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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 97 KB, 310x272, coolstorybro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1448130 No.1448130 [Reply] [Original]

Post stories about drawing in public.

>> No.1448131


>> No.1448133

You first.

>> No.1448132


>> No.1448149

This one time, I was drawing in public and this one guy was passing by.
He stopped for a few seconds to see what I was drawing and left.

>> No.1448150

Once i was drawing in public, then the doctor said to come in. So i did.

>> No.1448152

One time I was drawing in public. It sucked.
Then I head home in what I would call an uneventful day.

>> No.1448161

I tried to draw deer today, but it was too cold and the deers kept moving around going "BWEEEEHH"

>> No.1448175

one time i was drawing dicks all over the walls of a bathroom and some old mexican guy walked in and gave me a dirty look.

>> No.1448178

Closest I get to drawing in public is painting at school. I had free hours after a class, and I continued painting for a couple more hours. People from the above class came in and sat down, and I got compliments for my painting.

But I don't draw in public because I'm too embarrased. I'm not bad, I just feel awkward doing it.

>> No.1448181

Actually the other day someone approached me when I was drawing on a coffee place. This old man spoke to me for a few minutes about how he was intrigued and how he was somehow into arts.

Kinda neat I guess

>> No.1448185

Im terrified to draw in public even though i really want to, Sometimes when i wanna draw scenery I'll take a picture of it and draw it later when I get home, feels bad man

>> No.1448196

Once I was drawing eyes (was a newb faggot and started faces with eyes) in class, and about ten people came up and told me I was awesome and how cool it looked.

Lel I love how people who don't know how to draw think novices or bad artworks are actually good.

>> No.1448212

I was too scared of drawing in public until I had to put up with some endless and pointless presentations at college to learn how to speak in public (I'm majoring electronic engineering)
I was so bored I took the habit of bringing a sketchbook to the lectures and draw the speakers. Eventually became accustomed. I get some compliments from time to time but I'm very novice so I laugh internally.

>> No.1448239

i feel you bro. this one time i was walking along a beachside town with my family and you know how on every beach there's an artist drawing portraits...they saw a guy like that and started telling me how well i drew. despite my protests they made me draw this lady posing for him. i was a fucking novice and the end result was not good.

>> No.1448244

>I get some compliments from time to time but I'm very novice so I laugh internally.
Same thing.

>> No.1448251

>Be me drawing at work
>Customer walks in suddenly and see's you drawing Animu
>She instantly becomes interested in the drawing and begins to talk about how her daughter loves drawing that
>Mentions her daughter is using one of those "How to draw Manga" books
>Instantly advice customer to introduce her daughter to Loomis and give her the drawing of my Animu with notes on where to find glorious Loomis
>My feel when customer's face was filled with the up most gratitude and then she said she'd stalk me and even call me at work for any more advice.

Hehe later I found out that this lady was also into vampires since her bumper sticker mentioned it, and played world of warcraft. Interesting people out there :3

>> No.1448261

That's very sweet of you. I wish someone would have advised me to use Loomis instead of these How to draw manga books earlier...

>> No.1448295
File: 1.47 MB, 430x208, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drawing in Honor's debate on a free day
>Working with ink and charcoal for a sketchbook assignment
>Girl who I kinda like but not really walks up and admires
>"wow, anon, you have so much talent. You don't mind if I watch, do you?"
>"No, you're fine."
>she still watches
>"Gosh, anon, you're so talented, I wish your skill would just rub off on me"
>"Well, if you really are interested, I do have a few books at home that I'm not reading, I could lend them to you if you-"
>"No, like literally I wish your talent would rub off on me."
>Jokingly, she rolls up her sleeve and rubs her arm on the page to simulate "my talent rubbing off on her"
>mfw ink and charcoal smears all over the page
>"Oh god, anon, I'm so sorry"
>Mildly annoyed, but not angry by any means "Nah, you're fine, no big deal-"
>I notice on her arm is an imprint from the charcoal and ink of the drawing

We had a chuckle, but since then she hasn't spoken to me. She never really did before, though.

