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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 768 KB, 756x808, Error on Green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1480035 No.1480035 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any abstract art guides or books I should read? I want to be an artist/painter but I really don't care about figure drawings or realism or nature scenes at all.

I've checked the sticky guides and they don't seem to help much. What should I do?

>> No.1480045
File: 248 KB, 729x224, 1332751180184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good abstract artists trained traditionally, so just train traditionally. All of that stuff is covered.

Pic related - it's De Kooning.

>> No.1480047

If you don't have a background in representational painting, what exactly are you abstracting from?


>> No.1480049
File: 97 KB, 899x674, Sheep_Pen_Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1480048
File: 309 KB, 570x375, Franz_Kline_fishing_boat_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Franz Kline

>> No.1480053
File: 65 KB, 645x770, 1370453384787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see how any of those traditional skills are relevant for non-representational art.

Except maybe some sort of color sense.

>> No.1480054
File: 561 KB, 903x1230, Paul_Klee-portrait-of-a-man-1925(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that the picture you posted is figurative, right?

>> No.1480057

Yeah, because learning to handle paint well and learning the fundamentals of art totally won't help you make interesting abstract pieces

You really are clueless

>> No.1480058
File: 191 KB, 768x1000, Joan_Miro-a-courtyard-scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, you don't see because you don't know what you're talking about, but what those artists produced was built upon this foundation. They can't be separated from it.

It goes way beyond color. Color is just a facet of composition, but color alone is supremely complicated, and knowing its effects in the real world are part of being able to control it in abstraction. But there's much, much more. If you're looking for a shortcut around that, this isn't a very good place to ask. I make lots of abstract art, and I don't believe in shortcuts.

>> No.1480059

godking Miro

>> No.1480060


in the way a stick man is figurative I suppose, mostly symbolic

>> No.1480061
File: 43 KB, 631x698, Senecio-1922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see why you need a foundation if you're just going to paint stick figures and simple shapes?

please elaborate.

>> No.1480062

It's figurative. It's not up for debate, bro. All art is abstract, and abstraction happens on a continuum.

>> No.1480063

That piece has great colors and a strong composition. If you tried to make something similar, chances are it would come off looking garish and crude, but by all means please, prove us wrong.

>> No.1480064


what's your point though?
we're talking about abstract on the far end of the continuum

I can already draw figures like this, I don't need practice lol

>> No.1480065

post work

>> No.1480066

>That piece has great colors and a strong composition

Yep! I understand that those are important. But nothing about figure drawings or drawing real objects is relevant to this thread

>> No.1480067


his head is a perfect circle and his legs are rectangles, you're missing the point

>> No.1480069


explain why someone has to be able to draw perfect anatomy life like people before being able to draw the dude in OP's picture

>> No.1480070

Learning how light interacts with form and thus color is crucial to the understanding of color overall IMO but to each his own

>> No.1480071

You don't have to have perfect anatomy, but an understanding in how to represent the figure realistically can only benefit an artist who wants to make stylized figures, after all, the real figure is likely what you're stylizing

there is more to that piece than those shapes, and i doubt you even draw

>> No.1480072

>how to represent the figure realistically

it's like you're not even trying...

>> No.1480074
File: 65 KB, 582x347, Paul_Klee-two-men-meet-each-supposing-the-other-to-be-of-higher-rank-paul-klee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elaborating about 100,000 painting techniques, composition, methods of abstraction and so on in order to convince you not to make poor quality hobbyist art doesn't seem like a judicious use of time. I'm not invested in what you do, so I won't try to convince you of anything, but you're not going to get much help or support on this around here when you want to be slothful.

If you want to make stick figures and childlike art, why not just keep doing what you can already do? Isn't it weird studying some book in an academic manner in order to try to do that?

>> No.1480076
File: 814 KB, 1466x933, Paul_Klee_My_Room_1896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can already draw figures like this, I don't need practice lol

So why would you be asking for actual training?

>> No.1480075

>cant refute argument
>complains about semantics

>> No.1480078
File: 48 KB, 634x667, Death_and_Fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn figure drawings they say

this is terrible advice and a waste of time.

>> No.1480079

>So why would you be asking for actual training?

there's more to abstract art than drawing stick men with circles for heads, please go.

>> No.1480083

yeah and what does it involve that isn't directly related to learning art and paint handling in a traditional way?

Basquiat was 1 in a million bro, don't kid yourself

>> No.1480082


the fact that abstract artists at one point could draw illustrations well doesn't mean they used any of that skill to make their stick figures i.e see : >>1480078

>> No.1480084
File: 137 KB, 1037x832, Embrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me again why I need to learn anatomy and shitty theories to draw something this amazing?

>> No.1480086

>there's more to abstract art than drawing stick men with circles for heads, please go.

Sure thing, boss! Where should I go?

>> No.1480087
File: 51 KB, 600x454, Paul_Klee-etching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say you don't need to learn anything. All color and composition and material use is theory. I guess you don't need to learn it.

