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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1455282 No.1455282 [Reply] [Original]

Art stories thread?

What is the meanest thing someone has done to you relating to art?

Harsh crits don't count.

>> No.1455287
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the person I had my interview with for art college used nothing but neutral descriptives when looking at my work. I really felt like I had been roosed it was so goddamn infuriating

>> No.1455291

I was drawing in class once back when I was in school. The teacher came over to me, picked up the drawing of this animal, (i think it was a wolf) and showed it to the class silently. She then proceeded to rip it up and slowly drop it on my desk. She made me stay behind and clean it.
That really knocked me down.

Also I once had a art teacher that said cartoons are stupid and not art, made me take all the cartoons out my book. I was only about 13-14.
That nearly put me off art.

Also I asked the same teacher just before I left school if she knew of anywhere I could go to learn art outside of school or if I could come back in after I leave. (Since I dropped art because of that bitch.)
She said there would be no point and wouldn't tell me.

Also my family straight up tell me I'm a fucking loser for doing art and I'll never get anywhere. They want me to do economics.

One time my dad said I was wasting my life. Ended up getting really drunk and smashing one of my paintings that was framed. Got blood all down my arm and cut up knuckles. I filmed it while playing decapitated in the background. Ended up eating the whole print thinking I could get rid of my love for art my breaking and eating it. lol. (I deleted the video soon after.)

Also, I think the worst thing artists feel, while its not the other persons fault. Is just the inability to EVER be sure if someone REALLY likes your work, or there just being nice. I hate showing people my work since it feels like there lying to me when they say its good.

Yes I have problems. This was a nice vent.

>> No.1455309

Christ mon

>> No.1455316
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You know, there's a reason she's a high school teacher and not working in the field she instructs. The reality of public education is that those who can't do, teach. This is practically universal and applies across the board for all subjects. Educators who have a passion for their material are the exception, while the impotent are the standard.

>> No.1455317

why dont you show us some of your art !! :^)

>> No.1455321

>Still life day
>Somehow bring everything I could possibly need except paper. A few others do the same.
>Prof is randomly nice or crazy and it is well known that she is a nut and a narcissist, today is a bad day
>Because of that, classmates always have each others backs. Except today because we had to buy special paper.
>Ask prof wat do. Tells me to leave and get a zero or borrow normal paper and tone it.
>Borrow normal paper from neighbor who also has to tone his.
>Prof comes along with leather shammy to tone with, is of the conviction that better tools make a better artist. Says she'll get to me after him.
>Politely say "Don't worry about it". Grab napkin, start to tone own paper. Going well.
>Guy's paper looks like shit, lines everywhere. Prof checks on mine with a smirk on her face, sees it is better than her shammy work, shoots the death glare.
>Ignore and concentrate hard on still life. Going well, until the end of class where prof looks over shoulder.
>"Anon, what are you doing?"
"No I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a mid---"
>"Give me your charcoal."
>She proceeds to scribble a huge outline around the handle of the pitcher. Start thinking this was an excuse to fuck up my shit.
>"See this, anon?"
>Stare in shock as the ugly outline becomes a giant black scribble.
>"THIS is what happens when you use anything but the best supplies. The paper can't even hold all of this charcoal!"
"...Okay, I get it..."
>She throws down my charcoal stick, now 1/4 of it left
>Picks up my paper and parades it around the class room. Tells everyone to stop what they're doing. Everyone is staring, either horrified, confused, or embarrassed for me.
>"See, THIS is what happens when you do not use quality supplies!" Speech goes on for a long time while she shoves the drawing in peoples faces.
>Sets it back down on my desk.
>"Anon, it looks like it's been ruined. You have until the end of class to make another."

>> No.1455322

>The reality of public education is that those who can't do, teach.
I would say it's can't do, or have done.

There are a lot more can't do types than have-done types.

>> No.1455330


>> No.1455335

It probably sucked. Poor sensitive kid.

>> No.1455339

Not the point. I don't get attached to my work, I don't give a shit if it gets tossed. The woman sucked at art a lot more than the rest of us, which was pretty sad, but she was a design teacher.

Anyways, she ruined it last minute and told me to make another 5 minutes to the end of class, or risk failing.

I should have fucking walked out of class when she told me to. Woman was a bitch, no matter how civil you were to her. Kind of like d/ic/ks are.

>> No.1455366


>Design teacher

Okay now it al lmakes sense. I feel sorry for you pal.

>> No.1455382
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>Major in art in college
>do a review of everything we've done sophomore year (individual critiques)
>pumped because no teacher has even really talked to me about my work despite there only being like 8-9 kids per class
>I get signed up for the last day of critiques
>kids who go first say it's super harsh, some cry
>my turn comes around
>all 5 teachers walk around my work silently. finally at the end they tell me generic shit I already knew
>"oh you're 2D stuff is better than your 3D" (I'm a 2D major, no shit), "you're pretty good at drawing", "keep doing what you're doing"
>cry in my dorm afterwards because I literally feel like I'm teaching myself
>mfw year later, I'm basically in my own corner getting told to do my own thing, and I'm excluded from group critiques now
>wtf is wrong with me

>> No.1455390

>Are you me?

Most of the other student in my class hold a negative bias towards me or just completely ignore my existence during class unless they want something from me. Im not sure why but its probably because their recent HS grad art students who believe talent is everything and hard work amounts to shit.

Which really isnt the case seeing as they dont study or practice at home and only rely on their amazing talent which leads to them complaining about not improving.

NOTE: since the beginning of the year ive improvrd greatly compared to the talentless animufag hack i was.

Its all about the hardwork.

>> No.1455394

The worst thing someone has done to me regarding my art is claim they drew one of my drawings and enter it into a contest.
They didn't win, so no big deal, but I still felt betrayed.

>> No.1455397

Dude, I feel like I'm in a really similar situation. I'm usually extremely outgoing and comfortable around people, but when I'm in the art building I just feel so much hostility that I don't talk to anyone.

I started getting a lot of snide remarks too when people found out I drew the same if not more outside of class (like that was some foreign fucking concept). Yeah, most people are nice to my face, but there's a lot of hate there that I can't get over.

>> No.1455399

I can never understand how teachers can be so harsh to kids.
I have a little brother who's trying to become an artist, and I always feel bad giving him negative critique.
He'll bring me something and ask how it is, and I always preface it with "This is going to sound harsh, but keep in mind, if you apply it you'll get better."
I don't understand how you can be that big of a toolbox.

>> No.1455400

I am >>1455382 by the way

>> No.1455415

>I was drawing in class once back when I was in school. The teacher came over to me, picked up the drawing of this animal, (i think it was a wolf) and showed it to the class silently. She then proceeded to rip it up and slowly drop it on my desk. She made me stay behind and clean it.
I had a teacher do the same, sort of. She was yapping about the Scarlet Letter IIRC, and went on about how the daughter was a fairy or some shit, and picked up my notebook where I was drawing a girl with wings and went on showing it to everyone before giving it back.

She didn't rip it up, but I think she was trying to embarrass me into not constantly drawing in her class(it didn't work).
>Also I once had a art teacher that said cartoons are stupid and not art, made me take all the cartoons out my book. I was only about 13-14.
I had this happen to, about the same age. bitch didn't teach anything useful, either.
Some of them are just horribly bitter people. I know of one teacher who failed a girl because she didn't turn in her final paper on the day it was due; the girl was in a fucking car crash that day. Somehow this teacher got away with telling students she was out to fail as many as possible and the administration didn't see that as a reason to fire the bitch.

>> No.1455439

i have a story but not about me i'm afraid,

at uni they give grades based on a kind of board of examiners system, they gather up the students work for the year and all their teachers look over their stuff and discus which grade they should get. now here the art scene is entirely dominated by women so the board was made up of 4 women i think and one man, who is the one who told me the story, which i will call male dude.

so they're looking at some guys work which isn't great but he did all his pieces and worked hard and whatnot, so the head woman says, 'well this guys obviously a fail.' and male dude is like, 'what? i put him down as a credit (credit is the lowest pass, there is credit, distinction, high distinction) why do you want to fail him? he did the work' and she says, 'look at the breasts on the women he's done, huge, he's obviously a misogynist!' and they ended up failing him but he got through on appeal, the end.

>> No.1455444

That makes me sad

>> No.1455458

Fucking Bitches

>> No.1455462


God DAMN this people.

>> No.1455496

When I was younger, I used to fill pages upon pages of pokémon drawings. My teacher took them and never gave them back.

>> No.1455499

>Women hater
>Drawing giant breasts means you hate women

>> No.1455503

I'm glad he got through eventually. Fuck.

>> No.1455509

My old friend did that to me. I painted stuff on her wall for her and signed my name. The next time I went over her house I noticed she crossed out my name and wrote her name on in sharpie. Jealous bitch. Needless to say we aren't friends anymore.

>> No.1455512

Replied to wrong one

>> No.1455540


LOL back in high school kids would ask me "can you draw this and that for" during art classes. i always did bc i felt flattered and thought they wanted my drawings.

then i saw how they ran to the teacher telling him they made it. lol. fucking kids i swear... even at that age i had twice the integrity and self respect of all of them together.

>> No.1455570

And twice the naivety.

>> No.1455573

man youre retarded

>> No.1455601

>drawing was my thing ever since I was 9
>Drawing, drawing, drawing, always praised by everyone, often got 9/10s
>Get a new art teacher at school
>Start getting 7/10s

>> No.1455657

My computer teacher(I shit you not, they taught you how to use comoputers, Macs no less, in middle school) didn't like me. Singled me out alot, class was idly chatting, I'd get singled out for practicing whistling. Couldn't run through halls, had to ninja my way around school. Worst of all, she hated the fact that I was drawing in school for some reason. She actually had come up to me at lunch once and asked me why I was drawing as if I was breaking some rule. It didn't stop there, somehow she convinced my parents it was a problem, so now I had a double blockade on my drawing. Not like I gave two-shits, I've always been the sort to say fuck the rules and go about my merry way. Still, my parents did end up burning one of my drawings. Felt like shit for a minute, but I turned around in an hour and went about my merry way giving no shits. I mean really, what's the best way to piss someone off but by simply ignoring them when they're trying to bother?

>> No.1455680

>8th grade
>Girl asks me to draw her
>Really cute
>Draw her
>Teacher comes over
>"Why are her boobs so big"
>Whole class hears
>Everyone laughs

>> No.1455708

This is why, in life, there needs to be a balance. Too many men and/or too many women are bad.

>> No.1455718

That's aweful. I wouldn't have stuck with it if I were in your situation. Everyone I know has been totally supportive.

>> No.1455740
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>my parents did end up burning one of my drawings


In my mind, that's worse than raping children in broad daylight.