>> No.1448300

She wanted the D bro

>> No.1448302

Same thing.

>> No.1448307


I would of just shooed her away as soon as she got too close to me, or the drawing.

>> No.1448324
File: 85 KB, 576x720, 29664_427333063477_6182495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was drawing in a coffee shop in my hometown three 1/2 years ago. I was drawing a portrait for my friend Devin, and a friend of mine and a pretty little girl saw me, and thought I was drawing a portrait of Obama in ski gear.

I ended up dating the pretty girl after meeting her right there and then for about 9-ish months (I don't remember). It was my first serious relationship.

Pic related, it was the portrait she saw me working on. (This was almost 4 years ago, I've progressed quite a bit since then)

>> No.1448333

She sounds cute bro. Is she an airhead or is she just innocent?

>> No.1448348

This. Your talent isn't the only thing she wanted you to rub on her.

>> No.1448371

You're cool.

>> No.1448488


>> No.1448551
File: 1.77 MB, 2560x1440, 1330489560908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse story:

I was sitting on a charter bus for a trip, and the bus was full so I had to sit next to this old lady. She actually had a mini-journal with her and was sketching pictures of different people she saw. Really simple stylistic sketches, quick, sleek lines. She was quite good.

Of course, I noticed that she started drawing me too. We struck up a conversation during the trip about her seeing her family but I never broached the topic of her art, for some reason I felt I was encroaching a forbidden topic.

I'm so used to seeing young artists and deviantart shit that it generally shocks me to see very old people with artistic skill.

>> No.1448566


>> No.1448738

dat feel when noobs always thinks eyes are >soo deep brah >lel

>> No.1448742

>sketching on my uni campus
>girl comes up
>"can I see your sketchbook"
>show her
>Wow these are really cool, I wish I could draw like this
>Nod and go about my business

Closest thing to a story in my experience

>> No.1448745


>generally shocks me to see very old people with artistic skill.

Why? The grew up learning that shit the right way. And back when they didn't have nearly as many distractions.

>> No.1448771

>draw shitty comics
>use sketchbook for important notes as well
>in middle of discussion and want to pull out something I need to know
>flips to my fucking comics

>> No.1448773

>Nod and go about my business

I like you.

>> No.1448781

He's trying to imply that he met his equal, both of them being above sheep like us (baah)

>> No.1448788

If you visit a community college with an art program there's usually a decent number of older folk taking the classes. Last year I was invited to a drawing from life session on horses and everyone there besides me and some little girl with her mom were over 50 years old

>> No.1448807

50 isn't that old. The woman on the bus was at least 70. I don't care about people who still take classes, my point was I was surprised to see an elderly person be so casual about her skill.

>> No.1448817

Ya blew it.

>> No.1448867

cool story mikufriend

>> No.1448917

about four years ago, was sitting in a coffee shop working on personal projects on muh computer. Some guy sat down at the table next to me, staring at the screen until I was vaguely uncomfortable with his utter attentiveness. Finally, he tells me "I'm an artist too, a designer, actually. I'm meeting a client here in a few minutes, to discuss important business. Big stuff."

Goes on, client walks in, and every time this guy goes to say something to his client (working out a deal for a label for the client's olive oil company), he makes some remark about me. Even said, without knowing me, mind you, that I was 'his assistant, just out of jail, learning the ways of the working world, gonna be big one day if I keep my head straight and pay attention to his teachings.

Went on to try and charge the guy four grand for the label design and rights. Client scoffs, says his budget's around eight hundred for the label's design. Mr. Designer gets super huffy, finally they settle on 1600 or some such.

I almost went ahead and undercut him after the fifth remark my direction at seven hundred, rights and all. Guy was a total prick, and the portfolio he brought with him wasn't anything special.

Kinda regret not speaking up that day.

>> No.1448918
File: 70 KB, 600x598, 1325510875416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that makes me mad. You should have cut in on him and made him look like the fraud he is. These people need to be taught lessons.

However, I'm a spineless beta so I wouldn't have been able to do it.

