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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 520 KB, 864x1152, Android portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1447354 No.1447354 [Reply] [Original]

My cousin

>> No.1447387

Better than that one alien picture you had up here a while ago.

Still shit, go learn some things.

>> No.1447416

Colors just seem random. Good to see you at least have balls to come back here.

>> No.1447431

Left side of her face... what the fuck?

Did you mess up the shape and try to cover it up with a smear of yellow paint?

>> No.1447435

Can you at least make the colors more solid with clearly defined edges?
That would honestly take your paintings from shit to stylized in .5 seconds.
It just hurts looking at this because it looks like a blurred mess.

>> No.1447437
File: 96 KB, 800x580, inhale_the_god_by_illastrat-d5qxne7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man oh man oh man. Seems like you are listening because your colors are a bit cleaner and your overall image is more coherent but you can save yourself the trouble if you worked on your color schemes, learn the color wheel and learn basic paint application techniques. I keep telling you to lay down light over dark colors. That includes pigments too. Blue should typically not go over yellow because yellow is lighter. If you do lay down darker colors last you need to lay down the lighter pigments thinly and the darker pigments THICK. Also, learn the color wheel and learn to create color schemes using it. I take it you can't mix colors. Google. Colors scheme are not as intuitive as you may think. But its too complicated to go into. I am loving your progress. But REALLY...go for cleanest....and composition. Clean colors, a decent composition and a decent scheme will take you places.

i attached a painting of mine

>> No.1447439 [DELETED] 


>> No.1447445 [DELETED] 

...but you're clueless.

>> No.1447449 [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 500x281, 1345028740863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1447455 [DELETED] 

you can tell you never learned the fundamentals just by looking at your work. learn to draw first, then learn to paint, THEN give advice

>> No.1447456 [DELETED] 

Why do I feel like you're the one who made this thread AND you made it just to "show off" your "skill."

>> No.1447457 [DELETED] 

whatever...i am not gonna get into the shit. I don't post anonymously and i stand by the integrity of my work.

>> No.1447458 [DELETED] 

Well that's not difficult, seeing as there is nothing to stand by...

>> No.1447459 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 800x558, fashion_by_illastrat-d5rskxj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are right. i cant draw. I wanted 40,000 dollars in art school

>> No.1447461 [DELETED] 


>> No.1447462 [DELETED] 


"wanted" = wasted

>> No.1447463 [DELETED] 

Are you actually debating the fact that you wasted money in art school?

>> No.1447466 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 400x557, fax_by_illastrat-d608hp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't draw man and my paintings are shit. Art school was a utter waste.

>> No.1447467 [DELETED] 

>you are right. i cant draw. I wasted 40,000 dollars in art school

Finally, a confession.
Now if only we could work on your attitude.

>> No.1447468 [DELETED] 

i've been very humble actually. But you guys unrelentingly step on toes. You know me for DA and CA probably. I could take it there but i am trying to change. Theres not many more places i can take my shitty drawings and shitty paintings.

>> No.1447469 [DELETED] 

I find it funny how you think you're so great when your work is amateur at best.

Have you seen what good art looks like? Have you seen what a good drawing looks likes?
Go compare yourself to a master draftsman such as Albrecht Durer and tell us again how well you draw.

>> No.1447472 [DELETED] 

>i've been very humble actually

This statement is ironic as they come.

>> No.1447473 [DELETED] 

why do you keep bringing up other sites? why even assume everyone here browses all those sites? Even if people on /ic/ do browse both of those sites, why assume they recognize/ know you from those sites? are you special? are you special c dot?

>> No.1447474 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 400x497, Ascension_of_Gorramah_by_illastrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um..Durer consistently used grids, i dont EVER. Also, when did i say i was so great. I said DON"T compare me to chunbum. My art shows proficiency. Hes DON"T. It doesn't

>> No.1447475

Why are namefags so awful?

>> No.1447477

Who knows.

>> No.1447478 [DELETED] 

>My art shows proficiency
If you'd stop deluding yourself into thinking anything you've shown is proficient, you wouldn't get the reactions you do.

