactly, but to build the pose from scratch and study the figure.

>> No.1510929

I still need tips on colouring. I work predominantly with lineart and I just cdon't know how to apply colour to lines

>> No.1510932

G-guess I'll scrap it then.

>> No.1510936


Lock the transparency of your line art layer, pick a color the same value as your darkest shading and color the lines

>> No.1510942
File: 315 KB, 943x1200, AT130730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1510946
File: 145 KB, 595x962, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1510944

please post your website. i need more for educational purposes.

>> No.1510951

no gumption to put together a site. ;_;

what wat?

>> No.1510952
File: 68 KB, 557x829, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get an anatomy check?

>> No.1510957

Looks good except the lumpy head.

>> No.1510962

have you never seen a naked female before? jesus christ. redo that whole area circled in red before i find you and smack you in the dick.

>> No.1510964

Oh shit, that's one weird-ass pelvic area! The rest is quite nice to behold, but you gotta fix that!

>> No.1510963

Cancer containment field activated.

yer doin' it wrong!!!

>> No.1510966

It's kind of relieving to know that even people who are a billion times better than you make mistakes sometimes.

>> No.1510969

>that being a billion times better than x

what do you do? draw stick figures?

>> No.1510973

I think I follow you but... could you give some examples?

>> No.1510980
File: 121 KB, 582x691, helpingsenpai2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an amateur.

>> No.1510984
File: 48 KB, 800x1130, 337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it were a finished piece, I'd take it under consideration. Sorry that it doesn't please you Anon, have some 3DPD to look at instead.

Yes, anyone can draw. It's called practice.

>> No.1510986
File: 209 KB, 1000x924, mah nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1510988

the way she twists her lower body doesn't look good at all.

>> No.1510990

Are you trying to hint that the anatomy in >>1510946
is correct...? That just proves the opposite, can't you see the difference in those two?

>> No.1510992

oh. so you are mentally challenged and therefore can't see the differences.

i'm so sorry. carry on.

>> No.1510995

besides some minor placement issues, its not really wrong. some women dont have great big birthing hips.

>> No.1510996


sweet jesus.

>> No.1510997

so you are saying this looks okay then

allow me to disagree.

>> No.1511001


>> No.1511003

Feminine enough for you, Anon? :3

>> No.1511004

Not weak and vulnerable enough for you, anon?

>> No.1511006
File: 97 KB, 728x1022, goldenboy_v3_study011_099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight butts was something that was in fashion in the late 80s, just saying

>> No.1511007
File: 329 KB, 595x962, Red_line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no expert by any means, but even I can see that her hip/pelvic area is on it's way out of the solar system. (Also, I hope the butt-hurt anon isn't the artist, cause I really like his stuff and don't want to think he takes some well meant critique this badly...)

>> No.1511012
File: 204 KB, 1024x756, Masamune_Shirow_Intron_Depot_by_jkno4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im glad we moved on though.

>> No.1511014

Good lord... that example isn't a very good one!

>> No.1511015

a flat butt is one thing, but fucked up anatomy is another.

i'd also like to point out that the anatomy is fucked up in the very picture you just posted as well.

>> No.1511016

That's some terrible anatomy.

>> No.1511021


my point is that its technically incorrect but at one point, it was an ideal that was fairly popular in japanese and american art, the same way big googly eyes are now.

>> No.1511020

It's stylized

>> No.1511025

I have to agree with this Anon.

>> No.1511024

>bad anatomy is popular
>it is a style!

no. it is not.

>> No.1511027
File: 2.00 MB, 319x264, 1322858756372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh gosh here we go >it's the style

yes but popularity is a shifting thing, and masculine butts on women aren't very attractive nowadays.

>> No.1511028

Style aside, all those other example you posted at least has the wag and the butt lined up somewhat accurately, bot in regards to each other horizontally and in relation to the torso. The drawing in question is really wonky!

>> No.1511031


I meant "vag", as in pelvic area!

>> No.1511032

Just say vagina, what are you 10?

>> No.1511034


That's too lewd.

>> No.1511060

How do I draw hands?

>> No.1511077

Start with large rectangles and slowly break em apart.

This helped me a lot http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~zm5s-nkmr/hitoFiles/hand1.html

>> No.1511085


>> No.1511089
File: 502 KB, 1280x960, handtut3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the 0033 way.

>> No.1511106
File: 756 KB, 1000x875, IMG_0010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon from the other thread here! just want to say thanks for the responses, and glad you guys liked the left girl.
i do have a dA, it's that-nobody. my tumblr has more or less the same stuff so meh,

here's something more recent. the hip is bothering me but i don't know how i should fix it.

>> No.1511109

Do you have more of these translated?

>> No.1511112
File: 289 KB, 1280x960, handtut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 4 in total, apparently his handwriting is kinda clumsy which is why it's hard for us gaijins to translate.

>> No.1511113
File: 370 KB, 1280x960, handtut2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1511114
File: 440 KB, 1280x960, handtut4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1511126
File: 282 KB, 918x697, 35PERC_medigal3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me again, decided to try a different approach to colour. Very ambivalent about the results

>> No.1511160

They're on the bridge but I wanted to add a skyline of the city in the back. I'm not entirely sure how it should look because I don't have the game anymore >;

>> No.1511162
File: 1.09 MB, 2100x1500, 07-30-2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1511170

the ト on beat's short is wrong

>> No.1511175

That ain't bad at all, anon!

>> No.1511208

Anyone? pls crit

>> No.1511216

I hope you draw more futa. Always like seeing your work.

>> No.1511232

Anatomy is bad, coloring is bad, basically keep practicing.

>> No.1511242

I can tell the difference, Anon. And yes, I see that the body is a bit wonky, but it's in my sketchbook and I'll change it if I feel like doing so. With a sketchbook, you get it all, the good bad and ugly.

True, anatomy is important, but I don't use it as a crutch, because copying pictures to be accurate is boring to me, and can diminish any energy you may want the figure to have.

I was posting the 3D pic not as my reference, but to relieve your eyes of my horrible craftsmanship. Sorry.

