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7195476 No.7195476 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I draw a lot of hentai for fun. It's why I started learning anatomy and drawing in the first place.

It would be a dream to be a professional hentai artist and get paid to do it. When I post in draw threads, anons seem to like my stuff and I reverse image search the smut I've drawn and it shows up on a lot of reddit, forum posts, and hentai websites... However, I don't get a lot of followers to my actual accounts for it.

I was wondering about how any of you guys were able to take the patreon route or work for smut companies drawing NSFW stuff. Like I said, my main artistic motivation is to make dirty smut, it's my life's passions as both a coomer and a pencil holder

>> No.7195479

I don't do nsfw but
If your art is like the op's you should have ZERO trouble starting a patreon and twitter and just building up an audience by posting regularly and creating character polls or whatever to get interaction

>> No.7195480

Post your work

>> No.7195497

I started out as a hentai artist. It was fun and good practice. But my creativity outgrew my followers. And I never made enough money from patreon to continue.
People just want free porn and my followers got annoying to me.
I have never once received a boost from a hentai artists. So fuck them.
The state of a hentai artists in 2024 is to guilt trip followers, draw "she wants to order" "McDonald's hoe" "clown hoe" or any other forced shitty trend. Then complain about how the algorithm is repressing your content.
No personality to anything.

I'd be interested if I saw a hentai artist create their own character with a interesting story attached to the nsfw drawings.

Also followers don't care as much for regular nsfw anymore. A highly detailed picture like OP could probably help boost you. But most people that repost work will share fetish cartoony shit. Like "fat fuckers" "dragon anus" "Giantess" "foorfags" "lampshadefags" "alligatorfags" that all want your artwork for 12bucks. It's not worth it.

All of these are lazyfags that are too lazy to draw it or prompt it themselves. You should overpriced your artwork.
Why the fuck would this guy reply if he doesn't draw nsfw. Lmao.

>> No.7195504

>Why the fuck would this guy reply if he doesn't draw nsfw. Lmao.
this line throws your tales of experience into question.
do you think that posting regularly and doing things to drive interaction is not applicable advice for an nsfw artist?

>> No.7195511

Yes, I shit you not sir. Like I said, most normies don't care about your success as a nsfw artists. Assuming you can live on air.
Other nsfw artists will never boost either. Just find your own thing that you enjoy drawing and forgot about getting successful. Make your content fun.

>> No.7195531

don't. doing hentai will make it impossible for you to get any other art related job. they will recognise you by your art style then blacklist you.

>> No.7195536

I feel sadness and pity for coom artists
no child in the history of existence has ever said ooh I'm gonna draw whores getting ass blasted when I grow up.
and yet this is all they do for all their lives, pathetic

>> No.7195538

Do americans really only find out about porn when they reach 18? That's crazy

>> No.7195539

What gives it away if someone is a coom artist? Anything specific, or do people "just know"?

>> No.7195540

french hands wrote this post. either that or some other nationality with a huge nose

>> No.7195541

>his dream is to be a professional cumbrain
incredibly sad

>> No.7195542

Maybe in some tranny shit western AAA production, but why the fuck would you do that in the first place

>> No.7195547

>art related job
oh no you can't do video game splash art for microsoft anymore oh noooo
make what you want to make for people who want to pay you for it

>> No.7195550

Robert Crumb made it and he drew gross shit. I would also mention Ralph Bakshi but he’s apart of the little hat big nose club so of course he got jobs

>> No.7195591
File: 66 KB, 750x905, 1698920083259234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can insult you rn due to your poor understanding about the industry but im just gonna say you are really ignorant and it shows you have not seen art outside of twitter.
anyone with enough talent can work in the industry, but oviously people that have shitty understanding of art and just draw futas sucking their own dick floating in a empty space will never succeed

>riz (op image) draw coom
>commissioned by companies and events for comercial artwork

>Paul Kwon (Zeronis) drew mostly porn
>Art Director / Ex-Concept Artist Riot Games / Timi Studios

>Horace Hsu (hozure) draw porn of league of legends
>splashart artist for riot games

>Nesskain HKS drew mostly furry bara porn
>art director at postcardgamestudio (halo, destiny, uncharted, the last of us, horizon, diablo, overwatch)

>> No.7195601

I think this entire misunderstanding comes from most of the prolific ones never work on anything big, but why the fuck would you choose to be a wagie in the first place when you are making big bucks working by yourself

>> No.7195602

What about Joel Jurion?

