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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 165 KB, 950x1639, bandit - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4258639 No.4258639 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4255370
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!


LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV

Dead DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4258644


>> No.4258646 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 697x796, borger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How nice it is to draw (´ω`)

>> No.4258649

How nice it is to draw (´ω`)

>> No.4258655


>> No.4258656
File: 535 KB, 960x668, 1463086227744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just kidding :)

>> No.4258660


>> No.4258663


>> No.4258691

>tfw listening to a youtube video on repeat
>suddenly it stops
>even though uploaded 7 months ago
>done it again
>killed another video on youtube by watching it

>> No.4258693

dude... same shit used to happen to me years ago every time I'd favorite something. Shit would be 5 years old and gone a few days after i favorited it.

>> No.4258719

I've made plans to go out with someone tomorrow but I kinda just want to sleep in and work on my comic, magical girls, and make christmas cards. But if I don't fill my social interaction quota I'll go insane and continue to perpetuate my self-inflicted loneliness. Why do I have such a hard time being a functional, well-adjusted human with a healthy social life and interests

>> No.4258722

Just go out anon. Worry about your anime girls later

>> No.4258724
File: 36 KB, 239x238, 1321905528565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because being social is awful and it's completely understandable to want to hermit & just draw and sit in your room
if I were in your position I'd probably make up a shitty excuse as to why I need to cancel plans & let them know today, heh
I think if I had like 2 friends and we could not see each other for like months but it still be like we saw each other last week & nothing's any different that'd be perfection

>> No.4258728

Don't feel ashamed anon, living your life is something you bring back into your art when you're ready for it.

>> No.4258740

>want to cuddle the shrine dog

>> No.4258835

Always download from youtube

>> No.4258846

Do you regret going out? I know always want to stay home, but actually going out and meeting others is quite refreshing.
Also, what are healthy interests supposed to be? Yoga?

>> No.4258885

Is there gonna be another Years Long challenge for 2020? I was always kinda disappointed I missed out on that and the concept of just 2 posts, one at start of year & one at end for the badge is pretty neat.

>> No.4258889

probably not if no one steps up to the plate at this rate

>> No.4258890

I will, give me an hour or so.

>> No.4258916


>> No.4258917

*goes back to bed*

>> No.4258920

I'm going to earn that 5 tier badge

>> No.4258927
File: 42 KB, 541x498, honhon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4258928

>daib piece actualy turned out good and got most the attention I ever got on social media
>can't finish a pic since then

Daib again when

>> No.4258930
File: 45 KB, 719x987, 06ec0cf5f06f81c7a217d7892adf78a4b6767048r1-719-987v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4258931

JANUARY 1 2020

>> No.4258934

Do Art In Butt?

>> No.4258938

yeah I kinda bought it up so that someone better than I could create it, heh

based, thanks dad

>> No.4258943

Done, I wasn't sure if I should have just copied and pasted the old description, so I wrote a new one using the old as a guide. If the wording, or anything seems off, or unclear, let me know and I'll fix it.

>> No.4258951
File: 17 KB, 250x150, 1512344502565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a woman is wearing thigh high leather boots, can she bend her knees all the way and pull them to her chest?

>> No.4258959

Didn't you have the answer when you were in the club this weekend?
It's 2020, Woman can do whatever they want.

>> No.4258965


Which dad challenge did you enjoy and/or learn from the most of 2019? (multiple choice)
https://www.strawpoll.me/19093190 (part 1)
https://www.strawpoll.me/19093191 (part 2)

Of the challenges last year, "Towergirls/boys" challenge created by user 'challenged' won by a slim margin with 5 votes, followed closely by nka's "hands challenge", Beanhead's "Louis Wain Challenge", kringlefkr's "100 Heads challenge" and j's "Character Swap Challenge" with 4 votes each!

Prospective challenge creators, take note for 2020!

>> No.4258967
File: 176 KB, 931x1075, polls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last year's poll https://www.strawpoll.me/16920135/r

>> No.4258968


Since I can't find any images of it I assume they restrict movement too much, most I see is a little over 90 degree angle. Kind of like how thick byrnie doesn't allow you to bend elbows all the way

>> No.4258969

Just because they can (they can't btw) doesn't mean they should.

>> No.4258972

A number of those are still ongoing how can you have a retrospective on that

>> No.4258974

>that 1 pokekid vote
I wonder who voted for that...

>> No.4258975

The Perspective and figure drawing challenges aren't included in this poll and those were the most useful ones together with the head one.

>> No.4258981

I'm quite surprised we didn't have one of those figure/gesture/perspective drawing challenges this year, they used to be quite common

>> No.4258994

So does anybody in this thread... Actually... Draw? Like, anyday?

>> No.4258997


>> No.4258999

I have never drawn, ever

>> No.4259000

Maybe because it's actually a fun and useful challenge?

>> No.4259003

Trips of foolishness

>> No.4259007

I'm starting to miss topic hell

>> No.4259008

Yesterday there were 84 submissions on the site, so yes, turns out quite a lot of people draw

>> No.4259009


>> No.4259014

how many dads will be brought before the tribunal on the first day?

>> No.4259016

How many dads will make something tribunal worthy Day 1 just so they can say there were the first?

>> No.4259017

there's only so many beheadings you can clean up in a single day.

>> No.4259022
File: 248 KB, 800x512, tribuns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tribun at the hall

>> No.4259023

very cute tribunny!

>> No.4259026

tribun challenge when?

>> No.4259051

How about, give name and then let other daddies recommend artists they think you'd like?

>> No.4259054


>> No.4259060
File: 191 KB, 2500x3600, 2019 art summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's do this

>> No.4259062
File: 2.09 MB, 1388x2000, myyear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me just get banned again :^)

>> No.4259066

Did you post a uncensored version before?

>> No.4259068

no i censored it, i thought its fine if censored

>> No.4259072

Stop drawing.