Nice, I love Egawa's stuff. Though I think I mainly stole the way he draws his eyes, because Kawamoto did so for Faye Valentine.

No worries, I'll be posting more stuff, good or bad when I feel like it.


>> No.1511248

you should stop namefagging because you are a) bad at art and b) incapable of admitting so, which takes you to c) defending your laziness and lack of knowledge in ways which make you seem like a really shitty character altogether.

in other words, no one likes you.

>> No.1511251 [DELETED] 

I like him though.

>> No.1511253

when you samefag try to remove your fucking name you idiot.

>> No.1511256

Lol, removes his post in shame.

>> No.1511258

>people still posting without contributing with any critique and/or advice
You people never learn do you.

>> No.1511260
File: 312 KB, 1000x946, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I do like him, my dear Anon.

>> No.1511266

Sweet. +Watched.

That's awesome. I wish all of his stuff was translated. Thanks anon.

>> No.1511279

Alright, now you're just jelly. He's not bad at art, he just made one fuck-up.

>> No.1511292

And thus we never saw GeyDeath again.

The end.

>> No.1511300

Nothing of value was lost.

That guy has been gradually getting worse for years.

>> No.1511306


>> No.1511316

First time in this tread, please be gentle, but yeah cant into feet very well and even more so when they're doing something that's not being flat on the ground , so the question is :
How to I get better with putting feet into perspective? Also, a redline is fine too.

>> No.1511318
File: 267 KB, 3000x2000, IC plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug forgot image.

>> No.1511320

for feet you should just do studies and observation, you pick up how things work by observing, it just goes for everything.

>> No.1511321
File: 62 KB, 736x999, 93ea5b44c9cf3748ed3f469d3df72f7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope this helps... maybe it wont.

>> No.1511324
File: 59 KB, 736x999, 583815cca150564605f32f37e9df410b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, shoulders+neck doesn't look like it follows the same angle as the chest and arms don't seem long enough (should go to mid-thigh). Neck and head also look unattached.

>> No.1511325
File: 362 KB, 750x750, AT130730FUTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not likely.

and i c wut u did thar. ;D

>> No.1511328

To put feet in perspective, you first need to determine a horizon and the angle at which the viewer (you) is looking at the standing figure.

>> No.1511333

vagballs is worst futa

>> No.1511335

I have to agree. Then again I prefer dick only.

>> No.1511336

I prefer futa with balls. The feeling is gone without them.

>> No.1511338
File: 472 KB, 850x1100, sketchmoogle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is pretty bad, but i want to know what you guys think about it. How i could fix/tweak it up?

>> No.1511339

I meant that they have the complete male sex organ and lack a vagina.

Tranny-style I guess.

>> No.1511340
File: 495 KB, 1447x1078, reply2aqtpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time poster in these threads, here's a little doodle i made as a gift for someone,
i thought i'd share, i haven't drawn this animu in a while though.

Thoughts ?

>> No.1511341


The anatomy confuses me..

Without balls, no sperm. If anything, it's just a giant clit. Maybe unless you urinate from it..then It's piss I guess.

But I'm probably over thinking it.

>> No.1511344

I hope to see you around here more often, say have you colored your works? I'd like to see how you color and maybe learn a thing or two from you.

Also, /d/ would probably worship you just a thought.

>> No.1511346

The writing around the drawing really takes away from the picture. The picture itself might look better when it's polished up but, I would put the two characters just a tad closer together.. even if the wing is overlapping a bit ( or you may need to move it around so it's not blocking the face. ) The bent leg slightly bothers me.

>> No.1511349

who's the artist in OP?

>> No.1511352

Kyle Chickenlegfutalolioppai dude

>> No.1511353 [DELETED] 

Hello /ic/. I've read the sticky, and now I have a starting point for learning how to draw manga, but I'm concerned that I won't know where to go after I learned the basics - how do I learn manga bodies anatomy, styles etc?

Sorry to ask here, I just didn't know where else should I ask.

>> No.1511354

Kyle otherwewise known as Chickenlegs.

>> No.1511367

>Kyle Chickenlegfutalolioppai dude

Hehe lol every time.

>> No.1511415

Now I see the suckiest thing of these threads, besides mikufag, only seemingy skillful people get attention and critiques.

>> No.1511419


That's a problem with all of /ic/ though.

My stuff largely got ignored so I stopped posting it.

My only suggestion is if you want to get out of that not sucky enough to mock but not good enough either is to just go Vegeta mode and train on your own.

>> No.1511439 [DELETED] 


Because this thread is about anime, manga and cartoons, it's going to focus on practical, repeatable processes and techniques that are repeatable. Beginners tend to suffer from the same general problems. They don't need specific correction, and it's a waste of time to do specific corrections.

>> No.1511441


Because this thread is about anime, manga and cartoons, it's going to focus on practical, repeatable processes and techniques. Beginners tend to suffer from the same general problems. They don't need specific correction, and it's a waste of time to do specific corrections.

>> No.1511443

We just get tired of pointing out the sticky to people who ignore it.

>> No.1511446

This is why it's a stupid idea to come to /ic/ for help. Just pick up a fucking book.

>> No.1511449

>Faye Valentine
Fuck yeah.

Awesome futa. It's a shame you don't have a gallery up somewhere.

You guys could continue posting and continue asking. Sometimes asking for specific advice will help give you a better chance at getting a response for critique. Although honestly just putting in the effort to try to get better should be a lot more important than how many replies you get.

