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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 149 KB, 500x624, when-a-sad-song-comes-in-the-car-and-you-12034182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3461571 No.3461571 [Reply] [Original]

What got you into art? Why do you create?

>> No.3461590

I like to draw. This should be the only reason to start drawing.
Any other reason is stupid.

>> No.3461678


I draw because I want to one day bring something beautiful into this shit world.

>> No.3461682

That sounds stupid

>> No.3461683

I want to be like James Paick.

>> No.3461687

>What got you into art?
Great art

>Why do you create?
just to suffer

>> No.3461696


>> No.3461731

My waifu
My waifu

>> No.3461742

i wanted to start something, a project, hobby, be productive and drawing seemed easy.

>> No.3461743

What gets me to put my pen to paper is simply to be able to see myself evolve and get better.

>> No.3462041

I learned how to draw so I can craft my own waifus.

>> No.3462043

This but unironically.

>> No.3462068

I had all these scenes and stories I came up with and replayed time after time again in my head since I was a kid. I really wanted others to see them too and to make them feel what I felt.
Animation is fascinating and it seemed like the most precise way to convey what I see so I stuck to that.
I know I'm naive but it's the only way I can stay on the path.

>> No.3462265

Liking Movies>Photography>Filmmaking>VFX>Storyboarding>Wanting to draw things quickly at any angle for storyboarding>learn about concept art>shit that sounds way more fun>learn how to draw/paint>Graduate Art School>have so many IP ideas for portfolio/own identity

Now i have the capability to flesh out my own worlds and ideas without the problem of skill, and it finally feels good after this -long- art journey. The bigger, dream goal is to finally work at ILM.

>> No.3462270
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>> No.3462308

Furry porn.

I am aware it's a terrible reason.

>> No.3462314

Ever since I saw the lotr bonus dvds, I wanted to create worlds with a team of like minded people, on projects I can be passionate about. Concept art was my way in. I got to a point where I got offers from several studios, two of them well known. I even had the chance to work on a movie.

But my mom doesn't want to sell this huge property she owns and she forces me to stay there and take care of her and the property. I'm 28 now and it's been 8 years living like this. I'm horribly depressed because I was never able realize my dreams even though I worked my ass off and got to where I needed to be. My mom just doesn't give a shit and I'm morally obliged to stay because she's got no one else to take care of her. At this point she's getting senile too so there's really no hope for me left. Each year I'm getting more depressed. I don't know what to do. I just smoke weed all day, freelance a little and try to escape with video games. This is not a life worth living and I have twenty more years of this (according to when her mother died) hell to endure before she dies and I can finally begin living my life.

sorry for ranting

>> No.3462337

Just get a maid service and have a counselor/therapist come in

It sounds like you guys have some money, so the best option would be to hire people. That way it gives you more time to do things you want to do, and it gives your mom professional help.

I know it's not /adv/ but this is easily the best solution. Get on with your life knowing that your mom will be safe with a few professionals.

>> No.3462343

I can't afford that shit, m8. Her maid service alone would cost me as much as my own living expenses. I already looked into it and no concept artist salary pays that much. My country is very heavy on the elderly side and maid services like that are incredibly expensive because of that. In fact the demand is so high, there aren't enough people available to take care of all the elderly. Also a lot abuse stories going around since practically anyone can work as a takecarer now because of the demand.
Sadly the property also bleeds money and I have to chip in all the time. I'm pretty poor if you don't count the property value.
My dreams are gone, I have to learn to deal with it.

>> No.3462461
File: 637 KB, 1075x1444, 9bd11f40e7c0af36fe4c63d56c52405d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow up with a family that owns a ton of animals
>can't befriend any classmates during childhood because they're all white trash suffering the consequences of post communism
>no friends as a kid means a lot of free time
>start drawing the many animals at my home
>copy art from my favorite video games and cartoons
>teen phase hits so like many teens, I get even more into art
>post-commie society has high suicide rates, people are boring and always depressed, people who express their emotions in any way such as being depressed are viewed as being pathetic
>art is the only way I can vent
>grow up, art is binded with my personality so I stuck with it

>> No.3462545


>> No.3462547

I have shit tons of ideas in my head that I need to get down onto paper

>> No.3462557

Aaah shit that sucks dawg. Maybe there's an art job that allows you to work from home? Or perhaps find something with a little more pay but sacrificing art (like a management position or an art direction position)? Maybe start freelancing?
I know you've probably thought of all of your options, that just sucks to hear about your position. You seem like a nice guy who just wound up with the short end of the stick.