>> No.1447479 [DELETED] 

Proficient: Competent or skilled in doing or using something.
Synonyms: skillful - skilled - skilful - adept - able - expert

Inept: Having or showing no skill; clumsy.
Synonyms: inapt - unsuitable - inappropriate - improper - absurd - C.dot aka illastrat

>> No.1447517 [DELETED] 

it's an ego thing

>> No.1447531

I believe since they have names, you're more likely to remember them, and thus remember when they fuck up or say stupid shit.

When Anon fucks up or says stupid shit, nobody cares.

>> No.1447551

Generally they're pretty okay, compared to users of other forums or sites. Unless they're full of themselves, then they're just as bad. Being that bad here magnifies it.

>> No.1449715
File: 607 KB, 864x1152, Derivative of Android by Chunbum Park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will dump pictures on this thread.
I revised the "Derivative of Android"
Hope this will please the eyes

>> No.1449776
File: 649 KB, 864x1152, Derivative of Android by Chunbum Park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1449813

>get critique
>do the exact opposite

>> No.1449825

I don't know why I am even here. I was going to leave, but some people who liked my works asked me to stay. You should blame them.

I actually enjoy reading all the intense heated controversial discussion regarding my works. Your critiques are very helpful for me to practice defending my works against criticisms and rationalizing what i've done.
Also, comments like this really amuses me.
"You've brought this upon yourselves, /ic/. You're being punished for being such assholes for all these years. The gods have seen fit to place cock in ass. Locusts. Rivers of blood. Frogs raining from the sky. These paintings."

>> No.1449841

>Your critiques are very helpful for me to practice defending my works against criticisms and rationalizing what i've done.
Then you should start doing these things instead of spouting shit all the time.

>> No.1449851 [DELETED] 

You are the painting equivalent of this woman, the notable difference being that she has at least some base competency.

>> No.1449853

You are the painting equivalent of this woman, the notable difference being that she has at least some base competency:



>> No.1449856
File: 65 KB, 800x578, 1343585454766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For the love of everything that's holy and for the sake of art, please stop wasting paints and canvases like that. Send them to me, I guarantee you that I will use them more wisely. Chunbum Park, your works are shit. They're literally a big, shitty mess of color. Have you seen your latest work recently with objective eyes? Please, for one moment let go of your unstoppable and grand desire to become an artist, desire which apparently is blocking your visual senses. Take a good look at your painting. What do you see? I see a very unattractive mess of short lines and colors randomly and with the lack of any artistic sense spread all over a canvas. Now please, stop trying to improve your already bad paintings by adding EVEN MORE paint on them. Study. Study hard and post your stuff after a few months of practice. Or don't post anymore, ever, because I'm quite tired of your shit.

>> No.1449859

this is officially a cringe thread lelelelelel

>> No.1449863

grats, it's very clever how you've avoided all merit in your piece, you trolling is masterful.

>> No.1449867

I'm not trolling. I'm sincerely trying to make good art. My dad says my most recent painting was one of my very best. I also think it's pretty decent.
I know what I am doing. I am ready to soar.

>> No.1449869
File: 186 KB, 901x545, chunbum park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to make good art
>make good art
>good art

here, Chunbum Park, my shrine of you
rate my art /ic/ :3

>> No.1449881

I'm very open minded about painting, but what you do is not good. It's beginner stuff we'd expect from an elementary school student. That you are so defensive and refuse to improve in any way makes the entire situation ten times worse.

Whether or not you are a troll is irrelevant, as your behavior is identical to that of a troll, so the experience for everyone else is the same.

I don't think too much of /ic/ a lot of the time, but broadly speaking, they're right about you. We get some rank beginner art here, but even so, I don't think you're even ready to be posting your work on /ic/. The situation is that dire.

Why would it be so bad to get instruction? Most of the most innovative and original painters had a great deal of drawing and painting instruction, so your arguments really don't hold up.

Ignorance does not equal originality. In fact, not knowing much of anything is making you appear like countless grade school beginner painters. Knowing more things gives you more options. You only use the options that you want to. It's always up to you. No rules, just tools.

It's extremely common for someone to think their work is much better than it is. You've taken this to a real extreme.

