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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1577686 No.1577686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning Thread

"Drawing is very closely related to the other creative arts, all of which are outcroppings of a desire to express individual emotion, to make the other fellow conscious of our inner feelings" - Andrew Loomis

Try to keep calm, have a positive attitude and avoid making Kind Janitor-san angry!

A general message to aspiring artists: Don't ever think that you should stop attempting to learn how to draw because "it takes too long" or "drawing is just a hobby." Being shitty at your hobby is definitely not better than doing your hobby well, no matter what your laziness tells you. Have some dedication in what you love to do, damn it!

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

[Insert genzoman comment here]

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!
>Hitokaku Index
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection
>Japanese Animu Tutorials

Keep calm, take it easy and remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

>> No.1577691

To me, animated characters don't have feelings.

I love it when animators draw setting/environment (Eden of the East), but when it comes to characters, it just embodies a certain type of shape and feel and some of the detail is left out.

This is why i hate animu...the qualities of the actual human beings are softened and the artiest just focuses on the eye, hair, and breast.

>> No.1577702 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1577703


>To me, animated characters don't have feelings.

One of the hallmarks of good animation is the conveyance or outright exaggeration of emotion

That's nice dear. That's really nice you think that way.

>This is why i hate animu...the qualities of the actual human beings are softened and the artiest just focuses on the eye, hair, and breast.

Then stop watching shit anime

>> No.1577709

That's the plot and development's problem, not the art style itself. Same way that characters in movies and cartoons can be shit too.

It's an easy way out for most character designers.

What of Otoyomegatari? Not animated but can convey feelings in context to the environment and not just what is necessary for the plot.

What I like about some movies and tv shows is that the little things that they put into the character's speech, demeanor, and dialog content which make's them more similar to people in real life and not just characters serving their purpose to only progress their plot.

That's the problem with a lot of media in general these days. You don't see much development or pacing, just a summary of what's supposed to happen in the plot.

Odd Thomas for example was a movie with great development to get you attached to the relationship between the main characters and you feel invested in watching it.

Anime plot as it is right now in general rely too much on cliche' tropes without trying to mix it up a bit. the Monogatari series were great though.

Expand your horizons and stop seeing anime and everything else on different standards. Genericism (i just made that word up but you know what i mean by it) is existent in both eastern and western media so just deal with it and develop your own tastes and learn to pick the ones you like instead of forcing yourself to watch shit that you hate and cry about it.

>> No.1577710

Well opinion is just opinions and I do like animation overall as it can convey lots of meanings.

What sort of nonshit animation are you referring to?

Some of my favorites are CB, GWLTT, GITS, AG, gintama (comedic show that is just right), SC, HXH, etc.

still as an art work, they just seem to lack something

>> No.1577711
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Is Gunkiss the one doing those hideous sailor moon frame redraws or is it someone else

>Who the fuck is Gunkiss

Pic related

>> No.1577718
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How do you best avoid same face in the manga/cartoon you are working on? For instance I like pic related but it suffers from a bland same face -- I've tried exagerrated and stylising my own work more and more and it seems to be bringing better results. Has anyone else had this problem?

>> No.1577727

almost impossible for artist imo. for some reason all there shit comes out looking the same or having very similar features.. probabbly has something to do with putting themselves as women when they draw.

>> No.1577733

this is what I'm getting at. an actual face conveys so much. The flaws, the birthmarks, the wrinkles, color, the eyes.

anime, you can only do so much detail wise.

>> No.1577741

Well dude, isn't it the same with cartoons too? I mean, I agree that "anime" art or semi-realistic drawings aren't as detailed as a realistic one, but it's not the point of it. There are some artists who can make characters who don't look the same, and there are others who can't. But I can totally understand what you mean; I can think of many artists that make always the same faces. Take for example most hentai authors.

>> No.1577742

idealization and simplification anon

what you're referring to is regular budgeted anime which is okay but you have to consider the time constraints and resources and all that

it kinda spurred on a generation of art styles like that even in later mangas but some still keep true to attention in detail.

also, you'd see a lot more detail being put into BD versions of anime rather than the TV versions

again, birthmarks and wrinkles depend on the character designer, not the artstyle.

have you ever read Vinland Saga?

>> No.1577745

but cartoons like futurama or southpark... it's different... to explain it it's tough since it's more of like this feeling rather than physical words

>> No.1577747

>an actual face conveys so much
No it doesn't. It's like you are one of those people who think wrinkles on an old man photo convey his "feelings" or some shit. They don't. A man who has been through the war may very well look like one who hasn't, and vice versa.
Expressions conveys feelings, and facial structure may at most convey prejudiced impressions (A jew nose, nigger lips etc.). Expressions are present in most stylized forms too so your point is moot.

>> No.1577753

I'll try to make a comparison. Take for example Futurama vs Avatar: The Last Airbender. I love both, but I think there are some big differences in the way they are animated. Same goes for anime. Avatar, for example, has some really beautiful choreographies and overall I find it richer in details. It's also true that the focus of these two cartoons are different.
It's the same for anime, I think. There are some anime that have generic drawings (To Aru saga, for example) and some others that are much more unique or better drawn overall (Ergo Proxy, Monogatari saga).

>> No.1577754

I repeated myself a couple of times because painting but I hope the point is clear.

>> No.1577756


just my opinions~~

alright then. On OP's picture, how can you tell if it's alive? An actual person? Is it a doll?

now I'm not talking about animation now because the show supplements the character.

standalone anime drawings just feel lifeless to me. Yes the artist can draw extremely well, but when it concerns people something is just off... shit it's though to explain.

I have no problem with mechas though. Shit mang.... gundams are like cocaine

>> No.1577758

avatar is a masterpiece. Yes it's a children's show but the issues that the show deals with... the fact that a genocide occurred... It's basically WWII if you look at it closely in children format

>> No.1577759
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Your taste and opinion is shit.

>> No.1577762

are you some kind of hipster.

>> No.1577761

and yours generic.

>> No.1577764

i think you need to look up what that means and look at yourself

>> No.1577763

Yes, Avatar is amazing. I loved it, and it's absolutely something I'd recommend to anyone.

>> No.1577766

you do realize that you are contradicting yourself right?

>> No.1577773

>of relating to a certain class or group
pretty much what i meant.

nope, how am I a hipster? I love anime but just have an issue with a certain aspect of it. Just because someone says something against something, being counter to an "accepted" way of thought doesn't mean someone is hipster. Hell by your definition Copernicus was a fucking hipster and so was Martin Luther (not king jr)

>> No.1577777

I'm a walking hypocrite. glad you noticed.

>> No.1577785
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>> No.1577797

I've been working on my faces and I've found that the most crucial aspect to semi-unique looking faces is how the face is shaded/textured. It isn't enough to draw the base features. Easier said than done though.

>> No.1577814
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>How do you best avoid same face in the manga/cartoon you are working on?
Draw real faces, especially unusual ones instead of models all the time. Learn how faces are different, and how to exaggerate and stylize that. Then incorporate it into your character designs(Should this guy have a big/point/thin/hawkish/bulbous nose? ect.).
>The flaws, the birthmarks, the wrinkles,
These don't actually convey much. The first two nothing, and wrinkles only as a secondary to other features(that is, the movement of the face causes them to change position, but they don't do anything on their own) that everyone has anyways.
>color, the eyes.
Anime does these just fine. The whole point of the larger eyes is to better convey emotion since it's one of the primary non-verbal communicators.
>anime, you can only do so much detail wise.
Pic related. A lot of these are also really easy to tell what emotion they're feeling - even the simplistic ones like Lupin there or the girl from Katanagatari(farthest right, 5th down).
>avatar is a masterpiece.
Yeeeeah I'm gonna have to pretty firmly disagree with you there. The ending was a complete cop-out, that ended up feeling rushed because they spent so many episodes on the gang goofing off. It's the same kind of shit that puts me off Batman.

The rest of the show was alright but I wouldn't use it as an example of anything amazing. To be honest, I would put Avatar on the same level as Kamen Rider - they feature a lot of the same sort of tropes and characters and fightan' action.
It's called willing suspension of disbelief. Yours is broken for whatever reason in regards to anime.

>> No.1577822

your right those are all kind of similar, except maybe dead leaves.

>> No.1577829

>those are all kind of similar,
You're either blind or a troll.

>> No.1577836
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Currently working on a Halloween monster. I would like to thank the guy who posted that Japanese fur tutorial a few threads ago, I started using burn/dodge thanks to that. It's fun.