>> No.4259073

this isn't a blue board

>> No.4259076

furryporn is still a ban, it's a tradition.

>> No.4259078

oh right furry porn was banned to the shadowrealms wasn't it?

>> No.4259080

true, its nice to see this one last tradition alive

>> No.4259083

are July and September the same charactrer? You should draw him more

>> No.4259084

furryporn is still a ban, it's common sense.

>> No.4259089

they are meant to be different, its just sameface syndrome

>> No.4259090

was, and has always been, since times immemorial basically. Until very recently posting even sfw furry was technically a bannable offense, just like racism is technically banned on anything but /b/ and /trash/.

>> No.4259092
File: 1.32 MB, 220x220, cbb8c6d29e289494b02edbebb8f19685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's very mean daddy

>> No.4259096

No, it's OK. You are drawing too much, you need a rest so you don't fry.
Stay cute, stop drawing (for an hour or so).

>> No.4259097

dont listen to this man keep drawing bunny

>> No.4259098

bunny a cute daddy! keep drawing bunny!

>> No.4259099

Whos your fav daddy?

>> No.4259103

Don't play with food. Keep doodling.

>> No.4259105


>> No.4259108


>> No.4259109


>> No.4259113

fin rot

>> No.4259120

So let me get this straight, the New Years challenge is just a list and not an actual drawing?

>> No.4259121


>> No.4259122

yeah, attach it with your normal submission for the day

>> No.4259123


>> No.4259134


>> No.4259137
File: 615 KB, 1606x2000, 2019-art-summary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't improve as much as I thought

>> No.4259143
File: 2.54 MB, 2500x3600, 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little "horny" girls

>> No.4259144

last 4 are awesome I think you've improved

>> No.4259164

Haven't yet, we decided on going out but not on what to do desu. Surely it won't be that bad. Might see a film but that's kinda boring, I'm in the suburbs so I don't know what there is to do
Healthy interests would be something like drawing regularly without hating yourself all the time haha

>> No.4259168


>> No.4259178

>Looking through the stuff I've drawn so far this year for that 2019 art summary
>Realize I essentially wasted two months on crap
>Have only been trying to draw seriously for 4 months, earlier attempts have been a drawing here and there
>Two out of those 4 months were the ones where I wasted my time
This is terrible, but at least it went 50% right

>> No.4259182

the most important thing is that you kept drawing, so post your art summary!

>> No.4259187

I don't completely understand this, are we just picking whatever we think our best work is of that month?

>> No.4259190

Yes. You can do it mom.

>> No.4259195
File: 3.46 MB, 2229x2700, 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh. time for more anime posting

>> No.4259198
File: 834 KB, 2500x3600, 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the (you) that you gave me

I really need to finish more things and not just sketch aimlessly.
Oh and I need to draw 10x more, 2-3 per day is not enough

>> No.4259199

>June - Bezdomny portrait
There is a gossip, explain.

>> No.4259201

Brush your teeth!

>> No.4259202
File: 92 KB, 630x630, E3E42463-AE7D-40F0-854E-DF41158F81B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew someone was going to say that lol.
It’s Will Swan.

>> No.4259217
File: 5 KB, 250x250, spinkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad, lead me to wholesomeness for Hanukkah.

>> No.4259241
File: 459 KB, 1248x1800, 2019 art summary - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all porn

>> No.4259248

Can't draw fur. Meh.

>> No.4259258

Yo that head from this month looks berry good, keep it up

>> No.4259278

setting goals for 2020

>> No.4259284

I don’t have time to listen to it now but does he give any examples for tangible art goals? Or does anyone have any good realistic examples?
I just want to think about some while I’m at work.

>> No.4259287
File: 2.62 MB, 2500x3600, ddly2dl-c42e223b-f001-4287-ad28-5dfbe33172d3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the most productive year I've had art wise.

>> No.4259290
File: 119 KB, 980x653, photo206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop drawing porn

>> No.4259294

Have you all been naughty or nice this year?
Post proof.

>> No.4259296
File: 2.93 MB, 2500x3235, 2019 summary of art clean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to study more and do stuff outside my comfort zone more often, I wanna actually make gains next year orz

>> No.4259298

>picking up art for anything but porn

>> No.4259299

Best DAIB.
Hope you'll stay an okay dad.

>> No.4259301
File: 89 KB, 1200x675, DeXO4MxX0AAKWuz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4259305

what is the story of the cobra pic

>> No.4259310

Some freudian thoughts hit me. Do you like my cobra?

>> No.4259317
File: 38 KB, 720x697, bdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4259318

who is this guy and why does he keep telling people what to do?

>> No.4259323
File: 26 KB, 426x313, EG7wbO6WsAAOWEs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see you want it the hard way

>> No.4259325

Yearly progress tier list when

>> No.4259326


>> No.4259328

I'm on it!

>> No.4259329

Danke, anon. I hope I'll be able to surpass it next year

It's an illustration for a story idea I've been rolling around for the past 2 years.
Basically it's about a farmgirl who befriends a mysterious stranger, who is able to turn into a snake. Snakes are known to be shapeshifters, who take on human forms to trick people but the boy claims that he's not really a snake, he just suffers a family curse that makes him like this, and that he's actually the prince of a faraway kingdom. He promises her that if she keeps the fact he's a snake a secret, and helps him on his journey to get back to his kingdom and reclaim the throne, he'll reward her greatly.
It is weird OTL

>> No.4259331

never, I fucking hate tier lists

>> No.4259333

>hate tier lists

>> No.4259335
File: 2.71 MB, 1500x2160, thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to deal with the fact I'm 5 different artists in a trenchcoat. Why do I fluctuate so much, damn.

I don't think I improved much in painting this year (which most predominantly features here) but I definitely feel I'm a way better draftsman than I was. It makes me happy. I'm still pretty bad, but my understanding of anatomy and perspective is slowly getting somewhere.