>> No.1450261

>my dad says


Your parent's and lover's critiques don't count. You could build a snowman out of shit and your parents will think it's Venus De Milo

>> No.1450750

the one with sunglasses isn't me....
I submitted the painting for critique to my former professor at risd. Hopefully she accepts, and I will be able to share it with you guys.

>> No.1450768
File: 136 KB, 500x511, 1368354093972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are like gcse/a-level tier

>> No.1451188
File: 116 KB, 417x543, a-level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nope. pic related was by a girl from my a-level class

>> No.1451282

same puke pallet as always

>> No.1451295

i dont know why these trolls are being so offensive

i think its a really good abstract work, keep it up

>> No.1451341

That's because you've clearly been here less than a week

>> No.1451355

>it's still pretty bad but better than...

>> No.1451357

who cares how long i have been here?

what a stupid thing to say, go learn some manners

>> No.1451365

>not realizing who the troll actually is

>> No.1451374
File: 40 KB, 562x437, AL5H25SM65HM5ZEFA5UKGSJLSZWY7ZKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know where you are?

>> No.1451402 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 481x320, thatoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1451403 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 864x1152, suckit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah, nice try fagit but thats my cousin and my oc

>> No.1451424 [DELETED] 

By the way. Negative comments should be ignore in the future for any kind of progress to be made. Do your thing and keep on sharing. This is solid advice. No need to leave.

>> No.1451426
File: 363 KB, 934x1659, img700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we could have a board, or at least a thread, for people that don't want to discuss well polished concept art.

>> No.1451439

Believe me, so do I, but frankly I wouldn't want a board full of OP pic stuff. I'd like traditional media fine art board, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.

>> No.1453097
File: 750 KB, 1152x864, Camerata Virtuosi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camerata Virtuosi

>> No.1453101
File: 106 KB, 570x427, TP_G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1453203

It will happen. I will continue to happen as always. I am unstoppable. Muhahahahaha

I think the painting is worth 5 million dollars. I know you guys disagree and think it's ridiculous.

I wish I could paint like I did in the old days. I used to be amazing.

>> No.1453217

sketchbook thread summer

>> No.1453415
File: 631 KB, 864x1152, Nude Seated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only at RISD

>> No.1453424

I preferred the first one actually. It took me a minute to "get" but when you see through the noise it's actually quite clever.

>> No.1453427

it's embarrassing to think there's people like you at RISD.

>> No.1453428


>> No.1453439

Thank you. You are clever enough to understand it.
Show me a work by a person who deserves to be at RISD.

>> No.1453448
File: 1.48 MB, 400x219, 1333818559529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are clever enough to understand it.

>> No.1453449

there's no fucking way you go to RISD. Please timestamp photo of your student ID (blocking personal info like name, pic, and student number)

>> No.1453454

Please, Andrew Dobson has a BFA. Schools don't care as long as you can pay the tuition, and you'll only get as much out of the school as you put it.

>> No.1453461

who is that?

it's been my experience at ACCD that the shit ones that somehow got accepted usually drop by 1st or 2nd term. They usually NEVER graduate. I've not seen one bad grad wall display in the 5 terms i've been there.

>> No.1453463 [DELETED] 

I erased my face because it's against 4chan policy to upload one's own face
I also erased student ID number

>> No.1453467
File: 221 KB, 1055x634, CCF05182013_00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I erased my face because it's against 4chan policy to share one's face
I also erased student ID number for security reasons
RISD is not that tough if your major is painting.

>> No.1453468

you forgot to post the photo, but what term are you and how do your critiques go with you presenting this stuff? I honestly don't see how they're okay with the color choices and understanding of anatomy. I'm really not trying to be a dick, I'm just giving you the honest critique that I feel you're spending a lot of money to hear.

>> No.1453469

I can still see your face :3

...sort of

>> No.1453473

this. I just don't see professors putting up with this type of work at such a damn good/expensive school.

>> No.1453474

I am currently on medical leave, so I will have to repeat sophomore year when go back next spring semester.
I was among the best student at my painting studio class. Quote one of my classmates, "he gets the most compliments"

>> No.1453476

do they do a foundation life drawing class or foundation color theory? That should be first term stuff before they even let you touch a paint brush.

