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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 98 KB, 403x500, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1424208 No.1424208 [Reply] [Original]

Progress thread?
Progress thread.

>> No.1424219

Did you paint that in Smarch?

>> No.1424237

Dude, you are an idiot..

>> No.1424248

Nice rendering and observational skills progress. Are you focusing on values now? Have you done any study in color recently?

>> No.1424255
File: 944 KB, 1263x2010, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1424256

>Posting pictures where there's a one day difference in between and expecting there to be any discernible progress

Sorry to tell you this bro, but I don't see any progress. You're still making the same mistakes you made 3 months ago.

>> No.1424257

Thanks. I am going to go into colour soon when I am able to understand value better. Other than a few environment studies I have not done much in colour.

>> No.1424259

Then please do point them out, I cannot learn otherwise.

>> No.1424261

which of these are from photos?

>> No.1424264

Soon in this thread: 30 charts and not a single one showing progress in drawing from imagination.

>> No.1424266


You're still using black to shade, your values are flat leaving the image looking flat, uh you still don't know how to properly draw eyes, your proportions are still way off, you seem to not care about rendering hair at all, no progress because you did two different portraits, if you wanted to show it, you'd redo the same ones you did from 3 months ago to see if you learned something new.

>> No.1424272

lets call this the no progress at all thread :3

>> No.1424285

Show us your progress, yes?

I would post my pictures, but I am afraid I would only pester /ic/ some more with them :3

>> No.1424289

Thank you, much more helpful.

>> No.1424290
File: 282 KB, 1468x1500, 1progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that I could have progressed more but I don't regret going at my own pace, it's been very rewarding so far.

But that happens only because people aren't happy with what they put out from their imagination, studies are important but the real progress can be seen from what you can extract from your mind purely. It's where everything comes togethor.

Push yourself harder! Try doing a still life study tommorow of something simple, push it as far as you can form wise and then try again

>> No.1424297
File: 634 KB, 1400x800, progress copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well due to some anon complain about imagination vs study, I will include all of it here.
My imagination work does not make much sense though (Some anon suggested that but I was too lazy to fix it...).
And my landscape speed painting is still shitty...

>> No.1424298

Wasn't the figure in the top-left picture red at one point?

>> No.1424305
File: 357 KB, 1500x1500, Progress-report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this should be imagination drawing.

>> No.1424312
File: 771 KB, 450x450, ablum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was red so I wouldn't forget where I placed him

I lost two steps and I just need to finish it up but here's a progress gif of it so far

>> No.1424319

yes. if you're going to contribute anons, do it like this. clearly show what is referenced/study and what isn't. otherwise you just look like you're hiding something.

it's literally impossible to tell if you've progressed by posting an imaginative work from years ago and a study you painstakingly crafted pixel by pixel.

>> No.1424372
File: 424 KB, 1800x850, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried doing some landscapes and other illustrations, but imho my portraits have turned out better than those.

>> No.1424389
File: 1.05 MB, 1119x1000, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really less then a year, lost most of my other stuff.
Basically did loads of studies. Took a small break, then did a load of other shit, much more slowly however, very busy atm.

>> No.1424431

I think it looked better with the rocks and stuff on the side

>> No.1424460

Bottom caricature are reminiscent of Ralph Steadman's stuff, nice.

>> No.1424463

Looks like a lot of dick waving.

>> No.1424464
File: 1.75 MB, 846x2724, myprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my art has always been the best since its my own style but ill post it anyway.

>> No.1424475
File: 871 KB, 900x489, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all gesture drawings from the same website

>> No.1424504

are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.1424505

aw it's okay i know that not everyone can stack up, you'll get there some day.

>> No.1424511

linku prease

>> No.1424527


>I simply can't troll hard enough

>> No.1424529
File: 208 KB, 398x443, 1290201135471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1424548
File: 1.07 MB, 1289x649, IMAGINATION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both from imagination

I'm still shit without reference, but thank you based Burne Hogarth for helping me get better

>> No.1424558


Does Inu Yasha have tits too? They're kind of like granny tits.

>> No.1424559

2011 was your peak

You should go back to that

>> No.1424570

muh loomis
muh burne hogarth

>> No.1424586
File: 145 KB, 800x600, comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

balls. just four more months until i can focus on art, or that's what I keep telling myself.

>> No.1424595

Wow I'm extremely impressed by your progress, is that a study?

>> No.1424601
File: 357 KB, 1000x716, 1358607633631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1424605


>> No.1424606
File: 323 KB, 1882x837, 1365130649600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1424611

Wow I really like the one with the birds. I would pay for a big ass print.

>> No.1424636

Thank you! And yeah it is, so it should be taken with a grain of salt for sure.

>> No.1424640

think so? maybe its all the colour, I should do more of that these days
thanks man, that one struck a cord with a lot of people for some reason

>> No.1424649


>> No.1424650


brb killing myself

>> No.1424658

hey babs

>> No.1424704
File: 121 KB, 809x794, sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1424719

babs... as in babsunik?

>> No.1424769

I fear my work is too much so.
Trying to add to my inspirations to make my work look less like his, I don't want to become a cheap copy.

>> No.1424770

I love how you've improved proportions, but at the same time made it more expressive.
My work is far too stiff, anything that helped you make it so flowing?

>> No.1424792

>emoticons everywhere
How can you write that? Also, all those years drawing and there is no change at all.

>> No.1424818

You, or the guy that draw this because you are probably trolling have probably not studied anything for even an hour. Start studying or expect 8 more years of shityness.