>> No.1577840

lol I've watched all these anime you posted. Like i said, in animation it's different. The characters represent something and become a living embodiment.

The 8th square (this is something i'm not sure where it's from) jumps out way ore than the others do. Again I'm am trying my best to explain something that is more a feeling than actual physical descriptions.

basically what you're saying to me is "your nose is broken". You can't explain smell as well as you can in words.

and to me birthmarks and wrinkles and scars convery a lot to be as an individual. again this is subjective on how we live our lives and interact with people.

>> No.1577845

This why i can't watch anime they all have the same exact syle/look for each character especially the females... that image just proves it sadly.

>> No.1577853

get your eyes checked

>> No.1577856


>> No.1577860

you forgot to turn on the line/sketch layer, I can't really make out much from this. Except that the background color is hideous.

>> No.1577862

He's talking about the style of the animation, not the level of detail or the different shapes and colors they use.

Lets take dragon ball for example. it's a great anime with simple animation. Now if you compare it with dragonball GT, of course it's different but it's still the same style, but added detail and correction to sizes and shapes.

You anon are the ones who are blind in the sense that you can't see other people's perspectives. (referring to the one's who calling out blind).

and making an argument against me is making an argument against yourself because I'm also on everyone's side.

>> No.1577863

No, he's trying to stir up shit.
It's called bait and you all fell for it, now stop responding to stuff that isn't a drawing or a legit question.

>> No.1577864

>exact same

Are you one of those people who also use the word "literally" when they describe something figuratively?

Like "I literally just shat my pants, those anime characters all have the exact same style!"

>> No.1577866

perhaps i might be.

>> No.1577871

how is it bait when I posted it?

>> No.1577870
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>you forgot to turn on the line/sketch layer

I have no idea what these are.

>> No.1577874

wait so you are just select tooling everything and coloring?
That doesn't sound like a very solid way.

>> No.1577880

i know people don't like that but i think it's fine. it's hyperbole, it's such an apt comparison that it literally transcends the figurative and becomes literal.

>> No.1577882

>He's talking about the style of the animation
Then he's still wrong, especially considering that chart is mostly of exceptional directors.

>> No.1577892

holy fuck... Okay yes there are styles associated that makes the animu different. I fucking knew fairy tale and rave master was drawn by the same guy. same with fucking summerwars and the girl who leapt through time. There are things that makes certain anime different.

But what I'm coming to is.... collectively they are a genre that is all recognizable as a japanese work. One won;t say futurama, disney, king of the hill, or southpark is a japanese animation (futurama was created by korean animation team).

Anon fucking look past all that shit. Look at an angle where you can see problems. And if you don't well fuck it, your perspective is as flexible as a rock.

>> No.1577900

It seems like you lack fundamental knowledge about how Japanese animation is made.
Take a look at this.

If you think the animation all look the same, you are either objectively wrong or have really shitty eyesight.

>> No.1577910

>using my favorite scenes of the anime to make a point

wat? also naruto copied cb on the naruto neji fight

>> No.1577912

You didn't even watch it did you?

Now shut up and watch the other parts so we can stop this meaningless discussion and draw.

>> No.1577921

cowboy bebop the fight with the man who was sent to jupiter as a project

soul eater, first episode where they try to get the last soul and fight the witch to level up the weapon.

>4chan, not watching anime

>> No.1577924

I'm not asking you to look at the scenes you dense fuck, but actually listening and trying to understand the fucking process behind it all.

>> No.1577954
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>> No.1578047

>Okay yes there are styles associated that makes the animu different.
...which makes them visually distinct, which was the whole point of that chart. Thank you for agreeing.
>collectively they are a genre that is all recognizable as a japanese work.
Do you really think the uninitiated would look at a frame of Jin-Roh and instantly go 'that's Japanese? Not to mention Panty and Stocking nearly passes for American animation, as do others. And many anime don't even play into the visual tropes most commonly associated with anime(big eyes, small nose/mouth). Just as you wouldn't lump Archer in with Futurama stylistically, you wouldn't throw Kaiba and Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust together. To say Kaiba looks like Vampire Hunter D looks like Sailor Moon looks like Ghost in the Shell looks like Legend of the Galactic Heroes looks like Panty and Stocking because they're Japanese is like saying that all American animation looks the same - that Archer looks like the Simpsons looks like Avatar looks like Billy and Mandy looks like Squidbillies. When in truth, Billy and Mandy hold way more in common visually with Panty and Stocking than Archer.
>futurama was created by korean animation team
Created? Animated, yes. Created? No. Unless Matt Groening has somehow become Korean retroactively.

>> No.1578094
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>> No.1578099

i believe what he used was a strawman argument

>> No.1578361

>traditionally manufactured
>not created

you should know that a lot of if not most of the animu being made are adaptations of popular (enough) works or ones that are being sponsored or payed to make.

if you want more diversity give money to the authors of the works you deem fit and/or buy their works instead of crying about how anime is "monotonous" or someshit.

your so called critique or evaluation of the anime/animation industry reeks of ignorance and entitlement and you should grow up and realize this is the real world and economy, money, social preferences, and popularity have actual weight upon you and not just getting bad internet rep or being trolled on tumblr.

>> No.1578346
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Animu does inherently have a problem of same-face-ness. Studios seem quick to be modish. But that's always been the case with mainstream. You see these long epochs of similar shows, with a rare gem hidden so often.

Maybe, that's why when someone tries to say anime has diversity, they cite work that is years apart and often went almost unnoticed. Well of course that stuff will be different! It wasn't the main stream. It's like that everywhere else.

But with Japanese and Korean studios it's like a plague. It leaves its mark culturally. Personally, I think it's cause of their cultures this happens. They don't like individualism, or at least they don't really understand it all that well. And with the tradition of segregating people and leaving social taboos unchallenged for the greater good, that all makes an extremely shallow gene pool for creativity. It's universally frowned upon to challenge things or to stir controversy. Any art that is strongly denied the ability of intimidating political or social dialogue eventually cycles into redundancy and monotony.

You can parade a "fashion show" of anime all you want, but there is no art in it. It's made to be modish. Lifeless when you think about it. It's not created, it's traditionally manufactured. It titillates on the surface, and that's it. (Which only begs questions at those who mimic and advocate animu customs.)

>> No.1578368

>You talk like anime industry is like this big ass industry with unending resources for their animation but in reality it's not.

Not sure how you surmised that. But the entertainment markets aren't radically different nation to nation. It's despotism of financing. The money rolls in from advertisers, private interest, or government subsidy. Nothing strange their. So nobody here really needs to a professional with decades of experience to see the gist of what's going on.

>The anime industry has been at a decline
Markets ebb and flow, again nothing strange there either. But with the anime, looking at its exports there doesn't seem to be much diversifying, creativity wise, even when the market was said to be doing well.

>may not be always accepting of different art styles because of differentiating tastes
It's not about differentiating tastes, if it were you'd still see "different" things striving on the margins of the market and with it fans. But instead you get this cultism. Other "styles" aren't accepted because there are few there able to think outside the norms.

>story and plot which has little to do with the art itself
This is an asinine way of thinking, and misses the point. That makes style a needless thing. But since you already said nobody is willing to to take a risk on different styles, you're entailing it plays a vital part since everyone is playing safe with it. So I don't think you thought this through all that well. Besides, how can the presentation not effect, or not be affected by, the story? That's stupid.

>> No.1578369

Aspiring manga drawer here. I haven't drawn much in my life and manga/anime looks like a fun and interesting place to get into drawing. How would one recommend I start?

Is it as simple as trying to copy characters from manga, as I have heard so many times before? Or is there a more structure based approach to it?

>> No.1578372

Learn the fundamentals like with everything else, which will greatly help with simplifying things into the style you want to go for.
Also, learn Japanese. It's the only way you'll draw actual manga.

>> No.1578373


Please. tell me about the "fundamentals" of manga drawing.

>> No.1578377

I meant fundamentals of art in general.
Unless you want to pull an Araki and copy fashion magazines and your favorite manga until you get competent.

>> No.1578379

Sure, whatever that is. I am not very good at drawing as it is. I have checked the "sticky" and found the first link to not be very helpful. The second link doesn't even do anything.

>> No.1578382
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>> No.1578384

Basically, learn anatomy and color/value/etc. You can draw stylized things (cartoon, manga/anime, whatever) when you understand how things work.


>> No.1578385

The links OP gave at the top are a good place to start. Go through them and then get to drawing, dude.

