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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 341 KB, 1258x1538, las-114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3082264 No.3082264 [Reply] [Original]

>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
Last thread >>3069073

>> No.3082265
File: 1.40 MB, 1012x1600, tumblr_otpivumxYB1v4cbmwo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The original developer of the site has taken a leave for quite a while, originally due to medical reasons. Progress on the site is almost non-existant at this point. You can try contacting him at @LavaFlake or emailing him at lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>Your streak will go back to 0 and you will have to start again. No other penalties.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>There is no week system anymore, instead new users are given "streaks" based on the number of consecutive days you can submit without getting eliminated. (token losses do not reset your streak)

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.
there. kick rocks.

>> No.3082267
File: 1.71 MB, 1076x1082, wxqafx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a list of anons who stream once every blue moon, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.

VSOCK: twitch channel: professorsugoi




Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:


Please compliment or give crits to your fellow lassies if you have time to spare, even if it's only one person at a time.
Lassies like to feed on mentions and attentions.


>> No.3082269

ha ha why do you do this shrineycat

>> No.3082275

I have blueballs from being denied the sweet sweet release of /las/ death

>> No.3082281
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, fuckin_banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Last artist standing under construction :

>> No.3082302
File: 137 KB, 416x700, reasons to live SPITE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3082307

>main site didn't die

>> No.3082325
File: 10 KB, 275x297, 1333977905016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all the users that have used that shitty broken website that is pomf.cat sometime: fuck you.

>> No.3082351

told you, auto renew, so cheap and easy you don't even have to be alive to do it

>> No.3082459
File: 93 KB, 400x400, Thief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3082485
File: 2.06 MB, 2480x3508, perspetive_town.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there is something wrong with the the first building. Can you help me with this pls ?

>> No.3082500

It looks distorted. Check if it's outside the Cone of Vision

>> No.3082506

For now it's hard to tell. Shrink your image.
If the roof of the first building has a concave curvature and the one of your second is convexe, then the bottom of the second building is either a straight line or a convexe one.
The background is pretty messy (i know it's a sketch, but an incorrect one).
Try to avoid tangeants, you will have a clearer view.

>> No.3082730

is there any way to browse without an account?
i really just want to see who's "winning"

>> No.3082732

it's too square on top

>> No.3082767

It's very easy to make an account, there is no need for an email nor to wait for your account to be approved (as far as I know, I haven't had to make an account in quite a while)

>> No.3082847
File: 87 KB, 1001x785, 1494295434775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make an account. It's worth it and not very work-intensive.

>> No.3082887

I was actually expecting this site to die.
I was so excited for sweet release.
I've been planning a vacation and thinking about how I won't have to bring a sketchbook this time.
Fuck you, Lava ;_;

>> No.3082893

lava is just working really hard at some art school of some sort and intended to appear dead to drop numbers

>> No.3082932
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ride never ends. I'm probably gonna miss my great grandson's graduation or some shit because I'll be too busy with LAS.
>mfw Lava was holding his power level back this whole time to trick people
>mfw Lava actually did go pro in 2 months and is now swamped with industry jobs

>> No.3083020

>the city of tripfag

>> No.3083029

Oh shit, Tripfag down for good this time.

>> No.3083032

who cares

>> No.3083041
File: 38 KB, 320x211, 1495532344864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who just made the final 10, I do.

>> No.3083046
File: 348 KB, 597x373, tripfag dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3083049
File: 91 KB, 240x255, End of Flavortown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Tripfag, may he rest in peace.

>> No.3083053

thank fuck I won't have to see that shitty memer ever again

>> No.3083057
File: 1.55 MB, 480x481, mega reeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3083059
File: 67 KB, 500x500, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im dead inside.

>> No.3083064

Is it the final 10 or 11? This shows 12 left before ubf got eliminated >>3078023

Also I'll miss ya Trippy. I really liked your work and you were one of the few people on here with a unique and original style coupled with a high skill level. I woulda liked to see you delve outside your comfort zone more and submit more finished stuff but it is what it is. Wish you the best. Why'd you quit anyway?

>> No.3083079
File: 929 KB, 1600x925, 11 Remain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 Weak Juans remain. Tripfag lasted for 558 days.

I'll miss you buddy.

>> No.3083089

Whose next?

>> No.3083097

at this point it feels like only 3 people will make it. and the results surprise no one, no that not true. 51ip is doing it.

>> No.3083112

It seems to me that all the good people are leaving so I feel like the last couple will all be shitters like me. I'm assuming naf or lokki will be next. I'll be real sad if they leave even though I don't really talk to them or know them, I love looking at their work every day, always super motivating.

>> No.3083113

Trip actually had talent, at least he's still active on Instagram.

>> No.3083134
File: 78 KB, 340x314, WAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trip actually had talent
hi trip
so why'd you drop out?

>> No.3083137

I'm not Trip but I did drop out waaaaaaaaaaaaay before he did.

>> No.3083148
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1491528022059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Could have been Week 1.
>Didn't join immediately because "I HAEV HOOOOMWEEEERK!!! I CEN'T DOO EET NOOOOWWW!!"

I sure wish I wasn't such a fucking faggot.

