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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 426 KB, 1000x1343, 1371405805256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1487279 No.1487279 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Misc. Cartooning Thread

Previous thread: >>1479501

Remember to practice fundamentals. This thread shouldn't be your only form of practice, but rather a place for you to exercise muh styul desu.


>lurk/post/troll /ic/

>> No.1487299
File: 826 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20130702_125836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1487302
File: 842 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20130702_124212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1487306
File: 853 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20130702_121839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1487308
File: 830 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20130702_124222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1487309

I really love the way you render and draw your bodies but i also don't like the shape of
your heads, not the features but just the shape of the skull, its hidamari level but more realistic.

Try to tone down your cheekbone curve, and see if you like it.

>> No.1487314
File: 826 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20130702_124232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extra one, because I messed up.
>Treat me like one of your mikufags.

>> No.1487320
File: 195 KB, 720x960, image(10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw I spend too much time on Teal's blog

>> No.1487355


I laughed way too hard at that

>> No.1487367 [DELETED] 

could you link?

>> No.1487370



>> No.1487377 [DELETED] 

Somehow, I can't seem to like any of the things you post. Your style is disgusting and poorly executed. Do you have any digital works?

Don't know if you're the same as above, but same to you. Do you have anything you *actually * tried on?

>> No.1487382
File: 368 KB, 923x1200, lop eared elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that i start to get a bit better with drapery, kind of. At least i don't draw completely random folds now
all tough its still pretty hard.

>> No.1487393
File: 153 KB, 800x700, cutegirlpractice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the anatomy alright?

>> No.1487395


What do you mean by "actually tried on?" I'm confused.

>> No.1487399 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 278x364, refz ye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First off, the face is very cute, but the placement of the eyes, mouth, nose is all off.

Second, you must not be female .. for you'd know that breast placement is anatomically impossible.

Third, what's going on with those hands?

It looks like you just gave up and just did what you could, didn't even try to push yourself.

Get into using references for your visual learning memory because starting from what you think it "should" look like isn't gonna get you far.

Got any other pieces?

>> No.1487406 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 500x471, tumblr_mor8nkVin31s9avzho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something you put a little more effort in.

The way the shirt looks when it gets near the stomach is a bit odd.

Her hands are what distracted me the most.

>> No.1487408

Not who you're replying to, but I think they mean something more finished. Something that looks like you put the effort to go from start to end, correcting your mistakes along the way.

>> No.1487429

I just noticed that the breast line starts too far up, i was trying to give the impression that the breasts are pushed up a bit but it didn't work like

that at all. As for the hands i did redraw them quit a bit and i tried to use my hands as a reference but in the end this was all i could come up

with, i am trying to get more familiar with the anatomy of hands and feet but i am still too far off to be able to use them for gestural purposes.

i don't really have anything to show as i pretty much quited 1 year ago when i had to do my mandatory military service , and i am picking up again from scratch, this time i am having fun at least as i discovered how to actually learn properly.

I had posted this also in some previous thread. http://fuuka.warosu.org/ic/thread/S1461088#p1464751

>> No.1487446
File: 96 KB, 720x960, cvoirtjlksf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I haven't really finished enough work as of late to show off, but all of these posts were me from the previous thread. I also recently did this head breakdown study about two or three weeks ago. Pic related.

>> No.1487463

>Do you have any digital works?
What do you suggest, aside of actually finishing the thing?

>> No.1487475
File: 309 KB, 1020x1403, green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still doing the vilppu and figure studies.
Still have some trouble with drawing from imagination.

>> No.1487478
File: 42 KB, 768x1024, genos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. Something I did a few days ago.
Probably gonna do more tomorrow on my PC.

>> No.1487490

The colors are hideous. Try drawing in grayscale on images like this until you get a better sense of color. That what I've been doing, and it's helping.

>> No.1487505

Thanks for the Info. I'll look more into it then, even tho I've already been trying around with Grayscale.
Guess I need alot more training at that.

>> No.1487514

No problem. Don't forget to do color studies, too; you don't want to be great at rendering values and shit at color.

>> No.1487521

Then draw from both. Draw real life things, like you are now, but with motion and dynamic stuff, like your studying now.

Like, look at a friend and some other person, and draw them doing something stupid they would do. Like them laughing at the TV, or them screaming and yelling at Super Bowl program, with their fists in the air and mouths open.

It'd be hard, but seems like a good thing to experiement with to me

>> No.1487537

I'm actually trying alot of different stuff atm, while mostly at Grayscale, since I myself don't really know much about Colour.
Anime-ish styled drawings just are a little hobby of mine. Most of my time I'm practicing human figures, but it's getting boring after awhile so I try something different.

>> No.1487538
File: 159 KB, 344x339, 1371782275096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is babymilk

>> No.1487541

>Try drawing in grayscale until you get a better sense of color

Yeah, that makes sense, because you obviously get better at colors by not using colors.

>> No.1487544

you do get better at value and rendering form, which aids in the understanding of color

>> No.1487546

I meant that it's better for beginners to work in grayscale for complex drawings and to do simple color studies to get better at colors instead of diving head-first into an image when they don't even understand values. I've heard this advice over and over, so it's not anything new.

>> No.1487605


I have no idea, but he seems like a typical "I-just-discovered-this-board-yesterday" new namefag who thinks being an asshole while giving vague and useless critique. He just kind of showed up and started insulting everyone while doing nothing to help.

>> No.1487632
File: 269 KB, 1181x1181, Monster Day 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the last thread but I deleted it to work on it a bit more (definitely still need to work on the swim trunks, I totally fucked those up).

I've been trying to draw digitally again and while I'm digging the switch from Sai to Photoshop I'm still having trouble with cleaning up my linework. Is this more of a matter of being patient and practicing with the tablet or am I doing something wrong?

I also couldn't find a way to lighten my original layer's opacity, I could only find the jigger for the brushes.

>> No.1487639
File: 577 KB, 1200x1500, panduhbdybugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what started innocently as a figure drawing turned into hot latina jailbait.

>> No.1487651

really weird lookin how much more light went into her mouth than anything else.

>> No.1487658 [DELETED] 

>muh fetish

but, yeah, I should clean this up.

>> No.1487689
File: 680 KB, 1200x1500, panduhbdybugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pushed a little farther, what does anon think?

>> No.1487691 [DELETED] 
File: 469 KB, 956x1104, Staymadkid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1487692

You I like :3

>> No.1487693

Post some of your art, new fag.

>> No.1487695

But Anon, how do we know this one is particular is new? For all we know, babymilk has always been part of /ic/ they just decided to use a name this time.

>> No.1487696 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 250x140, tumblr_mnw03pngEu1stb5w0o3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey buddy, you'll get better.

Just keep working on your defying-the-laws-of-physics anatomy.

>> No.1487707

What a pussy, can't even post.

>> No.1487706
File: 242 KB, 1000x1375, chit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everything I try to draw from imagination come out looking so stiff and awkward?

>> No.1487716

Hmm, looks like you guys drove babymilk away. I was just starting to like this person, why does everything that I like have to be shattered by the d/ic/ks here.

>> No.1487723

He was probably sniped by mod for avatarfagging. Good riddance.

>> No.1487764


He was bad. He literally just shot down people and nitpicked out of the few posts he made. No redlines, no concept analysis, no breakdowns. Nothing. All he said were that "eyes were off" and "what's with those hands?" Also, avatarfagging. He probably just found this board, discovered one concept, and now he feels like an artistic genius.

>> No.1487795

Because you haven't drawn enough from life.

>> No.1487808

analyze more
draw lots of gestures but don't copy them, analyze them.

It's difficult, i'm still having issues with it, but once you start feeling it it's actually pretty awlrite.

When you're done with that dissect all the body parts and work on them seperatly. Learn the patterns of the body.

Like how the foot makes an "S" shape in side view and "B" shape in front view. try to simplify it as much as you can.

The more you simplify the easier it gets to draw from mind. And draw lots of lots from mind, then analyze your own drawings and see what's wrong with them.

>> No.1487819

>literally bags of sand.

>> No.1487823


You're doing alright son, keep it up

>> No.1487836

>her boobs

what the fuck....

>> No.1487855

Ew those tits. Anon, look up how they work. That isn't even remotely close.

>> No.1487889

I probably sould, I have never studied breasts separetly and becaus I want to draw unrealisticaly big breasts its all the more difficult to give them realistic physics. I sould probably focus on that and hand and feet this month to try and bring them to more acceptable levels

>> No.1487935

Thanks man.
I really haven't analyzed singular parts of the body yet.
What frustrates me is that I /have/ done a decent amount of live model classes. 6 hours per day classes. Previous to that all I did was shitty animu drawings. I feel like one of my strong points is molding the body tonally but I just can't translate that into animu's line work, and I fall back into my old habits.

>> No.1487979

These cancerous threads persist?
No wonder the old guard jumped ship

>> No.1487995


>old guard


>> No.1488008
File: 6 KB, 233x103, ohgosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you!

>> No.1488011

anime and manga threads travelled through time assassinating old masters, who as a reward from god had been given eternal life. so if the animu and mango threads had never existed dali and monet and el greco and donetello and titan and botticelli and praxiteles and strongylion and all those guys would be here giving us advice.

>> No.1488016

Join us, become one of us Anon you won't regret drawing Miku I guarantee it. Give in to the cute and adorable Animu and be adored by hundreds of weeaboos you don't even know :3

>> No.1488019


Hey, Mikufag, it's the guy who was telling you to do perspective from about 2 months ago. I'm >>1487446 >>1487320 this guy.