>> No.1578386

>But the entertainment markets aren't radically different nation to nation.

are you really going put every entertainment market in the world under one umbrella?

movies cater to one group and anime caters to another which act differently towards their media.

>But with the anime, looking at its exports there doesn't seem to be much diversifying, creativity wise, even when the market was said to be doing well.

Think of it from the perspective of well off series
>oh hey this show seems to be doing well
>might as well keep going at it since if it aint broke dont fix it and we probably shouldnt tamper with it too much

and then not so well off studios
>oh hey that show seems to be doing nicely
>they must be doing something right so lets see if we cant emulate that and cater to the current popular trend in anime?

you should know this since hollywood seems to have been doing it too. remember in like 2011 or so everyone was suddenly obsessed with superhero remakes, reboot and sequels?

>It's not about differentiating tastes, if it were you'd still see "different" things striving on the margins of the market and with it fans. But instead you get this cultism. Other "styles" aren't accepted because there are few there able to think outside the norms.
>You can parade a "fashion show" of anime all you want, but there is no art in it. It's made to be modish. Lifeless when you think about it. It's not created, it's traditionally manufactured. It titillates on the surface, and that's it. (Which only begs questions at those who mimic and advocate animu customs.

i see contradiction because you try to reject margins in your first argument and then pick it back up later

>> No.1578388

The second link is being fixed. In the meantime, use this: http://web.archive.org/web/20130524085021/http://www.squidoo.com/w-ic-i

>> No.1578389

Well, I have watched this first one twice. Make no mistake, it's full of valuable information, but at my level it is way over my head. I will give the second one a watch.

>> No.1578351

You talk like anime industry is like this big ass industry with unending resources for their animation but in reality it's not. You act like you know all about them but you don't. The anime industry has been at a decline since hurr durr moemoe culture and the economy hasnt been all to kind to them.

Also, there are time constraints since these are made weekly and getting new artists is very expensive and time consuming for each art style and your existing animators are used to a certain art style already.

Other than that, the crowd as they are today may not be always accepting of different art styles because of differentiating tastes so it's better to use existing ones because it works.

You also talk about social taboos and shit but that relies more on to the story and plot which has little to do with the art itself since we are talking to character designing as opposed to plot.

you think every fucking animu is made is made by different studios? think again broheim since studios can work on multiple different animu at a season.

>It's universally frowned upon to challenge things or to stir controversy
KLK, is hated at least by tumblrites and feminists. a lot of other people love it according to the preorder rankings which far exceeds KnK

define what you mean by individualism because it's a very general term.

>And with the tradition of segregating people and leaving social taboos unchallenged for the greater good, that all makes an extremely shallow gene pool for creativity.
being gay was a big social taboo, now traps and yaoi are one of the bigger demographics of animu today.

you have little to no knowledge of asian culture and i suggest you stop talking as if you know all about them.

>> No.1578395


>But since you already said nobody is willing to to take a risk on different styles, you're entailing it plays a vital part since everyone is playing safe with it.
I also said that art style was due to convenience in time, and finance

and on art styles

ever watched Aku no Hana? the Manga was actually very popular and a lot of people loved it and praised the plot but when the anime came out with rotoscoped and uncanny valley levels of art style they were put off by the anime thus the show bombed.

i did say little to do with the story but i did not say it does not have anything to do at all. you saying that can be classified as a strawman argument.

>> No.1578394

>define what you mean by individualism
"Individualism is a novel expression, to which a novel idea has given birth. Our fathers were only acquainted with egoism (selfishness). Selfishness is a passionate and exaggerated love of self, which leads a man to connect everything with himself and to prefer himself to everything in the world. Individualism is a mature and calm feeling, which disposes each member of the community to sever himself from the mass of his fellows and to draw apart with his family and his friends, so that after he has thus formed a little circle of his own, he willingly leaves society at large to itself. Selfishness originates in blind instinct; individualism proceeds from erroneous judgment more than from depraved feelings; it originates as much in deficiencies of mind as in perversity of heart."
~Alexis de Tocqueville

>being gay was a big social taboo, now traps and yaoi are one of the bigger demographics of animu today.
Homosexuality is perceived radically different outside western thought. Granted the western world has had embarrassment in dealing with it. But with Asian cultures it is never seen more than to be a proclivity, and doesn't stir any arguments of political identity. There isn't much to react to it as a variety of human decency. More often it's presented as a part of some sexual conquest. It's part of that implied narrative that the masculine fuck the feminine, and all social norms must follow through in a sense.

>you have little to no knowledge of asian culture
Sometimes a foreigner can give unique insight, because there aren't those taken-for-granted presuppositions to clout observation.

Adaptations are part of the production cycle. And also suggest a drought in the manufacturing, that there aren't many inside willing or able to create original works. More of that playing-it-safe mentality. Business wise, that's smart. It doesn't do much for the artistic merits. So it remains manufacturing basically.

>> No.1578399

Well you can't learn to draw by watching a video, you can't learn to draw by watching all the videos and tutorials in the world. They have helpful tips and information, but you have to study and practice, and the things you have to study and practice are the fundamentals.

The hard path is to copy and mimic anime as it is without trying to understand how it works. You'll get there eventually, but you can't apply your skills to new things, you'll have to do the same learning thing all over again when you want to learn something new.

>> No.1578400

>convenience in time, and finance
So is the story, your point is moot here.

>> No.1578403

Then how DO I learn to draw manga?

>> No.1578405

>Aku no Hana
Wow, another school teen angst piece. How soooo original. I'm sure it wasn't popular for pandering reasons (wink wink).

>> No.1578407

Why is flash considered bad for drawing? I'm just making games so I know flash well and I don't need to draw realistic stuff since I'm just doing games duh, will I learn bad habits by using flash?
Also smoothing is weird

>> No.1578408

I've only ever heard Flash get flak for the type of shit people make with it.

>> No.1578409

As I said;
>Basically, learn anatomy and color/value/etc. You can draw stylized things (cartoon, manga/anime, whatever) when you understand how things work.

Anatomy includes the structure of the face and body.

>> No.1578410

Because it's not made for drawing, you have very limited tools for drawing purposes.

>> No.1578412

>there aren't many inside willing or able to create original works

that culture was spurred on at the start of the moe moe era since most anime at that point was made to cater to the moe crowd. after that

a story is planned out way before it is approved to be animated by the studio. when the actual animation begins then comes the convenience in time and finance since you not only have to pay people to draw in your studio, you also usually have to release them weekly.

now dont tell me pulling ideas out of your head before doing the actual animating costs money. this ain't kickstarter.

wow missing the point.
also, if you're going to say that's pandering then it's pretty much turned into a buzzword now. plus, presentation is also a factor in being called original.

you could say that Odd Thomas was unoriginal as well because it was a supernatural themed movie but it was damn well directed and plotted.

>> No.1578411

Question; I am aware that drawing takes a long time to get good at. If I have to first learn realism to begin to learn manga, does this mean I have many years before I should hope to see any form of accomplishment?

>> No.1578422
File: 188 KB, 748x592, kawai xcom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand that.
I know but if I just need to draw cute animu/cartoony sprites is it ok?
A style like this is already way too detailed for me, you have no idea how low the 2d indie game standards are.
With this in mind would you still recommend going for a "regular" course and then when I'm not shit go back to flash to draw sprites?

>> No.1578424

Realism is a little wrong word in my opinion. Technically you could learn everything by drawing anime style, you just have to understand how to think about things. To draw according to proper anatomy.

The point is to "not draw an eye, but to draw the structure of an eye". It's a bit difficult to put to words. You could copy a drawing a thousand times without learning anything at all if you're not trying to understand how the thing you're looking at works.

You'll always make progress as long as you're learning. You don't get better after x amount of years, you'll make gradual progress over time. The years are used to express the typical time required to be considered "good", and "good" means different things to different people.

>> No.1578426

no, i dont want his definition or a general definition. i want yours in the context of your argument.

>> No.1578429

I know what you mean about understanding how things work.

Another thing I am having a problem with is that, I being pretty new to drawing, have a hard time drawing in general. It's not a thing I have ever done so maybe my hands/eyes/brain just don't GET it yet. Is there anything more solid than "practice" that I can do to improve this?

>> No.1578430

>a story is planned out way before it is approved to be animated
And just as with every studio, Japanese or other wise. the story conditioned on time and convenience. A saged studio knows beforehand what's going to cost and how to conviently do it. So again the point is moot here.