>> No.3083151

Be glad your free of this. Besides, no one even cares about W1's anymore except for when they get eliminated. And when it gets to the last couple they'll probably just get made fun of for not being super good after like 2 years of drawing, it wont be pleasant.

>> No.3083376
File: 101 KB, 500x366, d5bb60f7109b6004655b7452be2b44b4_frog-meme-cry-memesuper-pepe-frog-meme-crying_500-366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LAS is dead

>> No.3083401

I'm surprised at how depressed I am over this. I didn't think the fall of las would hit me this hard but it did. At least I have those first few months of memories to look back on.

>> No.3083502

thanks lava, he wanted to set us free all along but couldn't bring himself to pull the plug so he chose the "slow, gentle death" route instead :')

>> No.3083540
File: 336 KB, 745x674, rip las.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3083885

Choob has selfishly chosen the easy way out. He has dropped out of the LAS of life.

>> No.3084062
File: 5 KB, 310x163, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you wake up to a nice day
>you grab your phone
>you go to /ic/ and look for the LAS thread first
>realize it's not there anymore
>a part of your life is now a hollowing emptiness

I can't

>> No.3084096

Be sure to check Lokki's submission on las2.

A part of you life is a hollowing emptiness because:
>you wake up
>you grab your phone.

Ganbate senpai.

>> No.3084106
File: 9 KB, 720x181, ss+(2017-08-02+at+06.49.54).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even my antivirus doesn't like las

>> No.3084299

Same here.
Feeling a bit sketchy.

>> No.3084347


>> No.3084350
File: 330 KB, 255x255, 1501169549431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is the only big reason that LAS is dying the fact that Lava's been absent for so long?

If that's the case, wouldn't all that's needed be an LAS alternative? Once LAS2 starts kicking up, hopefully, it's logical that with its new features it would bring people back. I don't think it'd be a revolutionary revival, but I could see a gradual rebirth of it over the course of a few months, as it brings people back.

>> No.3084358

LAS is dying because nothing new has been introduced for like a year and people lost interest.

>> No.3084384

is there a reason people aren't using las2.esy.es? considering you can even comment on artwork, something some people wouldn't shut up about

>> No.3084385

This. You need a way to get people engaged again + make it enticing for new people to join. The comment system on LAS2 goes a long way imo, if it actually gets a decently sized userbase than I think it'll convince more people to jump ship. You gotta find some way to establish a more cohesive community in order to sustain growth.

>> No.3084388

It's too new and not a lot of people are using it. I hope it gets more popular in the coming weeks once people see other lassies submitting to it.

>> No.3084389

And it's become a buggy piece of shit cause Lava would rather blog about his ex girlfriends than fix bugs he introduced last year.

>> No.3084397

And the streaks system is half implemented so only weekers get put on the Announcement (which is bugged) and Lava never got around to weighting topic contributions and community challenges to allow for ladder mobility and crap like that.

Site's in a half-done transition state between weeks and streaks, and it's been left in that buggy state ever since Lava cut off contact with the community and stopped responding to blog comments, emails, tumblr messengers, all the works, leaving a "well if he can't be fucked with the community, why should the community be fucked with him" feel.

Considering the number of anons that stuck with him for so long while being shown the cold shoulder, and the few that still do to this day, this community has shown a lot of good will which he stopped trying to build (or rebuild since the last time he went AWOL).

>> No.3084405

Can we have a registration system? Or something to avoid "anonymous" comment.

>> No.3084412

check discussion from the previous thread >>3079967

>> No.3084421

personally, I won't join a LAS 2.0
I'd rather sink with this ship and move on
I picked up the boost I needed anyway, it has served its purpose, to me anyway

>> No.3084429
File: 14 KB, 404x304, 1266512958520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret making the "get well, Lava" challenge.

>> No.3084436
File: 30 KB, 846x592, 0am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't regret participating in it, we didn't know any better, there was still a chance then for everything to get better, we even got Lava to come back soon after thanks to the DED fiasco, though no one could've expected Lava would just disappear yet again and never return, ah what a shit show.

>> No.3084447

I'm using it now. I expect him to add a lot more features in the future. If it's too slow, it might motivate me to add to the problem and figure out website construction for "LAS3."

>> No.3084453

Didn't dubya say that the new site didn't have the proper security measures and could fuck up peoples computers? I don't know shit about this stuff so idk what to do.

>> No.3084457

The guy creating las2.esy.es is new to web dev, he said he patched those last thread >>3073017

>> No.3084461
File: 684 KB, 2224x3196, how many websites are we at now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah it's fine

pls don't bully DED it was a learning experience. :')

Fiddling a lot with animations this time around, think it's coming along nicely. More or less done with the tweaked streak system and submissions / comments. Just trying to make everything pretty, and then I gotta rethink how to do the challenges screens, cause they looked like dick in DED.

>> No.3084469
File: 31 KB, 300x396, 1470691310343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who's back, back again
Feng Zhu's back, tell a friend

>> No.3084475
File: 26 KB, 102x93, A2OdYtw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I needed a codename

>> No.3084601
File: 42 KB, 282x278, bfr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is... the site down?

>> No.3084607

if this is the only functioning site up, you should put this in the next OP

>> No.3084623

When is this site coming? Looks nice

>> No.3084639

Looks up to me?

>> No.3084669


>> No.3084692

He's dead Jim.