>> No.1424820

When I sketch from imagination, I always forget everything I've studied. It's really frustrating.

>> No.1424844
File: 378 KB, 800x600, gfdgfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry ok

>> No.1424934

yesyesyes..keep drawing in your safe zones baby. Don't become my competition

>> No.1424940

Not sure if complement or not...
Also trying to expand my range. SO GET READY KIDOO.

>> No.1424952
File: 1.07 MB, 1276x3658, progress-year-smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This years work

>> No.1424959

I'm confused, what's first and what's last?

>> No.1424962
File: 472 KB, 600x2840, review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about the huge size

>> No.1424964

First starts at bottom and goes to more recent towards the top, or do you mean I haven't made progress?

>> No.1424971

Loving this years work, keep it up

>> No.1424987
File: 164 KB, 883x1003, Frans Hals - Singing boy with flute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My art
>Anime/Manga plastic-like and extremely cartoonish characters

I cannot simply wonder enough at the definition some give to art and although I'm quite sure anon here isn't the creator of those, it makes me sad that there are people out there who believe that the crap they are doing is true art.

>> No.1425031


not that guy but you have made progress. It's just usually the newer stuff is towards the bottom, it kind of threw me off at first as well. I like that you're starting to use your values more, the early stuff is very flat and washed out. Keep it up

>> No.1425038

Thanks, I've been trying pretty hard so its good to know I'm going in the right direction. What do you think I need to improve on the most however?

>> No.1425083


Do you have a tumblr?

>> No.1425121

not that guy, but I'd say anatomy and proportions.

>> No.1425130


On top of this start pushing yourself a bit more. Try to do full figures and start constructing things from imagination as most of your work seems to be studies at the moment.

>> No.1425142

Ok, thanks a lot for the criticism

>> No.1425307
File: 384 KB, 900x800, istillsuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at this thread made me want to dig up my old stuff. I had stupid bullshit from way earlier but that was before any kind of figure drawing classes so I thought that was pointless. According to the pages before and after the left one was done in April 2012, crap from imagination. The other is from this afternoon, I tried to test my knowledge since I just started studying anatomy and while the whole thing is still garbage on many levels I can tell the studying is paying off so I'm content. I'm actually pretty surprised at my improvement, the difference is noticeable on paper but it certainly doesn't feel like it in my mind, I still feel as shitty today as I did back then.

>> No.1425343

nope but i have pixiv http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=304834

>> No.1425346

She has the torso of a male Neanderthal

>> No.1425355

Thanks, and well I do a lot of gesture drawing and have a habit of just practicing lines mindlessly, varying line weights with straights, s/c curves, t connections, and ellipses, etc. until the page is filled up completely.

>> No.1425362
File: 138 KB, 622x309, wilfredryanrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you've been drawing for 30 minutes a day every day this year
>don't think you're making any progress

>> No.1425363
File: 213 KB, 323x323, 1308279046024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you think 30 minutes is a sufficient length for a drawing session.

>> No.1425370


It's 30 minutes longer than I used to draw. Should I bump it up to an hour?

>> No.1425375
File: 133 KB, 325x265, Happy-Smiling-Animals-013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thirty minutes a day?!


4 hours if you want to actually make progress.

>> No.1425379

oh yes please let's have another thread were people grossly exaggerate the amount of time they spend on art per day.

telling someone they NEED to spend 4 hours a day every day drawing to make any progress is downright disingenuous.

>> No.1425384

30 minutes can be used to make progress if you are constantly drawing new and challenging things.

while 4 hours a day would lead to a much quicker progress, its hardly the minimum requirement.

>> No.1425386
File: 18 KB, 186x219, 1336150963991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Depends how badly you want to improve honestly. An hour a day is alright if you're just doing it casually. If you're doing nothing but stuff from imagination then that could also be why. Balance studies/references with imagination stuff to maximize improvement. I did nothing but stuff from imagination at first, then after that nothing but studies for like 4 hours a day almost every day and even when I wasn't drawing I'd look at things in real life and pretend to 'draw' them thinking about how to construct them. It became like a sickness to the point where I eventually burnt myself out and drew absolutely nothing since December till sometime last month. Now I'm just getting back in the game and balancing studies with imagination stuff and drawing from life.

The key is to think about what you're drawing and why. This is more important than how many hours a day you spend, mindless copying will get you nowhere fast. Even Vilppu says drawing is essentially 'visual thinking'. The important thing here is to not compare yourself to other people since everyone learns at a different pace. That type of thinking is downright detrimental to the learning process.

I'm this guy >>1425307 if that matters at all.

>> No.1425393

>oh yes please let's have another thread were people grossly exaggerate the amount of time they spend on art per day.
>telling someone they NEED to spend 4 hours a day every day drawing to make any progress is downright disingenuous.

Why? That's how much on average I use up on drawing and painting, unless it's my day off, in which case I spend about 8 or 9 hours on it. What is unfeasible about that level of work?

>> No.1425412

>haha total pleb i spend 12 hours even with school and work, and 25 hours on my days off! get on my level!

post what kind of work all that supposed practice leads to or shut up.

>> No.1425434
File: 10 KB, 300x300, futuramafry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if that's was your saying you practice or are mocking what I said considering I don't think you could actually sleep with such a schedule.
But I'm supposed to post my work so a little twat schoolchild like you can insult it? Hmmm tempting....

What really matters is that if you really want to improve you'll need to work at for several hours a day.