>presentation is also a factor in being called original.
Lot of popular things are popular because they appeal to the uneducated masses. Most people don't want to think, they just want to be entertained. Very normal behavior really. But that doesn't mean those shows should be distinguishable.

And I don't think rotoscoping is all that original. It's been around since painting-on-film.

>> No.1578431

His and mine are the same. Deal with it.

>> No.1578432

no one said rotoscoping was original

also, a story is conditioned by either two things, the creator's creativity or current popular trends among its fans.

it might be the same but i want to know your definition in context to the argument

explain it to me, enlighten me

>> No.1578436
File: 50 KB, 450x600, Boxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying the box approach for construction. Am I on the right track?

>> No.1578437

It's ok for anything with solid shapes like that, but the point is it is very difficult to draw in. You can draw that in a more typical art program too.

Just use flash if you really want to, it's just likely going to be more difficult. The thing is, if your client/boss wants a picture, they're not going to give a shit what method you made it with, as long as the image itself is what they wanted.

There's no way around practice. You can have some resources and methods to help you learn though. Some people find Proko (ProkoTV@youtube) and Vilppu (glennvv@youtube) to be very helpful, but personally I'm a more visual drawer.

Proko especially has some good tutorials that teach you to draw shapes and stuff, very basic stuff and I imagine it's extremely helpful for beginners.

Another thing I've noticed, and a thing that Sycra has said many times, is that people often look for an answer or a solution, some secret or something that makes people good artists. But the thing is that there is no such thing, all it takes is a lot of practice and diligence.

The reason someone is better is because they've either drawn much more than you, and or they have a more of a natural nick for looking at things the right way (understanding, not just copying).

>> No.1578438

>no one said rotoscoping was original
But implied it had an endearing quality that made the show standout. The show wasn't all that good to begin with anyway.

>explain it to me, enlighten me
What do you think I would be explaining? You seem aggressive into seeing how I would rephrase it. Perhaps you're just wanting to coax me into something?

The quote isn't divorced from the context here, that's why I chose it. It's about observing a common disposition in a peoples. If you're having trouble with that, sorry, there isn't much else I can do to explain it to you. I like to think the language was pretty straight forward.

>> No.1578444

it was used for the sake of being different without considering how the crowd might react.

> Perhaps you're just wanting to coax me into something?
nice avoiding

also, if you want to go that way then individualism means "i want to be a special snowflake no matter what and fuck everyone else unless they agree with me."

you say that korea and japan dont understand individualism when theirs and asia's in general see individualism as "I wanna be who i am for who i am but i dont want to fuck everyone else over and shove what i like down everyone's throats"

individualism is one thing, ability to function in society is another

>> No.1578480
File: 90 KB, 579x819, sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redline plox!

>> No.1578483

Hmm my view of it is more in the 4 camps theory of Scott McCloud. Anime is more Classicist Animist and is based around traditional standards of beauty rather than extreme experimentalism. You cant really reduce it to anti-individualism though unless youve studied the philosophy and culture excessively.

I mean the Romanticists of the 1800s touted art for art for art sake. The idea that art has to be politically charged and experimental is a concept that arose mainly from Modernism prevalent in the West. Calling it a 'shallow gene pool' is just mean because its a radically different mindset from the West and has its own values which may be just as valid. They just like beauty in a general and classical sense and that means anime now. To go into it proper though would be a discussion more fit for /lit/ since it has to do with Buddhism and a whole load of other aesthetic theory derived from China.

>> No.1578484

If'n I'm not mistaken, both were Easter eggs added in as homages to a Bruce Lee scene, but I forget which. The Bebop one just happened to come first.

>> No.1578485
File: 48 KB, 630x420, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't redline right now because I woke up and am going back to bed, but
>man hands

>> No.1578489

I like it a lot, but as the user above said she has man hands. Also her right hand looks weird; I'm sure you can make it look more natural, expecially since all the fingers seems to have the same length. The right arm too sticks out in a weird way. Also the apples are humongous, maybe you should resize them.
By the way nice work on dat side/underboob.

>> No.1578491
File: 27 KB, 579x819, 1383474505024 redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this much helps.

>> No.1578507

the only thing about your redline that is even remotely close to being okay is the bottom left hand

>> No.1578509
File: 879 KB, 2500x2000, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Catrina

>> No.1578518
File: 60 KB, 1076x740, fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just some thoughts on the pelvis. Hope this helps

>> No.1578519

Are we going to have this argument EVERY single anime/manga/cartoon thread. Seriously?
Whatever happened to draw what the fuck you want

>> No.1578532

Paint Tool Sai

Is using a Linework layer for lineart not recommended?

>> No.1578533

Im hoping youre talking about just animu. Watch The Illusionist (2010) for non-japan animation. If you seriously cant feel that post modernization Parisian melancholy from the world and characters then i dont know what to say.

>> No.1578534

As long as people respond.

>> No.1578538


No that's vector shit that nobody bothers with

>> No.1578541

good redline.

>> No.1578543

Sorry, what does that mean? Does vector make for bad looking art?

>> No.1578552


Vectors scale to infinity because they are mathematical points

Which is good for some things like graphic design because they need to print their shit out in large sizes. Adobe Illustrator is more suited to vector work. Even PS can do it it with paths but it's a pain in the dick

For the purposes of drawing a web resolution 1000x1000 image in Paintool SAI raster (actual pixels on the screen) is better.

If there's an artist out there that actually uses SAI's vector tools feel free to make me look like a dumbass.


>> No.1578579

Can't tell if his/her left arm is coming toward or away from me...
But I digress; the box method is great as long as you realize that the anatomy doesn't actually look like that; should mostly be used for getting perspective/foreshortening/embiggening correct.

Not sure of your current skill level, but when I started using boxes, I always wanted to stick to the fucking box until I realized that it was just a tool for building depth.

>> No.1578694
File: 56 KB, 705x765, ss (2013-11-03 at 04.26.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spent way too much time on this sketch

>> No.1578696


>> No.1578699
File: 73 KB, 720x720, 1381393299698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my wat.

>> No.1578708

Idly drawing a stick figure version of Beast from X-Men turns into several pages worth of (weak) concept art. 99% of looks for Beast end up in the 'furry' category. Mixing the intelligence of the character with the beast characteristics is hard when you know there's a legion of users waiting to fap away at it. Very hard.

>> No.1578711
File: 392 KB, 924x1056, ashlygts_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever had one of those pictures that you thought would be really cool but ended up being complete ass in the end

reflecting on this, i REALLY need to work on my edge control and values...

>> No.1578712

>complete ass

though I'm not into the same faceness of your style of art I can safely tell you it is no ass.

>> No.1578714

Her forearms and hands look really small. Face looks flat, too.

>> No.1578718

I'm really diggin' this one.

>> No.1578775

>I wanna be who i am for who i am but i dont want to fuck everyone else over and shove what i like down everyone's throats"

That's egoism, which individualism is differentiated in from in the quote. How could you have missed that?

>individualism is one thing, ability to function in society is another
I don't think you have good grasp at what "common disposition" means, or you wouldn't be trying to coax me into this slippery slope argument.

For one thing Japanese and Korean cultures have a tradition of putting the community before the self. Often it's starts at the family and tribal level. You're a son, a brother, a student, etc. way before you're aloud private selfhood. This cultural upbringing caters conformity comfortably, which is probably why anime is so homogeneous. And so, thinking against the grain, even in counter culture circles, doesn really become counter revolutionary, it just becomes thinking on the margins. It's a boring wasteland of same-face anime.

>> No.1578778

Well we wont know for sure unless we actually cite from them head on now would we?

>> No.1578792

You're not even trying.

>> No.1578801

so you're gonna say this right now that monotony of anime automatically means it's because of their culture of of non-individualism?

well i'll be, that would mean that western animation that have shit art is done for the sake of being different!

what i'm truly bothered by is how you act like you know everything about korean and japanese culture and the state of the anime industry

sure, a foreigner can bring unique and new insight to the situation but only after actual research instead of generalizing of someone of another race.

>> No.1578811

i think the error in his argument is that anime and all media represents a fantasy.

moeime is how lonely dudes would like the world to be. it's not a reflection of how their world operates. for example. and i think in that world most women are just interchangeable archetypes.

it's the same mistake we on the periphery can often make about Americans. amercians on tv are brash and bold but if you actually go to american everyone is super polite and cowardly, except for the occasional fantasist.

i'm using fantasist here in the sense that they try to act out their fantasies irl. just for clarity.