Did you ever do it? I keep seeing you make great strides in legitimate improvement, but you're last Miku still felt flat and out-of-perspective. >>1480906

Your cross contours are unparallel to one another on each form and you seem to cross contour at random. It's a legitimate technique that helps you shorthand perspective, but only if you can place the forms properly in your mind to begin with.

>> No.1488022

I'm still struggling with perspective I admit I have been procrastinating perspective made easy and it shows there's no hiding it.

I'm trying to place a figure in perspective as we speak but I get confused easily but I'm confident with time it would make sense.

>> No.1488043
File: 189 KB, 720x960, image(11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It really does get easier. Start simple. The sphere is the easiest object to put into perspective, even though many people will tell you otherwise. A sphere is defined in space only by how far it is from the station point and how it is rendered. That's it. There are no corners to get right or planes to organize. The only way a sphere has deeper perspective is when you apply cross contours (IE deeper understanding of perspective for a sphere is only necessary when it's more than just a blank ball and you begin to add forms and features onto it.) Make sure you can draw circles and ovals before you go about reading Perspective Made Easy, as you will be using them a lot to apply perspective to many different forms, especially spheres and cylinders. The oval is one of the most fundamentally crucial shapes, as that's all a cylindrical or spherical cross contour is: an oval. Refer to Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching 1 for at least a week before making sure you tackle perspective, as it helps build a solid foundation of skills, such as circle and oval practice, to help you understand more complicated forms when the time comes to graduate.


>> No.1488045
File: 110 KB, 600x800, DSCN51031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to get better ;_;

>> No.1488050

Are you Miku?

You are getting better, just be patient and you'll be a God in a few years.

>> No.1488051

then youre in the wrong thread

>> No.1488054

Thats diffidently not miku

>> No.1488060

Nope, not mikufag. He's an inspiration to me though, because he's improved so much.

>> No.1488061

Thanks, I'll watch the video after work much appreciated.

>> No.1488117
File: 80 KB, 517x552, day 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started a sketch for the next picture but I'm so busy today I think that's all I can do for now

>> No.1488144
File: 995 KB, 819x1092, DSCN51051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think? The colors on the original aren't so eye hurtingly bright, I messed them up though, I din't have a clear image of the color scheme in my head.

>> No.1488150
File: 10 KB, 101x98, loli haet perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1488233


Listen to this anon mikufug

Also Scott Robertson's gnomon dvds will help you tons, I would skip norling and dive dick first into Scott Robertsons and Matt Kohr's perspective vids

>> No.1488245
File: 259 KB, 567x951, arabian_dancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get some feedback on this piece? I'm still not done with it, but my anatomy has been pretty slipshod in the recent past and I'd like to get critiqued since it's sometimes still difficult to see my own mistakes. thanks in advance.

>> No.1488252

Balloon boobs and folds are the only mistakes I can see. Gud job anon.

>> No.1488268

legs too long, unless shes jumping

>> No.1488278

Both. The lower part of the legs is way too long. And breasts look like that only in a push up bra.

>> No.1488283


>> No.1488289

Use a reference on how her legs should really be going.

>> No.1488293

her right arm is weird

>> No.1488304

What would you recommend for someone who needs to work on anatomy? I heard Loomis is overrated.

>> No.1488310

Michael Hampton Figure Drawing: Design and Invention and vilppu, in whatever order you prefer.
They basically teach the same things, first gesture, then very simplified figures and then more advanced anatomy.
Don't forget to do your own studies from people or photographies on the way, just looking at other people
drawing and listening to theory and advice is not going to cut it, and of cures don't leave creative work from
your imagination completely out, thats the whole point after all to be able to invent figures.

>> No.1488327
File: 351 KB, 600x1000, 1117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sketch I did,I like to draw chubby and huge thighs but can't really do a convincing of either. Any idea? Also general feedback too

>> No.1488424
File: 592 KB, 1200x1500, panduhbdybugs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed some errors, blocking in value.

>form ceivesf

>> No.1488549
File: 99 KB, 310x261, inking is shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to make Gwen by request
>get half way through
>it's shit
>I can't ink to save my life
>don't even want to finish

seriously, how the fuck do people ink!?.... goddamn..

>> No.1488553
File: 594 KB, 1200x1500, panduhbdybugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, done

>> No.1488557

Was she meant to fit into people's pockets?

>> No.1488558 [DELETED] 

Are you referring to the fact that she isn't 7 and a half heads tall?

>> No.1488561

She looks like a dwarf

>> No.1488563

It's all the lineart, even monocolor inking with no shadows looks good on a good lineart.

>> No.1488562

Is that bad?

>> No.1488566
File: 674 KB, 887x556, sketchy and nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the problem though. My sketches look pretty solid(imo), but I get to the clean up/inking phase and everything goes to hell. it's fucking aggravating to no end.

>> No.1488569


Short stacks are yummy :D

>> No.1488600

redraw whole shit

>> No.1488603

draw line art alot and do not choose first face you draw as your final

>> No.1488657

What's the difference between this thread and the Draw Thread? I'm seeing animu and cartoons on both

>> No.1488658

draw thread = (anime OR cartoons) OR NOT(anime OR cartoons)

animu thread = (anime OR cartoons)

>> No.1488659 [DELETED] 


*OR NOT(anime AND cartoons)

suits me right for copying and pasting 3 words lol

>> No.1488660


>> No.1488662

so you're saying the drawthread includes everything while this thread only includes anime/cartoons?
couldn't you write that normally?

>> No.1488664
File: 1008 KB, 370x267, 3123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hut hut

>> No.1488669

i guess... don't they teach boolean logic in school these days?

>> No.1488672

That kinda makes animu threads pointless then?

>> No.1488680

it's more about setting up a place for the animu people to suck each others dicks so they don't cum all over the place. basically if you draw in a cartoony style and you want to be yelled at about anatomy post in the draw thread, if you want a hug post here.

>> No.1488681

i did learn basic programming and electrical engineering skills, but i don't remember much by now.
what, did i interpret it wrong with >>1488662?
what else were you trying to say?

i'm just saying why you posted like an autist for something that could be explained very easily without this stuff.

>> No.1488683

There isn't that much of a difference in reactions really. And don't pretend there's no dickgargling in the drawthreads.

>> No.1488691
File: 9 KB, 505x648, png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not? anti-intellectuals calling everyone autists has got to be the dumbest thing ever by the way. autism is a communication disorder, most of them can barely talk let alone be overly technical. i liked the internet when everyone pretended to be as smart as you, not this new paradigm where if you like anything that someone else hasn't seen you're a hipster and if you dare do anything other than grunt like a cave-man you're an autist.

it's so boring and it leaves so little room for wit. added to that people refuse to get the joke most of the time because they want to be offended so badly.

young people, bah.

>> No.1488705

Honestly though, I think the Draw Thread and this thread are pointless. People post their art asking for feedback through making new threads anyway

>> No.1488708

better have own thread for animu, since /ic/s is full of those who only draws naked grannies and fantasies beign butt fucked by vilppu and loomis

>> No.1488714

oh please, spare me with this "anti intellectual" crap.
like i said, i understood it fine, unless you're saying i somehow managed to interpret it wrong.
what i'm basically saying is it wasn't very "witty".
i could understand even if you wrote up a short script to describe an issue more significant than >>1488658
but for something as unbelievably simple as that it's just unecessary.

it does make you a kind of hipster, especially with that
>i guess... don't they teach boolean logic in school these days?
that's what defines a "hipster" for me. they make something seemingly simple appear more complex and then call themselves intellectuals for it.
and mind you, this is not one of the technical boards, which makes this even more out of place.

>autism is a communication disorder
you got that right.

>> No.1488745
File: 892 KB, 1080x1500, hqruxx55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1488748

(thank you teal)

>> No.1488750

it wasn't more complex it was the same level of complexity in what is actually a clearer form. it's fairly intuitive on it's own and most people have been taught it at some point or another.

and i am an intellectual or at least a pseudo-, so there, nerr.

>> No.1488754


I neglected to mention this.

We are considering center of gravity in 2D, because this drawing is pretty much 2D. She could be leaning forward or back, but we can't really see that. The moment you draw a figure in 3 point perspective, you must also consider the center of gravity line in 3 point perspective, and figure out the weight distributing in 3D.

>> No.1488765

isn't she like sitting on that little circle, like if you would imagine it was a window sill and she's kind of got her arse propped up on it? see what i mean?

>> No.1488770


I did see that, and that was the first item I addressed. I suggested a hint of shadow (on the imaginary window sill, perhaps) to ground her. Or the pose could be changed so that the window sill clips the bottom of her butt slightly.

As it is, whether she is standing or seated is ambiguous.

>> No.1488771

fair enough good buddy

>> No.1488792
File: 802 KB, 2470x1790, Screen Shot 2013-07-04 at 10.44.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough draft so far. I have just started linearting but something seems off.
Also can't draw animu eyes for shit
Are their legs ok?

>> No.1488806

glad to see you're pushing yourself, but the perspective and proportions are all kinds of fucked up.
do some seperate studies

>> No.1488817

perhaps my sketches are shit to? I just don't know. Guess I'll try some new techniques today.

>> No.1488819




>> No.1488828

I love teal

>> No.1488831
File: 138 KB, 600x800, gurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would improve it something like this

>> No.1488844
File: 314 KB, 692x325, I'm just a poor boy I need no sympathy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More inking/linework practice...

>> No.1488849
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, smileys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that couch.