>> No.1511472
File: 143 KB, 800x1100, nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please halp.
I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.1511473


This whole thread is always beginners and deviantards

Fuck this

>> No.1511477

>its called 'cancer'

>> No.1511483

Last time I gave critique some retard starter arguing back how his works were just fine and I need to understand that he doesn't want to confine himself to norms when I told him to read the sticky and practice perspective & gesture. I can't even be bothered anymore to say anything about the average flat, stiff, twisted lifeless abomination that has an anime sticker for face

Some of the stuff here is on the right track, all I can say to those is 'keep drawing more' but that would get extremely repetitive

>> No.1511488

Moe will always be moe

>> No.1511548

Do something else with the arms

>> No.1511581
File: 42 KB, 800x844, peacock2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since these threads are more for sharing art than critique I guess I can drop this here

Hands turned out weird, I need to check out some old disney animations for reference if ever do Peacock again

>> No.1511602

Skullgirls :3

Yes I used :3

You need to work on your crosshatching though

>> No.1511606
File: 95 KB, 880x1200, 1375232606673redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, there has to be an easier way to get a jpg into Manga Studio than Importing... That being said, here's my messy redline take on your figure. Proportions are good, a little weirdness in the collarbone and pit area which can be concealed by clothes, unless she is bald and nekkid. The hand twists the arm in such a way that it feels unnatural, toes look better pointed on women because it gives a nice shape to the calf.

For the head, I thought it could be that it was just to high and I corrected that in the redline, but upon further drawing, it just looked completely wrong and I changed the tilt to a more natural angle. What I think is happening is that the head is not following the flow of the spine and action line, making it look awkward.

Anyhoo, enjoy some Yuri.

>> No.1511608

Crosshatching is pain in msp because you can't do it fast enough without windows combining the two strokes into one. Why use paint then? Sudden urge to draw, no time to wait for slower programs

Cheers for feedback

>> No.1511618
File: 328 KB, 1920x1200, charac1t2r1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I faces?
They never end up matching my guide lines and when they do they look horribly disfigured.

>> No.1511619

Yeah tbh I haven't found any way to do crosshatching decently on a computer.

I have to go analog for that.

>> No.1511625

I can do it somewhat better with gimp due to the stabilizer and lack of speed limitations but it's definitely more time consuming than irl

>> No.1511633

Not the one you're correcting, but do you think you're gonna lurk around and do more redlines in the future?

>> No.1511636

Oh fuck are you me?

>> No.1511639

Beat dosen't wear shorts...

>> No.1511649

Thanks, the feet does look much better that way.
The hand/arm is indeed awkward now that I try to do it myself.
I don't think I'll change the head though, I like Shaft-ey headtilts.

>> No.1511664

Hey miku, if you want your digital works to look better don't zoom in past 100% and don't resize the images when you want to post them, that's how they become blurry and distorted.

>> No.1511668

Mikufag seriously needs a guide for pixels and resolution. I already gave up on him.

>> No.1511671

mehbeh, depends on how much I'm at the computer drawing.

>> No.1511672
File: 99 KB, 528x440, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tip, it's one of my very first times I am using a tablet I only got this like a week ago. Pretty much everything you said nailed it.

>> No.1511677
File: 2.65 MB, 3600x1800, breakdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice? I know the posture is bland and I'm going to devote a lot more time to gestures. I'm trying to work on my construction as well.

>> No.1511682

Bewbz don't work like that.
The mediafire on the sticky has plenty of tutorials for breasts, check it out.

Also, the abdomen and legs look way better in the sketch than in the final version.

>> No.1511683

You should devote some time to depth and perspective along with that construction. It looks really flat and I feel like the posture is bland because of that lack to express depth.

>> No.1511686




>> No.1511687

Thanks. I wish I had a premium account to download all of that.

Roger, thanks.

>> No.1511690
File: 135 KB, 1471x951, ss (2013-07-31 at 03.00.21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not quite done but im done for now. looking at the same thing for 6 hours makes me feel physically sick

>> No.1511692

Looks good. Are you sure her left upper arm is long enough? I can't figure out where the elbow would be (unless you just forgot to draw a line under the boob for the arm). Also, the hands are feeling a bit tiny - but it could be just me. Doubt you want to make a change like that at this point.

>looking at the same thing for 6 hours makes me feel physically sick

I know what you mean... I can't wait til I get good enough to just do paint overs instead of spending so long on lineart.

>> No.1511693

>I can't wait til I get good enough to just do paint overs instead of spending so long on lineart.

But both are completely different approaches.
The ending result is completely different depending in which technique you used.
Painting over is not harder/easier than lineart + coloring imo, just different

>> No.1511694

Anyone got a place to get references?

>> No.1511695


>> No.1511696

Yeah, guess you're right. Lineart just seems like an extra step I wouldn't need to take if I could paint over confidently.

>> No.1511697

I like it. Interesting design, inks are good enough.

>> No.1511722


Skill level has nothing to with it. Most anons here are familiar with each other from other boards mostly /a/, /v/, and /d/. This a semi-private thread sorta. Like minded anons with like minded art. There is no incentive for any of them to engage with an unfamiliar anon.

>> No.1511725

>Beginners tend to suffer from the same general problems

If that were true, don't you think the blanketed advice, that's routinely given, should have worked already? If it has. Please show me. I haven't seen anyone with significant improvement.

>> No.1511726

Usually only the very best and the very worst works get responses. Mediocre shit (coming from people who, y'know, really could use the critique so they can avoid stagnating in said mediocrity) doesn't get jack for comments unless the OP begs for it. In case you can't tell I'm in that middle group, and a bit bitter. I try to critique ignored pieces in the hope it will encourage others to do the same thing.

>> No.1511730

it's not mediocre stuff which gets no crits it's boring stuff. if you get no crit and you don't suck it means you generated something too boring to bother with, and if you don't suck you really should be thinking of a way to generate eye catching images.

>> No.1511734

because anything shit gets slapped with "read the sticky" and "git good scrub" since helping would be spoonfeeding

>> No.1511736

>This level of paranoid
I don't know anyone in those threads, I usually give advice on anything I consider might be helpful, but I usually don't bother with the most terrible stuff since it's always a problem of practice in those cases and the guys always get angry when I tell them to practice more.

>> No.1511772

Hey Miku, mind uploading that reference zip file again?

>> No.1511776

>tfw no distinct style yet to make myself recognizable

>I try to critique ignored pieces in the hope it will encourage others to do the same thing.
I do, too. It's the in-between people that need that extra push to jump over the line.

>> No.1511824



>> No.1511827

Calm down you filthy slut.