>> No.4259336

he's not a dad.

>> No.4259337


>> No.4259340

they demotivate me instead of making me want to get better. They're highly subjective and they usually cause drama of some kind. What's there not to hate?

>> No.4259342

but drama's great for thread activity

>> No.4259343

Same anon, but I crave chaos so I want tier lists regardless

>> No.4259345

based agent of chaos

>> No.4259346

as long as I'm not skipped, I'm thrilled

>> No.4259348

Thank you for the nice comments daddies

>> No.4259355

Sounds like the nigerian prince scam

>> No.4259357
File: 17 KB, 480x480, friendly_tissues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4259358

so march and august is the same story?

i love this concept

>> No.4259359

>the prince is brown too
my sides
im sorry nessie

>> No.4259361

same, top kek

>> No.4259370
File: 34 KB, 941x1024, 941px-Political_chart.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think each dad is on the political spectrum?

>> No.4259371

Lib right: loliposters
Lib left: shotaposters
Auth left: everyone else

>> No.4259376

Holy kek, you're right

Yeah they are. Thanks anon, hopefully I'll be able to properly start it soon

>> No.4259386

Pls no

>> No.4259387

is this quite possibly the worst idea to ever happen in these threads

>> No.4259388
File: 162 KB, 941x1024, soul skill alignment chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4259389

fucking kek

>> No.4259403 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 1650x1743, dad_compassFull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be more interesting with categories like >>4259370

>> No.4259406

Jesus that's a lot of users

>> No.4259410

> mid skill
> mid-low soul

this is the highest my skill had been marked and the lowest my soul has been marked
you sure it isn't vice versa?

>> No.4259411

>Gone already
This was knowledge daddies weren't mean to have

>> No.4259413

a tierlist too potent, it must be diluted

>> No.4259417

Nooooo! FUCK! I demand the second part of the tierlist be reinstated! >:(

>> No.4259419
File: 264 KB, 1650x1743, dad_compassFull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4259424


wh-why am i mid skill level
are you sure there isn't a mistake im pretty sure there's a mistake somewhere
for one i'm most certainly worst than like 95% of the blokes on the left of me, especially kringle

>> No.4259425

Is this what rng looks like? I was skipped, as always.

>> No.4259429
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1529058572104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could this be... daddy... I don't feel so good...

>> No.4259430


>> No.4259431


I cannot accept this, post your work.

>> No.4259432

>getting a tier lister to post their work

>> No.4259440

Who would've guessed a tier list maker would skip people? This has never happened before. How shocking

subjective garbage

>> No.4259443

Is soul just good stylization?

>> No.4259444

>i alternate between being called soul but unskilled and skilled but soulless
I don't know anymore

>> No.4259446

Which daddies have good stylizaztion?

>> No.4259447

Second half of the list is confirmed salty.

>> No.4259455 [DELETED] 


Into the trash it goes.

>> No.4259457


I wonder if you have eyes.

>> No.4259460


What's so great about thread activity? If there's no value in it I just wasted time checking the tab.

>> No.4259461

>wasted time checking the tab
just as planned

>> No.4259462

Close tab, climb one tier.

>> No.4259468

if you get distracted by a tab you'll probably have a hard time climbing a tier in the first place

>> No.4259478
File: 27 KB, 282x420, IMG_20191127_213703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daddy I joined comic month but I've decided to do a simple slice of life comic instead of a big story based one. I feel bad? Should I fell bad? I'm sorry daddy..

>> No.4259481

There's no problem with that, anon! All comics are accepted, so long as you're making a comic, you're doing well.

>> No.4259485

people in the upper right quadrant?

>> No.4259488

I wish I did that, I realized the story I picked isn't really the one I want to tell. But it's too late to turn back now, and I at least developed enough appreciation for it to stick to it.

>> No.4259489

The goal is to learn about making a comic and see what you can do and get out of it. It's okay lad, if you feel this comic what you need to be doing, that's fine.

>> No.4259493

slice of life's fine, 4komas are fine, a number of participants are doing that cause they're new to comics, have fun dad!

>> No.4259495

I still don’t know why people say I have that much soul.
I want to trade my soul for skill :(

>> No.4259497

Thank you guys! I'll do the best I can.

>> No.4259498

you do a 4koma
i put u in a coma 4 ever

>> No.4259500

sounds like I'm making 4koma then

>> No.4259501
File: 412 KB, 1650x1743, imadethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4259504

>Still 2 creatues

>> No.4259505

I discard anyone who puts Finlay in the unskilled category. Finny is explicitly really good at fundamentals and basic drawing if you're experienced enough to read his sketches.

>> No.4259506


> banana moved to third worst artist and second most soulless
oof suicide when

>> No.4259509

vusta is way better than saucy. there, I said it.

>> No.4259510

i just want to get good enough to make money selling gay furry porn

>> No.4259511

>Skipped AGAIN
gunna cry lads

>> No.4259512

Not that poster but the picture is Varg, he used to be a metalhead who actually murdered a guy in real life. When he got out, he turned into a peace loving trad pagan (celtic?) religion man who lives in the middle of nowhere with his wife and kids, off the grid and self sufficient for everything except internet. He preached his philosophy on jewtube don't know if he's still at it. I liked some things he said, some is mumbo jumbo

>> No.4259513

Vusta's got a lot more skill when it comes to styles and exaggeration and drawing cartoony, saucy seems a lot better at rendering though. Tough call to me.

>> No.4259515

>lowest soul
thats fair even if it does hurt. my stuff is flat and lifeless. one of my goals for 2020 is to get better at it

>> No.4259516

Vusta and Saucy should have a baby to combine their skills together

>> No.4259517

what a fucking mess

>> No.4259518

i like both

>> No.4259521

/beg/'s should stop making list

>> No.4259520

>>4259513 <- this
>>4259516 <- also this

>> No.4259523
File: 1.20 MB, 2500x3600, 2019_summary_of_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't going to impress anyone. Some months, felt I was really prolific, and other months, like March, I didn't even submit anything.