>> No.1453479
File: 508 KB, 1200x1600, Woman with turban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is foundation drawing. there is no foundation color.
For me color comes intuitively. I follow my instincts. professor never criticized me for bad color schemes.

>> No.1453484

that's crazy that they wouldn't teach you that in the first term. I don't know how RISD works, but if you can make your own schedule next term, I highly suggest enrolling yourself in a color theory course so you can see what everyone else sees.

Do you choose a color palette prior to starting a painting and then stick to that? You should pick and mix the exact 2-5 colors you're going to use in your painting prior to starting it, and only mix other colors from those colors. You should never pull out a new tube of paint and add it into your palette in the middle of a painting.

school faborf

>> No.1453485
File: 625 KB, 1152x864, Man in the Restaurant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man in the Restaurant
Acrylic on canvas

>> No.1453488

oh my god your school must suck

>> No.1453491

RISD is a good school, it's considered one of the top art/design colleges. This is why I'm very confused.

>> No.1453495

the method you describe sounds very limiting.
only time i plan which colors to mix and use is at the very beginning when i mix around 3 colors for priming and putting down basic shapes. Once the basic shapes are down, I squeeze out more paint and mix colors one at a time. Once there is no more space left on the palette, I scratch and remove paint with palette knife and repeat mixing colors one at a time.
Please show me work by someone who you think deserves to be at RISD. Or even show me one of your best works. I would like to compare.

>> No.1453501

Jesus what happened to you. The older stuff you posted is actually kind of intriguing and looks promising, but the shit you are churning out now looks like it was done by a completely different person.

Somewhere, you have made a huuuuuge wrong turn.

>> No.1453505

the method I described keeps your painting from turning into a muddy/vomity mess when you're done with it and helps hold color harmony. Seriously, try it on your next painting.

>> No.1453521
File: 149 KB, 800x623, Jokes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Dobson, aka Tom Preston is a shit tier DAtard who graduated with a BFA from the University of Missouri(IIRC). He is a lazy, stupid shit. Pic related.

Chunbum here is basically the same guy, with oil paints.
>I erased my face because it's against 4chan policy to share one's face
No it's not. See: /soc/

Posting OTHER people's personal information is, but you'd know that if you could read.
>For me color comes intuitively.
No wonder you do such shitty work.
>professor never criticized me for bad color schemes.
He should be ashamed of himself.

>> No.1453528
File: 212 KB, 640x478, 100_3401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this time you guys have been saying my works are shit, but when I ask you to post your own works or works that are superior to mine and follow all the rules of art you adhere to you never do it.
Also, most works on /ic/ suck but you guys never criticize those like you do mine.
Then you say my best work like this one sucks because of wrong anatomy. You guys are never going to make good works because you are so obsessed with and bogged down in getting the basics.

>> No.1453533
File: 55 KB, 346x346, 1368415113562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>let's see your art then

Look asshole, you don't have to be an amazing artist to know that someone sucks. Art historians know shitloads about painting techniques and styles but wouldn't be able to go about replicating master works. It's one thing to study and know things, and it's another to actually put that knowledge to practice. Maybe you do have that knowledge, but you're too immature to actually put it into practice. Your conceit will get you nowhere.

Listen to what these people are telling you. /ic/ is one of the most honest boards on here, and you're an ass to keep rejecting good advice.

>> No.1453535

>Also, most works on /ic/ suck but you guys never criticize those like you do mine.
Because they don't act like retards

>> No.1453537


>> No.1453538

I will listen to my professors.
When did I ever act like a retard? It's you guys who made up the labels for me saying I am ignorant and arrogant. It's you guys who paraphrased and made up what I said like "it's muh style" which I never said.

All I ever did was upload my works and say I don't get what's wrong when someone says something is wrong with my work.

>> No.1453542

Where's the art where you don't do this color stew? I'd like to see it before commenting on the new stuff.

