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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 124 KB, 838x1002, Thinking_emoji_Abby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4387125 No.4387125 [Reply] [Original]

ey, I wanna ask how do I change my general attitude about my art? i've been juggling with wanting approval while also drawing what makes me happy. But every attempt ends me becoming massively paranoid and never happy. How am I gmi?

>> No.4387194
File: 1.67 MB, 391x838, 2020-02-23_23-10-23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know mate but i made waifu wall for myself for motivation.
It all depends on the person.

>> No.4387199


>> No.4387204
File: 96 KB, 386x834, 2020-02-23_23-13-35.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zenkit, its quite fun actually

>> No.4387211

That's so lame and endearing at the same time

>> No.4387212


>> No.4387213

thanks anon!

>> No.4387226

Stop browsing /ic/ that’s the first step. Coming here makes you retarded.

>> No.4387227
File: 11 KB, 294x186, 2020-02-23_23-23-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu i recommend waifu wall to everyone i have so much fun while making it, i even set up small quests and stuff like that which have their own check list complete date etc

>> No.4387231

why t b h is filtered to desu anyone knows ?
I have been wondering about that for a while

>> No.4387326

to filter newfags of course baka

>> No.4387333

Because t b h is zoomerspeak from black twitter. Anyone who uses it unironically is a retarded newfag/normie.

>> No.4387343

stfu only normalfags say normie

>> No.4387345

They're interchangeable.

>> No.4387363
File: 177 KB, 407x300, Przechwytywanie 76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because t b h is zoomerspeak from black twitter. Anyone who uses it unironically is a retarded newfag/

so if i want to shorten " to be honest" Im retarded ?
What are you smoking you feggit

>> No.4387366

What is that?

>> No.4387379

wholesome GMI

>> No.4387384
File: 3.38 MB, 983x820, 2020-02-24_00-54-02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a waifu wall, its divided into multiple windows, you linked to the motivation one but there are long term goals window, sketches window etc

>> No.4387388

glad you like it

>> No.4387493

Cutee i wanna try this

>> No.4387519

this is very based
this is also gmi

>> No.4387822

but it's been filtered since before zoomerspeak was a thing
t. boomer

>> No.4388720


how did you do those multiple labels? i'm doing some reference material for story project and this is neat!

>> No.4388783
File: 57 KB, 391x954, wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You click on a item of your list then add custom
and you choose tags
(Got mine in french so idk the name in english)

>> No.4388787
File: 28 KB, 362x535, wall2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4388811
File: 1.37 MB, 1844x838, 2020-02-24_19-45-04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah pretty much what >>4388783
You will also have "mars mission" Folder when u open your account you can use it as

>Cutee i wanna try this
very cool anon, if u make a waifu wall please share it here, i will post my full wall so you can use it for ideas if you wish.
My wall itself was made day or two ago so its still empty but im drawing as we speak so i will try to finish most goals i set up in week or two

>> No.4388818
File: 195 KB, 260x95, 2020-02-24_19-52-45.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool wall anon glad im not the only one

>> No.4388860

Working on it anon, ill post as soon as ready

>> No.4388958

i took a french class so not to hard to read.

>> No.4388987

also how do you do images to show in kanbans?

>> No.4389019

you go to attachments and just add it, doesnt work for you ?

>> No.4389022
File: 1.76 MB, 364x869, 2020-02-24_22-19-35.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4389463 [DELETED] 

This thread is 99% better than happyboynumber1 youtube video.

>> No.4389547
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, 2020-02-25-04-00-33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot for showing your wall anon, here's mine so far, just have to finish to move everything

>> No.4389685

That looks great anon, lets rise to new heights with our waifu walls.
Drawing is getting more fun since i made it for sure.

>> No.4389727

>Reeee normies reach my level, i've been browsing this site for almost two decades of my awesome life

>> No.4389827

GMI and i am not even a weebfag.Those are some wholesome advices.

>> No.4390745

it ends up err,,, well,,, being a strange turn of events. Realizing the mortality of your life. So much so is wasted on such little agonies, petty comparisons, insecurities, regrets, jealousy, guilt and frustration. For me, it was a mixture of many things and life events that had lead me to realize how meaningless all the struggle was.
one unsettling thing though is trying to "force" yourself to be motivated and repeat mantras and "force" yourself to practice. after some of these life events, I looked up brightly and thought "there are lots of things I want to draw! a lot of things I want to learn! I cant wait to wake up tomorrow so I can draw all over again."

>> No.4390783

If you want to even say that expression you're already in the wrong, anon.
Filler words make you a little bitch and filler words stolen from black people make you a primate.

We have /brit/ to thank for for forcing this vocabulary into 4chan but also for its ban, it's ambivalent.

>> No.4390839

fuck off you fucking murican i just wanted to shorten "to be honest" I dont give a shit about black people.
I bet you suck some black cock every night you "little bitch"

>> No.4390859

See how you write? It oozes your lack of civilization, regardless of the expressions you choose to use.
I was just informing you of the truth because you asked. I am not even the anon you were originally discussing with. I'm not even a native English speaker and you already reek, imagine to someone with full mastery of the language.

>> No.4390877

lmao dont you have anything better to do ? Get a life. You "reek" Of im tipping my fedora type of guy

>> No.4390913

This looks fun and really appealing. Definitely might help my gains to draw waifu.

>> No.4390998

Shut the fuck up Octaroon, just because you have an inferiority complex doesn't mean everyone else has to meet your retarded standards.

>> No.4391531

if you brought this ethic to the canvas you'd be a better artist

>> No.4391560

gay af

>> No.4392118

I think the baka desu and senpai filters were introduced as as a joke when gookmoot took over

>> No.4392834

yeah i will do my best with it