>> No.1578817

>but if you actually go to american everyone is super polite and cowardly,
Really? 'cause here in my little corner of New England they're all a bunch of assholes. They won't tell you to fuck off, but they'll give you just about the shortest answer possible and a sneer.

>> No.1578825

/d/ pls go.

>> No.1578829

yes, try going to any other english speaking country and see how often someone calls you 'sir' compared to america( except maybe canada i guess) not to mention all those weird fake swear words. sorry curse words, sorry 'cuss' words.

but anyway i didn't say they're friendly, just polite, and of course being polite always tends to have a secret fuck you in it somewhere.

>> No.1578834

But that's just it, they're not even polite around here. They wear their contempt for everyone(everyone meaning not only tourists but also natives) on their sleeve and the "fuck you" isn't even remotely secret.

And I've never heard anyone call someone sir around here who wasn't with the navy, coast guard, or police.

>> No.1578836

english people hold the title sir in a higher regard

my teacher told me about his english prof who'd get real pissy if someone called him sir because it's only a title given by the queen

>> No.1578863

>so you're gonna say this right now that monotony of anime automatically means it's because of their culture of of non-individualism?
Not automatically, but a vacancy of individualism would probably correlate with high levels of homogeneity. I'm not saying that one thing causes the other, I'm just observing a relation, and using anime as an example.

>well i'll be, that would mean that western animation that have shit art is done for the sake of being different!
I don't care about western animation. That's irrelevant.

>what i'm truly bothered by is how you act like you know everything
It's an observation, stop getting angst. I'm not prescribing a political agenda. But you seem willing to project that I am.

>sure, a foreigner can bring unique and new insight to the situation but only after actual research instead of generalizing of someone of another race.
What, you want a book report? I'm not going to hold your hand with every little detail. So what if it's generalizing? You been doing it as well too. Extrapolation shouldn't be foreign concept to you.

And don't try to play the race card here either. This about cultures that pertain to a nation. I couldn't care less about how an "Asian race" thinks. If you can't distinguish between race and culture here, maybe you shouldn't be having this conversation.

>error in his argument is that anime and all media represents a fantasy
My argument is anime, as an artifact of the cultural that made it, is homogeneous because the cultural mindset is retarded against things like rugged individualism. Conformity is paramount, divergent creativity is taboo. Nearly all the variants of anime styles are styles of conformity. And this air of conformity is in their stories as well. (not just with the fantasies) When you skeletonize the whole thing, it's redundant and monotonous.

>> No.1578872

>cited sources is now hand holding

>> No.1578876

>i've been generalizing
there are docs on the situation in anime industry
cited from animators and studios too

>What, you want a book report? I'm not going to hold your hand with every little detail
my sides are burning. what, are you gonna say that using citation is cheating now?

>> No.1578905

Requiring a source for every little thing requires justification? And opinions always need to come from someone other than myself?

So, if I said water is wet, it would be required of me to cite a source? Or else I would just be an idiot who doesn't know what she is talking about.

Oh, never mind the child like dependency of always needing some authority! Oh, never mind the bullshit contorting your trying to put on the conversation! Oh, never mind the deduction of independent thought! You can't function or think for yourself without somebody being there to hold your hand every step of the way, you must have a citation for everything trivial thing no matter how vague!

>there are docs on the situation in anime industry
I'm sure there are, I read a few. I read news articles, and sometimes watch interviews. So, what? I can extrapolate my own opinions, and somehow you thinks that's wrong? If there is a specific point you want a source on to understand better, then you should think about asking the right questions.

Asking for a reference cited page for every little comment is asinine. It's just you fishing for some trivial thing to make a big deal of. You need to be more precise when asking for a citation on something. You need to clarify what information you're after, or what kind of information you need. You need to frame how you want the information backed up. And asking if someone else said it doesn't do that alone. You need to give your interpretation up to the point, and then ask for a citation. Just asking for a citation blatantly will only give you more useless information than what you need.

If you want a citation by your way, then Google,"Anime+conformity+Japan" I'm sure you will find more than what you need. And I'm sure you will finger point any trivial thing as if it would unraveled the whole argument. Only an idiot would play the kind of game your trying.

>> No.1578910

Can you guys take this somewhere else? Get a hotel room and fuck already, god damn.

>> No.1578928

This is typical when anime is discussed. Im not sure if its a troll but I do kinda understand the argument.

Again let's just say anime is a painting. A painting can't be like a photo, it's ducking impossible. You can't compare two types of different medium. Anime as it is, is fine. Yes there are draw back but what can you do? Nothing is perfect.

Less arguments and more constructive discussion.

>> No.1578943

citation needed

>> No.1578945

>So, if I said water is wet, it would be required of me to cite a source? Or else I would just be an idiot who doesn't know what she is talking about.

>Water is wet
>prove it
>go to your bathroom (assuming your water supply has not been cut off)
>turn on the tap
there is your citation

>Oh, never mind the child like dependency of always needing some authority! Oh, never mind the bullshit contorting your trying to put on the conversation! Oh, never mind the deduction of independent thought! You can't function or think for yourself without somebody being there to hold your hand every step of the way, you must have a citation for everything trivial thing no matter how vague!
>What i think is true even if it's a generalization without proof of correlation because I say it is!

>deduction of independent thought
>without research

oh and according to your sources of searching those words

conformity seems to drive anime popularity rather than homogenize it. the so called homogeneity can be easily attributed to the age old tactic of appealing to the tastes of the public like any usual product distributor. supply and demand. this is further strengthened by the documentations of the anime industry.

>I don't care about western animation. That's irrelevant.

Opinion? okay, fair game but you have an uneducated opinion which shows just how little a scope you see the world through and tries to use strawman arguments to put down anyone who tries to reason or discuss. Not to mention trying to justify your avoiding to bring any sort of proof. Opinions are not an excuse to spout nonsensical bullshit laced with uneducated generalizations of something without proper research into your own arguments.

Deduction of independent thought also requires logic and proof, just like science. A methodical way of presenting your views.

>> No.1578949
File: 16 KB, 357x371, corn243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many words, so little artwork.

>> No.1578952

Wacom tablet is in the mail. Waiting on it now. A-am I gonna make better art with it /ic/?

>> No.1578956

Seeing as how I pretty much improved after I got mine and practiced a lot, sure yeah why not.

I only got better faster because of how convenient it is to clean anyway, the lining and technical knowledge doesnt change much so no matter what you still need to study and practice

>> No.1578957

I don't like it.
I tried it in clip studio though and it wasn't that bad but I'd need to spend more time with it.

>> No.1578960

GIMP has better vector lines than SAI

>> No.1578962

What part of
>Can you guys take this somewhere else?
Is giving you trouble?

>> No.1578965

I'm stuck in the valley of shitty perspective and shoddy/no use of proper coloring or values at the moment. The ease of using a tablet for coloring and having a bunch of tools seems like a better option over buying traditional tools.

Also I used up. So. Much. Fucking. Paper.

If anyone would like to share their pros and cons of a tablet I'd love to hear them.

>> No.1578969

>Also I used up. So. Much. Fucking. Paper.
Welcome to the world of being an artist

Also, unless you got a cintiq or a tablet with a screen trying to draw while watching the screen can feel weird and takes time to get used to but it shouldn't be too long. I got used to in in like 2-4 days i think but it takes longer to be actually good at it.

it'll improve your skills on paper too.

be sure to study from books, life and other people's work

i know studying from life sounds heavy but you dont have to study everything at once, just what you need at the time and keep adding more when you need it.

>> No.1578970

>while watching the screen
I meant the monitor

>> No.1578971

My biggest issue is simple shit like anatomy. The reason for this is because I can't make up my mind over I'm trying to draw a 3D image or an image in 2D that is shaded and valued correctly.

>> No.1579026

study from other works would be your best bet to simplify that

>> No.1579081

homogeneity and conformity are related.

>> No.1579120

I've been trying to draw for quite some time, and I've got the bare minimum down right, so I'm confident in drawing in a more eastern fasion. I keep practicing every other day, as to not wear myself out; I've been doing generic portraits and simple crap like that. Now that I'm out of college, I can move on to my own interests.

I bear a single question based on my interests though; How do you learn to draw based off of your favorite artist? In my case, Galaxist is the artist I want to emulate, but his pixiv gallery got emptied, and I didn't save any of his older works, so I can't see how his stuff evolved over time. I've always enjoyed his works, simply because he drew such cute, soft girls, as well as stylish shoes, of all things.