>> No.7195607

>posting regularly
This kills the "hustler".

>> No.7195609

I wanted to be a pornstar at 10.

>> No.7195614

your pity is misplaced. I've been drawing stuff that I jack off to for years. Sometimes I would draw the perfect mouth on the perfect plant demon monster and I would cum on the picture. That might actually pass for modern art in some museums
>artist makes powerful statement by spraying huge load on his muse inspired plant goddess

I discovered Chobits early on and was amazed at the beauty of their design.

Sure, I like other media and artists. I've studied Loomis cover to cover but some of us just like coom art and there's actually nothing wrong with that at all. In fact, I think coom art should be celebrated as one of the most important expressions in human history. We are a sexual species, it's part of our birthright and history

>> No.7195616

real artists beat it while drawing and only nut when finished

>> No.7195619

>big bucks doing art
lmao, you can't seriously believe anyone doing art, let alone hentai is making anything more than minimum wage, if even that

>> No.7195621

not really? coom artist are hired by companies all of the time. like a well known coom artist was hired to animate one of the scenes/trailers for invincible(Balak), a series backed by amazon. only becomes an issue getting hired if draw retarded bullshit(loli/scat/etc). countries like japan are more lenient though.

>> No.7195625

I'm sure you'll be glad your daughter or son even will do onlyfans or become a hooker, you're the kind that would love that garbage.

>> No.7195626

I get a retard like you want to work long hours and get paid like shit in those 3rd world studios, but this is sad. You actually get treated a bit more like a human in western production, dumbfuck.

>> No.7195635

You know working those companies and studio gets you six figures easily right? That anon is right, retards like you don't understand shit about the industry and know nothing about art outside of twitter/4chan. Being a coom artist will just barely be above minimum wage 9/10. Most coom artist are either the same or barely under minimum wage.

>> No.7195656

adding to the list, I'm pretty sure one of the artists for the IDW sonic comics drew r34 before getting hired

>> No.7195662

>Why would you want to make money in the first place?

>> No.7195702
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These guys are a bunch of drums niglet crablets, what would they know about making money with art? They barely draw in the first place let alone know how to do business, and the proof of this is that in 28 posts literally 0 contained useful information.

>> No.7195837

I found that gesture and energy are paramount to good hentai, and my ability to output those things is directly related to my mood. If I feel off in any way, or its too cloudy outside, or I'm sad about something, I cannot draw at all.

>> No.7195871
File: 139 KB, 2340x1080, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds more like being arrested and being forever known as that guy with a record, or a retired porn star wanting to do something that isn't porn. If you eventually want to start doing more fulfilling and sfw content at a studio, everyone will only see you as "the porn artist" and nothing more. All your future achievements or ambitions will be generalized as "the guy who draws porn" by anyone else. No one will take you seriously. If you dream of eventually working at a studio someday then it's best not to even try porn.

>> No.7195876

As a NSFW artist, I had to experiment a bit. My Patreon isn't self-sustaining yet, but I'd say I'm over 2/3 of the way there.

Basically, you have to find your strength in art, and utilize that to give your audience something they didn't know they wanted. Something that feels unique to you. It's not easy.

For me, I make comics. So I started posting free pages of my comic and advertised that subscribers can get the next 10 pages early. And I post daily, so I have a pretty high retention rate.

It would probably help to make friends with other hentai/porn artists to give each other advice and input.

>> No.7195877

>the industry
What industry?

>> No.7195903

>subscribers can get the next 10 pages early.
That would make me feel cheated because it's not exclusive.
10 days isn't going to kahyrill me.

>> No.7195915

Draw popular characters and avoid taking commissions of peoples' OCs and sonas as much as possible. OC's are more often than not terrible character designs where you end up bogged down drawing excessive detail or solving composition/design problems that a real game/animu character designed by an actual professional designer won't have. Also since the audience doesn't know the character (unless the person is fandom/f-list famous) you're fighting an uphill battle to get them to care.