Are there any week ones that got eliminated but kept submitting to this day or do they all just leave once they get eliminated? The only one I can think of off the top of my head is jerry. Props to jerry for not giving up.

>> No.3084723

fuck off faggot. you dropped it before, you will again.

>> No.3084725

shh, no more Lava, only dead LAS

>> No.3084727

i kinda have given up desu alsojust look at the streaks, biggest ones
= week ones. fairy is the only one that comes to my mind

>> No.3084763

who hurt u anon

>> No.3084768
File: 10 KB, 350x430, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was up for all of a second for me until i tried logging in

>> No.3084769
File: 936 KB, 1200x1853, tumblr_nuuxnavgwq1ru193fo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright las lemme tell you something shit websites that just won't die even when a better website shows up to replace it

All the people using lavas site, they care about the new site, they see that it's better, they talk about how great it would be to use the new site and let the old one die but they continue to use the old site and that's the problem

Boycott the old site, let your streak die and move to the new site.
You can't continue to let it live hoping that something else will come along and things to change naturally, it won't. As long as people continue to use the old site it will be the main site

Change can only happen with prompt action

>> No.3084770
File: 28 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, nice try! but you just want me to lose week 1!

>> No.3084771
File: 141 KB, 529x292, shelcry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill move to a new site when there's a new site to move to

>> No.3084772

if it's not broke don't fix it

>> No.3084785

ok lava

>> No.3084841


>> No.3084843

Lava :3

>> No.3084898

if you use avast or similar antivirus program, you need to turn off the web protection to access the site.

>> No.3085073

I haven't been here in a year, who are the remaining day1 week 1ers?

>> No.3085074

the faggot who made DED obviously

>> No.3085144

>if it's not broke don't improve it, horse and carriages are just fine

>> No.3085395

I, for one, welcome w's new DED 2.0!

>> No.3085540
File: 49 KB, 300x225, Feng-Zhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3085611
File: 269 KB, 754x1100, berserk-1592032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I escape this hell? I don't wanna draw anymore, I don't wanna do anything anymore...

>> No.3085616
File: 7 KB, 130x138, 1448665287205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The darkest hour is just before the dawn.

>> No.3085735

idk, when I find a domain maybe

>> No.3085749

lets see how long it takes for W to let us down again because he "got bored".

>> No.3085755
File: 203 KB, 425x535, 1460295584358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll just have to wait and see

>> No.3085784

What are you using to learn anatomy Tekky?

>> No.3085797

human anatomy

>> No.3085951
File: 206 KB, 579x993, datAccuracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choob, you're not allowed to join my new site, just a heads up.

>> No.3085979
File: 58 KB, 600x803, 67e9ebff5fcdb88cc748d688074e588541dd9a84f967cadac815e04f428fadf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw w nukes the database by accident a couple of times
>suddenly shuts the website down when Lava's heart monitor goes *bleep!*
>gets bored, can't be arsed, just wants to play VIDEOGAMES
>is history doomed to repeat itself?

I'll give you another chance w. Don't poopoo please.

>> No.3085986

>LAS begs for a better site to be made
>someone makes a new site with comments
>no one wants to use it
>keep begging for another site to be made by someone else

I don't get this

>> No.3085994

Any site that is developed enough, and none are yet, las2.esy.es doesn't know if it wants a registration system or what yet.

>> No.3086037
File: 377 KB, 900x519, 5bcbc2e6adc6ac9dfb690a3edcb64ab2_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the HMS LAS, on journey to the land of Git Gud, is taking water. The ship's captain has been unresponsive, many passengers going overboard or drowning in the lower decks
>several brave souls start working on building their own ships to take over the journey
>some have just started learning shipbuilding, others are slightly more experienced and begin showing their designs and builds
>ships are in very early stages, but some have hotly requested features like a mess hall
>meanwhile, notorious captain w (having previously built a luxury ocean liner, but decided to sink the ship once the engine blew and the captain of the HMS LAS made some lemur noises over the PA system) arrives and shows footage of a new luxury ocean liner in construction
>to be continued

>> No.3086038

In my defence I thought lava was gonna keep going, y'know fool me once, shame on you and all that.

>> No.3086039

>meanwhile, notorious captain w (having previously built a luxury ocean liner, but decided to sink the ship once the engine blew and the captain of the HMS LAS made some lemur noises over the PA system) arrives and shows footage of a new luxury ocean liner in construction
These analogies always make me laugh. God W really fucked up. Even if he makes another site now we'll have like 1/3 of the users we coulda had.

>> No.3086043
File: 585 KB, 835x1201, 38905746_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay man, I'll give you a second chance, stand fast once the site gets over several dozen users, don't let anything stop you, even if lava comes back and miraculously fixes all the bugs and add badgers and shit, don't capitulate, do not go gently into that good night, rage, rage against the crying of the lemur

>> No.3086047

Why won't you web builders work together to build a site?

One good site is better than four broken ones, you know.

>> No.3086055

I remember Lava refused to work with anyone else even though a bunch of people offered him help. Whose running las2, is it that 51p dude? Maybe you and dubya could work together or something.