How can I learn to emulate another's style without losing my own? I don't intend to one-up or create similar works for money, as that would just be a side hobby, but I'd like to draw similar to another artist. How should I start doing this? I have thoroughly read the sticky, but I could not find an answer within.

>> No.1579153

>How can I learn to emulate another's style without losing my own?
you can't really lose your own style anyway if you already have one. and if you don't, you don't have to worry about losing anything either.

if you want to get the influence of another artist into your style, just try to draw in the same style as the artist.
usually you won't be able to do it anyway, but you'll get closer the more you try to figure things out. then you'll eventually grasp some stuff that you can incorporate into your own style.

there isn't much to think about in terms of style anyway so don't worry about it.
it actually can be pretty bad because you could end up with a style you can't use, you'll be able to recreate certain images from memory but you can't actually draw freely with the style because you lack the understanding or the fundamentals.
don't worry too much about style, worry more about your general ability.

>> No.1579202

What you call conformity and homogenity is perceived differently within the culture itself. They have considerably different values from you which doesnt invalidate those values. Its just a difference in taste in the end.

For example Japanese aesthetics is based of buddhist aesthetics, focused around impermanence and simplicity. You can see how this manifests in the form of haiku and noh plays where its minimal and structured. Basho, in his Haiku, shows that you don't need great tummultous changes but merely slight variations and minimal description to achieve a powerful effect. Its a very western view to see art as needing great innovation and great radicalism to be 'individual' since modernism when all was toppled by abstract art and high avantgardism. The change can be seen in language as well for example Japanese is based of Chinese and Chinese is a symbol oriented tonal language based off fixed symbols and variations within those symbols while English is a melting pot of different words that come from different cultures.

Basically you can't make huge value judgments like Japanese are overtly Conformist or anti-Individualistic unless you actually acquire the mindset to think about the culture from their view. What they appreciate is simple beauty and slight variations in style but this doesn't mean a lack of individuality, just different values and means to express that individuality. So in the end its all subjective.

>> No.1579221

so is talking about drawing more entertaining than actually drawing or what

>> No.1579224

Of course it is. Why do you think art criticism is a 'thing' in academic circles.

>> No.1579228
File: 615 KB, 1440x900, Loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less talking more Loomis.

>> No.1579254

Sorry for the chicken scratch

>> No.1579257
File: 804 KB, 3184x3016, dzn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit forgot picture

>> No.1579269

Try not to "pet" your lines, instead strive for long confident strokes. Try to get rid of the habit of lifting the stylus too soon, something that helped me was drawing ellipses without lifting the pen and go for a perfect circle each and every time.

>> No.1579296

>How can I learn to emulate another's style without losing my own?
Define what makes their style theirs and what makes your yours. You don't have to be bound to a single style, but it does mean analyzing and practicing different kinds of stylization.

See; Animators. They basically do this all the time. It's the whole point of the model sheets that go around; too keep everyone animating within the same style.

>> No.1579297

i like how the lines are all furry but you still used different weights

>> No.1579311

I didn't do that are purpose.

Also anyone know of any good guides on drawing women?

>> No.1579326

Loomis figure drawing for all its worth
Hogarth dynamicfigure drawing

>> No.1579328

the eyes and nose are too far up the head, it doesn't look like your person has any cheek bones, and the chin is way too sharp. look up some reference pics for heads.

rounder cheekbones typically make for a more "feminine" or cute face, while sharper ones make for a more "masculine" or mature one.

>> No.1579371
File: 40 KB, 402x888, 31231212312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there a way to make sure that the pupils are correctly aligned?

>> No.1579373

Flipping your canvas occasionally does a world of good.

>> No.1579380

Is she leaning or just off-balance?

>> No.1579383

Not meant to be leaning so I guess she's off balance

>> No.1579385

Palette is kinda dull and composition could be thought out better. Technically it's fine

>> No.1579390

just indicate that she's leaning against a wall, propped up by her arse, that's what it looks like.

>> No.1579504 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 4000x4000, I dont mind if you shit all over this as long as its useful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique please

>> No.1579505
File: 234 KB, 1921x1377, I dont mind if you shit all over this as long as its useful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique please

>> No.1579527

Her pose is really stiff and awkward. I would lean her torso so shes sitting up more and straighten the arm. The anatomy in the hands and feet are off especially so I would do some studies.
Also remember that hair follows gravity, right now its curved with her head, but since her head it tilted it should be going more down.

>> No.1579530
File: 1.23 MB, 2365x2329, ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please shit all over my Asuka "manly" Soryu drawing

>> No.1579533

I've always drawn poses very stiff, and I don't even think my eye can spot how stiff the characters are, do you know how I could fix this?

Studies meaning drawing lots of hands and feet at different angles, using the images for the hands here? http://reference.sketchdaily.net/
There are only 24 here, I'm not too sure how to approach drawing hands (or feet) for studies. I've seen a few construction guides but they all seem like magic to me as I can't seem to follow them well.
(Or should I take pictures of my own hands and feet from several angles and positions and draw them?)

Thanks for the feedback!

>> No.1579534

Yeah no.

>> No.1579536
File: 781 KB, 2550x3298, Action 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon but gesture drawing and basically just being more confident with your drawings

>> No.1579539
File: 226 KB, 1600x1111, 1383132525978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn gestures and the line of action principle

and make it look lessed forced and awkward

it helps to put yourself in the shoes of the one doing that pose

>> No.1579544
File: 44 KB, 722x724, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some redline for you

>> No.1579546

Not him but

What if it's here sticking her chest out and arching her back?

>> No.1579549

No problem! Like the others who replied said, practice gesture. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j39NqwL7s4&list=PLtG4P3lq8RHGuMuprDarMz_Y9Fbw_d2ws these videos are all very helpful. I suggest watching them and you can do studies easily over at http://artists.pixelovely.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing/
Gesture drawing is really helpful with relaxing and creating dynamic poses.
As for practicing hands and feet, you can look at your own or just look up pictures of them online. I'm sure there's some videos on youtube that will help break down how to draw them. It's all just practice.

>> No.1579552

ah right, I should of looked at that pelvis direction better. I'll give that another shot with chest poking out

>> No.1579553
File: 362 KB, 1000x1333, Posemanic 30second.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related are my previous attempts at drawing gesture (using posemaniac), though I don't think I knew about the line of action principle back then. I'll try to incorporate it into my drawings and see what happens.

I don't really remember how this was supposed to look like even though I drew this yesterday. Anything that would make it look better than the original would be appreciated thanks!

Those videos really seem useful, I'll definitely try to learn from those. Heck, I didn't even really know what "gesture" meant before watching the first one lol

>> No.1579556

you shouldn't rely too much on posemaniacs

yeah, they train you with poses and gets your work faster but they dont really make you understand the logic or how the pose actually works. pair it up with some gesture, perspective proportions and anatomy studies and your golden

yeah, seems a lot but you dont have to learn every pose at once, just the ones you need at the time.

>> No.1579557

Gotcha. I'll first try to pick up some stuff from Proko's Gesture studies and then I'll try to find a good resource for the perspective proportions.

Thanks you and everyone else for the replies, it's made me realise I was just sugarcoating everything and that I really do need to go back to basics

>> No.1579558

atta boy

>> No.1579572
File: 36 KB, 717x789, No.1579546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gave it a shot, took a bit longer than expected.
it's always good to try what the pose feels like, this one is not comfortable at all.

>> No.1579577

Heheh yeah it doesn't look comfortable indeed
I guess I really need to think about the poses a little more in terms of that

>> No.1579578

I think it's because you have a dick, unless you're a chick

>> No.1579759
File: 748 KB, 2014x746, RLDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not qualified to red-line things so this might not even be helpful

>> No.1579764

did mikufag just redline himself?

>> No.1579763

>I'm not qualified to red-line
so don't. you flattened any hint of perspective that was there (with the elbow coming forward)

>> No.1579781

That was not I who redlined, but thank you to the Anon who devoted his or her time to do so.

>> No.1579801

Anyone got a teal related folder?
I got an imgur link and a local folder for that a while ago but lost it because my computer was broken.

>> No.1579803

Long arm is long. Also your expression is still stiff.

>> No.1579812


>> No.1579835

TFW watching anime 6 episodes in.. realise main characters best friend is actually a boy...

how can you into this shit.

>> No.1579840

you don't, just quit watching anime obviously you don't have the talent to watch anime.