>> No.1455750

In hindsight, it was one of my best pieces, even though it was basically Garfield/Godfather fanart. I was using references and everything. But I was one of those sproutlings that didn't break under pressing, just snapped back at varying degrees of power and went back to whatever. At that point though, a burnt drawing was the least my parents could do to me. My dad has busted my N64, a few games, and a limited edition gold and silver holographic pikachu and pichu gameboy color. So a burnt picture was the least of my worries considering I was already drawing all the time

>> No.1455762

I hope you left as soon as possible.

>> No.1455764

my entire life i have gotten nothing but "11/10," except for from my mother: gives little to rise to. i am either a very lucky or unlucky duckling.

>> No.1455766

why i like you anonymous, by the way. you hate everything.

>> No.1455769

it's a nice feeling.

>> No.1455776

Not really insulting, but it fucked me up for a while.
>go to conceptual art school
>first year
>have problems thinking up ideas because brain problems
>everyone around me busy getting to work on their shit
>im sitting their with nothing and my brain is full of fuck
>teachers start grilling me on what my plan is
>"well.. umm... i was thinking... about..."
>"uhh.... maybe...? I think... i was going to paint something about x-rays or ghosts or something but..."
>sit there for the rest of class painting some dumb ass shit while I rack my brain
>teacher comes to me at the end of class and continues to berate me with questions regarding my work even though this was my first year of school and i'm at a loss
>starts asking me personal questions
>starts asking if i'm suicidal
>eventually get sent to my advisor for mental health issues
I'm still fucking confused why all of that happened.
Ever since then I've been terrified of getting stuck conceptually on a project again. That teacher was horrible.

>> No.1455781

i wasn't mean but
ugh i went to comic con and there was an artist there and his art really resonated with me but it was like 100$ a sketch so i couldnt buy anything and i kept on going back to his table and bringing all my friends and telling other people and when i spoke to him expressing that he just looked at me like "are you going to buy something or what"

>> No.1455786


Please watch this video.
(there are english subs, just activate then)

>> No.1455792

They've told me i was tallented.

>> No.1455818

Whoever told you that did do you a great disservice.

>> No.1455819

Feminist extremism is so out of control it's crazy, and I LIKE women.

>> No.1455820

I'm so glad I never had any of these fucked up families that disapprove of art
My siblings encourage me and support it, my mom is easily impressed by it
But my father, I feel he's never impressed with what I make. And he always tells me to stop before I even finish because "[I] would mess it up"
But they support my art major, none the less

>> No.1455821

to quote jack black:
"those who can't do, teach

and those who can't teach, teach gym."

>> No.1455877

Guys... I wanna be an art teacher. I wanna be one of the good ones. I know how bad it is to have a shitty teacher and how great it is to have an amazing teacher. What do you guys want from an art teacher? I'm sorry that all the other teachers were such cunts to you. ;_;

>> No.1455878

Just be honest, by pointing out both flaws and strong points in a piece. Don't be a cunt, but don't sugarcoat either.

>> No.1455906
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A teacher failed me in an art class because I dropped off my final project literally half an hour after the deadline. I tried explaining to her I was deathly ill at the time (hurray for food poisoning) and that getting to her class, which took about an hour and a half by bus, was one of the most excruciating experiences in my life. She gave absolutely no fucks, and told me to leave her class in this awful, vile tone - like as if I raped her kid or something.

I was upset. So, I responded in turn by puking on one of the student's tables, then puking vehemently in the trash can by her desk. All the while she was screaming, "GET OUT. GET OUT." So I did, leaving a trail of puke behind me. Crying and laughing hysterically, while trying not to choke on my own vomit.

>> No.1455920


dear sir, this is why we say,
fuck the university of tasmania

>> No.1455929

funnily enough my mum works there so fuck you!!! but this was at curtin in perth i think

>> No.1455933



>> No.1455953

Ive encountered one. Not my own my best friends, since we were kids we drew shit together, made comics and whatever. His parents hated it, and looking back maybe just hated him. When we hit about 10 his father burnt all his drawing gear and threw books at him while I was there because he got less then Excellence in his school report. I told my father who sorted the issue somehow, went over late at night came back and my friend could draw again and the household was nice, quiet but nice.

>> No.1455966

>Be drawing sice i was little
>mum always praised and encouraged me
>dad wanted thought it was a phase

>be 10
>art is my stongest subject at school
>mum buys me a paint/ art set for my birthday
>dad buys me a toy tool kit

>mid teens
>decide i want to be a comic book artist, start studying art super seriously.
> mum saves up for months, buys me a drafting table + $200 worth of art supplies
> dad says i going to end up eating ramen and living in a cardboard box for the rest of life.

>> No.1455970


i never really mind when other people critique me, i take in on board a keep practicing(thats the only way to get better)

but when my own dad doesn't even want to look at my sketch book, it kinna makes me sad.

>> No.1455980

My parents were like that. My dad eventually gave up and said "At least go get your Associate's degree in art so you can get a real job".

Never even did that, haha.

>> No.1455988

When I was in middle school someone took my sketchbook from my bag when I wasn't looking, used it to make fun of me in front of my class and then proceeded to rip it into pieces. At a time I submitted a drawing for a school drawing competition, and someone broke into the teacher's room to draw penises over my entry.
In high school, I put up a drawing I had done during a break in our class announcement board. When I came back from lunch break, someone had taken it, put it on the floor, stepped on it several times with muddy boots and put it back on the pannel.
The same happened a few years later when I started college and decided to put another drawing in my dorm announcement board.

>> No.1455993


>Jack Black

Woody Allen said that.

>> No.1455998

jesus you must either draw really shitty or be a really unlikeable person

>> No.1456004
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Once, in high school, some guy licked the back of my canvas while I was painting...

>> No.1456012

I lost my friends when I started taking art seriously because they constantly berated me and made fun of me, my art and my dreams. They are typical "bros" if you get what I mean.

My family also berated me for trying to become an artist and generally tried to make me quit art. Now I'm living off of it, I told them to fuck off and now they're spreading bullshit rumors behind my back about being gay, hitting my mother and all kinds of shit that isn't true at all. Also my uncle, who often picked on my for trying to become a professional, constantly asks for money now. I hope that drunk ass dies on the streets

I stopped seeing people because of this. All I wanted to do is art and all I got from people was bullshit. Not a single word of encouragement, a congratulations or anything positive. Jelly motherfuckers

>> No.1456021

I hope you broke their fucking legs. That would incense me.

>> No.1456022

It's just that I was forced to coexist with some really horrible people when I was younger.
So you get good grades? -> Time to get bullied
So you can speak other languages? -> Time to get bullied
So you are good with computers? -> Time to get bullied
So you play the piano and gave a concert? -> Time to get bullied
So you like drawing and took part on an exposition? -> Time to get bullied

Idk, all that stuff was really painful at the time and I sure I made a lot of mistakes but it's over now and it belongs to the past. I'm quite happy now, I get enough spare time to draw on a regular basis, my friends support me and I have a lot of fun.

>> No.1456025


>> No.1456026

That's human nature at it's finest.

>> No.1456029

>whistles in class
>runs through the halls
>wonders what the problem is

Confirmed for autist.

>> No.1456033

Thats the meanest thing? Shit man my parents ripped me a fucking new one if ever drew somthing they didn't like, when i was younger i drew a lot of cartoons and comic bookt "style" art and holy fucking shit, if it wasn't on the level of hyper realism they wouldt want to hear about it. Wouldn't even look ati it if i showed it to them. Spent a good hour on this drawing once at my desk, left to take a break for like half hour. Come back and its missing, Mom said "I thought it was garbage"

>> No.1456035

Fucking hell you had assholes in your life.

>> No.1456042


Middle school was the worst 3 years of my life.

>> No.1456043

why do you keep thinking your drawings are announcements

>> No.1456045
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>What is the meanest thing YOU have done to someone else relating to their art?

Made sure people knew that their artwork was crap if it was complete dogshit.

Senior year of high school (5 years ago), I extremely discouraged people from going into art college. I told them they were stupid and that they shouldn't pay that much for an art education, and that they're not getting their monies worth. I told them to go to a normal college that would lead to a real job and that they could then finance their #2 art job with their #1 real job.

I also told them, that art college would do nothing for their career. And that its all about self-teaching and natural innate talent.... and that if they really wanted it as a career just invest the money they would have put into college into starting their own art career (artist space, paints, clay, etc.).

Tfw I started seeing them drop out of art college after year one because they could see what bullshit it was.

Art college wreaks of an agenda and privilege. 3 types of people go to art college.
1. Affirmative action candidates (minorities) who are on scholarship
2. Entitled children of rich white people
3. And your average white plebe who takes out shit tons of loans for their edubication

>> No.1456054

not sure but you might be a bitter asshole

>> No.1456060

That's what the boards were used for back there. We were encouraged to post shit on them. Photos, stupid poems girls used to do, dick doodles, funny quotes... In my defense I'll say I never signed a drawing so there wasn't a real way of knowing they were mine.

I'll admit I was very naive, though, and by the time I entered college I really thought I wasn't going to be stuck with another bunch of donkeys for the time I spent in the dorm.

>> No.1456064
File: 599 KB, 2074x2866, children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gave solid advice that is pretty spot on

uses an ad hominem because it is too close to home

Use your common sense people. Art college often costs 6 figures these days. Industrial-art-college-complex is a beast that is preying on the stupid as it lines its faculties pockets. When, economically, should a art education cost the same as a doctors education?

>> No.1456065

>Senior year of high school
>being a dick to your peers
Confirmed for permanent bitter man-child. What a sad status to be stuck in.

>> No.1456068
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attack the content of my post (the dialogue), instead of making ad hominems against me as a person.

It will make this process more constructive.

>> No.1456075

>So you are good at sports -> Time to bully

>> No.1456081

your post is objectively about being bitter though,
you even open it with "what's the meanest thing YOU have done to someone else"

>> No.1456082

>has never heard of scholarships
>still butthurt about not getting in to art college

>> No.1456083

Not art, but still good..

> Be doing event photography for a birthday.
> Tells client that lighting is very important for the photos. Recommends that the client hires proper lighting for the event, and offers to organize, pick up and deliver it to them.
> "No thanks, what we have is fine and I don't want to pay extra.
> Arrive to event. Lighting is dull. Candles everywhere, and two builders flood lights hanging awkwardly from the garage ceiling.
> "Ahh well, i'll do my best."
> Photos are taken. People look terrible in them- Giant builder flood lights cause all of their wrinkles to stand out. Mega shiny skin. Half-closed eyes because they where drunk.
> Spends 38 hours editing to fix all of the above^
> Client approves of samples, hands over the payment.
> Sends CD with photos to client.
> Client shows them to her sister. Sister hates them.
> Client demands 'compensation' for the 'pain' and 'lost memories'. Claims I 'ruined' their night. Threatens to sue me. "My grandfather will be dead soon"
> I panic and begin to doubt myself- What if they really are terrible photos and I'm just being bias? What if I really have ruined this woman's memories? Oh god.
> I offer to re-edit them in a different style, or a partial refund (keeping just enough to cover travel costs), or a free photoshoot in a studio (all expenses paid).
> Client agrees to free photoshoot.
> I give them a contract to sign, basically saying by accepting the photoshoot they are not allowed to sue me.
> Client chucks the shits. Refuses to sign. (by this stage I have realized that I have been swindled into doing free work, for a demon woman, who is entitled to nothing.)