How charming :3

>> No.1488852


You know the more I look at it. I think the artist is trying to make her figure sit in the oval. Maybe has other plans.

>> No.1488853

but you know, then teal has the right idea. The character should distribute weight based on where and how she is sitting. And also the artist should further imply she is sitting with a cast shadow.

>> No.1488865

why is he called teal line guy if his lines aren't teal?

>> No.1488870

>teal text

>> No.1488903 [DELETED] 
File: 343 KB, 2254x1660, Screen Shot 2013-07-04 at 12.56.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm block colouring right now just to get hold of the messed up anatomy, I think it looks better now that the long hair girl's chest is not shown. Her shoulders are still fucked up though in my opinions.

Also I don't know where to put the short hair girl's right hand lol

Thanks, I hope this update looks a bit better without the mess? I tried do separate first, except even now still not satisified with long hair's shoulder.

Definitively, I'll redo their faces once figuring out the anatomy haha

>> No.1488905
File: 364 KB, 2210x1672, Screen Shot 2013-07-04 at 1.57.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm block colouring right now just to get hold of the messed up anatomy, I think it looks better now that the long hair girl's chest is not shown. Her shoulders are still fucked up though in my opinions.

Also I don't know where to put the short hair girl's right hand lol

Thanks, I hope this update looks a bit better without the mess? I tried do separate first, except even now still not satisified with long hair's shoulder.

Definitively, I'll redo their faces once figuring out the anatomy haha

>> No.1488947
File: 570 KB, 1800x3000, 1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1488955

My opinion is that you should resize it.

>> No.1488969
File: 101 KB, 600x800, brs fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i would do something like this...

>> No.1489022
File: 257 KB, 508x334, uguuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1489060

>draw soemthing
>it looks like shit

>look at it the next day
>now it looks good to you


>> No.1489211
File: 64 KB, 950x720, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving black rock shooter tits

>> No.1489213

That's very weird, it's usually the reverse with me...

>> No.1489245

How would one go about using a reference photo and simplifying it down into anime-esque?

>> No.1489252


easy mode

>> No.1489347

Black Rock Shooter actually has canon breasts. Check the official art, please.

>> No.1489348
File: 245 KB, 962x550, 4d03baceea24431ce56d6263d9ba3dd9[1].jpg_133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1489349

That's from the anime, first of all, the cgi anime. I'm talking about Huke's art. The one that created her.

>> No.1489354
File: 401 KB, 425x600, 12153382_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean Huke?

>> No.1489361

I don't even care for BRS garbage and I know that she never had breasts. You must be confusing her for another one.

>> No.1489375

Huke has never drawn BRS with anything other than DFC.

>> No.1489422
File: 174 KB, 1366x768, photoshop10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something I've been working on for a little while. I'm new to photoshop and I don't really know what I'm doing, and I'm broke as hell so I have to get by with my mouse for now.

The gun was traced, everything else is from my head. Apart from general critique, can anyone tell me if my layers make sense?

>> No.1489427


stop using so many layers you pussy

>> No.1489447

How many layers would typically be used for a single figure with colour?

My friends really emphasized the use of layers. I suppose I got a bit carried away though.

>> No.1489449

Don't worry about that reply. While I do understand that a lot of people work with a small amount of layers, you'll get the best results by just working with whatever you're most comfortable with. Besides, you can always merge layers later on. If your computer can handle the file size that comes with multiple layers, then there's really no reason to work with just one or two layers if you work better with 10+.

>> No.1489457
File: 1.41 MB, 1500x1813, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1489459
File: 221 KB, 1000x933, im sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working on fundamentals
>Upload shitty animu fanart to dA
>Suddenly, requests

Too beyond me right now but I tried anyways.
I have no idea how people can do such dynamic lineart in only an hour... The amount of practice must be insane.

>> No.1489463


You picked an awful reference, Mikufag. Also, I highly recommend you draw primitives before tackling another Miku. SImple perspective sketches are very easy to do once you get the hang of it and understand three important concepts.

1. Perspective is solely based on either parallel or perpendicular relationships.

2.T overlaps are used to show a clear level of depth

3. Wrapping lines are used as perspective shorthand.

Remember: you're not an architect. You don't have to be exact.

Pic related. You used this reference. It's an extreme overhead shot, although it doesn't look like it. Find a reference that has a visible horizon for more simplicity. You can work on off-workspace horizon lines later.

>> No.1489465
File: 582 KB, 1830x1282, mikufagsref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot pic.

>> No.1489466 [DELETED] 

lol why????

ggetou out

>> No.1489541
File: 98 KB, 600x800, brs fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canon breasts

>> No.1489555

i like that crotch area

>> No.1489566


Sometimes I think that the only thing stopping some of us from making money is that we have too much integrity; We don't feel our work is worthy of sale, so we don't try to sell it, in spite of the fact that there are people who'd be more than willing to buy.

>> No.1489605
File: 429 KB, 1200x1260, miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1489655

Yours looks better, thanks for the redline truly appreciate all your help! I wish I didn't run out of room to draw the feet.

Yeah, I'll try to find another with something more simple it's difficult to tell where the vanishing points were and I gotta remember that I am no architect maybe I am over thinking it.

>> No.1489675
File: 29 KB, 648x595, 1372928100811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to comment.

>> No.1489684

wat da fakkk is this thread

>> No.1489739


u wot m8

>> No.1489741
File: 342 KB, 754x1000, c_prc_kjahsk34jkadsf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggle a lot with perspective and composition. Any tips?

>> No.1489742
File: 404 KB, 729x1017, noclue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to start over?

>> No.1489746

Stop copying redjuice's way of drawing figures. It's painfully obvious.

>> No.1489773

i was about to say the same.

>> No.1489774

Personally prefered her face on the first two versions you posted.

>> No.1489779

I've had both that and the reverse happen to me, it's confusing as hell.

>> No.1489791
File: 141 KB, 800x1000, pose2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the anatomy sound so far?

>> No.1489796

p cute, i just sort of wish the legs werent so forward facing? if they tilted more with the torso maybe

>> No.1489799

Not the artist, but... Oh, come on! There's lots of animu artists that has a similar style of drawing figures and I'm sure you could find lots more in this thread that could resemble other artists styles! And I highly doubt anything in these threads is something that's going to be commercially sold, so let people be inspired and have fun! I say, as long as something is not directly copied from another artists piece, it's good to go.

>> No.1489800

It's fine if it was his own drawing "style" that happened to look similar, but it is clear that he is copying a specific artist. Even a few threads back he posted the image he was copying.

Your work will not be judged on its own merit if you are simply trying to mimic another artist. The work will only be judged compared to the original. There's no point, in my opinion.

>> No.1489801

I remember that one. He was being very honest about it. And I don't see much wrong with trying to learn from another artists style, it can be a useful approach for many. Also, this is just a sketch, I'll hold back judgement until I see it finished.

>> No.1489832

Could anyone give me a little more critique on this?

>> No.1489839

Well, it's a nice enough drawing. The eyes and the head are too big if you want to go for realism and her right hand is pretty badly drawn. Other than that, there isn't much to criticize considering it's just a drawing with flat colors. Add a background and light source and take it further, then we can give more precise advice.

>> No.1489845

Sorry, I confused this with the draw thread, so disregard what I said. Assuming you want it to be anime, you need to work on your lines more before doing the coloring, they don't have any weight to it and don't hold the form together very well. Make the face more stylized so it is not in this awkward uncanny valley spot where the viewer thinks it's just badly done realism. you still need to work on that hand though.

>> No.1489864
File: 200 KB, 444x331, so closeARU!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm getting close to the line quality I want! Think I'm done fucking with this, time to move on to something else... hmmmm...

>> No.1489870

Please don't ever draw on lined paper. It's disgusting.

>> No.1489871

Why'd you ink with light grey instead of some darker skin tone or black?

>> No.1489873

I'm gonna.
There is a reason behind it though, when I load a plain white canvas it kinda freaks me out. It's stupid, but it makes me hella nervous that I'm going to waste it or something. When I load this kind of canvas I just think of it as a trashy piece of paper... of course, I could just disable the "lined paper layer" when I post.

>> No.1489875

I find it easier on the eyes than straight up black. It looks a bit better to me... I'm probably gonna fuck around with darker skin tones on my next sketch though. I really don't know how to ink what so ever, so I'm just trial and erroring it. I've looked around for tutorials and videos but they are all usually from Deviant Art and look like shit. So yeah, lot of stumbling around trying to figure out the right way to do this.

>> No.1489876

>Christian board


>> No.1489882

The uncanny valley thing makes a lot of sense, I'll have at it. Thank you.

>> No.1489890

1. delicious voluptuous latina anon
2. The first expression and the fist on the hip pose looked better.

>> No.1489900 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 390x254, 0001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep seeing mention of this Teal fellow and a blog, would anybody be so kind to link it?

>> No.1489904 [DELETED] 


I'm seconding this.
The retard that uploaded Teal's stuff to the w/ic/i thought it would be funny to artifact the images like it was a Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff comic.

>> No.1489910 [DELETED] 

His tumblr is awful, you don't want it. Unless you wanna jack off to little girls with potbellies.

>> No.1489913 [DELETED] 






>> No.1489912 [DELETED] 

... I want it.

>> No.1489917 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 750x1200, simontmblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1489928 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 250x226, 1327565233367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the links, really appreciate it!

