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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 84 KB, 1393x1108, Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7185906 No.7185906 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ic/ agree with this guide?

>> No.7185909

Step 0-5: draw porn, anime girls, or fanart
that's it
Step 4 is a laugh

>> No.7185910

redpill me on Threads
redpill me on bluesky
redpill me on instagram

>> No.7185913

Here's the secret don't let anyone else know
>draw fotm
>draw big boobs
>draw fotm with big boobs
>jump on every trend
>ask yourself if it was worth it

>> No.7185914

there's no reason why you shouldn't post everywhere, the guide is right, and I don't understand why the people on this board are so stupid. You don't like Instagram? Cool, don't use it, but post your content on there anyway, people that do use it will find your art there.

>> No.7185916

#4 is a pipe dream.

What I would like to know is how one reaches visibility with porn and edgy stuff. On Twitter such content is locked behind warnings and the algorithm doesn't push anything that is locked.

>> No.7185917

I feel like I wasted my time reading that.

>> No.7185918

>redpill me on Threads
Women and gays complaining about how nobody likes them. Basically a clique for people who are too toxic and ugly to have a social group IRL.
>redpill me on bluesky
Don't know.
>redpill me on instagram
Good for hosting a professional portfolio and getting exposure because of how large the userbase is. Otherwise, just threads with more videos to waste your time.

>> No.7185919

Step 3 is the most important and most neglected. As soon as I see an artists that I like retweet something about gaza, biden, screenshot of a videogame or any random bullshit that clutter my home feed, I immediately unfollow, eve if it's my favourite artists. It's the reason why "reposts pages" that only post stuff relevant to one theme do so well

>> No.7185925

this is the most basic social media knowledge, and people in here still fail to follow these simple steps

>> No.7185927
File: 74 KB, 492x726, 1682388650936271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most important part is being passionate about something and having a unique and recognizable art style. You don't necessarily need to be good at drawing to get followers.

>> No.7185930

>redpill me on instagram
please feed Zuckerberg's AI

>> No.7185940

just be popular lole

>> No.7185947

1. Fair and very common advice.
2. Vague but reasonable Still, you should mind the sites where you post just so you dont waste your time and energy on a dead site.
3. True but neglects to mention this can happen with the content that you draw as well, like you draw Touhou all of a sudden but I followed you for your Earthbound art, happens a lot with fads too.
4. Absolutely true and disgustingly underrated. People dont know how to sell themselves as something new and fall for the bait of becoming part of the mob.
5. Also underrated despite being common.

Overall 8/10. Not that it matters, /ic/ is obtuse as hell when it comes to the social media game.

>> No.7185949
File: 16 KB, 383x241, GLZLN7MXIAAoiZb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guide doesn't apply anymore. If you don't have that one picture that people will follow you for you are not going to make it. Usually it's a monkey brain thing. You see that one image and it has nice colors and is pleasing to look at people subconsciously think I want to see more of that and follow. Post as regularly as you want lol. I will forget about you in 2 months anyway. Your followers will just be artists anyways. The casuals don't care about art like you do. I used to be a casual.
I would only follow an artist as a metaphorical bookmark so that I could steal their shit later.
No complaints about step 5.
Ignore the rest.
Step 2 what's the point of posting on other websites? Deviantart shitheads have never followed me on Twitter. Followers get obnoxious after awhile because they just want free porn without reposting ect. Now I just draw for myself picture related because I know zoomers won't understand or have the patience to draw. My posts only get attention because of big fuckers or me asking for retweets. The majority if people online think that they can live on air. You can't be passive. "Bitch I only do that for a motherfuckin retweet or else we ain't friends" I see my longtime mutuals stuck at 30 followers because they are doing free shit for 10k people that just reply with a thanks and no sharing.

>> No.7185993

>Tohou and Earthbound "content
>something new
And this is why the image is hard to take seriously. Fan art is inherently not "something new," it's a cheat code. Realistically #4 should have advised you to draw fan art exclusively and feed the content machine, but it doesn't sound so nice telling you to be a whore for existing IP, so instead we lie to ourselves that novelty is actually valued by social media algorithms.