> Fine. If you don't want to sign. That's your choice. You will not be receiving a free photoshoot. Do not contact me again, unless it is from a legal representative. I will be awaiting your court summoning.

My fucking win. That was a month ago and they haven't replied.
Moral of the story: Use contracts for everything.

>> No.1456084

I used to be friends with this artsy girl that was so heavily into anime and manga. A few years after I started taking art seriously, I showed her my sketchbook. She asked me to be her character designer for her comics. I said no, she told me all my dreams would fail and she never ever talked to me again.
I never even thought of living from art.

>> No.1456092

Art college in my country is free. I'm guessing I may as well do it if they accept me in.

>> No.1456093

>>1455906 I had a similar situation.

> Gets B/W approved on screen.
> Finilizes colour
> Hands it in, 30 mins early.
> Teacher: "Where is the B/W? You where meant to get me to approve it before handing it in."
> Yes. I got you to approve it on-screen a week ago.
> Teacher: "Not good enough. It had to be printed and then signed by me. Go print it and come back."
> Goes to print it. Giant fucking line to the printer. Takes 30 mins just to get to the front of the line.
> Adds the B/W print to my folder

> Instant fail for being 3 mins late, even though the final was 30 mins early AND the digital B/W was approved a week before due date. The teacher never specified that it had to be a signed print. In hindsight, I should have fought it.

>> No.1456106

>So you can speak other languages? -> Time to get bullied
Everyone in my school and city is ether an immigrant or born of one, so this is very odd for me.

>> No.1456111

Is seems all artists get shit. yay.
We are all so stereotypical.

>> No.1456119

>Russia (economical crisis of 90s).
>Junior school
>Doesn't have enough pocket money to buy myself enough drawing paper. But i was able to find or steal some pencils from classmates. They're never give a shit.
>Use concrete and stones to sharpen piece of metal frame which was found in abandoned construction site close to my home.
>Draw shit everywhere: on walls of buildings, on bus stops, chunks of tree barks. Most of the time I draw Tom and Jerry.
>Burn wood sticks to make charcoal and break to pieces limestone bricks and draw with them too.
>Still don't know what i'm doing.

Time passes.
>One day bullies from school saw my drawings in my exercise book and take it away. I tried to take it back and one of them throw a school chair at me.
>Hit maximilia(upper jaw), broke four teeths and leave a deep bleeding scar at my head.
>Their parents payed about 900rubles(30 bucks) for temporary teeth prosthesis.
>Found free of charge boxing traning gym(or how you called it? We call it sections or circle)
>Month after I'm cleverly provoked them to wait me after school so i can get a beatdown in quiet place without much people around.
>After annihalation of every single living shit out of them bullying is over forever.

Still sometimes I don't even have time or will to practice drawing after work and this is probably saddest part of the story.

>> No.1456127

we call it a 'ring'

and quite a cool story, i wouldn't mind seeing some of your work..

>> No.1456176

The fuck? I've had almost exactly the same situation as you guys for the last two years of my diploma.

>> No.1456270

This thread made me think.

I don´t really think i will be good enough artist to make a living out of it. But i´m passionate about art. And i think i would really like to be an art teacher.
To help, to guide, to teach. To be "that one teacher" your pupils remember fondly because of his help, direct in his critics, but with no ill intent.

That sounds desirable.
What should i do/study to become a teacher?

>> No.1456283

it's free in my country, too
top kek

>> No.1456303


various so greatly man.

the youner the kids the more important being a socially competent, sensitive mentor is and the older the kids the more important being good at transmitting wisdom (and having wisdom) is.

>> No.1456323
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That's such a shame for you guys who have to put up with that shit. Glad you seem to have overcome it (hence being on here)
The worst I've had was a 3D animation teacher, who just did Architectural stuff, no character animation- discouraging me from pursuing hand drawn and stop motion animation. I haven't really stuck with stop motion, because you can't do all that crazy shit with buckets of silicone and plaster in a rented apartment, but I'm starting to become a competent animator on paper.

What was depressing was at my school's degree show this year, there was less then 20 actual damn paintings. My girlfriend is in fine art and they actively discourage her from painting, in favour of doing weird arty shit that she isn't really interested in

>> No.1456336

>less then 20
can't believe I actually wrote that. I mean >than

>> No.1456351


Are you me?

>> No.1456390


Reminds me of my current living situation.

I stay because my grandma is getting older and wants us to stay together as a family, but my aunt is fucking gaslight. She's busted my Dreamcast, threw my PS2 behind the TV stand (my sister's boyfriend was present and he pulled it out and told me about it later). She's tried to break my PS2 a couple of times because she keeps saying it's causing printer problems, I shit you not.

She's completely thrashed my art table, throwing things all over the floor and breaking pieces or hiding them.I've come home to holes in canvas before because we had an argument earlier.

>> No.1456398


I would aim to older kids. Maybe from 10-20 years old.

>> No.1456412

she probably has them hung up

>> No.1456423

>1. Affirmative action candidates (minorities) who are on scholarship
>2. Entitled children of rich white people
>3. And your average white plebe who takes out shit tons of loans for their edubication

am I completely misinformed about the american education system, or aren't these the ONLY ways of getting into ANY sort of college?

>> No.1456424

Well, if you figure out what's going on please share haha. It sucks.

>> No.1456509

- enter into art contest for shits and giggles in 4th grade
>get 1st place in my grade somehow
>little sister gets hella jealous and FEEDS MY DRAWING TO MY FUCKING DOG

>> No.1456524

Way back in highschool or jr high
>be in art class
>have some dumb assignment
>supposed to draw and color a flower
>so I draw and color a flower
>teacher says I'm doing it wrong
>supposed to do it her way
>tell her no
>class says mine is better than hers anyway
>she tears it in half and throws it away
>she also kicked me out of class
>fuck it, last class of the day
>went home early lel
That teacher was a dumb stuck up bitch.

>> No.1456527

looks like somebody's portfolio got rejected

>> No.1456538

>Hated middleschool(?) art teacher for the lesbian feminist bitch she was
>Tells us she is going to teach at the secondary school I was going to next year
>Take music instead of art
>She still taught at my old school
>Missed out on 4 years of art, on easy good marks
>Have to study music theory for four years instead
>Only started getting into art again this year
Kinda meh, but it's the only thing I can think of.

>> No.1456547

even if it was misogynistic, it's unfair to fail him for that.

>> No.1456552
File: 83 KB, 292x243, 1316311760273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was that teacher that, you know, just hate you for no apparent reasons but he hate you anyways
>Just doodling in class
>Teacher come up to me and straight out says "it's shit"
>Look at her
>Look at my drawing
>Decide to not give a fuck and continue it
>Teacher just go back to her desk with a "tssk"
>Still give no fucks
>Later come back to me and start to go on about how I'll never get anywhere with art, start to implying that I'll just work at a store as cachier because I'll try to go high in art
>For fuck's sake I'm just doodling
>At this point I start to get mad but still says nothing because I knows it won't get me everywhere
>Still go on on her bullshit
>Suddenly take my drawing and start to rip it into billion piece of papers, and says she'll notify my parents of my behavior
>Had enough, take my book of drawing
>Get to the page of my favorite drawing
>Rip it from the book
>Out of nowhere shove it in her mouth and get the fuck out

Damn it felt good.

>> No.1456584
File: 1.17 MB, 1680x1050, 1348149733909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Teachers using swear words
>Teachers being that outright malicious

What country do you live in

>> No.1456588

Not that anon, but I've seen both in murrikan public schools.

>> No.1456592

how is painting large tits misogynistic?

>> No.1456596

teachers using swear words isn't that bad it's only bad if it's directed at a student. (imo)

>> No.1456604


> putting drawings on announcement boards

stop that. nobody likes this shit. it reeks of special snowflake syndrome.

>> No.1456629

In my country at least, most scholarships are targetted at the blacks. Not the guy youre replying to btw.

>> No.1456630

it isn't, but surely a 'correct' social/political stance isn't a fair assessment criteria. You could make a painting that glorifies the Nazis, and it might still be a good painting

>> No.1456631

I was failed on my art boards because of 'unsuitable subject matter' themed mine around War, it was quite gorey but I went for as much realism as I could. It was apparently quite good other then the assessers feeling sick.

>> No.1456639

>be 9
>my art is making little paper airplanes
>even draw on them n shit, they all get some attention
>friend rips off the tip for some reason I forgot, and threw it away
>Probably thought he was funny
>grab his war doodle thing from his table, rip it up throw it away like he did
>whole class gets mad at me because they like him more
>have to apologize because i'm the one who did wrong and ripping up airplanes for no reason is apparently

10 years later and we're still good friends, but fucking hell i still hate him for that....and other non art related things.

>he likes to be annoying
>makes a weird finger gesture, pointing at my
>I don't like it
>makes a friend of mine join in because it's funny to see me suffer
>get mad
>go home, whole group of people doing the gesture
>stop, get incredibly mad. not because of the gesture but the fact he just got so many people to join in on seeing me suffer
>they all ride off, leaving me alone
>cry my way to home because i'm a sad lonely faggot

Why am I still getting mad at these things ;_;

>> No.1456640


Honestly, if you thought they could swear, good lord you have no idea what the bottom of the educational barrel looks like.

>> No.1456652

>Be in primary school
>Art class teacher was fucking nuts
>Had to take pictures of our faces and draw animal bodies
>My turn for photo
>She tells me to smile
>I had fucked teeth before I got braces
>says "Oh, Maybe not"
>Right in the feels.

then my friends put an apple in the exhaust of her car.
She also got breast cancer and went to teach at a blind and deaf school

She used to do these retarded hand signals in the middle of class and no-one would understand what she was doing.

>> No.1456712

i laffed so hard, you sound like the stereotyped limp dicked artist hahahahhaa

>hanging out with this girl at this as her house
>she's studying art history at uni
>she's doing some still life for uni
>i draw on occasion
>we both draw the still life together
>mine comes out a bit better than hers
>she says she terrible at art and that she shouldn't even try
>feel like a fucking dick
When we had a fight that ended the relationship, she brought it up she said something like "i dont know what to do with myself, why do you like me you're better than me at drawing at you dont even try, everyone's better than me".

>> No.1456713

>My fucking win. That was a month ago and they haven't replied.

Well you didn't get paid for 38+ hours of work so....not a win

>> No.1456719

>done been drawing since I was like 5.
>struggled through monster truck stage.
>defeated dbz fanart stage.
>7th grade (12yo) I have found myself in character design, but still draw them in dbz style because it is what I'd been practicing.
>draw alter ego who wears a hawaiian shirt open with no undershirt, bellbottoms, chuck taylors and spiked bracelets with long hair.
>just get done drawing some sick ass pectoral muscles.
>girl comes over and sees. Think it's a girl and I am drawing titty porn for my fagballs friends.
>makes every girl in my grade think I'm a creep.
>feels bad man.
>never drew anime again, developed western cartoon style and evolved to gestures and real people.
>probably was the best cycle breaking feedback I recieved.
>that chick had a kid 2 years later.