>> No.3462701
File: 394 KB, 1380x1701, 2018-06-03 13.19.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>about 9 yars old
>go to art classes after school
>really like it, get adept at drawing and painting
>as life goes on my interests change and I no longer care for painting or drawing, only want to sin in front of computer all day
>fast forward 15 years to now
>finished college, have nothing to do besides job
>one day out of nowhere start doodling on notebook
>it comes easy, some friends even ask me to draw "tattoos" on them with the marker
>later puchase sketch book, eraser and a a pack of pencils
>slowly start drawing again
>past practie makes it easy
>move on to painting
>nowadays I draw/paint every day
>once I start I can sit there for hours without realizing what's going on around me
>I even forget to eat sometimes
>boy it feels like beeing a kid again
>I just love the sensation I get when the brush slides on the paper
>I love mixing colors to get new ones (getting purple is hard m8)
>Love the feeling of the pencil when I draw, the sound it makes, the sensation on my hand and arm, all of it
>some times I smoke some weed and draw for ages
>shit, homie, it feels sooo good, I even get shivers some times
>My hands are usually dirty with paint or charcoal
>I've tried pencil, ballpoint pen, stylist pen, acrilic paint, watercolor paint.. can't wait for the next thing
>I love it

I made pic related with whiteboard markers in my dining room window. Hope you like it

>> No.3462708

ruined the wall

>> No.3462758

I liked to draw ever since I was a child.

I drew cartoon characters the most
Now I barely draw and when I do draw it's just libdo shit (half naked bodies n' happy faces). I draw for myself, I guess.

>> No.3463102

Child abuse.

I would draw alot to escape from things. I don't remember much from my childhood but now I just draw out of habit.

>the feels

>> No.3463106

ive always wanted to draw comics since i was a kid, i did attempts but they were shit
havent tried again until i was a grown ass man, so ive still got to learn from 0

>> No.3463111
File: 48 KB, 490x308, sandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil lad
>Star wars
Lil twerp
>not my little pony i swear
Mid teen
>C00l concept matte painted photobash art
Young adult
>Cars and some anime

Basically just my interests

>> No.3463180

when i was 8 my brother showed me flash on his school laptop, I was amazed (mostly by the tweening). I almost instantly became obsessed with animation. after 4 years of none-stop animating (on a touchpad...) my passion would soon branch out to vfx, filmmaking, photography, music and art.

>> No.3463186

MLP is barely a few years old

>> No.3463202
File: 679 KB, 1280x1884, ASh6nL9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few years? Its like 8 years old.
I was 12/13. I only stuck with the 'fad' for like a year. Current doesnt man I am 30 or anything. Im certainly still a young adult.

The importance of it is that it kept me drawing when I could have just fallen off of the wagon.

>> No.3463206

I really like it, post more. Any blog or other place I could follow you?

>> No.3463217
File: 699 KB, 1080x1416, tumblr_ohfsv95Q101rmvhn5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing got me into art. I was always into art.

I create for the same reason a cat hunts. There is no reason. It is merely what I do.

>> No.3463222

Cats hunt for food, dumbass

>> No.3463229


Must be why well-fed suburban kitties who want for nothing leave the local squirrels and birds alone. Oh wait...

I make art to pay bills, but I'd do it even if I was a trust-fund kid.

>> No.3463230

Cute boys

>> No.3463232


>> No.3463238

Cats have an instinct to reduce population of critters to help avoid over population, they also like the taste. Why do humans eat chips and burgers? It's tasty and a nice treat every now and again. But the reason nature made cats behave that way despite being fed is to help balance things out in nature.

>> No.3463241

But anon don't you see that art is his burger?