>> No.1489946 [DELETED] 

I'm conflicted, he's almost definitely a pedophile furry, but his linework and his rendering is fucking fantastic

>> No.1489968 [DELETED] 


He found what he enjoys drawing. That, in no way, makes him a pedophile. I know several furry artists out there who draw anthros for the sole fact that they enjoy doing so, yet they refuse to participate in the degenerate subculture or draw anthros in a sexual way.

>> No.1489973 [DELETED] 


na dude, don't jump to conclusions yet.

The furry stuff isn't drawn by him, he just re-blogs it from mostly the same people so it's probably just art from his friends that he likes; you can't group him into being a furry just for liking some art by some Pixiv artists.

I think he wants to work in the animation industry, he's got animation tutorials on his tumblr, behind the scenes stuff from the creative process that was taken to make Wreck it Ralph etc.

He also has animations he's done himself on there too.

Most of his stuff is really just cartoon fanart, I mean you've got

-Phineas and Ferb
-Wreck it Ralph
-Despicable me
-Mighty B
-Astro boy
-Amazing world of gumball

I think the dude just likes cartoons.

>> No.1489974
File: 46 KB, 1024x1024, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad I'm doing it? any advice?

>> No.1489982


You are using Paint Tool Sai. Are you hiding a construction layer, or did you eyeball those lines with a stabilizer? I'm assuming you used the stabilizer at some point, judging by how some of the strokes terminate.

>> No.1489986

Yes, I used stablizer, is that bad?

>> No.1489994


Yes and no. The stabilizer has it's place in SAI and is mainly used in inking. However, many beginners tend to use it as a crutch to not learn proper posture, pen etiquette, and full arm control. If I were you, I'd immediately set the stabilizer back to its default (I don't remember the default setting, since I started using Photoshop in lieu of SAI a year ago) and take a deep breath.

The best advice I can give you is that you are a beginner and being a beginner is difficult. However, you can suck less if you take things slowly and learn the basics step by step.

From what I gather, you have no idea how to construct a figure, you can't draw a straight line without aid, and you know your work isn't what you want it to be. That's good that you realize somethings wrong. Here's how to improve:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgDNDOKnArk - Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching 1

This is bread and butter stuff here. To build a foundation, you must first learn how to use your tools. This video covers the bare basics of arm control and will immediately help you get better at drawing lines without the need of stabilizer. In the video, Han draws traditionally, but this applies to digital work as well.

http://ctrlpaint.com/videos/ctrlpaint-unplugged-road-map - This road map from Ctrlpaint.com covers all the basics required to get you wear you want to be. Watch it, then go to: http://ctrlpaint.com/library/ and watch the entire traditional drawing section.

Come back after you've done the exercises in Peter Han's video, post them, and I will help you. Just stay committed. I know you want to draw figures, as it's what I wanted to do as a beginner, but humor me, do the presented exercises and come back. I promise they will help you, and I'll aid you as best I can.

>> No.1490038

i draw chicken scratch sketchs like that as well

>> No.1490084


redjuicefag here.

It's true I reference and copy his work a lot, I'm inspired by his style and I'd love to be able to produce something similar to it. However, I'm not yet at the level where I'm capable of making it unique to my own.

I take from other artists too, like skan srisuwan or sakamichan, for different aspects. But as far as figures and faces go, I like to stick to redjuice. How can I develop further on that?

>> No.1490192


Basic anatomy seems to be okay. I don't like the nose, but that's just IMO.

>> No.1490198


I do a stickman for the basic pose, then do a chickenscratch sketch to see if the pose still looks right, then start with the actual sketch.

Takes a while but usually I'm happy with the results.

>> No.1490212
File: 345 KB, 1125x1500, cerebellawip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon that drew this >>1488553, thanks for feedback. Here's something new I'm working on.

>> No.1490233
File: 88 KB, 807x1137, babbys_first_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time painting something and shits so cash

>> No.1490254


bretty good

>> No.1490257

>shit's so cash


>> No.1490260


>> No.1490261

Area between the eyes is alien. Cranium is massive.

>> No.1490262
File: 732 KB, 2200x3600, pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I colored something I drew.

>> No.1490271

i like weird things

>> No.1490273
File: 5 KB, 200x209, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe it's one of them aliums

>> No.1490274

>muh style

>> No.1490277


obviously it wasn't intended to have it huge, now i noticed it myself when you pointed it out.

>> No.1490279

Add a little more crosshatching to make it seem more oldschool.

>> No.1490292


Good idea

>> No.1490309 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 592x527, pedo_and_furry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you ever hope to be or work with a traditional animator, and you're squeamish about kids or animals, you will be in for a rough time. You can't avoid drawing these subjects in the nude. You can't avoid drawing them from compromising angles. And there will always be an element of sexuality in appeal.

>> No.1490311
File: 179 KB, 810x815, futalolioppai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she kawaii?

>> No.1490313 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I know lots of animators draw young girls in the nude showing off their pussies all the time! completely normal. As well as sexualized anthropomorphic animals with nude tits and having sex! Completely normal, why did we ever doubt him.

>> No.1490314 [DELETED] 

He's drawn loli porn in the past. It's been a while since I've seen it, and he seems to have scrubbed most of it from his sites. That one anon posted a zip of it a few threads back, but I didn't download it.

>> No.1490315


>> No.1490316

Yes, I hope her cock gets super huge when erect.

>> No.1490324 [DELETED] 

Why are you guys even discussing about this person? Get back to your studies.

>> No.1490341

she's like a little, delicious, stack of pancakes

>> No.1490347

that's... actually a very good way to describe her.

>> No.1490351




Technically the drawign is not bad though

>> No.1490362

Maybe you can draw her in normal proportions and not a futa?

>> No.1490368

why would he do that?

>> No.1490369


Any more ideas to make it seem a bit more retro?

>> No.1490371

For a change, perhaps?

>> No.1490377 [DELETED] 

dude, on the first page of his tumblr, he has multiple pictures of 12 year olds showing off their labial bulges. He's a creep.

>> No.1490379 [DELETED] 

>deedee using a vibrator

aaannnd done with this pedo shit

>> No.1490380 [DELETED] 


>> No.1490381


>> No.1490382 [DELETED] 

>liking loli art makes you a pedo
okay, sure do love summer!

>> No.1490383 [DELETED] 

Regardless of what this person draws, it still shows good draftsmanship.

I wish I could draw like this person, and I feel confident I can say the same for each and every one of you. Now get back to studying.

>> No.1490424


>> No.1490426 [DELETED] 

>Liking nude little girls in sexual positions doesn't make you a pedophile, seriously guys, stop bagging on lolicon

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt, anon.

>> No.1490427 [DELETED] 

they aren't nude little girls.

>> No.1490428 [DELETED] 

Don't feed the EPIC 14 year olds. Have some common sense.

If memory serves, the shadows in retro styled images have distinct cell shading. 3-4 shades I think.

>> No.1490430 [DELETED] 

Drawings of cartoon characters that are minors in sexual positions - are you happy now?

>> No.1490433

Hey anon, you got a deviantart or tumblr or something?

>> No.1490434 [DELETED] 
File: 398 KB, 900x1040, guitar_lesson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you don't like Balthus, Gaugin or Bouguereau?

>> No.1490436 [DELETED] 

Since when are famous artists exempt from being pedophiles?

>> No.1490439 [DELETED] 

so they aren't little girls. They are cartoon characters that have characteristics associated with young girls. How is liking a cartoon character comparable to liking real little girls and being a full on pedo? We'll take this even further, what if I made a woman who was 20 some years old but looked just like a 12 year old girl due to some made up disease, would liking that cartoon character make you a pedo? technically she is over age, so what then? How about Saya from Saya no Uta(or whatever it's called), she's technically a lovecraftian beast, so what would liking her make me. Be careful before you are so quick to judge this shit. It's people like you who are trying to censor creative freedom at the moment due to things "offending" them, and have the time they don't even know what they are actually supporting(as I said, censorship).

>> No.1490443
File: 888 KB, 1125x1500, cerebella_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go nuts. Also finished.

>> No.1490444 [DELETED] 

Them being a cartoon doesn't magically change their ages. If you paid attention you'd see most of those characters are little girls from children's cartoons.

>> No.1490445 [DELETED] 

*half the time
maaaajor brain fart.

>> No.1490448 [DELETED] 

Okay, address my other points though. It's a fictional character, so age doesn't hold much significance.

>> No.1490447 [DELETED] 

Will you fucks stop taking the bait?

>> No.1490449 [DELETED] 

>It's a fictional character, so age doesn't hold much significance.
Sure thing, and fapping to babies getting fucked is alright if they're a cartoon. The age doesn't matter, right?

>> No.1490451
File: 548 KB, 1000x1000, mlmiyayuno wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a rule of some sort that explains how eyes work in this case?
All my knowledge about eyes and heads in perspective seems useless here.
How the hell do japanese artists deal with extreme angles?

>> No.1490452 [DELETED] 

Good job guys! This thread is getting more EPIC by the second! Oh I know, lets add some relevant topics.

All men are rapists and should be castrated!

Anime is for virgin loosers!

Video games should preach social justice and equality!
Seriously, do we even have a janitor?

>> No.1490454 [DELETED] 

Holy shit you assholes are missing the goddamned point.

He is an excellent artist.
I want to follow him on tumblr.
However, his drawings of cartoon characters that are little girls not only draw in upskirt shots, but with their vaginae in the air makes me not want to do that, regardless of said art being really well made.

>> No.1490459 [DELETED] 

Pretty much. They aren't real so I don't see the harm. Nobody is actually fucking a baby, so whatever. You censor one creative freedom in art because you don't agree with it, who's to say that others can't be.