>> No.1425437

No you don't. You can improve with less. You'll just improve more slowly. If you're in a big hurry, like if you're trying to become a professional artist, then yeah, practice your ass off. But if it's just a hobby, there's really no rush.

>> No.1425444

you misunderstand me, perhaps intentionally.

i'm making fun of you for lying on an imageboard about how much time a day you spend working constructively on your art, while insinuating that the main purpose for such a misrepresentation is participation in an internet dick waving competition with a bunch of other sweaty neckbeards who all together spend what would be considered by most a disproportionate amount of time on said imageboard. further more, i go on the claim that such wanton dick waving is nothing more than a ruse meant to increase the rusemen's own e-penis without actually putting any substance behind his claims.

i would under no circumstances insult your work if it was truly of a caliber fitting of the amount of time you profess to work on it, and encourage you to share it with us or be called bullshit upon by default.

>> No.1425454

Fuck you.

>> No.1425460

this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.1425464
File: 17 KB, 350x392, 1265335668168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't actually write this: >>1425454
but those are my feeling towards your dumb-ass response.
The original person was complaining that they're not improving like they want but that they're only working at it thirty minutes a day, to which I responded that you realistically need to work at art for hours everyday if you want to realistically improve--that's not dick waving you stupid cunt, that's reality: go on and ask any professional artist how much on a daily basis they spent honing their craft to get where they are and they'll most definitely say at least 4 hours a day if not more.
Also why do you assume everyone in here are is here all the time; this is my first time here in a week.

>> No.1425465
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 112736463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you too.

>> No.1425471

telling someone to mindlessly go off of draw for 4 hours a day is only going to lead to their becoming burnt out and frustrated, and the lack of direction provided by your initial post plus the obvious overtones of one-upmanship in your second led me to believe that you could care less about helping others improve.

>Also why do you assume everyone in here are is here all the time
because every time one of those "HOW MUCH DO U ART PER DAY, /ic/??" threads comes up, it seems like if the people who respond with "oh 6-8 hours is my usual" were actually spending at least half that time on art, the overall quality level of /ic/'s posting base wouldn't be where it is (there are like 2 or 3 people on /ic/ that actually know what they're doing and post helpful redlines/paintovers).

as for why i assumed that this was the case with you specifically, your argumentation skills and general level of self-awareness are about that of a 15 year old's, and i couldn't really imagine someone at that level being able to focus on a single activity for more than an hour or so per day.

>> No.1425477
File: 130 KB, 2430x206, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I've... progressed a lot.
The last six are from the two months, I've progressed so much in just two months.
The first one is from about a year and a half/two years ago.

>> No.1425481
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, 1312161290550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering guys like Dave Rapoza learned by working at their craft 12 hours a day most every day me claiming 4 hours a day isn't a whole lot of dick waving.

>telling someone to mindlessly go off of draw for 4 hours a day is only going to lead to their becoming burnt out and frustrated, and the lack of direction provided by your initial post plus the obvious overtones of one-upmanship in your second led me to believe that you could care less about helping others improve.

Having him continue to work at it for only a half hour a day is only going to make him think that he's useless at art because he can't seem to progress. I'm sure that he'll survive, somehow, working more than 30 minutes a day.

I've never seen a how much do u art per day thread so I wouldn't know. Also those guys who said 6-8 hours a day could be pros who (s)troll through here on their down-time.

>as for why i assumed that this was the case with you specifically, your argumentation skills and general level of self-awareness are about that of a 15 year old's, and i couldn't really imagine someone at that level being able to focus on a single activity for more than an hour or so per day.

Ohhh he got me right deep-down in my 15 year-old soul! Oh you're such a bad-ass! Fuck off you shitty anime tool.

>> No.1425484
File: 336 KB, 615x517, 131267242412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off you shitty anime tool.
more of that 15 year old business i mentioned earlier.

>> No.1425492
File: 1.51 MB, 850x2180, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like im doing something wrong

>> No.1425502

>i feel like im doing something wrong

i know you're doing something wrong

>> No.1425517

I thought about making one of these, but as I rummage through my stuff I realize, I've destroyed everything before I became an Alcoholic. I only have fragments of old pictures and one old sketchbook from highschool that irks me everytime I see it. I've made progress through the years but I've let so many things get in the way... depression, alcohol, self doubt, self loathing, self abuse. The worst thing is, art is all I got and I'm not even very good at it, and though I've been trying to much harder this time around, straight A's in my art classes, visible improvement in my technique, A sudden nack for 3D animation and modelling that I never knew I had... I still despise my work, and still continue to want to destroy it. Its a compulsion, my friends made me post my art online in an attempt to prevent me from destroying it, but I still do... I can't help it. I envy all of you, your ability, your strength to keep going, its admirable, I hope to one day have that sort of drive.

How do you guys deal with the self loathing... I'm always told I'm the most self loathing human being on the planet, there has to be someone else who has the same problem as I do.

>> No.1425519

>depression, alcohol, self doubt, self loathing, self abuse
Therapy and meds. Your problem is a mental health one, not an art one. You need to talk to people who's profession is treating those ailments, not to artists on the internet.

>> No.1425521

>How do you guys deal with the self loathing...

Me? Well I drink! Hahaha...

But seriously, I have a different relationship with alcohol than you seem to. I don't drink to escape problems, I drink to help allay my anxieties so as to confront and overcome my problems thus dealing with my self-loathing.

It's not just alcohol though, I had to have a mental shift and attitude change. I'd wager you have more demons than just hating your artwork, which will require some soul searching and maybe a lil' something to help you out. As another put it:

>Therapy and meds

>> No.1425523

> first time on this board
> this thread

>> No.1425533

I apologize for the whole /ic/, nigger.

