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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 572 KB, 1080x1640, zuckmyberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7184525 No.7184525 [Reply] [Original]

Good thing Instagram was dogshit for posting art anyway enjoy all 5 of the drawings I've uploaded on there mark

>> No.7184535

did any of you ever care about this shit before or is this just about you mediocre, performative fucks losing your portrait or anal vore commissions?
you have already given more than enough to zuckerburger's botnet and more.

>> No.7184554
File: 11 KB, 300x168, images(9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter. I get no likes either way. Maybe I should start making mukbangs

>> No.7184747

>the legal basis called legitimate interests for using your information
>If your objection is honoured
Using your private information in any way to generate profit is a "legitimate interest" now. They are eroding laws and flaunting it.
Berg the Zuck.

>> No.7184748

bonus point you can't opt out unless you connect your IG to FB

>> No.7184768

My art will make AI even more dogshit so I think I won't remove it from their training data
Had I a iota of skill I would instantly opt out though

>> No.7184773

That will still make it better at replicating humans, which fulfills its goal as a tool for astroturfing.

>> No.7184778

>did any of you ever care about this shit before or is this just about you mediocre, performative fucks losing your portrait or anal vore commissions?
Yes, artists had cared about their work being taken by companies for commercial interests prior to AI, you no-memory asshole. You likely don't even draw and just troll around here dropping your witty pro-AI posts, as if anyone gives a fuck about your opinion.
And before you start slapping your keyboard with the 'gotchya' about how I obviously care; I don't, I'm responding to your retarded take that 'artists never cared about their work's commercial use', and taking the opportunity to insult you at the same time.
Oh, and by the by, most artists seem to not do commissions, so the majority obviously never gave that much of a shit about losing your anal vore commissions, you fucking gooner. Enjoy your AI coom slop though, it keeps you off the streets, so the women and children are safer thanks to it.

>> No.7184779

Thisll just make ig more insufferable.
Idk if i really fear ai art since its all just boring pieces with no narrative or purpose, but im really sick of the constant need to steal someone else’s work instead of working hard to gain a skill. Fucking commie ai niggers

>> No.7184794

>If your objection is honoured
wat? Sounds like they say they can just
ignore it.

>> No.7184803
File: 35 KB, 500x615, the rock .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't matter. I get no likes either way.
this. I should add that yes, Instagram kind of sucks.

>> No.7184804

yes they can and they already have judging from some posts I saw

>> No.7184805

Meta is waaaaay too slow to get in all the AI train now haha how much money they lost over muh VR metaverse crap?

>> No.7184812

also it's worth noticing that if someone repost your art or whatever at their space and doesn't opt out then it's free for grabs.

>> No.7184816
File: 116 KB, 600x398, 6e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

metaverse is the future, only unwashed pedestrians are unable to recognize genius of VR experience, it is a game changer

>> No.7184841

From what I've seen of Instagram, it's ~90% people stealing and reposting other people's work. Meta does nothing about it.

>> No.7184850
File: 110 KB, 629x1000, postman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lock 90% of people in Matrix pods. Here's your headset, here's an endless amount of digital entertainment, stay in there until you die without ever bothering the real world again. It will be the most humane and efficient way to segregate and abort consoomers postnatally.

>> No.7184956

You will never be able to get goop in VR. They will trick you into thinking they've figured out how to simulate sensual experience. Silicon Valley will present you with the bare minimum effort, slamming the door in your face and breaking off the key in the lock as soon as you recognize their deception.

>> No.7184963

They're doing this because we've sued them for taking our art without permission before.
And won.
But go on, bend over and get fucked.

>> No.7184978

>if your objection is honoured
literal rats

>> No.7185230

That absolutely means they'll ask
>do you have a large enough following that your public complaint would be bad publicity, and/or your leaving would negatively impact the platform
>are you a big enough person or company that you could potentially cause us legal trouble if we don't honor your request
before deciding if your objection is worth honoring. If the answer to both questions is a no, they'll just tell you to get fucked, or ignore you entirely.

>> No.7185269

>losing your anal vore commissions?
I just googled "AI generated anal vore" and it's a terrible day to have eyes.
Not only they're grotesque and repulsive but now it's obvious that AI art doesn't learn anatomy at all, they just copy and trace a bajillion pictures and look for patterns.

>> No.7185312

Sad. Anal vore used to be a respected discipline.

>> No.7185439

Instagram is generic tiktok, they only give a shit about videos anyway I don't understand why anyone would use it as an art platform.