>> No.3086065

different programming languages at different levels of expertize probably makes it difficult to work together

also, it's a common story for many to want to work on making their own standard but few wanting to work on one that already exists

but maybe it won't be so bad who knows, things might be different

>> No.3086073

You wouldn't ask feng zhu to collab with jerry on a piece

>> No.3086082
File: 978 KB, 442x320, jej.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things might be different

>> No.3086085
File: 536 KB, 1024x768, i_want_to_believe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3086222

I got you. There is supposedly more of this anatomy booklet that cacpom hasn't uploaded, I hope they do eventually.

I reference this a lot, and a lot of other capcoms 90 work. If you look up Capcom Bengus or Akiman you'll find a lot of the art they did.

>> No.3086237

oh sweet. I drew a couple pages out of it before but didn't look too deeply into it. I'll give it another look. Thanks brah.

>> No.3086283

no prob man

>> No.3086396
File: 1012 KB, 2795x1842, HANDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about these ? Can i get some feedback please ?

>> No.3086473
File: 750 KB, 1280x1074, tumblr_ou3z0wLySa1v4cbmwo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post something nice about the submissions when you do!

Lokki, these flowers are fucking awesome, great job.

Your lines are a little fuzzy, but you are doing nice, winterNebs.

Awesome, Mathias! It's been a while since you made a rendering so good I think.

Very cool lady, CRT, I like it.

Great studies, HumanBean! they feel pretty solid.

>> No.3086479
File: 21 KB, 218x265, 1377331714628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.3086481

You are doing good, nothing much to say.

>> No.3086691


Noticed that you didn't escape your \' properly.

>> No.3086730
File: 198 KB, 646x850, 1631 Beggar Seated with his Dog etching and burin on paper 10.9 x 8.1 cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been feeling a bit down and unmotivated lately but I was at a thrift store today and found a large book with 307 etchings made by Rembrandt, for only 4 euros.
It's really interesting with lots of material for study, I feel energized again.
What inspires you guys to keep going?

>> No.3086738

How smug I'll be when I tell people I became a pro in only 2 years at such a really young age.
If I do manage it anyways.

>> No.3086819

anybody that good only gets there by thinking they're garbage, arrogance never enters the process.

>> No.3086836

Looking at some of my favorite artists' work usually gets me going.

>> No.3086838

drugs honestly

and my dog

>> No.3086840

I 100% think I'm garbage, I just think the others are radioactive waste

>> No.3086847

Finishing a good drawing that I wouldn't have been able to do it before.

>> No.3086861

>Post something nice about the submissions when you do!
>picks the upper echelon so the rest have to comment on the peasants
my, aren't we a faggot

>> No.3087036

Instead of being a faggot yourself and calling less experienced lassies 'peasants', you could be giving some comments and motivate some people.

>> No.3087058

and yet he picked the top for some reason, huh
very convenient

>> No.3087063

fucking shit

>> No.3087066

I went to a friend's house yesterday and looked at her recent work. She's much, much better than me, and seeing her figure drawings motivated me to get my shit together. We talked about art and the struggle for 2 hours after that and it was a relief to hear her say she had some similar art problems.

>> No.3087090

get her to pose naked for you

>> No.3087203

LAS2 isn't pulling up again.

I hope I don't lose my streak.

>> No.3087209

anon you okay?

>> No.3087217

They're not all from the upper echelon, besides there's still other people whose stuff you can comment on.

>> No.3087231

jerry breem stop drawing boxes you fucking faggot. PEOPLE WAKE UP AND TAG JERRY FOR LOW EFFORT REEEEEE

>> No.3087427

d-dont, please, he had a rough life :(

>> No.3087526

Progress for those interested: http://drawing.today

Just submissions, streaks and comments atm. Working on the frontpage and challenges.

>> No.3087876

i see the light :')

>> No.3087983
File: 71 KB, 720x480, 1450125820955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see...
More sorrow...
More death...

>> No.3087991

So is this now completely usable? Is the site stable, can we be sure it won't crash and burn within a month?

>> No.3088022

he was drawing faces for a while back then, until we called him out and he switched to drawing boxes every since. I believe we can make him changed again.

>> No.3088026
File: 623 KB, 1577x2231, 32 05-Aug-2017 Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one do quickly or easily do fur?

They don't have to be perfect, even rough fur is fine. As long as they look good.

I'm using Clip Studio Paint if that's useful information.

>> No.3088051

A fur brush in "color add" mode (the brush, not the layer) is probably the easiest and fastest way to get a convincing fur. Otherwise a textured mixer brush (dry, heavy load) will do the trick.
If you want to do it like an autistic painter of the XXI century you can respect fur implantation from tail to head : a layer of light (with value variation of course), a layer of shadow, a layer of light...Enjoy.

Go for the first option, it's the fastest.

>> No.3088057

>quit drawing/LAS five months ago
>took up drawing again last month
>drawing way more than I did during LAS, don't feel obligated to submit but still want to draw

It's a lot of work to submit to a ded site. I miss the occasional silly Photoshop of my art tho. Any reason I should come back?

>> No.3088059

none atm desu enjoy your freedom

>> No.3088061

I don't like you. So you should stay out.

>> No.3088082
File: 2 KB, 190x58, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you upload your grilled beef of the day yet lassies?

I hope this is intentional.