>> No.1456722
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these stories
>i was drawing in class
> the teacher hinted that i should pay attention to the lesson instead of drawing boobs
> i ignored her, fuck teachers, get a real job you cuntsandwich
> the teacher reacted to my indolence with anger, wtf!!!!!

>> No.1456726

Not really

Most of them are

>i was drawing in class
> the teacher told me to follow her incredibly specific and stupid criteria to qualify the assignment requirements
> i I tried to with the best of my abilities
> the teacher ripped up my piece, and proceeded to tar and feather me in front of everyone, wtf!!!!!

>> No.1456729

>>When we had a fight that ended the relationship
I think she is better off without you tbh

>> No.1456735

Post your work

>> No.1456745

This is the problem with drawing females in public. Everyone immediately will look to the features that are most feminine. Eg: the breasts, the waist, etc.

If you had drawn her with smaller breasts, that same bitch teacher would have probably said why is she so skinny. But since the breasts are sexual then it would be in an attempt to humiliate you by mentioning them. There is little you could say in the way of a come back too.

Drawing is an expression of your inner self. To be critiqued on your art hurts a lot of people because it is tantamount to someone critiquing who you are as a person.

I both love and hate art. I love how it can be so varied between people and the beauty of creation. What I hate is how society and people view and perceive art. Most people are jealous of other people's work, or don't appreciate it out of spite.It is FAR easier for people to destroy than to create. People who harshly criticize your work without logically explanations and a calm tone are basically the same as the kid who saw your awesome sandcastle you built at the beach and kicked it down. They just want to destroy it because your sandcastle on some level shows them that you have created something they subconsciously or consciously know they could never replicate. This is known as tall poppy syndrome.

Look at how many artists only became famous and what not after they died. No sense in being jealous of someone who is dead right?

Also, I believe that no one person can say that a drawing is bad. How someone feels about a piece of art is basically like how people feel about food. There is food and art that people like in mass, such as McDonald's, and there is art and food like dog meat that only a few people like. To some dog meat is exquisite. To others it is repulsive.

I applaud the people in this thread who had bad stories which could have dissuaded them from doing art but still carried on.

>> No.1456774


Top two happened to me. I feel for you.

>> No.1456790

similar situation

>in drawing class in new high school
>drawing from model from another class
>my one friend sitting next to me
>i'm having a marry old time drawing away and it's turining out pretty good aswell
>friend keeps looking at mine, grunting, scribbling on his and starts again
>next pose
>still drawing pretty well
>friend is getting increasingly more frustrated
>next thing i know he scrunches up all his work and throws it on the floor and walks out of class

made me feel like shit.

got laid by the model from those drawings though, and she let me draw her nude.

>> No.1456810

>Ever since I was a child love drawing
>Whole family is artists and musicians so everyone is really happy about it
>Get lots of compliments
>High school teacher proudly states if anyone is going to be a artist it's me
>Get in to prestigious art school on first try
>"No what are you doing anon?! You can't start this way! You have to use THIS method in creating!"
>"Don't just draw what you like! It has to have an concept and deep meaning behind it!"
>The people who get the best grades are either close friends of the teachers or really good and bullshitting pretentious ass stories
>I just wanted to learn how to get better and hopefully find a job
>Drawing isn't therapeutic and enjoyable anymore
>Nothing is good enough, embarrassing for people to see my art
>Stop drawing

I've been trying to get back in to drawing. I remember how much I used to love it. All the stories I made up in my head put out on paper.
I later got diagnosed with anxiety disorder after I had a panic attack when some friends found my old sketch book and were looking through it.
I really want to be able to enjoy it again,

>> No.1456812

A little extra
>3 years later, meet some of my old classmates from art school
>Everyone admits that they never listened to the shit the teachers told them and just did whatever the hell they wanted while making up some pretentious stuff to please them

Why do these people even get to teach?

>> No.1456815


>Be talented in drawing since I was little
>Be praised by family members and Teachers
>decide to go to Art school
>fail miserably because I'm hafl-assed and nobody supported me since I was always bullied by douchebags
>leave school and work with family members
>"damn anon, why did you left school? You draw so well"

I want to draw but since it remembers me past days at school of kids bullying me and family members ignoring me, I can't be arsed to do it and it's killing me.
My motivation is 0 and I blame myself for being a pussy...

>> No.1456817

I have something that might help you get inspired again.
There are only two people who's critique matter.
1. Your own opinion
2. The customer if you are being commissioned to do some paid art work

everyone else can go fuck themselves because usually they are what I describe here >>1456745

>> No.1456820


That's a bad idea. Teens are dicks and never listen, you should aim to little ones, say 10-14.

>> No.1456821


Christ what art school do you go to? Sounds more like highschool...Sensing nonsense.

>> No.1456823


Sorry I'm from Italy and I kinda get confused with American school system.

It was Hight School

>> No.1456889

>High school
>Not really drawing that much back then, but was a little proud of what few I did in my sketch pad since everyone else at the time thought I was good
>(Considering this was high school, I know they're really shit, but heck I was proud of them and wanted to show them to my parents one day, when they visit from overseas)
>Science class
>Manipulative cunt old maid long-tenured teacher that everyone hates, but is afraid to speak out against since she threatens to lower grades, especially to guys
>I left my pad on top
>This teacher suddenly wanted to see my sketchpad
>Was in a good mood, and more than happy to show them. GIves to teacher.
>She looks through them...
>...then all of a sudden, she proceeds to rip them all up, one page at a time, in front of me
>Remained smiling throughout the whole class. Since everyone saw me smiling, they thought it didn't affect me as much as it should.
>Class time ended, cunt teacher exits class
>The moment she stepped out the door, I snapped - I kicked the empty chair in front of me across the room and broke it.
>(I rarely ever get angry, so they later told me this surprised the heck out of them
>I walked out of the room.
>On hearing that, cunt teacher walks towards me and says "Mr._____, come to the office right this instant!"
>She was behind me when she said that. I stopped and glanced at her direction for two seconds, then proceeds to just walk away without caring.
>They later told me that this is the first time they've ever seen this cunt teacher embarassed in front of everyone
>Of course, I'm a little scared that I'd get into trouble with the principal, but this was the most pissed off I ever was my entire life
>Never gotten in trouble for it. Considering that I was always chill, happy and friendly to everyone, even to teachers, they felt my anger was justified, and the superintendent even came to me to tell that I should just forgive my cunt teacher since she's an old maid (yes, she did say that)

-part 2 next-

>> No.1456893

part 2
>Used to be friendly to cunt teacher, but from that point on, I stopped talking to her. Even stopped doing homework and projects. She doesn't interact with me likewise
>But even with that, since quizzes and exams count the highest % for grades, I did extremely well, having the highest score out of all the guys in school, so she has nothing on me.
>Graduated high school having high grades for her class, despite not doing a lot of schoolwork
>A year later after graduating, rumor has it that she stopped being cunty. I'd like to think that I was the reason why, out of her 15 years of tormenting students, that she finally stopped being a cunt, and chances are, it probably is since this superintendent also told me that I was the first student to ever stand up against her.
>Then more rumors started sprouting - this old maid who has an agenda against men throughout the years - had a crush on me.
>Ewwwww... *shivers*

Anyway, that's probably the reason why I stopped drawing for years, and I blame that cunt for it. I only started drawing again eight years later (which was two years ago) and never turned back from drawing since, especially since I'm an art student now (formerly a programming student)

>> No.1456896

bittersweet ending?

>> No.1456900
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this "fuck the critique-givers" attitude you have ain't good
critique matters, and /ic/'s critique has made me notice errors in my drawings that I would've never seen on my own. With every error I acknowledge, I learn from it and climb up a little bit each time

>> No.1456910
File: 1019 KB, 2592x1936, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing is an expression of your inner self
gtfo, if your artwork gets critiqued it's not like your gimpy leg is being laughed at in a public stoning
>people who harshly criticize your work without logic
it would then be your job as the artist to point out the flaws in their logic. stop slinking down like a puss and defend your goddamned work
>look how many artists only became famous after they died
congratulations. it is impossible for anyone to argue that with you, since no one is going to take the time to go through the case-by-case basis of artists who became well known after death and why that was the case, because it IS a case-by-case basis and becoming a thing of the past.
>analogy of art and food
your analogy is shit because it breaks down when you go any further from what you stated here. yeah, feelings happen because of art, but feelings are no good grounds for critique.

>> No.1456918

he's quoting the latter hapf from "School of Rock," where Black's character says that.

>> No.1456919

Do you understand how logic works?
Because your arguments lack it.

>> No.1456923

If I had the link I would post it, but basically its a professional artist backing up what I said, and also that places like this board and deviant art are detrimental to your progress

>> No.1456924

maybe because you don't have any common sense you're missing the unstated prepositions

>> No.1456926

>places like this board and deviant art are detrimental to your progress
But that fully contradicts my personal experience
this board is good, because it has anonymous, no-bullshit, honest critique
DeviantArt IS detrimental because it's a circlejerk with zero criticism where the artists stagnate, block people whose opinions they don't like and yap about how it's MAH STYLE DON'T LOOK IF U DONT LIKE IT, K?

>> No.1456927

He's right, you know

>> No.1456929

>getting other opinions
>detrimental to progress

Are you retarded? The best way to stagnate is to never be critqued.

>> No.1456930

Critique on the net is 99,9% bullshit anyway. I don't need people telling me head is too big. On dA, etc you just post your shit and people will like it or not.

>> No.1456931


Yeah, and it's originally a Woody Allen quote.

>> No.1456933

Except it isn't 99% bullshit. I've only ever seen people bullshitting works posted here, on /ic/ maybe 3 times? 4? Every other post I've seen helpful pointers and resources. At worst, people don't get a response.

If you're aware your head is so far up your own arse why don't you try and remove it?

>> No.1456936

>Critique on the net is 99,9% bullshit anyway
And it's your job to find the truth amongst the shit - whether the critique is from the net or teachers or even clients who don't have the vocabulary to properly understand or communicate their gripes with your work so far.

>I don't need people telling me head is too big.
Apparently you do if you keep drawing big heads.

>On dA, etc you just post your shit and people will like it or not.
And that's... better? What point are you trying to make?

>> No.1456938

Knowing your anatomy (or anything else) is wrong won't make you magically skip years of practice and suddenly make it all ok. But i realize where i lack and what i must learn. I don't need some random guy tell me that. And i won't get any professional critique or help from random people. If i wanted that i would need to pay someone better to teach me. Also i don't want to waste time learning from someone who never hold a pencil in their lives. Because that what can happen on the net.