>> No.1511859
File: 863 KB, 1334x1342, CCI07312013_00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1511876

Does this guy have a normal pixiv where he posts completed art?

>> No.1511877


aww yeah you are back

>> No.1511892


A lot of the advice given here is not blanket advice, but deal with universal issues. You don't need redlines specific to your drawings, you need to read and learn about the process. Doing minor redline changes isn't going to help a beginner, because a beginner doesn't understand why the change was made, or how to replicate that change, or how to make similar changes in different compositions.

I don't know about anyone's improvement. But cartooning is pure drawing, and pure drawing is one of the most difficult areas in art. Drawing is not rendering/shading, it's not copying angles from photos. It is spacial awareness (form and pers), physics (force, weight, motion), and in cartooning, line eloquence. These things do not improve from just reading about them. They do not improve in a day, or a week.

I wish beginners would take the advice about studying the basics seriously. In an honest to goodness traditional animation course (not illustration, not design), we spent the beginning drilling simple shapes and perspective. We were not drawing characters, but boxes and bags of flour and bouncing balls and animating inanimate objects and water drops.

If beginners would just take that early, "boring" stuff seriously in the beginning, everything else would improve so much faster, everything would click easier. People who took this advice, probably aren't going to be here much posting one pic after another. They're drilling the fundamentals, something clicks, and they probably won't need to come to this thread much anymore because they understand how to tackle problems on their own.

>> No.1511894

There was somebody someone kept recommending for beginners, but I can't remember the guy's name. Do you know who it is?

>> No.1511913

Some days, at the beginning of my drawing session, I can't even draw the gesture properly, and the result doesn't satisfy me, so, am I the only one who need to rewatch Vilppu\Hampton to "evolve", or maybe to remember symbols and stuff?

>> No.1511916

Christopher Hart. Heh, jk. For Anatomy, I generally recommended Stephen Rogers Peck's Human Anatomy for the Artist. There is another author that breaks it down better enhanced with color, but I forgot the name.

>> No.1511927

>A lot of the advice given here is not blanket advice, but deal with universal issues.

Isn't that self-contradictory? You're just saying broad advice isn't wide spread advice.

>I wish beginners would take the advice about studying the basics seriously.

Isn't that presumptuous on your part? People are here to learn and get advice or to encourage each other. Wouldn't assuming the least about the other anon mar your assessment?

I'm starting to get the idea that when it comes to giving and taking advice, you're more interested in keeping your own prejudices than assessing the problems given. I'm seeing that with a few vocal anons in threads like these.

>> No.1511931
File: 583 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not an excuse, but more of an observation my drawing. I've switched over from a traditional sketchbook to a slate style Tablet PC. I love the darn things and the convenience it brings. I sketch all over the house now and when I need to wait for some car maintenance, I sketch there. If I want to browse, or type stuff, I can do that too. Sometimes I even bring it to work and draw there when it's slow. Very handy.

A caveat to all this goodness is the technology itself. You cannot get the full context of what you're drawing and things can get out of whack like the page from yesterday. I've caught myself more than once drawing bodies and legs way too long. It's the constant zooming in and out that sometimes throws me off, something that a traditional sketchbook wouldn't do because all I need to zoom out from that is to raise my head from the table a little.

The upside to this problem working on a Tablet PC is that you can go back and easily amend your work with selection tools, and easily flipping the canvas horizontal to check for errors early on. However, one has to stay on top of things and concentrate a bit more to make sure structures are correct before going in with details. Something I'm not doing a lot of when drawing in the living room or in bed.

Until developers make a Tablet PC with precise calibration, a larger screen with a proper aspect ratio at high pixel density, and software more Pen/Touch friendly, artists will have to contend with being forever vigilant not to lose scope of the whole page.

That being said, I still love my Tablet PC.

>> No.1511930
File: 165 KB, 608x1000, AT1307301amend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed weird vagina for Grumpy Anons.

>> No.1511944

>You're just saying broad advice isn't wide spread advice.

What I am referring to are suggestions which address specific issues within a drawing, but the concepts involved can be applied widely. Many drawings, for example, lack proper gesture work. There have already been many posts that show how to start a drawing with gesture. There is no need to draw gestures for every drawing that lacks it, beginners simply need to learn it's an important step.

>Isn't that presumptuous on your part?

If you are concerned with what appears to be egotistical and presumptuous, then you would get more out of other threads. Because these threads focus on animation-oriented design, there are certain elements which are not universal artistic truths, but de facto standard practices within animation and comics.

A lot of people don't want to learn proper gesture and construction, develop innate perspective. That's fine. But those are practical skills for cartooning. Those are things used all the time in anime/manga because these mediums are concerned with consistency and storytelling.

If you want to label these things as prejudices, that's fine, because it's true. Animation and cartooning have a bias towards process-intensive drawing.

>> No.1511971

I love your drawings (thought I wish you did more other things besides Dirty Pair), but the problem wasn't with the vagina, but her thighs. They're tiny. I don't think a woman with that level of abs would have thighs that small.

>> No.1511978
File: 153 KB, 1277x873, body_possitive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I ink I try and do it with as few swift strokes as I can. at least when I draw naked girls(which is 90% of what I draw) alternatively, building up a line with multiple strokes can also work and help make it look more "alive".

>> No.1511979

>A lot of people don't want to learn proper gesture and construction, develop innate perspective.

That's the prejudices I'm talking about. Do you even hear how contradictory you sound? You're already presupposing an anon isn't here for learning. Nearly every anon who posts asking for a critique is soliciting for advice. Yet, you're saying they don't want to learn. If you're implying that they don't *really* want to learn and most of these post are just faking it for an easy answer. Again, you'd be making prejudices, wouldn't you?

Additionally you're also presupposing a "de facto standard". That's strange on 3 counts.

1. I don't recall anyone asking "how do they do it in the professional world?" I mainly see some anons trying to figure things out for themselves and asking for input.

2. I never seen nor heard of THE de facto standard. Does it have a proper name, since it's considered the 'standard'? There are similar methods, sure. But no companies nor studios do something to somebody else's standards. Nor has any studio been able to demonstrate a method to be the model.