>> No.3463242


Great balance they bring when wiping out hundreds of harmless songbirds.

There is more than enough art in the world. More than anyone could properly enjoy or appreciate in 1000 lifetimes.

I still make more.

>> No.3463678
File: 51 KB, 539x346, 1506503543549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Song birds can be overpopulated too, you compete idiot, did you skip biology class? We have way less predators than we used to, so cats are very important to keep around. If "harmless" songbirds overpopulate, they will cause harm to nature. If one thing overpopulates, the the whole ecosystem will be ruined. Why are so many people these days retarded and never pay attention in class?

>> No.3463685

lmfao song birds dont overpopulate
if there isnt enough insects to go aroudn they hatch less eggs

also they are already under predatory pressure from corvids, birds of prey, rats and mustelids

>> No.3463691

Tbh, domestic cats are an invasive species to America and Europe, they wipe out bird populations wherever they go.

>> No.3463694

Watching cartoons as a kid, and my brother and I had a wild imagination. Putting those two things together, and the satisfaction of taking a blank canvas and making something out of it. Are the reasons I got into drawing

>> No.3463707

And worst of all Australia and New Zealand

>> No.3463713
File: 968 KB, 500x376, oSoj138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love Shadman now

>> No.3463721
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Drop that opinion nice and slowly, punk!

>> No.3463723

dumb frogposter

>> No.3463731

at least you can get back at her by bringing over some sluts to do figuring drawings of and then fuck very loudly afterwards

>> No.3463735

>Images of underage cartoon characters appears under his feet

>> No.3463772

more like CHADman amirite bros?

>> No.3463774

kill your mother
it's the only way to move forward and be happy, don't let the emotions stop you. kill your mother who's nothing but a leech and take the heritage

>> No.3463777

Growing up, I always thought the (well-made) anime-style digital art was appealing. I want to create that. It's so colorful and pleasant to look at in high resolutions. I want to create that feeling in someone and stimulate their imagination, like what happened to me as a kid

>> No.3463851
File: 342 KB, 615x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that, dear children, is how I killed your grand mother.

>> No.3463897

fuck, are you literally me? sounds slightly autistic from a different perspective t b h

>> No.3463953

stole the words right outta my mouth anon

>> No.3464055


>Imagine being this stupid AND arrogant.

There is no balance in nature anymore. Cats have ridden the coattails of the human race to become a planet-wide plague on local fauna. They've been introduced to countless biomes in which they have no place. We feed and house them and then they go outside and hunt, because it is in their nature to hunt. But since they have no need to conserve energy, since they get fed anyway, and no predators or natural stresses to keep their numbers under control, they kill and kill and kill. I have never ONCE heard an actual biologist indicate that the presence of outdoor cats is in any way beneficial to the environment.

ANYWAY, good job derailing the thread by analyzing my simple analogy to death, idiot.

>> No.3464188

I remember being about 2 or 3, and sitting outside under the plum tree at our old house, and my father teaching me to colour inside the lines on a picture of a leaf, and I guess I just never stopped drawing. I create because I enjoy creating and have for as long as I can remember.

There was no moment where I consciously decided that I wanted to, no sudden artist that inspired me, no instance where I made any sort of commitment, or anything like that. It has always been an always and I don't know what I'd do if I didn't do it.

>> No.3464257

Ever since I was a toddler so like 3, I had autistic schizoid fantasies about characters and settings, and I draw them to imagine scenes as if they were from a movie or animation. There are sketchbooks from my early elementary school years filled with just drawings of magical girls (with loli/yuri overtones) and some anthromorphic animal characters which weren't exactly furries (I wasn't interested in anything else back then, but I draw more varied subjects now). I never wrote down any of my ideas because I was worried someone would find them and think I was autistic, and also because I don't know enough about history or literature to not unintentionally write something retarded or unoriginal. So I draw in order to fulfill my imagination and because other mediums like writing or music don't come to me as naturally, and I've not consumed enough of those other mediums to develop a taste in them. I want to create pictures to illustrate what plays out in my mind but have never actually completed a piece because anhedonia and its consecutive lack of motivation constantly make me question why I'm even doing this, though being repulsed by the idea of being severed from images keeps me drawing random doodles and shit. Some day when my temporality is continuous/uninterrupted I will resolve to dedicate a vast chunk of my time to improving my art skills, knowledge, and style, and self discovery of visual preferences.