>> No.1456939

>but basically its a professional artist backing up what I said

Was it Rob Liefeld?

>> No.1456940

FYI, you don't need to be a master artist to know when something is wrong with an image. The only requirement is sight.
You are in a thread full of complains about PAID tuition. You're just as likely to get a bitter retard out there as in here. At least the people here aren't taking your money. Post some of your work?

>> No.1456941
File: 473 KB, 200x200, 1359086211487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im curious to see what your art looks like

>> No.1456943

If i pay someone i can see what's their skill. If someone is much better then i will have always something to learn.

What does it have to do anything with the discussion?

>> No.1456945

i'm simply curious to see what your art looks like
showing it would be a gesture of niceness

>> No.1456948

I don't think so. Somehow i think you are just fishing to call me shit.

>> No.1456952 [DELETED] 

>showing it would be a gesture of niceness
nigga u gay

>> No.1456954

>implying you'll always be able to tell what's wrong with an image or what you need to work on

If you can, bully for you. But the fact that critique leads to you being told things you already know doesn't make it the least bit detrimental, if anything it just makes it slightly pointless.

>> No.1456957

>What does it have to do anything with the discussion?

>Also i don't want to waste time learning from someone who never hold a pencil in their lives.

>> No.1456964

Why wouldn't you know where you lack and what you need to improve? Sure you won't know everything but there is always next step to take.

But i'm not teaching you anything or critiquing your piece. I'm just saying i found anonymous critique on net worthless.

>> No.1456975

could have been, that name sounds familiar

>> No.1456979

>But i'm not teaching you anything

Then what is the aim of this discussion?
You're making a point about how one should go about learning. How can that possibly hold any water if it turns out you yourself have no clue what learning about art entrails?

>> No.1456988

>Why wouldn't you know where you lack and what you need to improve?

Dear god... just... fucking hell man... It answers itself...

Guess what; you're an idiot. And I'm an idiot. Everyone alive is an idiot.
If we all knew what was wrong with us, there wouldn't be anything wrong with us anymore. We'd bloody well fix it.

But people are stupid, and self-deluded, and wont always see their flaws.
Furthermore, as per your own damn logic, everyone sees the world differently. And if an artist wants to learn how to communicate their vision of the world to other people, it kiiind of helps to figure out what the fuck other people are seeing.
Just knowing the next step isn't always enough, there will always be things that you aren't seeing.
And even if we pretend it is enough, that STILL doesn't equal "critiques are bad and detrimental to progress", but merely "critiques aren't something I personally need to move forward".

Not to mention that simply knowing there's a problem doesn't automatically imply you know how to fix it.

>> No.1456996

Monster truck stage?

>> No.1457032


Now it's all starting to makes sense...

>> No.1457038

Is this it?

Rob Liefeld is, by the way, a hack with no integrity who can't draw and frequently steals/traces from other art/photos, and recently burned all his bridges when he threw a giant temper tantrum and threatened to slug Tom Brevoort(who, as it stands, probably deserves it, but to say you'll do it publicly is stupid).

I would not look to Rob Liefeld for professional advice, or artistic advice, since he is neither especially professional in his behavior and not an especially good artist.

>> No.1457058


Could be Christopher Hart as well. Fuck this nigger.

>> No.1457087

Different person, but
In elementary school, I had a sub teacher
There was a student who would act-out a lot, and she was getting really upset with him
It was the end of the day and she lost it and started choking him, we were all like deers caught in head-lights, the bell rang and we ran to tell the principal who didn't believe us

>> No.1457102

Why should he have to change his behaviour just to make you happy

let him be who he is and respect him for it

>> No.1457139

>Why should he have to change his behaviour just to make you happy
>let him be who he is and respect him for it
He doesn't have to, but if he wants me to respect him as an artist, he's going to have to show some ability + integrity, and if he wants me to respect him as a professional, he needs to act the part.

Respect is not a given, it's something you earn, and Rob has not earned it.

>> No.1457150

and yea a new law was created.

Rob's law:
As a thread on /ic/ grows longer, the probability of the topic of conversation turning into a dicussion about the shortcomings of Rob Liefeld approaches 1.

>> No.1457223

This is where the saying "Those who can't do, teach" applies.

They are frustrated because they couldn't get their work sold professionally so they teach while feeling like they missed their goals. This is why they are bitter and jealous of anyone who is ambitious and good.

This isn't art specifically, just typical depressed human beings.

>> No.1457325

Is this a reference to Godwin's Law?

>> No.1457330


>> No.1457407
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>> No.1457408
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>> No.1457414
File: 85 KB, 437x721, glubbrielle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a legend.

>Be me in 6th grade.
>Just discovered the internet.
>Finding fistfulls of gooey inspiration in a cluster of furfag artists and popular mangakas and trying to emulate a beautiful bastard child of all their art styles at once.
>Draws pinups of women in scantily clad all day.
>Builds silly makeshift portfolio full of suggestively posed pinups.
>Feels productive mang.
>Troop of Yaoi fanatic girls sees me drawing bewbs without approved amount of cloth.
>Hear them talking about what a sexist womanizing pig I am at lunch.
>Ignore it.
>One day, walking out of class, shortest Yaoi gurl stops in the doorframe and looks back at me.
>"I don't like you."
>"But why?" 0n0
>"You're a pervert."
>"Errbody's a pervert, gurl! You read books full of girlyboys having sex with each other."
>*scampers off*
>Flat-ass bowlcut girl never talks to me again.
>She was trying to draw at the time. She stopped. I did not.

Flash forward. Dis mah new character, Glubbriel.
She's a fish. With tits.

>> No.1457434

>Also, I think the worst thing artists feel, while its not the other persons fault. Is just the inability to EVER be sure if someone REALLY likes your work, or there just being nice. I hate showing people my work since it feels like there lying to me when they say its good.
>Yes I have problems. This was a nice vent.
Same boat, buddy.

>> No.1457442

In my language (Hungarian), we have a word for women like this.
It goes "baszatlan kurva" which basically means "un-fucked (as in: "in great need of a fuck") bitch".
Because usually, that's what these bitches' problems are: Their cunts are dustier than Keith Richards' nasal mucosa.

>> No.1457465


fucking lol

>> No.1457468


>Have a teacher that loves to o pretentious "make a piece based on this hip ol' phrase" like Memento Mori and shit.
>Assignment is "Modern Ruin"
>A lot of people draw wrecked buildings and yachts while reminiscing about growing up and childhood and facing reality and how the world is a lie and stuff.
>They all look like garbage
>I draw a hipster hanging Mona Lisa and the Girl with a Pearl Earring with moustaches and the hipster artist going on this huge tangent in Wingdings.
>Teacher asks who did it.
>I raise my hand.
>"Okay, next."
>It's not even given a space for critique.

>> No.1457477

Hey, you know why a lot of art teachers suck?

Because they're you, only 30 years later and without any real success in the art world. They have the same doubts and insecurities about their work that you do, they have to deal with a shitty school system every single day and tons of students' homework every single night, and MAYBE one in four kids aren't entitled "MUH STYLE" type kids who take every single criticism, no matter how polite and well meant, of their work as a grave personal insult that sends them into a teenage hormonal rage about what a bitch or asshole they are, because it's art, man, and you can't TEACH art, because art is a beautiful self expression of the self that you can't teach, you ugly stupid bitch whore and what do you know anyway because you don't know how deep and special the flaming horned skull or the pretty dog with both eyes on the same side of its head is.

>> No.1457478

Oh, and since it's high school, 80% of the kids don't want to be there, and if it's college, 80% of the kids are just there for the requirements.

>> No.1457487

I've never heard of criticism that involves ripping up a student's work.

>> No.1457509

>MAYBE one in four kids aren't entitled "MUH STYLE" type kids who take every single criticism, no matter how polite and well meant, of their work as a grave personal insult that sends them into a teenage hormonal rage about what a bitch or asshole they are, because it's art, man, and you can't TEACH art, because art is a beautiful self expression of the self that you can't teach, you ugly stupid bitch whore and what do you know anyway because you don't know how deep and special the flaming horned skull or the pretty dog with both eyes on the same side of its head is.

So fucking specific that I suspect that was you.

>> No.1457552

WAS universal perhaps.

But it's far more difficult to get into the education field with a teaching permit than you might think.

>> No.1457574

Diff anon here (actual educator in high school)

This guy is so fucking spot on it's silly.
However we break the MUH STYLE idiots at the beginning of the year. Which leaves us with the lazy uninterested asses who actively choose to fail the class and yet show up everyday to bring down the mood for everybody else.

>> No.1457647

I had the same problem when I showed people I knew my art. I always felt bad and that I could do better. Though it was hard it made me challenge and question my craft much more.

>> No.1457665


at about 1:55:30

>> No.1457750

It's time to stop teaching.

>> No.1457787

i'd say it's universal for basically every non college/university art teacher
actual professors are a mixed bag of graduate students and people who were successful at some point (but fineart isn't really a lifestyle you can live off of indefinitely)

>> No.1458051

what you fail to realize is any joe shmoe can go into the artworld and try it out.

Teaching preparation programs are far more rigorous than your basement painting schedule.

Historically anybody could teach as long as they had any sort of experience in the subject and for art that wasn't even a requirement. Currently and thankfully it is changing towards a system which requires people to be knowledgeable and trained in their content area along with current pedagogy practices. Not to mention schools are searching out art educators with CTE certification which requires that they have worked in the field in their content area.

>> No.1458078

do we live in the same world
art departments are always underfunded, and have one teacher who has probably been there for a long ass time, or they cycle through teachers
also the preparation program for becoming an art teacher isn't rigorous

>> No.1458080

and I take it you've been through one of those programs?

>> No.1458094

no, i attend school alongside and am friends with people who participate in the programs
the only people who would call it rigorous are: people who have no interest in teaching a classroom, or people who are lazy

>> No.1458102 [DELETED] 

I lost my legs in a car accident when I was little and one time a guy pretended to be my friend so he could get to my portfolio and cut it in half to "make it look like me". I almost dropped art because of that. Since then I don't allow anyone but my family to touch or even get near my pieces.
Teenagers can be so cruel...

>> No.1458104 [DELETED] 

That's awful, what an asshole.

>> No.1458105 [DELETED] 

Wtf bro?

>> No.1458106

Then the program in your area is still sorely lacking.

I completed 5 credits less than my peers going for their BFA. In addition to those fine arts courses, I also completed the education curriculum all other education applicants had to complete which came to 73 additional credits. All other education programs I'm aware of require similar criteria are met. Not rigorous my ass, I'm tired of pieces of shit like you giving flack to educators when you have no goddamn idea what you're talking about and all you have to reference are your 50+ year old teachers from middle school who only exist in the system because they've been grandfathered in.
Don't tell me you're a business major cause that'll just give me a bigger reason to spit in your general direction.

>> No.1458108

Tem BR no meu /ic/ e ele gosta da portadosfundos :3

>> No.1458111 [DELETED] 

Holy shit.... That's heavy stuff... I'm sorry man, really am.