>> No.1425540

>suddenly 2010


>> No.1425541
File: 1.72 MB, 1800x1155, 2011 was 2 years ago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that mystical transition

>> No.1425642

So you just... gave up, huh?

>> No.1425646

>transition from imaginary to referenced
>all men
are you gay?

>> No.1425658

Welp roughly a third of it isn't referenced and also I am a straight female.

>> No.1425666

how long did it take you to paint some one the last few pictures ?

>> No.1425667

>look at me im a GIRL

>> No.1425673

People are ignoring mine
That makes me a bit sad
Would like to see what im doing wrong

>> No.1425674

oh right thats because i barely draw and i deleted them all due to shame
Those are all that are left

>> No.1425675


> Look at me, I'm saging

>> No.1425676

My statement was clearly relevant to the poster's question, I didn't just randomly include it for attention. Go back to r9k.

>> No.1425680

how so? i think my interests in art are just changing

>> No.1425751
File: 2.58 MB, 1948x4116, gjng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my progress. only stuff from imagination

>> No.1425757

> intrests in art
>tumblrcore eyes and neon colorz
> no progress since 2010, no change in subject ever
>interests are changing

>> No.1425771
File: 578 KB, 1044x685, haaands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one on the left is one month ago, the right is from 5 days ago

>> No.1425780
File: 1000 KB, 1102x3150, lprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing since 2010 but I haven't really done any finished pieces in that early period. Makes me wonder what the hell have I been doing for those two years.

>> No.1425784

So I see you started doing drugs in 2012...

>> No.1425787

wait, are these pics from 2013 suppossed to be "finished"? because they are not

>> No.1425798

The last three aren't quite finished in terms of details, but the composition and the 'big picture' are done.

>> No.1425820

is this guy serious?

>> No.1425823

>muh style

LOL, just LOL

>> No.1425844

>tumblrcore eyes and neon colorz
yes I draw eyes a lot, but I enjoy doing them and don't mind the common theme. And I don't see any neon colorz in that progress picture since 2011, but I am studying more now about colour theory from school
> no progress since 2010, no change in subject ever
well I beg to differ but thats your opinion. I feel like I've progressed in terms of composition and structure, as well as working in mediums other than pencil
haha well...

>> No.1425860

usually about a day or two from scratch

>> No.1425872

>tfw haven't improved in 6 years

>> No.1425876


>> No.1425887


Yes, stop stealing shit that is not yours.

>> No.1425924

Although it is still obviously counted as progressing, I always believe that people take their, let's say, worst piece of work from a few months back and compare it to their current 'best'.

>> No.1425946

>Always drew throughout highschool
>didn't take it seriously
>only took 2 art classes
>go to college for graphic design
>get into actual drawing classes
>develop a hard on for observational drawing
>might switch major to drawing
made this tumblr at the start of the semester. progress.

>> No.1425952


although you've made a lot of progress even in the last two months, you need to do more still lifes. set up easy ones then go challenging.

>> No.1425969

Wow thats some dark shit

>> No.1425978

I've done a SHITTON of still lives in the meantime. This is just a portion of my work since starting. I also love to draw still lives. I just don't post them. All of that fucked perspective work is because I don't use a ruler when i draw for fun. I've known how to map out perspective since 8th grade.

>> No.1426015

What happened to you between 2010 and 2011

>> No.1426018


gavin and barbara?

>> No.1426020


I rike it anon, keep at it

>> No.1426023

Where do you go to school?

>> No.1426060

I actually LIKE your style. You are still a beginner but I am sure that you will be able to produce some beautiful paintings in some years. I can't wait!

>> No.1426331
File: 1.67 MB, 850x2794, 05_13_IMPROVEMENT_MEME_TEMP_by_Kamaniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put this together a moment ago.

>> No.1426518
File: 38 KB, 328x353, 87978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a darkness inside of you...its beautiful.

>> No.1426524
File: 37 KB, 614x604, 1351950110693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1426538

I spy the THUNDER THIGHS girl in the middle on the second to last row. I remember you, I like you.

>> No.1426542
File: 237 KB, 1440x900, daft punk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone rip this guy off to pass college

>> No.1426556

>samefagging this hard

>> No.1426785

What the other anon said, but also pay close attention to the structure and volume as well. Keep at it nigger.

>> No.1426803

My nigga

>> No.1426813


>stating what you think you improved on

>> No.1426844
File: 2.10 MB, 600x2123, improvingandshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been calling these templates 'memes' on dA for as long as I can remember.

>> No.1426865


>> No.1426876
File: 9 KB, 360x480, cruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did this and realized im really bad at this so i decided i didnt wana draw anymore oh well gave it shot

>> No.1426877

>one image

>> No.1426878

yup then i called it quits

>> No.1426892
File: 512 KB, 600x2000, ICProg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not getting better.
>Not getting worse.
>Time for more Hogarth.

>> No.1426894


>> No.1426902
File: 22 KB, 300x300, nicholas_cage_ap--300x300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you've never studied and are better than most on /ic/

>> No.1426905
File: 146 KB, 500x500, whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no proof

read this >>1426894

>> No.1426906

Where is your superior work? I only see a face of Nicolas Cage.

>> No.1426911
File: 389 KB, 780x1000, prog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I'd throw up some prog. Haven't been on this board in like...3 years idfk.