The fetish coomers will actually pay decently, but the problem is unless you only focus on one specific fetish, the content of the drawings will be offputting to the larger part of your followers. So you're basically only appealing to a small section of your potential audience at any one time when you draw random niche fetishes which leaves little ability to actually grow.

This has been deboonked thousands of times. Go check out Paul Richards (long time artist at 343)'s blog. I also remember a story a few years ago where some random twitter coom artist got noticed by a recruiter at Dreamworks and got at touch. Literally the only two things that matter are being above a baseline threshold of skill and turning your work in on time.

The one that's been laying off thousands of people for two years straight with no signs of stopping. But trust me bro it's an easy 6 figures.

>> No.7195920

well that's how it works, with things like dlc and early access. Typically it really works with hardcore fans, but casual ones. Putting everything exclusively on patreon will just get more shitters wanting to leak your stuff.

>> No.7195929

People stopped donating to webcomics like they used to in the early days. You have to turn something into a patreon incentive or the readers simply will not support financially.

>> No.7196007

>I was wondering about how any of you guys [...] work for smut companies drawing NSFW stuff.
I do. It's simple: draw the kind of thing they publish, and apply to draw it for them. Contact them. Then do the job well, and continue to work with them.

If you actually look at measurable numbers you can find people struggling and people doing very, very well for themselves. Instead of basing it off whatever you think they should be making. There are plenty of hentai manga authors whose work sells very well even amongst the greater manga industry.
But this is all irrelevant because OP didn't ask if he SHOULD draw porn. It's a foregone conclusion, he's already decided he's going to draw it, you're wasting your time trying to convince him not to.

Cute fantasy, lol.

>> No.7196045

while there is some truth to this, there are a lot of mangaka who have started their careers drawing hentai. Look at Boichi, or the guy who draws the concept art for the newer Wild Arms games. Both have drawn pretty untamed hentai manga. I think if you don't use an alias, it can stop you from getting employment with an American company, but even then I've seen plenty of studios hire twitter porn artists, it just might be a little harder if they are a super SJW company, but then why work for them anyway. It'd be excruciating.

>> No.7196098

I make 1000-1500 bucks a month from drawing smut and I consider myself a "successful porn artist" but I live in a third word country and that's more than enough for me, so I have little to say to you
Depends on what amount of money you consider "successful" I guess

>> No.7196112

1000 1500 USD in a foreign country is serious money, good shit anon

>> No.7196127

Yeah but that's japan. They have whole conventions dedicated to drawn photography. Op is likely some random American where compiles will only see him as a cheap porn artist. It's fine if you want to just get clicks on twitter, but that's all it's good for. The 1% of porn artists that do get employment are only the lucky ones who are more likely hired because they can draw more than just pornography. It shouldn't be something you strive for.

>> No.7196137

>compiles will only see him as a cheap porn artist
You are operating under the false assumption that these companies value your ability to create "real art" at all. Literally the only thing that matters to them is where you fit into the production pipeline. They do not have any respect or patience for things like art, craft, originality, integrity, self-expression etc. That's the polar opposite of what they want. In fact the better you are, the more leverage you have, which is something companies hate. They will collude with eachother to fix wages to prevent you from gaining anything by your skill (like Disney/Pixar/Lucasfilm got caught doing a few years ago). Their end goal is to replace you with AI even if you're Craig Mullins. Scratch that, ESPECIALLY if you're Craig Mullins.

Obviously drawing futanaris will not have much carryover if you're trying to break in as a hard surface vehicle designer or something, you shouldn't be applying to jobs you don't have the skillset for anyway. But the idea that you'll be viewed as "lower" because of it is ridiculous. They already view you as lower.

>> No.7197472

Just draw FOTM crap, slap boobs (or draw a flat chick give her a dick and call her a dude) and some FOTM meme or costume on it, like this guy said >>7195497
Who needs originality when you're horny?