3. Again you're presupposing what you think is the de facto standard is the normative, without giving a second thought to how you're really saying that based on the frequency you have exposed yourself to a certain methodology. You're not even batting an eyelash at the possibility of alternative approaches. Shouldn't learning happen on both sides of the conversation?

Basically what I'm seeing is that you're using somebody elses failing to meet an arbitrary standard of appeal to justify your assumptions about what the problems are with them as a artist. So, in effect this isn't about learning about drawing, it's more about you making sure the other anon accepts what you think is wrong about them--they're lazy, they don't really want to learn, don't want to learn "X" properly or well enough.

Which leads to the more prudent question. How exactly is this kind of thinking effective here?

>> No.1511985

Mmmhhh I think I know you and your delicious drawings. Regardless this is solid advise, if you chickenscratch you won't get good looking lines

>> No.1511987
File: 255 KB, 354x367, bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I wish people would go fucking draw instead of trying to out pseudo-intellect each other on an anonymous image board.

I wish those with weak self-esteems that ruminate over how much they suck would get over themselves, stop being pussies and go fucking draw.

I wish people that post 5 minute chicken scratches with their iPhones so it's 3000x4000 and sideways would slap themselves and go fucking draw MORE.

I wish anonymous assholes with nothing to do except be contrarian dickheads would just go fucking draw.

>> No.1511994

I wish people would go fucking draw instead of trying to convince each other on an anonymous image board to draw

>> No.1511993

But you have to admit it's fun to spectate other people's arguments. I am drawing while at the same time reading posts.

>> No.1511995
File: 771 KB, 700x1680, fdry8ejl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1512012

I think this board would be better if you were allowed to post only images and no text

>> No.1512018


You are more than welcome to do that yourself.

>> No.1512029

i only come here to fish for your posts.

>> No.1512037

I love how you draw legs.

>> No.1512042

not my pic but thanks, this helps me also. I think I have a collection of your notes somewhere, but cant find it now, you wouldn't have a link/collection would you?

>> No.1512043


>> No.1512044

You are good anons :3

>> No.1512052


For the first time in years I think I am getting tired of using it finally, maybe it's because seeing someone else use it randomly like I have in the past on other places or I don't know. Sometimes I fear I am turning into a d/ic/k :3

>> No.1512062

can I get some thoughts on this? Feel like I'm having a bit of an artistic 'identity crisis' and I'm finding it hard to self evaluate where I'm at with my art

>> No.1512064

>using :3 unironically
Mikufag I'm gonna come right over to where you live and kick your ass.

>> No.1512086


You're too good to be this whiny and angsty.

Draw what you like and stop playing up the image of yourself how others view you and your artwork

You also deleted your tumblr or something you homo because I can't find it

>> No.1512088
File: 61 KB, 277x835, 97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be able to draw women.

Ignore the 'hands'

>> No.1512090

>I just want to be able to draw women.

then don't draw animu/mango.

>> No.1512091

a more complete one

>> No.1512094


>> No.1512110

pls Miku

>> No.1512111

>I just want to to be able to draw women.
Are you gay or something?

>> No.1512115

I think chen uploaded the ones I bought here >>1512059

>> No.1512119

Awesome thanks.

>> No.1512120

Can't I do both?

>> No.1512136

Start with real women. Animu gets a lot easier once you know how body parts connect to oneanother and how the mass is distributed

>> No.1512148

Thanks for the compliment, as for the rest of it though I know i complain about myself a lot but honestly, I wouldn't have improved at all over the last 2-3 years if I didn't start being so hard on myself. Maybe I'm playing it up a bit in how I discuss my art publicly which I guess I could stand not to do, I'm just trying to coax some sort of response out of people I guess? Everyone I know personally tells me I'm so good but there are people I aspire to that are far younger than me that are leagues better.

Anyway I guess I'll try not to sound so whiney, honestly I'm just desperate for communication. I want people to discuss my art with me, ask me to draw shit, idk, I want a dialogue since I never seem to get one, whether it be here or tumblr or wherever

>> No.1512154

oops forgot to add, I just changed my url, pleasedontsleep.tumblr.com . I've been updating it a lot lately.

>> No.1512161

Isn't that like, the opposite of the reason why people usually want to draw women?

>> No.1512169

Women are people too.

>> No.1512177


>> No.1512191

>I want people to discuss my art with me

why would anyone want to do this. I'm not saying being self-absorbed is inherently bad but why would a bunch of people who are worrying about their own artistic development take the time to focus on yours. go get an art tutor. nobody here cares.

>> No.1512199

idk, that's just how I am with other artists? I really enjoy forming a dialogue about what people have created, and I mean, go to any moderately popular artist page on tumblr and there's always a lot of discussion between the artists and his/her followers. That's just using tumblr as an example though, even at art shows I really like to get as much as I can out of even the most amateur of artists present but my whole life it's felt like this is always a one-way thing and I'm just producing art to be stored in a vacuum.

Yeah, I guess I'm being pretty self absorbed or attention hungry or whatever but I've personally gained a lot from communication with artists and the fact that I'm so frequently ignored is the biggest reason why I literally do not know whether I've achieved anything as an artist or whether I'm producing quality pieces. once again, sorry if this comes across as whiney or whatever, genuinely curious/ genuinely encouraging people to form more dialogues with each other

>> No.1512226

You're onto something, keep going because your stuff looks good.

>> No.1512243

people don't want to talk to you because you come off as a self-centered asshole.

>> No.1512256
File: 71 KB, 395x927, 98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more practice.

Is she too long? Feels weird.

>> No.1512258
File: 287 KB, 1445x900, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this is the appropriate thread but.

>> No.1512261

But wasn't I just being called whiney and too selfcritical? I'm not trying to defend myself here, I'm honestly curious as to what it is about me as a person that isolates me. I really want people to like me :/

>> No.1512264

you are 16 years old, that's what's wrong and that's why no one here will ever like you. find people your own age to be whiny and moody with.