>> No.1448920


as was I at that point. now, with my confidence finally in its right state of ego-busting hugeness? I'd've fucked him over right then and there. Had a better design than what he was 'sketching out' inside the half hour they had been gone.

>> No.1448928
File: 81 KB, 850x315, 1364514315097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing on my work break
>be studying perceptive,
>drawing the shopping mall from the car park
>people walking past
>nearly everyone glaces at me
>2 ladies actually fucking stop, look at me, look at what im looking at and keep looking at me
>security gets called down
Im bros with the security guy and he said that a lady called and said he should "check out something suspicious happening in the carpark".

It has only intensified my hate for middle aged women.

>> No.1448930
File: 48 KB, 549x450, 1-9472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking liberals.

>> No.1448935
File: 23 KB, 500x281, 1360572922537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in the library once just doing some sketches in class wearing my tank top.

This girl kept on looking over at me seemingly interested in what I was doing. She did it again and I looked up at her and make eye contact, I could tell from the milliseconds of those bedroom eyes I caught that she was checking me out. I'm pretty tall and I work out a lot so this wasn't that out of the ordinary, I've seen it before.

So I get to work, trying not to make it obvious I start making a quick pencil sketch of her head, except I draw a giant beard on her.

I get up to walk out of the library, I walk past her, drop the sketch off and say "You should be a model"

>> No.1448939

Why you got to be so narcissistic?

>> No.1448942

God fucking dammit, she could have been your model.

>> No.1448945

Yes, that's right, it was the liberals. Good call, mate.

>> No.1448951

Something similar happened to me in maths class.
I used to draw on my notes while studying at home. One day the calculus teacher wanted to see what we'd done the day before, and went to my desk. I flipped my notebook as fast as possible to the actual lesson, but he still saw the little dudes dancing around a trigonometric circle.

He just gave me a sly look.

>> No.1448962

I used to do absolutely nothing at school and my whole notebook was full of stupid doodles (dicks inclusive) and from time to time the teacher would take a look at what I have been doing and only see dicks and knights and other stuff and he would look at me disappointed. one time he took all the drawings and threw them in the garbage bin.

>> No.1448984

Don't worry about that. I'm about to finish college and I still draw in my class notes. Everyone gives me a disappointed look when they see my notes because drawing is supposedly too childish for people our age.

>> No.1448994

So I draw a lot on the subway, and one thing that constantly happens is
>pick a person to draw
>start drawing her
>right on the next stop they leave
>pick another person
>start drawing
>they leave right after again

This hapened to me 3 times in a row today, Sometines a person has been there for like 5 stops and when I decide to draw that person she leaves on the next stop

>> No.1448997

Honestly, I'd be creeped out if you started drawing me. Judging by the
>start drawing her
I'm guessing you only draw chicks, too. It's just a creepy thing to do.

>> No.1449005

it's fun to draw chicks. guys are boring because they dont have anything on their chest. also guys usually dont have long hair like girls

>> No.1449062

You're lucky. My subway shakes so much I can't draw a straight line while on it

>> No.1449099

Does your neighbourhood even lift. Saggy bags = not fun to draw.

Perfect square pecs = aesthetic.

>> No.1449225

I used 'her' because 'person' is feminine, right?

Also people leave because it's their, and it usually happens when I'm layin in the initial lines, I don't think they would notice I was drawing them by then.

It's just bad luck

>> No.1449230
File: 307 KB, 667x572, 5-5-13whyareyoustillhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1449248
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>drawing in class because bored as fuck
>girl next to me notices and asks me to draw her
>''Sorry, I only draw pretty girls''
>alpha as fuck

>> No.1449254
File: 99 KB, 680x680, No_peace_from_dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you...you're not pretty...you're beautiful.

>> No.1449275

You should have drawn her naked.

>> No.1449281

No, not really. Use 'them' instead.

>> No.1449287

I draw in public for hours at a time and meet cool folks inquiring about my art. I met a girl playing Zelda music on her keyboard and it was okay.
Then, Bill Murray came up and asked me what I was drawing. I told him a study of the scenery and.