>> No.7185997
File: 851 KB, 537x1311, how_to_start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree to an extent. My take in pic attached.

>> No.7186005

step 0: draw gud

>> No.7186012

dead, the main audience is 3rd worlders
it's a twitter for the most deranged pozzers, it only has political content, no art
dead, the main audience is 3rd worlders(specifically indians and africans)

>> No.7186023
File: 144 KB, 686x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only porn and memes are popular on the internet. There are still some popular art accounts, but they started 10+ years ago and got stable old audience. The very phenomenon of "internet artist" is something from 2012 internet. Unless your art is porn or black and white minimum effort meme-esque brainrot, so it can be featured on "know your meme" website. You might still get following, if you will engage in some very very specific small community, where you will be sort of a fanmade content producer for this community. But that's the only way and you won't get super big. Not even big, just small to medium.

>> No.7186045


>> No.7186053

forgot actually being a good artist

>> No.7186079
File: 182 KB, 391x412, 1682288426160008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how it works. Content is content, nothing is inherently original or unoriginal because it's not as simple as making OC or fanart, you can make OC of an idea that's been seen thousands of times or you could give your take to an IP in a way that has never been seen before.
This element that makes things stand out, feel new and original is merely a combination of creative decisions and technical touches that showcase something you will not find anywhere else. This element can be something as simple as an art style, a render technique, a combination of ideas put together, a narrative technique, or just a brush.

TLDR cause you idiots cant read: You can draw anything, fanart or OC and that doesnt make it any less new or original as long as you are capable of putting in an element that makes it stand out from any other OC/Fanart content.

>> No.7186081

which step is "draw good"?

>> No.7186138

I agree with this, but this advice seems outdated,
doesn't matter who see's your art, if they ain't a big fucker, it doesn't mean anything.

>> No.7186150

>I'm gonna add a 'just be patient :)' step so I can dodge any responsibility if my guide doesn't work

Also this.

>> No.7186163
File: 69 KB, 443x602, u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can draw anything, fanart or OC and that doesnt make it any less new or original as long as you are
>muh style!
Is this what you tell yourself to cope? This goofy shit doesn't even make sense on its face. Obviously you would agree that an entirely new TV show is more original than SpongeBob SquarePants, except rendered in a film noir style.
I invite anyone who thinks originality is valued in the algorithm to try to truly be original and stop drawing fan art, and see if anyone cares about your gay style or artistic sensibilities. I'm not a beg shouting into the wind here. I've tried both approaches. It's so absurd the advantage that drawing established IP gives you, that it can hardly be called just an advantage - it's the difference between you walking into an intersection screaming and painted like a traffic cone, and you being the Invisible Man, it's a separate category. You have to be on some major reality-denying copium to not see it.
Seriously, give it a week on a fresh account. Do something new, if you can (not sexy NG-styled "OCs" either). See if anyone gives a shit.

>> No.7186164

This illustrates the crux of the problem: you and your art are so replaceable people won't even listen to your dumbass regurgitated propaganda.

>> No.7186198
File: 78 KB, 1080x646, 1713800249197280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all calm the fuck down.
Second of all calm the fuck down.
Third of all, read the post again slowly and you will understand that it's not about "muh style". This element Im talking about goes further than just style and I explicitly said as much, it's about what you contribute that others dont, what you have that others lack. Does that makes sense to you?
Sorry Im being condescending but you are really not giving me much faith on you indulging into an actual discussion, to me it seems like you instead want to rant about bitter nonsense and get mad at anyone that challenges your way of thinking or something. Just tell me now just so I dont waste text on you and I will call you a victor in this petty internet fight you want to create out of nowhere.

God you guy are annoying, one tries to be helpful and then you all jump to the offensive and for what? Almost seems on purpose?

>> No.7186209

You're being obtuse. You can't say "be original" right after having gone into a spiel about Touhou and Earthbound "content." How it helpful to say "draw fan art if you want likes", we already know this. By your own admission, you're not even free to "change the channel" and do fan art for something else, or people will lose interest.
Face it piggy, you're a fan art machine. You're not doing anything original, your audience doesn't value whatever little originality you have, they care about you drawing a thing they already recognize and you know this deep down.