Haven't done anything meaningful yet in December, either.

>> No.4259524

:( Stop bullying me

>> No.4259527

*throws paper ball at you*

>> No.4259532
File: 218 KB, 760x596, don_the_crown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and helps him on his journey to get back to his kingdom and reclaim the throne
So he can become Don the Crown?

>> No.4259533


>> No.4259537
File: 277 KB, 1650x1743, 1576524243013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present to yuo....the definitive list

>> No.4259540

Now THIS is a tier list

>> No.4259544

>j still there
>not replacing with c

>> No.4259549

>Bullied even more
Ahhh stop! ;_;

>> No.4259551

bullies need to bully to breed more bullies, it's the cycle of bully life, inevitable, please understand

>> No.4259552

Did someone say breeding. I like breeding.

>> No.4259553

I said tier lists are garbage, but no one would listen. Now all those weak babies are crying because someone thinks their art is bad. Tier list drama is the most worthless kind of drama.

>> No.4259554

The ultimate tier list

>> No.4259555

Tierlists are ok if you put me in them and say I'm shit so I'll feel pushed to improve.

>> No.4259556

Agreed, we need some more Lilramune drama to balance this out

>> No.4259557

ur shit

>> No.4259558

> shit artist
> no soul
> the rules don't apply to me
> incompetent dev
> furry
> whiney little bitch

he's definitely on the "should kys" list

>> No.4259560

kinda wanna know how Saucy learned to render like that besides trial & error

>> No.4259561

ill take any crits i can get even if it hurts. keeps me from getting full of myself.

>> No.4259562

I wanted to befriend lilramune...

>> No.4259565

For me it's Huhnchen

>> No.4259573

it's not really a crit if you don't even know why you got the tier you're in. It's just judgement based on someone else's values and tastes. If you want a crit, say your name or actually post some of your work you need crit on.

>> No.4259576

I like them because it gives a general view of how people see my work. It's good to at least know what kinds of surface impressions you're getting in the zoomer era.

>> No.4259578

why? you're not one of those "lolicons" are you?

>> No.4259579
File: 69 KB, 1920x869, 191215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4259582

I am, but I think he hates me. What should I do?

>> No.4259583

*hugs and strokes your adorable, fluffy head*

>> No.4259586

i wish you'd do stuff more often that wasn't just studies, but more applying your studies in a bigger piece

>> No.4259592

nta but Nessie
I'd like to know what I need to work on, skill-wise, and how to improve

>> No.4259600

this guy gets it
t. definitely not huhnchen

>> No.4259606

check tier list

>> No.4259618

i guess so. for me, i get why i was put as most souless. i am very /beg/ and have little understanding of anything really (putting me at mid-skill was being very generous desu).

>> No.4259619


>> No.4259622


>> No.4259630

I honestly don't think you should be worrying about "soul" too much if you are a beginner. I feel soul is pretty much just a meme anyways. Your art is cute, especially the furry stuff and has appeal, but the main thing holding you back is just a lack of knowledge/experience. Don't take the tier list too personally, just focus on yourself and trying to keep on learning and growing.

>> No.4259634

kaz message me back :(

>> No.4259637

Ok. Stop sending me dick pics, tho.

>> No.4259643

Wait who are you. Fuck I'm usually on top of things WHO DID I FORGET.

Daddies are wholesome, no one sends dick pics, liar.

>> No.4259644

gimme dem dick pics

>> No.4259649

I watched you in Watership Down.
15th in the "100 Greatest Tearjerkers"
See you are not that bad.

>> No.4259651

>haven't been active long enough to be in the weird namedropping tierlist clique
feels ok

>> No.4259655

just namedrop yourself. that's what everyone does

>> No.4259658

do studies
I'm not sure what you mean by "rendering" but I assume it refers to overall value control and edge control.

Do a still life and try to make it as perfect as possible
>the edges exactly how you see them in real life
>the colours exactly how you see them
>the values
>even the highlights, draw how the light shines in your eye

Obviously it's impossible to make it indistinguishable from reality, but do the best you can. Through straining your observation skills like this you will improve your skills
You will find yourself asking the question
>"why doesn't it look like the reference? what am I missing?"

Do this with still lives, bargue plate studies, photo studies and studies of other artists

>> No.4259660

i'd rather not, honestly. fine being a quiet bystander

>> No.4259661

sorry, should add:

Usually when we do a still life, we don't make it photo realistic, it always looks like a painting, and that's because we're usually focussing on just getting an overall impression of the light and stuff. But for this particular study you should focus on the rendering, make it look "finished"

>> No.4259666

Honestly it's kinda weird man.

>> No.4259667
File: 55 KB, 793x690, a cute bunny submission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm wrong, but I get the feeling that you're too scared to draw anything other than those lose figures you upload almost every single day.
Instead of doing those all the time, I'd love to see you actually apply some of your knowledge and do proper studies, or do at least one original finished piece, even if it's just a portrait facing to the left.
Not gonna lie, some of your submissions look low effort, like you just drew them to keep your streak alive. I know you have potential, bunny, you just have to step out of your comfort zone already.
Attached one of the things you did that I like. If you still have that file, maybe consider finishing the girl on the right, I'd love to see something of yours that shows off how good you really are.

>> No.4259669

it ends on 1st January 2020?

>> No.4259675

what a fucking retard lmao

>> No.4259676

Thank you for catching that.

>> No.4259683

>New Year's Resolution only lasts for the first day
Bet that was deliberate desu

>> No.4259685
File: 23 KB, 288x450, 5uw455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you're a shotashitter or a certain webdev (on days when he changes the rules) I don't hate you!