>> No.3088175
File: 42 KB, 630x516, photo_2017-08-05_15-23-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3088202

If not being in LAS works for you then don't come back. It's probably better for you.

>> No.3088296

don't force yourself, if you draw more than you did before you should have some drawings for when you don't feel like drawing
nobody care if you're doing it seriously or not and nobody will ever know

>> No.3088352

I don't think you should. I quit LAS a while ago too and I draw every day

LAS gave me a few bad habits to be honest. I spent much more time sketching and cleaning sketches I didn't care about because I knew others will be seeing them. I refused to upload bad studies and drew "extra" comfort zone shit to post to LAS. The more I stayed the more stressed I became about showing "good" work, the less studies and finished work I ended up doing, and as a result, I didn't improve much at all.

That being said, if I ever lose the habit of drawing every day I will rejoin to regain it.

>> No.3088359

>I spent much more time sketching and cleaning sketches I didn't care about because I knew others will be seeing them.

desu that's the incentive for me even though I know I shouldn't give a shit, it kind of pushes me than I normally do.

>> No.3088360

*when I was in las forgot to add

>> No.3088436
File: 8 KB, 214x140, 1492398628271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worried about what others think.

Boi, nobody's going to judge you if you're obviously getting out of your comfort zone.

>> No.3088537

kek, didn't see that, kinda wanna leave it

sure it's usable if someone wants to use it. keep it up has no impact on me so if someones wants it up it can stay up

>> No.3088596


Using smudge tool and a brush with a lot of dots works pretty well with the outer hair.

>> No.3088626

So, when's a good time to come back to /las/?

>> No.3088633


>> No.3088702

>one sad failure
man you must be fun at parties.

>> No.3088728

The LAS2 comment section seems to be shaping up. Join up lads. Join up.

>> No.3088735


>> No.3088740

>yesterday my mom walked into my room and hugged me, i was shocked at first but later she told me to not give up on myself.

Truly the pinnacle of high grade critique. Simply the best response you cannot find anywhere on /ic/.

>> No.3088743

Can we put the new las in the OP now?

>> No.3088748

There's only like a handful of users atm. 1 or 2 people did give actual critiques tho, and there's free compliments. Lassies love mentions and compliments.

>> No.3088768

make your own thread

>> No.3088792

sure friendo

>> No.3088819

Choob is a failure.

>> No.3088861

I'm hesitant to use a website that kills my hard-earned streaks.

>> No.3088901
File: 9 KB, 365x378, tear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you go to a random facebook art group and see that almost everyone in there is at a pro level and better than everyone in LAS
fug mane. I'm not even at the top of LAS and there's just so many good people out there. Is it even possible to find work when everyone is so good at art?

>> No.3088938

Added option to ask for critique, though it's just using the comment system. Gonna be putting newest crit requests on frontpage, just didnt get to it today.

>> No.3088991

i like this one, looks promising, will be using it

>> No.3089013

"Special needs fish" is comment gold.
Las2 community looking p good.

>> No.3089031

If anyone wants I can transfer over streak from las to new site. Just post ur name and streak. No reason to enforce restart.

>> No.3089049

What is the new site, or is it just hypothetical?. Sorry If I missed it in thread I'm drunk

>> No.3089054

There's 2 new sites now. First one is las2.esy.es the other one is by W and it's >>3087526

>> No.3089067

Still drunk but these both have the same 2-3 posts and that is it. Are they brand new today? I want to get into a LAS community but seems like lava is dying and these options appear dead on arrival. What do? Continue LAS-ing in my vacuum or what?

>> No.3089078

Just join. Both of these are enjoying active comments. They're empty because a lot of people are still sticking to the old site, but I believe it'll change over time.

I don't think that's smart, since the long streaks are what's been pushing people away from joining. People "seeming to start" with insane streaks would also look questionable to some joinees.

>> No.3089126

The original one still has like 40ish people submitting every day so you could try that one. These 2 are fairly new so the userbase is still small. However they allow for comments and the OG site doesn't so you might wanna post on one of them as well.

>> No.3089139
File: 1.47 MB, 2481x3508, 32_2 06-Aug-2017 3Hours Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, don't know what the colour add mode is.

Kind of uses this one

Not sure this works with the cat...

>> No.3089563

W, can you hide the comments from the front page? The owner of the picture could still be notified on the front page, but it's nicer when they're hidden otherwise unless people go looking for them, like in las2.

>> No.3089583

wait what the fuck there's 2?
why do they both have such ugly looking links?

Can we just fucking pick one and move on with this mess?

>> No.3089589

no there's 3, quick someone make a 4th

>> No.3089594


>> No.3089638

Lol you think runnerman is still working on his site?

>> No.3089647

forever learning to program

>> No.3089801
File: 66 KB, 500x333, inquiring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let's have a quick discussion here:
1) What are the main features we need before moving to the new site?;
2) Wich site is currently the closest to deliver all of those features?;
3) Based on the answers, how much time the developers would say they need before delivering the finished thing?

>> No.3089818

1) Feature parity with current LAS.
2) w's seems closer atm than las2.esy.es, kinda understandable since w's done this before
3) ?