>> No.7186220
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, 1702345927322421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to explain it to you one last time and I really dont expect you to understand it at this rate. I will call my loss as I give you one last (You) expecting to receive a TL;DR and a few insults.

"Originality" as a concept stems from doing something, anything, that is different than anything that been seen before in any way, shape or form. Originality is a trait that can be found in anything that follows this principle in enough capacity. With that in mind, you can create anything, from fanarts to OC, and as long as you follow said principle of making it different than anything seen before, it will be original.

What can cause something to stand out from anything seen before? This can be achieve to design choices within your craft such as rendering, coloring, stylization... or the way your creations are structured and presented, such as ideas, narrative, execution, composition, etc. Through these elements you can achieve standing out from others within a craft regardless of the content you draw, which by definition, it means you are original.

>By your own admission, you're not even free to "change the channel" and do fan art for something else, or people will lose interest.
I didnt admit to that, and I didnt elaborate on that because you guys dont read more than two lines without shouting "TLDR" like a bunch of monkeys, but I will now: You are not allowed to go outside of your line of content, but that doesnt mean your line of content cant have multiple sources at the same time. People will lose interest if they dont see wha they followed you for, so it's better to stay in your lanes and if you need to deviate a little, dont forget about your initial content line and give people what they followed you for. It's as simple as that.
>they care about you drawing a thing they already recognize and you know this deep down.
Never stated otherwise, it was never part of my point. And I draw my OC precisely for this reason.

>> No.7186228
File: 31 KB, 252x236, 1713981414649629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The algorithm does not push originality, period. I can already predict what your "OC" looks like based on the fact you call her (let's be real it's a she) an OC, I've seen it a thousand times. If you ever plumbed the depths of Twitter deeper, you'd find artists doing original art, actually original art, who are not getting recognized for it.
You keep talking like you figured it all out and everyone else is just dumb. No I figured it out all right, and I meant what I said - not a beg, have seen both sides of the fence, and am just kinda disgusted with it but that's life for you.
I'm sure your spiky-haired, shark-toothed with large breasts and puffy pants is very unique to you, but the reality is, the more you move away from molds, templates, cliche, and IP, the harsher the silence. You can't change this with words on /ic/.
Feel free to not reply.

>> No.7186245

Amazing Digital Circus became immediately massive just because it was original and well made.

>> No.7186261
File: 944 KB, 561x561, 1596393649289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have social media leper and AIDS

>> No.7186323

all true and I'd add another one, that's also one of the principles of marketing. Find a niche and become specialized for that niche. If you're trying to become popular, it's far easier to specialise in something, and the smaller the niche, the less the comoetition. Yes, it also means a smaller potential audience, but it's an audience that's easier to reach and satisfy, and that will interact more with you.

>> No.7186324
File: 119 KB, 758x595, dont forget the colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can draw anything you want
>as long as you change the flavor slightly so that normies gobble it up due to their craving of novelty.
Brother, i've had absolute garbage do numbers
Even simple redraws of something that already existed.
Complete low effort doodles without any "style".
Things that this board would crucify me for even getting one like.

But bless you for still not having realized how fucking retarded the average normies are.
I mean... they are just fucking animals and don't think about
>muh rendering art style muh ideas
Their decisions are all based on feelings

Anon, i guarantee you; you could take an anime screenshot, slap a filter on it and normies would gobble it up.
Originality, exactly not what you mean, is cringed upon
Anon, normies are animals
And this Anon really hits the clown on its nose >>7186163
>Seriously, give it a week on a fresh account. Do something new, if you can (not sexy NG-styled "OCs" either). See if anyone gives a shit.
And although very true, this is simply proven wrong by doing one thing no matter how shit you draw;
>just add colors
Normies fucking LOOOOOOVE colors

>> No.7186330
File: 6 KB, 205x246, images(20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only porn and memes are popular on the internet.
This. Ideally you want the quality of your art to be as low as possible. It's even better to skip the drawing and post someone else's low quality meme.