>> No.4259686

new years challenge: hardmode
fulfill all your goals in one day, instead of getting drunk and going out

>> No.4259687

Was just a simple slip up, it's fixed now.

>> No.4259688


>> No.4259690

> on days he changes the rules
i think being subtly deceitful is pretty shit of you littleramoonay

>> No.4259692

thanks chief

>> No.4259695

agreed. just be sincere and tell banana to fuck off

>> No.4259698


>> No.4259699

banan helps me sometimes so I don't hate him completely. I see him as a friend.

>> No.4259703

>lilramune hates shotaposters even though they don’t care about him
Rent free

>> No.4259704

>cares enough to post about not caring

>> No.4259708

kill yourself

>> No.4259711
File: 172 KB, 1080x1886, 2019112210834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4259712

Those aren't my posts. I think I stayed silent about this matter long enough.

>> No.4259715

thanks m8

>> No.4259716

ok piss

>> No.4259717

why did you do it?

>> No.4259728

If you aren't lilramune you should prove it with work :)

>> No.4259732

500 word handwritten essay...

>> No.4259735

Do you at least admit to being pii?

>> No.4259738
File: 12 KB, 422x463, dickspurd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4259742
File: 746 KB, 590x444, mozaik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I get a hold on Saucy's render skills, this fight will be finished.

>> No.4259748

Latina a shitna

>> No.4259753

What if pii wrote like ramune and then did the detective work to shift the blame to him?

>> No.4259761

What if lilramune is pii pretending to be lilramune then did the detective work to shift the blame to lilramune but wants us to think that it wasn't lilramune but pii pretending to be lilramune

>> No.4259767


>> No.4259768

where the fuck is pii anyway? he hasn't gone on a bully spree ever since the lilramune reveal

>> No.4259770


So has the other trolls. Or are you about to say everyone is 1 person. Seems like a lot of work for one guy.

>> No.4259775


>> No.4259778

Pii is just a name used by a conglomerate of salty lolicon daddies

>> No.4259779

>yfw all of dad was me all along
yes, even the crit streams, I'm very good at speaking two female voices at the same time

>> No.4259783

>I'm very good at speaking two female voices at the same time
Do you tug on your balls while you do it?

>> No.4259787
File: 124 KB, 1080x1350, chinesetrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4259803

lilramune kind of hates banana!
but what does the rest of DAD think of him????

find out in this episode of DAD POLLS, we got 3 fresh polls for you!

>> No.4259809

Lilramune is a pedo, why?

>> No.4259811

>3 polls at once
you're just trying to triangulate where I live

>> No.4259825

I'm sure fbi-kun is a nice guy, when he finds me I'll give him a hug and some coffee.

>> No.4259829

>banana died

>> No.4259835

crap I forgot to draw something for the eevee challenge

>> No.4259840

>but what does the rest of DAD think of him????
Lilramune is a ngmi incarnate

>> No.4259843

There is no bigger sign of being an NGMI than senselessly tearing down your peers.

>> No.4259848

what must lilramune be thinking right now as he sits in his chair in front of his monitor reading these posts

>> No.4259849

he's definitely not my peer lmao

>> No.4259853 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1272x916, 1576541043314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4259857

concession accepted, aphid

>> No.4259860

what causes a man to act like this?

>> No.4259861

teenage rage

>> No.4259863

severe mental illness

>> No.4259869

imagine how much funnier this would have been if you could actually draw

>> No.4259880

rip aphid

>> No.4259885

tier subhuman ^^

>> No.4259893

thanks for the answer, it’s just that I struggle with seeing colors from reference properly and painting them (but that might just be because I sorta forgot how digital color wheels work and the only "real" knowledge I have of color theory is from a few years back when I decided to dip my toes into pixel art, and I can rarely render/paint because the block in stage looks really sloppy & messy and I have no idea on how to refine it

>> No.4259960

I went on my date. When saying goodbye I meant to say "enjoy the rest of your day/break" or something like that but instead I just said "enjoy" like a fucking waiter and closed the car door and ran away. Why am I so autistic. Time to draw

>> No.4259963

that tribun badge is very cute Aerce!

>> No.4259975

Does the productive challenge have to be 2 hours on one drawing?
I already use a timer app to keep track of my drawing time but I usually do 30min of warmups and don’t necessarily want to bother with posting those.

>> No.4259980
File: 3.40 MB, 3480x4640, IMG_20191217_022915__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fucking sucks so much that I'm almost embarassed.
But at least I did something, guess that's more than enough for now

>> No.4259994

2 hours in total each day, many drawings or a single piece doesn't matter, just drawing more and more regularly

>> No.4259996

Post it on the site linked in the op, friend, dad.gallery

>> No.4260004

Uh... why?

>> No.4260007

That's where you can track your streak, check other anon's submissions, join challenges and look through past challenges and anon's submissions

>> No.4260010

Thanks! He's here to reward productive daddies and punish cheating ones.

As in counting the warmups as part of the time without posting them? The important part of the challenge is the time spent, not the submission itself. It's still encouraged to post everything if you can though!
Otherwise like >>4259994 said, doesn't have to be one drawing.

>> No.4260013

tribun official incarnation of the tribunal!

>> No.4260030

how is /dad/ alive again despite how small the leaderboard seems to be

>> No.4260031

I'll bite
Hopefully this will give me a bit of a push

>> No.4260032

Sometimes people lose their streaks :(

>> No.4260042

leaderboard only shows the highest streaks of the season from what I can tell

>> No.4260046

there's atleast 50 active daddies at any given time, that's pretty alive for /ic/ standards.

>> No.4260128
File: 190 KB, 1280x960, 1494179324634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone thinks I have SOUL
you just made my year. <3

>> No.4260141

This thread is meant discussions, tierlist and shitposting

>> No.4260216
File: 276 KB, 917x1013, ChristmasLizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bring tidings of great joy! Merry Christmas and hope you all improve the next year!