>> No.3090047
File: 488 KB, 499x367, m5tpRqf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be in the dimension where all of the dev lassers work on the same website

>> No.3090292


>> No.3090372
File: 3.16 MB, 382x329, memer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're approaching the end of our dream
The lassies have run out of steam
Now our lemur is gone
Never again to log on
So thanks Lava for all of the memes

>> No.3090414
File: 38 KB, 511x762, l-lava question mark..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-He has returned to LAS2 my friend.

>> No.3090469

There was a problem with streak not updating when posting too close to midnight, should be resolved now, database wasn't set to utc timezone. Fixed streaks manually which were affected.

>> No.3090620

It's a good question to be honest with you family man.

>> No.3090846

Can't anyone pose as anyone with the name system?

>> No.3090848

Doo eet.

>> No.3090855

and then... I was Rover.

>> No.3090859

will tribunal/low effort reporting be in the new las website(s)? asking for a friend.

>> No.3090860

I'm betting no, RIP 30 minute gestapo

>> No.3090873

Stiff pose is disappointing.

>> No.3090874
File: 525 KB, 927x1311, 1488335906408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3090906

If it's wanted. Do you want it? How would you want it to work?

Added some info on frontpage that tells you if and when you need to post to uphold your streak.

>> No.3090908

Are there eliminations?

>> No.3090909

is there a userpage or something?

>> No.3090913

Haven't made it yet or figured out how I want it to look, coming eventually.

I'll be showing streaks that ended the day before on frontpage at least.

>> No.3090918

would be kinda pointless if there weren't t b h, 0 incentive

>> No.3090921


If they get a low effort 3 times in a certain period they lose their entire streak or something like that.

>> No.3091002
File: 206 KB, 500x500, dbc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these idiots doing a fuckton of different LAS websites instead of working together

>> No.3091004


>> No.3091016

How the fuck do you even organize a project like this with a bunch anons?
I mean, I'm all for working together but it seems bothersome to do it over the web.

>> No.3091019

Discord, IRC, e-mail, you have lots of options.

>> No.3091020

Discord, IRC, anything that offers chat.

You guys have to realize having four different sites to upload to makes it harder for the users. At some point one will be picked and the rest would die

>> No.3091037

>You guys have to realize having four different sites to upload to makes it harder for the users
I agree, it's a bad situation, the new one I put up was mainly so I could get it tested some, and it might aswell just stay up since it's functional. I hope nobody feels like they have to post to it when they're already posting elsewhere, just because it's up .

imo las should keep going on lavas site for as long as thats where most people are. That being said, I'll be tinkering away at the site, and if people want to use it then that's great, but don't if it's just a hassle.

>> No.3091040

I mean, chatting isn't the only problem I see, we need a plan and we need someone to lead the project, how are you going to do all that?
Who's going to make decisions? Who's going to do what? How do we make sure that people don't just drop out of the project?
Have any of you guys ever did a teamproject before because I'm really curious how to go about it.

>> No.3091055

>You guys have to realize having four different sites to upload to makes it harder for the users.
When one of the site's pulls far ahead of the others (and there are only 2 notible ones so far) that one will be where most users will likely migrate to.
Until then we're still status quo atm, with a few people trying out both sites, which is no real problem.
>At some point one will be picked and the rest would die
Well, yeah, that's the plan, no biggie.

>> No.3091477

Lol Choob, you're a star on what's his faces forum.

>> No.3091548

what forum?

>> No.3091567

Oh, Lava, who has been disgraced
Doesn't work from the toes to the waist
To paint a picture for you
He's most similar to
A half-empty tube of toothpaste

>> No.3091728


Hi developpers, here are some features that would be nice to have (they don't necessarily apply to both sites) :

- Alert, or kind of, when someone answer you in comment. Especially usefull when you have a chat on a month old submission.

- I would like to see every drawing of "insert you favorite lassie" at a time. Is it possible?

- Chronological submissions, last submission first. (Also, On las2.esy.es, when someone post a vertical format when other are horizontals it hides the next row. I know there is a scroll, but it will be so much better to have a mosaic).

- Topics, for the sake of topic hell (maybe you can copy-past the dictionnary to avoid to have almost only edgy words as it's currently the case on lava's).

Thanks for your work.

>> No.3091925
File: 144 KB, 988x808, i_create_with_my_heart_by_thiridian-dbj6w1u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you create with your hearts, lassies?

>> No.3091929


I create with my dog.

>> No.3091936

Drawing.today taking too long to respond/ can not be reached. N-no

>> No.3091944

City wide power outage. Dunno when it'll come back.

>> No.3091966

We're back.

Every drawing from people coming when I get profiles done. Last comments you recieve are displayed on the frontpage, might expand this with some sort of notification system for when there are replies to submissions you've commented on as well. Plan on adding ability to actually reply to comments too. Not too sure about topic hell or how it would be done.

Not really a fan of the tribunal after some thought. Maybe elevating some users to janitor/watchdog who can kill users streaks is an idea.

>> No.3091971

I may have forgotten the face of my characters but at least they don't look like something out of a children's book "How to draw manga"

>> No.3091986

I think the tribunal thing isn't necessary. If someone posts low effort that's their problem, just let them be

>> No.3092027
File: 546 KB, 256x192, 1311786242877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3092038
File: 321 KB, 161x169, 1471686022390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. If someone is drawing complete garbage, i am sure that there will be some gentleman in these threads who will let them know about it.