Nov12 and last week's painting studies. :/

>> No.1426918

post stuff from imagination bro

>> No.1426922
File: 198 KB, 443x620, aghdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh all I got is this at the mo. Finished it last night. I'd have to look around my files to make an imagination progress pic. (protip: it's shite)

>> No.1426940

>scrupulously clean fork and knife

>> No.1427074
File: 7 KB, 127x131, HILLARYSTOPIT3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's obviously used his mouth.

>> No.1427172
File: 1.54 MB, 900x1125, asadsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never finish anything.. I guess there's a slight progress but I don't feel like I'm improving at all >_>

>> No.1427217

There's no progress. You're right. Try harder.

>> No.1427389
File: 396 KB, 2871x949, progresscc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started taking practise seriously. Then this happened

>> No.1427410

What happened? you took some time and finished a study?

>> No.1427445

The man is obviously making real progress, why bash his confidence like that? Nutt'n' but jelly

>> No.1427448

>why bash his confidence
that didn't really seem like his intention.
you are either projecting or the artist himself and just overly defensive.

>> No.1427699

Not bashing anything. It obviously looks really good, but if you look at the thumbnails, they look nearly identical, so the hard work, getting the values and colors right was already at a decent level before. Taking an image and refining it and then comparing it to the early block-in stage is hardly a way to measure your overall progress.

>> No.1427754

Oh wow you drew the 2012 polka dot guy? I saved that long time ago cause I thought it was pretty interesting.

>> No.1427761
File: 2.60 MB, 4085x5000, 111_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 years of the same, no finished works ( ◞‸◟)

also very huge filesize.

>> No.1427768

-start working on your accuracy now. do gesture drawings and start to put more thoughts in each line you draw.
-always make continuous lines instead of chicken scratching.
-when you draw animu bodies, try to simplify more.

just try to focus on drawing slow and with CONCENTRATION. this will help your accuracy.
if you don't, you will hit your limit very soon. you probably are already stagnating.

do more illustrations, and always try to push your illustrations as far as you can possibly go. and finish them.
i'm telling you this because i am a similar type, someone who experiments a lot.
but every now and then, you need to sit down and concentrate on ONE piece until it's completely finished and presentable.

>> No.1427770

Even if you think your drawings suck, you're my hero.

>> No.1427772

I'll mend my chicken scratch habit and I guess I should really try to do finished illustration.

I don't want to simply my animu bodies though as I am aiming somewhat similar to berserk or vinland and etc.

thanks for the advice bro.

thankee ´‿`

>> No.1427777

This advice is helping me too, jood job and thank you

>> No.1427790
File: 568 KB, 1372x1127, Untitled-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st time posting in /ic/
Only because i'm relatively comfortable with my progress...

>> No.1427800

Instead of doing these vague, open landscapes, try really learning perspective and try painting something with more structure. Nobody really wants these type of bland, open environments, especially with this quality out there. Painting technique doesn't improve much either, and I actually prefer the first one since it doesn't try to hide the weak parts in the painting. In the second one, you might as well cover the whole canvas with solid grey.

>> No.1427802

Ty, I'll try follow your advice, you make some good points

>> No.1427803

Start learning about values as it can strengthen your painting and composition as a whole. They all feel very flat from what I can see here. Also, try to do more finished works, and step out of that comfort zone of producing half-assed animu characters. I don't mind animu, but you should do more. Colors sucks too as they feel random and incoherent, and you can explore this more.

The way you draw the body, you have that really clumsy style that western animu artist tend to gravitate to for whatever reason that I find unattractive. But that's just my personal opinion. They look unnatural and doesn't feel sexy or sensual, if that's what you aiming for in some of your drawings.. I blame the lack of drawing from models, and too much focus on constructive anatomy.

>> No.1427810

I'll do what you suggest.

> I blame the lack of drawing from models, and too much focus on constructive anatomy.
you got me.

thanks for the advice as well.

>> No.1427879

>The way you draw the body, you have that really clumsy style that western animu artist tend to gravitate to for whatever reason that I find unattractive. They look unnatural and doesn't feel sexy or sensual, if that's what you aiming for in some of your drawings.
Not him, but can you point out some specific examples? Doesn't have to be from that image.
I get the feeling I could learn something.

>> No.1427883
File: 43 KB, 960x370, 539935_10200873393738481_687925842_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my life I though I cannot draw. I don't have time to practice that much but I think I made a bit of progress since the first time I tried to draw an eye. About one year interval.

>> No.1427907

You give me hope anon

>> No.1427914


I hope you're not just drawing eyes.
You've improved a lot, no doubt, but you still have no sense of form, it looks like you're still just copying what you see rather than constructing a 3D object.

>> No.1427916

It's the way they draw and exaggerate certain parts, normally the female form. It's common knowledge that animu style takes it's cue on how to draw their anatomy from real life, so they mostly have somewhat realistic proportions and look. But currently, I found that they will try to streamline the design of the body mostly, save for maybe some hentai style that really exaggerates the sexual parts.

For western animu, they still try to make it somewhat realistic in terms of proportions and look, but the way they exaggerate or stylize looks clunky, and sometimes even cartoony. One of the examples is how they portray the body proportion. They tend to exaggerate the mid thighs and the shoulders, but decrease the size of the waist. They feel that this is the way to draw an idealized female figure, but sometimes they might exaggerate it a bit too much and as a result, they mostly look like they're from the 90's. This might also be caused by the abundance of japanese How to Draw Manga books (or howtodrawmanga.com Julie Dillon) that is present in that time which teaches this and makes their work lack variety in terms of look and style. It also doesn't help that the figures are stiff, and a bit too formulaic. Age might also be a factor, considering the climate of the animu market while they're growing up. About being stiff or formulaic, for example, when sitting down, you could expect the bottom of the butt and thigh to flatten, the fat dispersed, and maybe some indicated skin folds. These western animu guys will tend to draw them the way they are taught how, and be very static with their figure. They will draw these figure made from ball joints and cylinders, and forget to take into account that they are supposed to depict the human body made from skin, muscles, flesh, fat, and bones, albeit stylized.