>> No.7185870

It's ok bros I'm going to post my art on insta now, I don't need nightshade to poison the ai

>> No.7185921

we need more ppl like you

>> No.7185924

The Manhattan District attorney will try you if you emulate the style of someone else.

>> No.7186000

So which sites aren't total dogshit for artists now? Are there any left that haven't cucked?

>> No.7186018

afaik the owner of cara hates ai with passion

>> No.7186024
File: 39 KB, 600x800, it is over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking dammit I hate elon musk so fucking much, a few weeks ago he said he changed the algorithm so small accounts would get more views, bull fucking shit. I've been blocking and muting accounts for weeks but it is endless, my feed is full of right wing reactionary shit

My timeline was perfect, perfect, it was only fanart and anime, now it is ruined, I will end up quitting twitter not because of a personal decision or anything, it just doesn't work anymore, it is literally broken

>> No.7186031

It seems Cara is the new "safe space" popular artists are shilling. Which means they'll post there for a week before going back to their comfort zone accounts due to the lower numbers providing less of a dopamine hit.

>> No.7186200

>and won

Source? If this relating to AI or something else? Because as far as I know, almost every AI lawsuit felt flat on its face. "we had x breakthrough" are not victories either. I'm talking about clear-cut "company did wrong now they have to pay up" victories. Out of court settlements are just the defendants essentially bribing the plaintiffs into silence

>> No.7186217
File: 786 KB, 644x590, 1499384308119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread bitching about Instagram

>> No.7186223

These companies don’t care unless you’re making them money (a certain threshold) or generating views. If you’re ever denied something, put on a list, or get a bot response or have to scream for a supervisor you are worth nothing to them.

>> No.7186237

That's what you get for using "free" services. Everything you post and do on the Internet is public, that's how people should approach it.

You post your art online? Consider it public. You masturbate to weird shit? Consider it public.

>> No.7186268

About Twitter, I do have a question.
How bad was the leak? I got scammed into giving out my phone number when signing in, so it might be circulating along with the email.
I didn't use it at all, not a post or anything and it's been like five years. Is it safer to just keep the corpo thinking it's some bot account or should I recover password, log in and delete/deactivate it?

>> No.7186286

I'm having trouble logging in to delete my shit, fuck it. it wasn't that much compared to all the other artist caught in this bullshit.

>> No.7188267

All our shit is already scrapped, the "deadline" is bullshit.

>> No.7188696

Public doesn't mean that anyone can do everything with it, there are rules. Compare to a public library, Big Corpo can't just come in, take all the stuff, and sell it for profit.

>> No.7188702

But approaching a stinky femoid if you are not a motherfucking demigod is considered a crime.
Dog shit world

>> No.7188740
File: 12 KB, 385x385, A8DC81CC-FF71-4966-8215-679E8F4F24DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lookin good today, Susan.

>> No.7188756
File: 267 KB, 742x786, AI pajeets are scum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the owner of cara hates ai with passion
>It seems Cara is the new "safe space" popular artists are shilling
Subhumans are trying to screw her over already.

>> No.7188787

>there are rules
My point is precisely about assuming there's none. It's mostly true for a sufficiently advanced foe, and frees the mind considerably.

>Big Corpo can't just come in, take all the stuff, and sell it for profit.
*You* can't just come in, use Big Corpo stuff, and profit from it. Remember the rules:
> if it's free, then you're the product
> there's no free meal

People shit on Elon for paid X thing, but it's a smart move in many ways, including for that. It's unfortunate that people have associated Internet services with "free", because they're really not.

Look at the Cara thing, $12k of DB hosting cost since the recent boom. That's >$100k yearly, for a product which I don't think makes any money, nor has yet any means to make money, and is run by now-hard-working volunteers, who may not want to keep working day and night for free eternally.

Someone will soon have to start paying.

And that's why the previous anon *must* assume the Internet is the far West. Because it literally is.

>> No.7188809
File: 3.83 MB, 6156x2052, 200k users in 2 days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at the Cara thing, $12k of DB hosting cost since the recent boom
They got 200k new users from 06-01 to 06-03...

>> No.7189910

You wanna know how a Asian says color?


>> No.7189949

I used to get hundreds of likes on bullshit pieces a few years ago. Now my average piece gets 14 likes and my art is way better. I have 2800 followers but get zero engagement compared to a few years ago. Is my account throttled? Should I just make a new one, or it's not even worth it?