>> No.3092267

why do I keep coming back to these threads despite dropping out of las 3 months ago?

>> No.3092270

What do if someone pulls an ActinFutility/Fuckyoumang?

>> No.3092271


>> No.3092280

We've been over this, fuckyoumang was legit. Poor lad even streamed his process. I bet he's pro by now.

>> No.3092282

>tfw he made it and left the rest of us in the dust
Fuckyoumang... Fuckyoumang has a good life.

>> No.3092288

I don't love wasting my time enough to waste it on choobposting

>> No.3092471

In any project it helps a ton if you have someone in charge, otherwise you just have a bunch of ideas floating around that don't correlate with each other

>> No.3092589


>> No.3092591

His name even looks like a dick.

>> No.3092605

Hey, the home page frequently asks me how often I want to post even though I already set it and saved it multiple times. Tonight my streak got reset even though I posted, too.

>> No.3092779

Same, but my streak hasn't been reset.
Better experience bugs now than in 1,000 days.

>> No.3092784

Got a pretty good idea of what went wrong with the streaks, should work better now. I also changed how the site checks if you've set post frequency, maybe that fixed it for you?

Also we https now.

>> No.3092797
File: 41 KB, 640x461, B_tSSjvWcAApSFf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3092886

It's a good thing, but not when you find yourself still cleaning up a sketch you made in 5 minutes for more than an hour. I went overboard, and the time I spent over it wasn't worth it.
Sometimes it didn't even need to be cleaned or fixed yet I felt like something is terribly wrong with it, that I can't upload it as-is.

I know. Don't know why it ended up this way, I didn't give much of a fuck about what I was uploading when I started, I was happy to be drawing. Now that I'm back drawing for myself I allow myself to make mistakes and enjoy them

>> No.3092922
File: 84 KB, 295x324, 247efee12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have some people on drawing dot today have different avatars? Is there a way to change it that doesn't require the in-development userpage?

>> No.3092958

settings button top right on submissions page

>> No.3092983

>some nigger casing my house yesterday
>holed up in my room with my guns
>too scared to draw

>> No.3092990

tell him about the las

it might scare him away

>> No.3093010

If he does break in he'll be disappointed to find it's just me, my phone, and a sketchbook in an empty house.

>> No.3093035

>tfw Loomis is hiring niggers to do his dirty work for him
really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days

>> No.3093151

bottom of the barrel niggers for bottom of the barrel artists

>> No.3093210

savage desu

>> No.3093219


Heh! You ain't see savage yet, bozu.

>> No.3093384

As a black Lasso, I take great offense to these comments, fuck you choo8.

>> No.3093391

>nigger in my las
>nigger is choob poster
it's like poetry

>> No.3093394

You draw like a nigger choo8

>> No.3093395

shit man fuck dog

>> No.3093397 [DELETED] 


>> No.3093444

Nice tiddies CandyCone.

>> No.3093513

I don't really feel like drawing today, what do I do?

>> No.3093517

comment on other people's art

>> No.3093543


>> No.3093549


comment on other peoples art by telling them to commit seppuku

>> No.3093553

I'm surprised someone still even remembered I'm working on a LAS. I'm trying my best to finish it but I'm so discouraged I really don't think I can complete it myself....and now that other people are working on a LAS it's even more pointless to complete mine. I was just thinking of paying someone to build a real site, so I can just get back to fucking drawing.

>> No.3093565

Just focus on drawing now man. You don't really need to make a site now that there are already 2 up and you shouldn't be wasting time learning how to code if you don't want to. If you would rather be drawing than I think that's what you should focus on. I appreciate you taking the time and putting in the effort to do all of this though so thank you.

>> No.3093566

>paying someone to build a real site
don't, hell no, you can put it on the back burner and do it as a hobby but don't spend money to push it out when there are plenty of people making decent progress without pay

>> No.3093600

Yea I's a huge weight off if someone else is working on LAS and is capable of completing it. W site looks great too. I just hate giving up on projects especially since I said I can do it and I put time into it already. I'll still try to finish it as a personal project that I'm not rushed to complete.

>> No.3093698


Draw DBZ and Bruce Lee, they love that shit.

>> No.3093704
File: 117 KB, 262x255, 1453582699152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suddenly you draw much better and you don't know why
>Suddenly everything is shit and you don't know why

I don't understand art sometimes. It feels like throwing a dice and waiting for that nat 20. And then you get angry because you feel like you can't reliably make something good.

>> No.3093738
File: 106 KB, 792x455, shit dog fuck google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You always drew shit. Your eyes just decided to recognize the shit that day.

yoo what the fuck google

>> No.3093970

Do you guys know of any art communities that are more positive and encouraging when it comes to drawing without being a hugbox? /ic/ is getting too demotivating and negative for me.

>> No.3093973

Can't think of any. There is a group on facebook called 10,000 hours but


>> No.3094067

Discord , just mute all the hugboc channels and leave the productive ones up

>> No.3094084

Anyone else seriously reevaluating their decision to pursue art as a result of their minuscule progress and abhorrent art work? I just don't know anymore.