If you honestly think that fapping to fictional cartoon characters makes you a full on pedo you're wrong.

>> No.1490461 [DELETED] 

>Not being a 2D pedo


>> No.1490464 [DELETED] 

So it just makes you half pedo, the other half being foreveralone-weeaboo who jacks off to cartoons?

>> No.1490467
File: 371 KB, 1000x800, 1372448939348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is from the previous thread. Pay close attention to the relationship of the eyes and ears.

>> No.1490468 [DELETED] 

no, it just makes me somebody who realizes that I'm not one to tell people how to think, push my morels off on them, or tell them what is or is not acceptable to draw then judge them for it. If it isn't hurting me then I support their creative freedom. If it is done with skill then I appreciate it for what it is.

You sound like one of those progressive morons who just wants to get rid of things you don't agree with. You also sound like a judgmental little fuck.

>> No.1490471 [DELETED] 

no one said anything about wanting to ban his drawings or throw him in jail

just that he's a creepy fuck

unrustle your jimmies

>> No.1490474 [DELETED] 

It isn't bait you shit, I just expressed my unease with following the guy, and OH NO PEDOPHILE DEFENSE FORCE GOTTA RUN OUT AND DEFEND THEIR LOLI FAPPIN' HONOR.

I'm not saying he deserves prison or some shit, but I am saying it's creepy.

>> No.1490475 [DELETED] 

When I first entered his tumblr I expected all the good stuff he draws in his redlines

I was so disappointed.

>> No.1490479 [DELETED] 

This. He outta get rid of those white knights that suck his dick.

>> No.1490481 [DELETED] 

I had him on my follow list for about 4 days before I couldn't take it anymore

just far too uncomfortable

>> No.1490482

Neat, thanks.

>> No.1490486 [DELETED] 

uh huh, you called him a pedo, thus anybody who appreciates that sort of art or likes it is a pedo. Where do pedos go? What do you do with pedos? You didn't call it "creepy as fuck", you called it "pedo". This is a common thing now of days, journalists do it, morons who don't think do it. They demonize everything they don't understand and sit on their moral high horse. Get away from that sort of thinking anon, especially with you being a artists(I assume).

>> No.1490490 [DELETED] 


>> No.1490488 [DELETED] 

Most people here aren't artists by trade, they're normalfag hobbyists.

>> No.1490493 [DELETED] 

wasn't talking to you specifically, please stop crying.

>> No.1490495 [DELETED] 

Yeah, if you appreciate art of little girls being fucked and showing off their vaginas like they want to be fucked...that doesn't exactly make you right in the head.

>> No.1490496 [DELETED] 

there are multiple people on this thread

this is me

>> No.1490497 [DELETED] 

I can tell, and it is summer so I really wouldn't be surprised.
>support creative freedom
>must be from Deviant Art
get out.

>> No.1490498 [DELETED] 

there are multiple people on this thread

this is me

>> No.1490500 [DELETED] 

Yeah, your point?
Plenty of animators draw porn of their characters during drawing jams in their studios.
Hell, most of the first Ed Edd & Eddy porn that appeared was drawn by the animators.

I can tell you aren't an artists simply because you're such a fucking prude.

>> No.1490501 [DELETED] 

again, they aren't little girls. There is also a ton to appreciate: Line work, emotion, coloring, values, perspective, anatomy. I have a shit ton of hentai that I have saved simply to study, some of it being loli.

>> No.1490503 [DELETED] 


Nice buzzword.

>> No.1490502 [DELETED] 

there are multiple people arguing on this thread

this is me

>> No.1490504 [DELETED] 

>Having specific standards to things I want to see or draw

>> No.1490505 [DELETED] 

fucking this.
Go back to tumblr, I'm sure you'd fit right in with all the landwhale feminazis.

>> No.1490506 [DELETED] 

>Stop making me feel bad about fapping to stylized little girls!
For fuck's sake

You fuckers know it ain't normal, what the fuck do you expect the response to be?

You aren't going to convince anyone either, you're only going to make yourself out to be even more of a creepy motherfucker. Enjoy your porn and shut the fuck up already

>> No.1490507 [DELETED] 

Nice samefag, bro.

>Go back to tumblr
Let's not forget your favoirte drawfag Teal uses tumblr as well. Don't associate it with bad things else you're associating him too.

>> No.1490508 [DELETED] 

>Having specific standards to things I want to see or draw
Son, you WANT people to follow your moral standards, not just your standards for art.
It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.1490510 [DELETED] 

When di I ever say I wanted people to follow it, not do it, or conform to my beliefs? Oh, not once, that's right! You outta look at yourself before you say that, you've pretty much been the prime example of what you're complaining about. Trying to force someone who doesn't believe in what you do to try to switch to your beliefs.

>> No.1490511 [DELETED] 

then I can understand up to the "pedo shit" thing. If you don't like something and it makes you uncomfortable, I can completely understand that. You don't have to like everything, and everybody is different. I personally am not a fan of this guys art by any means, but I'd never go as far to call him or his work "pedo shit". He draws cartoon characters doing sexual things. I don't care about their age because age is irrelevant in art, but yeah, back to what I was saying. We are all different. If you don't like this shit and it makes you uncomfortable there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.1490513 [DELETED] 

Why are pedos always so butthurt

>> No.1490514 [DELETED] 

hurrr people agree, must be a samefag! Nice logic there bro. Nice assumptions as well.

>> No.1490515 [DELETED] 

>. I don't care about their age because age is irrelevant in art
Do people really believe this? How delusional.

>> No.1490516 [DELETED] 

obvious b8

>> No.1490517 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 919x720, tshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was /ic/ always this easy? One or two teens can shit up an entire thread.

>> No.1490518 [DELETED] 


No really. You just drop an offhand comment and they come over you like the wrath of Zod out of nowhere.

>> No.1490520 [DELETED] 

Stop complaining. Report and/or e-mail the mods.

>> No.1490521 [DELETED] 

Lolis are little girls shit. Just admit you like little girls and get over it, you fucks argue about anything.

>> No.1490522 [DELETED] 

that's cool, I can agree that want makes me uncomfortable (like an 11 year old in a sexual situation) doesn't bother others. I don't dislike Teal, his art just heavily features a subject I do not like.

I will bow out at this point and return to browsing furry art

>> No.1490523 [DELETED] 

But 3D little girls are disgusting.

>> No.1490524 [DELETED] 

I tried to keep /ic/ focused on studies and away from gossiping about said artist, but alas this topic was too juicy to let go for /ic/

Oh, /ic/ don't eve change :3

>> No.1490525 [DELETED] 



>> No.1490528 [DELETED] 

well, everybody has been dancing around the point I made earlier, so we'll try this again.

It's art, anything is fucking possible. What if I make a character who is over 20, but looks 12 to some people. Do I have to come out and confirm that she is over 20 if I were ever to draw her naked? You are no artist and you have no clue what you are talking about.

>> No.1490527 [DELETED] 

3D or 2D doesn't matter. A little girl is a little girl. If you like 2D little girls then you like young 2D girls. End of storyl

>> No.1490530

So...anybody have art to share?

>> No.1490531 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you would. Draw that, take it out and show it to people. Are you new to art or some shit? This isn't the 1800s where sexualizing young girls was fine no matter your age, why do you think people get arrested for it you dumb shit.

>> No.1490532 [DELETED] 
File: 496 KB, 706x1000, a1ce8c788512e5d3bd9e231978d092ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying implications

Jesus guys calm down. If you like loli, cool. If you don't like loli, that's cool too. Don't need to jam any opinion down anyone's throat from either side.

>> No.1490536

Look at that traced floor.

>> No.1490537
File: 73 KB, 500x481, nan412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1490533 [DELETED] 
File: 903 KB, 2592x1944, 1373083392306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I am trying to place Miku in perspective and found this reference from glorious /pol/ when they where discussing about why full grown asian women look like 12 year olds and why haven't they moved to asia yet.

>> No.1490539



>> No.1490538 [DELETED] 

I hope you are happy knowing you actively support censorship of peoples creativity.

also, fuck you. You are the worst kind of person.

>> No.1490540


Since it got lost in that deluge figure I'd share >>1490443 again.

>> No.1490541 [DELETED] 

If an "artist's" creativity had to do with murdering an entire city I bet you'd let it go cool and fine in the name of art. It's called having standards, you dumb shit.

>> No.1490543

Nope, just something random I drew. But I can make it look like her later.

>> No.1490544 [DELETED] 

No, you're just being a moron now and equating what people draw to actually carrying out an act and harming others. You want to believe that way, fine, but as I said, you support censorship of art. You are no artist.

>> No.1490545 [DELETED] 
File: 870 KB, 849x1200, 13b213332e3b459ee4a2391e47995ff8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must find inner peace, anon. Let's just draw together.

>> No.1490546 [DELETED] 

Does it count as artistical expression if the guy was fapping the whole time while doing it?

>> No.1490556
File: 440 KB, 1366x768, hubluhbluhbluh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a break from working on lineart/inking at the moment and doing some Nezumi/Sunibee. These are the ones that I can show without getting b& anyways.

After this I'll probably do some quick studies on perspective, then more hands... the fun never ends.

>> No.1490558
File: 53 KB, 444x422, motoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1490562



>> No.1490567

G-glad you like it

>> No.1490570
File: 164 KB, 800x1309, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of fiddling around with the shading on that one retro picture, so I'm fiddlign around somethign new for now.

>> No.1490575
File: 209 KB, 900x1119, wip wop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure it's painfully obvious, but I have no idea what I am doing anymore in this image.