>> No.7197474

I call bullshit on the whole "companies totally won't mind if you draw porn" claim, same with the whole "heart of a woman is a crossdresser/yaoi/okama" claim

>> No.7197479

Why would they give a shit? People have given plenty of counter examples of artists who drew porn who also worked for big studios. It's a literal non-issue.

>> No.7197481

And they're all bullshit. No normal employer would want to associate with someone "brand-unfriendly"

>> No.7197492

>the only reasonable advice
>gets instantly shit on for not being "one of them"
NSFW shitters really are just children looking for a quick buck.

>> No.7197496

i can hear the german in your tone

>> No.7197499

NSFW is so... soulless

>> No.7197503

Anon you're arguing based on feelings that the sky is green. Your stance is demonstrably false. At this point all you're doing is burying your head in your ass because you'd prefer to eat shit than to entertain the idea that your belief is wrong.

>> No.7197511

I'm arguing common sense. You don't think people will track your style and find out you draw porn?

>> No.7197512

The generic porn is pretty soulless, but wierd deviantart/furry fetish art has a wierd artistic quality to it. I'll always enjoy wonderbread fetish art more than a generic anime girl wearing the trendy coomer dress.

>> No.7197524

They have no passion for the erotic, they don't know what's really good, they only care for clout and money, hence why 99% of nsfw is generic slop or extremely shallow pin-ups.

>> No.7197528

>You don't think people will track your style and find out you draw porn?
Absolutely not. No one gives a shit about who the artists who work at Riot or Blizzard are or what they draw on their own time. Normies only care about their slop, and the corporation only cares about appeasing the normies. It is a total non-issue. If you turn in your work on time then the slop comes out on time too and both the normies and the corporation are happy. That's all there is to the industry. They do not have a department dedicated to investigating whether you are drawing Bowsette futanari pinups on your alt account.

>> No.7197529

Ok, then show them your "portfolio". All the dirty shit. After all, they don't care.

>> No.7197532

Every concept artist and art director owns a copy of the KJG sketchbook where half of it is just girls getting fisted. I went to a couple conceptart/animation events (THU, CTN) where KJG did live demos. People lined up to get their fisting books signed. Why wasn't he blacklisted? Or could it be that this was a non-issue for everyone present.

>> No.7197535

Is that the "omphalos" one? Or are you talking about some other exclusive sketchbook not sold openly?

>> No.7197537

Yeah that's the one.

>> No.7197589

Rebecca Sugar drew actual Edd, Ed, n Eddy
porn and went on to have a long running series and a movie, with a new movie she's working on coming out in the next couple of years. Nobody fucking cares.

>> No.7197611
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>retards keep wondering why degenerates have no issues hiring other degenerates
You know what really bugs me about pornfags? The absolute lack of taste, extreme delusional entitlement and inane tribalism.

Not only do they exclusively give opportunities to their own kin, but demand everyone to publicly partake in their own fetishes and give them any opportunities or else it's anti-porn.
>Want to make a sfw space? No, you're a bigot and hate sex.
>Don't want to hire the pornographer to illustrate children's media? You're a bigot and hate sex.
>Don't want to put porn in your product? You're a bigot and hate sex.
>Don't want to put graphic adult imagery on a billboard? Fucking bigot.
>Don't want to have porn in your face in public spaces? oooeeemgeee just close your eyes lol fucking bigot puritan lmao donate to my patreononlyfans btw
Why is it that pornographers not only do they get to have their cake and eat it too, but also get to shit on your piece of the cake as well?

If i was an average guy, i'd be pretty upset that they get to do whatever they want, and reasonably so.

>> No.7197628

Seek professional help.

>> No.7197636

unironically guy in the middle needs to shut up

>> No.7197638


>> No.7197681

>encouraging all the coomslops to believe they are on the same level as KJG

>> No.7197720

Why are you assuming people who draw porn would apply to a job with a portfolio full of porn? Do you not realize you're supposed to tailor your portfolio for the job you're applying to?
>but if they're drawing porn where is the SFW art for the portfolio???
Get this, a person can draw more than one thing. Crazy concept I know.

>> No.7197772

>Get this, a person can draw more than one thing
But i thought if someone posts one thing on the internet that means it's a complete disclosure of who they are as a person?