>> No.3094177

I am. But at the same time its like, what other things do I want to pursue? Not a lot. I don't want to really do anything else, and besides workin a regular job i don't see myself shooting for much else. But I was raised with the "You can be whatever you want in life!" drilled into my head, so I don't want to JUST be working a typical job in retail or some shit just to make ends meet.

>> No.3094189

If I give up I will end up wasting my time with shitty media like movies, chinese cartoons and videogames, it is better to draw even if I don't improve.

>> No.3094325

Cosmichippo, I see you asked for critiques on drawing.today. The point is nobody know you, nor your subject, nor your will. You will end up with random comments that don't meet your expectation. Try to write something in the description tab. Also, post link here because there not that much people around at the moment on this site.

>> No.3094517

This. I'm just using my hobbies to slowly replace out my gaming addiction.

Then maybe I'll do some legit work.

>> No.3095009

HI Ch0Ob.
do you play magiC card too?

>> No.3095058

lolol gotten to.

>> No.3095146

Is Lava updating the site again? The gallery is now sorted by having the newest submissions on the top and the oldest on the bottom. Unless I'm just tweaking real hard right now...

>> No.3095529


>> No.3096071


>> No.3096251
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 59d8061550d1cfc3eab7a444b3f736b9_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3096322
File: 52 KB, 918x703, 1383444920318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3096347

tell my wife I love her

>> No.3096352

I'll tell your wife I love her

>> No.3096356

I'll make love to your wife

>> No.3096360

I'll wife love to your tell

>> No.3096363

>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
Is this rule graved in the marble or can I do it but not in excessive quantity ?

>> No.3096364


nobody gives a shit just do it

>> No.3096366

it's only because lava is in canada where loli gets you in jail

>> No.3096370

if lava catches you he'll delete it!!

>> No.3096376

Sounds like a plan

>> No.3096380

Make sure to leave a nice message for Lava too.

>> No.3096417

>this anon starts drawing loli
>lava is a disabled husk rotting in his bed at this point
>there's no one to stop him
>the anon keeps drawing loli
>the candian feds catch on to this and track down lava
>they bust into his house and wheel away the shriveled up husk
>lava is vilified by the Canadian community for supporting the enslavement and sexual abuse of 2D loli's
>poor lad dies in prison
All because he didn't give us the badgers. Really makes you think.

>> No.3096438

he deserve it

>> No.3096507

all this time, all we had to do was draw loli

>> No.3096566

Wait that means cub is fine..

>> No.3096600

please dont go down this road any further

>> No.3096863

>CRT lost a token
What happened buddy?

>> No.3096865


>> No.3096891

Too late, it's happening.. the longer I hold on the deeper I fall.

>> No.3096919

w-what? What's happening? Where are you falling? CRT!?

>> No.3096942

Updates are a little slow, I'm working some overtime right now at work, so can't really work on the site every day. I've added picarto streams to frontpage though, you can add your own stream to the list of people shown, right now it's nobody since nobody has added themselves yet.

Next I'm gonna look at implementing image uploads directly, but using other sites as hosts, ideally you'll be able to select what host you want, imgur, biyori.moe, pomf.cat, etc. If you have a host you want this for, check if it supports shareX and if it does let me know. I'm gonna be doing almost the same thing that program does. After uploading, I'll make the profiles I think.

>> No.3096949

add xvideos and pornhub as hosts

>> No.3096950


>> No.3096953


>> No.3097039

dont plagiarizzle.

>> No.3097212
File: 46 KB, 700x700, 1473131600600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you guys at Charlottesville standing against White genocide and anti white antifa instead of drawing?

>> No.3097276

1. I have no idea what you're talking about.
2. I'm not hwite.

>> No.3097578

is this our last thread? is this goodbye?

>> No.3097582

see >>3096347

>> No.3097617

For Lavaflake it is.

>> No.3097631

I'm at home playing vidya, tracin' photos and refreshin' /pol/ life is good.

>> No.3097863

because I'm not some stupid fuck

>> No.3097928


It's kind of funny for them to screech about violence now. They were the ones who poked the hornets nest by firing them from their jobs and assaulting them over a span of months. It simply wasn't enough to mock or isolate them.

I want them to keep on "punching those Nazis" until they're killed once again. You get treated how you treat others.

>> No.3097960


lmao it wasn't the alt-right, it was a leftist

>> No.3098004
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, you-can-do-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work on your submissions everyone!
May you have strength to work hard every day!

>> No.3098010


>> No.3098177

Can upload directly through the site now to mixtape.moe and biyori.moe. Pretty easy to add new hosts that are built on pomf.se like those two are. Imgur is a bit more work.

The uploads are proxied through TOR so the shit you guys upload isn't linked to me :^)

>> No.3098180

is loli ok?
is 3D ok?

>> No.3098182

naked lolis no, illegal here.
3D I dont care, it's fine.

>> No.3098191

kill yourselves paedophiles

>> No.3098215

So 3D lolis are allowed? Okay cool.

>> No.3098220

>3D lolis
absolutely disgusting you sub human

>> No.3098366

I blame Choob and his ilk.

>> No.3098378

did larva is dead?

>> No.3098388

yes, he died of brain cancer

>> No.3098426

I say no to tracism.

>> No.3098447

Oi! This is no time for standin' around!

>> No.3098621
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 3-min-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mew thread >>3098618