>> No.1490576

Nezumi/Sunibee studies that is.
I really need to get some sleep...

>> No.1490638


Looks pretty good for having no clue what you are doing

>> No.1490655

did you use reference for this?
also dat pencil grip

>> No.1490664

No reference, that's why light source is all over the place. Besto pencil grip >>1490584

>> No.1490666
File: 1.76 MB, 2592x1936, steal-like-an-artist-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Speaking as someone who's tried to ape the styles of numerous artists I like, keep that sort of stuff to just studies. If you only draw influence from 1 or 2 artists you'll just end up as the diet coke version of those artists. And that's not fair to them or you.

I know it's shitty not being able to draw stuff with your own flair and verve but that sort of shit takes a long time to develop. Adding onto that, just doing studies of people already stylizing what's there isn't going to help you any without working on your fundamentals at the same time. Which is what we stress and emphasize so much but it doesn't seem to be working for the majority of shitters posting in these threads.

>> No.1490668
File: 111 KB, 708x771, 1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found it a good way to learn stuff without becomign a copycat is to learn your basics not from manga stuff at all, but from real pictures and anatomy books and only trying to get inspiration when you got down the basics and are good with them.

>> No.1490673


She is not you, when she holds the pencil that way she only feels pain.

>> No.1490694

>implying I'm not a cute anime girl

Oh anon, everyone is a cute little girl on the internet.

>> No.1490711
File: 11 KB, 227x222, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aren't you a dog anon?

>> No.1490714
File: 65 KB, 400x400, Chen on internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dogs on internet


>> No.1490747

Yeah, I suppose I fell under imitate for the most part. I'll work on that. I have my foundation down(imo), so really I'm just studying their styles at this point. Looks like I need to just study what makes them attractive instead of just trying to copy what makes them that way.

>> No.1490751

how the fuck does that grip even work seriously

>> No.1490818

Any general guidelines for setting up/completing facial structures? All my animu faces always end up looking derpy.

>> No.1490923
File: 740 KB, 895x1867, bookworm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have a guide to basic rendering?

>> No.1490926

scott robertson vol 7,8,9

use construction like balls and ovals

>> No.1490944

wow nice, maybe more detail or objects on the bg
also the perspective is a little bit screwed on the bottom.
And... thats Matt Kohr pencils grip right? Tried it... didnt work for me, I just dont press the button so carelessly

>> No.1490951
File: 38 KB, 308x261, likethis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im still practicin hands
use the middle and the index for the buttons
the rest for grip
there are variations tho

>> No.1490957
File: 143 KB, 246x238, 1343161975190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wondered how the buttons on this pen are supposed to be used while drawing. I guess I've been doing it wrong the whole time

>> No.1490965

You can assign keyboard's keys to those buttons.
Some assign ctrl for the lower button (leftclick) and alt for the other one
also the use this to not accidentally push the buttons, but is a matter of taste imo.
I dont use it at all tho.

>> No.1490977

It's impossible for me to press those buttons on the fly no matter what keystrokes I assign to them. Maybe with thumb but that would still be super awkward compared to having one hand on keyboard with access to all those wonderful buttons

>> No.1490986

Ah I didn't notice the baseboards. I'll fix, thanks.

>> No.1490994

you are on the right track

>> No.1490998

try watching this then, it could be useful to you.

But then, again, its all a matter of tastes

>> No.1491034
File: 177 KB, 1600x1200, Rei02-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz give me critique

>> No.1491051

The left arm is longcat long if the elbow is where I think it is. You should try to avoid petting lines

>> No.1491058

Thank you, I'm gonna edit that :)

>> No.1491101

just stopping by, but I noticed no one has mentioned the Deleter* brand of art supplies.


This is the brand that Japanese artists use to traditionally draw manga with; this is as legit as it gets.

You even have to import the damn things from Japan yourself by international mail.

-Calligraphy nibs
-Manga tone paper

have fun.

>> No.1491102
File: 285 KB, 731x779, getrktrolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you wreck this little girl?

also is this movie worth seeing?

>> No.1491103


it's a great movie, but I only have one thing to say.

the left leg.

I want you to try copying that position; tell me how comfortable it feels.

>> No.1491106

her left or my left
I redrew her right foot to be more out ward facing if that's what you ment

>> No.1491114
File: 370 KB, 731x779, 1373201268494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, I was grabbing coffee.

A good way for me to explain this is this:

1. I want you to stand straight up.

2. Take one of your feet and ONLY move your foot, not your lower leg.

3. Try to angle your toes toes so that they are facing towards your other foot.

maybe i'm just tired bro, I might be seeing things that aren't there.

>> No.1491127
File: 421 KB, 1163x1600, HMRNVRSN1208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thougt this was an anime/manga/misc. cartooning thread, howcome no-one has posted any actual, you know, COMICS?

>> No.1491128 [DELETED] 

Page 2.
This is about a year old at this point but of all the short comics i've done it's the one I'm most fond of.

>> No.1491130
File: 453 KB, 1163x1600, HMRNVRSN22forfuckssake209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second page. This is about a year old now but out of all the short comics I've done I like this one the most.

>> No.1491129

I don't know why but I'm entertained by this.

Do you have more?

>> No.1491132
File: 45 KB, 412x382, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or does the lineart often look better before cleanign it up, when it has small scratches and irregularities?

>> No.1491135

I like seeing non-repro blue pencil and graphite under crisp, inked lineart but what you posted just looks messy.

>> No.1491136
File: 483 KB, 779x1201, a_certain_scientific_cockslut1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've dabbed in comics before
and I kind of want to make one with that oppai loli character with the giant penis

I have a strip on sadpanda called "it's not my fault my penis is microscopic" which is a futa yuru yuri parody, but it's pretty shit. I drew it when I first started drawing and I didn't know what the fuck I was doing but people seem to like it.

>> No.1491144


clean up is a word to describe making something much cleaner and not messy, meaning that any mistakes in form will be far more obvious than during sketch. Inking is not the problem, problem is that you don't see in 3d and think in line symbolism

>> No.1491175

why are you even cleaning up? chicken scratch looks much better than homogenic lines

>> No.1491189

>most obvious plug in the history of /ic/

>> No.1491196

Have a blog or DA account? Your art is yummy delicious.

>> No.1491199


na bro, it's just some dude that spends too much time looking for wholesale websites to scavenge; sharing is caring.

I wouldn't imagine some stupid old japanese company that's been around since the 70's would suddenly feel like waltzing into /ic/

Their english website is riddled with grammar mistakes, so if anything they would be more interested in 2chan.

has spambot advertising gotten to be a problem on /ic/?

>> No.1491200
File: 1.30 MB, 2657x1656, 1370111144224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you do that

>> No.1491204

Their white ink is shit-hot and I use their screen tones but I am not, repeat NOT a manga artist. I like Tatsumi and the guy who did NonNonBa, though--having your drawing hand blown off then re-training yourself to draw just as impeccably with your other hand--that's nails as fuck. but it wouldn't matter a jot if the comics weren't any good.

>> No.1491208


I don't think I would be able to pick up a spoon propoerly if I had to switch hands; definite badass

>> No.1491219

>Flat chest
What are you doing, Kyle

>> No.1491232



>> No.1491236



>> No.1491245

do what?

>> No.1491249

Has he have a blog?

>> No.1491260
File: 94 KB, 500x269, mizuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too right; he had it blown off during the Big One. Shigeru Mizuki. Drawn & Quarterly have republished a few of his books recently; that was how I heard of him. Really exuberant cartoony , I believe he was loosely tied to the geikeiga movement? Anyway his style of drawing makes me think of a Japanese Dr. Seuss, for some reason.

>> No.1491271
File: 2.73 MB, 240x135, 1324358771817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sunny's new gumball picture

I feel so inadequate. I'll always feel a century behind.

>> No.1491287

From what I've watched in his livestream:
Gesture, define the form using simple shapes and such, then define more. Hell, most of his characters are basically a sphere on to of a pear, but because he has such a charming style, and amount of detail they all look different and appealing(also hips).

He uses reference, then bends it to his style. The truly astounding thing is his fucking speed. I consider myself rather fast, but Sunni.... It's like watching the flash some times.

>> No.1491299
File: 164 KB, 900x500, ripteal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also teal quit:


Wonder if it was us?

>> No.1491304

What is up with Teal.
He always wants to make himself seem like some mysterious figure, it's almost annoying
What's so hard about giving an explanation?
Ah, whatever.

>> No.1491305

>Wonder if it was us?
He probably got a job and wanted to clean his blog, just in case.

>> No.1491316

If it was us then I just lost a great deal of respect for him. Shouldn't be so damned thin-skinned.
He closed his Pixiv a while back, too. he closed his DA this time, too.
And leave all the reblogs of loli crap?

>> No.1491314
File: 163 KB, 480x480, Billede af mig 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with my life now

>> No.1491327

Well, that's just sad.

His overly verbose writing style and apparently quite aloof behavior gave off a vibe of coo for coco puffs. But he was more helpful than any other poster on the board.

Anyway, wish him best of luck in his future endeavors and hope he reconsiders leaving.

>> No.1491336

maybe it's because you guys keep calling him/her a pedo.
i wouldn't want to know that feeling, people looking at your art and the one conclusion they come to is that you're a pedo.

i think it's way exaggerated anyway. it's probably just an unfortunate combination of elements. his style in general is too focused on anatomy and too muscly, and add to that his lack of sense to not make pantyshots with those characters and voila: we have a pedo.