>> No.1453544

You're acting like a retard by coming here, posting your work, and then getting pissy when people pointed out what is wrong with your work. You JUST said you're not going to listen to the advice here, so delete your thread and fuck off

>> No.1453545

I don't get what you mean.
I never got pissed when people criticized my works. I got pissed because people accused me of being arrogant and ignorant and acting like retard which I never did.
There are some people who like my works, so I will keep sharing.

>> No.1453546
File: 86 KB, 600x607, 1366064746627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You keep saying "I don't get it."

Imagine a student younger than you who keeps drawing his figures with abnormally large breasts, and not representing light and shadows correctly, even though the model is clearly flat-chested and the light is coming from whatever point. You tell him, "Hey, you're representing that the wrong way. Let me show you how," and you point out the issues.

The student says, "I don't get it. There's nothing wrong with it. That's the way I want to do it, I don't need to learn how to do it the right way."

How would you feel? He's acting like an insolent little shit; he doesn't understand the basics. He's running before he can crawl. This is how we perceive you.

>> No.1453547

that's like the kitchen nightmares chef's

>people love the food here!!! They eat here all the time

Yeah, well why are you on the show then?

>> No.1453549
File: 238 KB, 919x3728, 1330094536152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this time you guys have been saying my works are shit, but when I ask you to post your own works or works that are superior to mine and follow all the rules of art you adhere to you never do it.
Completely irrelevant. It has been every time you've said so and will be every time you say so.
>Also, most works on /ic/ suck but you guys never criticize those like you do mine.
I criticize plenty, and I see plenty of critiques, so I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
>Then you say my best work like this one sucks because of wrong anatomy.
It doesn't just suck because of anatomy, that's just the most glaring error besides the shit tier color job.
>You guys are never going to make good works because you are so obsessed with and bogged down in getting the basics.
You ever heard of Miyamoto Musashi? If you haven't he was quite possibly the greatest swordsman who ever lived, fighting over 60 duels by the time he was thirty and never having lost.

If you read the Book of Five Rings, he repeatedly emphasizes the virtue of being in touch with basic skills.

What's the point? The point is that art, like swordsmanship, is a skill, and like any skill, the basics are fucking important - that's why they're the basics. You will never make great work because of you lack of ability, just like how someone with no ability in swordsmanship is more likely to cut off his own head than win a duel.

But feel free to keep making excuses. It makes no difference to me if you end up like Tom Preston up there, who also did not want to study the basics, and have no success. Pic related.

>> No.1453550

>I don't get what you mean.

Do you have examples of your work that don't have wild colors so that I can more easily discern your technical skill.

>> No.1453551

>people accused me of being arrogant and ignorant and acting like retard which I never did.
You did it in this very thread, right here
>Thank you. You are clever enough to understand it.
Wherein you imply all your critics are morons too stupid to understand your work.

That's arrogance.

You don't know the basics of painting and drawing. That's ignorance.

>> No.1453558

that one is actually pretty cool, matisseritic

>> No.1453559
File: 996 KB, 1474x1600, Free Hugs at Starbucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might not follow the rules, but I don't think I lack the ability.
You can follow all the rules that exist in art and still make shitty work.
Here it is
All I did in this thread is upload my works. Then came an onslaught of criticisms and mockery.
When I said that person is clever enough to understand it, it was merely play on words. I like making puns and play on words. He said the work is clever so I said he's clever enough to understand it.

>> No.1453561

>I might not follow the rules, but I don't think I lack the ability.
Your work demonstrates a lack of understanding of anatomy, perspective, and color theory.
>You can follow all the rules that exist in art and still make shitty work.
And you can break them and still make shitty work - i.e. what you are doing right now.
>All I did in this thread is upload my works. Then came an onslaught of criticisms and mockery.
1) If you aren't uploading on /ic/ for criticism, then get the fuck out. /ic/ is for critique, not asspats.
2) It's 4chan. Mockery comes standard on every board, deal with it.
>When I said that person is clever enough to understand it, it was merely play on words. I like making puns and play on words. He said the work is clever so I said he's clever enough to understand it.
Stop making excuses for your bad behavior.

>> No.1453563

in my own art schools perspective class, this would probably get a D.

I have no idea where you got your ego from, but if you are considered high skilled in your school, you're going to the wrong one.