>> No.7186342
File: 79 KB, 1428x1428, 1690418471383160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideally you just want to redraw memes but
normies love this shit

Serious advice; if you play this game of meme redraw, monetize the ever living shit out of it
Normies are dumb animals and they will give you money for it because they are dumb animals and any meme redraw you don't exploit for financial gain, is money left in some dumb gachafaggots pockets

>> No.7186380
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, OIG3(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, you should just make AI art. It's so much easier

>> No.7186402

That's true to an extent, but having as much of a presence as possible online helps you with that as well. You can also brownnose to bigger accounts and stuff, but I never liked this kind of pety approach. I know, it's adumb ideology to hold, especially if you draw porn, but I really can't help it.

>> No.7186409

Sure, but it looks like crap and it wasn't drawn by me, which is what my clients want.

>> No.7186648

why are you lying?

>> No.7186832
File: 9 KB, 235x295, 60c08adbcdce6ec85803f8243b88df72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a benefit to being a literal who and it's that it makes you more emo

>> No.7186851

This is pretty accurate.
Personally i only use x and discord .
I would also say consistency is the most important.
Both in what u post and how often.
Establish what ur followers see when they follow u.
Also make appealing shit (unless ur technique is great you cant just draw a person and get a lot of followers, ur art needs a voice)
Step 4 is the most important.
Ur art probably lacks narrative, niche, skill if you think its a pipedream
Agree, though if ur stuff resonates with ur followers u can get away with some opinions or if those opinions relate to ur subject matter.
A lot of them are probably struggling to find their own voice (if theyre begs its even harder since theyre also still grinding)
Ppl will disagree because their art sucks and they dont know how to make something ppl would actually enjoy or relate to.

>> No.7187165

you're clearly one of the trend followers being described, be honest with yourself

>> No.7187366

3 is definitely boomer bullshit, nepotism goes much further than merit

>> No.7187409

are you the actual bbcchan? Do you still browse this hellhole?

>> No.7187498

nta but i don't actually have to learn to use any sites made after like 2010 for art posting right
i really don't want to

>> No.7187528

Step zero: draw well.

>> No.7187546

>shitty trend follower claims not drawing porn/fotm/anime girls/fanart is cope
Go back to Twitter and Discord and keep drawing the same generic shit everyone sees everywhere already, your opinion is worthless.

>> No.7187582

>t. porn slopper who posts nothing but fan art or anime fotm floating in the void

>> No.7187719

I'm friends with a porn artist who has quite the big twitter account...All he draws is softcore porn stuff of girls from gacha games with big tits and thighs...Thats all he draws most of the time along with nintendo girls shit, And he has a huge following, I think I'd rather not sell my soul like him.

>> No.7187761

not him but i was wondering if the artist behind that has connections to anyone significant?

>> No.7187765

>People will lose interest if they dont see wha they followed you for, so it's better to stay in your lanes and if you need to deviate a little, dont forget about your initial content line and give people what they followed you for.
if you wanna change lanes, you can i feel
i hear that you get a dip in engagement as your audience adjusts to what you post but after the old audience leaves and the new one comes, they engagement will rise again
or if you wanna swap lanes, are u saying to make an alt acc for that?

>> No.7187805
File: 237 KB, 500x375, 9f19e16e805e369842f60a2b753d42f328675a35fdf622544cb6193d45772f1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you wanna change lanes, you can i feel
Of course you can, my point is that you cant forget about your original audience because they will, in most cases, forget about you unless you post what they followed you for.
Granted, some people do keep engaging regardless of the content (which is the kind of following everyone should strive for IMO), but realistically, people often follow artists for the content they provide to the things they recognize (be OC or fanart), rather than their work as a whole.

And I say this as someone who abandoned his original audience and in turn they abandoned me... until I posted what they wanted to see again and I saw their engagement again for that one post alone. Im also standing between four lanes myself, two of fanart and two of OC, and they all have different engagement from exclusive followers. You'd be surprise how selective followers can be when it comes to the content you post, not many do the transition from "I want too see more content of X done by this artist" to "I want to see more content of this artist".
Everyone should do the effort to "convert" followers to like what you do regardless of the content, but for that you have to balance the content you provide to them and stay at a consistent lane... which is also why I ill advice against FOTM characters and certain trends.
>are u saying to make an alt acc for that?
Definitely not lol.