>> No.3464468

I initially used art to cope with my own feelings because I'm autistic and i bottle everything up like a retard.

>> No.3465880

i want to make art that inspires and brings other people joy but drawing has become a tiring chore and im constantly full of self doubt

>> No.3465924

Wanted to improve my 3D but I hate drawing and I wonder if I should have spent that time doing 3D

>> No.3465967

Back when I was an idiot primary schooler I wanted to make games. This meant drawing "game designs" in a lined journal, since I had no concept of how to actually make a game. That eventually turned into just drawing.
Anyway, when I was around 12 I got the Warhammer Fantasy 5th edition Bretonnia vs. Lizardmen set, became obsessed with it and, unsupervised with internet access, did a google image search for "lizard men". Long story short now I mostly just draw animal people fucking.

>> No.3465986
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I wanna get good enough to draw anime furries and grow into a /tg/ worthy drawfag

>> No.3466182
File: 136 KB, 792x321, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, cretin. It still shows your analogy was shit because, even if that is true, cats originally had a reason to kill, but you never had a reason to draw your autistic furshit garbage none cares about.

Let me ask you an honest question, why do you waste possible talent on drawing cancerous doodles of fetish cartoon animals instead of creating actual proper art not intendent for mentally challanhed teenagers and kids?

>> No.3466212

Good style. Can I have sauce/gallery please?

>> No.3466263

my friends were making shitty anime ocs and i wanted to draw shitty anime ocs too
there really is nothing quite like drawing with friends

>> No.3466303
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God you're boring.


Hey, thanks.



>> No.3466307

>What got you into art?
>Why do you create?
For my own amusement

>> No.3466342


Not wrong, this is actually the best reason. Any other reason is suffering.

>> No.3466375
File: 44 KB, 960x635, 1255152975_n(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into art around elementary school becuase i wanted to be a comic book artist.
Gave up on that dream and now i rarely draw at all these unless its dumb notebook doodles or porn.

>> No.3466378

Not all the time.
Cats have and will kill things out of boredom, not because they are hungry.

>> No.3466405

Because i feel that skill in art would complement my writing skills.

>> No.3466602

>What got you into art?
getting praise from other kids for drawing anime
me being an imaginative horny little shit at the fully matured age of 7

>Why do you create?
still horny

>> No.3468520

I always wondered why so many drawfags are furries, but its a great motivator.

>> No.3468550

I was depressed and needed a hobby with goals.

>> No.3468954

After I finished reading a manga I started drawing again. First it was hilariously bad animu stuff but now it's just mildly horrible semi-weeb shit.

The reason for why I'm drawing.. I'd say because creating art is what makes a human a human. I want to express myself.

>> No.3468958

>What got you into art?
I was drawn in

>> No.3469262
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Cause I find it fun to draw stuff I see, like that doggo

>> No.3470101

my mom yelled at me for doing anything other than studying as a kid, so i got into drawing since that was easy to sneak past her. now i dont draw as much

>> No.3470215

i was a creative kiddo, started drawing by age 4 or some shit

right now because i can make a living out of it and it still retains some fun for me

>> No.3472652

Spider-Man. Specifically, Rick Leondardi's run on ASM, around the 250 mark, I think. I was three years old, read the issue with the golden building and then with the Goblin's truck, and just really loved the art.

Of course I was drawing before that, little squiggles n stuff, but that was something always in the back of my head to inspire me. Now, I draw because I have little moving pictures and jokes in my head that I want other people to see.

Whether they like it or not.

>> No.3472666

Draw, paint and animate cute girls and lolis

>> No.3474423

I wanted to draw porn of super obscure series and become a full time porn artist. Ended up getting interested in art history and concept art and not drawing porn ever at all
I'm doomed

>> No.3474702
File: 890 KB, 500x742, kira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically JoJo