>> No.1480090

i want to learn abstract art, not representational art.

are there any good books on it?

>> No.1480091

Yeah dude, I made some "paintings" on my Wacom so i totally will have no problem making awesome large scale abstract works in various traditional mediums

you can buy relaly big canvases and acrylic paint at michaels

>> No.1480093

no one can teach art. I'm not naive enough to think someone can be a teacher of art.

I'm interested in theories about abstract art, mostly what the artists thought about their own work.

>> No.1480094

also did i mention that i want to be an artist/painter but im so arrogant that i refuse to accept advice even when i ask for it

so basically i dont care about how art has been done for 500 years and i just want to be a shit-tier hobbyist that no one will remember because im too cool for school bro

tell me what i want to hear bro

>> No.1480102

>but im so arrogant that i refuse to accept advice even when i ask for it

OP already mentioned he looked at the sticky and doesn't want those kind of guides.

He wants guides on abstract art, not figures.

>> No.1480106
File: 73 KB, 513x793, N-K0004-084-woman-in-peasant-dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No need to be upset. Some people don't find realism interesting or relevant to learn. Please go.

>> No.1480116

I think you must be missing the fact that those are general art guides, not "figure" guides. There is plenty about composition and color and handling of materials, etc..

Further, figure study has proved so effective for all types of art that its managed to live on quite robustly, even in institutions not know for producing realism. The approach from the figure, right off the bat, can be to derive energy and inspiration from its energy. To think anyone working from a figure is beholden to realism is woefully ignorant and flies in the face of objective evidence from the last 100 years or so.

Stop coddling OP. If our help is not wanted, OP can go look somewhere else.

You've been advised and you've rejected the advice. The thing for you to do now is go somewhere else.

>> No.1480125

you realize abstract means it's abstracted from something right? that means figurative art. if you want guides on total non-representational art then read Albers on color or something.

>anyone disagrees with me
>"please go"
also fuck your attitude.

>> No.1480139



>> No.1480145

And those people would be called ignorant rubes

>> No.1480150

Why are all the abstract artists make threads and being so confrontational. It's like they all came in thinking they were going to show these plebs a thing or two.

>> No.1480154

These people aren't abstract artists. They're lazy hacks who think because it looks simpler to make, that it is simpler to make, and they thinking jumping straight to abstraction and saying their shit is deep is a shortcut to being a good artist. Real abstract artists have respect for the foundation that got them there.

>> No.1480155


they aren't confrontational, illustrators get mad at real art threads for some reason that remains unclear

>> No.1480157

>Real abstract artists have respect for the foundation that got them there.

the foundation is what they let go of and ignore, since it keeps them trapped

the new generation of artists understand that art can't be taught.

>> No.1480163

You don't know what you're talking about. They let go of it to varying degrees, but don't ignore it. You have to learn the rules before you understand how to break them effectively to convey what you want in the piece. Otherwise, you'll never make anything above the level of kindergarten scribbles.

If art can't be taught, then how did good artists get to the point that they did?

>> No.1480167

>If art can't be taught, then how did good artists get to the point that they did?

by making a lot of it and/or experimenting

>> No.1480171

It's gonna be a long fucking summer.

>> No.1480175

Prime example. Why some "artists" fall all over themselves to distinguish themselves from illustrators is beyond me. you both do it for money.

>> No.1480188


its like the difference between a person who paints houses and a painter

a person who lays bricks and a person who designs the buildings

one is a craft, the other is art.

illustrators aren't artists and illustrations aren't art.

>> No.1480193

>If only any of those analogies applied.

The skill sets for illustrator and artist are exactly the same. Their commercial goals are the same (get paid).The only difference is an arbitrary line of expression vs. commerence. As if Fine artist don't have markets to cater through.

>Well we don't whore our work and reproduce them endlessly.

See every print maker ever, hell see Warhol, he made fucking living recontextualizing images of dead white women and soup cans, the king of mass production. He also started as *gasp* an illustrator.

>> No.1480194


>> No.1480197

not so much an illustrator draws for a living and a fine artists sucks dicks lol

'i would like to show in your gallery pls.'

'ass, grass or gas[hot air].'

>> No.1480222


>> No.1480229


Miro what? Why are you citing that post and writing Miro's name?

>> No.1480246
File: 723 KB, 1710x1551, obj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is miro, he can only talk like a pokemon.

>> No.1480264

No, that's Willem De Kooning's maritime mural. Better luck next time.

>> No.1480268

the commenter is miro, not the painting you angry internet monkey

>> No.1480269

So you're naming the commenter miro as a joke about how he/she talks like pokemon talk? Fine. I don't know how pokemon talk, but I don't need to pursue this.

>> No.1480270

ok..i'm being to think most /ic/ regulars would fail a voight-kampff test..