You mean to tell me that if someone posts a stickman THEY CAN ACTUALLY DRAW BETTER THAN THAT AND ARE NOT A FILTHY BEG?!

no way you fucking schizo

>> No.7197839

Well, first, you have to draw good stuff. Let's assume you're already there.

You can do a patreon/substar/fanbox whatever, but you gotta advertize yourself, meaning you have to draw material for both paid content and free advertisment.
Then there's the content type itself. Fanart illustration is popular if you hit the right franchise, but your audience will expect more of the same franchise, and you can trap yourself in that. Doing flavor of the month stuff is kind of a safer bet, but you have to keep watching and riding trends...
Or you can create your own stuff with original characters and, frankly, good luck with that. If you don't go farther than illustrations it's gonna be hard but, comics or games can be good as there's way less competition on those.

Commissions are not really sustainable on the long term, in my opinion. It requires a constant communication effort with clients, and competing with other artists on prices... unless you're either : insanely fast and can deliver a lot cheaply or incredibly good and able to hit the higher price ranges, I wouldn't recommend it

Or you could get hired by a company... Which I have no clue on how it would work

>> No.7197850

>Get this, a person can draw more than one thing.
how is it possible?

>> No.7197869

In what universe is what you wrote even remotely related to what he wrote? Quit posting.

>> No.7197873

>how is it possible?
It isn't. He's just being contrarian. Coom artists can only draw coom. That's why they're coom artists. If they could draw anything else they wouldn't be coom artists

>> No.7197875

post your work, please.

>> No.7197883
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Tangent, but I like my Peachy when she is not drawn like a fucking bimbo.

Im a blondie schizo and all, but you got to have a special kind of coom brainrot to like blow up doll looking bitches.

>> No.7197888

Can you do anything else other than being retarded?

>> No.7197898

That's not how this works. Also I'm not the original anon you're arguing with. You could easily disprove the statement by posting an artist who is known for their porn who also can draw something other than porn at a high level. I'm going to clarify because I know you retards will nitpick: A coom artist is defined as being known for drawing coom. A non-coom artist is defined as being known for producing work other than porn. No, artists like KJG and Shirow known for their non-porn work who also happen to have drawn pornographic materials don't count because by definition they aren't coom artists because they've shown their ability to be successful at genres other than coom. In fact that proves my point that anyone who can draw topics other than coom will stop drawing coom long enough to draw those other things.

>> No.7197926

>A non-coom artist is defined as being known for producing work other than porn.
what the fuck kind of retarded cope is this? anyone who post coom is a coom artist, if you don;t anymore you're an "ex" coom artist.

>> No.7197930

> stop being retarded
It isn't possible. He's just being true to himself. Retarded posters can only write retarded thoughts. That's why they're retard posters. If they could post anything else they wouldn't be retarded posters.

>> No.7197941

little coward can't even address the person he's talking about while also mistakenly assuming its a samefag
All you have to do is post some living artists who have high level portfolio of both coom and non-coom work.

>> No.7197946

You are given examples in this fucking thread you dumbfuck.

>> No.7197948

>All you have to do is post some living artists who have high level portfolio of both coom and non-coom work.
Paul Richards, Joël Jurion

>> No.7197952

My dude, there's shortstack hentai artist working on Riot Games, what r u talking about?

>> No.7197954

Balak, worked on degenerate stuff like Peepoodoo but also on mainstream animated movie like invincible
Zone made art for Indivisible
CuteSexyRobutt works for a game dev studio

>> No.7198021

Passive-aggression won't make people accept porn in your portfolio. The fact there's even coomshit in there will be a red flag

>> No.7198028
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sad panda nobody mentioned him so far.

>> No.7198263

Guy in middle sounds like a fag.

>> No.7198302

his hands are really good his style not so much, frollo is way better, but Manara single handedly destroy marvel prudes with his spiderwoman.

>> No.7198346
File: 27 KB, 730x1194, smuggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've shifted the goal post from "they will style doxx you, hunt you down and fire you on the spot" to "well, you still can't put it in your application portfolio so I win". No one on the planet has ever argued that you should put it in your portfolio. It's literally called "not safe for work" art. Obviously you don't show it at your workplace.