>also watching anime with girly boy

that means you're watching those MOE MOE anime, go watch real anime like queen's blade. hue huehueheuhehehue *spoiler* rana is a girly boy too*

>> No.1579847

Has been unpublished.

>> No.1579848

NAh it was actually Attack of Titan or something. pretty good.

the charter was "arimen" or something like that.

>> No.1579854

>using its english translated name
are you a casual by any chance

>> No.1579863

yeah bro this maybe my 5th or 6th anime ever..

>> No.1579867

It's "Armin", and you should read the manga.

>> No.1579868

shit i bet youre streaming it too
i also bet one of the 6 anime is Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood or Deathnote

>> No.1579870 [DELETED] 

please stop using romaji, it's disgusting.

>> No.1579872

please stop using romaji, it's disgusting.

>> No.1579884


>> No.1579885

mfw 2 out of 6

>> No.1579913
File: 44 KB, 1000x630, princess_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun."


>expecting that much from /ic/

have my shitty concept art

>> No.1579931

You're one of the biggest faggots i've ever seen on 4chan, all boards, and i didn't expect to see that level on /ic/, wow... I'm humbled...

>> No.1579937



>> No.1579938

Holy shit this thread.... If its a troll its one thing... But seriously...

>> No.1580018
File: 233 KB, 846x1096, Scan-131104-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1580022

thank you

>> No.1580079

Not trying to derail, but
>New England
Speaking as a Southerner, you Yankees can just be real brutish to one another and, well, us. New England is perhaps the least friendly regional sector of the Union.

>> No.1580084

>M-muh broken giraffeneck...

>> No.1580097
File: 51 KB, 1280x1024, gigantic evil punpun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldnt attempt such shit yet. But meh, more art less text

>> No.1580183

im not sure what you want to be told. its a really rough liney sketch without a real purpose or much of anything. more confident lines i suppose?

>> No.1580379


captcha: rownly wave :c

>> No.1580455

New England guy here; I totally agree with you. I was in Virginia a couple of years ago and it was amazing how much more friendly everyone was.

Now I just want to get the fuck out of this miserable corner of the US.

>> No.1580467
File: 346 KB, 1280x800, Image (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never done anime before but after watching "attack on titan" recently i wanted to try.

i didn't use ref. just sketching what i could remember.


i love the setting/costume design and colors in the show.

reminds me of "Destiny" the game being made by bungie.

>> No.1580488 [DELETED] 

Here another one, still from memory.

>> No.1580489
File: 223 KB, 800x1280, Image (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here another one, still from memory.

>> No.1580504

Very cute. Please, give her an umbrella or flowers instead of ammunition!

>> No.1580532
File: 149 KB, 720x960, HvpIyqUe7sw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you please give some feedback, i dunno what's not good (besides non-symmetrical ears)
this was supposed to be a grinning fox

>> No.1580534

hi im not sure im new to anime see ^ but i would say lose some neck and set the head in the circle more

>> No.1580563

Lefty, is that you?

>> No.1580575

It ... doesn't look much like a fox.
The ears are too small and the wrong shape, fox's ears are more like larger versions of cats' ears.
The muzzle looks odd, parts of it seem to be in profile, while other parts are in a 3/4 view.

I'm not sure whether you're anthropomorphizing it, or how much, but if you're not:
Foxes don't have dark eyebrows.
The iris should take up most of the eye.
The neck should be a bit wider.

>> No.1580603
File: 148 KB, 720x960, AFN7lsP4Iyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made another one.
i'm not trying to make a furry, however it isn't quite a fox, so i think eyes are justified as they are and left them like that.
Heather Dale - Black Fox (song for reference, was pretty cool, so i decided to try and scribble him)

>> No.1580638
File: 144 KB, 923x633, ss (2013-11-05 at 09.10.57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redlined it, kind of Work on that perspective, bro. And there seems to be too much detail going on in the back. Keep all the contrast and detail near the focus, being the eyes.

He also doesn't seem like a grinning fox, he looked more angry.

>> No.1580641

good work anon, this is what i was talking about making him fit in the circle more.

>> No.1580644

Forgot to mention, in a design like this, which would be used for t-shirts and avatars and such, that dark shading at the bottom of the chin was a bit much. I just added some line weight to imply a shadow and make it stick out more. It's a pretty neat trick you can use for a lot of things.

>> No.1580710
File: 150 KB, 720x960, kJUndraROOE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, Anon, yours looks pretty much like what i wanted mine to be.
so i sat there looking at the picture and trying not to copy it completely, that's what i came up with.
i'll work a little bit more on the mouth and the white "thing", cause now it looks like a stache, but overall i like it now, thx

>> No.1580723
File: 133 KB, 720x960, _M_mXYst_C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here're the final tweaks, if anyone was interested

>> No.1580787


>> No.1580792
File: 424 KB, 1638x2243, aooni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick sketch of Ao Oni before I head to work.

Could use help on perspective. I still don't understand the rules for 2-point.

>> No.1580805

Never change :3

>> No.1580832


Who is it supposed to be? Sasha? Blade tip is wrong. Watch the noodle arms.


Terrible faces. Weak gestures.

And it's shingeki no kyojin, pleb. Proper titles. Also, when doing fanart always use reference, so people can tell who the fuck it's supposed to be and you can get the details correct.

>> No.1580843
File: 59 KB, 886x601, ss (2013-11-05 at 01.49.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to explain without showing exactly how I did it.

Pretty much why the room space looks a bit awkward is because the vanishing points of the room aren't far enough apart, although it's not technically wrong. Just read this Anon.


>> No.1580847

not really doing fan art those are just sketches

the other is a drawing... they were for gasp "fun" and only took me maybe 10 minutes.

>> No.1580850

Imagine the world being divided up into CUBES. The EDGES of the cubes going in one direction will CONVERGE at a VANISHING POINT, while the edges PERPENDICULAR to the PREVIOUS edges will converge at the other VANISHING POINT.

Meanwhile the VERTICAL edges will go perfectly straight up, and are PARALLEL to each other.

>> No.1580859

First time drawing women, I have to no idea what i'm doing, redline pls.

>> No.1580863
File: 129 KB, 1024x1024, nelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic again shit

>> No.1580867

sticky etc.

>> No.1580869

That poster was asking for a redline, hey whatever happened to that one redline thread anyway?

>> No.1580879

a redline is there to correct. when nothing in the image is correct, a redline is just a completely new drawing. thus its not gonna be of any use to the original poster, as he clearly does not yet have an understanding of the subject matter he tried to draw. (as he stated himself in his post) THUS, a redline is unnecessary, the poster should rather sit down his ass and study, instead of asking for redlines on his doodles.

sage for good measure. nothing personal

>> No.1580881

Well, that's true you have a good point there.

>> No.1580884

I feel like less of a person now

>> No.1580901

Don't hide hands, also try and use cleaner lines. Like the other guy said, read the sticky and do some anatomy and life studies. Learn muscles and study proportions. As everyone on /ic/ says, needs more Loomis.

>> No.1580905

Does that princess have 5 o'clock shadow?

>> No.1580907

i think it's supposed to be a tan

>> No.1580910

Don't worry, we still love you Anon. This parrot right here will be your best friend, don't ignore it but instead embrace his words of wisdom.


>> No.1580911

Oh, I see the outline of goggles now.

>> No.1580921
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, mhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1581348
File: 82 KB, 645x773, 1356286931674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw teal will probably never tealline your drawing because they are too bad to fix or too bland to notice

>> No.1581353

nahm you just need to ask hard enough and he'll do it. (if he is here atm)

>> No.1581363

It's quite simple to do, but it takes actual effort. It's all about knowing how to draw real faces and how individual people are. You can simplify things and work them into your chraracters. You can take real people and translate some characteristic they have pretty easily. A crooked nose, the shape of their face, the slant of the eyes, the fat hanging over the eye, bushy eyebrows, buck teeth showing, shape of the lips, facial hair, and so on.

In the end, there's no other way, really.

>> No.1581378
File: 43 KB, 661x940, 1383690210552.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not correct but a starting point.

>> No.1581379

amazing anon. can you redline mine as well anon?

Its the one with the dual sword girl. from Attack on Titan.

inb4 / not proper japan name

>> No.1581381

way to go, you turned a 3/4 view to a flat face-on, because you can't do any better.

>> No.1581442

It's a bit sad that most artists emulate the same blobface style that is popular right now, so little variety.