(this is a joke too)

>> No.1480302

I-I want to folow my styyyyyyyle moom I'm uniqueeee I dont wanna learn to draw, I wanna do stuff my wayyyyy *closes door furiously* *puts on linkin park-indie band at max volumen*

>> No.1480306

i don't know why this board falls for trolling so often

>> No.1480310

I H-hate modern art, it's all just pouring painttt on canvasss...I want to draw my wayyyy *closes door furiously* *comments on /ic/*

>> No.1480481


but I don't want to "learn to draw", that's the point lol---I don't find realism drawings interesting at all

>> No.1480484

Then you're fucked, pal.

>> No.1480487

"I want to learn how to do a back flip, but I'm not interested in learning how to ride my bike first"

>> No.1480490

Because we have the anger of /v/ and the dense skulls of the newfags.

>> No.1480497
File: 140 KB, 1090x755, kandinsky.comp-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a book written by Kandinsky (very early abstract artist). It is called Concerning the Spiritual, available free here: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/5321

>> No.1482092

lol not even /mu/ is this adamant and hard-headed with everyone having to learning music theory

>> No.1482169

Nobody has ever gone on /mu/ and said
>hey guys i want to do some guitar shredding but I don't want to learn to play it first

>> No.1482184

understand what words mean, have meant, and how they have been used (mean and meant) when you use them to describe something that you want to create, such as an abstract painting.

here are two entry-level bits of information on the word abstract in and of itself. if you would like to research the usage of the word in our culture, that will be up to you to make that effort. this should be a helpful enough starting point for your information.


>> No.1482489

That is a terrible analogy that doesn't apply.

You don't need technical theory to do cubism or abstract shit like Pollock et al .a better analogy is someone goes on /mu/ and wants to learn screaming screamo death metal but not music theory...perfectly fine

>> No.1482491

Auerbach is so fucken terrible why does he use models for his portraits lol lol

His buddies were real artists he just shits on the canvas and scrapes it offand repeats the process.......if u can smudge a painting without noticing it then its shit...majority of his stuff requires no skill at all. None
What a shame . he can probably paint well if he tried

>> No.1482493

>that is a terrible analogy
>cubism is pretty much screamo death metal

>> No.1482494

okay that one hurt, you got me buddy. my coveted 10/10 is yours.

>> No.1482557

>but I don't want to learn to draw
>but I don't want to learn
>don't want to learn

You're fucking stupif

>> No.1482563


Lets agree to disagree.

>> No.1482566

ok but only if you admit your stupif, and i am smarf

>> No.1482581

learning the "rules" before breaking them will make for a better overall artist, with richer work.
nobody is going to stop you from trying to produce abstract work, and you might be naturally good at it, but you most likely wont be. we cant teach you how to make abstract work, but we can teach you how to draw, so you can figure out how /not/ to draw

>> No.1482597

shut the fuck up

honestly /ic/

all images are abstract ALL OF THEM, there is nothing but abstract, understand?

>> No.1482607
File: 347 KB, 557x427, Guston-ifthisbenoti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All art is abstract because it's a simplification of reality. Nevertheless, you're being very obtuse if you can't understand the difference between realistic figurative work, abstracted figurative work, and non-figurative work. They all use similar principals, but they have various aims.

Time and time again it's been shown that those with strong fundamentals make the best highly abstracted work and non-figurative work, and examples have been given. That's what's being communicated here. That's the advice being offered. Take it or fucking leave it. End of story. Goodbye.

>> No.1482608


Thats like saying all propositions are false since they only approximate the truth and never fully capture it.

There's abstract and then there's "abstract"...

>> No.1482615

haha holy shit you really don't understand that was ever a difference? For most of his career Norman Rockwell was not considered an artist, only an illustrator.

>> No.1482619

/mu/ totally has music theory trolls, I'm guessing non of you guys have been there?

>> No.1482621
File: 598 KB, 976x1196, Like_0079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'll buy it!" - walmart

>> No.1482678

>Most of his career
The fact that any of his career he was considered a fine artist even though illustrator was a blue collar job at that time in history mean the whole fine arts/applied arts dicotomy is shit.

Ed Hopper is considered a fine artist when he spent his entire career as an illustrator, so what now?

But honestly, who gives a fuck, why is defining one as higher art even useful?

>TRADE paidgy

>> No.1482899

reminder that you are getting trolled still.

>> No.1485611

the point is they're trolls. /mu/ doesn't care about theory as the end all be all, it's just a tool to use. if you asked them on how to make noise or drone music, they wouldn't cry for like 50 posts about learning fundamental harmonic theory just so you can break those rules.

>> No.1485630
File: 22 KB, 535x739, picasso1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't need technical theory to do cubism
Picasso would like to have a word with you

>> No.1485796

I spent years on /mu/.

/mu/ is a board for people who listen to music. Very little of it has anything to do with people learning to make music. The sticky is primarily concerned with how to get music.

/ic/ is primarily for learning. That's why it's called a "drawing board", rather than a "looking board". That's why the first thing the rules say is "User-created artwork is submitted for critique". That's why our sticky is about learning methods. That's why /ic/ is called artwork/critique.