>> No.4260219

Thanks scaly<3

>> No.4260230

snibeti snab, that's a cute christmas crab!

>> No.4260234

naughty daddies get a crab, good daddies get a proko baby which overdrives your daddy instincts and thus increases your gains.

>> No.4260263

People will join at January 1st as their new years resolution and then drop like flies in February once they realize how sad and pathetic setting unrealistic goals are on paper.

>> No.4260268
File: 748 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't draw at all the first nine months of the year, but you can have this

(So this is really more Oct 2019 -> Present)

>> No.4260269

It did for me.
Godspeed bro.

>> No.4260275

keep it up dad!

>> No.4260280

I unironically missed submitting today cause I was drawing and forgot to upload

>> No.4260285

kek, happens to the best of us

>> No.4260293

Good shit man, you have a blog?

>> No.4260300

>he doesn't know

>> No.4260367
File: 1.23 MB, 2000x2880, artsummary2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostin from the other thread
minimal progress this year and very comfort zone-y but I'm happy to finish at least one work per month

>> No.4260396

these somehow made me realize how degenerate daddies are

>> No.4260397

Glad you don't check the daily submissions each and every single day then because you'll be shook at the actual reality.

>> No.4260412

thanks for making one
I'll try again next year but will probably stick with my old goals, just slightly downgraded and more reachable

>> No.4260420

Purin, how’d you git so gud?

>> No.4260433


I really like your art but I think you could be even better if you branched out beyond generic animu shit.

>> No.4260440

How to get good at colors like you Purin?

>> No.4260442

Thanks dude, sure, yeah, you can find me on Instagram


>> No.4260480

How are you spending Christmas dads?

>> No.4260482


>> No.4260491
File: 388 KB, 1800x2250, IMG_20191217_154406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you too anons,, thank you. I hope I can get out of my comfort zone next year

>you could be even better if you branched out beyond generic animu shit
I'm trying to achieve a westaboo cartoony trigger-ish style right now since it's what I'm really into. -or do you have some other style in mind?

I follow a bunch of comfy artists with styles and color schemes that I like then I try to copy and analyze what aspect makes it appealing. I don't consider myself gud tho ;u; as there's a lot more anons in dad who are tons better than me

>> No.4260554

Alone, drawing, typical day really

>> No.4260557

Don’t take anon’s advice so seriously, I think your take on things is pretty unique and I really enjoy how you draw Cuphead characters! Keep it up Purin, I wish you were a daily poster so I could look at your art more.

>> No.4260576

with a big fat quezo de bola and christmas ham

>> No.4260578

Who is this character? Looks familiar.

>> No.4260582

looks like the giant girl diane from nanatsu no taizai

>> No.4260585

keep it up purin!

>> No.4260586

Very nice. I haven't seen this one before, but Enako looks really cute here.

>> No.4260642

loitering and stuffing my face

>> No.4260645

With you guys because I have no idea what else to do.

>> No.4260648

Thanks dad, it's lonely sometimes

>> No.4260653
File: 69 KB, 680x508, IMG_20191216_224508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4260658
File: 242 KB, 1075x552, spongegar248535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4260662

to reach level 2 a baby daddy must slay another baby daddy.

>> No.4260663
File: 86 KB, 600x420, 1553045992809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the arms of my loved one

>> No.4260664

So you're saying, we're some kind of Siths?

>> No.4260666

at first, but it only gets worse from there on. The higher a daddies level, the more he must consume. Why do you think there's like 50 pages of dead daddies?

>> No.4260670

A page for each active dad... thanks satan

>> No.4260671

eeveeloli tierlist when?

>> No.4260677

Sure. Just a second...

>> No.4260680

First Place -
Second Place -
Third Place - Retard
Runner up - Everyone who submitted* except hoppy
Honorable mention - Teejay

>> No.4260684

Oh this is for "skill" if you see it that way. I liked most of them.

>> No.4260685

>lilnigger still salty about pikaboy

>> No.4260686

Defunct has a pikaboy in his submission. But was thoughtful to include eevee loli. Impressive combination. Don't be angry, hops.

>> No.4260699

Who's sugar?

>> No.4260700

>anyone who disagrees with me must be hoppy or a shotashitter
ok pii

>> No.4260703

A snom

>> No.4260710

That name rings a bell weren't they a las?

>> No.4260713

Didn't they start posting on dad again?

>> No.4260754
File: 58 KB, 1024x779, 1575309123552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Banan track our ip adresses?

>> No.4260755

yes, you're already at his mercy

>> No.4260758

Theoretically he can.

>> No.4260762

Then its time for phoneposting
Plus Ive gotta change the style and subject matter
This is kinda exciting
Playing pretend

>> No.4260763

he will cyberhack you and make your phone explode for daring to defy him

>> No.4260764


>> No.4260766

Just use a VPN when posting to dad. No need to phone post.

>> No.4260773

banana is too much of a pussy to call you out so it shouldn't matter

>> No.4260774

the best daddy :)

>> No.4260799

He'll probably track you down first and make you dress up as a yellow dragon, then force you to perform unspeakable wholesome acts, the scalie bastard...

>> No.4260800


>> No.4260806


>> No.4260808

a small and angry gremlin

>> No.4260827
File: 68 KB, 683x683, 1562010291022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks dads

>> No.4261013
File: 150 KB, 510x381, __maruyama_aya_bang_dream_drawn_by_bd_ayknn__0d11520ea09597c29c7a0922bc19c840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4261017

>he doesn't read the Terms and Conditions where Banana says he could but won't

>> No.4261029

*hacks into dad.gallery*
*grabs all the user and ip logs*
*tracks down and kisses each daddy in banana's stead*

>> No.4261074

How cringe would it be if I drew myself and my husbando for cute couple challenge, dad?