>> No.1581473

dunno, what do you consider a blobface?

>> No.1581475
File: 43 KB, 720x960, 1467190_10202434161525339_161628585_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys, first time posting here.. hoping for some constructive useful advice. i referred to someone elses fan art for this and i was wondering if simply copying and understanding the perspective and how to draw is any useful in learning how to draw?

>> No.1581478

a skinny impoverished face, i would guess

>> No.1581479

no, it's not. you should draw from life if possible, but otherwise use photo references. Not someone else's art, unless they're a master.

Check out the resources in the sticky, especially Drawing on The Right Side of the Brain, and Keys to Drawing.

>> No.1581480

got it, what is considered 'practice' in drawing? is it simply drawing different things until you get a natural feel of it? any particular way of practicing? i hear that drawing from memory is a good way

>> No.1581482
File: 8 KB, 259x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1581485
File: 101 KB, 1000x1400, Animu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1581486


Practice your anatomy, especially hands, and work on the face.

>> No.1581489

yeah I really suck at hands and perspective

>> No.1581493


Perspective isnt the problem here. Have you done a nude body sketch at the beginning of the drawing?

>> No.1581499

Yes I do, but I don't really know if it was right or wrong, and I always draw over it many times until I am tired and move on.

>> No.1581513

This is fucking beautiful.

>> No.1581514
File: 92 KB, 600x600, 1369323987202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, what is the best way to learn anatomy anyway? I tried Loomis and Hampton, but only a few ideas get in my head, I tend to forgot about most of the parts in book when I draw (every time I draw my bad habits of flat formless structures, perspective, hand is crippled etc... come up, I used to draw animu before I know /ic/ that's why I learned a lot of bad habits)
And I barely make any progress with my art...
Sometimes I wonder if I'm just too dumb to even understand Loomis...

>> No.1581523

You need to study up on heads, Loomis can help with that and his books can be found in the sticky. Don't use such sharp corners around the eyes.

>> No.1581524


Loomis is just a help, not the end of all things. Just practise, portray figures, until you get the feeling for it.

>> No.1581526

draw a lot from life if you can, photos if you can't and get an anatomy chart to hang on your wall, focus on working out how the parts work together to create movement, understanding the function is way more important than being able to name specific groups.

to see what i mean and learn something, why not look at 'flexors and extensors' in the forearms, get an idea of how they work, where they are, what they do and then see how that effects your drawing of a hand and forearm. you should notice that knowing about them gives you a better idea about the mass and the range of motion.

>> No.1581527

Ok I think I will start saving more reference to get out of my old mindless drawing habit.
I know drawing require a lot of thinking and analysis but when I draw I barely think.

>> No.1581530

you can try this http://www.anatomyarcade.com/games/PAM/PAM.html for fun

>> No.1581531


Yeah, practice is just essential. The more you draw certain things the more you get the feel for it.

>> No.1581532


In the context of cartooning/comics/anime, there is great value in developing your personal "same face". This represents your individual ideal for beauty, and it's likely the face you will use for your main character. The main character is who you will be drawing the most, so it is important you can draw it consistently and quickly.

This face will also be your reference point for every other type you construct. Simply describing a character as having a long face or a fat chin or a big nose is rather meaningless. Those features are *relative to the main character.* This is the same with physique. Tall, short, strong, weak, these are all relative qualities, not absolute ones.

Same face is often not a reflection of poor or limited drawing skills, but the lack of different character types. Basically, it is as much a problem of poor writing and creativity, as it is drawing. In a harem anime, the girls are all attractive, and have only minimal differences aside from some well-developed tropes and accessories. A comic with a team of Superheroes has the same problem; outside of their abilities and color schemes, most of the guys are square jawed tough guys who would be hard to distinguish when not in costume.

So if you want to avoid same face, then stop drawing just pretty and young girls, or tough heroic guys. Think about your characters, who they are, what they do, how they live. Those will naturally guide your design decisions.

>> No.1581534

thanks, I will try to learn more about muscles and how they functioning
Oh wow this is awesome

>> No.1581540
File: 356 KB, 1044x2500, doesitretro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get into 80s style.

>> No.1581544

yay reminds me of er, dominion tank police.

her right hand is a bit short.

>> No.1581559
File: 23 KB, 576x372, 1383678445465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to put this as nice as I can because I suffered and still suffer from a similar mindset:

Get some initiative and help yourself. Waiting for your hero to save you isn't going get that next picture done. In drawing, you're not only improving your eyes and hands but also your critical thinking skills. Waiting for someone to point you in a direction isn't moving forward. Draw, take your hits and eat shit with it and start the next drawing. Temper yourself in that mental burden and never stop looking for resources on your own. Teal's lesson plan (Linear perspective, then Hampton with still-lifes of animu figurines) is very good for what he does and there are simple truths in it, but you're you and not him.

Become a hero for yourself.

>> No.1581561

her face is priceless, lol

>> No.1581563
File: 365 KB, 400x596, 1383255338237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's those pointy things people in old anime had just above their mouths?

>> No.1581566

is funnier when you know in japan they have a door-knob licking fetish

>> No.1581568


>> No.1581573

Remember kids, the nose knows!

>> No.1581580


That's not the proper way to use an onani hole.

>> No.1581640
File: 1.08 MB, 1159x1500, robuttcrewWIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I can't tell if that new draw thread is legit and what I do counts as cartooning, I'll post this here.

Still working on this, lineart is always the most time-consuming part.

>> No.1581659

Cool stuff, man, but it looks like the robot's about to tip onto mechanic dude.

>> No.1581678

In my mind, the big backpack/thing keeps the balance in line, wanted to make it look a little hunched.
But if that doesn't come across I'll mess with it a bit.

>> No.1581679


I think it give it an old school Toriyama feel

>> No.1581716

Just leaving this here

>> No.1581833
File: 389 KB, 831x1053, 1383774048826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily dose

>> No.1581897


Very interesting. He mentions some things that you really tend to overlook like the whole creating mirror image of an eye and such.

>> No.1581899

dem dykes. Soften up dem chins

>> No.1581986
File: 315 KB, 1059x821, figurepractice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been practicing figures from imagination... how am i doing?

>> No.1581996
File: 796 KB, 320x286, 1382779841826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kind of symbolized, stiff and boring.

Look into how to utilize line width, it would help.

Also I'm realizing I've been drawing eyes wrong by mirroring them

So how rustle draws them, is that more correct?

>> No.1581997

post best work in this thread.. someone post a shitty gif implying it's terrible.

stay classy /ic/

also listen to him. he made some good points.

>> No.1581999

this ain't me bitch, dont make me bring out the trips

>> No.1582000




>> No.1582002

Oh, /ic/ don't ever change :3

>> No.1582003

i can't tell if you constructed the poses or not. You should do it. you seem to get lost into small areas. Hands, faces, feet.. An eye here, an eye there. you forget to look at the whole. Proportion, mass, perspective, and anatomy are all missing. try to take breaks more often, flip the canvas more often. definitely take advantage of constructing with shapes and action lines more. I think you're at the point where if you recognized your faults you could fix them if you tried and tried.

>> No.1582008


Would you have preferred it if I told him to Loomis instead?

>> No.1582187
File: 1.25 MB, 1745x2865, 20131107_013208-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese dragon

>> No.1582225

Making a little comic, critique is appreciated.

>> No.1582228
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, youtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do I always forget the fucking picture

>> No.1582231

>Chickenscratchy lines
>no perspective
>empty room
>huge white space
Keep trying anon

>> No.1582233
File: 603 KB, 2481x3508, IMG_0019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a project

>> No.1582239
File: 734 KB, 2481x3800, IMG_0018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[hues interenally]

>> No.1582254

That white space was ment for other panels

>> No.1582359

I like your lines. They are living. Especially on the second figure. Go practice feet, it looks like you don't know a lot about them. Same with knees and the whole leg. Also, break the habit of adding muscles, if don't know their correct connection\place.

>> No.1582472

New thread?

>> No.1582654

The folds in the clothes, both her shirt especially under her breasts and pants from the knees down look unnatural. It's the same with her boots as well. Not sure if the hairline should be that high, but I suppose that's an aesthetic choice.

Gonna agree with this guy. It looks visually very appealing though.

Her feet doesn't look like they're in a proper position to balance the character in that particular stance.

Same problem but this character is also leaning reaaaally far back. She looks too tall as well and the folds of the clothes aren't convincing or flowing correctly especially on her arms.