Anyway, to simplify my points, they don't know that they're supposed to stylize based on real life.

>> No.1427937

agree about everything you said

>> No.1427951

But don't be discouraged.
Just take this as a reminder and try to improve more. There's plenty of time to develop your style and to learn new things.

There are some western artists that are influenced by animu that I could recommend which might inspire you or teach you. These people are able to take these influences and turn it into something that is their own and their style looks good visually. Saskia Gutenkst, medders, Joel Jurion, Kurunya, Timmi o tool. It's also a safe bet to look for artists that are working professionally in the animation industry since they have a very good understanding of anatomy and other essential foundations, have done plenty of life drawing, and most importantly, draws very fluid and lively gestures and poses, which I personally think a good animu drawing should be about.

>> No.1428814

Don't listen to assholes. You have been making progress. Though I'm afraid you are not moving out of your comfortzone to much. Try rendering reallife objects, scenery and persons. Observe how different light impacts different objects. How dark leather with a hard surface hardly catches any light in comparison to human skin. You need to understand realism to properly lay down the foundation on a drawing from imagination from instance understanding realism, depth and color will make it MUCH easier for you to draw from imagination.

>> No.1428862
File: 586 KB, 2400x4200, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap, I'm late in the game for this. Anyways this is my progress. I didn't put any of my 30 sec gesture drawings cause I have a ton of those and I wasn't sure how I was going to fit it.

>> No.1429072

Draw animu when you learn how to draw. Stylization is dangerous to the student.

>> No.1429127

indeed it is my good sir! How come basically nearly everyone on /ic/ has the same mindset as myself? That feel when with likeminded for the first time in waywayway to long. The Countryside is not filled with aspiring digital artist's like myself. Big Love to you /ic/

>> No.1429143
File: 51 KB, 450x532, IS THAT SO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1431295
File: 72 KB, 960x720, 44386_10200908920866637_956124846_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1431339
File: 2.71 MB, 2293x4615, contribootin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had more stuff but got bored of looking at my old shit on dA... So yeah, this is me... Thoughts?

>> No.1431343

Stop relying too much on reference. It should be used to enhance your work. Right now it feels like if you have no references, you couldn't produce anything worthwhile. Don't be bounded too much and just draw what you want.

>> No.1431345

That's the direction I've started heading in. I'm working on doing images with dynamism and excitement, as well as interesting lighting and creating subject matter, perspective and poses without reference. My art has always been bland and it's been hard to grab peoples interest, so I'm making the most of my sudden spurt of motivation and doing my best to improve greatly.

>> No.1431346

you need to study dude. these are somewhat polished, but they are all so wonky.

>> No.1431347
File: 1.86 MB, 2732x1536, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noted, as I said, I'm working on improvement double-time at the moment. In-fact, while I'm here, feedback on the base sketch of my latest piece?

>> No.1431349

But what you're doing right now is just mostly copying photos and adding random brush effects and garish colors on top. Is this really the direction you want to take your art?

>> No.1431351

I just said, I'm taking my art out of that direction... The latest piece I did on that progress sheet is the one with the stag, nothing on there was referenced except the stag's face for proportionality... It's not the best of pieces, but it's a start...

>> No.1431355
File: 633 KB, 2006x1228, 002lqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I strated out more or less a year ago

>> No.1431370

not bad anon

>> No.1431374

thank you,
I'm trying to improve, I tend to work too light out of fear I make it too dark, but then again my scanner makes it lighter...

>> No.1431385

I know that feel. Keep at it, you clearly have a good improvement curve going here.

>> No.1431404
File: 408 KB, 846x2215, progstuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk wtf happened in 2012.

that's some nice progress, keep it up!

>> No.1431406

thanks and do you use any refs?

>> No.1431408

only on the apple and the lady in the bottom left

>> No.1431410
File: 796 KB, 850x2180, improve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I've always put doing one of these off, Done it now though.

My progress/improvement, if any, from 2011.

>> No.1431437

The thing you're working on at the moment looks amazing, do you have a site or something where I can check out the finished piece?

>> No.1431439

...are you being serious? I have never been asked that in my life posting on here!

If you are being serious I have a deviant art and a tumblr but no specific site. I don't upload much to either really and the one I'm working on, well that's all you're going to see unless the band that's commissioned me don't want it.

>> No.1431444

Yeah, I'm the guy from a couple posts back who uses reference too much... I'm pretty new to /ic/ and I appreciate when somebody is showing improvement... I really like the concept and design... and I also like Antlers haha... So yeah, I think it's pretty cool, we can swap dA's/websites if you like?

>> No.1431447

Wow, uhm okay I suppose there's a 1st for everything. My DA is http://chaotink.deviantart.com/

Like I said I don't update often, as I don't completely finish drawings most of the time as I get bored with them quite easy unless I have to and I never see the point in putting up half done things onto my DA

>> No.1431450

alright, my dA is... well, check your notifications, and my blog is thedbltapDOTblogspotDOTcom

>> No.1431458

I like it. I just think you need to focus less on creating a style and just keep drawing and it will develop. You seem to jumping all around the place. Maybe thats not a bad thing now I think about it. Keep it up.