>> No.1512273

uh, are you thinking of the right guy? I'm considerably older than that. Also once again, the only whining I do is out of frustration that I'm not making progress/able to grasp certain techniques. This entire discussion stemmed from me freaking out about not understanding colouring, which a LOT of people here discuss their struggles with, and then asking for help looking at something I'd attempted.
Seriously, I just want to help artists and be helped by other artists and I'm not sure what I'm doing that makes me such an unlikable person, I'm genuinely wanting to know what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.1512275

dont listen to:>>1512264, just kill yourself.

>> No.1512276

then there's your problem.
you're a grown man who talks like a 16 year old girl.

fucking stop it.

>> No.1512278
File: 32 KB, 780x870, prop_female.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1512285

Can you just tell me what makes me sound so unpleasant? Ignore this derail about me as a person and tell me what it is about my art and my posts that makes me so unlikable. I've constantly asked for help with the same few things and that makes me sound like a 16 year old girl? I don't get it, is there some sort of confusion as to who I am or what.

>> No.1512287

jesus christ what did that anon do that pissed you off so bad?

>> No.1512291

Just ignore that anon and get on with drawing.

>> No.1512296
File: 110 KB, 466x568, Untitled-221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway drama aside here's a wip, might flesh this out a bit more than try a few different styles of lineart

>> No.1512301


>> No.1512302


Oh, /ic/ never change :3

>> No.1512304

Forehead is too big.

>> No.1512313

dang, that just hit me. I'm so not used to drawing girls with their fringe back like that, Thanks

>> No.1512315

oh gosh thanks so much for the redline! that is how it should look like. i kinda have trouble trying to imagine a gesture in perspective, but it's a good exercise for me.

>> No.1512319

Pretty cute. Doesn't look like she has a nose though.

No prob. Easy to forget proportions along the way.

>> No.1512351

You're as bad as he is.

>> No.1512366

what you're doing right now isn't helping
i.e. responding to bait with long-winded try-hard responses. makes it seem like you're so desperate to talk about yourself that literally any excuse will do.

>> No.1512373

Probably explains why I am starting to like this guy.

>> No.1512401

>I really want people to like me :/
kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.1512402
File: 2.21 MB, 2754x2000, 1341937439436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have tutorials for anime backgrounds?

Or at least answer this: How do you decide what to have as a background after you have drawn a figure?
I can't keep doing white backgrounds forever but I just don't know what to add.

>> No.1512407

draw lots of real landscapes, then reference the anime ones to get the same kind of anime look.

>> No.1512410

you're both faggots but in all seriousness: if you don't want people to like you/your art, aren't you sort of missing the point? inb4 some idiot with no concept of the value of human exchange comes in and tells us we should only make art for ourselves

>> No.1512417

"Liking" and "people" are completely irrelevant.

Only facts and numbers matter.

>> No.1512419

Everytime I try the head-thing it seems to be... heh... not heading up and everything begins to looks shitty.

>> No.1512422

Yeah, anime proportions are different (who fucking knew) so the head proportions really also depend on how lanky/thick the bodies are, as well as even the face style of the character. Drawing more moe things, characters seem to be around 6heads tall.

>> No.1512435

Trace it like everybody else does.

>> No.1512438
File: 819 KB, 1041x1959, palettegirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this on sai form a palette sort of messily colored. Any advice, flaws you can point out, or tips on coloring would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.1512440

I'm pretty amateur myself but...

>eyes spaced too far apart for their shape
>head too narrow at top? Just shaped sort of funny?
>ears make no sense in perspective of head perspective
>super stiff pose, very unnatural left arm and left hand
>lack of definition on torso

I do like your painting skills

>> No.1512443

Anyone know the difference between 2chan's 11 and 14 board? Been going there and looking at all the redlining going on. Too bad I can't read moon.


>> No.1512485


I believe 自作絵裏 ( http://zip.2chan.net/14/futaba.htm ) is supposed to be the more adult board, but people just use them both so as not to bump off other threads too quickly.

>> No.1512512

If all you want is people to shut up and draw, then why do you complain when they post their stuff? What's it to you? Why should you even respond? So what if it's 3000 pixel wide? So what if it's shit tier quality? Unless of course you want people to shut up and post 'quality' drawings. But that honestly implies you're just here wanting to be entertained. And now you're frustrated because you're not getting what you expected.

Strange how you get upset when things don't go your way, and then expect others to be upset with you.

>> No.1512518

Please no drama in the next thread.

>> No.1512521


I was the first anon that asked for your tumblr, the other dickhead anons were playing you like a fiddle. Ego, recognition and gratification are all things that I have trouble with too. But if you just draw in earnest, improve and keep posting you'll start to get followers in no time.

You could take the easier route and milk whatever's popular in fanart circles. Also, drawfagging for /v/, /co/ or one of the porn boards will get you some reputation if you're consistently good. Mangneto, Shwig, thDark, the list goes on.

You make the content and people will come.

>> No.1512527


I was bemoaning the current state of the board but that's cool if you have profound insights into my character too

>> No.1512565

How would I know your character? I've been asking questions. Wouldn't that entail I don't?

>> No.1512568

People who likes the drama are probably the ones who lurk here but don't even draw.

>> No.1512577

People who likes the draw are probably the ones who drama here but don't even lurk.

>> No.1512587
File: 93 KB, 752x1063, Berserker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique pls

>> No.1512591

I like that ear.

>> No.1512598

face could use some work, your guy seems to have his head tilted back and is looking down, but his jaw and chin extend to suggest his head is in a neutral position. If a neutral position is intended, create another layer and define the shape of the skull so that the facial features sit where they are supposed to go instead of floating around his face.
The colours are nice and your rendering could use work, but I can tell by this piece you're atleast going in the right direction with it. Also the pose is pretty good.
Only other thing I would suggest is redoing the hair, since it looks like zigzag chickenscratch atm. Go back and define clumps so that the hair has a sense of form

>> No.1512614

It looks referenced heavily from a Tera online screenshot.

>> No.1512623

The reference was my character from Tera.

>> No.1512745


you anon, draw Dirty Pair forever
also you need to make a site to post your work

>> No.1512850


thank you! I see what you mean I'll take all that into consideration for next time

>> No.1512883

I think that the hands are too small, but I'm not too sure.