>> No.1491339

Well jacking it to stylized little girls isn't normal.

>> No.1491345


>> No.1491349

for someone who draws vag shots of little girls, you'd think he had a thicker skin

>> No.1491350

Say who? I never said I don't jack it to weird shit(Monster girls. Ooooooh yeah.), I said it's not fucking normal. You can't expect people to treat you like you ain't into weird shit, that's just unrealistic expectations.

>> No.1491351
File: 47 KB, 400x300, michael jackson reaction face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect teal as an artist, but his whole ''2mysterious5u so deep zen master of art'' attitude was just plain retarded.

>> No.1491355


You pedos are so easy to bait.

>> No.1491358

>people thinking he purposely avoiding revealing his identity
I just think he avoided it, I don't even think he posts without an image attached.

>> No.1491367


And you don't think there's a good reason for that? Look how many come out of the woodwork to share their opinion on lolicon as if their opinions were worth caring about, in a thread about drawing techniques.

All this stupidity was never him, it was from the thread. Those who suck his dick, and those who trolled.

This probably doesn't have anything to do with this board, since he's done it before. You guys need to get over yourselves. Hell, he probably just doesn't have time to update a blog anymore.

>> No.1491370

It's 4chan. People will give you their opinion whether you want it or not.

As for his reasons for stopping, it at least seems like something personal. Speculation by those who know little about him will obviously connect it to the most recent event related to him that may have had a negative impact. In a weird way, that's showing how they care.

>> No.1491376

Can you link his livestream please?

>> No.1491388


Keep an eye on his tumblr, he'll announce them


>> No.1491399


Thanks appreciate it

>> No.1491403


>> No.1491409

damn fucking straight i would

>> No.1491423

It shouldn't make me upset because it's none of my business what Teal's personal decisions are but why I am so frustrated about this...

It honestly feels like I was just dumped, that's what it feels like this is so stupid. Yeah I am mad.

>> No.1491440



get rid of the penis then we'll talk

>> No.1491442


>why won't Teal-sama notice me? ;_;

>> No.1491444
File: 907 KB, 150x113, 1361052234557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please color.

>> No.1491460


YES, I really hope that hack doesn't post here any more. It was getting pathetic how zealous people would swallow the garbage this con was trying to pass off as advice. You think after the third redline from this one-trick-pony people would catch on to how naive this person could be--egotistically moronic--when discussing drawing.

>> No.1491467

The post above me is bait don't reply

>> No.1491469

every advice he had were great and insightful, but it was in the loomis books all alone. It was no use to a beginner or intermediate struggling to reach the next plateau.

>> No.1491472

>stop hating what I like

Get bent loser.

>> No.1491473

>being this mad

>> No.1491482

Teal has the right idea. Tehmeh and others, same thing. They hit fame and said fuck these people. Clingy art fans are so annoying. I remember once being annoyed with Jillian Tamaki. She made comments about how fans of her comic were superior to her annoying art students and aspiring illustrators. She and her husband HATE their American students. Part of it is laziness and this new generation of rewarding everyone. I totally get it now.

I went on the rapoza stream and decided to make humor at dan warrens colorblindness. Understood it could be a traumatizing subject but I kept it light and playful. "omg asshole! trawl!1 trawl trawl trawl fuck U TRAWL, you're an idiot, I'm gonna ban this troll" All these suckups just piling on to defend their hero.

It's disgusting and reminds me why I stay away from those communities. I can understand why artists find comfort in being worshipped. But that CAN'T be good for you. Just give back to the community and disappear. Only be friends with people that don't want to talk about art all day.

I had like 5-10 artists on various messaging services, I don't pester them about art. The problem is I have no idea if they care about anything else like games/movies/tv/food/music. There's almost no point to having them on my friend list except to talk art and network. It's vapid and fake.

>> No.1491485

Don't project your own insecurities, son.
Some people just want a simple explanation, not just an unceremonious closure.

>> No.1491490

I would argue drawing isn't like being in Yu Gi oh or Pokemon. Drawing weeaboo doesn't have levels. Any kind of drawing for that matter doesn't have that kind of learning structure. Progress in art is absolutely not linear.

Teal's advice was just regurgitated cliche remarks with some unique-stupid thrown in to sound original. Teal's posts in reflection aren't that insightful or helpful. Rather I would argue they were more dis-informative and showcased a talented person more in love with their own voice then actually contributing something significant in the discussion of drawing, weeaboo or otherwise.

Not ever hand out or free advice is given out of kindness or charity. And a person only willing to talk at you in the discussion of drawing isn't really helping you, or teaching you. They're just using you to make themselves feel idolized. The very act of anons virousclous attacking anyone who criticizes or even questions Teals motive or advice is testament that there is sucker's game afoot; that this isn't about drawing, it's egoes and being a part of click.

>> No.1491498

Stop projecting.

>> No.1491501

>The very act of anons virousclous attacking anyone who criticizes or even questions Teals motive or advice is testament that there is sucker's game afoot

See, I find this very amusing.
You didn't actually proved that Teal's advice was bad or dis-informative, you simply states Teal was an egotistical person, etc...

But because of what I quoted, regardless of the quality of Teal's advice, you can easily dismiss any counter-point against your vitriolic shitfest as "anons virousclous attacking anyone".

What's even more hilarious is that you're a layman, and it shows.
Teal's advice was more often than not, aimed specifically at the people he was redlining, but because it was advice a lot of people could make use of. It wasn't really meant as genral advice that everyone should take.
Not only that but you use the term "talented" as if teal's mileage wasn't noticeable.

You want it to be about egoes because you refuse to believe there is someone skilled AND willing to give out advice.

It's pathetic.

>> No.1491504

>And a person only willing to talk at you in the discussion of drawing
no shit?
We're in /ic/ - Artwork and critique.
this isn't your blog.

>> No.1491518


Predictable. Two perfect examples of anons getting emotionally distraught because someone openly questioned their celebrity.

>this isn't your blog.

Exactly, /ic/ is designed to be a conversation about artwork, not a one way street like a blog. Only barking information to anonymous people and ignoring the discussion that is natural emerging, makes this place into other people's personal blog. It just you waiting and hoping one day you'll get redline by some mysterious talented stranger. You might as well be an American Idol fanatic, you're basically behaving the same way.

If you can't see the communication conundrum that was brought about by Teal and the worshipers consistently blocking and routinely attacking any questions or critiques aimed at Teal, then I got nothing to tell you. Your eyes and ears are already shut. Your not here for artwork and critique, your here for something else. This isn't /ic/, this is Teal's blog and you're just a subscriber making comments.

>> No.1491520

dude look at the shit he draws
vagina shots of little cartoon girls are considered pedo

>> No.1491521

As >>1491501 said, you have yet to make any substantial points.
>It just you waiting and hoping one day you'll get redline by some mysterious talented stranger.
No one was waiting for that. Stop projecting.
>worshipers consistently blocking and routinely attacking any questions or critiques aimed at Teal
I have yet to see any critique of Teal's advice or art, just his methods and/or the people who appreciate his help.

>> No.1491529

Could we please stop this charade and guessing of who or what Teal really is, I swear it's like that time someone made a thread gossiping about Lefty and why he draws little girls.

Unless OP shows a sign of a new thread I am going to make one soon.

>> No.1491532

>Teal's advice was more often than not, aimed specifically at the people he was redlining, but because it was advice a lot of people could make use of.

You dun' goofed there.

How could Teal's advice be specifically for someone and NOT be considered to have general information if said advice could be made useful by other people? If you're saying Teal's tailored redline was made solely for the person and no one here can rightly question what was being discussed or question the general principles that were being prescribed, then you're defending an extremely poor environment to critique in.

But to be fair post a Teal redline that YOU think is ripe with unique valuable insight, and I'll be more than happy to deconstruct it for you.

The habitual use of the term projecting on other anons, is more than enough to substantiate my point that there are some who are not here to genuinely discuss or critique artwork they're here to attack any anon that questions your personal celebrity.

>> No.1491534

You haven't critiqued anything. All you've done is attack, and cynically insult.

>> No.1491540

I can tell you're upset by somebody questioning your source of idolatry, but you should pause for a moment and look at your comments and really ask who's really attacking here, more importantly, why? Often times in threads like this it easy to see people becoming closed minded to any dialogue, after someone has criticized or questioned a favored person. This should bother you, if you're really serious about learning to improve your artwork in place like this.

>> No.1491544

Show me where you've critiqued something. You started with saying Teal is a hack - that's NOT critique, that's and attack. You then called people pathetic, his advice garbage, a can, and then implied egotism was his primary motivation, with no proof but a giant load of cynicism. The same cycism that then had you claim people posted in these threads just to wait for Teal to redline their work, and not just for critique.

You also claimed Teal's posts weren't helpful, but many others found them helpful, so what you really said was
>Teal's posts weren't helpful to me
and then concluded that they were helpful to no one. Again, this claim was unsubstantiated and filled with attacks.

As >>1491501 said
>You didn't actually proved that Teal's advice was bad or dis-informative, you simply states Teal was an egotistical person, etc...
You continue this attack with a meme
>you're upset
>u mad
and then claim that there's close-mindedness at work, when you STILL haven't presented any critique, at all, and so no one can actually take anything away from your posts except cynicism.

Go on, post some actual critique. Calling someone a "hack" is not critique - it's an attack. I suggest you take your own advice and look at your comments.