>> No.1449300

That isn't alpha, that's just being a dick

>> No.1449307

I was going to say that, but I don't think there's actually a difference.

>> No.1449376
File: 26 KB, 400x400, sneaky_fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be working at a kiosk in the mall
>no customers
>acquire pen and paper
>start drawing people walking by and mall employee still life
>every 5 mins people stop to look
>tfw people are more interested in your drawing then where you work
>trying to fucking draw but people keep coming up to me and ask me questions about me and my drawing
>rip paper and throw away and get back to work

will not draw out in public display again

>> No.1449402

There is, from being out-going, not letting things get to you, and insulting people for no reason

>> No.1449419

>be drawing in library cuz raining outside
>walk around a bit
>suddenly i see the qt across the room
>met her a few days ago previously, cutest fucking girl I have ever met, hands down
>summon up the balls to go talk to her
>on verge of dropping spaghetti
>Asks my what i was doing in library
>show her studies from earlier
>talk more about drawing
>we talk for a bit
>suddenly 12 hours later at 3am we are still talking in her room
>everything went better than expected.jpg
>end up in relationship

As far as drawing in public usually goes, people more often just gawk at you, wondering what you are doing. Then there are the people who see you and think "Look at that fuck over there, just looking for attention"

>> No.1449426


>dat terrible form
>those books by the feet
>lfmao 3plate!!1!!

Would not work out with.

>> No.1449444

It's pretty representative of /ic/.

>> No.1449722

Why is this a recurring thread? Ids it seriously that big of a deal for you betas to draw in public? Here's a story: I drew in public and no one gave a shit. A couple people walked by and checked out my work, got some compliments or kids getting excited, people not caring. It seriously doesn't matter.

>> No.1449729

I usually draw on the bus in the morning, and some qt normalfag girl was mirin my sketchbook (2deep4u eyes and trees, and some bus people). We get off the bus together and walk, she was dropping spaghetti pretty hard. Talked for a while, she moved about a month ago and gave me her number.

First time drawing ever got me a girl's number.

>> No.1449731

>I used 'her' because 'person' is feminine, right?
English doesn't have grammatical genders

>> No.1449744

that's awesome bro, I'm jelly

>> No.1449748

That's actually quite funny, should've dropped the beard and put your number on it

>> No.1449763

>Draw on the bus
>I get off on the terminus so I don't have to look outside every 3 minutes
>At one point bus driver is next to me saying ''Excuse me mister...''
>For the 3rd time
>I've been at my stop for a good 10 minutes witouth noticing it
>Get off the bus, spaghettis dropping
>Walk back home while still sketching my idea I had, looking around at every streets
>Get back home
>Never draw in public again

You know when you have that idea that you're sure you're gonna lose later, you have to sketch it down.

>> No.1449808

how you you people tell when other people are looking at you,
when i'm drawing in public, i'm in my own universe, and the only two thing that exist are me and what ever the fuck i'm drawing.

>> No.1449821


>> No.1449873

teleportation to bedroom while talking. Nice. You must be from the future

>> No.1450036

gay tho.

>> No.1450038

Honestly, I really only notice when they say something.
It's like I have blinders on.

>> No.1450040

I have reflexes like a ninja, like a really sexy ninja.

>> No.1450055

Yes he does

>> No.1450058

If I told you, you'd probably get mad at me so I rather stay hush about it hehe.

>> No.1450064

miku you sneaky fucker. I know your secret. It's becoming more and more obvious. u better watch urself. WTCH URSELF MIKU

>> No.1450079

I'm only just starting to get over my shyness of drawing in public, so I'm still very aware of my surroundings.

>> No.1450087

i had to draw in public once, it was for a life drawing assignment.
people were glancing at me and some came dangerously close.
i am glad i never have to do that again.

if you want to draw from life, do it in your home or in a backyard. if you want to draw people walking, sit with your mom or girlfriend and watch her make trips to the kitchen (not to cook, but to eat a snack).