>> No.1431462

You have a deviantart or something?

>> No.1431465

I used to draw a lot of anime when I was 13/14 and now 10 years later it's still quite hard to shake off. Let that be a lesson to people eh?

But yes, I have read loomis and watched the villipu things, been to art college and such, I feel that I have taken on my teachings and I can apply them I'm still a bit shaky but I stopped drawing for a long time. I don't know how to 'style' though, I know it's something that comes naturally but as far as finding that voice, it's pretty difficult.

>> No.1431588
File: 681 KB, 1325x415, Untitled-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no improvement

>> No.1431598

You somehow managed to get worse.

>> No.1431649

self portrait study 4 months apart after intense studies. Sadly drawing has taken a backseat for the time being.

>> No.1431650
File: 228 KB, 2048x1536, 242635_224324184251401_7985379_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oops. heres the pic.

>> No.1431663


>> No.1431682
File: 340 KB, 792x1648, year's progress 2012-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda disappointing

>> No.1431735

not sure how much time you've been devoting but I'd say you've made decent progress. Gotta start blending those block-ins though.

>> No.1431746

you got a secks change?

>> No.1431749
File: 448 KB, 1093x789, paintwip3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossposting; Worked on this until i fell asleep yesterday and I just woke up so I'm about to get back to work on it. It's a self portrait study of a photo I took in harajuku in january. I'm really really new to painting and struggle a lot outside the realm of lineart illustration so this has been a big challenge for me.
Any comments, praise or concerns are much appreciated.

>> No.1431750
File: 1.59 MB, 2530x3173, Still life 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow i legit thought someone had stolen my work for a moment there, lol'd hard when i realised you hadn't.

>> No.1431751
File: 11 KB, 243x296, HEH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a small town nigga
>livin' in a minecraft world

>> No.1431759

I actually know this chick and I'm 99% sure you're not her. Rude much?

>> No.1431813
File: 1.96 MB, 2550x3503, 0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished this and my god the scanner ruins quality and contrast...
any opinions?

>> No.1431867

Sorry, what's that on her head? Looks strange.

>> No.1431878

she has this coat with a huge hood, it's folded back over her hair here

>> No.1431886

Oh well, I thought so. It has this thick line, maybe you could tone it down. I like the portrait overall.

>> No.1431887
File: 665 KB, 960x1280, K-15810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my work in 2011 and..

>> No.1431889
File: 223 KB, 960x1280, Woody Allen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. and this was my work in 2012.

>> No.1431890

This is something I did this week.

>> No.1431896

so you did nothing, shame on you

>> No.1431898

i smell art school

>> No.1431907

I know this is odd to add, but this is my American Beatbox Championship entry. Please view and enjoy!

>> No.1431939


>> No.1431957

>using references

Unless you can draw it from imagination, it's not progress.

>> No.1431968

If he has had trouble refining before he did real practice its a good step forward but you are correct about the overall shapes and values.

>> No.1432018

If you are talking about just studies, sure, that's true, but being able to make good use of reference in your personal work is a very important skill to learn and doesn't take anything away from your improvement.

>> No.1432035

I see you're channeling the spirits of Dali and Escher, and they're having a punch-up.

>> No.1432049

8 years of progress and didn't learn the first thing about anatomy. The only thing that improved is the number of photoshop filters used.

>> No.1432221

thanks for the reply anon, I agree about what you said for the comfort zone and the other stuff, I'll see what I can do c:

I haven't been drawing much recently so I guess you're right too

>> No.1434190
File: 21 KB, 230x310, fukoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are my idol.
I can't believe you advanced that much in two years. I CANT.

>> No.1434227
File: 397 KB, 1508x1017, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years later, still avoiding feet

oh, all from imagination

>> No.1434229

Why the perverted drawings?

>> No.1434234

Latest one was for a thing on the /vg/ drawthread, but yeah I am kinda perverted I guess. Might be one of those comfort zone things.

>> No.1434292
File: 2.39 MB, 2000x1063, shamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making this has made me realize how much I've stagnated. Very distressing.

>> No.1434293

I'm seing this so often people do glorious studies but when they apply it, it looks really bad. is it that difficult to draw from imagination?

>> No.1434296

Lovely work.

>> No.1434317
File: 411 KB, 1000x1116, compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1434323

And still only able to draw half naked retarded looking elves, fuck off kid

>> No.1434330

this is only my digital stuff, i've done less and less of it in the past few years because I don't enjoy it as much as traditional methods. Apart from glitch work/photography.

>> No.1434333
File: 1.67 MB, 2500x1843, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets try that again

>> No.1434351

Wow, great improvement, and it looks like work from imagination too!

>> No.1434357
File: 2.03 MB, 2000x1228, zzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1434371

>draws dark depressing stuff
>estonian flag in upper right corner drawing
Everything is clear now.

>> No.1434396

I love the portrait from 2012. I hope you didn't leave realism behind. You should do both.

>> No.1434398

Do you intentionally make sure all your drawings lack shade and try to make them look flat on purpose?

It seems that way.

>> No.1434400

Of course it is.

Everything is better with a reference. Even people who draw from imagination more often than not will use a reference for different parts of the drawing.