>> No.1491569

>all these anon's getting mad about how teal wanted to remain anonymous
>not realizing one of the main features of 4chan is the option to remain anonymous
>not realizing that he probably wanted anonymity because people here would bug him and judge him
>not realizing that he wanted all the benefit of teaching people without the stress of building a respectable identity, yet everyone did that for him

If he tripfagged, he would have been chased off no matter how good he was. Some people here are just downright insufferable. I'm sure we didn't cause him to quit. He may have other issues. Still, he didn't remain Anonymous to boost his ego. He did it to prevent the inevitable: blind worship of an identity that shouldn't really represent him or what he stands for.

>> No.1491574

>not having the basic reading comprehension skills to get his poem

He's having personal issues that is effecting his creative ability. Jaded chucklefucks on 4chan didn't do anything to him.

>> No.1491576

As I said earlier: >>1491532
>But to be fair post a Teal redline that YOU think is ripe with unique valuable insight, and I'll be more than happy to deconstruct it for you.

This offer is always open. But be warned, I control myself extremely well and will argue my side most confidently.

My points are obvious to anyone familiar to Teals posts and anyone with a healthy sense of skepticism about free advice. You can interpret that anyway you like but it will not change the situation you're making: You ridiculing someone because you're upset they questioned your idol.

All you've done is illustrate a strange emotional attachment to Teal, with your enthusiastic short tempered replying. (Strange you keep sage-ing in a thread that hit the post limit.)

You ask me to critique Teal's work when most of my observations were about the relation anons have around the hack. True, I called him a sham, because of the behavior that Teal has never engaged with the anons who question his work is my evidence. I'm calling out, saying both you people and Teal turn these threads into Teals personal blog. It's extremely obvious. The absolute fact that Teal has not once responded to anyone questioning his redlines is my critique. My focus is on the synergy of people like you and Teal--it's worthless, destructive and embarrassing to everyone else here who are genuinely invested in learning.

You can attempt to try to turn this around on me as much as you like, but that won't change history. You're defending an ego, plain and simple. Too bad you can't see that.

>> No.1491579

>personal issues that is effecting his creative ability

So he's somekind of edgy-teeanager is what you'resaying? And we're supposed to listen to this guy, because why now?

>> No.1491587


>implying all personal problems are the effect of teenage angst

He's lost a relative, is going through a bad break up, or something else. It's emotionally taxing and it makes you not want to do shit. He'll get over it in time, but getting upset doesn't make you edgy.

As for your last sentence, I have no idea what you mean.

>> No.1491589
File: 355 KB, 850x750, NuAxqW2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you post one? You have the opportunity to cherry pick whichever you like.
>u mad
Again. I'm not mad, and I've yet to ridicule you - I'm honestly more baffled by the continuous accusation of it. I've yet to call you troll, stupid, fuckwit, tosser, prick, ect. My claims have been about the tone and content of your posts, not the character of you as a person, while yours continue to be baseless attacks on strangers.
>My points are obvious
This is a dodge. Articulate them beyond "sham" or "hack".
>All you've done is illustrate a strange emotional attachment to Teal
I have no personal attachment to Teal. I like anyone who attempts to help others, but his coming or going makes no real difference to me. No, I just don't like this cynical attempt to discredit someone.
>because of the behavior that Teal has never engaged with the anons who question his work is my evidence.
Mmmm nope. Pic related; Teal responding to a post about his previous critique. He didn't respond to posts of praise or calls for his site, but that doesn't make him a bad poster.
>you people and Teal turn these threads into Teals personal blog.
Except not really. Typically Teal got a few calls for his site and thanks, and the thread moved on, and entire threads went by without him. The biggest conversations about Teal have been the ones deriding him and the ones about whether or not he's left.
You keep saying this but offer no proof. You are essentially claiming to be privy to the mind and motivations of a stranger; you are not. This argument has no substance.
>Strange you keep sage-ing in a thread that hit the post limit.
Force of habit and not realizing the thread hit the bump limit.

>> No.1491590

Wow you give out personal information about other people so arbitrarily like? No wonder these threads are considered creepy.

>> No.1491591
File: 46 KB, 358x292, 1336512894582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I control myself extremely well and will argue my side most confidently.

Pic related. Also, god damn you so jaded against one guy when all the "drama" (read: people getting internet-upset) surrounding him was caused by the people who talked about him.

>> No.1491594


I was explaining my point that it's okay to be upset and not want to draw for unappreciative fucks. At least try to contain your mad.

>> No.1491597

>Why can't you post one? You have the opportunity to cherry pick whichever you like.

Thanks for the pic.

It better this way so you can't turn around and accuse me of cherry picking. I will return later with a construct. If you have copies of the post that originally went with it that would be super for the context. (Like what was thing the the anon asking advice on?)

For a person who isn't attached to Teal or claiming to not be upset, your post seem the contrary.

>> No.1491625

Made a new thread


>> No.1491683
File: 127 KB, 849x1302, Teal was wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the question here was about the shoulders, and you knew how the shoulders worked and you knew how, from the other character model drawings, how the shoulders were to be 'stylized' here you'd see Teal wasn't giving very good advice. It almost as if the advice was geared to make anon draw more like Teal.

"Her shoulders are not wide. She as well developed deltoid muscles wrapping around her torso to her arm."

This is simply wrong, if you look at the other character model drawings. What's interesting about Prier, if you look closely her shoulders, they really do pop out away from her torso. Teal was sort of right about the lats. But wrong about her shoulders not being wide. He failed to see how they were working here. They are the contrary to his prescription. If Teal heeded his own advice he would have noticed Prier's bizarre big little relations, almost compact versus expansive. Follow the curves and you'll notice a few things: small rib cage, big shoulders; close shoulder blades, wide shoulders. Maybe that's not how real shoulders work, but it's what's happening here which is what should be primary the focus, and not Teal's own stylization.

Even stranger is his idea that the deltoids are a part of the torso. That's wrong. Deltoids are considered to be a part of the arm system. The statement about them 'wrapping around her torso' is wrong or at least needs explaining. I doubt Teal did that. I have yet to see a further explaining by Teal in response to an obscure redline. Teal's use of the term 'skeletally' is extremely vague here as well. And I have yet to see an explanation from any questions others had with any redline. Most of responses seem to come from spectators, mostly ill-informed people, chastising; becoming unnerved that somebody would bite the generous hand of Teal. "How dare you question the advice of Teal!" It becomes a blind leading the blind spectacle from that point, about what was meant by the original redline.


>> No.1491685


It's admirable to take time to give a redline, but stubbornly throwing a strict adherence to your own principles at someone, without addressing the person's that is heeding, comes off snobbish and completely ruins the learning experience for both parties. It's just Teal showing off how Teal would do things. That's not a critique, that's just showing off. And Teal is a hack, a sham because of it.

>> No.1491784

It's still ugly as fuck

>> No.1491838

you're making a big deal out of an anime red line

who gives a fuck

>> No.1491846


Wasn't even a redline. It just shows the skeletons between the two drawings, and the one on the left was too wide. That was exactly right.


This is embarrassingly bad, and if you think the deltoids is a single ball that does not connect to the torso, you're a flat out idiot.

>> No.1491849

not defending anyone here, but the basis of constructive drawing is breaking things up into basic shapes. So to represent a deltoid as a ball isn't far off. Remember this is constructive anatomy not medical anatomy.

>> No.1491858
File: 30 KB, 252x380, 400-05067930fw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL so much butt hurt.
Somebody calls shit on your Teal god and you people start reaching for shit.

>> No.1491860


But she's not demonstrating construction. She's implying the deltoids don't connect to the torso, and that's stupid wrong.

>> No.1491925
File: 543 KB, 200x200, Deltoid_muscle_animation4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you fucking autistic piece of shit. You must draw weeaboo shit, as it would reason you don't know shit about artistic anatomy.

>> No.1491973
File: 76 KB, 692x1044, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm doing something wrong. How the fuck do those japs keep such clean flowing lineart using a tablet? I have to keep erasing and reconnecting jagged lineart cuz I can't lineart for shit.

>> No.1491975


What program do you use?

>> No.1491977


>> No.1491979

I would like to know too. Is there a tutorial on lineart techniques? Lineweight, cleanliness, inking all that stuff?

>> No.1491981

Skip to 1:54

I realize that he's drawing directly to the screen but how the hell does he do the lineart that cleanly? (besides practicing obv)

>> No.1491985
File: 125 KB, 816x848, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hm I haven't used SAI, but maybe try to make the lines faster, if you are too slow things get jerky, and it looks more dynamic when you do it faster.

What brush/tool are you using for the line art?

>> No.1491987

default pen with simple round tip. Do pros use a variety of custom brushes?

>> No.1491989
File: 9 KB, 340x150, tuschefeder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not a pro by any means; for myself I use the calligraphy brush to simulate inking.

>> No.1491991

There doesn't seem to be a calligraphy pen in my SAI toolset. Could you perhaps tell me your settings?

>> No.1491992


Oh I'm using GIMP, not SAI, forgot to mention.

>> No.1491993

I'm looking to learn a more capable program than SAI for drawing not just anime stuff, especially Photoshop CS6. I can't really find good tutorials on how to draw in photoshop, only how to manipulate pictures. Help would be appreciated

>> No.1492012


I don't really have anything handy, I learnt what I know by myself, the most I've done was looking at reference pictures.

>> No.1492210

There is no tutorial on how to draw in Ps, there are only tutorials on how to draw. The skill is transferable between mediums.

All you ever need to know is brush settings and you're good to go. You don't even need to touch most of the manipulation tools in Ps if all you're going to do is draw/paint.

>> No.1492515

Yes. Keep going.