>> No.1458114 [DELETED] 

its an old copy pasta.

>> No.1458113

yeah you sound like a great teacher already
kids are gonna love you
like, kids love nothing more than stubborn teachers who feel entitled and superior to them

>> No.1458116 [DELETED] 

People are capable of nailing a man to a cross, I wouldn't doubt they'd be capable of ripping a work in half to belittle someone else.

>> No.1458117 [DELETED] 

jesus didn't exist... romans was a society not a single person... it was over a year old pasta... it was written from other persons perspective...it was funny at the time but now its gay.

>> No.1458120 [DELETED] 

>Jesus didn't exist
He wasn't the only person to be crucified. Also, seriously? Jesus didn't exist? Alright.

>> No.1458123 [DELETED] 

Different person here.

1. You have no idea if a historical Jesus existed.

2. Romans were crucifying people all the time. They lined the Appian way with 6,000 crucified rebel slaves a quarter century before Jesus is said to have been born.

People, individuals and groups, are capable of profound cruelty.

I don't have anything to say about whether or not that's copypasta, but your logic is seriously lacking.

>> No.1458126 [DELETED] 

yeah no he didn't at least there is no evedince out side the bible... so cant really be checked.

A good example of a crucifixtion would be the roman thrid servile war... after the romans defeated spartacus those that they captured alive were crucified about 20,000 and they were put on the side of the road from rome all the way to capua.

again though no actual evidence for jesus so can't put him in history..

>> No.1458128 [DELETED] 

christ fag detected... please do not logic with me and your giant fish eating man

next you will be saying jonah and the fish is true because you seen it in ponochio.

>> No.1458127 [DELETED] 

Nigger I never mentioned Jesus, stop projecting.

>> No.1458129 [DELETED] 

I can't even mention crucifixion without some anti-christian getting his panties in a bunch, you're just as bad as the christfag

>> No.1458133 [DELETED] 

nigger linching and jew burning was more recent and a much better example of human cruelty... hell even the iraq invasion only a christ fag would bring up events from over 2,000 years ago... next your going to say: humans bad. human club: other human: i make fire:/

>> No.1458136 [DELETED] 

>next your going to say: humans bad. human club: other human: i make fire:/
There sure are edgy teens in here.

>> No.1458139

>Parents insist on taking me to museums and art galleries as a child, all the time
>But don't want me doing art
>Forced to do law A-level instead of art
>Told I will never make money from art
>Worthless endeavour
>Will die alone in a garret
>Go to university to study something other than law because fuck you parents
>Drop out
>Live in a hostel for a while, do photography and shit, start drawing again
>Currently in the running for advertising job, pay is minimum £300 a day
>Considering using profits to pay for fine art and graphic design courses to improve further if I get the job

Never listen to your parents.

>> No.1458141

Totally not projecting

Also, why not do art for yourself more so than doing it to go against your parents?

>> No.1458142

Not sure if this counts...

>Be me there is a Gallery a bunch of Artist submitting work... 90% of it is shit.

>Submit my work.
>Not approved.
>main guy says no nudity gore etc...
>take out 200 dollars go to event.
>buy all his work.
>make a video of me burning it.

I told him this is what i think of censorship.

Send it to him.

>> No.1458143 [DELETED] 

Nearly all scholars agree that Jesus most likely existed. By saying Jesus never existed, you are holding an opinion against peer reviewed academia. Isn't that what validates everything you think is true, atheist? You are as ridiculous as the people rejecting peer reviewed science and saying the earth is 6000 years old.

>> No.1458144 [DELETED] 

Dude he's 15. You're just as bad as he is for arguing with a kid.

>> No.1458145 [DELETED] 

all scholars... top lel. bible scholars are not real scholars.

>> No.1458146

Shitty artist or not, that's a pretty fucked up thing to do.

>> No.1458147 [DELETED] 

No, both secular and non-secular historians. Do your research, skeptic. Would you like to share what information you have that people with PhD's in the time period don't?

>> No.1458148 [DELETED] 

I was once like you nieve and brain washed... to afraid to question the truth. a slave in my own mind to false beliefs.

Then i turned 12 and started thinking for myself.
way to go ahead and try to unvalidate my claims my saying hurr durr hes 15.. can't be smart hurr durr..

truth is at fifteen i was obviously smarter than you are now and deffinetley freeer than you will ever be.

>> No.1458149 [DELETED] 

lol you have a phd o my god you must be a genious what did you get it in? christian studies hahahahaahah

>> No.1458151 [DELETED] 
File: 720 KB, 1009x3545, where europeans come from.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've probably wondered why your teachers never showed you this...

>> No.1458152 [DELETED] 


>> No.1458153 [DELETED] 

> freer than you will ever be

LOLk. Let's see you drive to the liquor store and buy your own booze. Your life as an antitheist is no different than that of a religious person, except that you brood constantly over something that "doesn't exist."

Who's really the "slave to religion?"

>> No.1458155

I do do it for myself. Ever since I was a small child drawing is the only thing that ever made sense to me. People tell me all the time that I'm an amazing illustrator, but I've always been my own harshest critic. I look at my finished work and start analysing the mistakes and what to do better next time instantly. I'm constantly going through things like the Loomis books, doing studies of things I feel I'm weak at to improve, etc. My aspirations are to be as good or better technically as the Old Masters, or to produce things on the level of someone like Frank Frazetta one day.

It just so happens that my parents actively tried to discourage me as a child and teenager, then when they found out just how unhappy I was at university and saw some of the work I produced to distract myself, turned around and said they wished they'd supported my artistic ambitions when I was younger.

Pisses me off to think I could be years closer to my goal if they'd supported me and I'd had access to actual tuition rather than fumbling in the dark trying to teach myself from age 14.

>> No.1458157

I feel my neck trying to do a 360 degree twist whenever someone tells me whatever I made is good.

Cooking, I understand. Art, no. I think it's because all of my inspiration is really evil shit, meaning whatever I create is pure expression. So when people say it's good....I'm just thinking "What are you looking at, really? What is it that you see?"

On the other hand, I can't judge other people's work because I love everything made by others.

>> No.1458161

Not sure what you're trying to say, but...

Even though you got mad, you should deal with it yourself and realize that art galleries may have inclinations towards certain subjects and have the right to put up or reject what they please.

Even though it was shit tier art (according to you) and you were rejected, that doesn't give you the right to be a huge dick to someone else.

I guess you do have the right if you believe that to be true, but if you had any sense of self respect or respect towards others, you could have handled that in a virtuous manner.

>> No.1458165


What do you think this word means?

>> No.1458166 [DELETED] 

>christ fag detected... please do not logic with me and your giant fish eating man

I am not a theist.

>next you will be saying jonah and the fish is true because you seen it in ponochio.

Because I "seen it"? You're a retard.

>> No.1458168

I was being sarcastic, but i guess I'm on the internet. I was relying on how obvious it was that he was projecting to hint at the sarcasm. But i guess everyone sees things differently. Or are you saying he isn't projecting and i misinterpreted you and the meaning of projecting?

>> No.1458171 [DELETED] 

I think you meant your

>> No.1458172

>Psychological projection was first conceptualized by Sigmund Freud as a defence mechanism in which a person unconsciously rejects his or her own unacceptable attributes by ascribing them to objects or persons in the outside world instead. Thus, projection involves psychically expelling one's negative qualities onto others, and is a common psychological process.[1][2] Theoretically, projection and the related projective identification reduces anxiety by allowing the unconscious expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires through displacement.[3][not in citation given]

You don't know what projecting means.

>> No.1458181

My bad. Thanks for this.

How exactly would you describe how someone is acting when they say:
>My parents didn't want me to do what i wanted to, so i went against them

>all parents act this way

>> No.1458183


>> No.1458187

Different person here. It's called being reactionary.

>> No.1458188

...or contrary/contrarian.

>> No.1458192

>be in art class junior year
>best kid in class
>never do the assignments the way i'm supposed to
>teacher always gives me an A+ because it still blew everyone else out of the water
I remember one assignment was to draw in Van Gogh's style, in pastel, not only did I not draw in Van Goghs, style, I didn't even use pastel, still got an A.

>> No.1458195

Good for you man, I'm just saying, although you may be a "deserving" artist, you are kind of blaming your parents for things that don't really matter.

If you want to truly love your parents, just acknowledge that they don't agree with you rather than blaming them for things that could have been.

If they don't try to understand why you do things, that's their loss. Mostly the reason i replied was due to
>never listen to your parents
Maybe you felt emotional or something, but still

You seem like a cool guy, but try to be more humble or more self aware. I'm just making suggestions and trying to help, but if my understanding of context is subpar, then I'm sorry.

>> No.1458199

>used to love doodling when I was young
>was in art class every year in middle school, used to get 95+% every semester
>one day my teacher gives birth to the alien in her body and gets time off
>we get a substitute teacher for like a month
>this woman used to go up to my drawings, laugh at them, and go back to her desk
>when I got my papers back after they were "graded" by the teacher, I noticed that some stuff was changed/missing, like proportions and some details
>thought that maybe I was imagining it
>got so paranoid I took pictures of the drawings I was supposed to turn in
>the teacher was deliberately changing them
>tell the principal
>doesn't believe me
>teacher comes in with a smug look on her face
>tells principal I was misbehaving all month long
>get suspended for a week for trying to frame my teacher and for being disrespectful
>never did any work when I came back to her class until my legit teacher came back

my drawings weren't even that good. I don't know why she did that shit

>> No.1458209

What a creepy psycho. You got screwed by the system.

Here's mine:

>be a kid in 6th or 7th grade
>special period for kids who won't do their homework or study
>teacher is an absolute cunt
>did all my work, been drawing for a while
>teacher asks me what I'm doing from across the room
>say I'm just drawing
>she comes over and demands to see it
>say it's private and I don't want to share
>she demands more fiercely
>say I've done my work and I'm entitled to my privacy
>fold drawing in half and won't give in
>tell her it's not a dirty drawing, I just want my privacy
>she calls the office and tells them I'm being sent down for making dirty drawings
>sent from class to the vice principal
>show him drawing because he's not an asshole
>drawing of my big brother sitting in the grass with his dog
>no fucks are given and I get in no trouble

>> No.1458212

To be fair, it was actually stale copypasta.

>> No.1458240

I totally agree and yet every acts like I'm an idiot when I say this. I returned to my old college recently to talk about how I got my job and when I told a student that natural talent is nice but mean essentially nothing she just totally dismissed it. I want them to know that you have to keep holding yourself to a higher standard and not cut yourself a break by thinking you're "good enough" and need no improvement.

Art is all time logged in... I used to think my "Talent" was all I needed until I realized i was just another highschooler senior with bad animu art and moved on. Its the most healthy thing you can do. Its good to see a lot of people here feel the same

>> No.1458243

"art is all time logged.' -a robot.