>> No.1453565
File: 102 KB, 640x361, Great Southern Gate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reality is too lame. You have to elaborate on the reality and fill the 2 dimensional space with most busy noise, detail, and colors.
I may get the lighting wrong, but I never draw a flat-chested model with huge breasts.
The whole point of painting is not to depict reality as it is because that would make you a uncreative copy machine, but to depict an alternate universe that is complete, perfect, and beautiful to the eye. Also, what you put down on canvas will be different from what you observe. There will be deviations. So you have to react to what's already on canvas, not copy what you see.
Again I don't have problem with criticisms. Just don't accuse me of being ignorant and arrogant. Also doing away with mockery would be nice. And regardless there are people who are interested in my works so I will stay whether you like it or not.
I am not making excuses. That's the honest truth.
Free Hugs at Starbucks was work I did in high school. My school purchased the work for $300.
This work received National Gold at Scholastics art competition.

>> No.1453570
File: 36 KB, 500x600, 1353649217222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reality is too lame

You are a huge baby and you need to leave. Why are you still here?

>> No.1453571

> ask artist to show work not highlighting "muh style"
> artist has examples and complies without argument

Thank you. As soon as my internet's not total crap and the images load, I'll respond to your points.

>> No.1453573
File: 2 KB, 125x70, 1368857368633s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>reality is too lame

It's only when we learn to depict reality (the VERY BARE basics of what you should be trying to accomplish) that we can then move on to experimentation. You have to learn the basics before you can start manipulating reality.

I'm serious. You don't appear to even know the basics. You know where "style" comes from? It comes from an artist who has learned the basics to the best of his ability, can depict it to the fullest extent, and then take that knowledge and exaggerate it to create meaning. If you don't know the basics, your works will ALWAYS be fundamentally flawed.

You know Disney animators, for example? They didn't start by drawing cartoons. They started by taking basic art classes, and learning the basic figure, so they could then manipulate that basic figure in thousands of different forms. They were able to do that because they understood the idea in its simplest form: reality.

You want to paint, but you're not skilled enough in the basics to bring your vision to life. You're too caught up in "It's my style, I do what I want!" but really you're a baby in a world of teachers who would throw you out of the classroom for spouting such conceits.

You will never be a great artist if you continue the way you are.

>> No.1453575

In your baby analogy, I am interested in running, not crawling.
You guys are obsessed with crawling. Crawling is all that you will ever do.
I will keep running.

>> No.1453578

>Again I don't have problem with criticisms.
You just whined about criticism. You are a liar.
>Just don't accuse me of being ignorant and arrogant.
You ARE ignorant. There's no shame in being ignorant, because everyone is ignorant of something - ignorance is simply not knowing. And you DO NOT KNOW THE BASICS. Ergo, you are ignorant.

And you are arrogant. You have repeatedly talked shit about others works and made fun of your critics. If you don't want to be called arrogant, stop fucking acting arrogant.
>Also doing away with mockery would be nice.
You actually listening to critique would be nice, but hey, you aren't fucking doing it. You just make excuses. You give a little and maybe we'll give a little.
>And regardless there are people who are interested in my works so I will stay whether you like it or not.
No skin off my teeth. The only person who loses if you you.
>I am not making excuses. That's the honest truth.
>(transitive) To provide an excuse for; to explain, with the aim of alleviating guilt or negative judgement.
You ARE making excuses. Every time you receive any legit critique, you refuse to accept it and make attempt to dodge any need to study the basics. You have been completely resistant to any critique you've received.

You want to be treated better? Lurk more, read the fucking sticky, accept critique, and get the fuck over yourself.

>> No.1453580


You're running? Maybe helter skelter down a hill, arms flailing, with two sprained ankles and a limp.

>> No.1453582
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>> No.1453584

This is actually almost enjoyable.

>> No.1453585

You aren't running. Your art is mediocre and it's NOTHING compared to the big guys, and yet, they are usually the ones to be humble, I wonder why? Maybe because they aren't delusional about their work, and that they know that there are better artists out there. No one likes a cocky bastard, especially if he hasn't earned the rights to be cocky. This is why the people who are eager to learn will come out victorious, not people like you who paint the same bullshit his own circle of friends and familiars praise. I have seen you posting your old work too, it hasn't improved.