>> No.7188001

I mostly stick to the generals that interest me.

Maybe he genuinely likes it?
There's more to drawing than just the subject matter.
I for instance like the reception of the fans and clients. Making somebody's day by delivering something they enjoy, or trying out new techniques/brushes/workflows and seeing new results are also aspects of the craft. Doing something only because it's popular or brings you more money can be a fast trip to burnout/loss of motivation. For commercial illustrators that make a living doing this, it's always a fine balance I guess.

>> No.7188318

So, do you rely on multiple accounts? I'm thinking of creating separate accounts, but that's just tedious

>> No.7188375
File: 105 KB, 1393x1108, 1717257036547837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7188406

>So, do you rely on multiple accounts?
No, that's just counterproductive no matter how you slice it. You can perfectly draw from multiple sources at a time, you just have to bear in mind that not everyone that follows you for one source will stick around for the other, some people will, but that wont be the norm.

To put it simply, notice how any big account tends to lack engagement the moment they make something outside their lane. Their numbers become less in comparison of other posts, it's because people expect these artists to draw what they followed them for.
And when was the last time you liked a piece of art from someone you're supposedly following? Most of the time you'd just keep scrolling, simply because what they drew does not interest you.
In my personal experiences, drawing Mario Princesses along my OC has given me some interesting results: Peachfags and Rosafags engage almost exclusively to their respective princess (the latter being more popular, funnily enough), and my OC, while staying behind, has her own fanbase of exclusive followers as well.

This is a very common phenomena that you just have to live with, it's fine. You dont have to make an account for every source you draw from... unless it's NSFW, but that's because SFW and NSFW are two different niches altogether and most of the time are mutually exclusive.

>> No.7188424

Thanks for the details.

> And when was the last you liked a piece of art from someone you're supposedly following?
It depends on the follow-type, and on whether "like" meant clicking that like button, or really liking the thing. I actually do unfollow people when I'm bored to see them making yet another video somehow identical to what they've already done dozens of time.

My behavior is probably irrelevant to the way things work, but I prefer people with wider areas of interests.

(Talking from a 100% SFW POV)

>> No.7188839
File: 1.61 MB, 1673x2048, KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most popular artists draw porn and pay for ads & bots. Specially on Xitter.

>> No.7188847
File: 452 KB, 1051x564, Ay LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does /ic/ agree
Are you new here?

>> No.7189438

>Coping mechanism
It must be so hard being a fucking beglet no one cares about kek.

>> No.7189505

I agree with it but I think a lot of people leave out the biggest key factor here and that's LUCK. You can have amazing art, and follow the right trends but, there's no guarantee that you will gain anything from that. These steps increase your chances at success but they aren't the end all be all.

>> No.7189616

>Projecting this hard

>> No.7190172

>everyone that ever made it is a cheater
>it's not because of my lack of dedication and skills
>it's definitely everyone else's fault
>the world ain't fair
>whoever disagrees with me is projecting

>> No.7190751

what I hate the most is when artists fill their media tab with fucking reaction images and other shit. If I open you profile page and have to scroll for hours just to find one of your artpieces what the fuck are you doing on social media, then those people even have the guts to complain about low engagement, bitch the few followers you have probably muted you, just post relevant stuff or shut up.

>> No.7190855
File: 81 KB, 551x623, 1708256997296678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean you don't like the endless pictures of food in between the artwork?

>> No.7190879

Oh fuck I forgot Threads existed lmaoo

>> No.7191029

I exclusively draw loli so I can't take advantage of this.

>> No.7191953

I fucking hate Japanese artists on twitter for this reason, thank god Pixiv is still the mainstream platform to post art for them

>> No.7191963

I love these type of posts; not only are they true but they make porntards seethe and damage control into oblivion.

>> No.7194268

Your envy of porn artists' success is very obvious.

>> No.7194875

I thought that was a soiled diaper fur pic.

>> No.7195231
File: 645 KB, 827x833, garfield chan-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Pro Tip: If you aren't a hot girl, a good alternative is to get a pet cat and take a pic of it now and then.

>> No.7195240
File: 8 KB, 250x243, 63453433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post regularly
Quantity over quality?

>> No.7195299