>> No.7198431
File: 242 KB, 1920x1080, 1541308090802.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Because I only wanna work on art I want to do, and examples like the guy behind pic related worked on Invincible and Captain Laserhawk, proves I never have to worry about working with bastards I don't wanna work with.

>> No.7198435

If you're a fucking American, which is the issue, not porn or art in general
Rizdraws is a Spaniard. He's not a mutt with mutt wages. He lives in a real world with fair opputunities.

>> No.7198442
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Winx club had artists that officially did pic related
These are 16 year olds btw.

>> No.7198443
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>> No.7198608

If you're good at what you do you don't have to worry about anything, success will find you.

>> No.7198613

anyone without brain rot knows cartoon teenagers are indistinguishable from adults

>> No.7198655

except when it's anime

>> No.7198662


>> No.7198736
File: 2.58 MB, 720x720, 1695549252710057.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never have to worry about working with bastards I don't wanna work with.
I would rather worry about NSFW artists you might interact with, since they usually hold you in contempt if you don't want to work with them, are more successful than them, and might accuse you of hating them based on their sexuality or fetishes or because they make porn and whatever mental illness they have.

If they're not going to try and cancel you on social media, they will make sure to tell their also mentally deranged clout chasing discord buddies about you.

Most of you wannabe pornographers don't understand that the nsfw sphere is full of unhinged degenerates, nut cases and living failures that cannot function in a society and will try to kill you over a handful of likes, hence why people warn others about going into it and people not wanting to work with the general nsfw art sphere on non-porn projects, while those cumbrained quacks seethe at imaginary puritans because they feel threatened that they might have been found out so they need to shut everything down.

Reminder that the exception never makes the rule, and the rule is that pornographers are mostly not sane and immature individuals that are incapable of professionalism, hence why they're avoided by any legit businesses and people.
When you want to make porn but also get hired by studios, be professional and don't start sperging out about le puritan albino jews from pol every single time anyone points out that porn is not healthy and the lowest and most creatively bankrupt form of art because it makes you feel invalidated about yourself.
Any person worthy of respect, would own up to it instead of trying to gaslight everyone into thinking that porn is some sort of revolutionary medium for artistic expression and that everyone hates pornographers for no reason, even if they draw porn. Not being insane is 90% of what will get you hired by studios even as an adult.
Unless the studio is also full of fags.

>> No.7198738

>I would rather worry about NSFW artists you might interact with, since they usually hold you in contempt if you don't want to work with them, are more successful than them, and might accuse you of hating them based on their sexuality or fetishes or because they make porn and whatever mental illness they have.

>If they're not going to try and cancel you on social media, they will make sure to tell their also mentally deranged clout chasing discord buddies about you.

Can you provide some examples of NSFW cancelling people for drawing SFW instead of their deranged fetishes? You have a lot to say about the subject so I assume you have a lot of concrete examples of this crisis currently sweeping the art world.

>> No.7198750

>Can you provide some examples of NSFW cancelling people for drawing SFW instead of their deranged fetishes?
Do you really think you're being witty right now?
This is exactly the type of crap any professional would rather avoid dealing with.

>> No.7198752

I believe you 100%. I just need some examples so I can know who to look out for.

>> No.7198754
File: 125 KB, 480x374, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't have started with making up a completely different sentence, buddy.

Just get to the point and post your epic "gotcha"

>> No.7198756
File: 58 KB, 599x461, 1620330680719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hehe u say this about nsfw artists? BUT WHAT ABOUT NSFW ARTISTS CANCELLING SFW ARTISTS; UH????!! WOW LIKE YOU SAY A LOT SO IM ASSUMING U CAN BACK UP MY INANE STRAWAN??? heheh fucking gottem.... man fucking puritans not wanting to give me money and jobs! fucking albino republicans from the pol!!!"
Imagine trying to work with a guy like this when you have a business to run, not an asylum.