>> No.1453587

I am not a liar. I said it's confusing when I am the only one who's criticized.
Fine. It's okay if you say I am ignorant.
I am not arrogant. Other works on /ic/ are truly shitty. I cannot lie on this.
Stuckactivism and illastrat and some other anons want me to stay.
Again, I am telling the truth. It's not an excuse. I never refused to accept anything. I said I don't get it.
If that's true, I shouldn't have won the school purchase award and multiple Scholastic art awards including 2 regional silver, 1 regional gold, and 1 national gold. I shouldn't have been accepted to RISD, Parsons, and SAIC.
My professors should have despised me, mocked me, attacked me, and stomped me down. They gave me compliments.

>> No.1453588

Like I said, no skin off my teeth. Continue to lie and make excuses, and to be arrogant - you are the one who loses out.

P.S. Illastrat deleted his thread and left in shame after acting like a jackass. He at least realized what a fool he made of himself.

>> No.1453589

I would take a shitty artists that works hard to improve over you any day.

>> No.1453592
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This thing?

It doesn't mean shit. It's small potatoes, a children's art contest. You're an adult now.

I won the National Young Writers' contest when I was in the fifth grade. I typically don't talk about it because it's irrelevant to my skill level now. Children aren't skilled. Rather, the best of what's available (or the most potential) is chosen for these kids' contests.

>> No.1453595

all I ever did was upload my works. there is nothing to be realized. i never made fool of myself.
you make up stuff i've said. "it's muh style" and now you say i lie about whining about criticism. i never rejected criticism. i said it's confusing. it's confusing when only i am criticized and you put thumbs up to a really shitty work.

>> No.1453598


I wish you would get banned. You really bring down the quality of this board.

>> No.1453599

>it's confusing when only i am criticized and you put thumbs up to a really shitty work.
I've never done this and never seen it done. Even if it was true, it's completely irrelevant, and an excuse.

Like I said, feel free to continue lying and making excuses.

>> No.1453601

Honestly, Chunbum, your acrylic work is not bad at all. Your problem is that you don't know enough about the rules to know how to break them effectively, so when you try to take artistic license and break them like you've been doing since you started oil it comes out looking unlearned and childish.

Why not go back to your old style (you can still use oil if you like) and practice for a while, then when you've gained more knowledge of the fundamentals, color, and the medium, give this post impressionist thing another try?

>> No.1453602

E-mail the mods and ask them to deal with the shitposter. It's worked in the past.

>> No.1453604


Good idea, I will.

>> No.1453606

"Nice! But be careful with using so much gray in the shades, it can easily turn out flat and muddy-looking..."
"Composition looks great, Maybe look at adding some more depth and texture?"

>> No.1453610

i think you are very lucky to have parents that support what ever you want to do, despite your lack of results. especially as a korean. I can't imagine the social stigma of having raised an artist son that was wholly incompetent. don't take them for granted, they have sacrificed much for you.

>> No.1453612



>> No.1453614

if you really cant see the merit it this guys work especially the older stuff you really do have a problem if you're going into fine arts..

>> No.1453617

I can agree with this a little. His older stuff has merit but the stuff he puts out now seems to have taken a nose dive.

>> No.1453620

perhaps you are more knowledgeable of the fine art market than I. please do enlighten me to the merits of Mr Park's works. I am your eager student.

>> No.1453622 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1453623
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>> No.1453626
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I don't have a ridiculous hate-boner over his work like a lot of people do. It's just kind of that samey abstract portrait style that tens of thousands of fine art students make every year.

It's indistinct and unoriginal. People shouldn't be getting mad over it.

>> No.1453627


It's not his mundane work, it's his insolent conceited attitude he has when he hauls his ass over here to shitpost and waste our time.