>> No.1450091

>people were glancing at me and some came dangerously close.
Dangerously, how? Were you in danger of exploding and stabbing them in the neck with your pencil?

>> No.1450094

dangerous as in, close enough to see my terrible drawing and smirking behind my back. hiding my shit almost constantly was interrupting/annoying.

>> No.1450096

You need to break your confidence issues. Just sit in the park drawing porn and if anybody comes to have a peek just stare silently, but knowingly at their genitals.

>> No.1450106

it is partly a confidence issue, but another part is my standards are higher than my skills, hence the embarrassment.
i don't think i'm special, but some people's standards are so low that they have no trouble showing their shitty drawings. if you know you are shitty, then you are just a masochist.

>> No.1450111

>my standards are higher than my skills, hence the embarrassment.
that's the case for most artist m8

>> No.1450117

It's extremely important to have higher standards than your skills. If you feel comfortable with your art you should be very afraid and start immediately looking for mistakes.

Your work isn't important, your confidence isn't important. Only getting better is important. So get the fuck out there and draw.

>> No.1450255

>Be several years ago
>Be in British Museum in London (or possibly the Tate I can't remember)
>See qt3.14 university student drawing a copy of a huge wall-sized, incredibly detailed pencil drawing of a rock/crystal thing by a Japanese guy
>Don't approach her because I'm 15

Incidentally, if anybody knows what drawing I'm talking about it'd be great if you could post it. That's all I remember but it was cool as fuck

>> No.1450269

I draw a lot in public and its helped me meet several people. When I'm not working ( typically on an early Saturday or a late Sunday) I'll head out somewhere, get a drink and draw. I'm always amused when someone notices they're being drawn because they almost always straighten up or try to pose. I really like to draw interesting looking people...not necessarily attractive but different looking which I suppose is attractive to me. About a year ago I was at the Huntington library when a disfigured woman and her two children took at seat across from where I was eating. I started to draw a head sketch of her but was trying to be subtle as to not unintentionally offend her. They were there for about an hour and I got a really good look at her,She appeared to be partially burned around the left side of her mouth and neck as well as the right side of her orbital socket and forehead.

They stayed so long I began another of her only this time I tried to depict what she might have looked like without her injuries. Eventually she noticed me and got up from her seat to approach and ask if/what I was drawing. I was a little nervous when I showed her but the second she saw the sketches she was very taken and took my sketchbook in her hands to examine both drawings. She immediately teared up when she saw the second one and I felt like a total asshole. She told me it was beautiful and I told her she could have it.

>> No.1450281

can you post some random sketch of yours? to see skill level you are comfortable to 'draw a lot in public'

>> No.1450324

That's a great story. Did you give her the sketch?

>> No.1450325

Oops, misread that last sentence.

>> No.1450334

>Hehe later I found out that this lady was also into vampires since her bumper sticker mentioned it, and played world of warcraft. Interesting people out there :3
absolutely disgusting

>> No.1450344


>> No.1450358

>on a slow board
>saging a thread to try to kill it
The fuck is wrong with you summerfags?

>> No.1450362

sorry mate , you got trolled hard

>> No.1450366

>you got trolled hard
You need to find better things to do during the day. Go play outside, maybe in traffic. Get some exercise.

I'm going to be so glad when these idiots finally go back to school.

>> No.1450496

also interested to see your drawing that you didnt give away please

>> No.1450530

>the talent is my penis

>> No.1450602


In high school, a friend of mine had a sketch book of the same brand as his exercise book, and the teacher once grabbed his sketchbook to rant about how much we all draw in/on our exercise books (because the sketch book had doodles all over the cover) and flipped through it in front of everyone to assess the 'doodle to actual schoolwork' ratio, and was positively fuming at the fact that there was NOTHING but doodles while my pussy friend is daintily trying to explain it's not actually his exercise book.
Dude's lucky the teacher didn't rip the thing up.

>> No.1450608


lolwut? Did they think you were fucking casing the joint, drawing a well-composed map so you could rob it later from the most flattering angle?

>> No.1450656

That would be fabulous.