..or are you showing in the next venice bienalle lol

>> No.1458255

Not that anon, but I suspect they don't just mean rote activities forever and ever. If you're spending time thinking about ideas, constantly learning new things and observing the world, that's a lot of time logged in bro.

>> No.1458303
File: 2.10 MB, 353x234, 1342305676499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I ended up deleting the video

>> No.1458307

show me ur lewd furs.

>> No.1458309

It happens everywhere. The fact that you've never seen it is just a coincidence.

>> No.1458406


>> No.1458419

Why didn't you show them the pictures?

>> No.1458443



>> No.1458447

>taking art classes at cc
>have a day with charcoal drawing
>everything is getting dirty of course
>go on break, start heading towards the bathroom because I've got some charcoal on my hands and face
>as I go in a group of girls from class follow and start sniggering at me
>"Nice beard"

You know that feeling when you know someone's laughing at you, and not with you?

>> No.1458550

>"Comic" convention
>sell only weaboo stuff
>sell japanese fashion and pop culture shit unrelated to comic books despite being a "comic book" convention
>Only decent comic-related booth, a Star Wars booth that sold Star Wars comics and Storm Trooper and Vader helmets
>Star Wars booth no more
>Replaced with Harry Potter and Twilight booths
>There's a Twilight "manga"

I fucking hate that place and the bullshit they sell.

>> No.1458555

Kind of a boring and short story but what the heck.

>Be about 13 in High School
>Art teacher says I'm probably going to fail my exams and shouldn't take art any further
>Stopped doing art for about 3 years, despite having enjoyed it so much before
>Decided to venture to new 4chan boards
>Discover /ic/
>Realise I still love drawing
>Also realise that I suck so hard
>knuckle down, actually get shit done
>Go through the major improvement stage you get in the first year
>stagnate for a while, not sure where to go
>Finally figure it all out
>Now doing character and costume design in uni for media and games

Man, that teacher can go eat a bag of dicks now.

>> No.1458597

>She's a fish. With tits.

>> No.1458606

what convention?

you should really move on to a different one, these things tend to deteriorate with time.

>> No.1458633

I'm sorry dude but that really is total bullshit. You just didn't go to a good school. I've been to art school and I've met many real life artists who support themselves entirely on their work, and still the art teacher I had in high school remains the most inspiring and supportive artist I've ever met. I think a lot of people have difficulty accepting that some people actually LIKE to teach, and therefore choose a career in teaching even though they could make it with their work.

>> No.1458655

Not that guy, but only a handful of my high school teachers seems to like teaching, and the art teacher was a total bitch(as was her twin sister, who ran the drawing classes in the next room over). The only teacher in the entire school who actually seemed to genuinely enjoy teaching was the aquaculture teacher, and the other teachers forced him out of the school.

From what I've heard from others, I'd say you just lucked out.

>> No.1458668

I kind of agree with you there. Even though my high school art teacher was terrible (for example on one project she had us students making paintings based off her vacation photos) I had other non-college art teachers I really liked and you could tell they had either a passion for art or enjoyed teaching it to kids.

>> No.1458690

It's in Monterrey, Mexico. It's called "Convecion Anual de Juegos de Mesa y Comics" (Spanish for Annual Table Top games and Comics convention) but they have barely any booth about table top games (except some that sell card games) and like I said they sell a lot of japan-related crap that isn't even manga. anime was at least related to "japanese comics"... my friends and I just quit going early in high school

>> No.1458821


your teachers were the exception, not the standard. Teachers for grade school cannot do, or, as another anon said, in rarer instances have already done, and that is why they teach. My math teacher was an exceptional guy who I had the pleasure of being bros with for four years and he was an exception. The standard, however, is that public educators teach by a book and stick to it like it was the word of God. They know what they need to know about what they're teaching and they try and get their students to follow.

>> No.1458835
File: 62 KB, 877x912, rivers_cuomo_by_yodiiv-d332rfm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had anyone harshly criticize my work, but I myself do it constantly. I can't stand it if even the littlest detail isn't right.

Even if someone is absolutely dreadful at it, I still try to not crush their dreams, art is such a personal thing, like a fragment of your soul immortalized. Something deep inside you that you can feel and see. So when I judge someone on it, I try not to point out the flaws in a mean way, instead suggest things they could do to make it better.

Pic related, it's a piece I did for a friend, he was

>> No.1458836

Sorry forgot to finish my post. It's Rivers Cuomo. my friend was a bit obsessed with him at the time.

>> No.1458907

>shading with black
>when will people learn...

>> No.1459043

>art is such a personal thing, like a fragment of your soul immortalized. Something deep inside you that you can feel and see
Now imagine dealing with 30 of this, some who will fly right off the handle and curse you out.

>> No.1459050


>> No.1459091

you're friends with manchildren who don't respect you.

Search for better friends.

>> No.1459100

tfw we use that expression in bulgaria
top lel

>> No.1459426

I'm sure it wasn't intended to be mean and I laugh at it now but...

>be 14
>Guy I liked admires my art.
>Results in me liking him more
>His birthday comes up
>Tells me he'd love a drawing
>Spend all night doing a portrait, study hard all day to get it just right
>Next day at school I show him the drawing
>"awesome anon!"
>folds it...
>folds it
>folds my charcoal portrait
>at least 6 times
>....and puts it in his back pocket
>thanks me and rushes off

>> No.1459433

What an dope that guy was. If you were really fast you could have politely stopped him and instructed him that the best way to carry a drawing is to roll it.

>> No.1459439

I remember trying to stop him but also trying not to come off as overly sensitive so I think I was just like "wait-!"

>> No.1459468

someone did this to my pottery once. Which was kind of hilarious because my initials were glazed into it.

>> No.1459478

Show /ic/ your art then bro, /ic/ are assholes and will give you honest thoughts.

>> No.1459501

After posting that I don't really want to share my work since it will get linked to me. However I post alot on /ic/. So you will see it, without the back-story however.

>> No.1459513

Good attitude. (Sincere. I wish I'd been that mature.)

>> No.1459521
File: 211 KB, 500x598, tumblr_m71u7ecHPw1r5rc6zo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be freshman
>drawing in class cause fuck yeah portrait studies for the first time
>going from anime to realism so totally excited
>teacher is handing paper back
>try to cover drawing before she see's it
>she sees it
>"Did you draw that? That's really good. "
>she walks away
>"Too bad you won't be famous until you're dead."

>> No.1459528

>Someone compliments your art during class while pointing out that theirs is worse
>freeze up because agreeing with them would be arrogant and disagreeing would imply that I see his art as even shittier than he does

>> No.1459546

bro teacher confirmed

>> No.1459644

>be painting for a competition
>using oils
>place brush somewhere
>sit down
>shit stain on my pants from the umber in the paintbrush and I didn't even notice

fast forward..
>lose the competition
>go get certificate of participation on stage
>people laughing as I climbed up
>I get certificate
>I turn around
>symphony of laughinggirls&boys.jpg
>everyone applauding and cheering
>i feel so happy
>go home
>notice poopypants paint stain

I don't even want to continue anymore..

>> No.1459646

nice story to tell to the grandchildren

>> No.1459660

>handle it in a virtuous (read: self-righteous/smug/subtly-elitist)<wbr> rather than hilarious manner

Ha! No.

>> No.1459661

>try to be more humble or more self aware
Humble and self aware people do not offer generic, unsolicited life advice.

>> No.1459667

I went to a public school and a private school and the difference was massive.
Teachers not specifically art teachers. Just taught art because it was a hobby at some point and they could.
Don't care about art much. Not much general knowledge.
Struggle to maintain control over uninspired class. Complained about job to class. Treated everyone like a slight inferior.
Accomplished artists in semi-retirement doing it for the lols and genuinely interested in making good art. Treat us more or less like ignorant equals. Could talk about and make art all day without getting bored.

I'm guessing it probably varies according to:
-Amount of subject choice within the institution (teachers have to be good to keep students if multiple options are open)
-Amount of money paid (just being paid well probably takes a lot of stress and resentment out)
-General interest/entitlement of students (how an average student expects to be related to, how motivated the teacher feels by the students' enthusiasm)

Art school and public school probably suck for those in general.

Money wins again!

>> No.1459672

Then what would you advise me to say?
I'm just trying to help, calling out what i oversimplified or did wrong helps, but could you offer your own advice to make up for my ambiguity that you pointed out?

>> No.1459766

I wouldn't call this a golden rule though. I'm in a public school and my art class and my art teacher are both very good. The teacher has been interested in art since she was in highschool, and I'd want to assume she was in art school for eight years, but I really don't know how long. She's taught art at multiple schools, kept contact with students, paid for supplies out of pocket when she knew it was all the principle could do to even let us have an art class. We've done pen and ink, linoleum block prints, painted self portraits, spent months of effort to raise money to go to New York, and made portraits of orphans in other countries as well as portraits of kids in the Special Ed. class. She's been known to stay at the school until 9 PM, grading or working on projects. I think she's the most dedicated I've seen anyone be to anything.
And yeah, I suppose a lot of art teachers aren't going to be very good; that's just what happens when a job doesn't pay and few people are trained for it anyway. But I wouldn't say the difference is just in the type of school.
TL;DR, there are some dedicated fucking teachers in public school.

>> No.1459790


>> No.1459802

I also have good things to say for my art teacher. He teaches at the middle school and the high school and goes between each every day. He manages the art club. I'm glad I got to know him, he knows his art theory, but also understands that most kids don't care. He challenges each kid based on their level of ability and respects them. I've seen his still life paintings which he does in his free time and they are quite well done. We also did block prints, screen printing, acrylic still lifes, and other such stuff. Somehow he managed to get the old clay room back in order and kids can now use the throwing wheels if they desire.

>> No.1460153

I know I'm in late, but there have been a thankful few things that people have done shitty towards me when it came to my artwork. The biggest offense to date had to have been back about a year and a half ago.

Struggling to make any sort of money, as I couldn't find a job to save my life, so I turn to the internet to try and sell a few commissions. Pretty much giving those things away just to get a little cash. Go on Reddit to try and get a little bit of attention, since it has a bunch of traffic, and has supposedly "helped" a bunch of other people before. Get the coldest of fucking shoulders, and instead of simply passing by it as you would a shop on the street if you're uninterested, a couple people stuck around to downvote me to hell and say that I should give up on art entirely, and that I really don't show any potential. Pretty much stopped me from using Reddit almost all together and made me overhaul my dA gallery and throw out older things.

>> No.1462174


If it was me I would of just smirked, rubbed my chin and said "thanks, A few more drawing classes and it should grow out nicely". and if they were really ugly I would then just added "and nice mustaches yourself ladies". you got to always try to laugh at yourself in those situations before anyone else has a chance to.

>> No.1462251

im curious

how terrible were they?

>> No.1462254
File: 69 KB, 400x505, how to feel fulfilled as an artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bullied by other student at the college
>Get depressed and struggle at art
>Attempted to explain my situation to a prof
>"NO. You're just a mediocre artist."
Still bothered by these words till this day. I improved significantly since then but I can't push myself enough to reach the next level because of what he said. I'm not mentally healthy so this is affecting me more than it should.