>> No.1453635

well in fine arts we have this thing called 'expression', you may not of heard of it but trust me it's kinda a big deal.

now in fine arts when a piece 'expresses' itself 'well' through the use of 'abstract elements' like 'marks' and 'composition' it's considered to be 'good' even if that 'expression' comes at the 'expensive' of 'academic rigor.'

sort of the opposite of /ic/

>> No.1453637

can you elaborate exactly what his pieces are 'expressing'? it seems to me that you speak of fine arts in general yet do not touch upon the artiste himself. what 'complex' 'emotions' has the artificer Mr Park instilled in his work to be conveyed upon the gentle viewer? Please be specific Sensei, use the original picture as the subject of analysis if it would please you.

>> No.1453641

Right. I think we all agree on this. The issue is that his pieces are NOT expressing themselves well, and, by your definition, are not good.

>> No.1453654

well i dont want to write a whole critique..the girl is central, relatively well realised, the palette its fairly earthy, the lines are bold and in more striking and primary colors, the girl is pointing upwards along one of the lines..to me this seems to be telling us that 'there's more than one way to see a cat' if you'll excuse the paraphrase, the voice is playful and direct which is the main appeal of this fellows work imo.

>> No.1453665

Funny how that only works in fine art.

Odd how if you make shitty food, no matter how you play it it's still shitty food, right?

>> No.1453686

I know I am very lucky for having parents who support what I want to do and love. Yes my recent works suck, but through many trials I've on rare occasions created really good works that I hope will help get me into a good graduate school like Yale once I am done with RISD. I am constantly experimenting. I am not a failure, yet.

>> No.1453711
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Tropical Dream

>> No.1453730

Bingo. Just add an attitude that begs for attention and gets defensive at any critique and you've got a never-ending troll. Everyone should really just stop responding to these threads at this point.

>> No.1453732

>I'm not arrogant
>here's a list of awards I've won that prove I'm great
Master troll

>> No.1453815

It's not "here's a list of awards that prove I'm great" it's "here's a list of awards that prove I'm not mediocre or failure"
Then is everyone who receives some awards arrogant by default by your logic?

>> No.1453827

If your work can't speak for itself, your awards are useless.

>> No.1453831

If they brag about their awards as a way to refute criticism, then yes.

>> No.1453865

yes they are! haven't you heard of musashi god! for example for job interviews instead of giving them my cv i just radiant my manly aura and stand in a way which lets my shadow from the japanese character for 'sword', if that doesn't work i give them the bokken.

>> No.1453955

I wouldn't have gotten awards if my works didn't "speak for itself"
But your criticism isn't constructive criticism. It's complete rejection and disparagement. There is nothing for me to do except defend against it.

>> No.1453995
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Oh look how this thread grew and matured. I remember when I first saw your shit paintings, OP. They're shit.
So is that.

Your older paintings were a little better than the crap you throw at canvases now. Honestly, that last thing you posted might be the worst one yet. When looking at it I honestly am reminded of something which would come out of the hands of a 10 year old. I truly am sorry for your stubbornness and for your value-blindness.

>> No.1454141

Bullshit. Everyone points out what you need to work on, then you refuse to and insist you're some visionary art god.

>> No.1454402

People have told you repeatedly that your colors look like vomit, then you get defensive and say that your sense of color comes naturally and is awesome. People repeatedly tell you that your understanding of anatomy is piss poor, then you get defensive and proclaim that it's "muh style".

If everyone around you seems insane and you're the only one that hangs on to that one opinion like it's precious metal, you're likely the one that is insane. We all unanimously agree on these things, you need to work on color and anatomy, but you refuse to listen. This is a critique, but you can't handle it.

I have a feeling that you're consistently being critiqued to change things at RISD but your selective hearing refuses to hear it. It's seriously like talking to a wall with you. You hear the people that tell you you're great but dismiss the vast majority that tell you the things you need to work on. You don't even give it a try for fuck's sake, you just ignore the advice.

>> No.1454541

Sure I said color comes instinctively, but I was never "defensive" about it, and I never said it was awesome.
I never said it's "muh style" with regard to the anatomy. I said I don't understand what's wrong with it.
Why do you keep making up what I said? Stop. Stop making up stuff I said.

>> No.1454984

Are you so delusional that you won't believe anything we tell you, no matter how many times or many of us say it?