>> No.1450670

I don't want to be the national asshole but
She really really really sound like she did it on purpose because
>Jealous bitch

>> No.1450672

Either this, or she was a total airhead.

I've had people accidentally mess shit up before because they were trying to point at something or gesture in some way, not realizing what would happen when they touched it.

>> No.1450675

meh, you might be right. Not everyone can know about art mediums.
I just realised it and it feels weird to me, charcoal and inks=Don't put fingers on it, but not everyone know that 2+2=4

>> No.1450687

I'm a novice, and I draw at school every day. Recently my teacher asked if I was drawing naked men again while browsing posemaniacs. Teachers can be funny sometimes. People comment on how good I am, which is kind of weird. I sit next to my sister every day who does bad chibi / "indie jap game inspired" stuff. At least she constructs tho.

>> No.1450695

I remember my first time working with charcoal, shit was everywhere. It ended up all over my arms and face somehow. Now I'm not so bad, but holy shit that first day...

Anyways, it's like expecting the average person to have mechanic-level knowledge about cars, or lots of knowledge about computers. When you've learned all of that, eventually it's like second nature/common knowledge to you. Which is cool, but you've gotta cut other people some slack.
Annoying an stupid-seeming as they may be.

If she was another artist, I'd say she was definitely doing it out of spite. I've had shit like that happen with teachers before. Sucks.

>> No.1450718

>I've had shit like that happen with teachers before
So sorry for you bro.

>> No.1450720

>be at park
>draw eldery man sitting on bench
>notices i draw him
>he makes a grimace and keeps it without flinching a muscle
>start over with new sketch
>people passing look odly at the man
>he keeps making that face
>cant continue to draw its simply to absurd and looks too funny
OPs pic mfw
>start laughing real bad
>he comes over to see
>i finish some missing parts and give him the sketch
>he acctually likes it very much

>> No.1450722

I can do one in a few minutes and post it I suppose. I'm not really self conscious about my art because It will never reach a point where I'm happy with it. I just kind of keep drawing with the mindset that I need to keep improving and growing

>> No.1450726

You should just do it anyways. It's not like someone that can't draw is going to go up to you and say it's shit. They consider anything above their skill level (generally stick figures) good, so no complaining there.
If another artists sees you drawing and is worse, it'll be the same. If they're better, they'll likely keep their mouth shut or be polite.

You have nothing to be afraid of. Just go out and do it, it's great practice.

>> No.1450731

He sounds like a cool dude.

>> No.1450736

Do you have a tumblr or something?

>> No.1450738

I agree, the only way to get better is to keep at it - not stay in a comfort zone
Yeah. I posted it in the tumblr thread here >>1450218

>> No.1450767

"Lookat 'dis! 'Es gonna be da next Walt Disney 'e is! But Oi gotta tell ya. Ya gotta stop drawin' dat cutesy stuff. Ya gotta go more darker, more eviler! Wiff da rippin and da tearin' an' that sorta stuff. Dat wot da kids loik nowadays!"

So yes I got career advice from a deranged cockney, in Central Florida...

>> No.1450769
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>> No.1450774

Heh. That made my day.

>> No.1450779

That made me lol

>> No.1450782
File: 1.43 MB, 1923x1080, good movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right, all the best disney has ripping and tearing.


>> No.1452547

>bus stuck in traffic
>pull out sketchbook and draw large eye over page
>still waiting for about 40min and only moved about 20m, cant get off, home's to far away
>nearing the end
>little girl sitting next to me points to the picture and what i think is Portuguese is ecstatically telling her mother that it's a picture of an eye
>lightens up my 2 hr evening commute

>> No.1452581

did u fuk her afterwards?

>> No.1452733

I had a similar experiance when this weird "artsy" girl whom I sat next to in chemistry would always draw lots of cartoony things on her papers and what not. So one day I noticed she kept looking over at me and I saw she was doing a drawing of me, nothing really came out of it and im bad at finishing stories

>> No.1452766

That actually made me laugh haha.