>> No.1512895
File: 65 KB, 401x304, ferrrrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a close up on a sketch

>> No.1512897

Neck doesn't connect properly to head, hand is terrible.

>> No.1512898
File: 271 KB, 761x1050, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please critique this one, im not sure if i will finish or not. fully clamp inspired

>> No.1512899

i hate hands

>> No.1512909

-> >>1512243
I first wanted to talk to you via tumblr but holy shit you are exactly the kind of person, or at least you come here of as one, who is just plain annoying and whiny. I couldnt stand talking to you for longer than 5 minutes.
And stop with the "idk", if you dont know dont talk.

>> No.1512914

okay. I don't know what to say to these anymore so I'll just take it all in and move on.

Doing some warmup sketches before class atm, going to try another full coloured pinup piece when I get home. I noticed when i was sketching last night that I'm kinda struggling with eyes all of a sudden, not the ones in these sketches or anything just generally lately I tend to want to make them a little too realistic and it gives off a creepy sort of look. Do you guys have any favorite mango artists that stylise their eyes well without looking cliched?

warmup sketches

>> No.1512919
File: 247 KB, 1919x1078, ss (2013-08-01 at 04.11.17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach

>> No.1512924
File: 189 KB, 737x1200, AT0801Faye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fine have some Faye. :D

>> No.1512976


Are her titties mid bounce or something?

>> No.1513012

Is this a specific character or an OC?

>> No.1513014

nice anime knowledge dweeb, go back to your naruto,beybladez and digimon...all dubbed of course.

>> No.1513031
File: 332 KB, 500x677, sonikku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's his original character BLONIC!

>> No.1513035 [DELETED] 

>large taskbar
Stop the useless preaching about losing the sight of the whole page and get a HD screen or two.

>> No.1513038

did you read the post? its a tablet PC you dumb nigger.

>> No.1513040

i think his neck should be thicker.
and her neck's kinda too long.

>> No.1513041

Torso too long m8

>> No.1513051

google "hermaphrodite cums" there's videos of women/men with both male and female genitalia cumming

>> No.1513062

I'd imagine he/she still has a seminal vesicle and prostate despite the lack of balls meaning she can still produce semen which makes up the bulk of ejaculate.

>> No.1513064

I don't think that armour is going to protect him from being stabbed

>> No.1513068

B-but it has +10 defense!

>> No.1513071
File: 2.46 MB, 1360x768, TERA_ScreenShot_20130622_060552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only play tera to screenshot my male high elf and Elin characters for drawing ref.

>> No.1513090

I like customizing my OCs in games like this.

>> No.1513099

Why don't you people make a Deviantart Group?

You all know each other already. The anonymity isn't a issue cause you all give out personal tumblrs and the like.

The benefit of a Deviantart group is you can make it more private, preventing shitposting. You can upload a wider a variety of file formats, making sharing more beneficial. You can set up alerts, helping you keep up with the conversation better. And the archiving can help gauge your progress better, and organize shared notes.

It's also free.

So, why don't you people start a Deviantart Group instead?

>> No.1513101

Because I like these threads and I like being anonymous.

>> No.1513104


Because a deviantart group is not an 4chan thread.

If someone wants to start a group there and self-identify with other /ic/ users, that's their thing. That doesn't make their group 4chan.

>> No.1513105

Way too much hassle. The only benefit is elimination a few shitposting kiddies. Overall I see a single dedicated thread on /ic/ as more to the point. And like >>1513104 said, if we saw other places more suited we would have already moved there. 4chin has its benefits.

>> No.1513109


Faye is fine too

>> No.1513110


But you know everybody here? It always the same few people. And even if you wanted to keep your anonymity, it's not difficult to make a dummy account on deviantart.

The new signup system is a breeze--less than a 2 minutes. Privacy is now extremely easy to manage. So nobody is the wiser. Nobody would need a premium account. Nobody would be needed to initiate a new 'thread' after you hit a limit. You could pick up where you left off, and keep things going. No hassles, no worries.

Who care's if it's not 4chan. You'll still being doing the same thing, only with ALL the benefits that Deviantart can offer. No shitposters, larger files, easy archiving, you'll be your own moderators.

Honestly you guy! You'll be much happier. And I think you'll start to see REAL improvement in your art work. A Deviantart Group would be a win-win for you guys.

Just sayin.

>> No.1513116

For-the-better-change activism is cute, but no. This place is more convenient in almost every respect, except moderation. Also /ic/ as a whole has a group that is barely active, mainly because everyone is here. Think of /ic/ like a training boot camp and you'll get it.

>> No.1513120


Did I mention NO CAPTCHA? One-click upload. Awesome!

>> No.1513122

Please stop with your deviant art advertisement.

>> No.1513123

Imagine a place with better moderation--You'd be you own gatekeeper. The training would be more focused and without shitposter and trolls derailing things.

>> No.1513125

Okay, okay, okay

What if instead you guys started a "Quit Procrastinating Work on your Art" threads on /a/? Just like with what they do on /co/. You'd guys would totally be in your element there, and still be on 4chan.

>> No.1513130


stop kudasai, onegai

>> No.1513136


you got more Faye?

>> No.1513140
File: 67 KB, 400x225, 800738159_1955972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a place where you could instantly ban any idiot that talked shit about Teal Line Guy.

Just think about that for a moment, please.

>> No.1513142

W-Would you join the group too, anon?

>> No.1513143

If that's what it would take.

>> No.1513147

>implying we don't like talking about Teal

>> No.1513149

I think that you just hate anime-style drawings and don't want to see it on icey anymore.

>> No.1513152

I don't think its that bad but try making the arm, y'know...connected to the shoulder instead of poking out the ribs. Nobody's elbow can bend like that...can they?

>> No.1513154

>Imagine a place where you could instantly ban any idiot that talked shit about Teal Line Guy.

Jesus christ stop treating him like a god.