>> No.7198757


>> No.7198760

Can you clarify what you meant then? Because you said in your post:
1. NSFW artists will hate you (the SFW artist) for refusing to work with them (which is to say, drawing their fetishes)
2. NSFW artists will perceive this is as persecution for said fetishes (which you, the SFW artist have refused to draw)
3. NSFW artists will sic their followers on you and cancel you, presumably because of this perceived persecution, since you haven't mentioned any other possible motive in your post

So what part of my question was uncharitable to what you yourself said in your post? By the way, I find this all extremely likely and probable, I'm only asking for a few examples because I'd like to avoid getting into this sort of situation myself.

>> No.7198762
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>you the SFW artist
Stop assuming what people mean or what side of the fence they play on WHILE making up a strawman and learn to read.
Then you will be taken in good faith.

Do you want me to post examples of nsfw artists being petty and trying to cancel and accused people over anything?
Because one simple google search will give you 2 billion results when the art sphere is always full of ongoing drama.

>> No.7198765
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the original tweet

You can pretty much go lurk in nsfw replies on X and see all the bullshit they pull

>> No.7198769

I see. Well, yes people in fandoms cancel eachother for drawing underage characters all the time, but that's hardly something arbitrary, it's well understood that it's a controversial subject people feel strongly about. It's also quite an easily avoided situation, just don't draw the underage characters if you don't want the heat.

>> No.7198775
File: 61 KB, 634x515, 16562656416526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Man, i sure would like to invite these artists to work with me in a professional setting and even pay them to do that when they will just tweet and try to punch-up to farm clout. As a business person, I sure would very much like risking attracting negative attention to myself because i hired someone who can't control their emotions and use any opportunity to deploy underhanded and unprofessional tactics to gain social validation! Man, getting called a puritan bigot sure would get me to hire them and pay and work with them even more!"

>> No.7198777

If that is what they do in public, imagine what they do in their own private circles.

>> No.7198778

has this chick worked on anything?

>> No.7198780

You should be asking what kind of reputation her employers have.

>> No.7198781

idk, I've always been wary of the clientele more for these. I have this idea for a lovecraftian horror story centered around some sexual elements and there are times when I wish to share it, but then I start to wonder what kind of weirdos would get attracted to it and how half of them could be minors and completely unhinged and stop myself.

>> No.7198784

don't care about that at the moment, tbf I wouldn't want to work with half of the twt artist I see on my timeline due to them being prone to drama and I hate being around overly sensitive ppl, it's exhausting. I'm more curious if someone of her skill level was able to land a reputable job.

>> No.7198786

Once you've filtered out your clients past a certain price point, you actually don't get many weirdo spergs at all, because only people with their shit together have hundreds-thousands of dollars of disposable income to spend on commissions every month. All the psychotic people get filtered out as your prices go up.

>> No.7198789

Her stuff looks /beg/ tier, so doubtful.

>> No.7198790

That is also part of it, but the clientele is more silent also what this anon says >>7198786
But that is relevant.
Sure, you can be a sperg and still get jobs, but don't expect things to be professional and you will attract bad employers that will screw you over while keeping honest people away, if you act unprofessionally.
>reputable job
Doubt it. Her account still sits at 8k and it's just generic ad spam and sponsored posts.

>> No.7198816

>guys says nsfw artist
>is actually talking about deranged twitter trannies

>> No.7198836

that's encouraging, maybe I'll give it a try.

>> No.7199262

>Ideas guy
>My OC story is so good it's gonna attract kids, lots of kids, but it'll be all kids with problems and damaged!!!
>Because it's a lovecraftian OC with some sex, that has never been done
>I better keep it to myself... I don't want to like, damage the whole world with it...
I love that delusion, keep the spirt buddy

>> No.7199297

>you have to find your strength in art
can you elaborate on this a bit

>> No.7199299

>"heart of a woman is a crossdresser/yaoi/okama"

>> No.7199339
File: 2.05 MB, 1320x2040, Helluva Trio 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be clear, your strength isn't what you do better than others, but what you have found to be an element of art that you thrive in.

For me, I love storytelling and art compositions, so making comics was the natural choice. My Patreon is just comic stuff.

But your strength could be in painting, color choice, how you draw furries, dynamic posing, cracking jokes, lighting, mecha, horror, etc. etc.