>> No.1452857

Made me lol

>> No.1452858
File: 17 KB, 418x384, 1368255921820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 minutes later, turn around to get some materials in bag
>See a bunch of strangers behind me, straining their necks to oggle at my sketchpad
>Creeped out as fuck and tried to hurry my sketch for at least 10 minutes so I could get the fuck out of there all subtle like
Why do normal fags do this? Do they not understand the concept of personal space?

>Inb4 you're drawing in public to show off ahduh. It makes it okay for us to breathe on your neck.

>> No.1452868
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I think it was an airhead moment. She's a smart girl, but not in any artistic sense.

She actually came up to me last Thursday and asked if I wanted to draw her some time

>that feel when I'm too self conscious to actually set up a time to draw her.

>> No.1452873
File: 436 KB, 750x545, NO DICK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are not worthy of your dick, Hand it in. You don't deserve it.

>> No.1452883
File: 38 KB, 500x407, 1313684807899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I could still set up a time and all. When she asked, I told her I'd be busy the next few weeks with finals and projects, and that I'd get back to her.

I actually have some idea, for my ADV Painting class final I have to do a traditional still life or a traditional portrait of another person. I could always try painting her, though I don't think she'd be up for just sitting in a chair for a few hours while I do a shit painting of her.

>> No.1453115
File: 618 KB, 500x259, you and me ungh ungh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Put this song on to get the mood right.

>if you want to, I could paint you
>In the woods, or in this bed.

>> No.1453524

I mostly like to draw women takin' dumps.

Should I draw that in public? Go the the ol' coffee shop and brandish my sketchbook.

>> No.1453525

Absolutely. report back with your stories.

>> No.1453562

Hey, anyone wanna see one of my dump pics?

I got a good one I just drew up of Meg Griffin from Family Guy.

>> No.1453652

>be drawing in a free class
>keep my sketchbook to myself, one or two acquaintances who are into art know
>close it, go to the bathroom
>one guy takes the liberty to look at it it
>decides to 'be nice' and show it to everyone
>now I have to deal with this shit, oh you're such a good artist, of you're better than the art students
>I'm not, my stuff is ok, they just don't know what a good sketch is
Fuck you.
I don't even care any more. Though if I'm drawing with my earphones in how about you fuck right off. Otherwise I'm happy to accommodate you

>> No.1453716

If you're talking about the mother, then yes

>> No.1453723

that's disgusting. i was talking about the little girl, you idiot failure of a human being.

>> No.1453745

>be a highschool freshmen
>be drawing an animu girl
>every person ever: "Lol, is that your girlfriend!??"
So much rage, it really stopped as I started to get better at drawing though.

>> No.1453756

Not really. Most artists seem oblivious to their own lack of skill, hence Deviantart

>> No.1453781

>"Lol, is that your girlfriend!??"
i got that one in 5th grade. i stopped drawing at that time.

>> No.1453872

jesus christ
that happened to me last month

>> No.1453893
File: 1.09 MB, 1530x1202, ninja drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For people struggling with train drawing.

>> No.1453895

It's less obliviousness to a lack of skill, and more of an unwillingness to put in serious study, along with/stemming from pride from whatever incredibly slow improvement they make.

Plus, it's a bunch of 13-year-olds. They're little shits.

>> No.1453950

Thanks man, that was really interesting.

>> No.1453960
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One time I was drawing while I waited for my friend to finish work. A drunk Australian bothered me the whole time then told me all my dreams would fail.

>> No.1453970

That's what normalfags try to convince everyone else of when their plans don't go well.

>> No.1453972

Speaking of drawing in public, do you guys use pencils to draw in public, or pens?

>> No.1453974 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1453975 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1453976 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1453977 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1454050

I think she's doing the awkward flirt thing. You better take her out now damnit!

>> No.1454054

Old people are awesome, most fun to draw too with all the wrinkles and age lines.

>> No.1454060

Way back when, I was drawing a lot of random shit. And I got taunted and made fun of and all kinds of such. Caused me to quit drawing for a period of time.

Apparently a school filled with wanna be gangbangers only cares about tattoo pictures.