>> No.1513179
File: 79 KB, 504x378, to-the-future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love animu. I just don't like all the shit posting and derailing. I'm thinking about the future of these kinds of threads. I have a higher calling here.

I am more than positive, it would be more democratic and humble. Who knows maybe people would back off knowing they have a more exclusive engagement.

>> No.1513192
File: 43 KB, 275x465, askj97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleb taste

>> No.1513197

I like the idea of a deviant art group, however /ic/ has this unique atmosphere where there is no special treatment towards an individual and almost no bias towards a work done by someone. I feel that if we were to create a DA group we wouldn't have this same ambiance and if there is a flaw in your work you may not hear it due to the fear of "Not hurting their feelings because I like this person" so instead of hearing what you need you'll probably get compliments otherwise known as "ass pats"

If you guys want to create a group, go ahead I would love to join but all of my activity will be exercised here in /ic/

>> No.1513199
File: 398 KB, 990x625, from_animu_to_awesome__by_moofrog44-d5ebovk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food for thought.

Look at this pic. It's tagged 'Animu'. It was made by a GIRL. It was made in an environment that fostered her skills without ridicule or embarrassment.

Wouldn't you like to that for yourself as well?

>> No.1513201


>/ic/ has this unique atmosphere where there is no special treatment towards an individual and almost no bias towards a work done by someone.

You seriously typed that out? Did you miss all of the people that made a cult of personality out of Teal/Simon?

>> No.1513206

No and that's exactly what I meant in the above post, this is why /ic/ is the place for me this place is a wake up call for those who want it.

I remember the first time posters asking for critique and they believed that they where not of "entry level" and when /ic/ pointed that out that they where in fact below entry level they defended their flaws by saying its just their style.

I don't want to be living in ignorance and be blinded like the others.

>> No.1513210

Yes I knew this while I was typing that out but you and I know for a fact that there's always several Anons who've question Teal's methods and even attempted to redline his redlines which reinforced my statement.

That sort of stuff would never have happened in a DA group.

>> No.1513207

You gotta be joking, right? This is absolutely terrible.

>> No.1513209


It would be the same exact people. You'd have the same exact rapport. It might be better, because it would be self moderated. You would all have more say-so with what's considered too much.

>> No.1513212

Looks like she was peer pressured into dropping the moemoe stye.

>> No.1513214

So what if there are a few anons who praise a few artists. Most of us are still giving objective feedback to other anon

>> No.1513224


Yeah it's terrible. But look at it from another perspective.

1. She actually progressed in a way. Which is way more than most of you can claim. Her environment benefited her, it didn't frustrate her.

2. It's a real girl who's got the same taste as you. Let that sink in for a bit. Imagine the pluses with helping real girls.

3. You do know a Group with you guys would still have the same objective feedback? Nothing would be different.

>> No.1513235

>She actually progressed in a way
If she didn't do progress in 6 years she'd be doing something horribly wrong
>Which is way more than most of you can claim
Good that you are making assumptions like that. Everyone will get better at drawing by drawing. The community is a catalyst, pick one that's best suited for you. For me it's /ic/ for the time being at least, I don't trust non-anon communities when it comes to unbiased feedback which I'm after most of the time
>Her environment benefited her, it didn't frustrate her
Things frustrate you only as much as you let them frustrate you
>It's a real girl who's got the same taste as you
I highly doubt this
>Imagine the pluses with helping real girls
I rather stick with anons for the complete and absolute objectiveness and lack of bias
>You do know a Group with you guys would still have the same objective feedback
Only if we all remained anons (which can't be done in dA)

>> No.1513241

those fucking eyebrows and that fucking nose.

>> No.1513251

uh, mehbeh?

nothing recent really.

>> No.1513263

Does anyone know a shortcut for drawing bodies?

>> No.1513265

there are no shortcuts in art

>> No.1513266

Looks like a fat, ugly little man in drag

>> No.1513269

>I don't trust non-anon communities when it comes to unbiased feedback which I'm after most of the time

You already know most here, and already give unbiased feedback. So, that wouldn't change.

>Only if we all remained anons (which can't be done in dA)

FALSE!!!! You can still have your anonymity. Easy sign-up with an anonymous email. Viola! 2 minutes tops!

>> No.1513271

I mean, I usually draw a circle first for the head. What should I do with the body?

>> No.1513272

hardcore practice is the most shortcut

>> No.1513273

What's wrong with that?

>> No.1513290

Anyone want to contribute their work for OP image? I already have mine lined up in case no one wants to.

>> No.1513293


maybe some old Faye work? i think you posted some Faye here or in /co/ , right?

>> No.1513303
File: 144 KB, 630x456, mxj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1513304
File: 862 KB, 1181x4470, Full body Tutorial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are thousands of ways to do it, I'd recommend finding your own way though.

>> No.1513308

Jean pls go.

>> No.1513314
File: 269 KB, 850x1200, 1375115026757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1513328

New thread:


>> No.1513333
File: 70 KB, 491x715, Please_Do_Not_Feed_The_Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He is trying to get rid of us. DA isn't a better place. Everything is fine here. We all know each other, no reason to breakup the band.

And for those jelly about TLG:


>> No.1513339

no stop this.

>> No.1513346

Get the fuck out. I know it's you always shitposting and never contributing anything. Just cause your stuff is shit, doesn't mean you can rain on our parade. If you can do better than Teal, then post already.

>> No.1513638
File: 1.30 MB, 855x1023, GoodGirlGoneBadDrawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God I hate that argument. I don't have to be a writer to say that Twilight is awful. The same applies to art. Look at this picture. Someone who has never picked up a pencil in their life has every right to say that it's a shitty drawing.

>> No.1513666

That post was directed at that retard talking shit about Teal. If you can do better than him, then you can redline and talk shit

>> No.1514235

>You all know each other already. The anonymity isn't a issue cause you all give out personal tumblrs and the like
That's a lot of fucking assumptions.

>> No.1514304

No matter how hard i try i cant ever construct a head or place eyes. Isn't there any tutorial how to do it point by point line by line?

>> No.1514403

Draw more Faye please, maybe even futa. You're probably in the new thread and won't see this though...