>> No.4261080

I think that sounds really cute

>> No.4261082

>>4261080 this

>> No.4261087

Not celebrating it.

>> No.4261115

I jack off every Christmas morning
it feels so magical

>> No.4261138

Do it, daddy!

>> No.4261188

Alright, thanks for the encouragement lads. I'll do it then!

>> No.4261234

Good luck daddy!

>> No.4261270

Well now I know everyone else will just lose.

>> No.4261277

cath is the most wholesome daddy

>> No.4261284

truely, yes

>> No.4261307

Who is the least wholesome daddy?

>> No.4261311


>> No.4261326
File: 620 KB, 917x720, Screenshot_20191217-150734~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to see some drawings of. nice, wholesome, HETEROSEXUAL couples.
Holy unions between MAN and WOMAN.
Just as god intended.

>> No.4261334

This anon lives in the XVIIIth century.

>> No.4261344
File: 172 KB, 941x754, 1562836018861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4261345

banan that watercolor picture is realy charming in it's simplicity

>> No.4261346

I am a man that likes cock up the ass, just as God intended.

>> No.4261348


>> No.4261385

I am a woman who likes men with cock up their asses, just as God intended

>> No.4261395
File: 67 KB, 1024x585, cross-sky-praise-ftr-1024x585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dad is a holy christian site

>> No.4261403

thanks you JEsus

>> No.4261407

If god didnt want me to like dick why did he make it feel so good and my booty so round checkmate atheists

>> No.4261417


>> No.4261422

You live a complete delusion, this is very buddhist.

>> No.4261426
File: 17 KB, 640x423, kPqvjqP_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vusta, saucy, derp

>> No.4261427

That hole was made for your wife

>> No.4261466

>tfw I draw loads of degenerate stuff but nobody calls me out
High brow coom

>> No.4261476

Top Based

>> No.4261524
File: 23 KB, 719x434, Snapchat-850270316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4261527

I am a dog that likes watching my master, who is a man, getting fucked in the ass by another man until he shits.

>> No.4261531

This joke is 20 years old.

>> No.4261539

For the comic month challenge is it ok if I switch mediums and redraw pages? I'll still draw the amount needed and won't count pages I've redrawn.

>> No.4261557

Tomorrow.... I’m ending my streak...goodbye.....cruel....world.....

>> No.4261565

Tfw soon will be a Page 1 Chad

>> No.4261567

actually im not kooming back
its too much effort
you can keep your shit
reapplying filter

>> No.4261577

What are your plans for the plans for the 2020 challenge?

>> No.4261600

So far my plan is to make a plan like the day before new year's eve. If everything goes according to plan that is.

>> No.4261603


thanks but its a small subsection of a larger painting
the whole thing looks like something a tryhard middle school kid whipped up during art class despite it intending to be a gift so i'm at a moderate level of despair right now

>> No.4261615

All the best

>> No.4261629

Well planned!

>> No.4261663

>6 challenges starting around the end of the decade
feel sorry for anons that miss the join dates for these challenges

>> No.4261678

>aphid’s back
>made zero attempts at trying to improve his art
oh joy

>> No.4261679

some of you are alright, don't post to DAD tomorrow...

>> No.4261683


>> No.4261686

I feel myself wanting to come back to dad. But I think it might be a mistake.

>> No.4261687

why, and why?

>> No.4261717

Alone in my cold dark room. Family isn't coming in till January 2nd.

>> No.4261738

Thanks for helping me decide

>> No.4261773

tier list next thread

>> No.4261781

Does this count as shota?

>> No.4261787

wouldn't those stumps be a bit more bloody?

>> No.4261800

yeah, tsflipp is asking for a ban. Banana better do something before I report the site.

>> No.4261804

>it's okay when J does it

>> No.4261813


>> No.4261816

fbi-kun please have mercy

>> No.4261825

A S S E M B L E!

>> No.4261834

>7 days until the TRIBUNAL

>> No.4261925
File: 1.94 MB, 2500x3600, 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(´ω`) Hmm, I seem to have missed a few days of practice this year. . .

>> No.4261989

based and exactly the same as mine except I started in the middle half of oct.

>> No.4262033

when is dad getting a dark mode?

>> No.4262038

DAD Tomorrow Theme when?

>> No.4262158

it hurts so fucking much i don't even understand i just want the pain to end

>> No.4262164

What happening?

>> No.4262168


>> No.4262183


its insanely painful to have disproportionate ambition compared to your current reach, with almost no certainty that your reach will extend in any meaningful way. its a simple fact that not everyone will be capable of certain things in life, and more and more i fear i have inherent disadvantages.

> talent is a meme
yes and no. here's the thing. even if they tried their hardest, not everyone can be a professional athelete. not everyone can hack it as a computer programmer. not everyone can be a brilliant songwriter.
arts no different. just as some people have or have not a natural aptitude for math, some people will be more intrinsically geared towards the concepts needed to make skilled art pieces. i'm not saying i'm not trying or discouraging anyone else to, but people plateau. people get stuck. people fight their whole lives and never get anywhere. and day by day i fear i may be one of them.
even if that's not the case, as a /beg/ during early adulthood, i'm competing with every artist who grew up fervently working and learning. i'm meant to compete with skills fifteen years ahead of my caliber and counting, and that's just entry level. and that's not counting if i'm a slow learner, and i'll die with just enough skill to pass as a starting pro comic artist or something, never making anything resonant or significant to anyone.

its easy to feel broken up and afraid of it all

>> No.4262230

I agree that talent is real, I think a lot of artists are scared to acknowledge the reality of natural aptitude because of how fatalistic it is, but we do all have different levels at everything we do. I think the real problem when someone is worrying about talent, is that usually the problems it causes would usually only manifest as a plateau near the higher tiers of a field, and so among beginners it's more of an excuse to never reach for that in the first place.