>> No.1434440

You got worse in 2013, lol

>> No.1434441
File: 431 KB, 1000x1286, progress2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-progress 2013? trying to into perspective

>> No.1434483
File: 893 KB, 1042x4200, killmyself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm basically the most pathetic artist alive except now I'm completely aware of it

>> No.1434485

>im so horrible
>pity me, i need your pity and attention

>> No.1434486

holy shit man is facetious a word??? idk if it was i wonder what it would mean fuk who knows

>> No.1434489


>> No.1434522

>is facetious a word?
>i don't know man = i wasn't trying to offend you
so discreet
work on you self-deprecating defense mechanism, kid. it's not healthy

>> No.1434556

I'm literally so in love with myself that it negatively affects most of my day to day dynamics. I was havin a laugh m8

>> No.1434592

That's some very slow improvement bro

>> No.1434611


You were ok in 2011 though.
Try and get that back.

>> No.1434615


>> No.1434821

I remember you! I thought that original drawing was of Joan Crawford. You have improved, but I'd still sugges working on anatomy studies.

>> No.1434823

That's a nice Sansa. I don't like anything else.

>> No.1434825

Love the soldiers, Adventure Time sucks, I like your realism

>> No.1434826

How old are you

>> No.1436924

Lol saving everybody's working and passing it off as my own? Profit$$$$$$$$$$$$$

>> No.1438869
File: 152 KB, 866x923, 1298476596725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the progress chart of that other guy from /ic/ who improved a lot and left?
Pic semi-related, it's tehmeh's progress. The one I'm looking for has a picture of a girl with multiple arms ripping herself apart or something.

>> No.1438870

>that guy


>> No.1438873
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1808, 1349830870554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.1438874

Yes! Thanks a lot.

>> No.1438877


wonder what tehmeh's schedule was. there's no way that guy could have been working full-time

>> No.1438878

In his sketchbook he mentions he didn't get much sleep, so i'm guessing he worked his ass off.

>> No.1438884

No. That's actually really bad things to do. Look up what pros have said about them - they're gonna say it's shit.

Seriously. Go look.

>> No.1438891

i really love how people parrot things around here. You read just one thread when we talked about it and made this dogmatic statement of that? Shut up!

I know people who needs schedules to do something i know people disciplined enough that dont need schedules and i know people that are chaotic and still they draw, shut in the basement.

Everyone has different needs and because there is one concept artist who paint or draw when he wants to, that doesnt mean everyone must do the same.

>> No.1438927

You need to calm down and stop projecting. Just because someone disagrees with something you like doesn't make them a parrot. It's ic's version of calling samefag on two people that agree/disagree on something, and it's incredibly stupid.

Any schedule you use should be one you make for yourself. As you said, people are different. They have different needs, different amounts of discipline. Which is why following another's schedule is bad.

>>because there is one concept artist who paint or draw when he wants to, that doesnt mean everyone must do the same.
1. Where did you get that from? Not copying a schedule =/= drawing whenever you want.
2. It was mentioned that there are many, not just one, professionals (meaning not just concept artists but illustrators, all experienced pros) that warn against using schedules. You didn't look it up, now did you?

>> No.1438928

The point is, you should make a habit of drawing/painting more often every week as steps towards a goal instead of jumping in and following someone else's schedule that dictates what and when you draw, or for how many hours. And you need to test what you've learned in studies by doing creative work entirely from imagination. That also tells you what you need to improve on next.You also are going to need rest days for things to sink in, to recharge and gather inspiration. Schedules can't predict those, and many do not leave time for them.
/ic/ has a terrible habit of getting stuck on doing studies with schedules, hoping that that hard work at photo-studies / life studies will suddenly make them proficient at the creative work they've been neglecting. Anon deserved a warning, as not to fall into the same trap as others.

>inb4 schedule effectiveness & study vs creativity shitstorm

>> No.1438933

Are you me? Whenever I can't get the face quite right in a sketch, I just give up and draw a smiley face on it. How do I combat this, /ic/?

>> No.1438936


Shit just got /wotg/ up in here

>> No.1439445
File: 1.12 MB, 1479x1412, november 2012 to may 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top: painting from Nov. 2012, when I first started taking digital painting seriously.

Bottom: Current state of painting I'm doing for a Gnomon digital painting class.


>> No.1439479


not sure if i am being an elitist cunt (certainly possible) but i would expect more improvement

>> No.1439651

Don't worry. You are.

>> No.1439684

that last pic of the tribe woman isnt from your imagination. there was a thread on it where you had to use a study to create your own version of it.

Anyway, good prog and just blend stuff.

>> No.1439699

Your values are hurting my eyes.
So many blacks. Whyyyy

>> No.1439745

you have a tumblr?

>> No.1439992
File: 285 KB, 775x700, rewark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously doubt it's hurting your eyes, but I do agree the values need to less extreme. Someone on here did this paint-over, which I've been referencing.

Someone in /ic/ did this paint-over to play

>> No.1440005

well, i wasn't using the reference for the lighting, colours, pose, etc. so those aspects are from imagination. it's just the concept that isn't original.

or, at least, that's the way i see it.

>> No.1440035

Why put all your shit in the midground?
There is like no breathing room for the eyes.
Its all detailed shit nex to detailed shit.

>> No.1440049

I'm kind of new here, but I learned a lot from this place!

>> No.1440051
File: 150 KB, 1274x1112, study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...forgot to post the pic....

>> No.1440052

do you really think someone would do that?

>> No.1440366


jesus christ that hurt to read.

>> No.1440536

Not according to Coro, Carl Dobsky and Mike Bierek and pretty much everybody from the Next Gen Atelier (rip)