I am trying to get over it though. Hopefully it works out. Currently brainwashing myself with pic attached.

>> No.1462258

gotta remember that sometime

>> No.1462261

do you think perhaps it's not what he said but that he was right?

>> No.1462263

for me i can tell if what i've done is actually good if i show it to someone and they go, 'd..did you do that?' like it's not possible. makes me happy.

>> No.1462268

I was 15. And I knew that I sucked. I wasn't the type to flaunt and ignore the flaws of my work.

The flow of the conversation was like this.

>Anon why are you failing?
>My art is subpar and it's hard to focus because of all the things going on. I'm not blaming it on what's going on but-
>No. You're just a mediocre artist. You're weak. It's better if you just go to that other school.

He knew that I was bullied but instead of helping me get through it he just stomped on the little confidence I had left, if you can even call it that. The bitches that bullied be made my life a living hell. I couldn't even draw because I was shaking in fear, can't even hold a pencil right.

I'm over the bullying part now, but his words became a trigger and I'd shake and curl up when I remember it. It's fucked up.

>> No.1462269

there goes my sides

>> No.1462332

she sounds fucking cool

>> No.1462344

This is so true and so annoying. Everyone else can be hard on their art and complain about it nonstop but if you do then it makes everyone else feel like shit.
I finally just learned to say thanks and move on.

>> No.1462348

There's nothing we can say or do to help you, searching the internet for the magic words to snap you out of your problems is futile, they don't exist. Your mental issues will never go away, only time can numb the pain, but they will remain with you always, you need to find a way to cope with them or you'll never be happy.

>> No.1462352

not really that mean, but it's a bit frustrating
>be about 6 or 7 years old, dad (is a designer), brought me to one of the top universities in our country
>tell him i want to go to college here
>asks me what I want to study
>tell him i want to study "drawing" because i didn't know the word "art" back then
>"of course anon, you could study fine arts when you grow up"
>decides it's my dream course
>be 16, managed to get into said university as an incoming freshman
>"mom, dad, i wanna study fine arts"
>"of course you can, anon. but you have to get another degree first, be a professional, then when you get a REAL job, you could study art"
>fast forward three years, and I'm still stuck in engineering
>two more years until I can graduate, will probably get stuck with working or get stuck with no work at all
>bye, dream course

>> No.1462353

>She didn't rip it up, but I think she was trying to embarrass me into not constantly drawing in her class(it didn't work).
I don't understand how teachers think it'll stop kids from drawing. My English teacher would walk over to my desk as I was sketching basic bodies (No vagina/penis/nipples, kid safe) and loudly say "Stop drawing naked guys/women!". Still didn't stop me. She was a rambler who would go off topic about anything and always fell off schedule.
Plus my art teacher always called my drawings anime, even if they weren't. The only think 'anime' about them was the fact I drew the eyes too big because I drew everything too small. I now know to draw bigger, since it's easier, no help from him. No major setbacks here, just not learning anything in art class since middle school. I was literally the est artist in my school, because most the student body couldn't draw a stick man.

>> No.1462361

Why didn't you just check the first year if she was there? Besides, you can just transfer.

>> No.1462362

I was just sharing. I didn't ask anyone to fix it for me. And I'm already on it. Dippo.

>> No.1462365

You can still do it. Just don't have a kid or get married.

>> No.1462409

Some guy at my art school tried to give me critique when he saw my stuff, he's a complete moron. He was pretty cocky and didn't know shit.
Basically, he just told me unknowledgeable shit to fuck up my drawings. I was young and would have taken his shit advice but luckily I'm past that.
Reminds me a lot of /ic/.

>> No.1462465

My elementary school classmate liked my fox drawings. She asked me to do one, we kind of were enemies but I did it. She enjoyed it for a bit then proceeded to eat the paper.

>> No.1462470

>post art on facebook once in a while
>friends comment, like, whatever
>one guy shows up in comments
>was friends with in high school
>don't have much in common anymore
>"dude can you draw me some cool pictures of like robots and stuff? I need some art for my youtube channel for my band"
>"Yeah, here's my rates for digital art."
>"dude what? you're gonna make me pay?? I thought we were friends???"

I hate this shit so much. Yeah I'm your friend, I guess, but that doesn't mean I don't have bills to pay.

>> No.1462474
File: 76 KB, 402x402, Adolf-Hitler-9340144-2-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They told me my art was no good, so I became a dictator.

>> No.1462482

more like a dickfelator take that hitler!

>> No.1462490

Your Dad was right, but ramen and carboard boxes isn't a bad life :)

>> No.1462492

>"Out of everyone in class anon is the only one who can't draw"

Freshman year high school, of course I tried to laugh it off when the prick said this right in front of me, but that cut too deep.

>> No.1462495

that sucks man. A friend of mine asked me to design an album cover for his band and upfront offered me £40 for it. Obviously that's nothing, but this guy is a good friend of mine and I was happy to do it anyway.

>> No.1462535

Serves you right for going to reddit

>> No.1462570

Honestly every art class I took was pretty chill. Mainly because I wasn't one of those "Muh style!" fags. I had the sense to drop all of that fucking around while I was learning fundamentals and stuff.

However once I was drawing objects in a science class for practice in pen and some random girl who wouldn't leave me the fuck alone drew on my paper as I was drawing and it kind of irked me. She would also try and get me to take her to my house and shit after that and It pissed me off to no extent because I wanted to focus on general studies like Trigonometry, physics or calculus.

I could barely stand those little slut shits in high school.

Also, 10/10

>> No.1462575

I'm in the same situation Anon. You won't have to work as soon as you graduate, you can always study art or something else afterwards. A lot of artists struggle and it's nice to have something to fall back on.

I'm a nursing student and my parents let me know I can take any aesthetic related course right afterwards. I plan to take a basic auto-mechanic course first though. Knowing about cars will also help in the long run.

Just study the fundamentals on your own first if you really want this.

>> No.1462870

you're right, it's nice to know you have some sort of back up plan. I'll probably just take night courses because my scholarship requires that I work for five years after I graduate.

and good move on the auto-mechanic course. if it's basic, it wouldn't really take that long

>> No.1462978

The past tense of 'remember' is 'remind.' "It -reminds- me of."

You should draw more. I won't tell you to forget about what happened in the past, because that can be difficult, but it's not quite as difficult to get over it. Just ignore it for 10 minutes and draw, anon. You can do it.

>> No.1462982

Holy fuck you are a god damn moron.

The past tense of remember is remembered. Remind is a present tense verb meaning "to cause one to remember." Its past tense is reminded.

>> No.1462983

>The past tense of 'remember' is 'remind.'
Never laughed so hard in my life.

>> No.1462991
File: 35 KB, 392x451, 1365951021601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a 9 year old kid drawing race cars in class
>The kid next to me is drawing swastikas, I think "wow, what a cool symbol"
>I start drawing race cars with swastikas on them
>Teacher sees my drawings and goes absolutely insane berserk
>I'm very confused while she calls my parents and accuses them of being neo-nazis
>My parents laugh it off
They tried to explain it to me, but I still had no idea who this "Hilter" guy was.

>> No.1462994


Guys, context. He's responding to anon's phrase:
>since it remembers me past days at school
In which case 'reminds me of' is correct.

>> No.1463002

Haha, makes mem remember that time when I shouted racial slurs when playing with my friends. I was too young to understand them.

>> No.1463005

i had something like that happen too, we had like a diary we kept for class, just like a normal diary 'today i went to the park' sort of stuff. and my dad had called someone a fascist, so for some reason or other i wrote that my teacher was a fascist in this diary, the problem was that she had escaped from the fascists in yugoslavia or somewhere when she was little so being called a fascist upset her heaps and heaps and she quit.

>> No.1463007

Lol, when I was a little kid reading Huckleberry Fin I kept seeing the word "nigger" and couldn't figure out what it meant. So one night I asked my mother, "Mom, what's a nigger?" Her jaw dropped and she said "Don't say that word!" then she explained how it was an offensive word for black people but was appropriate in the context of the book.

>> No.1463137

Alright I got a story for when I was a kid in secondary school

>be in year 11, last year of secondary school
>got putten into lower set because my brother was a terrible artist and messed around in art
>they thought as was just as bad
>be "friends" with this bitch of a girl
>she never did work and complained when she was behind
>she use to always ask me "can you do this for me"
>of course on some occasions I said yes, but I would always show her what to do and how to do it
>one of our final art pieces I bring in some comics for a reference for my buddy in the next set up
>leave the comics on the teachers desk
>come back from lunch early to find them missing
>start freaking out, suddenly someone in my class saw who took them
>yep it was the bitch friend
>look all over for her finally finding her sitting with her little group
>ask her if she has them or knows where they are
>she says she doesn't know
>she's lying of course because one of her friends is whispering in the background just give them back
>she still refuses to give them back
>tell her what she's doing is illegal, she doesn't care and I can now see the comics in her bag
>suddenly teacher walks by I know him cool guy
>tell him the situation
>says do do you have them
>she says no
>teacher can't look through her bag and I can't prove she has them to him
>pull out my phone, she asks what I'm doing
>I tell her I'm calling the police
>she panics and pulls out my comics throwing them on the floor

>> No.1463140

>she stomps off in a tantrum
>few months later and some awkward art lessons later
>she post sends me a message over facebook
>she asks
Do you still like me?
>I tell her to fuck off and call her a thief
>never talk to her again

Why are people like this so goddamn terrible.

Oh I also forgot to mention the same thing happened a few months before this, I lent her one of my games and refused to give it back. Only after talking to her "boyfriend" was I able to get it back. I even forgave her for it.

>> No.1464689


Talking about not knowing the meaning of the word you are using. When I was 18 I still didn't know the meaning of the word 'elementary'.At the time of this story I thought it meant something like ''I figured it out''. I knew the famous phrase from Sherlock Holmes ''....elementary dear Watson''. So one day at my summer break job I was doing something for my boss when she couldnt work out how to turn on some electrical device. I walk over and turn it on rather quickly after examining it for a short period. It was a button that you had to hold down for about 4 seconds. ''She said wow, how did you do that?'' and I responded with ''It was elementary''. She places her hands on her hips and says ''EXCUSE ME!?''. I'm standing there with a 'huh whats wrong' look on my face and the other 40+ women there starts snickering.
Basically told my boss she was an idiot like a sir without knowing it.

>> No.1465064


lol, once when my brother was little, he had to write one of those 'what I did on the holidays' thing for class, which ended up including the line "my daddy loves beer! He was vomiting for most of the holidays".
Because he was sick with a stomach bug. The fact that he liked beer (as in, he enjoys a light one some afternoons) was just a random, unconnected thought.

Thank god the teacher knew dad personally and they had a good laugh about it, because in the wrong hands that'd read really badly.