Maybe for some people that plateau is lower, but it's very hard to distinguish between a true plateau and a wall of ignorance, because you don't know what you don't know. My SO likes to play fighting games a lot and they tell me a thing they see others players who they know would be so much better than they are if they were just aware of one thing that they've somehow overlooked, one realization that would make things "click".

Maybe some people wait forever for that penny to drop. I can't honestly, in good faith, give a false sense of hope and tell you that everything will just fall into place with enough time, but I think you should really think more about How you think about art internally, about How you approach something, ask yourself when the last time was you had an "aha" moment when studying, ask yourself how it is you even look at things, what you Really see, what you see internally, get under your surface and study your own experience sometimes, see if there's something you've overlooked. To me those realizations are paradigm shifts that change how everything is looked at.

And I also started late and that scares me, I don't think I'll ever be a great or even a recognized name, I'm not even sure I would want to, but I can be important to the people in the niche that I build for myself. I can be someone who connects with the people that "get" what I'm saying in my art and you can too. You can make the art that speaks to the people who get you, you don't have to be a god to do that.

>> No.4262289

>hello daddies today I doodled my heart out and didnt care about anything.... and it felt good! my goal for dad is to stop being self conscious about sharing flawed or messy work since ultimately all that will do is keep me in my comfort zone.

Did this kid finally wake up and realize his DAtier sparkledog doodles isn't going to get him a job anywhere? Lmao.

>> No.4262303

Stop being so bitter Lilramune.

>> No.4262304

One other thing, there's something I felt when I started learning, something that might help if you can capture this feeling I had. (I hate giving advice sometimes because it can feel arrogant, like seriously who tf am I to know what works? But if you are who I think you are, I genuinely want to see you get better, so please forgive me this).

When I started, I pushed myself really hard with studies, I put on some music, got lost in drawing, even some mindless drawing that would just burn through a ton of time. What happened was that after a few days of this, my thinking would sort of become colored by the problems my brain was having to solve, implicit or explicit. It's like, at a certain point my brain felt it needed to solve those problems everywhere in it's idle time, and so even when I wasn't drawing, just looking at stuff around me, I'd start seeing the contours of an object projected onto a 2D plane in my head, I'd start seeing the form of something and implicitly begin rotating it without even realizing it, I'd start seeing all the objects around me as a composition of forms in a scene, or things would become shapes of value. Once I drew a lot of anatomy studies, people became implicit anatomical studies everywhere, I'd see the skeleton inside them in space and their musculature. Just living life became a study that I would carry around, that would remind me of everything I was working on and bolster it.

When I slack off for a while, which I do a lot, the feeling fades away, I slow or decline, I forget how to see, how to solve, but whenever I jump back into those high intensity periods that burn through over a handful of days, those times probably have done more to help than anything else I've tried. More, even, than regular steady work with a relatively smaller workload. I don't want to give you bad advice, so if that sounds wrong to you at all, just ignore it, but it's just my feelings on how to help make things "click".

Fuck you.

>> No.4262307

cut the guy some slack he's just a kid lmao

>> No.4262312

I do agree for he's been very bitter ever since that incident lmaooo

how many finished work have you done this month? I doubt wips and boxes are all you can do

>> No.4262318

>giving him replies and attention

>> No.4262319

Sorry, haven't checked my pokedex for a while. What is the evolution of a Lilramune? Does it get useful to have it in your team at some point?

>> No.4262321


>> No.4262322

oh shit

>> No.4262324

I'm sure you were as good as him at his age, anon :)

>> No.4262327


>> No.4262328

500 handwritten word essay

>> No.4262330


>> No.4262331


Meh, I'll eclipse him and 99% of the site in due time. Already better than most of you. Also, I'm not your boogeyman.

>> No.4262333
File: 518 KB, 1050x1625, 973640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sit down gri

>> No.4262334

He's delusional too

>> No.4262335

>I'm better than X% of this site!
ah a wild dunning krueger and it's mating call

>> No.4262337

all lolifags are delusional

>> No.4262338
File: 59 KB, 703x620, ramune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just checked smogon dot com, not very viable :(

>> No.4262339

Sit down.

>> No.4262340

I don't get it?

>> No.4262343

kneel cope concession

>> No.4262344

Neck all pedophiles

>> No.4262346


>> No.4262348

computer broken

>> No.4262349

>this hoppy guy is so angry he made a faux profile just to attempt to be funny

>> No.4262351

>weakness: little cute boys and big breast ed mommies, banana, finished pieces

>> No.4262354

Lolicons SEETHNG

>> No.4262355

>anyone who disagrees with me is hoppy!
ok piss nigger

>> No.4262356

And I'm not piss nigger, either. It's like 3AM in America right now, isn't it?

>> No.4262360
File: 141 KB, 749x951, 098765432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are lolifags such massive attention seekers

>> No.4262363

he's about equally as much an attentionwhore as you are a dramawhore, the only difference is you are anon, which makes you even more pathetic.

>> No.4262364

>hoppy is soppy in his diapey

>> No.4262365

Lolicons are pedophiles and mentally ill.

>> No.4262366

at the end of the day, we're all attention seekers in this basket weaving forum..

>> No.4262368

hi grigri

>> No.4262371

i miss bullying dare

>> No.4262372


shes on paternity leave

>> No.4262374

Why are there like 50 ''lolifags are x'' posts per thread? Also who is this guy I keep seeing this image

>> No.4262376

He's hoppys crush apparently.

>> No.4262382

he's supposed to be early for work or his master will beat him up

>> No.4262383
File: 203 KB, 512x384, 050616E0-57C4-47A3-BDAB-31D319CBE136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4262384

because there's somebody trying to force his shitty community drama.

>> No.4262387
File: 907 KB, 2429x3238, f54984d6245fdcbc80a14762f714217c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4262385