Figure that out, and it'll be much easier for you to thrive.

>> No.7199391

>To be clear, your strength isn't what you do better than others, but what you have found to be an element of art that you thrive in.
i was gonna ask for clarification on this but i think i understand now
this is going to take a bit of experimentation

>> No.7199453
File: 1.26 MB, 1242x2049, Balak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing hentai will make it impossible for you to get any other art related job
If you're good and popular they don't give a fuck.
There's also this guy
One of the main Overwatch artists and he designed Vancer from Arcane animated series.
He draw bara/gay porn on his main accounts.

>> No.7199454

I forgot to mention that plenty of anime animators have a fanbox with 18+ art.

>> No.7199458
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>followers don't care as much for regular nsfw anymore
How did you guys find your niche?

>> No.7199605

I’m not an artist let alone a porn one but I do have some friends that are. The only one that earns any real money from it get it from commissions on peoples oc’s mostly. He’s got a cartoony art style and makes just barely nsfw stuff something close to the peach image you posted.If he gets lucky he earns around a hundred and something a week but most the time it’s just forty if he gets any work at all. He got some what lucky though he’s had he’s oc’s drawn by other artists so he’s gotten some fans from that. The rest haven’t been so lucky they’ve all but mostly given up on making a career out of it. One idea I think you should consider is trying to make a visual novel or a rpgm game yourself if you can’t get any work on one.the programs are free to use so it’s not like it’s gonna cost anything to at least try.I would personally recommend you do a visual novel if you do try the friend I got this idea from tried rpgm and gave up on making his own game shorty after.

>> No.7199639

>How did you guys find your niche?
me like feet

>> No.7199755

what do hentai artists use for reference? probably the body they want to draw then they have a second reference of the character they want, right? Like they reference the body then reference the head onto said body?

>> No.7200026

Feet is saturated too. If you wanna stand out you have to go into a subniche like furry's paws.

>> No.7200050

>what do hentai artists use for reference?
>Hentai screenshots, Hentai manga pages, Porn video screenshots, Porn pics, Anime or Cartoon model sheets, Anime or Cartoon episode screenshots, Magazines, 3D models, Etc.
Personally I use 3D models and model sheets.

>> No.7202080

>I was wondering about how any of you guys were able to take the patreon route or work for smut companies drawing NSFW stuff.
It's very much doable. It has been my job for over a decade and I'm still living off of it.
>A guide to becoming a successful hentai artist?
The best guide is your own dick. Unlike hard drugs, you should be a customer of your own supply. If you can fap to it yourself, you are probably doing something right.

>> No.7203828

I said that though

>> No.7204487

Honestly I feel like I'm in your boat sometimes. I got a good following myself, shove myself in the niche of "Nerds" draw Ocs for the most part, but if I'm being on the level, a post doing 4-5k is nice, but if it doesn't translate to any patreons or commissions then I am literally better off taking my skills to draw furry porn and make real money kek.

(This is what I have done mind you)

>> No.7204653
File: 769 KB, 699x1361, 98284 - 1girl artist_desgardes huge_breasts metal_gear_solid nipples sunny_emmerich text thick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generic anime girl wearing the trendy coomer dress.

I'm guilty i suppose.

Am I a bad person anon?

>> No.7204656
File: 764 KB, 220x220, robert-redford-nod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my fetish but well designed and appealing overall, good sense of form and you communicate the emotions well.

>> No.7204668

When I was in 4th grade I got in trouble because a girl saw me drawing a naked woman in my notebook and she snitched to the teacher in front of the whole class.
Girls hated me but boys almost begged me to draw nsfw comics for them.
I went from bullied kid to drawing chad.

>> No.7205929
File: 89 KB, 401x358, carl_it_dont_matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yeah cause Z0ne was totally blacklisted.
Are you retarded?
I've seen artists that drew loli and cub work in companies and with indies to make sprites lol. If they like your work, they will hire you. They might keep it hush hush or not address it, but they will hire you.

>> No.7205931

loli doesn't matter unless your employer is a wokie. If that's true, then why would you ever wanna work with them?

>> No.7205941


>> No.7205972
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Any more examples of art twitter drama?